| Phe Oshawa Times Published by Canadian Mewspopers Limited, 6 King Tuesdoy, October 18, 1960 $t. E., Oshawa, Ont, RRS Lawyers Suspect Power Of Government Boards A point thet a layman might miss but # lawyer would be very conscious of is any change in the enforcement of legis lation and the administration of justice, The public generally would gssume thet such matters are safely held in the hands of the courts, But lawyers do not agree, Several speakers at the recent Come manweslth and Empire Law Conference in Ottawa warned of the growing tend. ency of governments to assign to regus latory hoards end agencies pawer that properly rests with the eourts, Toronto lawyer Robert F, Reid told the Conference thet in Cansda today the chief instrument of regulation is the administrative tribunal = & hody other than a law eourt appointed to enforce legislation of a federal, provincial or municipal government. Admittedly, he said, the members of such boards are generally honest, well-intentioned and self-saerificing men seeking to discharge their duties in the public interest to the best of their abilities, "But," went on, "lacking a defined procedure, lacking appeals or any kind of instructive re. view, subjected to frequent eriticism by the courts, lacking a frame of reference for their decisions upon which they could Stand To Be The Federal nounced that a general census will take Government has an. place next year, The 10th decennial census since Cone federation will employ between 25,000 and 27,000 enumerators whe will be probing a little deeper into the intimate sub-structure of our Canadian family life than when previous census surveys were made, The information will be carefully catalogued and then forgotten, These enumerators will want to know something about a mother's fertility and of the total income inte the household, not just wages of some breadwinners It is going to be a little tougher at every fifth household when married, widowed or divorced women will be asked when they were married and how many live-barn children they had, This is the same "fertility question" that was asked last year in Galt and at Joliette, write reasons, lacking any real security of tenure and asked to set like judges without any training, they find theme selves in the position where they have difficulty in merely maintaining respect," Speaking to the same point, Donald Mclones of Halifax, newly elected president of the Canadian Bar Association, seid thet issues thet should be going through the courts sre instead being decided 'by government agencies, which have been given both judical and administrative functions, "The eoncern and task of lawyers! he said, "must be to continue to preserve the rights of ine dividuals from the hands of ruthless and untrained administrative bodies , , , There is the necessity for each of our countries to maintain the independence of our courts and to fight against the hand of government, which is playing an in- creasingly important part in the adminis tration of justice" It took centuries to wrest power from the state, establish the freedom of the individual and fix the courts as the seat of justice, That whole long process can be undermined if governments are pers enforce to assign authority te hoards, mitted legislation to appointed and tribunals Counted Quebee, the housewives called upon showed little reluctance in and because answering the question, it will be more general at the census next year with it being asked at every fifth called upon by the enumerator No will asked, whether they had been ill the previous day to that on which the enumerator called, In the previous test the question was asked whether the wife or any member of her family had been ill the previous day and whether this inters ferred with normal work er play, Many women found the question vague and were a little suspicious of it, Officials here decided an enumerator was not equipped to answer all the possible questions as to what ailments fell inte the category of "illness", Well, we couldn't expeet all the enus merators to have such medical training, If they had they would be doctors, household one he however, No Debate On Hunger Hunger =+ a subject more important than arms control, steel mills, or diplos matie victories to perhaps ene and ones quarter hillian people == still is not receiving the kind of international priority it deserves, the Christian Beience Monitor argues Some brilliant technieal being made in conquering this ancient, problem, But the results of this progress must be far more widely used, Men now know enough te eliminate the inadequacies of food supply that are of concern to about four of every ten persons on earth, But lack of distris bution is still an enormous handicap, Hoth physically and mentally the need is for better destribution for better and wider dispersal of food-stuffs; for faster and freer interchange of ideas on plant hybridization, farming technique, photesynthesis efficiency, fertilizers, pest controls, food preservation, storage, and transportation, A look at the latest report of the United Nations Food and Agricultural Organization shows in statistics why the Progress Is hase The Oshavon Times The Oshawa Times sombinin faviaciahed 1871) and the Whitby pu Vole (ealablished 1803), I published daily 1 avd and siatitery holidays escaped Members of Canadian Daily Newspapers Publisher Association, The Canadian Prem, Audit Bureau of Cuculation and the Ontania Provincial Dales Assos The Canadian Presa in exclusively entitied 10 he we tor republication of all news despatched Im the paver cadited 10 I of ta The Asecwted Reuters, and alsa the kcal naws published Al rights ot pesmi desnatches aie alm The Oshawa Times eheived Otticen. Thomaen Bud a. 423 University Avenue Toronto, Ontong, 640 C Montieal, PQ SUBSCRIPTION RATES wored By camien In Oshawa Whithy 9. Bowmanville, Beokhn Pon Peny Maple Geove Hoamptan, Frecchmans Taunton, Tyione, Dunbarton Lesko, Brouahham. Baiketon, Claremany, Greenwood Kowale Roatan Blackstock Pontypool and Newcastle Bot owes 4% week. By mal fn s of Onley orn delively aren shewney Average Daily Net Paid os of April 30, 1960 16,999 Ajax, Prince Bay Enavik en, as iet Bl outs (ER) POV ANG : " + pot Gazelle and « rate of progress in this field must he stepped up y During 1989-60, total world food pros rose about 2 per cent, But world population grew at a rate of 1.6 per cent, If the number of peaple having inadequate foge-supplies were measured in the thousands instead of the billions, this rate of closing the gap might be considered sufficient, If there were not millions of eases of children frequently duction foreed to miss meals for a day, or to eat only two meals a day, it might not seem so callous to proceed slowly with this complex problem of food production and distribution, But the FAO report alse warns that this rate of closing the gap between food and population is less for 1959.60 than it was for the three previous years The non-Communist nations of the world have done better on this ques tion than these in the Communist blag, The FAO figures show. a 4 per cent gain mn food production in Western Europe and a 3 per cent gain in Asian areas outside China, In this comparison there is a clue to one primary solution for foad shortages, China, like the Saviet Union, has made national growth se nearly synonymous with heavy industrial growth that normal agricultural expansion has lagged, caus ing great hardship to the people who are supposed to be building the brighter future in industry, China's chronic food shortages are a telling example, One basic answer, then, is for both lending and borrowing nations in the free world to make sure that rural read systems, hybrid seed and fertilizer pros duction, and extensive farm advisory services are given a priority at least equal to industrialization in national growth plans At thy same time, cooperative efforts should be © 10 increase the flow of technical informatiomon production and distribution Many excellent programs of this kind already exist, The FAO figures should show world leaders that more are needed, There aught to be ne idealogical fonUoveIsy on that paint, < OTTAWA REPORT re ---------- WIND OF CHANGE Prime Minister's Day Always Busy By PATRICK NICHOLSON "How busy 1 must he this day!" That surely must he the waking thought of whoever has the hon and responsibility of heading our government today Yel the words were spoken 818 VEArs on an Oetober morn ing in England, hy one of the leaders about to fight the first battle of the eivil war, marking the struggle for demaoeratie gov ernment in England Belore the Battle of Edgehill in the year 1642, the A8-year-old Bir Jaeah Astley prayed in those words familiar to every student of English history 'Oh, Lord Thou knowest how busy I must he this day. If | forget Thee, do not Thou forget mel" Ihe Lord did not forget the gal lant warrior and he survived the battle to live for another 10 years DIEFENBAKER BUSY TOO Phere 1s a parallel with Prime Minister Diefenhaker, our 66 year-old ehampion of democracy who recently at the United Na QUEEN'S PARK aEn Carillon Project Hons struek that vallant and widely-applauded first blow for freedom in the verbal haltle against the Russian Communist dictatorship Even in his workaday routine, our prime minister must he as husy as Bir Jacob was on that day of hattle at Edgehill Take the day aller Thanksgly Ing for example, Mr. -Diefenhaker arvived at his office on Parlia ment Hill at 8 a.m., read his high pile of mall and hegan his replies AL 8 he presided over a meel ing of his eabinet, leaving to drive In Government House where at 10 he presented to the Governor » General six ministers who were to he appointed to new responsibilities and four new min isters joining hs eahinet, Then Governor - General Georges P, Vanier and the prime minister posed with the ministers for photographs, after which Mr Diefenbhaker came into the muse room In Government House to tell waiting Journalists of the new ap pointments, V2 Not inapproprigtely, Wt was while siting on the ping » pong In that ehalr-short muse roam that I heard of the many changes shuttling the same halls inte other corners of the ecahinet table: Harkness from placid agri culture to stormy defence; Hees from interesting transport to thal man-rap trade and ecommerce; Baleer at long last efvaied oa status worthy of Wg stature; Churehill, as In that ehildven's game, seeing his colleagues ad: vanee up ladders while he plunged down a snake with loss ol prestige NO COFFEE BREAK By noon, John D, was hack in his office, where for two hours he received officials, made Lelephone calls and ate his lght luneh des Hveved from his home in that special container looking like a ghoeshing hoy's brush chest with foot-rest on top: Tomato julee, sandwiches, haked custard and cheese 18 his typical snack, And he read and replied (0 more letters, Typically he wrote hig thanks lor a clipping from the Bhing Wah Daily News of Tors onto, whieh referved---in Chinese idengraphy to his "defeat of Khrushehev," calling it "the most glovious page In the history of Ca. nadian diplomacy." Al 2 pm, the prime minister presided aver another meeting of his cabinet, this time of the res constructed and revitalized eahls net, lasting until nearly § o'clock, Twice he left the eounell ehams her hriefly----onece to meet Mrs, Amita Malik, a newspaper Lah of course i woman from India now doing a Recalls '43 Deal i Hy DON O'HEARN TORONTO (CP)--A ghost 1048 has arisen However It 18 not walling Hydro has announced it will he purchasing 180 properties within the town of Hawkeshury These are being bought so they ean he leased to Hydro Quebee far its Carillon Power Develop ment In its announcement of the de velopment Ontario Hydro said it was in accordance with the 1043 agreement between Ontario and Quehee His walep Rivey neces, WHAT CHANGE? The deal, of course, was one of the major incidents in one of the stermiest questions of aur re cent history And while it apparently now is ue ta peacefully end it eer tainly didn't do so with these Hivements agreements were made hy al government. Gearge Drow when he assumed office denounced thew Later he made various trips to Maoniveal to see the late premier Duplessis, And he announced fi nelly that a better deal had heen made Hut the details of this never heen made known Althouih the goverment has hoon ehallenged at various times in the years sinee ta disclose them it has ducked the issue Hy the time Mr, Drew began his dickering, of course, he was ina had bargaining position Ontaria desperately needed power saurees And Quehes didn't I has been generally agreed since that his deal, whatever it was, didn't really give him any thing a write hame about WE GAINED However, we in Onataria really San't camplain . } Al Des Joachims, alone, we have a chunk of power which has heen of immeasurable Taine 19a us. ~ IH Quebee had wanted 0 be roally sticky #1 might have made Rt difficult for ws Wa develop I oconkl, in fact, have made i difienit © wie the other Upper Qilawa even halide they are i Onlaria . Ont of we deal, alse, the people along the Lawer Oltlawa have hoon able © got lower POWOD Tales, up the Ottawa prove apreement vights along hetween the split the two have hge This was a most eritieal loea! point for years, Although situated on a river with great power potential their hydra was being imported from Quebee and they were paying very stiff rates for il Apparently even most of those about ta be displaced are reason ably happy about it so that in the end Mp, Drew's deal probably Was a good one HH Newspaper year's indoctrination tour of Can ada, sponsored by Canadian women, stemming from his own recent "get-ta-knows other-peoples - better' plea; and onee (n receive a gold plague hes tokening his own admission to the newspaperhoys' hall of fame, als ready housing sueh former news: paper delivery hoys as Presidents Eisenhower, Hoaver and Truman of the UK, a presentation from the 700.000 newspaper hays of the US, and Canada "in recognition of the newspaperhoy wha hecame a leader of his chosen field," Finally, mare visitors to ves eeive, letters to sign, until he was ahle to leave his office at 6.45 alter this busy day, REPORT FROM U.K, Recreational Use Of Schools Tried... By M, MoINTYRE HOOD Special London (Eng) Correspondent to Far The Oshawa Times LONDON The question of whether or not sehoals should he wiilized as recreational eentves for the community in aff-sehool hours is ane whieh has heen keen ly debated in Canada for the past few years, It formed the subjeet of mueh disoussion at the first Canadian Conference on Edueas ton held in Ottawa in February, 1968, without any definite conely sions being reached One county education eammit toe in England, that of Hertford shire, Just north of London has, however, taken the bull hy the horns, as it were, in tying Wn edu cational buildings In the county With plans for youth recreation CHAIN OF CENTRES This educational committee is giving Hts backing 0 a plan to build a ehain of height, ativaetive Youth contres throughout Hew fordshive, They will he on a stan dard pattern, each having a eam MOR POO, Sames oom, quiel om and ealeleria, And al ol them will he built as additional Wins 10 secondary sohoals and existing colleges for farther edu Cation, al a ost of about £10,000 Sah he committee is alsa adopt hE the recommendations of the Albemarie Tepart an youth reerea HOR hy APPOIRLIRG & county youth officer, with a salary of $1250, and IMIR A COURLY Youth eammil 100 10 coardinate official and VOIURIATY enterprises. The oom milled axplains YAS he minisiry of education has now ddopted 1 age range for youth wark, it is evident that these youth wings will he added to the sehoels will benefit 4 lavge number of senior pupils, as well as older members of associated elubs PLANS FOR USE The youth wings in the sohools, according to the plan, will be used either separately or in eons Junoon with sueh sehonl facilis Hes as the hall, gymnasium and dining space * It is intended that they will he linked with the sehoal buildings as separate wings which ean, when necessary, be shat off tvam the rest of the sohonl, Al ealleges af further education, the faellis Hes may take the form of a sep: arate hlaek STAFF DIFFICULTY One of the diffioulties foreseen 18 that of shortage of stall for the Youth centres, bat the commitiee 13 prepared 10 overcome this hy Paying mere money for training courses, and higher salaries ta parblime youth workers: 1 is hoped to establish a residential alng centre far potential youth loaders and larger grants will be PAL 0 voluntary organisations The committee adds "Experiment is a vital part of the OXPARsion Program, espeiab Iv a8 1 affects the Rew wns, hele is the proplem of those YOURE people whet are waseilled and among the less sa0lally CORIOIoNS members of the oom» MARY. A place In soplely fer them will have to bo owe INSIDE YOU Proper Canning Destroys Germs By BURTON BH, FERN, MD No ome dreamed that those lus CLONEATEIRE HEIDE heRBs WOwAa li Jittle Judy before sundown ond Daddy and Grandps belore wunug, Even Mother wee fighting for her Wie the next day Botulinus baclerip had struck #gain! Mier wallowing In dint, the microscopic Botulinug oeepsionel ly elimbe onto growing vegetahies for & free trip to the market, You Lan spray, Aust and respray, but the germ says on This Botulinus really Roses places, sometimes ahead of peor pie, Mounipin climbers have scaled bmpossible perks only 19 find thet Botulinus gol there first, You can't sullnesie the germ, either It thrives best without air, which explains the - poss #iring beans, In soil, Botulinus germs crawl into microscopic eochons = HY, portable gir reid shelters to priv tect against oxygen and other un pigasaniness, Hours of hoiling emyeris each cocoon into an vigovating Turkish bath where the germ 1s souped Wp veadied for aetion During home canning, Judy's mother washed, holled and sealed cocoons And erops inside larger mason Jars, No one ever (ald her ahout bacterial Turkish baths Sheliered by the Jar, Rerms shed thelr cocoons (0 produce a BY-GONE DAYS # YEARS AGO Reginald Geen was reslected as vice-president of the Ontario Musie Teachers' Association al their annual meeting held In Oshawa Blue Bell Club of Oshaws raised the sum of $1760 for the purchase of 8 Red Cross ambu ance mourned the Robert Buddy Ontario County years, reliring in County Judge us " Ontario death of He served Judge for 1086 relief costs tolalled with $36,112 a PEVRONE Were compared previous September $6087 compared year earlier; A474 on the welfare rolls with 3065 persons the year Major H, L, Wallace, former Oshawa resident, was appointed to the training and administra: tive staff of the 8rd Canadian Ploneer Battalion, in the Noranda distriet, Pit.-Lt, Harold Kerby, of Oghe awa, was appointed assist; it to Air Marshal W, A, Bishop, VC, while on an official visit to Lone don, England Nn, M, Polson, D, W, Holden and ¥, V, Evans were among the leaders in. production during the year for the Mutual Life of Canada NEW REDUCED SAME SUPERB ~ SERVICE fetal hervest of hetore Thanksgiving. Ming beans were ersy to Wide heb even inlest ed beans Gow with health The mush snd stench of Bot uhinuspoisoned meat lacks appe the-appesi and wsually winds wp in wasiehaskets, SH, plekied pork, home-canned mepL Cakes nd beets have ali meted owt CAPIEL niShment 16 RESPEC ing innwonems Botulipus isn't sways home: canned, als prize trout iwrned out to be a mankiller even aller it was dead, Botubinus germs had climbed onto each scale when he set the fish on the grownd, Mier Wis trowt dinner, the news: paper suddenly blurred, Pieners of water cold' quench Ws levy thirst, His wobbly knees almost gave out helore he reached the bathroom 10 reteh with Nansen He could hardly speak; & slow, thick tongue made him stumble over words, For days, Norwegian doctors injected a large syringeful of spe Botan wrson, Ke the Berlina al, 109, wis hooked 19 & 9 pe = pesdies pnd (WIRE W pore nourishment Srey wie Wis veins When (ading respiration chor: ol bis lps Wae Socio tucked Wn inte an ron Hang Mier siih excellent treptment, Ohad was som well for ine other ishing trig -- lor the spot, woh for the lend, he shyh BAwlinws poisoning cen be pre vented. You Aow't even have a toss ot hy Somecshed foods WM they make your laste ads water, Commercially canned toods come Boibipisdiee PROVER CASNING Proper home coming Emm #50 remove pol is Goins { belore you've ready in emt, Even Botulinus blows its lid slier & lew hours of scorching hest in 8 pres sure cooker ®t Dleen ponds, Citric seid and Vinegar wrk Just as well, H you add enough and heat the sone soution Public. LbNries sock rows of Taaks WHICH 1€ll how Lo pack safe ty milo home-canned fords, You con win the bottled Botulings battle hefore your food gels off the ground The odds are & million 8 one against this kind of food poison ing, hut whe cares ahowt when it strikes? 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