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The Oshawa Times, 19 Oct 1960, p. 24

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24 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wedneiey, October 19, 1960 L Today's Stock Market Listings on Toronto Exchange Mock Sales igh Low II a.m. CW ge EL JEvening WA Holds Meeting GREENWOOD -- The Cu the] Mr, 4 ol a church nesr there, BOWARD ~ Bil sad Micke wish to le -- of a desghier, Judy, # Oshaws Geners) nad "i 15, 199, A sister fox Paul snd Cindy, SEEM ~ June snd wre glass to senounce - the of thelr Aougiiar, Dan Wet a Sales Wigh Low liam, CW'ge e Block Sales Wigh Low 11 sm. CW ge Bock Soles Wigh Low 11 sm. CW ge Dom Elect #4 5% Ws +» +1 Macasse ws mm Madsen Magnet Malartie Maritime Mcintyre MeWat Min Corp Moneta MEW Murrey Nama Cr New Bld New N Mylama Nickel M$ Noranda Norsp A wis North Can 1niske 1] +7 Women's Association met at the Mrs, Glynn Eastwood home of Mrs, Olive Robertson on! and Linda and Mrs, East Wednesday with & good attend wood of Whithy visited Jack ance, Eastwond and family at Minden The Afternoon Women's Asso-|0n Sunday and Monday. ciation met at the Parsonage for| The Douglas Morden family their October meeting, Group 1/were on a motor (rip to Barrie led by Mrs, 1. L. McLean took|and Belfountain on Sunday, the worship service with the] Edward Pegg recovered theme being "Shine as Lights" |from a severe throat Infection irs, Ed Pascos and Mss. z which kept him in bed several Clarke assisted, F ng . busines: session, the host served! Mrs. William A. Brown, Miss a dainty lunch, {May Brown and Willian A, Mrs, Emerson Ormerod of To- Brown Jr., visited cousing ronto spent the holiday week | 5t Tara over the Thanksgiving wiih Miss Edith Ormerod and bro | weekend, thers, Sunday visitors at the Or-| Mr, and Mrs, Ed Pascoe spent merod home were Milton and Sunday with their dougie Mr, Mrs. Ormerod, Marylyn and|#nd Mrs. J. Thomas Clare and friends of Cresswell Jean at Soultvitle, low. nd Mos. Vliet Bighs and ter ly rg ined family of Oshawa and Cecil Walls A a ; of Brooklin, Mr. and Mrs, Jeffrey Copley po Judy of red HOLD ANNIVERSARY land daughters, Jill Irven and Mrs, Mclean and Toronto visited Misses Beatrice were at Pawdash on and Gertrude Corbett .on Thanks Sunday attending the 15th anni. giving day, Leaders School Is Scheduled By MRS, ARTHUR ELLIOTT [Qetches mesting in the form, of . BROOKLIN -- The Local Lead bowling party, held at the Shop ers Training School for the short Ping Centre, Oshawa, on Wednes- course "The Third Meal", spon-|day evening, sored by the Department of Agri ' . 1 culture, Home Economics Serv- WOMEN'S INSIITOIS Tnstit ice Department, Toronto, will be 4,"C ClO oe da id held on Oct, 2 and 26 from 10/700 "ER J oh Sa ny Jon a.m, to 4 pm, at the Legion Hall, | ment of Township Hall, Uxbridge, As only two applica- po wii Program by Mrs, tions were received from the Harry McCool, convener of Agri - § 3 5% "wh + Ww i "ho W 3 "% Ld { EHR EI HITE IN Saas 1 F F > * | =X + - - F ¥ + - Block Bales Nigh Low Il a.m. CW ge 94 Avitin Acad-All A ed Gas Alls Gas pr wis Alls Gas Algoma oa | F a8 S¥ISNWR/IE $e * we - wl ¥ sSsveyess § § ¥ ns 3 : 3 oH i - 8 = Rr = § sale jay & 1 - ® ay¥zguansgloly ® $i Pep¥npenappielse Fiat SD LEE ¥ spt E33 tn) SS S p-1 : § ¥ ! + suse = 3 it 00 El + "we 2 238 Holden A imp Invitty Imp ON Imp Toh LL gf hi of we c $E 3 + = 8 Orehan 0h Fee Expl 1900 Fick Crow 1335 Placer 125 Pros Air | 119050 Que Lab 3000 8 $n ES a Jusid gussd LH October 29, #t 3 Mount Lawn Cemetery, » 8 * »¥¥aStenta-Sunlaa Bans = FTES TES SR brother of Cindy, Peter, Rickey, Rest. ing st Gerrow Funersi Chapel, 3% King Street West, For services in the Thursdey, October 20, 2 p.m Interment Union Cemetery Jeu of flowers please make contribution to Oshawa Retarded Children's Associa. tion. GILLEN «~~ Entered into rest at the family residence, 163 Kigin Street East, Oshawa, on Wednesday, October 19, 1966, Delia Clalrmont, widow of Patrick J, Gillen, in her 95th year, Resting at the Armstrong Funeral Home, Oshawa, with high requiem mass in Bi, Greg ory's Church Friday, October 21, 10 a.m, Interment Bt, Gregory's Ceme tery HOGARTH 642 King Street East on Oeiobe 19, 1060, Lauren Vinton Hogarth, beloved husband of Alice Gall and dear father of Mrs, Eimer Turpin (Dorothy), brother of Henry W, Ho garth and Mrs, Fred Garrard of Osh. awa snd Mrs, Annie Viooman, Toronto, The late Mr. Hogarth is resting ast Me-| Intosh - Anderson Funeral Home, 152 King Street East, Service in the chapel on Friday, October 21 st 2 p.m, Inter ment Union Cemetery SMITH, John B, ~~ After & short Hi-| ness ot the Oshawa General Hospital | on Wednesday, October 19, 1960, John Stirteyvant Smith of 800 Vietoria Street East, Whithy, beloved husband of Caro x Frobisher 700 Geeo Mines ~ 250 Genee fi Giant YK 3064 GP Vining 3300 ¥ nl 0 #00 1006 E 3 5 CRE ENTE £33 ~ 3 = 40% 1000 075 900 12 1063 Grandue Hard Rock Headway Hollinger Hud Bay Int Nickel 'dn © Mass ¥ 3% | 2 u Cont A C Cel 1.75 pr h olson A € Chem wis Molson B C Drawn pr Mokson or oon int Gos y N Bt Car i y 7 NO NGas 7 CiL Nor Phone 1667 Pres Elect ) 045 245 =S8TaunE Sullivan Sunburst Bylvanite 1400 Taureanis 0 Teck H 900 U Asbestos 200 360 Un Keno 550 Un Fort 1000 Ventures + Weedon Wilirey Wiltsey Wr Harg 120 Yk Bear 105 Young HG 000 71 Zulapa 00 31 Pac Pelg Prove Gas Royalite Sopa U Triad Ol Un Oils Ww Cdn 0G 766 5 9200 195 4 220 1500 100 200 200 1000 MINES B00 56 56 WM 1200 43 41% 43% 2000 41 40 4) 184 B60 860 BGO 500 41 4 al 5500 8% #4 Labrador Lae Ling L Osu L Shore Lamaque Langis Latin Am Lelteh Roe av Can Royal Bank stl, Corp Balada Balada wis Bhawin Shawin B pr 210 Simpsons 100 Southam 150 Spartan 2615 Can Tire 1 CWN Gas Col Cell Comb Ent Con Gas Corby vt Dist Seag 26 10% 10% 120 120 101 70 0s 3 ~At bis Inte residence, hid Agnico Aniteho Anacon Anglo Hur A Arcadia Atlin Ruf +7 +2 +1 0 16% 1 7 »'% L/] 16% Dom Ang pr Bales to 11 mm, 455,000 D Bridge - n---- LL Lae "wm $i6% -~ Yi Lorado wis 600 RCAF To Start |Metro Okays Big Circulation |Tax Boost foi Bt Bomarc Lessons [TTC Ouster 'Battle In London Plan Ended [ss wb tn im of iz, eco cio pe | : tario districts, | BRIDGE CLUB , OTTAWA (CP) About 300 ous surface - to - surface and 2 "Libel oh tn. OTTAWA (CP)--Mayor George A re Te tl, Ji: RCAF a soon wil start| ground-to-air missiles, Some 5 LONDON (Reuters) British "Liberals regret very much in-| yor," pinto Tuesday that he t T t cll Tuesday Tuesd bi deed that th t t In the short course, "The Third oper of the Brooklin Bridge ent | J ad pp of HAN foronto coun! uesdny newspapers Tuesday began a|deed that the party was not con- .|Meal", the topic is food, with a Club met on ay evening Dion Cometary.™ Buuws, "Muniomer |ITaining in the United States on| have Already peed ialned on he night voted 11 to 10 to fire all five geramble for the 2,000,000 read-| sulted before this drastic step) has no Intention of placing be-| ! to od Wednesd on wm TORONTO (CP) ~~ Metropoli- n | | A a "dying duck" city council new slant, | In the basement of Township Hall, 8, Armst (Friends are re: members of the Toronto Transitiers of the now-defunct London was taken," sald party spokes- 3 : : | Reval igi of the ehapel until an earlier proposal he advanced 2 p.m, Thursday.) OSHAWA MONUMENT COMPANY SPECIALIZING IN Monuments, Markers, Memorials, Cornerstones, Statutory of all types, 1435 KING ST, E. Ph, RA 8-3111 or RA B-8876 FLOWERS FOR ALL OCCASIONS | 105¢ 1962, | operation and maintenance of the Honest Bomare-B anti-aircraft missile, a defence department spokesman said Tuesday. { This will bring to some 1,000] the number of armed forces per.| sonnel who have been trained on| missiles of various kinds The Bomare-B, now in produce. tion in the U.8,, is scheduled to be Installed and ready for opera-| tion at two bases in Canada by| The base at North Bay, Ont, will require about 250 personnel| and the one at La Macaza, Que,,| about 300, These figures include army Is scheduled to get next year, Several Canadian soldiers have become so skilled on missiles that they have been sent to the U.S. and Britain as Instructors. Approximately 100 officers and men of the Canadian navy have been trained in the operation and maintenance of the Sidewinder air-to-air missile used by 3 | navy in its Banshee jet fighters. | The Sidewinder is the only guide missile yet in use in the Cana- po dian armed forces, A small number of naval offi- Commission, etieiive Dec. > [News Chronicle and London Eve No action was taken on who ning Star, (would replace the five men, or| gurying ether, the cammisain, Would (ont age readersip appess, | p J Ip o 0! {Metro Chairman Frederick G, Tieet Strout A oi Gardiner, who, called or, don hati in he hsory of the proposed a three-man body to ad-| Pr newspaper ny ' | C | Lord Beaverbrook's Dally Ex. minister the TTC, | I i wera | The resolution was qualified by| Press Sue teria Fancard wet allowing the men to remain in of-| dick Jo thillenge $2 Yival whieh until their successors are ap- a "vening Ld a ted, merged ig WW we, de une . ' n , [newspapers 1 y Council's decision still must be "The Evening Standard $% Lon | fice in Iman Frank Byers, The circulation battle will be newspapers carried|fought against a background of city hospital, rising costs and an ever-growing struggle for advertising revenue with television, The death of the two papers {brought to 41 the number of Brit- ish daily and weekly newspapers which have folded since 1953, | Circulations of 1,000,000 and more apparently are no longer| enough to save a newspaper, | |SUNDAY PAPER GOES | The News Chronicle and The TRAINING SCHOOL |r for a one-mill tax boost to sup-| "Menu planning" seems to be | port construction of a 500 - bed {homemaking, and housewives run He gave the indication to board 4 of control which for the third suc. | #hort of ideas from time to time, |W cessive time held in abeyance his tax-increase proposal to finance a $0,000,000 hospital, "What concerns me Is that we are a dying duck city council," Mayor Nelms sald, Civie elections will be held in December and Mayor Nelms has announced his retirement from clvie politics, School will endeavor to impart ideas for new supper and lunch- eon dishes, casseroles, attractive pg salad meals, and Interesting food! Time will be set aside for eco-| paration, and Information and| demonstrations on table settings will also be included, This should| combinations, lw YRO GROUP A Tyro Group is being formed {one of the more difficult parts of for boys in age group 9-12 years, in the Brooklin district. Meetings ill be held each Tuesday eve Th ning at 7 p.m, in the Christian e Local Leader Training) 0 ation Building, led by the |miniser, Rev, 8, J, Hilller, ROOKLIN UNITED CHURCH The regular morning worship as held on Sunday at 11 a.m. at | Brooklin United Church, with the nomical food selection and Pre: Rev, 8, J. Hiller occupying the pulpit, The senior choir entered the Flower Shop Coronation, 5% King St. W., Bowmanville, Free delivery daily in Oshawa and Bowmanville, Phone MA 3.7141, after store hours MA 3.2944 servicemen not directly con- nected with maintenance of the|cers have been trained in the de- wem|don's liveliest evening newspa-|Star died only three days after] Mayor Nelms and Controller {church to the strains of "Pral per" and "The Dally Express the demise of The Empire News, | 8am Berger welcomed a salva-|Prov® ol luterent to at membety 2 of the group, to the Lord, the Almighty King", Mrs, Ed Powell, and represen-| The minister based his sermon tative appointed will attend the(on "Nehemiah, Patriot, States Training School at Uxbridge as/man and leader, who led his Leader and assistant leader re- armies into victory, and enforced spectively from Brooklin| the observance of the Sabbath and Women's Institute, instructed his followers in the HORTICULTURAL Book of the. Law," FLOWER SHOW PERSONALS The Brooklin Horticultural So-| Mr. and Mrs, George Lockyer, ciety annual Chrysanthemum |Newtonbrook, Mr, and Mrs, Show, scheduled to be held on| Wilson, and Susanne of Nestleton, Monday evening, Oct, 31, will be| Mr. and Mrs, John Lockyer, LOCKE'S FLORIST Funeral arrangements and floral requirements for all occasions OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE 24 HOUR PHONE SERVICE RA B8-6555 GERROW FUNERAL CHAPEL Kindness beyond price yet within reach of all, RA 8-6226 390 KING STREET WEST IN MEMORIAM ANDREWS ~ In loving memory of a dear mother, Annie Andrews, and fa ther, Robert James Andrews, who died October 19, 1957 and 1034 We little knew when we woke that morn The sorrow the day would bring, For the call was sudden, the shock welcomes today new readers ina Sunday newspaper with a eir-| tion army proposal to build a 200 search of THE best newspaper," (culation of more than 2,000,000, hed addition to its Grace Hospital sald promotion messages. Last Sunday, The Empire News if financial ald oan be vhigived | published for the last time before from the city and the tario WRITERS HIRED merging with The News of the| government, Top writers from both The wong circulation about 6,500,000, ------m News Chronicle and The Star| "Now there Is speculation about | were hired by the two absorbing ia future of The Sunday Graphic H 1th Plan Conservative papers published by| yin a circulation of 800,000, Like ea Lord Rothermere's Assoclated mye mmpire News, it 1s owned by Newspapers Ltd, but there was canadian millionaire Roy Thom. P t Pl k no guarantee their readers would) con "who says too many daily and ar Y an oo fem, Chronicl d Th ag Bion ly Brian LAKEFIELD, Ont, (CP) ~~ On e News Chronicle an: © have been competing for avall-| IFIELD, Ont, = On-| | Johnnle and Wayne, Whitby, and Star were Liberal newspapers, able advertising revenue, | tarlo CCF Leader Donald C, Mac- held gia big k Sortie i 8 Monday 100 Beity Sugget, fred and News Chronicle members off Parallel with new spaper| Donald said Tuesday night a full Christian Education Hall of Lynn, of Oshawa were guests dure Britain's two journalistie unions changes has been a series of| health Insurance plan for all Ca. Brooklin United Church Ing Thanksgiving weekend, at the issued a joint statement Tuesday mergers among periodicals, also nadians is a major plank in the It Tas been found necessary to{home of Mr, and Mrs, Sydney New Party's platform now ig = the date as mothers and Lockyer. rae go in Ottawa members of families wish to be] Mr, and Mrs. Edgar C. Crox. next summer. at home to the goblins and mys. all spent the Thanksgiving holls he P ive Conserv terious callers associated with days at their summer cottage at Both t § LTORTebITVe | Tafuse to| Hallowe'en, Please Note This, (Sturgeon Lake, tive and Liberal pa Committee will comprise Mrs. Mr, George Avery returned promote a comprehensive health insurance plan because of their vested interests in the private in- surance world and the medical associations Mr. MacDon- ald charged, "They know they can't oppose it forever, but they are willing to bow to the pressure of the vested interests and postpone it as long as they can," he sald, Text of Mr, MacDonald's ad- dress was given to the press be- fore delivery. He said some 50 university pro- fessors from across Canada will meet In Toronto this kend "to do a solid job of rethinking on some of the more difficult areas of public policy" in prep- aration for the final draft of the C. Bryant, Mrs, A. Paynter and Mrs, Victor Parkin, All entries must be received for judging from 7 p.m, to 7.45 p.m, sharp, Miss Mildred Price of Whitby will be the guest of the evening, and show colored slides of his- torical interest, following the show, During the judging of en- tries, brief business meeting will he conducted by Mrs, Norman ves, COUPLES CLUB The United Links Couples Club of Brooklin United Church held its Small Pigs Tied home to Little Britain, after a week spent at the home of his daughter and son-in-law, Mr, and Mrs, Lloyd Bradley, Mr, and Mrs, Mervyn Bird and family, spent the weekend in the district of Manitoulin Island, Debate Question Of Sunday Sports ST. THOMAS (CP)~The ques. tion of whether private sports clubs operating on Sunday are liable to prosecution appears to hinge on whether they are oper ated on a membership basis or severe To part with one we loved so dear Lovingly remembered by daughters Alberta and Muriel, and granddaugh ter Clara, | MeCONNELL = In loving memory of my son, Peter Stephen, who passed | turers the 80 municipal leaders away October 19, 1959, gained little value from the con- : Oh, not in cruelty, not In wrath, ference called to create enthus-! es 1 S u "Twas an angel visited the green! 88m for civil defence planning, B cl weapon |sign and operalional avaotion Scores of sirmen already are|techniques of air-to-air and sur- T S tur taking a general course on the|face-to-air missile systems, ax truc e Bomare at the RCAF's Rockautiel . . base here, Dozens of officers have . E taken highly specialized courses Severe Beating xamination in missiles at the University of| . LONDON, Ont. (CP) -- A call Michigan, aR Bs pl For Industrials for federal government Sosxtii at Fort Bliss, Texas, A few are MORONTO (CP) ~ Tndusirialsisotion of the eutire anadian Big BR owns {ory 100k a severe beating Tuesday. hy Capi, Joseph Jeffery, newly- Plane Com KH Bomare [A¢10FY| "0p "index, industrials dropped elected president of the Canadian a ' ' 2.56 at 484,50, base metals were Chamber of Commerce, SIXTH SUCCESS off 40 at 150.43 and western oils pon 40 Jong people 'have The Bomarc-B was fired suc-|lost 71 at 82.07, Golds gained 1.07, ued' abons taxes negatively," cessfully for the sixth time overiat 87,07, Capt. Jeffery told the annual the Gulf of Mexico last week, It phere were 1,804,000 shares meeting of the London chamber, flew more than 345 miles to Inter- | ..4eq compared with 2,151,000] "It is true that the power to cept a simulated jarget., 14 ad: (Monday, [tax 1s the power to destroy, but|night calling the closing of their due to competition from televis- vation range ls more Among steels, Dominion Foun in a broad sense it Is also the paper jhe moat Jogrant Je jon advertising, at dries dropped a point at 40% and power to give men new incentive, ra al of principles in the history | The Canadian Army has had fo co A) off % at 63% while, Jos to es discover and cre- of British Journalism," MAGAZINES MERGE nearly 500 men trained on vari|Stel a | plore, AG 3 = ----|among utilities, Mexican Light ate, The members of the National he Magurine mergers hogan lost a point at 8%, Capt. Jeffery sald the present Union of Journalists and the In- Polly A a ove . il D f Ford of Canada lost four PINS ax system has grown up under stitute of Journalists sald "We! s malgamated Proms and ac vi e ence at 121, Dominion Stores lost 1%ihe ympact of successive annual|wish to state publicly that we re- quired more than 70 publications "_a, k|Tevisions designed primarily to/gard the closing of this newspa-| Tob "oT 0 year Od. M Banks were strong behind Bank | yoet only immediate needs, per after 114 years as a com-|, =~ 00 JF 0 bought out Hulton res ayors of Montreal, up Th at 83%. Papers plete and unjustified scuttle," [LMS Press bought out Hultor gained, | It was disclosed Tuesday that : ' x TRAIL, B.C. (CP) = Mayor| In golds, Giant Yellowknife had Canadian Port Britain's small but rising Liberal ee West on Wo By me Gorge « A. Read says a recent westerns half-point gain at 11% while party wanted to form a syndi-| rr oup : publications, conference on civil defence In Ed-| gold bars hit a new high for the Date to keop the two papers alive: omson's takeover of the monton id Jo yoling Ral year, Falconbridge owed hase Use Advocat but its offer came after the deal Remsley uly 305, empire fol. mayors and reeve etals the way down with a drop ed ly closed -- a hard time staying awake, n iy at 33%. y was already closed, aye Jayor log Sy Souncl Western oils lost again, SEIGNIORY CLUB, Que. (CP) at, because of p -------- Canadian corporations are N M b "strongly urged" to direct their NET EARNINGS ew em ers wRpOrt Jalts hough Canadlan By THE CANADIAN PRESS . . ports, In a resolution approved y N Off 1 Tuesday by the Canadian Ex-| Anglo - Huronlan, year ended ow ICla porters' Assoclation, July 81: 1960, $1,096,820; 1959,) TORONTO (CP)-Phillip Hoff. In cases where directions spe- man, 59, a retired chief forester The Reaper came that day earth | B.C, delegates were so dis And took my boy away | turbed about the meetings they Lovingly remembered by mother, held a caucus and Reeve Allan| $1,018,567, at Timagami, and Art Evans, 45. Laurel, John, Kitty and Marty Emmott of Burnaby, near Van. | SCHOENAU -- In loving memory of our dear father, Jacob, and beloved daughter, Hetly, who passed away Ogtober 18, 1040 Wo often think of bygone days When we were all together; The family chain is broken now But memories will live forever. Eternal rest grant to them 0, Lord, Let perpetual light shine upon them Sadly missed by Frances, Bill and Gail, TUSON « In loving memory of doar mother, Lily Tuson, who passed away Oet, 19, 1989, Those we love, we never lose For always they will be Loved, remembered, treasured, Always In our memory, =Sadly missed and ever remembered by the familly TUSON -- In loving memory of sis: ter iI who passed away October 19, 194 Only a thought, true and tender, Just to show that I remember, Emily, CARD OF THANK KILGOUR = Wo wish to express our thanks and appreciation to friends and neighbors for acts of kindness, beaut. ful floral tributes, and expressions of sympathy in the loss of a dear husband couver, was appointed to express the group's dissatisfaction, | Mayor Read sald the lectures lasted 3% days and the meeting "hecame for most of us very boring. | "One cause was that these lec [ tures had not been trained, They were army or air force or navy| personnel who had been retired| "and put into these jobs to try and| create some enthusiasm for elvil| defence in Canada." cify other points of shipment exporters are asked 'to make every possible endeavor to obtain agreement' for the use of Cana. Brooke Bond Canada (1059), year ended June 30: 1960, $562, 603; 1950, $338,011, Dominion Stores, 8 mos. ended Sept, 17: 1960, $3,625,880, $2.25 a share; 1050, $2,717,253, $168 a share, Marigold Oils, year ended April 0: 1960, net loss $26,454; 1050, net loss $141,001, MARKET PRICES TORONTO (CP) -- Churning cream and butter print prices TORONTO (CP)~Trade Minis. ter Hees has called Walter Gor- don, chairman of the Liberal-| appointed royal commission on|dian ports, Canada's economic prospects, a ome! Hloomiern Hying to adv Cor| oii aeatement a Rr re nadian economic expansion, ple, president of the Gillesple- Mr, Hees, speaking to Osgoode| Munro Ltd,, Montreal--said nd Hall law students, sald Mr, Gor-|ern Canadian ports have a par. don called for a reduction in for-| ticular problem in that plants in elgn investment in Canada, re-|Ontarlo and western Canada can trenchment, and a slowing down| move their traffic through United In development during last sum-| States Atlantle ports at no in. mer's Kingston conference of crease in cost, new party program, 2 Men Are Fined year - old mayor of Bradford, Tuseday officially became Pro- gressive Conservative members of the Ontario legislature in a swearing-in ceremony at Queen's Park, Mr, Hoffman won in Timiska- ming riding and Mr. Evans in Simcoe Centre In byelections Sept, 29, The two men took the oaths of office, administered by Roderick Lewls, clerk of the legislature, They will take their seats in the 98-seat House at the opening of the second session of the 26th leg. islature Nov, 22, Mr, MacDonald spoke on be- half of Walter Pitman, New Party's candidate in the Peter- borough federal byelection, Trucker Applauds de and Paul Kudorl, both of Spring. ford, were each fined $70.50 Tues- day for locking six piglets in tied sacks in the trunk of a car, Police said they found one pig: let dead and another was almost car on a Delhi parking lot, are charging admissions, crown attorney Peter J, Gloin said Tuesday. 0 He was commenting in an ine terview on a statement by Alder man E, H, Luft that voters reject Sunday sports in a Decem- ber plebiscite, council would have to close down clubs operaitng SIMCOE (CP) -- Paul Varga ad when they examined the Highway Progress TORONTO (CP)---Progress to- wards a better and more exten. sive highway system in Canada has been remarkable, John Ma. gee, executive secretary, Cana. CROSSWORD sports on Sundays. { |sald, "should have as much faith in Canada as foreign investors who look at Canada with a cool, |appraising eye, Let these crepe- Get Pay Boost {hangers realize no other country TORONTO (CP)--Hydro work: has our resources and manpower were unchanged today. TORONTO (CP)~--Potato prices were quoted today at: Off truck, 75-pound bags: Ontario $1.50; P.E.I carlots 2; N.B, carlots 1.80, Liberal thinkers, "These gloomsters," Mr, Hees . More Tourists By Advertising . ACROSS 43. Colors dian Trucking Association Inc,|' XLarge DOWN said Tuesday. Pgh Speaking to delegates attend:| 8 Me~darin ing the annual Canadian Good teu Roads Association convention, Mr, Magee said that because of Man Not Guilty Of Manslaughter OH [MER = [OTL ITE IATDIOIN ITRIETELS INE (FUN ers in Ontario Tuesday won a skills," nine-cent-an-hour wage increase and a reduction in the work week to 35 hours. Spokesmen for the Ontario Hy dro Employees Union (CLC) said the one-year contract was signed with the Ontario Hydro-Electric| and father, Rarvelay Kilgour: also thanking Rev. Dickson; Gerrow Funeral Home, and especially Mrs, Grass and (hership vote, staff at Cedars Nursing Home, Mrs, B. Kilgour and fa LOKIEC~We would also like to thank pross sincere thanks and appreciation to our relatives, friends, noun i, em: ployers and fellow employees for their Kindness, messages of sympathy beautiful floral tributes during the loss of a dear husband and father, Andrew Lokiee. We would also like to thank the doctors, nurses and stall who at. fended him during his stay in Oshawa | General Hospitali also thanks to the tlonately. MeIntosh-Anderson Funeral Home for their kind, courteous and efficient service ~Mrs, Andrew Lokiee (Lockie) and family | Please Note Deadlines now In effect for this column: Births, Memoriams, Cards of Thanks w= , 9 AM, AME' DAY DEATHS w- 11 AM. SAME DAY DIAL RA 3.3492 | Power C ission Tuesday, ap: proved by an B82-per-cent mem: The pact calls for a seven-cent- an-hour increase on the top trade! group linemen, electricians, | {first-class machinists -- retroac:| [tive to April 1 with two cents {more on Nov. 3. | It increases the top trade group rate to $2.61 an hour. Lower cate. | (gories will be increased propor-| For the 4,000 persons on weekly salaries, the union sald, there will be a 1%-.percent increase across the board. The work week| will be cut to 36% from 37% hours a week and will be further| reduced to 35 by next April 1 This group comprises mostly clerical workers, | MOOSE PLENTIFUL KAMLOOPS, B.C. (CP)-Rull moose are reported In plentiful {numbers in northern British Co-| |lumbla (this seasod. The game Mr, Justice Barlow described his|ing liquor laws harsh and re. | station at Cache Creek reported manner of presenting evidence a a count of 51 moose and 101 deer early In October. | MONTREAL (CP) ~ Canada could attract many European tourists if it would only adver. tise, a group of foreign tourist agents have decided after a five day visit to this country, The agents, 53 of them from 18 countries and threa continents, left for their homes Tuesday after a tour of Montreal and the Laurentian Mountains, as guests of KLM, the Royal Dutch Alr- lines, which included visits to a supermarket and a National Hockey League game. The travel agents came from To the trade, 75-pound-bag range: Ontario 175-190; P.E.I carlots 2,15-2.40; N.B, carlots 2. 2.15; 10-pound-bag range: Ontario 30-31; PEI carlots 35-38; N.B. carlots 30-92, Brantford Deficit On Buses Lowered BRANTFORD (CP)---Roy Gus- cott, chairman of the Public Utilities Commission, had good news for Brantford citizens Tues- day--the nine-month deficit on bus operations amounted to only Judge Lashes Trial Audience KINGSTON (CP) -- John C. Wright, 24, was acquitted Tues- day on a charge of raping a 17 year-old Kingston girl, Three women were ordered from the court room when a burst of applause greeted the verdict of an Ontario Supreme |India, Lebanon and South Africa Court jury. Mr, Justice F, N [as well as every West European Barlow told the more than 200 country, but it was the latter who spectators they should be were most interested and most ashamed of attending court just enthusiastic, to hear such a trial, The European agents sald the "There are far too many in|/booming economies, relaxed ecur- this courtroom, Scandalmongers,|rency restrictions and lower air I presume . . .," he said, fares had put this continent Dr, William Hay, pathologist,/within reach of a substantial testified Monday that marks on number of vacationers -- estl-| the girl's throat indicated "a mated by some agents at 25 per threat of strangulation," He cent of their countrymen, added that the girl "would have| Ansgar Von Kleist of Munich died In five minutes" If stran- and other agents, Dutch and Ger gling had continued, | man, agreed that Canada should Mr, Justice Barlow warned Dr, |push, not its luxury accommoda- Hay about drawing conclusions tions, but its hunting lodges and not completely supported by fact.| npen spaces, When Dr, Hay had finished,| They were unanimous in find At this time last year the defi. cit was $72,000 and the total deficit for last year was $100,000, Seek Plebiscite On Sunday Sports PETERBOROUGH (CP) -- Pe. titions bearing about 2,000 signa- tures requesting a plebiscite on Sunday sports were turned over to the city clerk for checking Tuesday, Signatures of 10 per cent of the population--about 5,000--are re- strictive, though they had seen|quired before council must call nothing of laws even stricter than/a plebiscite, The petitions were those in Quebee, | presented to city council Monday. | the most atrocious I have ever] heard from a doctor," SIMCOE (CP)--John Frederick Cody, 22, of St. Willlams, Tues- day was acquitted of charges of manslaughter and of assault causing bodily harm in the death of Frederick Anthony Martin of Delhi, who died after a street fight, Cody was convicted of causing a disturbance by fighting and was fined a total of $200, The court heard that Cody punched Martin after the latter pushed Albert Beamer, 17, against a parked car, Gifted, Retarded Children Studied LONDON, Ont, (CP)--A close look at educational methods and facilities for both gifted and re- tarded children will be taken next week at the annual confer ence here of the Ontario Federa- tion of chapters of the Council for Exceptional Children, The three - day conference, opening Oct. 27, will be attended by 'about 400 specialist teachers, doctors and educational research. ers, JUST COINCIDENCE The International Wheat Coun- this progress more and more Ca- nadian communities can be pro- vided with modern, efficient high- way transport services. Highway builders will have to 'compete forcefully for the tax dollar in the coming decade, On- tario Highways Minister Fred M. Cass sald in his presidential ad- dress to the convention, He said health, education and highways will be major compet itors for tax money. Man's Confession Clears Mystery IPSWICH, England (Reuters) A 14 - year - old mystery was cleared up Tuesday when a court was told a man who wanted to redeem himself after a life of crime confessed to taking part In a £20,000 ($56,000) jewel! robbery from the Duke and Duchess of Windsor, The jewelry never was found and the robbers never discov. ered--until Tuesday when Rich. ard Dunphie was sentenced to years in prison after admitting the Windsor theft and other thefts over a period of 20 years, totalling about £50,000 ($140, Al HITS] SITIAVIECING] MITINIEID [SAIS] cil has its offices in the Haymar- ket area of London, England. None of the stolen property has been recovered, 000), | a ee YER 2 RNS BRE Wek

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