Mary Bignal Glen Hall Tops |------0r mw Quits Sport [NHL Goalie Poll [ox socczs soot LONDON (CF) -- Mary Bignsl| gy ROGER TETREAULY (end thoes ties fo six starts KONDON (AP) = A Win announced Tuesday Ber TEUTE| Canadian Press Salt Wriker Sowchu end sub goslie pry Rgds phd ment from intermationsl athictics| moo" og saying -- "A hockey Basson hove allowed 19 gosls, vis Jouning 8 lion any more, ruse We 00 eum" suecess deptnds on Haile, Shiribost averse in SII (§198,108) soccer oot lie!' is onl ruth ia WHL, | ' The sunouncement came Wo ny oun Y tional Hockey The Wings have scored win, . ! 4 E id Gi " |days after Britain's foremost League season \gosls, second-best output to - ye Dv ny mw ad [woman athlete best the World| Ciiceg, Black Hewks, Detroit Conediens. gong To auis i {record-holder in the rod WD Red Wings end New York Bent woRK TOGETHER we'll have 8 stylish mer id wat huey | Bged by fhe he ers an be considered C5 New York Rangers snd riage," ' "ito the saying. But Montresl Can ' goslie Lorne (Gump) Won His girl friend, Elwine metre hurdles in 8 track meet 8 sqicnc Bosum Bruins snd Tor: : East Berlin onto Maple Leafs haven't com hare bist working hand Wn hod Foxe works in a laundry, Miss Bignal, ranked by some mitted themselves yet Rengers were in second Grant, 46, emigrated observers as the pretiiest eom-| Lael season, the teams and wi " to Britain lest yesr petitor in the Olympic Gamesitheir respective goslkeepers-- il 159 wim, 20g nd os 1s months 880 Ho oud thus last month, was not among the with the excepiion of Glen Hell pine goals, Bm, most successtul, falling to reach snd Toronto goalies Johany Bo Worsley wes third a " the finals in the broad Jump end wer and Bd Chadwic--finished ers, behind Glen ed Among foul finishing fourth in the hurdles. lin the same order diens' Jacques Plonte, BROKE ENGAGEMENT Hall was second but the Hawks Lately, Worsley's average has Sie ollered Hbis. Bui finished third while Toronto 10 dropped considerably end the he otiered no Abs, 0 ished second in the league stand team is hegioning to slip, He said that she wants her private joo ond Bower was third, (Was bombarded with eight moss] life to be her own again ! nM al Saturdey snd iid 86 average, Last August she broke a two- HALL ON TOP | more by Toronto players Sunday, Montreal is riding bot with! year engagement with Thiti Bu. This yeer, Hall le the gosl-|™ ge," 8 ee 8 [the league lesaeraip a vip rekamkovit, a wealthy young Si-| keeping sensation of the league to replace Worsley with Ens are well wp the g smese for whose sake she gave In five games he has allowed CoC tl "rio Tao tor to. M8: up an athletics scholarship at ay seven goals for an BVETREE| | oht's game, schol that forbade its students ™ 140 having boy friends The team is one point benind the defending champion Cana In Rome she struck up a much: dione but has two games in hand, publicized friendship with ef The team's onl output 1s With Montresi, Boston and Tor : Kemerbreek, decathlon champion jourth highest in the league, But onto, the teams and thelr Bonl- igen, but his front lee fesm of The Netherlands, and the two yith Hall's sparkling record, it is Keepers are going along thelr| cies have scored only 12 gosls, were members of a team (hat good enough to put the Hawks in) ?"" WoY lowest total In the league, . toured Nigeria two weeks ago top contention for the lead PLANTE OFF FORM | Toronto's Johomy Bower, whe SOFTBALL LEAGUE CHAMPIONS FOR 1960 SEASON In Berlin, Miss Bignal sald she "Terry Sawehuk and the Red, Jacques Plante, five times win- helped the Leafs eonsiderably UAW nd Kamerbeek have patie " Wings seem to he the best fol-iner bi the nr a trophy It i they finished second last J ; 1 9% ( cp ann | "Cal" George | Sandra Melntyre, Stan West. | I mow film stars revel in the lowers of the saying awarded to the goalkeeper with season, has also heen let down Kent's Western ; Tire, 1060 Seorehenmer Boy, Yansemater, Don wal pikres, O Irge ry Ydvard LA Johns and |€1are of publicity bul that Is part! Both are in third place, The the team that has the best goals by his teammates in early games ehamplons of the UAWA Local | (50 TL rong, George | Shearer; (front row) Manager | sponsor John Keni, (Absent, (Of thelr Job," she said Tuesday, Wings have coe win, two losses against average--is far down the! this season, a2 Bofthall League, are shown | woorey snd Bob Goodall Grant Melntyre, Don Cochrane, | Jack Sneddon and "Stn" Mal- | - " A above, Left to right (back row) | (centre row) Alex Anderson, | coach Pete Stevenson, mascot | loy.) ili Anne Heggtveit B.C. Lions | Soccer Players MAKES FOOTBALL | : REAL SCIENC Puts Blame On Have Plan Are On List EASTON, Pa. (AP)~Win- | LONDON (AP) A list of 20) ning foothsll games, says |}! " T0 Canada Parents! |soceer players was drawn up| Lafayeite's Wall Doleschal, H | Oth Tuesday to he handed over fo} is simply a geometric propo- || Scotland Yard in a report on al sition | ¢ LONDON, Ont, (CP)--Olympie e p ers leged bribing and fixing of Eng The Czechoslovakian - horn |i shller Anne Hepgtvelt Tuesday lsh league matches | engineering student puts If k placed squarely on Canada's par VANCOUVER (CP) British Leaders of the Pootball Asso tiie wa a ents the responsibility for im. Columbia Lions said Tuesday ciation and the English Foothall "In three dimensions, if il proving the country's perform. Ney Nave proposed a plan to help League conferred on report com-| "ut vertical. and I D weaker teams in the Western In- fessions by some star players) **V 5 ' I ; ance in international sports parallel ling with the tra gg { 1 & PA cl f y 30 Miss Heggtveit, winner of Ca permitting bottom - placed clubs £500 ($1,400) to throw games " wy " i fying ohest, g ou score, Espe ; ada's first gold medal in Olym- to draw on surplus talent from! The next move in the scandal] YY BEOI pecially b ple skiing, told reporters; "This stronger team that has rocked British soccer| Hel Me goal posts ond (i f [] 1 n » 2 y' ( W i) will 0 ( 7 Ie onject a nha I country's lack of Internation A club spokesman sald the!Will be up to the government | f evs., mo | 0s, Cu | eompetitors ean be traced bach plan has been well received hb director of public prosecutions, | Doleschal of Guttenberg, to the family WIFI y 4 { | N.J., should know of what he delegate who met in Cal The decision by soccer official | ' H "I started skiing when 1 was gary Sunday to turn their evidence over to the| Epeak: ae Wells i A row Are Sellin But Fa wo years old," ghe sald, "Ever _ law was, interpreted as a bid to| Dow he has split the two ver. (Ji : "ae thd d vo The plan would have each team ticle and parallel lines with champion 1 know started skiin restore public confidence before | at a very early age and all had allowed to protect 25 players permanent harm is done to Brit-| the flying object i \} oy 4 from its 85-man roster at the end In Br | p hal i the encouragement of thelr par of the season. The remaining 1080'S national game In plain English, Dolescha 0 e ) aining I ents, I think that encouragement Name of the 20 players have| kicked field goals in each of ould be placed at the disposal is most important." I the lal place team, which not been disclosed, bul some| Lafayetie"s last two games il She warned, however, that par:| 14 plek 4 yh from each SUATE already have admitted be-| for the winning points I p Best "OK" Used Cars Ever! could pick up ro wih I ents should not push thelr child: per (0am giving the club eight ne involved lb layer | el ven Into a sport such as skiing plavers for the following season ri ih soccer players a Mo | HELPFUL ADVICE "Pushing them only makes, The plan will be presented to paid the same salary $67 a : | wee th | rebel, and defeats the Pur (he annual meeting of the Canas| "eek pose dign Foothall League next Feb erprovineial Foolball Union by|that they accepted bribes up to) NOTTINGHAM, England (CP) |}! |A group of business and profes- |} [sional men here are starting a (templating suicide | ---------- = ™ |ruary | [3 'Telephone Samaritan" service HOLDS SLIM LEAD Blinky Palermo to help and advise persons con- || | . into the final days of the 1060 jo na J porary custodian of Frankie WIFU season with a slim lead inf SOCCER SCORES YHILADELIHLA (AW) Fam wl RAAAMAEI I Ri OLDSMOBILE 88 Bi Did KO tub swalgia conier. | (Blinky) Palermo, boxing man [Carbo 1s serving a two-year jall| 4-door sedon redie Dyneflow 4 DOOR SEDAN Sparkling Ivory, AUSTIN SPRITE re Ei 2595.00 { ] mee scoring titles, Gerry James A | oe scoring " LONDON (Reuters) Results ager accused of underworld con tsentence, Carbo was convicted of | 24008 v0 nne 875.00 Equipped ...... Sport Convertible, Radio, of Winnipeg Blue Bombers, who oh egal operations In boxing eater, ers have single games remain. Manchester Clty 8 Stockport The subcommittee alleges that him out was fixed, Palermo was ll Baie ane Parken OLD COUNTRY Is Subpoenae -- | 1956 1959 | | committee Investigating boxing, |about this and about testimony | Parker, meanwhile, has scored Doncaster Rovers 3 Stoke City 1| Previously subpoenaed was by Jae LaMotta, former Middle. Swansea Town 1 Blackburn Rov-|James D, Norris of New York, welght boxing champion, that the | If only one touchdown in four mes . ion, tha games and has seen his lead nar ers 2 | former president of the Interna-|1047 Madison Square Garden| I rowed to twe points, Both play. Northampton Town 1 Wrexham 1/tlonal Boxing Club fight in which Billy Fox knocked | won the scoring trophy in 1067, 0f Monday night's soccer Samos: igoticte was subpoenaed ing County 0 alermo has been named tem: Fox's manager at the time, SPORTS CAR SPECIAL iid . I has scored 89 points in his last Foothall League Cup day by a Senate antitrust sub Palermo 18 to be questioned | ------ . 1953 1953 $1 i | H three games and now has 99 Second Round COUPE DE VILLE, Loaded with Cadillac extras -- 895.00 3 POOR Seba i 395.00 very clean : 1955 1953 CHEVROLET PONTIAC 1954 2 DOOR speci AL 695.00 DELUXE 2 DOOR New paint job OLDSMOBILE 88 Redied to -- 2 DOOR HARDTOP radi radio 2 tone ote, 495.00 EER) by Gledhill of England od - f : 7 | Get ready 1959 cotter | || for CHEVROLET fore | Gnidia | " WINTER | [Ton vasons 2195.00 wield [Il gf CHEVROLET WITH AN : ones HE : ll 1955 tht BEL AIR METEOR Your appearance will be at its distinguished best in i AROSR SIDAN 2dom. 675 00 L) @ Moordale coat, Featured in the new and exciting . I $2485 : | EERE Ea Porest Tones, The ultimate In luxury coats, y Executive Driven 1958 J YALORED EXCLUSIVELY BY | if Ii USED VAUXHALL VICTOR Prosness Brann Ciotnes |! CAR SUPER SEDAN Rea Velue in yond | driving tates 995.00 ~a Ii Your Guarantee of Satisfaction J "The House of Style ||| ruses Il ONTARIO MOTOR SALES LTD 74 SIMCOE ST. NORTH ||| " MEN'S WEAR LTD. RA 3.3611 | 140 BOND ST. WEST . OSHAWA An ETE =: 3 Ss --~ FEATURING