14 THE OsmAwa TIS, | | | Hayride | Party Held KEDRON The Yousg Pes Pie's Sanday Scho dlacs eh perfect wests nde party at f nd Mrs, Wakter | Evy sented on bales of ba YOURE peste enjoyed a tractor rawn nde mong the Yoads.] They returned tn gather arownd! # large how 5 the back yard A lunch wis topped off w marshmallows rossted over coms, About 12 pepe # tended, togeih with their teach ers, Mrs, Hardid Werry and Mrs, RB 8 Bishop At this week's wth Brownie eienied 19) ymakers grned by Joan s and Carel 5 WETE pre to Janet Waddingion Trudy Hart, Cathy O'Connell and Sharon McKinnon. Secopd esr) Service stars were presented to Anne Bishop, Brenda danice Hl, Har and Margaret Maid 3 rird| Year stars were given te Joan Ogle, Rosemary Greer snd Dale Thomas BUS TRIP The Coup ub enjoyed a bus trip ough where they had a con tour tRrough the Leievision of Station CHEX, The 4 4 planned by Mrs, Stanley and Mrs Derek Barpett PERSONALS | Douglas Pascoe and Sid Tre vail have returned to Toronto to continue their studies a. Ryer son Institute Mis, Alar F DEW S00 m the | ing a few day y her parents Mr. and M Lee Weekend gus al the home of| Mr. and y were Bet Pascoe of MeCulloch Morrow of © i Mr, and Adam Hawley and thelr daughter Catherine spent Thank ng with Mr, and Mrs, Ross Lee A large crowd attended. the| Auction Sale of farm implement and household furnishings on the farm of M Harvey Crossman on Saturda I farm has heen purchased hy Mr. John Wilkinson of Oshawa, Mi Crossman will be moving s month to her new home ( switzer drive Mr, and Mrs, Foster Snowden have left on a motor trip to Edmonton, Alberta, wheres they will visit with thelr daughter Mrs, Jim Pengally and new grandsor Mr, and Mrs, Robert Dale en joved a motor trip through North ern Ontario 1} yeek travelling through Algonquin Park, and as far north as North Bay AT SAMAC Mr, Ted Maldman spent the weekend at Camp Bamae as an instructor in a course for Scout leaders from the Oshawa dis trict Mr, and Mrs, William Werry Donald, Dennis and Eldon visit ed at the home of Mr, and Mrs Orval Jackson of Lindsay Mr, and Mrs, Bill Sadler of Toronto were evening visitors with Mr, and Mrs, Everell| Mountjoy Mr. and Mrs. R. LI, Hancock, Mr. and Mrs. T. C, Smillie, To ronto, and Myr, and Mrs, M, Mof fatt of Oshawa were Friday din ner guests of Mr, and Mrs H, A. Werry Mrs, Derek Barnett, Mrs, Wil Ham Woodward, Mrs, Everett Mountjoy, Mrs. W, Reeves and Mrs, Ted Maldman are driving to Whithy each Tuesday night to attend a six ee) leadership training course in Sunday School work Mr, and Mrs, Lisle Nohle en tertained Mrs, 1, Noble and Fred Nohle of Bobeaygeon for Sunday dinner A hirthday party for Mrs George Maule of Oshawa was held at the Kedron tien Hall on Sunday. Eight ehildren including her voungest daughter Mrs, Ted Maldman, and 32 grand children were present to help cel ehrate the occasion HOLD SERVICE At the regular church service on Sunday morning Rev, Ronald Love preached the sermon, and special musie was provided hy| Mr, Walter Davis and Mrs. Ross Lee Following the church service A congre | meeting was held to a 0 he hoard's pro posal to purchase additional land for the church, A new lot with A00 feet frontage and 200 feet depth Immediately east and adja cent to the present church prop erty is to he hought from Mr, | Frank Lee. The new land will be! used for additional parking until it 1s needed for chureh expan sion SET TOP PLANE SPEED WASHINGTON (AP) --Alreraft designers agreed Friday that mach 42500 miles an how will became the maximum speed practical for airplanes, Space eraft may travel many times faster, but frictional heat will limit speeds of aiplanes operat ing within the earth's atmosphere to about four times the speed of sound, the Aerospace Industries Association said FORESIGHT VITAL MELBOURNE, Australia (Reutersi--A news agency must foresee news hreaks before they happen, the chairman of Reut ers. Jahn LL Rurges aid A | radio broad I Sunday n | | von \ HW Ak ahead] and AY mmunications he-| CAUSE & TOPO thoul means of get wy hack to head quart \ As 4 motor car without § ne ta run it} he said SCOTTISH DANCE The st \spey, a Sool tish H « 1 its name from LL \ y where H Was popular wn the 18th century! C lion-mile success : : : 1 It's here! The first car that combines fine car flair big car ride with small car handling ease. Trunk space with compact economy. The car that brings big car is family size, too -- over 28 cubic feet, ® And Comet ride to small car handling, The car that set all-time offers a choice of Thrift-Power 101 hp six-cylinder U.8. sales records in just seven months and went a billion miles to prove that it is the better compact car, And just look what it offers: ® The only compact with fine car styling, new value- packed Comet hag a spirited look from dual headlights to glamourous rear deck. Interiors are luxurious, The profile } engine --or standard 85 hp Bix, Both peppy engines -- : with either automatic or standard transmission operate on regular ges, Gives up to 88 mpg fuel economy, ® Choose a sedan or a station wagon in either two or four-door models, All are designed in fine Comet style with true Comet quality and value, has classic proportions. ® Comet is family size. See and drive the new Comet now, Then you'll 114-inch wheelbase -- longer than other compact really know why this billion-mile success cars provides comfort for six adults, You enjoy che better compact ear in Canada today. WARRANTED FOR AN UNPRECEDENTED 12,000 MILES the better compact car...tomorrow at your Mercury-Meteor-Comet dealer 1961 Comet four-door sedan; one of Ford of Canadl's fine cars , ., built in Canada, OR ONE FULL YEAR~-WHICHEVER COMES FIRST! Certain features illustrated or mentioned are standard on some models, optional at extra cost on others am BRAMLEY MOTOR SALES LTD. Are Ford 1271 SIMCOE N.- OSHAWA -- RA 3.4675 Experts - 1961 Comet Now On View COME IN TO-DAY