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The Oshawa Times, 18 Oct 1960, p. 15

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J , Apts, Flots (Sda--Rooms For Rem [s8--Hesl Esters tor Bole (A5~~Reol Estote for Bole Ab---Kes) Estate tor Sole _ [AT =~Automebiles tor Bele (A8---~Auvtomonites Wented THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tussdey, Bctsher 18, 1960 48 or am WO fimietied oo io " Se -------- Eiite, oo ia 1 Ely pet, an 4" Avenue, Aoity 96 Rows Slrset Misr 4 rs ae, reli sad Bow Hires #7635 WA b wien Biriaxe,| sand, needs ody work, #86 mn ike $17 est, wi ol we Wh {om COR, VERY Fenoname. BA orgs Kdinen, ihree viru 1 0 fa y Begg Bb 1 PAID FOP ' WE, fre sk Wing rom, completa MITRAL Tepid Forms Tl ded ry Tot, 18 font i Jost Westone. / lage. 1abonialy 2 let Wi FONTIAC sedan, Illy winterized, ' Priva, Rest sad Boles weeded, avis in private home. 38 Park Ros8. iessonetie i 1) conah, Roche Prvka Wh, V0. \ PRIVATE asic, wx room how ih' good condition, hepisr. Tires Wie Rew, Good ode R47 Ror, 51 wm. WA Bah, | [914 Piet: 10 Brose A Apc gains, Tene 'sod daorn, 03, Phone WA £7058 shier § Rig Pia) 3 w A "on i -------- o_o ol ~ down ie VRNIERE wom, & Wd 6 FONTIAE Vaureniinn, Wik Bats oN best, very esp soils £hd, caoh ; ditio % pe sonm, have jo ts (3 sd As +l hed mie ' ve 4 ¥ be eden Se ------ i hin, WW matin EsRemiscion, Fame Bed wis WF 1 BA 50857 icy § pa i wy Kool - 74 od »| fein WERE" SALES LA phone pos merdlin iy gee Ve or is Hon opt sommition. Tandecoped lit wilh wills, excellent comiiion. Amis D710 wp Woisen Rusd Birth, 6 by Bh | 314 PARK RD J biti! se Wits Phone WH Ws, insion birest Ws. only SE pi 7 MBCONN convertiiier holt ol RA 3942) Lal SF for sale, a rooms, 156 Baiehie| 18 OREVROLET Gower Wide, [0 Riv ATE sole, 5. 75 Wh BIER i. METEOR conch, meckonient a SPOT CASH 5 # v King fi re % Wave A v Jo Wie on ROW ln i Gade sonsidersd # WaGOR firmed apartment, Hove, ssinigeralor, prime Wath, spirenee; CHE BK rein InGRIow, TIRE piece Wath, ved Wosd Wisi. Nr EVRY Cent, ME) BASH wr OOF. Gall. Tnive # ¥ ¥ i ¥ wd 3 £4 losis. WW, Mg ary vag (actiiting, Iighis, po Ag PLA eld Ai " Kid Xs. AL wiles trom lowe ad NAL Uieee, "Bh Konan for the prise of & Chevrolet 50---Articles for Sele | BW MTYRE HOOD (04 om he oomions * those they were representing, Ah, WIZ oF B46) B46 Wi EREVROLET wy flows, Fadi Werte 4 What" ERB, Wow RewR PiyImEnt, Sika Wh awemicay Wor train, Sant ears, Special to ' aia eREn, back shed and & oh bested om TW 5 4 5095, Cigek 1 Pie 7) i V FIVE Tim We peda ve et ol itor terme Phone RA 'Sita TT a vd BME) evi ie ee ll rah od The Oshawn Times how Io "What happens sssron. Vhase RA S848. Apihy wt Aony, sential 1 #0 sith gig 4 hai Appy Yas Hutt . ' Vian WA 5778 SUPER fark Rand North Aly #4 Wmeot oh. Dal BA ir (ML fil Wit oral for Ble. sewers and Wale, #8; " 7 i" Wn Croom ie (4d Mon WET wks wh; rn LONDON ~~ The British Labor od i Some of Mr. Gallekell's # usd 17 % CONTINENTAL, b bed Kitchen Ho: party haw committed harikarl,| opponents " the wits] lesues wales Wh We oniy. Cal BA ganiiomen 14 Mere BAG ow KA B0 ABRVEN - Fnom brick hones, so8 preh The great question on everys NEW five in} Ting lon, resr eckon, / I ltd A i, RA gern. Sevih BH. vi 40 Trew 45---~Real Estate for Sole me | GERNTONED sr iaa Fe ai elon. b per cnt Wh montane, a irk Jenn on iY kA Ve | 1,400 TOWN, hive bedi 1 foose VERY clots vt civ Ghrioom| PUNISHED Lounst' val votes: fol asemant deiorited, bon ativhed TH CTN Jar ved Tae he Combmelion door a IE was commitied hy Joey whe| were hoping he would resign on WEW wliractively Aecorated, Five ioom bungalow, lve years oid, werlice ido ny fies # ing Vy 7? satin, | Wile FO Rox 191, Ohews nadie pasessivn. Be ANEIIERIonE or Lake Lisas, Phone RA F577 | A were lly sware of wh being delcaied om delence policy FRRILImEnt, Rel IBnE FARRER, TRIEIEETR: Drivale. MO Bi seh Regios BA S00. (WE have Nents for & three bedroom hesemiry. Wi 0 wn BA WH, Wiel CHEVROLET § Finder Tour Wr | {ONE dresser, ed pes gi pi were doing, They had hat well conference, That of course, he fo # i Hardon sAaR, ME, one owRer #8 18955 thse rier bed, Sprwi and mak Wr hed that defeat of the goxern H not ging Lo happen. The perty he ir, TV aplopnn, washer, Aryer snd Tihungslow In the north west or nents PRTHIng, mass io Shopping Contes. 0 THREE : Plex god Mir, oh A chim ". i) Alen ye 4 Viontense Avene. en | Tan DAE WPRECte ASCE wr br in Modern five room bungee [oe re is rer ones, in OPEN (oF Wepestion, ta new Fineh ds iat amin, | ar 14 oi? ei tl Fuser ments delence policy would de-lconference does not elect | lem. 10% per month Ineo MeL low with extra lorge rece ihe Vichy of Worth Simeos Wendt first sienet south ol Sevenhiiey ML extras, Bo veriabe Toko ise, W Vo," ucren Fiectie | EOY the perty @e A political | leader, That Is done by fhe Far DELUXE Nine 9 Yond Wont & : L [rte I vi AIOETINES | yentiot Chats SEY hmm | B25 a - plat, $i6) eo haar #5; force. But with Pd BB 4s vill wiary Labor (Sow, . . bhi reation room, fully land. [80 piney de pe, ve | 1 DNTARORIVE Toi Aor ook 7 or i sorte ode, "hor, vite, 16Rce they Dursued thelr eowrse, wil | ment Shorty tor hel 10 BORER Wood soll, waroom Boies, Viack fg King bie Wil bet" tiger, food Wren 45d Fiokat, radi very A I unls, Tons" sans ani Ten 8nd made the dey fe of MarR pose, rn scoped, vicinity North or RYERERGES. DARK VATE Br Ol einin Hones 1d 128 Wine Beran Mody, Colt BA S016 pone, $10) WA ( evenings, 1 th 0g lar those whe f ough to keep of thet W¥ 19 decide whether APARTMENT p € . op Wodro, Sood Lincior, and fama: | CIocotmge omnes bid "MON y ne elgr OVE | Simeon and St. Joseph [abu tah li" "it iit Von Vi Viv "oklin, Wt ow cnn a vt mt £3 ; Whe party sie 'a ores wilh Hoh Gaol coninues 5s eed W 0 iy property. BI 4 8) Fl . NEW BUILDING schools, RA B-8749, Hide ew WAL Bond Breet - #14 gondikion, priviie, U0 Wark 44, Le Ny, sito re eg Bria to the electorate of AA XL, Ss Fatiatenary ps RI JOHM . tier's , HA WI day Wed | . ' $105 to $120 "Co Ltd NEW le URE slow, for ale, A) oF WON GTR VV Ao pra Ad i ud The rage feature of that dark| the conference, is not subject ta LLOYD REALTY . BARE BGR CEDLER A Grininll Brest [REE Aulomille POWEE MAREE, BOVSK| Bou EE Tiss pare ai day at Scarborough wes thet the the instructions, control or dicta MONTHLY Phone alter § BA 37 BOI AHOOD a ey Rama, SR VikeE, YOO, ors" slaers five, on with |[roponents of puclesr whlr| io of the party eonlerence, Tha 43 Pa rk Rd S, v TWA res Bind sarin, Tend and five this beauty I8 In excellent [ A744 pd W hh, Jus he Mis wid stergl dissrmament, who won| Parliamentary party is nol even EST CENTRAL LIST WITH LLOYD 700m house Fight in Whiihy. SIZ i price $9 fb nial bervie [a] he 4 WEST-CEN THEN CALL YOUR MOVER [EW Mr. Choma, duserh Boses, Hest LIMITED Moree Min, IF dias, utts Sioa (Whe day, knew (hat (Hey were not | obliged to wecept the voles oy der WITH OR WITHOUT LEASE GOOD LOCATION " ior BA 65-0070 REALTOR INSURANCE |¥ Hherty Beet Both, | VAG. dps rps ud Poi Expressing the views of the ma- lence pliey registered pt Beare v 4 of Brick bungalow, 4 rooms, off "NEED A HOUSE OR A LOT [OWNER transierred, splendid" oppor NE Eh CHET i BT candiiian | ed rebilt machines, Eatin. Ci gy i Hud of the rank snd fle dl heat, wr desp lor with gars THEN CALL pity 10 Isy this. spaniels eustom Mi 167 SIMCOE ST. fi Mies + A 1 A Rentals. Vaguim Clasner Wopnis bevy: Lihor ug and trades' union yj was one of the Important LLOYD REALTY we $1,000 down Coll Jo Lhe 7R REALTY [aneh bungsiow an he ing i BT NINE, oy sqnipped, vain "power J pis 8 Pemnerty rank Cousing Voted) on ig diction. The Jaron Wannop RA 3.9810, sven. THAT'S JUST WHA Winise (ay, Asking 812500, Joseph Bo R AR packing nd brakes, two tone: RADY 8, Viki colors oF Kay HEIpey | IE - lok over one milion manner in which Len, Willlame, OSHAWA LTD, ing I 5.1396 HE'S GOT" 9g Restor, WA S970 RA 5-6544 Ld --_ pr [fre wiimates Oder votes, in support of 8 resolution) the party's national agent, turned RA 6.5123 TWO Te Sai Ek ; AIBTATE Kita Tnsuranee. ave Wp to Cleve Fox, 418 Bimeoe North, | 00 whieh 80 per cent of the mem.| the tables on the supporters of a A» BDZ Five room bungslow. Ward: < HO TOP RESALES THREE-BEDROOM BUILT-IN INCOME 2 wer sont, Bix month io" pay *orlow 4 WF Say: one Ve tan (hers of his union had never ex-|\resolution which would have in- Fo mm wad floors, tied Pitchen and STEVENRONEY RO. N, AND 26.and 6 hall storey Incame Vii HE WeEVIEn ab your home ean one Lop pickup trucks. 26 King | Pressed an opinion, But while hel structed the Jariamentary party a~~Rooms For Rent bath. Forced gir with oil WELLAND RICK BUNGALOW wip : ' WK ---- Breet East, Bowmanville | eould contenl and dieiver a mil: to carry out fully the decisions of 4 ¢ i iO VEDLER "5x cylinder, flean RINE furnished 7 or lady orl Double garage. Morth west Your. choles af ius 1aneh : ¢ ! / " B {ana economical, exeellont "condition | 1, FE: mauled plywood host, wher lan votes at the Labor party cong| the conference, took them by sur nile an, 1 an lose 1 ection, Coll Jos Wanncp RA Be Rye arti, | Heh In choice nor A 4 oh 2 {proces ta wll Bb $005, oF bent oiler, A | Nive Be sikels, won. 45 HP Sonn iference, Ih Is eertnin that hel prise Yet they had (0 peeept the Mapping Centre ind downiawn, Khehes 39810, evenings RA 5: ond pata Balas Php excellent Wor schools / f x] a BE id "leould never deliver them for) Inet that such action was contrary prvieres. | i {796 ' 4 exira _bathreom, neve 4 155m ApAf / Vs GME TE Tan plekup, perfect send) oe Lahor party candidates, on the la _the party's cons'itution, and 37 { ' " ' v an ' ] g, oq . a v, 3 wy 14 am Ri y ieplace, 3 bedrooms. Homes mertaaae, carries $80 mont) Y i 4 ar ane y. ELECTRIC oabiaF: Tain Aho candidates, ion, an [Holo Hye tarnished. Cine tl \ completely dec rated throug) ly, $12,800. RA 5.980) p i i Rig mA on il "A sith io om nT Yi Hoh new policy he pul over on thelthe conference accepted My, Wil: his wnt Tocptal, Wik ane op (wo #01e Very pr aden ranch buna ut, Priced as low as $13,500 A . ! "i | EMEVROLIT, fey, fous dE 30RD Brest North, Whithy conference, at a general elee-\ ams' view that the Parliomen only, if aw, 6 reems, laundry room, Call Bill Millar at RA B:-5123, | A iy Lid » fond iin RAS MIGENIRON carvings, 8807 Loyd twin Hon tary Party was a fully sulono: Fo lA PE fireplace, Tile Flot vanif (¢ 2 im @ y Koo FURRIAK 6andition, WA BRIM (voller, $10; Cotfield vith As) I roams, WAI replace. . " Hy ELGIN STREET A AUSTIN Camb _ AN privaie, er, Goffe Washer, v th any py BLIC WITH GAVTSELL mous body, and (hat nobody ol dren, Wesse, BA B08, | telly fir hed. Oil Feat. te Douglas L Gower $10,600 6 room brick pave vier guskpied. "eelephone WH | chalr, "$36 WA $0150 0 far as the pub Views arel | ho fhe bower ao instinct, { nish oil heat, La ' La Hin | 310 Alax, Finance can he wrranged B As control or dictate , m, Wht house: egrad about 16 miles from % ' home == Hollywoed kitchen, 01 / ASH Bats DECK seqson specs, migratory birds being expressed, there is - over:| gman, Br P iN Metropolitan, | ary ii Jar | eden, hor gentleman, Br -Gchowe Call Joe Wannop RA REALTOR torced dir oll heating, $1,000 Ted Cur y coanmmion, besk oiler, CA WA B06 ve asomamte rates "Wo tet Welling support for the policy MUCH SUPPORT LOSY YB10, #venings i v x [ . Rak 2 fab nm [ian her rect, wlephone | Of adherence In and reten-| 0 aliermain Lo the conlerenecs Thre furnished" houselooping] Tole kA § r down. Gerald Barrow, Broker | WA Lg? Ahert § Weiephons | Of ad) to NATO and yet An afiermath to th / Foam | nieman or caunie. one 1396 INVESTMENT RA - #52 ! | A [7 M6; coupe, aisle cond omy rade A A414 dl f { tion of the nuihear de Jortent even| is a Feplisation iy pie public Wloek from Tileeolt's Apply 135 Clarke! : . Ten-suite apartment building, Li | / oF duck wule. Wilk fis |USERD 177 and 21" TV sels, #4 low a within the rank and file of the!support has heen lost by its deci Bree! Lot 60" x 90', south west ian na Brand-ne p 114 Warman fond Wort, (tree And pe Fria Welevivion, 178 Bond aioe movement, Tt ean he said] sions. The close vole reveals a [Wo Iasi" unfinished som second seehion, $750 dawn ol RA loves, 'friges, washer and FOR SALI th y Wed in ie be Ay NT ONE Polaroid Tina" eamare and ian, | Quite definitely that the voting at definite split hetween right apd Cupboards, ult Al BP A " 13% 6 ir SN » fryer This building has TWOAPARTMENT hire teri ! 100, f Ie by wiction. Free admission (17% ft, inboard. Reasonable, Bell as the conference and It was mueh|left, one whieh cannot easily we bis tine. BA 5096 Ad just been completed and the bugil / nly $12.90 the "har Duhon Cov Auction, 36 Grenfell, WA|'s, RA #5740 | eloser than was anticipated | healed, Galtskell may continue as iuied hed ionm. aie Tight ten apartments ars all leased TWO-STOREY HOME iM price, Must he DUCK oat, 820 Phone BA #0000 [does not veflect the opinions of leader, but he will 'he a leader il AUTOMATIO Bludehaker, hod y TEPER ITER Holselnss Underwood. | the majority of Labor party and{with na belief in the official pols Eker ner garage, Ap en a one-year basi Full py kh 18 GREY et Val rm 8 ply 11 Tyler Cres, RA #0140 | H. GOLDSTEIN price. $68 a0 ob RL ] 0 be removed 5 h sacri oll Tad Cunn om at RA | Louk 8 ty, oven mote | Fit fies Mawgnse, & mi Harhesite hn memory ' ley adopted al the sonlerence, It SINGLE furnished roam, use of kiteh tails coll Par Patterson gt RA 168, ne reqscnahie eiier re B-6544 or 5.2358 Allon. Waytaugh, Trull's Road Nosth, | 00 Sieetnie, 2a Hig eaminet, 86371 This was the tople of conyersa-|is too early vel to say whether on and washing machine, sentra); slosn] REAL ESTATE BROKER ¥ £all Fat Patterson q 601 one mile ment slicer, manual, $18; office desk, here 2 he here will h Lahor defect Mint home 5.1131 . 4651 fused. W. G SOLONIK / _L§85. 186 Blmeos Bleeet South, | RA |Lion wherever I have heen during) there will be any Lahor defection ul w ; mn ph ye W nnveni a g § RA 5.1179 or RA B-3693 ONLY $11,900 : . KTH eVENInGY wh B44 Wid the period of the Bearhorow fio the Liherals, or whether there ences, close ta hus. Ihone WA S808 31 Bond Street East SHAWA BLVD. N FOUR BEDROOMS ONLY THREE DAYS LEFT! (FARE Jewel Toy Hove, SATE, Conference and vet it was ai {8 Will he we seprale ahor pasties vlean, comfortable $12,900.00 §.r0om bri K ON AS Leaving Coun Must § Inked _eondition, Phone BA B-5860. (eult to find any ordinary eitigen|in the future, Fart of that ques: Yorn: sone mamiariable Jurnished) RA B:5161 Horey and J Soom riek $950 DOWN FASY TERMS ing Country, Must Sell Gani wom for "sale. Phaiie BA | who favored unilateral disarma:|tion will be answered however, rom' downtown hone WA S081h wiles | age simated on ob 4M Large Areom frome buns J J Wy '58 CHEY, BISCAYNE |%"% (ment and giving up nuclear bases|in the eight by-elections which aw on Dean Ave Ww taxes 8 a Insport " Ld D 3 VURNTAT p vee | NEW BUNGALOW landscaped lot, New forced heated by eil space heater p n aide 4 P WG ew Findlay Batis) fhe Automatie in Britain, One can sense that are due lo take place pexl Ah phi n Jom. ew home, oie hi JUST COMPLETED air oil furnace; low taxes and qo OR at. ull price iv leg 8 § hot ant silver blue, standard trans, |RUEREH 4 Coleman Trim Boy furnace | 8 16sue was put over on the month, The vole at fhese should emen is # doar, | +] J (] i © J an 1E¢ ge JOms 3, J BOM" Park Road RA 80146 | Custom built and | n ultra down payment to suit your $4 600 Lower down pe | mn kit bt new clutch, new muffler, new |B, or iw, $105 ane Ne whitef conference hy fanatical men wha'be highly revealing. ONE large unfurnished room, reason: modern kiteher All the budget. A real goed buy, ment, If monthly payments dinette, 2-pe, and 4 pe. bath, radia, $1,600, Willing te oi aman 'sin; gi eminem Able rept: 26 Fringe Sires Call' Par Patterson fe ' substantial in £al roams are extra large and the J iersen for ap can be substantia hard 1 and tile floer ) take less if necessary, 88 i one Heed Eoleman hatiral ONE furnished room for gentleman workmanship is of the f pointment at RA 8-465], . 9 hpace heater, automutio $40.50, Mi o | Wo vanship 1s @ we finest Bn " new tar inspection y Brock St as R . Alas, WH 2.340 $3,500 DOWN rt East, RA 8:1742 lux, WIL 83401 Apply 620 Simons North | ted th Ost M Bill brigh RA 1 OEQIed In nerin JAnawa | 1 al A 9A a y hasame 00 p A . EMPTY rooms cost money! Rent your Aman of hide wall el fine residential area. Ash F $1,500 POWN Large 3:bedreom brick ven h or B-8342 with an Oshawn Times Classe | fiws Avely ates 3 pm 14" dushns] ng price of only $12,900 A iverreom brick bungalow style hungalew en Sun Valley : WILLIS MOTORS [de aetion by calling WA #349 Sladay ft of" Yi Wie seu wil bo proud fa | ih brik garage, Completes | Ave, Redieed for auick sale RITSON RD. § T two ar st mio nie DG GT DTC rou LARGE furnished housekeaping roam awn ly decorated, forced air furs ta $13,200 and carries fer Four = hedraem heme, all AUST IN four od, veRbonARIE RA 37 | twin heads, suitable for one or twa, Fark " nace, situated an a large lot, only $88.00 month, Principal, large YOON laras ~ dern SALES SERVICE and Taxes, 6% f / SALES - SERVI " a SrAWRETIY Tater, pravilonlly By ALAN HARVEY [i Ing. Apply 708 Carnegie En \ hi he 4 ) | Interest LANS POWNE DRIVE This heme must be sold Completely decorated eidesize lat, Ash GOOD ASSORTMENT new, gomplete with slats, 200 each Canadian Press Staff Writer 80 argues Bdward Plunket Tay | ; CARGE 1Tinished vom, 'TFg, CeRirA) A ram brick bungalow Asking price $12.500.00 | $8 90 0 will ! one 4] i" nga 40 1 J ith ea ms Stroud's Fon hr ona oF we wentiemen, "Appy 108 privately eenstrueted Cons Far appointment call Pat SEE THIS [iF h r gall fay itd ALI USED CARS Wende Sul Masked No:'8 Wig, LONDON (CR)¥ou ean RY op the "Mr, Big" of brewing, SINGLE firaished Tedgoam for busi;| #18ting of 3 bedreoms, living Patterson at RA 8.4651, ' : inehesivl ask for Bill Swarbrick at RA 4 4 LARYIR Brawn winter "wont, wien 16; | Canadian whisky in the Kremiin,| =! 8 man. Apply 38 Colborne Sivest! room and kitchen, The best DUPLEX [hagieye ¢ foam jench-a H B.6544 or 5.8342 TA bi EAST nardiy warns thal ¢ was oh he With Pimp You can stock up with soap «| Having bullt up In Canada the alter 4 pan " 3 wngalew situgled 0 ad ) , fw hatin! Ae D ¥ RNAI ED 2 suitable for gentle o Julia ong wer Mie Be your ewn landlord, for as the edge af Oshawa and you LOTS mmm | 16AF condition, Reasonable, RA 69187 fakes hy the ira" Bit bate atest ig It fo -- in MAR, elke (0 haspilal, BEVALe SRUEANGE: | ore {PVR dl priceds little as $1,700.00 down will see hew veu een enjey USER parts and repairs for pl | d is branching out in Britain, ex Ul d wintry | h ely ea On eutsirts of eity makes of wringer type washers, something should he done Ahoy) : ole Arking save Apply 01 Kendnl Avi) ACE h appointment and a full price of $14, Country living with &ity eons ron abl X' 400 SABYAN MOT R nates oh LAT the washers 14 hp {ending his Interests into Beot SINGLE furnished poam, also twa fur NIRIGON STREET 200 00, We can have built maceulate eendition through 108 168 44.4, £1,950 SA S Maret HTN HH "y's 50-Articles For Sale and Wales and the north of Aished roams with Hight soaking [TNL EPR a RIT « yd vey a sixrmom hun aut and it ean be yours with AS x 176 ,,, $481,000 LE LTD, DOMINION prepllance 1) iv §lon 5 " Fn aust use hang, ental" Tacation rick bungalow, enly 7 years galow with @ three-reom hase only $5.000.00 down 106 | 66 $1,700 STUREBAKER, VOLKSWAGEN [Heatly Higs) now Sod Witla Ts | TENT camp stoves, comp ealh WF [10 swift moves during the last oF wee SIF old, Selling for $11,500 and | ment apartment with nrivate LOTS WITH SEWER AND CUUSALES and SERVICE Matiet, Wolnpion A 'cael He. ol pauline. sisering bad, Lanferhy "l ix months, tl i 4 ] and 5 and rentals shawh Hardwa § 10RLhE, ie gompany In COMFORTABLE clean voam for #8 he dewn payment can be ars 0 ne mortgage fi inn d fined: SABLE clean room hob the dewn payment n be i I th, One m [gage for the LI ovYD AYERS WATER 334 RITSON RD. SOUTH HH Ab hard to Bent prices €0) giloiic 8 Chireh Breet, RA $7084. | Tay Rlgin iret Hast 'ar hone TRA| 19nged 1a suit yourse TY. balance ar 63490 interest / 50x 100 $1800 OSHAWA. ONT NG Fareed" Alri Farnaee, | WOIeh Taylor Is the guiding spivit 747 erated and landscaped, close Don't delay, call Pat Patter: 31 | / KIN'E Tavs #01] Ta0L (nvaugn an Oana | WEATINGL barged Al et i delay n { i Ave, 40x102 $2600 Yel. RAndalph 3-346) Times Want Ad. Call WA" g da" th Toni | § gmplete Baa. Use your awn burner, | has established one of Britain's l vam, eompetety Mrnishen 10 seheels and shopping, A ion at RA 8-468) REALTOR-~RA 3.2254 ! i 40x102 $2800 y me WAY 40 plies your ad iY Wil, Vine Heliveiy, yest MAbRE' | major brewing groups. He won't {J Th housekeepin ne hdd ? ne he and y Ts IT < -. 8 # HA eAling and F Cand J +) BRL i Hah pi! woe id me, and @ very gedd re A0x140 S1800 BUYING OR SELLING SEE iwi AL nen, ring and smioth 4480 Tanforth Avenue, OX BB068 say exactly where he stands, hut Halous hot water, lie of Washing ma ef 100x187 $7000 fhned _matieeas, th Rew condition | prawn tan, full-length cont, sige! it's probably in the first dozen, thine aid diver, aenisal fo" daha FAIRLEIGH AVE WILSON REALTOR 116 ¢ of the TED CAMPIN Pry reddananie Bh Brock St East N ti worl bok Tu eauiy in Hie fin Soret WEPIRG B8 o ' J qn Kinds - of erochel wor 4 BD weekly, RA 53897 Located just east of Stevens . many w Call ta UNEI ConRar WARRIRE TRRRIAG. Goo | dane. MAT Mysre Hiveet biggest hut we want in rank up LARGE furnished front ~ Faam, ught| sen Read North. This new Oshawa Shepping Centre RA 5-6588 day, Howard MeCabe at RA 407 MOTORS AWA | [inning condition; twa piece ahesler |KLEOTRONOME, RCA Vistar, Ad-|there near the top" he says ras ny RFIVIeE pe eh Beroom brick bungalow is just . 316044 4164 KING ST, w= QSHAW field, 943 Elgin West mival. The finest in TV, Hill pry] att good-naturedly ducking pleas fap (just East of Wilson Road) |GUNE ammunition and Wining sup: |ioe, highest (adedn alldwanee at greater precision: we BAS Hines. "hone i A A-0746 te. about ready ta he maved inte Wo nf 9 AE g ! 14,200 FULL PRICE ro SUILT ol i HI Fri fi RE 4 v0 Wike unfurnished reams, in The heme and location are $14, BE | RA 3.4494 Res: 5.5874 A "uth he Wer i! a Nath Colne TV an HisplaY Reticent about personal pi . A881 unten ms and heavy duly wiring, pri vile viiranes, sult one a) twa persans| excellent, sa sall us for an Buys this beautiful 00m heme k sphal Northwest and fauth:est . | Btvent West, ; dding | leity--"' | J Phone HA 38338 tie ve . ome with gerage and asphalt Beautiful six-raem brick buns 3 | ELECTRIC guitar, fowler, "Rading (eity--"you're Just trying fo tll i gear Inipection dv Many extrad = T.V, antenna, fireplace with full-size mir gal A . y with ar witheut un 1959 PONTIAC iH A Vor and box irallen RA eh A albidhi headline "she would vather tol spring malivesh, sill goneman. 108] LIST YOUR HOME WITH US, ror, het water oil 'heating, Migely landscaped hedged lat. Situs aa Starms and 16ENE V.8 PAR A Tr ee 4 UH i + [About Mis racehorses, his family \ RISIENNE YOU'RE be hankiur when you get) SIOKROOM equipment for Toni nd 610 the Rew great new entertains Elan Siieel Ean IF THE PRICE IS RIGHT IT ated off Wilsen Read North ene block from the Power Stare built-in counter stove and Enh hy Jolling value exis ap Plantes sale, wheslehalvs, hospital beds, inva i Oshawa Times iY walkers, eammodes, health * lamps, [ment centre he has Just opened FURNISHED front hedraam, auleh) WILL BE SOLD THE SAME For inspection call today oven, decorated ta your own Faur door hardiep, excellent RA tA 24400 now for anily "helt grulehes, caneki lin volaway Beds in Pavoni, Anything, in fact, ex ' . good Tacation entral, parking Pace ArT Eh he PAY taste, Reasonable down pays condition, low mileage, sams To and 'sri Taw rentalk Na lvesiment ] ae, PAINT, Tntevior, extavior, 83.08 Willan Kise dollkars ont plekun, Prone Ald: | eent himself or his business aes on A ] FURNISHER bedroom, continuous hat After 6 P.M. Call BUY OF THE YEAR ant, ne N Lisi mifaeue pletely equipped. May be fis tihaka" fin wiv go AREAL Medluir BA Bi |Hvitios, et RIRENT your veom Sigh with Rater, very eenteal, Telephone RA " " 3 Tm Roldan RA HEH REDUCED $2,000 trade; why wail? Imprave nanced te responsible party |Chureh ivy RA a9 ; Wy Babli me WR PAROCHIAL Toh J / ) A i angen Oshawa nes Jahn Penicka |. RA S818 Owner says sell this S:reom brick bungalow with 3 bedrooms Handatq af living indy at req able rate, RA 8 |(HRANR plane, fully, vecanditianed, New| xa" fist ia 43404 toay [ Under pressure, he subsorihes ard McCabe at R 146) after § MEN'S winter coats, medium Ws [to the hellef that heer has heen and large kitchen, d-piece tiled bath, forced air oil furnace, fan d Fac ¢ ¥ y 4 REY nave business profits hy th p " J RO! Hao | WivY) r 3.4164 we § mare business prafits hy the regu y storm doar, 80° | in kitchen, Situatde on a lot 150" deep. Den't wait and be wae of dependable. Oshawa Times FMR Nope wl nies goon [100 "pavachial't a product WHITBY CLASSIFIED igh RE Tuk TR vAnGL cas al Mbp fl Se Bo THE nemational MY eas i Open Evenings and Al Pay Saturda Twa years old Fivesroam R. 3, VANGUARD WO Model A Fords, 1030 11, [SELLING futnifive? We'll buy or | Internationa y friends tell me i biking birigh Pungo W, ENSIGN & HERALD for mare Iarn AAR Rooms Mae Hikeralarn, TV's, Washed ai Bay NAL ean get pastienlar brands medem Representatives; beautifully ¢ I. Owner 0). Prince Alhert, Ontario, {a1 19 Pines Hivest. Phone TA Batdt. (Of Canadian whisky in Maso LLOYD CORSON WES ELLIOTT moving to USA. priced 1 ON DISPLAY AT TARE ropa, Ike new, reasananie; Viren o tvea bat [for instance, hut It's different ANTI aa ins a |S ALR oath dont, sadar strip heat: | BILL NORRIS RICK YOUNG I fort. Local is wile SMITH SPORTS 46 ine ehatw ink, steel gale. HA 83190. {bf 1 elke el with heer, British companies iloy low wheel and windshisid . -- Re. 8 area: Call A NORTH SIMCOE TY ROWERS, 0 weibsunnartion | vision Thrifty fuel Vian, BA BAY can't get inte Canada for various Nhs ng bags, S08 vifles, shat: 1860 40 HP Johnsen eleetvle start motor, son 1 hat dipped Ivan! Pp ) by hills? Bell your exie aly RA 83912 Pn, IA aad arhn [Boh Lor ren eith An savy wines Gan | 7eAsons and they can't sell in ging, boats, matars ant trailers, Wilde [Tea Nee (ratlor, skis, running Wehts, Siblock f RA 5.6544 9 : In Alor, aie, 1 ¢ ¢ R 5 hannel head, install Rental Service, MO 8-48 ME 0%, 04 ather extian Must "sel IL 8. SNELGROVE ( 0 LTD 5.4360. | iia J PEE q rr fad" A Aiea: HARI HERE SHR AB A 1 vi the United States hheause they i * . : e A } | sion {aday A ee [JUL haven't got the Millions they WANTED =f vertibie fay parviage | : 1n_geod eanditinn, MO N04 WH AY highest prions In (he oily for | ELECTRIC vasar service. A Takes [wauld need for advertising! weed Rienitice veliy's Used Funk [eutting heads, cords, efe. Se the new ! or advertising, t ¢ FOR SALE = Space heater, Super SONS RD XE i RETO 43 PARK RD. S. STEVENSON'S RD. N can pa id need for hasement apartment, sel ooniaihed wil LIL LL $12 oo tl " a for Je FOR ¥Y R CAR ture Stare, RA 3.3971, 444 Simone South Ratlavhave ATE flax rasar! Meagher's RP Tagier 8 invasion of Brits ponte hy all. all pohvenionees, SI 8 pam RENT he room, three-bedroom brick ------ ; wee [0 RINE Sirol West el aln began a few years ago when marth, BA S03, after § pany BA meal, a0 children APpIY 318 DURGAY $500 DOWN hungalew, Just in the fin VAN HEUSEN OUTBOARD FALLEATER, a vo oie od i Bria Sombany approached 0 veel Wes ishing stage, almost ready for AM \ him about selling a particular PAR RENT ible Tarn hoist te (TRRER + vom basement apariment| 38.900 full asking price for a 6:ream brick heme, central locas pceupancy. To inspect. eall MOTORS MOTORS HRY La "thie product in North America, In re + Ask for afvee yarURUER Mtiply Taylor suggested a -bwe-wiae niles west, Whithy, newly decarated modern eatvenianees Tmmediate pow | SOAUAL parking, healed, Niles, tien, 2 kitehens, autematie furnace and hat water tank, alumis A. Sihlack at RA 5.6544 of A . {ines ii 3 furnished, newly ' ted, S64 y ~ 5 5 y ¢ g A faint allpaper, Alves 4 Stina an LL ' al HE IARI 4 unfurnished © avs lsned | MM windows, easy payments, Call Sid Martyn RA 3.9810, 4363 * __149 KING ST, W, FOR RENT Batt hin Sate, 3 Rh get fier Shabling 4 Radian heer to pon furnished house: Phone MO 83597 . i Wh A : Leaping oars. Wilh RIVA hathiam : Two PEARS OLD MARINE STORAGE ~~ [BAWY shiiiags, $1 Tin a; ap twa ad i I MO TWO large hausekeap! AMS ANDY NAGY'S x $20; bah in goad eondition Rie ng a oe Eo 0 od Naliiptathn. rama dewls | $7,500 FULL PRICE Aodern fivesmom brick bun BODY SHOP and SUPPLY Ltd Arsh, bdo 10. Telephone RA ®0 a To MERGERS 2 tah alilection ta ane child, Fhone MO § 8088 L] 3 a 0 2 » A il ited with MERCE R Q 18K ast all slees, 84 id W IVS here soon realize iE} air baby hanus ehefue at | 0g 3-bedroc ) \ ¥ USER (les, most all sles Ny B | A 4 . by hy ag Wg helo After 4 T v nm hoe tm oungalew, Sluminum hrm \ 5 00 | oy | plan with | MERC b DES BENZ . BROOKLIN ONY ol 3 364) BF. Goadvieh Stores, KA S68, there was "something hrewing w ia selected, dauhle the ROOFING, Wing, SAVONITOMRNEE AM| month interest and principal, 634 Sa. aver 10 Yea, oa el f kitchen and living | DK OWIERS TAG for lari sashes, Wao d Once he had 'a foothold, Taylor y } i ) | nent SALES AND SERVICE All aluminum products w= | Ai, ad oalimates A [saw that the trend. as in Canada, amaunt of Aout ¢ hedue hai' he aw Tha d A, ack wool halal an. Free esti ! il Keith P RA 8.8761 RA §.41 i A prise ereant dept. Stare, mates anvw WL Happer, 885 payment. Ca eith Peters [] \ 62 \ } 4 ' 3 y \ Vhinhy PH i, ™™ ™ireen Sivest. Whitby. MO 80008, o A162 evenings | heating, private dive. (408 KING W., OSHAWA | Doors, windows, shower doors, | EhehS BH T0 was for ancentration of eampan | Al i $12. 700 with RA 3 7132 awnings, TV towers, paving §2--Legal ies, He follawed suit, TOR RENT Thies reamed apart [FOR SATE = Black loam mute for | y all canvenienees far housekeep: Hardens. Call NO aa WA! 3 | w dow vinen Ce i ¥ On ont . not a «de "YY wis ait} i y VOReR a # tH, Wh $3, 00 FULL PR CE ' § Non all Bil ® cantract, nothing dawn 1 will nat he vespansinle for any "denis The Industvy is getting into ment ing For free estimates call == [LAURA A" my name By dw wile, | lange groups," he said In a ehat 33% Green Steel, Whith FOR RENT = Large, wie! o at RA §-¢ APT, FOR RENY = Nara we hed i W Suitable LY on dro é-room brick and stone bungalow about 2 vears ¢ t . bi MECHANICS © [Naveen Lines, fram Wis dite, October fat his Clavidge's Hotel suite, ¥ heated apartment vallal we rally lepated LL apt 0 oub Q i aduced for ¢ k sale % MW - ol \ Vomber 1. ABR $03 Groen Sireeh, AB (£430 BU $e on BA Tieg™s Aree reduced for Quick 1 y b 1,000 DOWN Aluma Seal Co, [Wt "=e W8e8 Soyer hore they call that pation 3. Whithy. MO 8.3% ol FOR WENT = Thee Voom t gy \ Y " W y apartment home SPECIALS RAS 5. 9368 ANY TIME | Mization Teall it common FOR ALE Well vatted ae, why Pine entrance and hath ane oF it f trance ---- NOTICE TO sense. i ph 3 pv A } [ J, NR Spring. MW per load delivered TH uy . $13,000 CO-OP NO. 974 0 4 bath 1952 PONTIAC | The consolidation Precess ALUMINUM Siling, pastel colare, fee FO ants Instaiee, Weter Wont Qtoam bck nad loins Suncalew abaut ¥ ean oid: uit RI A ib ALUMINUM DOORS CREDITORS Naved lan Sarah A erger of estimates, will §o anywhere. Phil! Chostaul West, phone MO LL bi ik Nl Al ¥ BW ARLE & YRAI Old, {itis » ammaonds Ritea Breweries, armen, 23 Green Street, Whithy, MO modern kitehen, L.shape living room and dining room, 3 beds A \ \t 1952 PLYMOUTH AND WINDOWS! IN THE ESTATE OF [Hope and Anchor and John Jeff LA 00 ee Hleg h, di 0 \ comple decors A | arg : hav , Afi ote CORR Wate (Lanai saciehed] from | FOR RENY.=Boating, comp: vp Be pie led hog yided bate nen, Semple YN A § vided 195 rr Special Reduced Price, RLOTTE rey and Comnany was effected 3.40 Inches masech sharing, sham] (10 wipplies, gardening and | 9'ed and landscapes dawn and balance en ane N.H : | Judes 251 METEOR ob lig an ELIZABETH CHARL hy Northern Breweries af Great DOR ARG MVIRE De Re, Miotse call MO! lawn eauipment. power toals, mortgage. Call Keith Paters RA 5.8761, or RA 54162 oven | had! andl shel e Se as MABEL ARGALL Britain, the holding company of MM for ARPAIRIIMER) box. boat and cabin trailers ings A Na My 1951 PONTIAC and Carry a whieh Taylor is deputy ehatrman FOR ihe best 1a INSULATION we! FOR SALE == Used boats, ; R¢ a 0 A H. L Bradfer-Lawrence, an Bags PALO FAK o d instal i . . at RA 5:4544 i CALL FOR QUICK SERVICE All persons having claims \ I» Jaret LY ve san wou ¥ " mater, trailers VALUE HERE : OY ¥ pt WAS In ranning 6 AN og pas he Estate of Eliza lishman, Is chairman of al \ \ Goode an S50 WAN 2800 \ eauire mechanical wor 4 2 3 \ ag 2 oa ETA sh GOT) WILDE RENTALS 4 wear | ania aon | hana [ALEX VAIDA | Fi Ckine Mabank, | Conlon Browerin, the com ean Wl i AMC ate © u 4 hd "3 Full &.room ranchestyle bungalow with all the extra FSSION ! S { } ) USER FURNITURE and apnliances ervice and Sales modern kitchen, Lshape living roam and dining rex 1 beth Y : ; ta hic : ule 1 be sold 481 DREW ST, RA 3.9851 in the County of Ontario, de largest, owns nearly 10 per oent ® hig Hees - ceased, wha clied on or about fal Northern's ardinary shaves, N We Bab sel), exohange ARYIMRE . By : . : Hamilion Used Furniture, 103 Byron! 418 Dundas EMO 8.3234 roams, 4:pisce seramic tle bath with vanity, attached garage 10M o ot J 1960, the JOM day ¢ Wne, Qo on Re ay wh 33.300 doar Col Se Mare Ra 3a 10 Pree H13.800 ung bas RA 3-4777 SEE HOME APPLIANCES | 1% AO dav ef ne, 1960: [oamiaND 100 down payment, $50 wp Desks, fling PLANT YOUR } hy 10 48---Automobiles Wanted OSHAWA LTD | 10 the undersigned on or be Wm Mav three Scottish com Foi Tha hag nn Bg BURK ST How alored AR " 90 SIMCOE SOUTH Tgahe at day af Oclaber, (DaRies, GRoarge Younger and Riven Street Sonth, Whithy. MO S843) BULBS NOW ! . eo Eo IATTTAN pio wn SW pa FOR FRIGIDAIRE 1940, full particulars of their Sans, John Fawler and Company TOR RENT Thies ionred antuinianed Steam Deitotes Wane: wad kitehan iandwaad and tile Hoa ¢ \ large [RA TL We Sand chnditien, M6 SALES AND SERVICE iy plter wich date the and William Murray and Come rig SR all Anely 3% We have a large variety new hunace, geod condition throughout, large lot 210 ft. deep ) ls. Call |FAKESMORE Aue Winckers have sara] Domestic and Commersial a pd Nritited hay Fairy Joiheq we. Nother \ ren - == af Dutch bulbs. Nursery Asking $10,900 with terms. Call Keith Peters RA 5.8781. ar Ng far WOOKiRE. Sho riven Bai. RA A 5.5332 a ema 0 th hy RW de Arey £0 $4162 evenings Lihawa ang b sins = {shall then have notise. oo " RS aad } pos % Hy N A NN OM n COHAN and ars Stock Landscaping : | FOR C.\4 PAINT i Bate Board | MOUSTON'S GARAGE SALE DATED at Ouhane Wha 41 [shire CALL BEVERWYCK COMMERCIAL LOT 4 -- Automobiles for Sale | AND SERVICE STATION Aluminum Products of the dav of October, 196 | A South Wales Company, pus GARDENS With 400m bungalew. central location. city water and sewer Nw v Go Karl des! BRAKE SPECIALISTS SoM, best quality at the best HUMPHREYS, BOYCHYN [additional § oat tish campante 0 ou er ° 3 p Sid Aces SO Bde ne \ \ PETE prices, filly guaranteed & HILLMAN ined the group Wn August and HIGHWAY 12 Full bist price $3,900 cash Coll Sid Martyn RA 3.9810 [E BRAKE SERVIC Ny \ G h, qe W W MERCURY iy hattan, Wm MOTOR TUNE. UP bND Double hung windows only 3813 Kina Street East September, Paint and Wallpaper Store 3 miles north of Whithy 10-a0re lot located near Hampton, just off paved road good odd IA ' r. PNM GENERAL REPAIRS $18 Coll now Oshawa. Ontaria ~The group's target naw 1s about OF Byron Streat South | PHONE OL 5.3570 market gordon and Colt Ra att TRA \ aL wa : Lymer: Aluminum Co Sole rons You the Executors, | 30.000 Barrels a weelh perhaps 10 he N AM WILAMAN Estate wagon, $a LLY 67 KING ST. W, GORDON ARGALL and [per oot of national eonsump thon, : RA 3.7822 RA, 8-338 WILLIAM G. YOUNG, LIGAT snsekeeping roam, central RA §4mm Residence MO 84738 $4162 evenings, 2 TES TT ' f > ¥ re

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