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The Oshawa Times, 17 Oct 1960, p. 3

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wm of Mr, and Mrs. Ro The above selling the sinall lake sl Camp Bama John Aian't epleh any Heh, pe art | he have & worm Jann nis line John A BEAUTIFUL ehild are a Winning combing in any man's language, Miss Juthics Behura a student 11 .Indig is being of fishing four year -- laint Set Hearing In | P Twin Fatality On Report 7. The Time plaint lished on Bep Hampton of the ship eouncil, The ed the appearance of Mrs. Bert Buda for a tighter check and sale and ip parti en an Uh-nan fire detection The report Fimes In GIRL, and & the wm | Gilthara & m shown Lhe didy or aid He Hook on Oshawe Times Phoio Phe case in Chir gers an ay { k CONLErnin 4 al Pp jek 16 of 8 meetir Dar of Vib ving the re al ile H NEEKS Neen set in ng Owl Mulligan wa Cattle Car m fan, ha VI ear eparl Concern hefore counell dr asked hound Hdee with a nehip the ho ruck whieh eo high ih My peddlers ne # Ne hospits gave pire died wl fall yhich 1 EOMINg 10 Canadais 1he Two of Hi f Hort { ROTARY GUESTS Foreign Express By EMSILIE DICK BOWMABYIIAE (Btalh This past Balwiday ahd PURGE) ok | Baa IRE PERENIE and taking wi Livin WEILER ARG of the Bowman #ikin a "i deena iw pind ie Rotpry eiub The value of hip which was oiieres sindenis this verdenn J IB ETRELIA earned of & larger wong por 10 Thess FREA Ti ve Friendships budded in Bow manville, which may theamghout the world APPRECIATION VOICED {by the shortege of 1 & KI, Er the hana A INepte Canadas and! our guests legrned something of Wossom PV Students Views £ ROE PENBERIE VE OF Wii re add AREA [ERT he Canadipn EAGER perhaps the HH eeontinned tion system # the world siler or #ined in Ca Fein Lo thet pe Lepehers WHER lt TH i4 4 ai while to A asked By iiiadd an tary of ¥, that # Biate Her He mini i 4 EB EOIIMNRI led Wig prime RE NOL RB COIRING wt ne connection with hei IuRiEm i RPPER Com ory fH the Herbert Bully, # teacher, snd ple of Ghana sludent from Ghang BRRTECI BLT " Aus il um or esied devil weekend inch students to the Rotarians immed HEEKang Ex ot He 4 wn perience by wating he had learn. what Is most eaded in & CEriain ed of the white man In Alries, and ils experience with while men in 18d wm whieh Aries gwen i6Elings Howey Were not leg plea eekensd nan on while opportunity wo hig TE given in an a Mk erent fel nee and ype man it feelin ' preOpIE nr the NEED SKILLED PEOPLE he all Canada coud | hr eri ot ha COREY IE ' NE heir eountiymen This men ay fel fir na ed In Linde Canada as well ge their Uni ty trained people er Avaniage ili the lent learng more than Jus sined if prolession he 1s Felurn hein fin ie 0h Mohammed A the siruggie It n Ind I modern each oLhe oid produ Lianewal of Ww Toon idl the need methods of farming northern Indi 1 simila agrieultura I nada ne mar drawbacks to slon of land among ai iher dig Fhraugh this any wish or the repulatl mpee it ale The Tims lieve tha! pi on BUG BOUNTY BACKFIRES 0 slaling 1} n youn id ef eyuipn inuneed pi pat of high I 1 | mn PY ad business i ahle, The Tims "i f publ i cation of the the company and lakes apologleing for any ma) heen eompan its employees noe i qi shoul 25,000, Aft gport has caused] pg any ineonvenience f yl reflection thal un MN future ol & quarteramil anticall vore off 00 hug hountie iver ing Iv Ser hi runt hountie dnlore have cast pon f hen I Osha nn ce hising n Fimes Classilied heel RA 5:8492 today for Whitby School | footie Is Entered Whith (haf) Public Behool was entered during the weekend, hut RotRInE Was taken ar damaged A window was pried open and used to gain entry, A few hooks of matches were scattered around classroom doavs were opened and ane teacher vas opened Earl Falrman, supervisor wipal of Whithy sehonls veporied the matter to the Whithy department COMING EVENTS games WM Ons S100 Carne \ihed or 1 all ntorma mn § rales -r FIVE MINOR FIRES Oly Nive minor Hires marred an Preven vith Hillepest Otherwise Hreotree Five Week d@gmage reporied ton One car fire mina and fives four hy awa Fire Department during Fire Week REN grass were the Osh Preveniton whieh ended Baturday The fire depart § drawer ment is well pleased hy the effort wl YE put forth hy Oshaw he a oitigens phic and 1s hoping for continued vigil police Ance and 8 gpeeial ahd TLL 1 a wall CPT Bins Flve £ KINSMEN BINGO rowke gas i Gone 3 vpisal TUFSDAY, OCT. 18th hut Rh : FREE ADMISSION Bale EXTRA BUSSES MN an TEAM 3 JUBILEE PAVILION RUMMAGE Tussi RT a AF Oetahes at | Bm BINCO TUES., OCT I GERTRUDE AUDITORIUM { ind 54 SECOND ANNUAL RUMMAGE SALI 18h] Br Li | 9th | Oet i0 il be held at CRA WOODVIEW PARK MONSTER BINGO ~ RED BARN $1,300 PRIZES $100 DOOR PRIZES JACKPOT NUMBERS 5) . 52 TONIGHT AT FARE OF $10 690 KING E 16 PRIZES I BACH OF $20 $40, $50 SHARE THE WEALTH Al MIHON §0e EXTRA CARDS 38¢ ---- " hhukd i: The Key te Quality $30 and ha m of land helween son Indign farm 1 1e# han half an TEACHERS Bulle a nami al] ef re In size IRAINED Herbert i personahle Ghana a tl Cana Gihang eat! nh teachers frinm his coun i Ceylon, po CANAAN Percy Bliva, # gs sild Cansda wie with (& IBY jie aiid Pie Weip Lo countries wn South As f nnn tm nals &#re to ho COUnLE whether » fieeded more han FAVORS ONE PROJEO He Ie ( henna f wend the money on one Proje: netesd of Just supplying money ) the Bovernment, and thei wer to the He Canada rsp 106 trac or Cerigin anana he job Wilh 4 hy the ery \mpreks Areal Lean falie surve ne oid a Canada should send hey Able In # sory to Musirate al work theast Plan pa I India 160 e "0 Colombe Bly # re ting cently three steel mills were uflt ! pi British, Huss) The Americans ot of money nla the and Am poured the erieans country and ad the steel mill built by loci Lanny ISElan: came Ink 18 LOURLPY workmen blee ith technicians a who rolled up the and went tn his in ed the loeal people. The Hu ork pre Ie American people n thelr mill hou aff the ed hy | Hu he reated as nice he resul or ofl th ni he (her i il al neal people wer hy the Am he I 1 million ericans spent almost doll ay he are fell ated bh eal poputation Canada 1 i Beem pligl i thank ul mare for If money and fealty Canadian through a specia TT nthe eounty than hy work ing through the loca nn Ou m politician ernment Huesis ave the | emuntries students lode ders In day 1" he li thelr own Bome I) ki nem Will he dly of el ore varia le ade I em ma well In think OBITUARIES DR Funeral CYRUS W, H, SLEMON fr or Dr. Cyry [William Henry Blemon, B84, of | Bowmanville, who died at the Bowmanville Memorial Hospital last Friday night as held Trinity United Chureh this after noon. Interment ville Cemetery, Dr, Blemon during his lifetime was extremely active in the life the community, He served as chalrman of the Bowmanville Puhlie Sehonl Board in 1980 and was alin president of the Hay of Quinte Conference United Chureh Laymen's Association] treasurer Oshawa Preshytery the United Chureh, ehalrmian of the hoard of stewards of Trinity Unit ed Chureh and & past president the Rotary Club of Bowman ville lee n Was in Bowman: | ol AS B YOURE Man he was a member of the soccer team which in the Midland Champlanship in 1008 » 06 and taught Hurketon when he wa of age MIN, EDNA M. MOIR Mrs, BEdna M. Male, of 30 {Hyvon street south, Whithy, died {at the Whithy United Chupeh dur Ng the morning log Sunday Qel 1a school at 0 years Bory Horn in North Managhan Town {ahip, Peterborough County, she {was the daughter of the late {dames Douglas and Bligaheth Ann ~Hyers Mrs, Mol graduated fram the {Toronto Hospital for Slek ©hil dren Sehonl af Nursing in 1002 She married Dr, Archibald Moly In Centreville Preshylerian | Chureh in 1908 During her lifeiime lHved Wn Peterborough, Dunnville {and far the past 11 years she has heen A resident of Whithy, She Mra, Mair of Whithy United ol the nl as A member Chureh member WOmen's missionary that chureh Bhe was hushand in and a solely predeceased hy her 19 Blie 18 surviy h me damhier Iy I Cuddy (Darath Whitin four grandehildren, Ann Mary Lou and Cathy he remaline at the residence for service Tuesda Oct, 1H, at 280 pm. Interment will he in Mount Lawn Cemeler Oshawa Rev, Jahn Whithy Unlied duet the ser #ana Busan late family Amith Chureh logs MISS ENTELLA PENFOUND After an Wess of move than a year Miss Estella Penfound HR 1, Newcastle, passed awa quietly at the Oshawa General Hospital on Baturday, Oct 18 Sha was In her did yea Miss Penfound was the of the late and Aey Rundle the Eheneser Fay Var pastor of vill gon Haugh tar Bimon Pepltaund Ble area vas hora in me ihe ol of Taranto with the the wai 1 YEATES prior the Alewart 0 he Wa Hg un weretarial Wood com Was anunpl YWOA alle Was to the gov arnment Inspection board at Osh awa, Later went te 10 make her home with her Mrs. Melville BH Staples mother might have and eampanionship defining years alle was active In the the United Chureh membership in the women's mis slonary solely and the woman's association. For same years she Was seoretary of the eal WA a well as recording searetary of fhe WA of Oshawa Presbytery and all PAY alent During and Faronto Veal thnsen Mee relary she Orono Inter #0 thely CORsLAN Bare through her Wark of naving a lig > ' 6:00 p.m, ask suite, en, ban 1LD.B Representatives of DEVELOPMENT PARK will be in OSHAWA, TUESDAY, OCT, 18, 1960 call or telephone Genosha Hotel (RA 3.4641) from 9:30 a.m, to They will be pleased to answer ens quiries, supply explanatory booklets and discuss actual situations with What it is and how it operates TRIAL for Mr. Dogg's kers accountants nest the recent Pri aad Had} nn an Fis! send enuntry Lo elusi " i peti A # ue they wey will EAN naoving Southern Ontario in from James Bey will lower | cloud todey with temperatures th Omer and | vale tomorrow Quings Lomight and 1omaorrew CITY AND " A COM AIR MASH will get some sunny Inter and southern | Rusted | might this today WEATHER FORECAST DISTRICT WIREETS CLOBED following sreets Fin i Rossland 1 oy Ble Ra we fre arih ta ropa Rao ¥ i "nue ta Bo wi iw souih 8h i" ret; from nhons O10 shied hy Hom a Eni ow 4 BUFE sysiem centred i James wilde 0' Conler pase VIG (CP he wea Fin shan raid ther office al om 8 jvenue Lo AFE hi i Akos Wy (7 Ciioh Hienmona a, oid "nih street 10 Ihe greet wesl from bay 18 cau aver msl alr Is flowing ard around the Kepl open 107 low centre and # gradua aon) could re siresis pot Ing k ol Ontario Prince (reel Wrenever THT Foie wealher of closed fron Chur He sire mith h eel ni wi we ul drop idelad lemperalure ak throughout the proving HEM showers have Northern Ontario ('F o BIRCH Newcastle Man / Fractures Back houndiess love om stian Bunday 5 Vi nE pace Ham eh a He el an this list CHRISTIAN BCE fon BOF oeeurred In MITE i zed at all Tare Ol, 18 WTO) empha eh Keynoting the subjeel rine of Atonement den Text Herel loved Lun wehes on the ol he een Do bral mn Yas lohn har Vi loved us the prop) from | Chris Blanchard, of received a broken hack wraken ribs when loaded with sand, crashed NAMED DIRECTOR vehicle an Highway 2, Just Anglican Church, of Curve Inn, shout four has announced the east of Bowmanville of Miss Betty Gulli-| Police said Blanchard wa of Chi an Educa MERwWA hy Lana erashea fro ove, aol but that he Ban ta he aur Castle and sey ruck nie his | iha sent wl fo era [] Halo sins J John's miles Peterborough appointment 77 tan Chueh tran director @ling west on the Anglican the truek, driven for six gins of Boheaygeon director of Chile (the side of his vehicle Miss Gulliver Is port) Anglican Wom College. Toronto. INJURED Hubbard vere ijured In 4 H Dymond Bunday night north Ontario Provineial Police, the Bth eoncession, East Whit: gated the seeident hy township, Drivers of the ears identified as Edgar Bedford Lambert street, Bowmanville and kd Fraser, Keele street, To ranto IN CRITICAL James McPherson Gay RR 2, Burketon, Is In candition in Toseph' tal, Peterborough, as the resuli of a two-car oullision at the Inter section of Highways 88 and 115 last Friday sight when Hig inte the at Si Oshawa thine Genre Cars il Edu a graduate af § Training THREE lire | Lworear ir m tan shen Blanchard the Bowmanville tal by Dr. E..D Canstahis ] heing treated in Memarial Hospi W he oF the eras! Invest of CONDITION Mh, of eritieal El Hosp Commities of the Hpst ghairman of the Christian Stewardship of Quinte Canleranoe Ble hy four broth Roy, of Toran: | Courtice and J Allen Penfound, of Oshawa, and i sister, Mra. H, Staples (Muriel) of HR 1, Newcastle! Funeral servies he ehapel of an Ha ved Vind ol 0 John ¥ toy Clarence will he from Maorpls Funeral Hame at 8 p.m, Tuesday. Inter will he In Bowmanville Hev, Basil BK Orang United BETVICE FUNERAL OF BARKLEY KILGOUK Funeral service for Rav kley Rigour, who died Monday, Oot al the Cedars Nursing Home Columbus, was held last Wexlnes the Gerrow Funeral Oshawa | WN OANROURCINE Whe Al the request nen Camels Long Wwalor o Chureh, Hl gonduet the Hi day al hanpel Delay 108 Was family I'he aery | of the Was conducted hy Digkson, Interment Lawn Cemetery were RH Baleman, Martin James, M aeivioe Rev, W. @4 as in Moum Pallhea H. Hall I Li, Galdsmith ors K Gerrow Sitting there wishing may bring what you want Baoatec Clay Mgyen Moploa Choe 290 AA fore (vied Woeopm Tom de y manighi a He Hig Fw Liske Erie Fotki Ha London, bunny nh day and Tus sid Tuesday Wi Ki ind | Bay Sudbury wervais og few light she and Tue a hile Kasing with a Calder iri Bay to ai winn north Low Wind homa La OF {it i her Wing han Hamilton BL. Catharine Yaron Paterborough Prenton Killalos Musknka North Bay Bud Earltor Kapu ni White River Moosanee nay foreeants hrton slay iver Fegims Lani ght - Cold Weather 27 On The Way sidiny Ll Onlpria Toronto cloudy Winds ike ay and WETS Wind catered tonight and Tuesday 15 to 8 Forecast Temporatures highs Tuesday: (IU [1] 4h LL] 4" 4 soe showers 18 weather. olfice seid op Wirephots | valid nti! Huron, regions, Hamilton Intervals to Colder tonight westerly #0 Felon Cloudy with sunny Tuesday, A Colder tonight westerly Timmins-Kapus Mainly THE OSHAWA TIMES, Monde, Dcther 17, 1966 § P ark will Enter PPR Pee Wee Team bityiek Thar ley L edatas 21 ow Members of the Radio Park Saturday mormings. Those inierr esied are aaned io contact Mr Xetahhorhood Association, # f October mesting, were oid that & pee wes hockey apm will Pesties si BA S400 it was decided to Masontings he formed for competition in the ICRA league. Harry Snow wil the monthly Seturdsy Bight dances woth further notices. 1 Is \aoneh Lhe le8in HEADS PRESS CLUB | 1 was announced that # salety the ® Ontario Department ol Lands Men's Press Club Ssturdey, { ' 1 Builder & Designer ' hoped tn srrengs an evening of TORONTO (CPi=dim Kant, course for hunters, wander the -- cards lo replace the dances ts writer with The Sar, wie | lenderahip of David Peshies, wil ports w 4 I ---- ---- " held, under the muepices of wd president of the Torrents R. JEFFERY Ni Georgian ind North cloudy showers the! BOB STEVENSON representing 8. D. HYMAN REAL ESTATE 39 PRINCE STREET RA 8:6286 Rk, Jeffery 1g songratulote Bok Stevenson on being the Isading salesman for selling the Mest "Jeffery" Built homes during the month af September, The contest was open 1 all member f the Oshawa and DQistriet Reg! Estate Board, R Jeffery ented o Hundred Dollgr Banus te Mr, Stever appreciation for the excellent Job he has dens R. Jefferys quality built homes to the publis, Ll MM oh mh i wi nha LIne on in in presenting fare unmistakable flavour . unmistakably Philip Morris sure it's yours by saving regularly at IMPERIAL 2% BAN K 7% weve bait

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