thelr charter in 1955, taken sling order, neither maior sppii-hind fhe stove, then covered the! lesen Miers ps pel » Project, in GROSS BOF Exlensive TERGVRLION Kiehen counter 19 mate, Wiag D., Fairview Lodge; and peed be involved. Bit (here pic. Now when from cok nave econiribuied, through he many relatively small (MBE (ny oi aine Sas Mrs, House Wd facilities, Federation of the Soraptimisis of (hat con he dove with & TE&- wile simply ips & sponge in hot the Americas, 16 & Geromioingy tively small outlay ids Lo remove the eitale signs, 1 | Besenrah project of the Univer wahe kitchen commiers, 100 €% And the counter whishs clean the Sie sity of Toronto which 16 Ivestl spepie . | gating the problems of Fete" i hes sre marred and Bet ad Po it ment of lrisiness and Protession®l ered from hard wear, hey Way oJSepieed vy Ms suctoss, fils sf hud ESE --------. well discourage & ISPECIVE Lock downstairs lav y by and for buyer woless he is gelting a fet: hay ----- f . 0 ROVER the plain walls with pe (rifle bargain . well covering in 8 Pretty Up Tricks A vinyl (op in & solid colar o¥ei ming powder pol ail a SI -- p---- 5 [en aitractive print can meke & added washable wall-to-wall cot 10 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesdoy, October 19, 1940 For Kitchen big difference. This can he por-|| srpeting, and now And B thro [elect hy the yord ond ie easily bathroom that can ! a om {installed leatled » "powder PERSONALS | By ELEANOR ROSS One honsewite used vinyl "These are the "plus" | The kitchen pid the bathroom eosies well covering Wm B gay " / 4 \are essential areas of every Print of copper pots and pans he Mr, and Mrs. Regipald Fair|going of guests snd your own ioli-licme, no doubt shout that! But, -- r= rr] were pleasantly surprised on Bat- Gay Plans are aways of interest! sometimes we ust dow't reshize urdey evening, Ocioher 15, on the 10 this colums. Write, telephone how very important these rooms occasion of thelr Wh wedding oF visit the social departmentiare until the time comes to put Still 2 Few anniversary when their family With your item of news for whichis house on the market, i and friends gathered at their herve ls no charge, Telephone RA! Then little imperiegtions 8) home on Eulalie avenue to ex- #74 {home owner may have lived with| Bargains Left FROM OUR tend good wishes. From. heir of for years, perhaps, hecome mag. Mrs, Allan Hutcheon, Giihons: a J family of five deughiers and one olv CCR B08 pride of alpified through the eyes of pros son and 17 grandchildren the Wot Louis chomer for Miss Elennor|Peeiive myers GIGANTIC Tre Doe Taenther wm Wiliam, | Dolly, Reg. N. whose marriage LIVILE NEEDED . RB, WHI te Mr, Maniord Hulcheon will ' is n da ne send en 8 te" ie ern 7 et] GARPET SALE [| THURSDAY-FRIDAY-SATURDAY From their friends Mr. and Mrs. | Churel Huntsville, on Saturday, Sunny 7oom Pleasant 14 work IA IALS Fair received a pop-up LORSIET| Goigher 29, Mrs, Harry uleneon| aud a betheoan moy need bt : SPEC also many cards and gift hoi-| and Mrs, Clarence Hutcheon werel, (oy dec Bonga Hh p NU-WAY RUG CO, quets, The evening was spent In| cohosiesses, Games were play:|f, BW decorative touenes 16 dencing and & singsong of 018 ed Prize winners were Mrs, John | FERstorm it from nondescript to) 174 MARY ST, RA 5-468) A : i ' favorites, Dewell, Mrs, Lioyd Dalby, Mrs |e Charming RAISIN PIE ; 39¢ BUSY COOKS PREPARE FOR THEIR GUESTS ear he 02 of rio md Wr. Wo] ewspmen 0 J gst work rian B (Chapter of Sweet Adelines al The members of the Golden | and also in commemoration of ( Mrs, Donald Brown, are pre- \tending the Internationsl Con. Piysh Chapier of Hadsssah| | [ Jubilee Chapter, 10DE, are | the Diamond Jubflee of the | paring popular tidbits known a8 (vention snd Quarietie Competition held ifs first fund-raising venture The Drow For the , , . a u ee a e » busi! engaged in making | JODE, Refreshments are an vis and Bolts" Al the right in Detroit this week end will be of the season in the form of " i" : preparations for their 10th | important pert of any such Is Mrs, Edward Bind, general |Mrs Stanley Beneco, Mrs, Leo "Blood for Israel" tea at the] VE VE HOSTESS CFA ; . a a \ h Just right for a snack or coffe break birthday ball to be held next | function and two of the mam convener of the ha Moffatt Mrs mer Down, home of one of the members F week at the Oshawa Airport | bers, Mrs. A. W. Banfield and Oshawa Times Photo | Mrs, Barry Fox, Mrs, Fred Fox,| The proceeds of the tea were do ' . . wr Mrs. Guy Luke, Mrs. Wesley nated fo medical services in| Given Away by CHERNEY'S Stata, Mrs, H, Velzal, Miss M.| Israel. Bix { president ; i -- Ilustrated Talk on Rug Making LODGES AND Stato. rs. W. Vela Miss M.| Israel, Shu past presidents pour MRS. B WLE 8 sy | FOR QUALITY, FRESHNESS and FLAVOR Apple and te: vel Mrs, | x : » SOCIETIES | Mr. and Mrs, Cecil Dudley and Robert Wormer go eved the RS. ' LA LESS, So Hortop st i Shop of the bakery with the large variety. 2 : som, Noel, of Courtice, have re. guesls I Inspiration To Start Hooking | A lt tu aaa Specials are Also Available At | J A skilled designer in the art|with the advent of commercial] Sunshine Rebekah Lodge No. |e" inlaw. Mr. and Mrs R a y| Dinner meeting will be Mr, Doug- hon A In I BAILEY FOODS, Oshawa Shopping Centre ond of rug-making, Mrs, Margaret|dyes from Germany. Many rug|222 held its fortnightly meeting Dudley, Bloomington, Indians, [las Johns, Superintendent of Hills Downtown Oshawa THE FOOD SHOP, 42 Simcoe Street North ISUNSHINE REBEKAH LODGE holiday with their son and daugh The speaker at the Soroptimist viva 4 , {dale Manor. This will be of espe Rowan spoke of the revival of makers still prefer to dye the in the local lodge rooms with the ; {da a d p the ancient craft at the meeting| wool themselves, and the speaker| newly insialied officers Noble Moly hifthday, parties, wed-icial interest (0 the Oshaw of the Lyceum Club snd Wom-|said that her mother spent all|Grand, Sister Greta Drinkle and ng anniversaries, eoming and Boroptimisis as they have, since en's Art Association on Mon- summer making a range of dyes| vice grand, Sister Margaret Gray doy afternoon {to supply student rug makers. "'It| presiding j One of the oldest of man's|takes six different shades to Pro-| poiiowing the opening ceremon crafts, rug-making was saved! duce a good leal," she explained lies the 'minutes read by rec ord from extinction by the formation] Mrs, Rowan brought with her|ing secretary, Sister Victoria Ma of the Art and Craft Boclety in|several exquisite examples of Gee, indicated that Inside Guard England in 1688. At that timelher rugmaking. Her hushand,| Sister Clara Wickens and Outside mass production was slowly kill-\Mr Ted Rowan who accompan-|Guard Sister Arville BStephens| ing the hand-made arts and thelied her, showed colored slides of| were installed st the last meet-| society va formed » 2 chal: many more interesting designs, ing lenge to the Royal Academy noked by students al the studio y 5 Hooked rugs were first made hooked by stud H 0 near| Paring the - business session in Sweden, the speaker said. |Beamsville, Ontario They travelled to the north of England and thence with the emi grants to North America where of necessity they developed into a Jo Aldwinedkle, Women's Eater Dial BA 53-3474 OSHAWA AND AJAX {one proposition for membership Hesile Gesl p | was voted on and three were pro-| eside designs of Cana- posed for membership died overs there wore Comme: Some discussion took place re-| torie hefore the rugs are worn | BArding the Degree Salt and 1 p 8 J 4 J was decided to use present s home industry out; the birth of the Republic of| i Bo8 ¥ Nation! The early rug-makers collect Ghana and the conquest of Ev for the November Installation od sacks and bags for their back-| >" 4 4 to land invite another Degree Btaff| erest, There were also abstract| i" rooemher | ing and used hirchbark, sumach 4 t h need © and wild plants for their dyes designs to meet the ped of Sister Vstella Bims read the For thelr designs they used ob contemporary furnishing : | Auditor's financial report for the jects around them; the country The speaker was Introduced by | past term girls, birds and flowers, the city| Mrs W, J, Balter and thanked Appreciation to the Lodge for girls, designs from dishes or dra-|by Mrs, 8, V. Barlow who pre-| » ar of being Noble Grand. pery. Rug making. was also a|sided and welcomed members| EAR TEER 0 J by Sister Drinkle. popular pastime with sailors on|and visitors, [ | Thanks were also expressed hy| sailing ships, who worked pen Tea hostesses, assisting Mrs vice grand Sister Margaret Gray| You Can Get pants and nautical motifs into| Uriah Jones were Mrs, E. €. H, Tr. Past Noble Grand their patterns Jury, Mrs, R. L, Gray and Mrs, [""2 ©" 5 ' A 4 o Much Mor Better colors were available! R, A, Wallace; Sister May Skea thanked the v $ Md ore renee | 10dg€ for her jewel andl for being| 5 Noble Grand for the past term, | For Your Money KEEP IN TRIM Sister" Betty Taylor offered to "Ad When You Shop BRASSIERE installation meeting | } 4 at KAYF'S (Well known bra d) To 4 w n Dieter Loses 47 Pounds NOTED, SWIMMER | ld' hy With the Purchase of Esther Willlams, swimming 0 P » Di Pl star who has been busy ih movies| " and television, teaches swimming 3 4 n rotein et an to blind children twice a week Any Dress or Car Coat By IDA JEAN KAIN (fowl, tish or seafood (5 oz.) in Hollywood, What keeps you overweight?| 1 cooked vegetable Often it is the defeatist attifude| Relishes f nal i that you haven't the willpower to| Fruit fog dessert DRAPERIES » AAA \ carry through on a reducing pro-| Beverage, black " i \ SMALL DEPOSIT gram, Friends, if you will stop eo CUSTOM MADE concentrating on your lack of DINNER y » A ik | WILL HOLD willpower, and just go ahead on| Thin soup optional ¢ BY THE YARD A vy a we low calorie diet quite| Lean meat, liberal portion (8 to } y ANY ARTICLE for the finest selection In all 1 4 y \kely you will surprise yourself, |B oz, cooked weight) iid Foam oy Hon 7a [ A | 4 £7 J TILL XMAS Today's letter from an enthus.| 2 cooked vegetables, or 2 por-[§ gciinates jastic dieter will help to reduce ote of 1 vegetable Call RA 5.3144 your problem to "life-size," so to speak, It should serve to spark| Serving of coltage cheese, % new hope ' HOWARD up "Thank you for all the encour | Fruit for dessert aging articles on this terrific, but| Tea, coffee, or skimmed milk DRAPERIES Overweight p se the rewarding, Job of dieting! After|, "N®TW RIL Tnmen yup ig the, 926 SIMCOE STREET NORTH | years of struggling in vain to re-|gervings duce hy avoiding fattening foods, - -- -- I discovered the protein diet, It really did the trick for me, I've reduced from 180 down to 142 pounds A N B E G | N "1 feel so wonderful I want to share my joy. I want to stop and talk to every fat person I CAREER TRAINI meet even strangers on the sidewalk Keep up the daily morale biders AT ANY TIME 5.95 UMBRELLA CAN WORK MIRACLES The combination of enhtusiasm WITH THE PURCHASE OF and a well-planned, low calorie | diet ean work a miracle, What THE A WINTER COAT OR Suir does a "protein diet" consist of and why is this type of low-cal orle diet effective in reducing? AE Build each meal around a gener ous portion of a food which fur You ARE INVITED nishes complete protein, The chief is open all year and our method of Fr J iy TO OPEN A function of protein for the adult . ! BUDGET OR is to take care of the necessary individual instruction permits you 3 CHARGE vepair work of the body, Alse, Simao dy. metavelm. Pro 19 41a at any time yy ACCOUNT NOW go Sg, he cot PAIR OF HOSE blood sugar level and ward off 8 DAY-SCHOOL COURSES | WITH THE PURCHASE hunger. On low-calorie meals that Ba oH FROM WHICH TO CHOOSE | WE (CARRY A COMPLETE : OF 10.00 OR OVER protein aioe snd EVENING CLASSES) | LINE OF DRESSES. COATS grain and enrie cereals I [ ] Ze, rn wood TUESDAY and THURSDAY )| | J | a ony Jo SUITS AND SPORTSWEAR \\ Starts Thurs., Oct. 20th AREAKFASY CHOICE OF SUBJECTS Frult or fruit juice 1 egg. plus 1 egg-white (scram 5 bled int of double boiler k x F R ee Saye Yulee wr fo SPECIAL CLASSES FOR | OR ONE MONTH ONLY Rall of toa § HOUSEWIVES-SHIFT WORKERS id mike, TT --- TEEN-AGE TYPISTS ¥ ' ri sou LUNCHEON - S p 0 R T S || EA R ' LA D | E S W EA K z Moderate portion of lean meat Free Literature Available HOUSEHOLD HINT RA 5.5451 EIT L. {10 SINGOE STREET NORTH jis lac when they are clean, since HE Nic CY Sou. dine DIAL RA 5-3375 ® OPEN ALL DAY WEDNESDAY ® and rust will be prevented. \