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The Oshawa Times, 18 Oct 1960, p. 13

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THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tuesday, Bicker 18, 1960 13 Fall Bally st Ms Give Oct. of Mes, Mma Til, Thursday \ preceding € on go lese indepen] fence last June WB, the gronp had id TELEVISION L ay-Qut Jazz mete mone 0 1 vor Je 1 1A own p PORTO 10 was annimneed snd the circ might with 28 members snd ois CHEMAY Channel H-Hamiion CHILITY HIG RE Wh comlerencs wt Bestieton Oct, visor present, There pie enovgn Channel b--Loronis "Rub WK Became impossiie ag WLRTY Chonnel L-Botiale WRENTY Chane) bBullale - leave when the trouhles slaried 80 Wty whieh the WHS hed an CP labels 16 Bow 10 get ppother "Banna Sul p Iwe postponed our tour," he said | wy ation willar moker ft i Ladies wil stilh WhENAY © 4 Wale WROLAY Channet b=Rochesier The hand plays in slrctehes of Aly ane poving white cloth collect labels the club would he : a . 5 a . 2 king Hw he How cases, shirts, gad to help someone ee With By BERNARD DUFRESNE (Kenys, The leader, singer sn hour or more helore taking a ci ' {worn sheets, pile ; Eoaiinn Press Stasi Writer ¥ RR Wiliam p44, Plucks rid freak. Ws rep rioiee is bmg BLACKSTOCK A god ati Christinn Education room Wed. #6.) that wold mike handnges {them. Decided tn have # hangiet dae of 5 LEGPOLOYIAE, The Congo bass strings, and Srwmmer Jo- €nngh to play till dawn without tendance of WA snd WMS: ladies, | nesday night three Inches wide, wee Weed! lor the hushands Bow. 19 §i00 AM 6160) (CF )--Man, these City Five (rom | seph Chuza are from Uganda repeating # single pumber Explorers and Mission Benders) Mrs. Bower) gave a devotion Chiistmas cards, kindly leave Ha Tn Pa H=tomper Room East Mriea are resl cool eats, Witham sald the group hes " "We have no favorite kind of enjoyed the Film shown In thei al (alk on God in the Bible | same with Mrs, Cee Hil te he! 5 Piaghmin i / i ; ti ds OR Like, they ean @o way ot heen together 10 veers, starting music" Williams seid during " ---------- | et, Korne Phompson and Mrs prepared, and sent to Nigerinl MUNICH, Germany (AP)<Ar i ba when they Joss WWD OF 1heviou as" guitoristoingers In the break sipping o heer at the Ber | ooq yuen they ploy any tune! by et, "Fruet in ive Lord | When ssked or & naminatinglchediogiots Believe # nearhy + yf Aga nd ied uh ve wy 4 i ty Be ig Bn Hui go yA re INE ie yoink Jams With doy, and Mrs "Glenn Larmer vesd the| Commies, it was moved, second-| country ehreh conlaine the mh i Hh £8 4 b 4 4 ol 4 fos ed 3 oa ino. ist Hw PM But most popular of ll Wh entertain the fro cis) business. We must adapt to] CRP IB Hivthm with the herd COMMERLary and the fim, WoYa- £8 aR CRrried hit Since Ou, cuil ork century frescos over ERiertain the Loops waleh two or three Congilese , may he the last year belore the f arly how S--Hmine Combing v the Congolese Wepepts are Alri . or surroundings," Lia was shown. This is a colorful hey W ' df Hound mn Germany. Heldelherg King ile of Wiles : can thythms, similar to Latinl EVER Row, whenever the mood Y , couples Jittering and interesting film showing| AA Eamation, the same slits "university professor Viadimic Wie strikes them, all five join In the The City Five's music, how | op he ' eT AHOCERS CRAFTY OR | of Wi Iehoruses of whatever tune Ver, Is # more than piessent st of 'ongiese OM 8 some of the customs " the In had » hunch that » Catholle respite from some of the prim. WEN out dress up; tie and oo ad Sine oe he nd work i served by Group | with pia bd dri Brin i Wiluse iar De Ji kneed men, cut Darby, a home missionary Glenn Larmer, Ronvener, one Aeting BAH6 AD, and he reo 8 are amos In pe ! i ' i 0 nas, After they got out of the srmy, cessanily from Teopoldville Ra shove the pes for the swaying: SUMMER SESSION HOLD MEEY found £Y * fhe Ireseon Ld The City Five are a combo thet williams said, they started ex- dio, hipped, spindledegged girls, | During the business session he Fhe ONO eih met ot the home SETApInG BR ouler wi $15 AM & Captain BAngarmn TUESDAY EVE "wm FA ¥ wintly Theaters PM nly Ean BEAUTIFUL FRESCOS Tldepity Dawg ok ] Sd 4 uid AP's Fiashonts voir Bsn up bo 2-My little Margie WSESUAY EVE 9:00 AM k Be umican Lonven American hepts, lor which they tion : The Big Rasesls a 4 5 Po a syncopated dance slep, with A | / $i ceminer Bride at a the dancers standing three feet| hey re paying "hh Fn ---Pmisn He Wh EBs Mac Whom Napart and not even tonehing yh 3 Apa P ChiRE SELF EALG pd i PT 0 AM wi PM Fike A SELF TAUGHT Hudson E sbaidnd : y Youur Hineh Husicienes 4 ! $--Yiden Village 2-F f Hie AM Jape After the clowng, wach was le el LONE 08 Clem lake Wh MES s iid over the framework of Re -- Huntley Brinkley Report 0 PM fF wir Thestie BBR ED G-IE ' baa and Alles b-dim Backus Show 16 PM, 1-Bews; Weather 7H PM i=Wysit Earp T~Bugs Bunny Show &--Directors' Choice ba Lasamie 4=The Calilorniany ih PM, Chevy Mystery Show 7~The Rifleman S~Cheyy Show t=--And Bis PM ~Wyait Earp B-2--Alfved Hiteheuek In Gill gi PM 11-8-Front Page Challenge T--Blagecosch West #2 -Thrille Tom Ewell Show LH $ 1 A=Hed Skelton Show Skelton Show Red 10:00 P.M, 11-6--Claseup T=Aleon Presents B-Best of the Post --iarry &-Dow Hour of Mysteries sn Pm 6 Twilight Zane i AOrone b=Royal Canadian Mounted Police 1:00 P.M, 884-0 News) Weather; Sports 115 P.M, {=Lale Bhow f=Viewpoint 1s PM, H=lLate Show 6--Bparts Views S8dack Parr Theatre 1:45 PM, |=Lute Show #--Kports Hour WEDNESDAY B00 AM, Popeye Gritiith Show | Mogre Show Marning Cay Fries Is Rign have That BRLoneanisel i serial Iams 12:00 NOO? Bugs Bunny snd Friend i-The Texan $i-Truth wi Consequences eNews and Weather ZB FM H-News Speaker of the House 12:80 FP 0 ueen For A Day Matinee News =Guiding Light 1:00 PM, vie Matines Wiarld Berries Fant Feature Movie Meel the Mille ido PM of Invaree Heering &=The World Turns gi PM {=Pay In Court f--Cher Helene b3-Jdan Murray Show #=Drams Series 2:16 Hob Nursery Schonl 2:0 PM 116--0pen House Y=Road To Replity §--Home Cooking $-Laretta Young House Parny 3:00 PM HA-Halls of Ivy 7--Beat The Click i» 8~Dactar Malone 4=--Millianaire 350 P.M H=Public Service Guide T=Whe Da Yeu Tras 6--The Verdiet Is Yours §2-From These Hoole d=Verdiet Is Yours 4100 pM i==Fopeye with Capt Andy T=American Bandstand 6-Maxine Presents 5:8-Make Roam Foy Be hse We starr 2-Highw Pauw Bil FM #Ben Hun ww Pm Wesiher Vows: Wenlher bith PM 1184 & For ey Bi nkiey Report ie Pm 4 Reh ' fine = be ihe J The [ News; Weather Tid PM Nation's Coup ne 5:0 P.M M Thiee Bons Bish PM bo RCMP iki ana Harmet Wanted Dend oF Priee is Ri gi PM HAGE-Pery Como The Hawa Eve M » ' ter Eileen 0a PM I've Got » Beer mim PM ie PM IRE. df Nev Weathers Sports t1h PM, Show eWPOIn 1a P.M Late Show Traekd Tack Pare Film Festival | I f LE + bie P.M [draws Jaze bulls to & clip Joti perimenting with other instru- om | {ealled The Afro-Negro Chih, PN ments "learning the hard way {hy a Belgian and his native wile | They double the prices for whites afler the music starts shout § lpm. and charge $1 for a shot of | whisky end $1.40 for a hottie of Hoe ally hrewed heer PREFER CONGO The Egpsl Arican bond hus heen touring The Congo for gl most two years because, as trum pet man John Ngala says, "thers is mare money and hetter oppor tunities here," Neals, Benny Nicholas on tenor # and clarinet and guitarist Emmanuel Harry are from | ---- d ii u Le Ea without musical training They banked on thelr obviewsly innate feeling for music and rhythm to bring them along te a point where Ngala, Nicholas and Harry tinker with not tee com plicated progressive jane "We make our own Arrange ments but leave room for impro- sation," Williams said, In an impeccable English aceent. "We get a lot of our ideas from the cinema and recordings and know: edgeable musicians often make suggestions," Williams said that in the weeks "the low-cost way! The one low-price off-season "All-Inclusive" plan on 0 "H gatinantel ws meee Here's the comfortable, convenient, econamical way to travel on the trans. continental service; you pay one low price to cover everything ~fare, sleepin THE HANDS NEED of LABOUR . . . ARE ALWAYS READY WHEN PEOPLE accommodation, all meals, even ipa] Even greater savings for two or more persons travelling round-trip together, AN EXAMPLE OF 12:00 P.M, Today Daddy | B=Myster Theatre 7 # News | oundup ~The Brighter Day "ALL-INCLUSIVE" LOW RATE FARES: Meekness Virtue th | Of Truly Great vi EN to VANCOUVER $306.50 $164.75 Corresponding low fares to other major cities, | Full details from your Canadian National slavish thing for a man to take| ple. They don't gel their feelings] Ticket Agent. Ask him also about the "elo injuries calmly." Jesus by his ex-| hurt for they are humble. They Now-=FPay Later" Plan, and the Family ample and teachings sets forth a forgive, They hold no hilterness| Plan, very different patfern, He sald,|or resentment, They love God "Take my yoke upon you and|and their fellowmen, They enjoy learn of me; for I am meek and|life here and have a greater in lowly In heart; and ye shall find! heritance awaiting them, This rest unto your souls." grace of meekness Is theirs ) Matthew 11:20, He My sald, | through faith in Jesus Christ who 8 TRAIN "Blessed are the meek: for they died to save us from our sins and ¢ shall inherit the earth,' Matthew cleanse us from all wnrighteau DIAN NATIONAL ah ness, We may all experience hel -. To hecome truly great, one| happiness of meekness must learn meekness, Hitler andre Mussolini, despising meekness, sought to inherit the earth, Thelr lives ended in shame, The same will happen to Khrushehey, "Moses was very meek, ahove all the mer which were upon the face of the earth," Numbers 13:3, He wasn't that way when he slew the Egyptian for heating an Is raelite, He did well to he disturb] ed at the injustice, but he couldn't kill off the Egyptians ane hy one, For 40 years he tended sheep in the wilderness and drew nearer to God, Then under God's direc: tion and with his passions under control, he returned and freed his fellowmen, God doesn't destroy one's temper but He cleanses the heart so that the temper is freed from evil and used as an instru ment of righteousness. Peter used his sword unadvised ly when the soldiers came to take Jesus, At Pentecost his heart was purified. Acts 15:9. Then his life was no longer self-centered but Christ-centered, He addressed the multitude telling them of Jesus and His power to save, He charged them with crucilying Jesus with wicked hands, but he did it without bitterness or malice in his spivit, Acts 3:3, He had learned meekness Meekness 1s not weakness, It is FRENCHMAN'S BAY FRENCHMAN'S BAY ROWLING LEAGUE 4 Advin By R, BARCLAY WARREN | strength It is one of the graces in Aristotle said, "The meek man! ihe Fruit of the Spirit, Galatians Is not given to retaliate injuries, « o. agi but rather to forgive and it is al hi88, Meek people are happy peo Telephone: RA 3.4122 RA 3.4512 Lahour Gives The United Once again the Executive Board members of the Oshawa and District Labour Council have unani- mously endorsed the 1960 Greater Oshawa Com- munity Appeal Campaign, As in the past years organized labour is among the first to give the campaign full approval, By means of the Payroll Deduction Plan industrial workers in the city can provide a steady and dependable income for the Community Chest , , . but everyone must do his part, THESE 18 AGENCIES DEPEND ON YOUR SUPPORT! BOY SCOUTS ASSOC, ONILDREN'S AID SOCIETY WOMEN'S WELFARE LEAGUE CANADIAN ARTHRITIS & OSHAWA & DISTRICT COM. YOUNG WOMEN'S ONRISTIAN RHEUMATIC SOCIETY MUNITY RECREATION ASSOC. AS88006, CANADIAN GIRL GUIDE ASSOC, JONN HOWARD SOCIETY MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS SOCIETY OF ONTARIO OF CANADA OANADIAN NATIONAL INSTITUTE FOR THE BLIND ONRISTMAS ONEER FUND OSHAWA & DISTRIOT ASSOCIA. TION FOR RETARDED ONIL: OANADIAN RED OROSS SOCIETY SALVATION ARMY DREN : OSHAWA & DISTRICT CEREBRAL ST: JONN AMBULANGE SOCIETY NAVY LEAGUE OF CANADA PALSY SCHOOL & OLINIC VICTORIAN ORDER OF NURSES (Oshawa Branch) THIS YEAR'S OBJECTIVE --5210,921 Give Once... For All! - SUPPORT THE - Greater Oshawa Community Chest Team standing--No. § Rough. | riders 20 points, No. 3 All Outs| 19, No. | No Names 18, No, 8 Bums 17, No. 2 Vamps 16, No, 7} Slow Pokes 15, No. 4 Punks 13 No. 18 Pickups 12 i Over 200--Pat Tranquada 283, Clare Skitch 239, 236, Sid Fenton 216, Al Skelton 206, Alex Parker 206, 202 344, Mike Cichun 251, Jim Gurr 257, Marg Morgan 228, Ivey Skiten 220, Clarence Gibs bons 218, 208, 202, Dorethy Wise man M4, Gord Warren 226, 213 Al Hooper 214, 201, Anna Ciohun 200, Vera Tranquada 218, Harve Fertile 263, 227, Eva Stephens 206 High single flat Edith Rea man 257, Clare Skiteh 321 High triple flat Dorathy Wise man 801, Clare Skiteh 88, Frank Needed, because your family lives all aver the heme Ever think of the different areas in your MacNeill 708 heme where members of your family spend High single hdep. Edith Rea ch of their time? The kitchen, den man 38, Zena Lunney 3M, Mike 7 or basement workshop--the living room Cichun 308 and game room ---the bedrooms. . . all are High triple hdep. Edit oa sengible locations for extension phones man TOR Ivey Skitel Mike Cichun 73, Alex rker THe to save steps and minutes when there are calls to be made or taken, Extensions are COMFORTS SHUT.INS Norway's radio gift fund loaned 650 radio sets to as many shut-ins in 1959, and had a long, waiting list of applicants, available in a wide variety of colours, The wall phone is particularly convenient where space ia limited--=the table set, in handy nly becomes a constant mvitation to pleasant conversation, Ta enjoy happy telephone convenience in your home, call your Telephone Business Office --or "ask the man In our green truck", og EA) THE BELL TELEPHONE COMPANY OF CANADA ww

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