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The Oshawa Times, 17 Oct 1960, p. 6

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\rying dems and th plway turn, 1 Mrs per wb (Maj res \ere spit d tf in, ge 0 J mrrie ors he Suc Eye Bshowa Times Published by Canagion Mewspope soe 6 fy EE Osha ' nt Ime Nixon's Stand Danger To Canada And Allies Ceonadians have femic interest in US. presidential elec tions, because the conduct and oA the new president will have » pro influence all of Mare hah ah sts policies found on us, Canada's economy and defence are both tied close ly to the United States, but g ties did not exist, the fact of grog the Am on i those implicates us desply mn Aestiny Canadians thus have a stake wn the presidential elections, even though they snnot influence the results. And candidates Nizxon and Kennedy are now gying wn thew debates will be pondered by what ind hit ful fours thang Campaign Canadians almost as much as by the Americans, particularly when 1 shout mmternstionsl affairs and domestic matters as trade and tariffs Many a Canadien must have shud Mr, Nixon exp defence of Matsu Chiang the Chinese fered when unded hi lews about snd Quemaoy, the islands Kai-Bhek & few mainland and Mr. Kennedy nounced those agree with Mi of a dicts held hy miles olf must nave cheered vigorous! he Most Nixon that sppeasemen when ol us gan views stor does not work, but a ref | r Nat oflshore Chinese islands scarcely he classed as appeasement, Fhe treat the US, and the Chinese pledges the lormer to help Chisng and his forces defend Formosa and the Pescadores, nt ator Matsu and Quemoy, The omission Even the John Foster Dulles, engineer wold not commit the US, to defence of wiands. Both nevel and army commanders in the US, have he islands 10 be indefensible, er himself has urged Chiang to to delend the Nida deal i ] LIPS ETI ways nothing significam inate Fenn those number of troops stationed some of the praetics) The sight of the are others thir wan Newfoundland of Canada, Asians Chir the ese property, and effective govern on Formosa but in Nixon Justify US. soldier wn ! And how eould it could involve Cane. rest of the Western Women's Achievements anada, the Prof ng a Weel attention For the sixth year in ( Federation of Business and ional Women's Clubs is Its purpose is to call celebrat achievement of Dhusing NOIen vomen in the dd the acquainted professions an with public opportunity te the program of mization The ton of national, non-sectarian oigar clubs camposed of women and professional life was estab 1930 by rier, It lo promote nusine lished in federal cha purposes were the inter if those women, Lo encourage a sp co-operation among them, to extend edu ational opportunities to busine ine sional women through industrial profs tivitie In Fed annuall i voeationsl a the weientifie and line with these abjectives ration ompiles and publishe list of women In ind dentifving iuthoritative public life in Canada, provides mblem and insignia, a®ards annually & fellowship to the United Nations to @ club mal member, publishes & nati member of Busi and is an } charter active International Federation of i Professional Women Nutiomal anndian Asso- the United Magi he Counell of ula, the ( uners, and ition of Canada 1 Busine es scholarships to the School of cards at s and Prolessional nd the UNICEF and thi Car 18 sponsors ibit at the Ontario Ladies Miss Marion Fi I emplo of Uxbridge, ead women problems in rela ol working women es that "we must thin our country and whereby women Hons vider recognition of their place ir development and will desire to fulfill their public responsibilities in it I'he Oshaw and setive We wish it well # club is strong Defence Effectiveness How ganization become In 18 minutes effective can » evil defence I'he Star Gen. AE head of adbury Wrinch Maj army's Asks the emergency ection, told a group of mayors and evi officials at Arnprior that Canada could spect a warning of 18 minutes, or les in the event of a nuelear missile attack igainst this country A realistu shows appraisal of this mlorma tion that most people at worl vould be unable to reach their homes il their area was the target of the missile No city can be evacuated in 15 minut So such a plan of survival 1s ruled out It is that lefence workers could also true tew volunteer civil expect to reach organization's headquarters And national emergency? Wrineh it if attack the what of the army's role According to Gen public bomb would be to warn the determine locations of mg and patterns of radioactive fallout @he Oshawa Times Lo OWILSON, Publisher snd Sense BWYN KINMY. Mow Manage a) ™ the eblithed 184 Mattar ¢ io 840 Cotheart Staal Me SUBSCRIPTION RATES La n Average Daily Net Paid os of April 30, 1960 16,899 re-enter is uuness damage and casualties hambed areas tor rescue operations; rect police and firemen; provide coms restoration ol facilities MUNCations ind direct water services and sewage It looks the result he fine on paper but what would under actual national em: ergency conditions?" If a nuclear homh would it take Lake fallout what fell on Sudbury how long the army to get here? If Ramsey vas polluted. by radioactive ould the army do toa supply water # ng would it be before the army the How cene to direct police and the Sta would be the elective arganiaation p Cwvil detence ofhicials are nelined to riticize the for indifference, If public hei indifference it stems from lack of information, and the apparent lack of plan for survival at the offi. the task of But ne entrusted with Ntar would be will as long as the world lives defence, the argues, ve the public in any case, and tmosphere of vague terror Other Editor's Views HROAD OPINION { Peterborough Examiner) of the sons of the late Foster Jesuit priest, and one of his Mrs, Lilias Hinshaw, has just i a minister in the Pres Churéh, And if that doesn't ith of opinion within a single oes Bible Thought othing mto this world, We. can carry nothing 6 brought n true value and that they. be nent of his remain' LEANING TOWER -- 19560 OTTAWA REPORT -- Drinking Report Brings Argument PATRICK NICHOLSON slorm | Gonolies In or By ere I» hi Hive association group reported 45.000 evil Iv had found tween a wil mang a he in Otlawa ties as to whether Otlawa's 46 i a) HN perma he esl aleoholles, or that | i ments. ni ind ernment hea author: servants ent elvil servants in | 450 eport J h I" sls tional defence and exterpal al arted Pressure and lensions annual report of oecur to increase the ineldence the nk defence, Mr, Daw » me, the sitng" forees per son FRIDGE sigh ledera eal! department of social dr I 4) 0 ha or uriher pursed In nations develop: so x nin ie program to combat ton of armed lpderal WH sentative by side em: tension Apparent) this can often be relieved only hy resort 0 the bottle holism Wn 1 phd ( n "rivalries and ee Key repre produces Linents the and it wa trom all depas have ferred to re on WORTESE of this progr grat 1 0 note Ihe nierest and OCCUPATIONAL DANGER slernal wiial are sometimes In fh receptions al the bassies In Ottawa. Is il Pe ductive foreign atmosphere 4] the knowledge thal the untaxed diplomatic Hguer costs host 79 cents per fith" There is sometidug shout a civil servan on the coektall-line tour of duty an embassy whieh brings ou! & devil unknown in you and me when we visll the folk next door I spoke with Aleoholics Anon ma Ihe have 14 flourishing hranches in Ottawa had no means of whether ecivi servant are hetley than the nations! average in sup porting them The Alcoholism Foundation was able to he more and drew speciih his which is vords did alded by & half-million dollar an that their nua rant from the taxpayers of nahiis iad heen Onlario, operates an active Ol problem." tawa under the Ho the Public Works Staff As: of the local executive which 1s an independ: Jo affiliated to the Federation launched It Ivey he president of the association, Mr 0, F. Dawson, tells mg Surve Was carried out hy g awareness on the pari ard Hr LL servants evil led em senior ned ow Cone problem ir, BR. G. Laidla of Lhe ervice foreign payehiptrist . thal se health divi 0 me that the ert that n erious problem hie was on Lhe he context thal th the degree of this the broad national pic e.. The told would he con polnts ou port did nol a alcohol the ih phrase OMY the civil servies eriou problem contrary used in prob lem In civil service, he expected to 118 containing me anadiar proportionately arm. to aie no Mors aleoholism foree aver bul knowin uitering trom wor vorke than an} and no less AN INSIDE VIEW Many misread eonelusion ROL express, as awn drinking classed as a "serious other al worse Research evi ar this ant report whieh (he Howevel hind y uiming lini supervision secretary, Nellis Far from there alogholies In the entire e¢ivil sery lee here, he told me that M under reatment In hig alone, while 4 others have hooks In the past Rome of thelr other sent to sociation ent organization heing only 11 Civil Berviee owl are now cline that this four heen on hi three years wi volition him by manage! ally all Mr. Neilson told me that aleos here 18 no aloo problem of holism 1s no more and no leas uel in the eivil serv. of & problem among civ REPORT FROM U.K, Picture Windows Stir Warm Debate By M, MoINTYRE HOOD special London (Eng) Correspondent For The Oshawa Times LONDON The modern Cana dian trend of new homes with huge pleture windows and front almost entirely of glass has hit Britain. But aecording © Fred erick Fig, head of London Couns ty Council's housing mainten ance, this trend 1s not at all de sirable, He told a conference of the Institute of Housing that fam ly lite in Hritaln Is being tumed mia & "peep show' hy houses having too many and tee large maintain them out of publie windows, He refuses to he oon funds vineed that people really want . homes whose wall areas are NOT IN AGREEMEN?Y all glass The ther competen people including Come eivil ervant who took ix month 0 type of are make "a gallup pol doctors or personnel Survey covering practi department holism a He tells his shirt ing it Mr. Fite also these modern homes are costly lo maintain; "Where oontempor ary building design Is concerned I am whal-is called a 'square' I have to maintain them, and | Am quite sure these econtempors ary homes are costly to main tain. This is the age of the glm« mick. When the gimmick Is ap plied to buildings it is a serious thing for the people who have ta me he cannot without everyone change know claimed that delegates to the colder however, were not all in with Mr, Fite, A wo a pes: Man architect, Councillor G M dislike intensely living in Pell.Wilson of Westminster City public gase. Take a walk Counpil, likened Mr. Fits to "an around any privately or muniel @irieh with its head buried in \ owned house or fas af the sand." n . noi the af Progress 1s essential she . of the "new material must he p curtains on Weed, In Westminister we find all the windows. Falling that, the that people' are mare enthusias normal curtailing are partially He far our new contemporary drawn oF draped ARPOsS vin. flats than the traditionally built dows ai ones, We have carefully designed the modern flats so that their WANT PRIVACY windows ean be cleaned from in People ad M Fig, "do side, and we ancourage tenants ple neighbor to take oul an insurance poliey APE #al: al ow cost 10 cover accidents to the large windows And there the disous with the we PATHCIpANTS Agreeing to disagree practically Attacking Mr. Fitz said I am sure thal we as TIEN agreement window erase ple ihe sail We thw day hat they WAICRhIRG on aries the fire. 1 have a od mixiern house ston end friend liviy ® of Canadians Bolts than among any othe Blatistics group how that belween three apd six pel cent of any work loree sulier addiction; giving Ihe the the Aehuaim indicale LAW al federal evil ser fram hi eivllk servant nenefit mM 77 figure, and m ance with many would there i" ne olla he ice In Ottawa BY-GONE DAYS YEARS AGH MeCallum Camonhi #s i haw Indus es wal pay fe 1 wited Nation Ags anh ig part im FAReGavT at im wnirigs of Fu sffort to farmiei for the warAorn on Fra Dhgtriat pubis WHA IER RETS bald thelr. snnisl convention Wn Harmony with ¥ Bartiatt director of Physics education ss CD, Gaskell, divecior of sri, Deperiment of Education, ¥aromis the guest speakers Somuet Canker, Hh Port Perry win clectad presidem $5. 4. Babe, chaymsn of ihe Oshaws Pubic Utiiities Commis sion, wes slecied » Mrecior of the Eastern Ontarie Municipal Electriesl Association, # the Coy ention The Oshaws Women's Beval Auxiliary donated 8 wheel ehely to Christie Sires Hospite memory of Oshcws sellers whe had made the supreme sacrifice Rey. Rov E. Knoll Crane Litheran Charen ad tn the pasiornie of Grace iu Charen. Biahener pastor of wae cgi here City's popwiation increased Wy VIS over a year ago wu BARI whieh Iaciaded YI children he tween the ages of te and 17 In alusine Oshawn Bowd of Education seni # letter to the Liguor Co teed Bowed to protest against (he Waswing of #2 Nauor heenes ta Ihe Cadifiae Hotel EF. Cowher, siier #1 yenis in the bulcher business in Osh. sui, sold out to eck Shephard He was from » family with mere thas 196 years in thet rade A Benvy enrolment of wiinost 70 persons wis Laken st OCYI as the evening classes for adults Henn Hon Pagl Martin spenker ot the ninth wis fhe Vietory Lown Organization dinner here STIRLING Hips we or RIVERSIDE, €C # British racing Arve sing ¥ oss swlicrad minor borne FO faring & fest Tg vey the de Racewwny tw Sunday's wh-mide Grand Prix for sports cars. A fuel line woke and Tie gniiad. Wess sufleisd 2 paint but Bot serious arn on the DEE am We EE QUICK RELIEF Vor goers is rr g int iss 14d with na AA War sad in ihe now Ti Marinas #4 Lic nt hel 1480 | ngramiania Uprra i ed er bo ips CiEim EEA a0 LOANS for INDUSTRY EXPANDING or PEVELOPING YOUR BUSINESS ? You _» an sears full information shows 1DB. financing for tmsinesses engaged n manufaciuiing, processing, assembling, Installing, overhaul recondivioning, shering, repairing, cleaning, A ting. transporting or warchousing of logging, construetion, wientihe operating & mine or ENINEETing, research, generating f ms Filling furry, technical surveys oF or distributing slestrigivy or operating 8 commercial air service, or the transportation of persons, or rpplying premises, machinery or equipment under case 0 any business mentioned above, Get in toch with mn LDB, office or we your auditor, lawyer or hanker INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT BANK TORONTO , , , 250 UNIVERSITY AVE, ,., IM 81145 SELLING! WHY SELLING! SOLD! WHAT A BUY! You Can Own A HOME OF YOUR OWN with a New Low Monthly Payment of Only 63.80: PAY RENT? PLUS TAXES tle Lake r, Ash Is 5, Fred. Douglas paternal A, Ash, FULL PRICE 10,500 FULL DOWN PAYMENT NO HIDDEN COSTS -- NO EXTRAS MONTHLY PAYMENTS $63.80 PLUS TAXES use ided gn ! "Gude ake 1 LLOYD Wi) [YA Quality construction CART CONSTRUCTION CO. i AND OSHAWA'S BUSIESY LTY (OSHAWA)LTD . REAL ESTATE FIRM EXCLUSIVE AGENTS 101 SIMCOE NORTH RA 8.5123, RA Cordially Invite You To See This 1961 MODEL HOME FLOODLIGHTS FOR YOUR CONVENIENCE Open Daily FROM 1 PM, TO 9 PM, UNTIL MONDAY, This Is What You'll See second to none 6 Room bungalow, 3 bedreoms, 1050 sq, #1, 6 Room 2.storey, J:-bedroom, 1150 sq, #. Brick veneers, oil heat All at o price you con afford Stevenson Road Loblows at the Oshawa Shopping, Centre. ® IRWIN CRUIKSHANKS, RA 8.5205 ® GERRY OSBORNE, RA 5.7294 List with Lleyd---Th I COME ON DOWN AND SEE THIS QUALITY HOME NOW OR FOR MORE INFORMATION CALL @ BILL MILLAR, RA 5.2557 LL0Y OCTOBER 24th LOCATION jompany 088 148 able child in fallen UE an and rote to Pr, peeived, 8:5124, RA 8. \portant m, For iting in venture | camps » work, 5, Osh, me the » camp miles 8 have under the making ipment ALL ns bes mdness ind in It was Guides ed to selves He evelop 10 be strong ment | all Pt the I spects ors move: AR ON South opposite ® LLOYD BOLANHOOD, RA 8.5000 en Coll Your Mover

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