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The Oshawa Times, 19 Oct 1960, p. 22

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22 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednssdey, Oetoher 19, 1960 Coll The Direct Clossified Number RA 3-3492 THE OSHAWA TIMES WANT ADS OFFICE HOURS BAM. 105 P.M, MONDAY to FRIDAY SATURDAY 8 70 12 1---Accountants WE DEWAR and Co, Accountants and Auditors, Cedar Glen Bldg, 1} On tario Mrest, Oshaws, Ontere RA 8222) YALE, FPEIEDLANDER, UNTER and | "Ca, Accountants and auditors, Licensed Trustee in Baskrapley, Kast, Oshaws; B. LL. Yale, CA; ¥riediander, » Comm CPA 8% BOPKING and Company, Corti. | fied Public Accountants, 172 King Street Basi, Oshawa, Ontario. BA ada ' BOB CLANCY'S Optaris Accounting | Services offer com services for small business. 184 Bond | Street West, oom 1. Office BA 399 / Residence, RA 37605 Ww BUIZINGH, neeradited pune! ceountant and auditor, 51 King Street Vast or KA 84761 MONTEITH, MONTEVIN, RIEHL, and Co, Chartered Accountants, BA 33577. 135 Himeoe Street North ; Alex WH] 200%) | RONALD ¥. D. WILSON, Cheriered Acasuntant, Oshawa, Ontario, KA 372) 2--Barristers FPHREYS, Boyehyn and Hillman, | solicitors; HW, Hum G. 5, Boyehyn, BA; W ot , LLB, 38 King Street East | Phones: Office, BA 51177," Res, RAJ 54606 or Whithy, MO 82761; RA 59200, | | Money 10 loan JONN A, CAMERON. barnister, soled | tor and Notary Public. 18: King Street East, RA & ana private | mortgages arranged i RALPH JONES, BA, and Thomas HW. Greer, Associate Barristers and Soli oitors, 130 King Street East, RA 86246 Mortgage loans available DONALD BLAKE DODDS and Solicitor, 26% King Street SIFIED AD RATES | 2 CLAS 5 $ words Cas or loss Cnarge CMECITIVE ALERT ONS © COMECUTIVE IMGERT IONS : W not paic within 7 gays Whe Charge role will apply Above rates apply only 16 61igInel orders for consecutive insertions Subsequent insertions ordered of 6 later do18 constitutes @ new origing eninge daily oer Oo ctessionat ong Business $7.50 per month tor 3 lines Each edamionsl bine $1 00 month Each initial letter. abbreviation, $ and © gn, figure, counts os © word. Box chgrge |5¢c additional Al Clostified Advertisements MUST be in by 6 pm, the « fore publication, Office ho 85, Soturday 8-12 REGULATION Ser The Oshawe Times i not be for srrers in gavertise ments submitted otherwise than wn writing, nor for more thon one incorrect insertion of any odver- tisement, nor beyond ihe price charged for © single insertion of the advertisement in which error occurs, And also reserve the right to classify eavertising according 10 its own classification in the cose of di ments The Times will responsible for more space than that in which the actual error occupies. The publishers endeavour 16 reproduce oll advertis correctly but assume L if ony inaccuracies of advertisement therein, sng play savertise not be held n are any contained Barrister Fast, Resi 13--Gardening & Supplies ANY wine of Work By expert, | reasonabir rater RA BASU MANURE -- good rotten rich manure. | inspect before you buy. Phone RA did . | 32--Articles Wanted (ORGANS wanted Bate size "and on idition, Bo~ 117, The Oshawa Times WANTED ne racaust, in good 5 a, NEW BUSINESS TELEPHONE LISTINGS - lady's Dadminton | | condition. Phone BA i CEDAR trees tor to lve. Any Wie done. Free estimates. MA PATIO, FLAG AND ROCKERY STONE STONE PLANTERS TOP SOIL AND SOD SUPPLY AND LAY OSHAWA GARDEN SERVICE RA 3-3222 The home of Quality Dutch BULBS Van Belle Gardens East on No. 2, MA 3.5757 Bowmanville Open Evenings 10c and up 8c and up Hardy Privet Chinese Elm "hedge Deflvered, wi planting (WH "pay " io $29 Sor [ anadian silver! dollars 1998, ol, '4; SECRETARIAL OVERLOAD i po tere Coe Chuo" DI A SERVICES Specializing in Typing, Short- hand, Dictaphone, Bookkeep- ing, Direct Mailing, 'Mimeo- graphing, For fast, accurote office assistance, Phone MO 8-818) 22--Radio Repairs SERVICE WHEN YOU WANT IT -- DAY OR NIGHT! TV. and RADIO CALL RA 8-5286 All Work Guerenteed OSHAWA ELECTRONICS TELEVISION TRY OUR BAR-B-QUED CHICKEN Chicken plate, half chicken with french fries, fish ond chips, homburgs, hot dogs, milk shakes MODERN GRILL WE DELIVER--RA 5-3B87 [reasonabie, Phone CO 3. WANTED saxsphone lenor, condition. Call RA 54929 bbs FC -------------- CEDARDALE SCRAP IRON METAL LTD IRONS -- METALS PAPERS -- RAGS OPEN SATURDAYS ALL DAY RA 5-3432 FREE PICK-UP RESIDENCE -- RA 5-4159 100 ANNIS STREET SHAW AUTO WRECKING CO, ' | : { 17--Money To Loon (we WAVE clients' monies avaliabie for loans on first and second MONgages and also purchase of mortgages and agreements of sale, Lowis 5, Hyman, QC, 77 King Street East, Oshaws, RA | 3404, ol CLIENTS money to , 10am on y first mort gage, Mortgage and agreement of sale purchased, NHA morigage Arranged Cra snton, Fraser, Drynsn and Mur doch FIRST and second mortgage agreements purchased and sold Trees, Shrubs, Roses, Ever- qreens VERSLUIS LANDSCAPING RA 5-9642 OWEN BROTHERS CO. LTD. TREE EXPERTS We specialize in tree prun- 'Telephone: Business RA 32201 dence, RA 8.5373 MANNING ¥ Solicitor, Notary. ol SWARTZ, Barrister! 8. ildi Trades Money to loan, Asso | Building ciate, Bruce V. Mackey, BA, MENDY |g sqygpROOFING special) Block, 20 King Street Kast, RAIA TERE ON ent 34607, Residence, Bia] RA 34029 [1255 Bowmanville JOSEPH P, MANGAN QC, barrist or solicitor, Money to lown, Office 14s teratoma King Street East, Oshawa, RA AA2Y [os ' Residence, RA 53405 Call BA 6-884) GREER, Murphy and MacDonald, Bar| BULLDOZING and excavating risters, Solicitors and Notaries Public! MO 85612 Free estimate 6 King Street East, RA 54717, Russell] | Brothers 2% Hilleourt Drive J. Murphy and James A. MacDonald, tor Types of EAYDeniry, concrete 2, T. SALMENS, BA, barrister, solicl: | ehimney work, Terms arranged tar, ete, 13% Mimeoe Breet North, estimates, Phone RA 8.526 Office HA REA Residence RA 55042.) By LLDOZING and BOWMAN, DAVIDL,, Brrister, Solicl-| MO 8-36) Frae estimate tor, 3% Bimeoe South. RA 5.0502, Rew. | Brothers, 26 Hilicourt Drive dence, RA 80264 HARDWOOD floors supplied MeGIBBON and BANTEDO, Barristers, finished, Old floors resurfaced Soligitors, Clients' funds avallanla nl |WH 2.0604 first mortgages, 20 Simcoe Kireet North, |g uyergyy ol A 5.3066 MeGibhon, QC] tings, fixtures, new and Edgar ¥ , ing from septic tank. to CREIGHTON, FRASER, DRYNAN and |cialty. Installations al reasonable MURDOCH, Barristers, Solicitors, No. | Information and estimates free on an tary Public, Bank of Commerce Bldg, type of plumbing, Dial HA 54241. J 8 Simcoe Street North, RA 3.3466; T, K olay Creighton, QC; N, €, Fraser, QC; G, K, Drynan GL. Murdoch, NHA mort gages arranged | THOMAS M, RUNDLE, aitor and Notary Public Street East, Phone RA 81763 GREER and Kelly, Barristers, Solio ete, 7% Bimeoe Street South, | RA 32278, Residence phones, : Greer, BA, Sc. RA 53308; Ter ence V, Kelly, PA, BCL, RA 5:58) Writs framing epi ru Free Van Whith Din 0 excavating Fay Whithy and heating DODD & SOUTER PAINT WALLPAPER PAINTING & DECORATING CONTRACTORS For Free Estimates coll DAYS MO 8.5231 EVENINGS RA 5.7426 107 Byron Whitby bureister, soli: | 28% King| S--Nursing Services 6 SOUTH MAVEN Nursing Home, New| ---- sastle, Ontario. Private and semipri-| 1 J--Business Opportunities vate accommodation now available for up or hed patients. Reasopable rates, |MOTELS, New building, TV. lounge, organ, eto, ($10,000 down Please phone Newcastle 4441, Visitors William North welcome at anytime i nings, FA 46 |NERVICE station pumping 100,000 gal 6--Optomet garage, lunch room, seven room home on large paved lot, onl 25,000 down RICHARD BLACK, Dr. of Optom: |Sirassburger Realty, 35 William the exmination of eyes, contiet|North Lindsay, RA 46371 ev Tenses, 136 Simcoe North (at Colborne) (FA 4.6148 v > A 3419! evenings by appointment, R 9 KAWARTHA LAKES nas €. HW TUCK RO, optometrist pleaseied cottage subdivision for sale accounts at downtown Dominion will desl on motel, apartment build Rank or 74 Burk treet, Ivalids ex: ling. or duplex. Owner's equity, ap amined at home, Dial RA 54087 proximately $24,000, Strassburger Real ty, 33 William street North, Lindsay FA 46371; evenings, FA 46148 A TERRIFIC maker Electric Serviee Depot, popular car deslership, large gasoline and oll sales, 825.000 down, Strasshurger Neal ty, 33 William Street North Lind FA 4637 onings, FA 4614 an tourist resorts as low Strassburger Realt Lindsay, FA 4637] ave ¥ elry 0 register Owners 7--=Surveyors G4. 1. HORTON Auto nall and Associates, On money tario Land Surveyors, Professional En. gineering 106 Dundas Streat West, Whithy, MO 8.3001, Ajax 728 DONALD WH, TROLLOPE, Ontariae Land Surveyor, 216 Adelaide Avenue East, RA 5.688) DONEVAN AND FLEISCHMAN, On tario Land Surveyor, commercial plus. printing, 12 Bloor Street Kast. RA 92 1 . 12---Dressmaking ALTERATIONS of able rate. Phone RA DRENIMAKING and all Kinds 11486 ronson HA alterations 13--Gardening 2 Supplies FOR weed KIIing, spraying and prun of your shrubs and evergreens, I complete Garden Service, Call RA B:8366, Oshawa Home Landscaping HILLSIDE LANDSCAPING RA 3.9020 laid clean ug walk fertilizing NO. TOP SOI | 6 YARD LOAD 7.00 | Phone RA 3-3162 | AURORA SAND & GRAVEL Brick, Sand, Crushed Road Gravel, Pit Run VALLEY FARM RD Phone Mobile Operator TEmple 9.2541 -- -- 8---Building ing Trades carpentry work and , chimney re stroughtng, insul brick sid. estimates, RA 3.7030 plumbing and heating Phone RA 5.3521, Harold R fad, plumbing, heating and ing, 355 Simeos Street South HOMES--COTTAGES GARAGES Aluminum Window Custom-made. Kit hen Cabinets Free Estie mates, No obligation, Term Long Sault Constrn. Corpn, Ltd RA 8-4614 OSHAWA SUB- CONTRACTORS BRICK BLOCK AND STONE WORK Phone MO 8.4122 or MO 8.4259 Whitby WwW. WARD WELL DIGGING BY MACHINE WPECIALIZING IN 30" TILE WHITBY, ONTARIO MO 8.2563--MO 8.3809 204 CHESTNUT ST. WwW P.O. BOX 329 BUILDERS tiled bathroom sup. fixed, complete with four fittings Large color range 90¢ sq 1 First class tradesman. Phone anvtime RA 8-1177 PRECAST CONCRETE SEPTIC TANKS SIDEWALK SLABS COLORED PATIO DURA STEPS CURBING WELL TILE BROOKLIN CONCRETE PRODUCTS ¢ LIMITED OLiver 5-3311 of ALL Applies Nt K, anginear A | | Sod delivered weeding patios, areens, Narde 'Glider"' tein hedges COMPLETE GARDEN SERVICE Gardens ploughed landscaping, wood removed RA 8.1798 | LANDSCAPING SERVICES Weeds treated top fill. Complete ontrol. Free estimate ED. KNOWLTON RA 5.6047 ut, tree Ceramic plied and field nursery gravel service 5011 and Weed sod Sod Grandview We aupplies specialize A nl ized field sod. Prompt de liveries tor Oshawa and Dis trict, Field loading for truck ers and special rates tracts RA 8.8111 Oshawa {Home Landscaping | SPECIALIZED IN Al PLANTING AND SEEDING TULIP COMPLETE GARDE SERVICE Call RA 8-6366 for con ! | | | | | ' i Roof to Box Free free planting, tree re- moving, cavity work Phone RA 5-5287 CLIFF BROWN GRAVEL & SAND LOAM Prompt Delivery RA 8-895) 50DS A-l rolled, fertilized ng, weed treated and Field sods, Low Townline N., V2 mile north Taunton Rd, RA 3.9986 and OL 5-3545 OSHAWA ACME HAULAGE LTD. LOAM ~ GRAVEL FILL STONE RA 3.3528 CROSS TOWN SOD SUPPLY Al rolled, fertilized sod cut fresh daily, prompt delivery ypecial contractor rates RA 5-8504 14--Household Repairs CHENTERFIELDN covered like new at Modern Upholstering, South, Call. RA 8.6341 ostimate FURNITURE repaired and Te-uphol-) tered, See our materials for re-oo ing. Bruce R, Dalton, 75 Charles Street, | RA 3.7212 CHENTERFINLDS like new. Why pay prices of and old chairs re Giet the hest for less HWisimeone for a free rebuilt, recovered, more? Our rat Matirnsses rebuilt Co, 10 Bond Street »0311 YOUR local chimney neys bullt and repaired, stalled, furnaces vacuumed mates, RA 32007 A PAINTING DECORATING tradesman, interior or ax ry tone work guaranteed, Frees estima LA West, Dial RA cleaner, Chim. Kas linings ine Free esti: "by uphol. Phone tisfied PAINTING Tiossional work and paper hanging, pro. free estimates, work guaranteed at low prices, RA 85-0818, DO you want your house painted? Carpentry or repair work? And ae do it, Andrew Kroontje, LLL / (makes, nick and Hennick, Barristers, 31 a BA 39232 MONEY TO LOAN Monies for oll types goges; for first and mortgages on oll Type estate including vacant land short term mortgoge f builders; first and second mortgages and agreement for sale purcho Af M. Swartz, 26> Str East, Oshawo 3-4697 18--Loan Wanted MONEY TO LOAN $2,000.00 te $5.00000 for immediate loon on First d Second Mortgages, Agree ments for Sale, on vacant and improved property tial and industrial urban end country mer cottages Summerland ited, 112 Sime North, Oshawa 5.3568 onal RYGIENIO supplies mailed post paid in plain sealed en velopes with price list. Six sample 24 samples, $1.00, Mail Order , Al Nov.-Rubber Co, Box 91 Hamilton, Ontario SPECIAL Permanent Edward's Beauty Parlor Street, RA 3.7633 MRS PROFESSIONAL READER Cord reader. and Bring your problem No appointment necessary Open daily from 10 AM. to 10 pm. RA 8.4141 140 | Simcoe South ELECTROLYSIS Removal of superfluous hair Marie Murduff will be in Oshawa, Oct, 25th and 26h Phone Genosha. Hotel these dates for appointment Wants cars for wrecking. Ports for sole, also scrap iron and metals, etc, bought. Opkn Saturday olf doy. Phone RA 5-2311 89 BLOORE, 34---Auction Sole AUCTION SALE Having SERVICE CO. TV---RADIO--HI-FI EXPERT SERVICE CALL DAY OR NIGHT OSHAWA RA 8-424] BOWMANVILLE MA 3-3883 40-F7 CHANNEL MASTER T.V. TOWERS PLUS Wave Rade B-213 tenna Installed and inteed for 2 Years $55.00 Tv | of mori second of real instruction of the Amelia sold by 20th ot Room, household pianos Suite, uite, hrome, refrig rugs, and Terms received from the Executor Estate of the Dunkley there public Stirtevants 33 Hall contents television gramophone dining kitchen erator, tables, many casn r late ----- will be auction Oct Auctior St, the upright chesterfield bedroom suite Astro) range dishe articles ed ply King Telephone eet RA Al A wo room vite kitchen chairs other ar Electronic Service Vv OVERHAULS nclude All parts and tubes Cleaning tuner, controls, ockets, ( Day or FALL Night Frank Auctioneer AUCTION SALE The farm consist more or less (Parts of lots 23 and 24), B-room frame house shed, large hen and barn Furniture Airtevant residen- ity, sub and Sum Securities Lim chassi mplete alignment of 28 acres service and bench labor Pick-up and delivery J-month warranty FOR ONLY $24.95 CITY 1.V. Len & Lou's SIMCOE 57 RA 5.7844 23--Women's Column SPECIAL Heat permanents, SH 0. | (Cold wave $6.00, Page Hairdressing, | 196 Pine Avenue. RA 5.53 24--Market Basket FRESH bushel | B-0548 Street RA e Phone 6 house ALL consists of washing machine, cook stove, chest of drawers, organ, bed and dres. ser, wriiing desk, floor covers ing (new), Quaker oil heater (new) with 200-gallon tank tables, quantity of wood and other articles Conditions of sale of given day of auction ture cash only Sale at 1:30 pm October 22nd, 1960 CLIFFORD PETHICK, Auctioneer, Enniskillen (rubber goods) | formerly TV) 805 86,50 Celina waves L] farm ANN furnis PALM saturday, adv IT carrots free hy delivery the six quart ov; RA 53086 or RA her ATTENTION householders! Once again {we offer you top quality beef at low prices, Phone sour oder righi| 35----Employment Wanted RA 50815; MArket 3.2895, ORDER early, avoid ridiculous winter [prices Store in fruit cellar, Good hin |#pring, Potatoes, wholesale, five bas | §.2502 OF over, $2.25 each, retail 82.80, 75h, | hugs, free delivery, RA 81905 | LADIES leave your . {while you shop or BLUK grapes for sale, also door, remu. | : [1ar size, Call after 4 p.m, at 1192 Cedar |} ay, Teasonable Street |APPLEN, 81 up Spys, Macintosh, De. liclous and Snows. On Thickson Road, half: mile north of Taunton Road, Algo. {ma Orchards How Aw and ¢hildrer Fenced Telephone care for infants home, References Very reasonable children with work, day or rates Phone | eve TLEMAN with own cement mixer {outa like work, Free estimates. Phone RA 5-7966 EXPERIENCED day care for children in my home or Duby sitting at night nursery. Children |25~Pets & Livestock | Phone RA +3 | on | 21--Personal Service PE IER PAN day paid | Box 133, Oshawa Times WANTED ~ Organ ) condition, | in good RA _ 136--Female Help Wonted HBOUSEKEEVPER required w Wve in. | Private room, Hberal Gime of "17 PERMANENT position available for al #4 | one, fiveday week. Phone BA 5-000 4) --Room & Boerd ROOM board, in quiet home, (44---Houses, Apts., Flots For Rent HEATED, modern three - room, kitehe » BEyer, for - will. | MEAT ROOM and board and bathroom, washer, days » week. (Gy $a. name Mb S50, At. 7, for _ Same ov single, i five person able to Accel and capable of Wi spondence, shorthand and yogat Pci lence an asset but not necessary. Apply $100 MONTHLY Religble person for house- hold position, live in, privete room, Must be fond of child. Phone RA 5-7704 | ren i ROOMERS or room end board iy es. RA 53955, ROOM and board for two ve Benilemen, | ished toe single Soma, £004 home Apply 292 King Street East, o--- BOOMERS wanted, iad bath, two rom downtown, Apply 116 Al [RA 89945 or FIVE - Jom stucen house, Phone BA 1347, ms \sonaple rent, near North Gm. Cal BA 81904, {FURNISHED apartment, pl oF dshile NGM, vniy 8 Eile Eaot of RA $3693 {43--Wonted To Rent ATTENTION WOMEN Without any experience vou for your shopping by sell- ing Avon Cosmetics ahd 10i~ letries For more LE 6-0627 con earn money Christmas in your vicinity, information call collect HELP WANTED FEMALE Jumior clerk typist required for Secondary School Office, prev experience not es. Apply in own hand- to ous sential writing J. R. BACKUS, Administrator, Board of Education, 179 Simcoe 5t. South, Oshewa stating age, qualifications end experience 137--Maole Help Wanted | BOY, 16, to work in snack bar, yaar (rgd Jwask, board and room ph |wal®s, Apply Pavilion East Beach, | Bowmanville YOUNG men required for retail store, chance for advancement, Apply in per: son, Cole's Book Store, Oshawa Shop {ping Centre | SHOE Business repair man, part or full tim Simcoe Street South, RA 3-2 NEED two men at once perience necessary, For telephone RA 8-2383 DIRECT salesman for Good dally ¢ commissions vestment, Box 131, Oshawa no ho ex: appointment, Oshaws area, No in YOU a Plan for Your Future? Be a man with a plan! Join of the Canadian Army's crack infantry regiments tos day. Applications are again being accepted for enrols ment in The Canadian Guards The Royal Canadian Regiment The Black Watch (Royal Highland Regiment) of Canada one HA 1 If you are 17 to 25 and single and can meet the high enrol- Vaday, Monday 10g pgiSTERED Bosto - nn lerner, a 5.30 pom. Contact| Cool "id two females, reasonable 36--Female Help Wanted [INTERESTING ' Supervisor, Simcoe BreOl phone after 6,30 p.m, MO 8.5612 equired to take training to HOXER puppies, registered, male and | stom ap female, $10 . 550 Desosit will hold, May Ge Instructors, supervisors, be seen any time. 5235 Fox Street, Osh. to wets, Dancing experience lawa "|necessary. Yop salary for qualified ap "| |plicants after training period, If REGISTERED dachshund are between 22 and 35 years of wee old, also grown apply in person View Kennels, Telephone of Dancing, 11% rotators, towers, $30.95 and ROARDING, " ! Se Oat "renaired | Fioe estimates BOARDING, (rimming, bathing, deflea:|[NEED extra money? Sell your no long ing. Waubena Kennels 21 anywhere in city and surrounding dis triots, Phone RA 3.0525 or RA 8.7521 BEAUTIFUL baby budgies -- - training, talking strain ™, Al Broad, 114 Elgin Street il (BOXER pups, two male North, Oshawa, RA 8.2604 career. Young WAGARS Driving ment licence, full trols, Call avenings 22--Radio Repairs GEORGE'S TV service, School Govern insured, dual con RA & #820. puppies six stock, Cedar Iv HA 5.5062 Street South nerials, Simcoe up. Aer RA 56331 jer used Bousehayy items with a fast (Action Oshawa Times Want Ad. Make your list and phone RA 5.3492 today WOMAN for light are of semi-invalid one fmeale ready Apply Kast for Mrs, radio, car radio Thompson Elec Avenue, RA 3.6792 (F fepairs housekeeping and Elliott Apply RA 5.6026 Lilo Street PAINTING and "aecorating, Free wld mates, work guarantesd, RA 3.77 FURNACE SALES AND SERVICE H. M. Mackie Co. Ltd RA 5-5954 Cleanout $7 labor 15--Instruction To cher, student counseller, Jeno: by interview only, Act now RA 5.108 HARVEY DANCE t \CADEMY=Baton, | Ballet, 1 Al Service plus parts Tap, Royal Academy, land, Register now, 434 King West, 56122 LILLIAN Mae Marsh, dance educator, ing school, ballet, tap, baton, mer robatio, pre-school, character. Friday, Saturday, Masonic Temple, RA 3.7253 LEARN TO DRIVE At the Oshawa Driving Schoo! Licensed by the Police Commission Fully trained instructors Standard, Automatic cars RA 8-0091 AIRLINE CAREERS MEN and WOMEN, 17 to 39, high school graduates. Train now Qs reservationists, host. esses, station agents, radio opérators, etc. Atlantic Aire line & Electronic Schools, Can. adian Head Office, Windsor, Ontario. In Ontario 60.6C write, giving education and phone number, to Box 122 c/o Oshawa Times DRESSMAKING COURSES OPENING OCT. 17 ) davs weekly, Monday, Tues. dav evenings, 7 to 9 Le to cut vour own pat terns and sew for the whole tamily from the children to adult Call -/ | 5 and 7, 8.5771 between RA 16--Insurance ALLSTATE Auto Insurance. Save up to 20 per cent, six months te pay. Far Fey nal service at your home, sall RA 187413, after 79 p.m Phone Port CLARK {HEht repairs [vouth | WANTE Registered, 15 weeks old Perry, YU 5.285) WANTED HOME FOR | RETIRED RACE HORSE (Standard for tune 27 Simooe mechanic Apply up and Streel SPECIAL ON FAMOUS SAMPSON TV TOWERS 40-ft, tower structure single Radess AC 2-13 all channel head. $59 95 com pletely installed and guaran teed | vear RA 8-8180 OSHAWA TV 361 GIBBONS TV TOWERS 40.11, self-supporting tower, Hot dip galvanized. No paint, Complete with new Wave Master all-channel antenna Total price, installed and guaranteed for year, $59.95 TV Enterprises 253 Drew St. RA 3-3553 DID YOU SEE QUR [NEW ALL GALVANIZED | RADESS TOWERS ~=Expert workmanship ~-1961 All Wave Antennae Did You Know That We Have Same Day Service ~=Employ expert Technicians ~ Take Service Calls till 8:30 pm woman to look after school in exchange for room and board |» 5008, Bowmanville EXPERIENCED waitress, |help, Apply South-End Restaurant, | Bloor East WANTED hairdresser, full or part time, over 21 vears of age preferred Reply in person to Rosslynn Beauty Salon, 60 Rossland Road West JUNIOR CLERK TYPIST required for secondary school office bred) Make good saddle horse Also Kiteten telligent and well-mannered, Must be good home, No rid- schools or cowboys ac ceptable. Write Box 130, Oshawa Times ins ing with 26--Farmer"s Column DEAD farm stock picked up promptly Phone collect, Hampton, COlfax 3.2721 Margwill Fur Farm, Tyrone | WELL roted manure for sale. RA 8.8053 {OAT straw for sale, 55 acres in field IMO 8.2144 | 274<Fuel & Wood |PRY hardwood ends, suitable for fur. naces, stoves, fireplaces, ote 83 large load delivered. Phone RA 8.0818 | Previous experience Apply handwriting to J R Business Administrator, Board of Education, 179 Simcoe St S Oshawa, stating age, qualifications and experience, not essential in own Backus n | ------ | |28--Summer | Properties | COTTAGES, camps, homes, acreage in |be autiful Kawartha Lakes distriet, {miles northeast Toronto, For free list. |ing folio, write Bowes and Cocks Lim: |. |lted, Realtors, Peterborough, Riverside {2-43 NEED extra money? $50.00 and more, can easily be earn. ed by showing our fabulous Christmas cards, gifts, toys, to friends and neighbours Our exciting, full - colour Christmas catalogue makes it easy to get plenty of orders No experience necessary, Send no money. Write today for samples, on approval, of fast-selling items and free catalogue Monarch Card Co, Dept, 16, 47 East Ave Hamilton : CHRISTMAS IS COMING if | 28a~--Trailers | 4 nvm | [FOR RENT ~ Tent trailer by week 523 | accomodates six people. Phone MA 1.3262 | 29--Summer Prope For Sale KE SCUGOG -- fully winterized six. room partly furnished cottage, base. {ment excellent to live all year round, {low taxes, YU 5.2482 or YU 5.9767 JCOTTAGE, 18x20, at Thurstonia Park, very reasonable for quick sale, For in formation, write Mrs. H. Gallagher, | Maynooth Ont 30--Lost & Found Brown wallet stream, $72 Reward, RA 5.9645 Light brown Collie dog, black | fag No. 1033, Answers to Jack from 6&1 Gibbon Street. Call RA Reward in vicinity of | cash. Also | LONT { collar { Lost 5 3000. Ladies Money a product that is you need extra if you want to sell TRY US T.RAO. TELEVISION 171 BOND ST. EAST RA 8-678] 32--Articles Wanted WANTED SCRAP IRON, POULTRY AND FEATHER TICKS |. TURNER 3-2043 RA 3-3374 (collect) well known and well advertised, investis gate the opportunity offered For Dar- write Miss 528 Peterbore by Avon Cosmetics lington Township, K Ma Street, Kean, Gilmour ladies hecome and in| not you age, Arthur Murray School age children while mother works nights MA | ==experienced well groomed | ment standards, here is your chance for an excellent career with a good future a life of challenge, travel and adventure and an interesting and healthy man's job. Enquire now at your local Army Recruiting Station at: 507 College Street Toronto, Ont Telephone WA 4.7346 Please provide me details on Royal Canadian - Infantry Corps career opportunities | would like an interview at 0 | my home at the recruiting station | Name Addres City/Town 3! Province Phone Last school grade completed Aage Must be gqualified. Apply Baron' 5 "46 | clor apartment, = available November THREE - room and fous - Toom svar ment, reasonable rent, iners. One child HH Apply bedroom house, relishie ten- ant, would consider 7 with option 10 purchase. Relerences rite Box 132] Oshaws Times, abutainer: 72 Simcoe FURNISHED three-room, sell-contain led , east poe RENT -- vm bar, vie. | | wy of Oshawa, Phone 5 44--Houses, Apts, Flats For Rent en, and entrance, $90 MONTHLY ~ five rooms, Stove and | "opie only. Mary refrigerator, washer and dryer, bam. JANFTOR apartment, hoo drapes on all windows, tastefully $25 monthly, Phone R dacorated, possession Novembtr 15. | cock shown by appointment only | ow gu cll' Fea A ard McCabe at RA 5654, John A. J,|1% WHITBY Y Lower JSuplex, util. Bolahood 144., Realtor, Phone 10 82191, MOVE in tomorrow, two - hedroont | FURNISHED three - room apartment, apartments, laundry facilities and pav-| ities paid, in good loca , $66 per ed parking included, $67.50, Call Billi nonin" RA 5.3954, al BA $508, Ww, Wilwn 114, Re ly ~ three rooms, furnish: ~ |ed, close to bus, no children, Phone RA THREE rooms newly decorated hase: |8-1720, ment apartment, fully or semi | un CATOW, | modern, th nished, reasonable rent including hydro) ot nlm, 117 Bell fas bedroom, Whit and water, available immediately by, Phone RA 5.2604, . Apply 592 Bloor Street East. RA 57418, ~ WHITBY two - bedroom Apartment, ign TR, dryer, outlet, stove and refrigerator, Balcony, laun $95 month) Ravine Ro dry. tacilities, "parking, TV _ antenna. | saruing, Wh homby "a, Apply Apt. 10, 10) Craydon Re 84221 APARTMENT -- sell - contained, com. | pletely private, three rooms and I bath, SPACIOUS three - room {newly renovated, and decorated, Sim. preisrably Fi neo Bien North, {ene Street South in apartment ares, | {bamboo drapes included, RA 81206, SINGLE uble rooms for ladies or | gentlemen, Li of kitchen and {UNFURNISHED three room hase {ment apartment, heated, private bath| Machine. Phone BA 81397, and aniranse, 12 Hiable ov, 1, Tele: | THRE E-room phone RA #1 | modeled private. bath, 3 fd » ao heate parking ul 518) ners, | ™o a - 5.8352. ment, stove, and wi plied, four - Ry ay io nachin Nov, hoof OCVI three rooms, tile bath, RA vate entrance, Joseph Bosco, Real | BA 5.6870. bedroom apartment, apartment Sound" "fioor Apart MODERN four-room apartment, stove, err erp ep refrigerator, near soM. Ra 88170, 283|ONE or (wo rooms for one or iwe {Thomas Street, Apt sirls, or three - room apartment, heavy Pr | duty wiring, self-contained, TV A SELF + contained apartment, Airnisha od {or 'unfurnished, business couple or bach. |"2UPle Preferred. RA 6-1680, available now, Phone] SIX - room house, § | WHitehall 24186 furnace, | 3656. |PORT PERRY, ix-room house, con! |veniences, centrally located, $45 month. THREE and two -rOOm "apartments, "we 1qy. Phone YUkon 57580 rigerators, stoves, sinks, cupboards, ¥1b FOURROOM self-contained apart vate reer Child welcome. 98 ment, in apartment building. New| | stave. refrigerator, Close to downtown, | ONE apartment 1, RA 5-4560. FOUR - room unfurnished fiat, reason: able. Apply 65 Charles Street, Phone RA 8.0913 {FOUR or two-room apartment minutes to four corners. Apply 172 lina Street or phone RA &- 1318 EE 5, TWO furnishgd FORM ino three-room furnished afartm: frig, cup: boards, Very central ' Adults, RA 39128, THREE « room unfurnished apartment, quiet home, close to shopping centre, Suit couple, Available now, Rent rea. sonable, RA 53777, 630 King West, {THREE room apartment, private bath and entrance, heated, heavy ay wiring. Phone RA 83522 THREE Yoom basement "apartment in apartment building, No ehildren, please, Apply 103 Wilson Road North, Apartment 3 FURNISHED Qaqnelor apartment, bed sitting room, when, fully equipped, built-in cupboars, stove, refrigerator, | § TV outlet, bus stop, business couple, 13 | MeLaughlin Blvd, : (FURNISHED three-room apartment in| 0% lovely home, upstairs, business couple, privéte entrance, very central, Reasonable, North Oshawa distriet, |" - Telephone RA 65-1065, FOUR Toom upstaiis oyanmant with E fo two piece bath, available November 1, NICE four = room apatiment, privatels 860 monthly. Children welcome, couple or lady. No children, Apply 91: 34434 between 3 and 7, Ritson North, Four oom apartment, wo "bedrooms, Fe te bath, heavy duty wiring, stain. FOUR - room apartment, including one. |P11Y# bedroom, heavy wiring, unfurnished, id Steel sik Phone BA 81783 after business couple preferred, central to" P.M: oo availa smmadistely RA 7 p.m, RA 5.166 FOUR room apartment aod hath, near bus stop, store and South GM. Apply 535 Lorraine Street, THREE unfurnished rooms, bath, central, suit young couple RA 3-37 at THREE room basement apartment, a. self-contained, private Janos, very central, Call RA 39069. | TWO rooms, furnished, kitchen, hulk. in cuphoars, RA 5.3311 FOUR - room apartment, (wos 'piece | bathroom, Telephone RA 5.9768 or! apply 245 Bloor Street West, THREE . room apartment, refrigera: | tove, furnished, shared hath, irbank Avenue, RA 5-2380, THREE room _apartm refriger: tor and stove, private entrance, uit | able for business couple, 272 Ritson Road North, THREE bedroom bungalow, school bus, shopping and park frigerator and stove, gas heat South G Phone RA 35-7520 warden, oil N th suitable for couple, {ladies or gentlemen, Day care given ta iehild while mother works, Apply 128 Elgin Street East | THIER © room apartment, share ba five |uiet home, couple only. 175 Athol, Co [alter 6 p.m, FURNISHED bedroom with kitchen. ette, suitable for light hous iskeoping df dults, central, parking facilities, ply 235 King East, FURNISHED two private entrance, ground floor w room, refrigerator, parking, also sin furnished room, very ceniral, Apply (1 Centre Street LARGE tour-room modern apartment, private, close to downtown, parking, adults, $80, RA BN360. {FOUR + room apartment, private bi th, heat and hydro supplied, close HA ping Centre, on hus line, parking, $78 monthly, RA 5.3206, FOUR + room apartment, suitable for couple or two 'girls, unfurnished, RA 58115 apply _after 5 pm, three rooms and bath, , new sandran Hnoleutns apartm electricity, Will mind works, 35 Bloor East, T™WO room apartment, private en. trance, heat, electric Included, one ehild welcome, hi weekly, 434 Bloor RA 3-620 private Phone | room Fen; full basement, auto heat, driveway, Whitby, RA matie B-350! ing Street, Ph near King Streel. Phone! Two bedroom apartment La Salle Court, available now. Phone RA 5.3815 or RA 8-6485, BUCKINGHAM MANOR APARTMENTS One and 2-bedroom Apan ments, electrically equipped, best location. $85 and $100 monthly, 498 Simcoe St, North, Ap. 15; RA 8-8676, near | Re near THREE unfurnished rooms, light wir | ing, suitable for married couple, ab. | Vacant November, 27 War | stainers, ven or RA 5.4807 |39--Agents Wanted {MEN = Pleasant outdoor work, Aver age $2 per hour No experience neces. |sary. Write Rawleigh's, Dent, 1310-VV 14005 Richelieu. Montreal OHRISYMAS Card agents, Sell © |ada's best selection of personali greeting cards, Over 80 cards to cho from, Special business cards, Write for your free album today, W, L. Smith and associates Lid, Ajax, Ont, | [DUPLEX E ground piitabie for two persons, trance, Phone WH 2.2673, UNFURNISHED Apartment, "with gare age, near Shopping suitable for one or two ily ot ons, Abstain ers, 8-8282, floor suite, Private en: | PARKWOOD MANOR APARTMENTS ON Private entrance, four large rooms, bath, attic, hot water heating, cupboards, heavy duty Wiring TV outlet centrally located. RA & | «| priv ate| 41--Room & Board /ROOM and board optio good meals, close to NGM, 10. minute: fH Four Cor |ners, garagy for vent, Apply 240 Divi. {sion Street [ROOM "and hoard for gentlemen in | good home, close to hospital and north (GM, English speaking preferred. 81 borne E: RA 5.7687, OM and board for mother and dhe, with day care. Ajax, Phone WH on room "In "private home, ide: for two to share, nn house pln : desired, park bathroom, Apple Hin iy RA gh [Room and board for gentleman, park: ing, good home cooked Fae Also ga: rage for rent. RA 3-333 ROOM and board EE ah omen ing to share, good locality, 5.6195. 5 a ROARD and care for elderly ladies, separate rooms, private home, close churches, shopping, Whitby, MO 8.4363, ROOMS and board if desived, close to downtown and NGM, Apply 23 Elgin R a "will: tw Lo Tver convenience RA 80283, 2 Gladatene men, all cooked meals Avenue {ROOMS and vent, with or without | {board, 296 King Street East, near Rit: | | son Road ROOM and board for gentlemen, good meals, continuous hot water, Arthur Street. RA §-2006 | Two gentlemen to share single beds, {home privileges, home cooked lunches packed. RA 5700 {ROOM and hoard for man. Apply 131 Park {phone RA 50313 young gentle Road North er Phone RA [3-804 e to|stave, Apply 248° meals, | THREE room apartm bath, near South GM, Po ber 1 Apply 34 SAGUENAY AVENUE FURNISHED three (PARK RD, & KING ST, DISTRICT) OPEN FOR INSPECTION Quiet, residential street, 2-bedroom Apartments, Stoves, 'frigs, T.V. outlet, drapes, parking, etc, Rents from $90 monthly NE RA 5.5 ------ TWO BEDROOMS LOWER DUPLEX 551 LANSDOWNE DR, AT WILSON RD. N, OPEN FOR INSPECTION Move Right In Stove, Fridge, Washer, Dryer 18 ft. Living Room Large Kitchen Two Beoutiful Bedrooms Lovely Garden CALL OR WRITE FRANK HAZLETT 3005 BATHURST ST, TORONTO RU 3-1733 . OR AFTER 7 RU 7.9387 room apartment, sur a east end of city, available middle of | November, Abstainers, adults only. RA | 5.4233, BUNGALOW, nearly new. six ) roms, | south end, oil heat, Telephone 9. RA On | WAVE three-room and bath basement | apartment, private entrance, heavy wir ing, available now, $60 monthly, Tele. phone RA 3079. TWO - room apartment unfurnished. private bath o| GM. RA 32315 or apply furnished or near South | PH 730 Simeoe| © RA 5.7272 South. - -- TEN . room house with two Kitchens plus two bathrooms, centrally 1ooat:| ed, Suitable for subletting or rooming | house. $150 per month to reliable ten-| ant, Phone RA 3.3141 daytime or RA! - 8943 venings. | ATTRACTIVE three - street level, private three-piece bath, refrigerator, abstainers, adult home, central RA 5.5676 evenings or Saturdays NEW six-room duplex apartment, com: | pletely private, 20-minute bus service, also large furnished bedroom, RA 5.9361 o(FURNISHED basement ap {three rooms and bath, in quie central. RA 3.9800 after & p.m FREE rent in very modern room apartment, ment, home, o one bedroom apartment with balcony. 105 Craydon Rd. Whitby, Phone MQ 8-4770 weeks

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