| OLD COUNTRY SOCCER Tottenham Mel Charles was not I mise Hodgkinson (Sheffield United) in of SHA AR PA TY BA S BIG MO SE ndout puck stopping from Jim. won a 64 decision over Oshaws lodge o Applied te your own mie Hinkson, CHF Godridge, Joe juvenile FIs PERIOD tires or select from fresh : : felnick, Ken Courtney and o Seoving None A party of four Oshawa men | moose was shot just north of | Bodreau and Frank Robichaud | arvival in Osha Hh WC George Robinson, If the cage n a. a ON i 4 Mie dill Penaltie Lodge wocks of sound, is I Ouse Lo 12h Wallac aad i cKerton aul thet returned from a hunting ex: Cochrane, Ontario. The "caller" rh § Liu ne Hi trio i it Mie } a Ii (| minders continue this form during ;i"% | v 4 i A ho eh ed SECOND PERIOD inspected tire casings | before it was eventually Ki ohn Me ran ohiehand 1 uti i ag looks I i yinile rothe A = pedition Friday with their prize was John Tidd of #47 Bloor | pic hows the group as the and John B he futire ; hs | i Hike 4 unted an orphan Rookie 1 Auveniles Brodie ..., 7.22 | I cen race from now een 4 ! nh cateh, a 1400 pound moose. The | street east. Wallace Tidd, John | show their catch following their Oshawa Times Photo Ne LU 2ame sched be end ely Sadowski and Al Myles ¥ EW FAS Je " ii HT { vadowskl) rene 32 : In the curtain-raiser, City Win fired the other markers 3, Juveniles: Cullen TOP STARS INVOLVED vriters 26 years" ago today, The|Telephone Answering Service Juveniles playing coach Dunc ™ (Brodie) on REMEMBER WHEN? fiery catehe pla manager doubled the score over the hust-| Brodie, Don Cullen and Jimmy, penalties -- Fegan (2) and Bro bore vgf Detroit Tig piloted his! ling Oshawa Juveniles 6:3. In the Peters collected the losers oul: gic eam Lo their fi American nightcap, Oshawa A's spotted last Pl THIRD PERIOD By THE CANADIAN PRESS | [League pennant in 25 years, only|year's champions Durno's, Gar JUVENILES goal, Hinkson; 4, CWTAS: H, Tran O( '( er { Cll | a Mickey Cochrane wis voted the to lose the World Series to the 8, age a three-goal lead, then came defense. Brodie, Balson, Branton (P. Tran) na = mo valuable player in the Louis Cardinals in the seventh|roaring back to score # 43 vie: Linton; torwards-- Bishop, Dowe 3, CWTAS: Badowskl American League by baseball game ton Yahn, Peters, Furey, Macdonald (Myles) 14.00 ' uid EL Rocks Britain | By M. MeINTYRE HOOD vith Chelsea last Special London, England, {bribe was al once Correspondent to Everton won the season, The rejected and Chelsea game The Oshawa Times hy 6-1 LONDON The management committee of the English Football THROUGH WITH GAME big In his siatement to the news League has on its hands the gesl soccer scandal whie h has the game for many a long year hil Paper which published the story Evans sald that this meant he vould now be through with fool It is investigating charges that players Vests heen offered and ball, Chelsea bought him from have accepted bribes to lose Lf Le in the close ahr on for games, bribes offered by people £12,500 to stitten up heir de interested in making big wins in fence, Now his story of attempted - bribery is one of the items under s hel i 0 resdeter: fixed odds hetting on § investigation by the League man mined matches The committee has specific to investigate At two top-ranking inter national foot pallers have confessed, In one agement commitiee, along with Roy Paul At White Tottenham Hot something least Hart Lane, 1 sa pur lose their first point of the season Lo Manchester case, to taking bribes to lose ; matches, and in the other, to of Hy no hae Bre atest ge | bribe of £300 to a" soccer i has. ever heen my fering 2 © privile ge to see. The score after, team with the 20. minutes football from both side all. Any other result incidents been a travesty of justice The players skill and guile of the talented through the columns of the popu Spurs was matched and in spol lar press, Roy Paul, 24 times bettered by the Manchester City capped for E ngland and formerly players of Manchester City, with which It was a night of white-hot team he won an English cup excitement and for once, not a medal, has revealed that he acs soul of the 58,000 present left the copted £200 to "throw a game, ground before the finish, Totten. and on another occasion £25. Helham scored after 26 minutes alter claimed that some other Man: a greal display of precision pass. chester City plavers had taken ing Manchester came back in bribes of £3 to lose a match, [the 23rd minute of the second The other player involved is hall to score the equalier in just Bobby Evans, 72 times capped as brilliant a series of move: | for Scotland and formerly of ments It was a fooiball game Glasgow Celtic, now with Chel: long to be remembered sea, In a newspaper story, he is] Thus Tottenham's reported to have confessed to of+[streak was halted at 11 games| fering a hribe of £300 to Alexibut with 28 points oul of a possi: Parker Scottish international /ble 24, they ave still safely on back of Everton, to lose a game top of the League player of another same object in view CONFESSIONS MADE Confessions of these were made hy the (wo of classic and artistic Was one vould have winning with the Redskins sewn up u 1 | d til 25 seconds before the eve an W hg Ralph Gugliemi pas +g X m Podoley for a touchdown and ed Khayat kicked the extra Browns n point for a deadlock Al Dorow passed lor the first New York touchdown against the Bills, then slipped over from the wn ass one-foot line with 2:37 remaining to wrap it up, NEW YORK (CP) Cleveland JBrowns remained the only team that has been neither defeated or SPORT BRIEFS tied in the National Football Sunday by bombing Dallas Cow HEADS TRACK SQUAD boys 48.7 -- the most one: sided. HAMILTON (CP) Linebacker score of the season in the 100D. gi) Mitchell of Toronto Argo New York Giants dropped be: pays of the Big Four will head hind the Browns when they, \feMaster University track and plaved to a 24:34 te with Wash: field squad al intercollegiate agton Redskins entor championships in Toronte In fhe western division, the de wednesday, He is entered in dis fending eh am pion Baltimore ous javelin and shot put events Colts and Chicago Bears each yp yACHTING CLASS won their third game against 0ne| (hon (Ap Anuhos deftiat. The Colts tripped Los An. 0 Aan vachting officials have proposed goles Rov 3 3 and the ys bringing the Americamiype snipe gy n Tansee ¥ class inte the 1964 Olympics at ' akon tH Tokyo, The Japanese Yachting Philadelphia Eagles cul dowa Association has suggested to the Detroit Lions 38.10, and Pitts fo oi Vaeht Racing burgh Steelers whipped St. Louis 0 a is In | kil g N » Curdinals 27-14 in other NFL ac ek ud 4 tha ey ive goin nh flying Dutchman class SOVIETS WIN tion, OILERS STILL LEAD Houston: Oilers continued to otep inside! Drive the new out-and-out standout WHAT A STANDOUT-this new Pontiac! Distinctive--with the accent on discrimi: nating good taste . , . elegant--with emphasis on new interior luxury and un- surpassed convenience, Try it put the '61 Pontiac on the road--you'll dis- cover many reasons why it's the new-- STANDOUY IN STYLE! Pontiac's neal, proportions are simmer all 'round, New air foil twin grille 15 the year's big attention getter--so clean, tively Pontiac! new edge to-adge 80 disting STANDOUT IN COMFORT AND CONVENIENCE! Doors are higher, aider--and new shimline windshield pillars give you oof vision. Once inside you'll find increased leg room . higher, deeper cushioned seals and more headroom, STANDOUT IN VALUE! Pontiac's special qualities are a lasting reminder of a sound investment Parisienne Sport Coupe For style, performance -- for there's no new car like the new '61 Pontiac ~ lasting driving pleasure, ride herd atop the eastern divis Lt IPRIG, Bast Germany (AP jon of the American Football| The defending Soviet champion League hy vanguishing the Dal team swept Monaco 440 in tw las Texans 20.10 ficst-round match Monday of th Denver held on as the leader Hh chess Olvmpies here. Othe of the western division, even 0a Victories . 05 A hough Los Angeles Chargers BY Luba ove ver Naly defeated the Broncos, 25-19 na In other games, New Yark ! tans outlasted Buifale Bills 17.13 and Oakland Raiders turned bac ~ Boston Patriots 30M Bobhy Mitche DIES AT PRACTH B MONTREAL CM touchdowns : a Lebanon, Argen aa and Norway overs France . 0 Needham 1 dix pPpare hell raced for thrive a heart attack Monday in y . Including a Wvard calisthenics before a high Nick-alt mab andl Milt Plum foothall game in the w Pointe Cla a member of the lo 5 more in the suber wo youth wa passed for two Rrowns' wiamph over the Cow bows, Reanie High team abowi to play The Giants had their game Beaconsfield High 266 KING ST. W,, OSHAWA English Selectors | Major Hockey League Opens Year's Schedule st team Delve Alert netmindipg and free: JUVENILES = CGWTAS katin slighted the opening The Tran broth whi of the Oshawa Major Hoekey od' Hillcpests capiure thi League 1060-61 schedule Sunday junior Cc" title last hi in the Bowmanville Arena, sparked the circuit's news The Major loop operating with a sutrey off on right foot. City four-eam loop this winter aw Telephone ARSWering service Tran See your local authorized Pontiae dealer ! THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tussdey, October 18, 1960 1) BWTAS: P. Tran 8 Juveniles: Peters nazainst their Spanish rivals, Bar icluded celoni * Same proven tread ullen, Nelson, Watt, Kirk, Por alg us and Bell design as new factory OHA CWTAS gonl, Godridge; de fresh Trailmakers winter, lense Myle McQuaid, Fry o Same tough, rugged forwards Sadowski Colvin, P, Tran, H Zed and Wide Armstrong Coekerion, Trailmakers 6. CWIAS. P. Tran... 7 Bada ek rer tread rubber as new 15.02 registered the tie-breaker at (he 17.05 mark of the fingl stans 0.57 ory Copeland eoliected a goal and two pesists, Tommy Con nor and Al Baker blinked the red . . PY (Macdonald, Furey) 16.08 light once. Donnie Tureski, 9 CWTAS: P. Tran Lucky Wills snd Dan Price scor- 3C 1 ol1ce ' H. Tran, Cockerton) . VI A2 ed for Durng's. Penaities Watt (2), M A Delves, McQuaid and hoon OSHAWA A's ~ goal, Courtney By WM, MeINTYRE HOOD Angus (Burnley) and Megsoniin the team because Arsendl re gro and Robinson; defense -- Hubble, Special London, England (Sheffield Wednesday), Setters fused to release Bim for the McGarry, Keenan; forwards Correspondent (Manchester United), Knapp Leb game, He is not yeti fully tit for PURNO'S--A's Dodsworth, Lawson, Baker, io The Oshawa Times cesteri and Miller (Burniey); top-class foothall | Last year's finslists in the Armaid, Copeland, O'Connor LONDON England's selec. |Comelly (Burnley), Broadbent) . playofts, Durmo's Garage and "8 Romanack tors have decided to let welt Wolves), Baker (Hibersians) | BITS AND PIECES =~ Billy Oshawa A's reswmed their keen DURNO'S GARAGE goal, alone. They have selected the Dobing | Blackiurni and Bra Bingham, auto's international battles in the nightcap as A's Melnick, delense Olesnivk. team whieh heat Ireland 52,10 00k | Chelsea outside left has heen irapsier- spotted the Garagemen a 5-gonl Sheiter, Hughes, Middleton, Boh without a change, for the first of WALES PiCK TEAM red to Everton, luton received a lead and then fired four goals (0 bie, forwards - Sneddon, Burke, Sheir World Cup preliminary. The Welsh selectors have intro. £15000 fee, plus two Prayers win Ad Wills, G. Westisll, § Westfall, lgames against Luxemburg, They duced some new blood inte their John Bramwell leit back andl beftwinger Eddie Romanchuk Price, Brown snd Turesk 4 did not even have a meeting to ine miational side to play Seot- Alec Ashworth, inside forward pick the leam There was land on Ou 22 The eleran Arsenal have signed (wo unanimous agreement in #8 tele captain, Ivor Allchureh, ha heen Irish internationglists, goslkeep phone poll of the selection com- dropped and the caplainey passed Jack MeClelland and full back ' ' mite after the Irish victory on to Crowe of Aston Ville, Leek, Fred Clark from Glenavon, lor & Winterize your present old The team is centre forward of Leicester City, combined fee of £10,000 ' ' ' 4 Springets (Sheffield Wednes- who has had a meteoric rise io And Bealtie, new manager of bald fires with genuine BEGoodrich day Armfield (Blackpool) and prominence this season, 18 given Netlingham Forest, has intimal 1 MeNeil Middlesbrough); Rob. his first full cap od thet he will be able to continie son West Bromwich), Swan The team has a workmanlike as manager of Scotland's inter T R? A ] L M A K E R 1 (Sheffield Wednesday! and Flow: appearance about. it, and as nations! teams for this season ers (Wolve Douglas Black. follow Kelse Arsenal Har Willie Fernie, transierred 1 burn) Greaves, (Chelsea), Smith rington (Cardiff City) and G, Wil: hy Glasgow Celtie to Middles ry E Ww T W ¥ A D & (Spurs), Haynes (Fulham) and Hams (West Bromwich Crowe, hrough, has returned to the Glas 1 Charlton (Manchester United capt, (Aston Villa), Nurse (Swan. gow club In the second In accordance with World Cup sea) and Baker (Cardiff C tc vound of the FEuropean Cup { rules, England has also picked a Medwi Tottenham Woosnam Burnie vill meet Rheims, the hadow eleven to stand hy fu- (West Hem Leek (Leicester), French champions, Real Madrid . (ure world cup appearances, It is Vernon (Everton) and Jon he club holder are drawn gid 15 7. 50. 14 * SAME TREAD DESIGN + SAME TREAD DEPTH * SAME TREAD WIDTH os new B.F.Goodrich fires lied to sound tire cosin Ea WW Wy aay aay a - $ Parisienne Sport Coupe Laurentian Sport Sedan New n spirit! New in splendor! | A GENERAL MOTORS VALUE (Whitewall tires optional at extra cost) WHITBY MOTORS LIMITED WHITBY, ONTARIO