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The Oshawa Times, 19 Oct 1960, p. 1

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WEATHER REPORT Cloudy with scattered showers tonight and ender vonignt, THOUGHT FOR TODAY When sccompenied by temple Bon, opportumity ne me Limes Thursday, much WEE Many Ther ORR, dimes TWENTY. SIX PAGES U.S. PRESSURE She Oshawa VOL 8900 242 HU IR OT 0 9 Ahr vad oe Seong Class Mea vw Bor PS Fost ffs OT nian Cards Far BOHAWA, ONTARIO, Y WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER i9, 1960 Prisoners Get More Privileges - -- Ee ------ Be KINGSTON (CP) Prisoners FEEEWER E¥IFR TREFESIIM ng end mpiiing priv what Justice M G SETINES RS BR TEresl pew EVEM I the history of our country," Mr, Fulton aano hangers OnE £6 GiaR . PERUERLIARY WAIGERS seid the move is # "new ve" penal policy, The PRTLIRER ef from lL pre gh (47 rence FRE LIE compieie it but nk ant of Ho VIC TIM OF CRAZED NEIGHBOR Ambulance atic isters to Mrs hang, fats bow in A today Elardo, whe Annual 0 LE TIERS LIMIT irms Debate ees ihe nmates yinimu Wily prison np Sees Positions Firm A, he ie WTED RATIO ™ i Arimame we and send ean government thie afford. Forme paid mail nate OMMITTES arges for al four letters & mo Recreation i inned | he i 8 Iwi ni little a West June ha arman The 9-natl tee agreed top priavity Russia lea the United Blales glier Pakisian Premier Khrush elear the Boviet pe when he ca Assembl immediate Wet ament and demanded § be linked with & revamj 5 secretarial and WANT CONTROY, The United States, Italy Britain countered with a eall hope § In teday off d r { & neu) I0-nation er ding mmi last June after members from cow walked out 1 hon How: would he to ad estion the ol oh ap Tube Control v Urged By Canada, He the go Hed on work ef ane more and co COL, RB, MeLAUGHLIN sis Support «+ Of Chest consid industry to Rive ammenda pro urged the ernment is re soon on tariff hoard Canada wants OTTAWA Japan to en Fleming Teamsters REE Break Away [= £7 I a rapid and aci Li) f on the Hems as a cP) nirol immedialely ex of radin and tions 15i0n tube al of | Finance Minister said knitled goods, narrow ace ind embrolderis WM etur and manufactu he ernment of the 1 i Campaign members of Local International Broth of Teamsters voled Tuesda thi oR members of the Genel to Break away from he | b Fan and ky Vaded Ihe following letiey N h i ! Heit ed to "my fellow 3 have alsa m | mher of theigal Rj, 8, Melaughlin the THE 8 : bid BEY YA number of AlN b community-minded group of Os (awa people gol together {elded something had ahout the m Oshawa of the eurvent renee In mnt on ember the local { ( i 4 inl ville and Otta $ to hreak away fro hased ster logals Kenneth MaeDou of Local 088, said that e Osha nthe } WM VEArR in the cour an addr that the fed laeal and set up new h he hinted ernment also tn he doy -Whith meet here were I many individual ecampalgns fe | fund and mueh duplieatic of effort that Oshaw he of the first Canadi to ¢ vhich eut compet vellare services Arthritis Study Unit Announced ITO (CP) peclal | pommunities nd munity Chest stim: all effort to intrie i placed ¢ ton involved in the Bo It wa hte AT00-membe He also 11 agents of 1 fram & Oshawa conte under a CHMG One TORO thi IVE one annual apne all | paverin participating age Ly ele the Oshaw Camimunity Chest Campaign he thullt up an enviahle ! 1a int I of 1 ; A f the good people of MY i | ] : 185101 rh Nn the Ua Mhroaugh the ( { 151 fi H Boi A wa : oe the idea was first eo He h BERL HL H.W { " pa \ ed, it ean be seen ne ¢ nfo y are proud of our of name he "Over the years repulatie aur eit anpalgn's resul 1961 drive for noand I know ye Early December Seen [Hkh Rail Strike to the | lon of twa vg OTTAWA { A'S | AlF Walid leave a Deadline {iii funds ge wort Multiy Ushaw a Children The One SHaTe chance far CAMPALENR S108 15 Gly to pre For All } i doo down gover the Y'Sineerely "R. 8 VOUrs, Me Laughlin" ik Crurflian DERMAL GTIES are to and HIHINENA ow is address eitigens' hy = China Veto eammunity and that we far Re 5. 0F three hows of sports, erafis end holies "to help them live & normal We" Mr. Fulton said, He seid the situption in which "RB prisoner stays in his cell from #7 p.m. 10 6 am, leads to an "un naturel Jie" and unnetirel ; Rmi@rs Grepter segregation of first of- renders from hatwiugl oflenders and parestics pagicls, and BR Rew system for selection of nmeies for the experimen minimum CLNrty es an "od ENTENCE MUST Fi¥ T. George Bireet, chairman of the federal parole hoard, said the sentence m fit the eriminal old he sentenced sonality and not hy ihe offence, he said 4 [or more mn IINSEENTILY IB farm f where re punishment, 1s GI ENIMEnts Bre it FisOoner ie penal mimissioner of comed the gov € Bpproach ounced the ap Johnstone enitentiaries i 4 Valter 1 of gZston 4 f post in the director of penis sueeesson nent of justice sining for Canada's niiary service 4] us heen named for him in King mail ston Big Family Homeless Riter Fire family of 10 was left home a today afier a five broke oul in the home of Harry Donkers on Bhoal Point road, Pickering township Shortly hefore 8 a.m, the fire was seen hy Chief Constable R Parker, of Plekering dg owhahip, {whe was out pheasant hunting in the fields north of the house with our companions, i The om van to help Mrs, Don:| 0 kes, whe was al home with two of the ehildien, The remaining six were at school, Mr, Donkers| pl is expected hack tomorrow from a trip to Holland The Pickering Vire Brigade was called and the five hunters ear ried the furniture oul of (he house, Part of the hriek siding and eaves were burned before the fire was pul oul fhe house is owned hy Mrs Blanley Mann, of Pickering Reach, who has sald that the damage will he repaired as soon as possible The mother and ehildren will he sheltered tonight in homes in the through arrange ments made hy Mrs, Mann a eammunity a he| re ol sa 0 al ni among people bso By Nixon ih al n | ACH, Fla Nixon say the Counell | Lg (Cp 8 that as power MIAMI RF a Vice-President 1s president he would use of the Security v. tn block Communist China's ens {8/{py into the United Nations, uns Ur N-iless Red China first "purges itself] gy if its offences against world law fd the principles of velo in ts hehavior,' tre Republican candidate for|ih in a whirlwind 12-hour " he president tour of Florida 1® aphower administration will take de very promptly the strongest pos sible economic measure to 0oun ol ely thy soonomic bhanditry" of in ML uh A's "Fidel Castro al Hecause of Communist pene tration, the Castro regime now has exposed {itself within the stern hemisphere as an intel erahle cancer Nixon told 10,000 delegates at the convention here € 000 nanop \ back ir deman 0 ERY ne for the fede 1 : hen nt em # ¥ A ' ' € 105g badiols 3 SURSIDIES STUDIED Al Toronto Monday, he told re that we quare deal OTTAWA on the hasis for d Ament subst of the Columbia River's hyd announced Noles adian governmen iid the Progress Wi mmered ¢ this A union (CPA ada Hove ¥ ANsSwe was today a ! Trying To Isolate Toronto Virus FORONTO (CP A tea i department of ¢ 5 INTIMIDATION iW ' 0 spate a 8 lead ¥ : Taranto res SAYS CITY EMERGENCY | PHONE NUMBERS POLICE RA 5.1133 FIRE DEPT. RA HOSPITAL RA 3-2211 0 10k oF RoE rote i a napus | vpe virg ents 1 Six Bandits Hold Up KINGSEY, Que. (OP) CNR ir A A374 ¢ hip between the 4 : Ant escaped. W ¥ Woney Had been taken, § anada and the afting a treaty far eo-operative development altitude "Canada, U.S, Agree On River Plan . | de m re i United States have agreed control potential, it US PRAMERIS ac a " un earlier mand flood exchanged hy the respective gave oHations bes Wt In ne Ith fe ma went LA Vi reparisd toda A We i said CNR Train Six oF Mas W leh Owen fortably in hospital visited hy who had heen hiried alive in the collapse of an underground September Drop In Unemployment OTTAWA ment in Canada dropped moder ately tember (0 a 7,000 hut All pos the First higher " Promised Employed civilized amploy ment also sald the Eis [pel tatistic Agriculture ly (TH Ei Ea Ea, ¢e LATE NEWS FLASHES | J. M imited of Y¥ fred undreds of jal PUT ON CASTRO f Can isi f cept for Lil atm J iS a major 15sue | soo KI WNE DY'S CHARGE presidential nominee, has re: vised peater aeensed Lhe tion 1 | earlier hat { {to Castro BURIED ALIVE Robertson, 7, of showed ahove frond As Kyle . i Roherison started digging, The | Ont.,. vests com lad had started to turn black Whey freed and had stopped breathing, Barth was removed from his mouth and he hegan breathing again op Wirephata) Norman Bound, is father who rescued the hoy lay hut, Only. his. S00 knees A -- Unemploy-| their johs for new-model produc tion The new johless measure whieh adds those "without work] and seeking work" to workers on temporary layoff up fo 80 days, placed 1 per cent of the Septem her labor foree In the ranks of the unemployed, This compares with 5.4 per cent In August and 4.6 per cent in Beptemher Against this national average, the unemployment rate wa higher in the Altantie, Quebes and Pacifie regions, but consid erably lower in the Ontario and Prairie regions, the report sald MAIN FEATURES I'he labor department, in it analysis of the hige an's figures iald the return of students to school and the completion of a large part of Canada's big hav vest were -the main. features August-September labor trends The result was a large decrease in the size of the labor foree, a somewhat smaller drop In em ployment and a moderate deeline in unemployment, (CP) = August and Bep mid-month total of still higher than eptember in the the government helween Was y previous si WAP YEUPs, ported today Using Canada's il unemployment time, the labor force new and offi standard for government was 164,000 A year earlier, em #1,000 higher and employment was 102,000 higher drop of 25,000 of work and mid-August id the than yment was WHS A Hout wark" from mid-Beptember he picture in timates in thou There brief, with the ands Sept, Aug, Sept 1060 1060 1059 f,474 6,623 6,201 6,147 6,271 6,066 wemployed 327 868 285 TEND REVERSED The drop in the September un total reverses . A nd of unemployment in @ previous twa months, The government vepart--a joint lease from the federal labor partment and the bureau of sald most of the de ine in unemployment took place Ontario, partly as a result of itamabile workers going baek to | whor force rising 'Confused' LONDON, Ont (CP) Canada's toward agriculture was| sorihed today as "a confused | ixture of political expediency, gional iealousies and power pol. 0s." Appleton, vice-president the Quaker Oats Campany Peterborough, made! ement at a one-day oon on water availability and e § rence pollution He § anadian food produes mn he future must be di] ted to areas where rain adequate and where in production is possible, nereased praduetion was ble in most of the semi Western Canada sald the farmlands of East i be called upon: Wadswarth, right and mare of the Valerian in Ygoverament night, confer at ey must gear fself for this N 3 They ange," agreement to hose eased ws of US, Ambassador James J and Russia' second the 1 nada wow WRPplY made pul den promised early action cated he 1950 cluding drought, excessive rain "event of | bagen Growe Exports, Ships Now Restricted WASHINGTON (AP The Kiser ¥ admin ation arie Mig i on Ameri Way 10 thé 0 low not he ¢ dropped lo a Many Americans have for goods sent to ( with Cubs However aAepariment (jhe othicial ports Lo needed to getting produced U8 that pa ha ¢ Aealings authorities here embarge ps wl prevent Castro eomimeities Fhe WRRnEd Bl ex THNET CE Cuba €3 certain med; fond hsidy Lhe mm made medicines 4 from 1 supplies and 8 kout feder vial anes! Oo Lemp businessmen i» ems | nervy p wWoina not from Cul which BUERF Nas y m strategie REFICAR-OWREd ships 10 g and mach red or ehartered to esirict INtErEsLS 4 ply to UB, I the most imporatnt of tahaeen now f astro boiled up|" of in the presiden Fhe al campaign not he without the 2eney's ports I'he on acted as de Viale Hed-Ainged Hn Cuba's Fidel ( approval administra that Aver Lhe regime Cul Washington action taken in concert with nation, although the oll {mem of the Organizall American Blales were The OAS des all Latin Amer nations plus the Uniled Yixon proposed of Castro, informants pronagmy nave Lo involye action hy the OAS Wo | other Ww Kenned Lie moey ali heing membership mstra ton little concern uation. His Re Vice Pre ard M on, Tuesdi and Ina adn over the Cuban ANAYEN! Can Hieh appanent san still further the Caslr wold take irin nment elected HAVANA (AP tom of all re ented Laeir ing the Ameri-|1 the ion in Miami, Fla |U.B, economie department had| Fidel Castro's imposed a requirement] Washinglon's embargn on advance approval he ob- most all U.8, exporis te Cul ained hefore. Americans shipped] expected to be announced tod: trucks or jeeps to Ciba may also result In a formal ( e UU.B, sleps are a follow-upihan demand that the Unit seizures of American! States ahandon its huge Gus property and the Cuban swing to | tanamn_ naval hase in ward communism {most Cuba, Castro may ¢ UB, exports to Cuba already' hreak off diplomatic relations to ham The confise andidales pre in Cuba is eon in speeches to follow imposition of Measures cammeres regime HSE Cas furth maining U8, hol dered ceria Again point LH Faw | from ne i, n io ke ip w i, is on iid any ne iid or Ar d n v il als iy iY, iis od ile ease. ven Consumers Asked To Insure Crops TORONTO The Ontario Farmers' farm efficiency Is passed on toisurance and sald (CP)= the consumers should help hear theof the premiums for losses of severe crap damage, growers, Hill, union president,| The marketing hoard's br Ontario legislature's se sald that during a five-year p leet committee on crop insurance] iod hall damage to tobacen ere Tuesday the entire administration] totalled $5,000,000, coils of a crop Insurance seheme|elaims totalling $1,000,000 hould he horne hy federal and] There is no insurance provincial governments as welll [for blight damage or a8 B0 per cent of premium Costs caused hy floods, insects a The union hrief sald hoth gov:|warms, the brief safd ernments should establish a fund I'he eommitiee loft to. counter exceptionally heavy night for Lansing, Mich, and losses when the premium fund 18] tour of the hean-growing distri exhausted On Oct, 26 and 27 it will vi The would | Tillsonburg and Ridgetown ii 'Hamilton Port Strike Ended Gordon told the writ proposed insurance all crops and all risks, in fall, hail, wind, insects, fros heat, earthquake and wildlife Other farmers' groups did not! give the union solid suppory on its proposal, The Ontario Fruit and Yeietabla Growers' Associa HAMILTON (QP)--Warehoi tion sted a crop ARSurancel workan of the eheme In the farm of low-inter (1 an wemen's A est loans or Suis sociation severe damage qd rie harbor's largest terminal A federal conciliation officer Marketing Board (te attempt to bring settlement private insurance com: 8 Day hetwoen th which underwrite hail in. (Men Hamilton hart surance, Board chairman Stanleyjeomm Smith sald companies take ad Fhe warehousemen, newly vantage of the situation and set|sanized hy the ILA, walked ¢ rates for hall insurance as high|/Tuesday and their strike left as the traffic ean bear, other longshoremen idle CRITICIZES COMPANIE The Ontario FlueCured To dispute and the ners eritielzed panies At nembe ime ext to I wesh deadlock on asslan interpreter, Despite { He urged the committee to rees Union says increased onyumend lower costs of erop ine Ontarla consumers as savings and the government should pay a portion tobacco lef ars iy with estimated on damage nd Tuesday a ot, sit 150 International rants to farmers in tymed to work today after a ones that tied up Hamilton iE] of i wa ars Wik 100 AP ; W were ta i

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