BOWMASYILE (Sst) ~ (emus Param was Comyieled lin magetrmt 5 covn Tiesday oA Jaa miil ing threatening to Sok. The dog clekey Dog Contest Officer Foes A festificd that he was petraiiing the homiet of Tyrone when Be saw # 0g rw In front fie track. He apprehended he He sald, as he was gong to pi the dog B the truck, when Park i ' - inson ren wp In Wm wm 9 g ; iin ad put Wis loot In the door. He = 2 # i ' a g __r isnid, be cold not say al the aney words Verkinson weed 1 EN (eall Wim down, and then Perkin ison threstened to shod Mim. He 4 Ae More than 25 senior ith | Oshawn, 1ogether with mem: | ager David Bovags eh- | the camera prior to the showing | honored guests said Pariipson went nin his ; 7 wens from Fairview Lodge, | bers of the Ohana Golden Age | ire party Ryesdoy aliernom # | of the fim sre some of the Qshaws Times Picks fome 1 get lis wile and, when OF Fe 4 ne a Whithy snd Hisdale Manor, | Clb were the guests of Man | the Plaza " he returned, Parkinson threatened Ty al ---- TTA - mrr------ & igen. The dog. THE WEATHER OFFICE | Quebes as an owthresk of Are enicher Cold Parkinson, he says it will be colder tonight | fie air sweeps over Eastern Ean i & barn der, so he and Thursdsy mn Ontario and | Cenads. Extensive clowdiness said, Parkinson's wile told Wim r-- WEATHER FORECAST EDUCATION BOARD : [10 5 junds ath got the 40m and 51 Tr affic Cases Heard Cool And Damp Air Moving In NEWS IN BRIEF Parkinson wes old to get the | Tuesday | TORONTO (CP)~Offickl fore-| Lake Erie Lake Hu Bo action will he token on & dog from the pound helore 5 p.m conird officer con Magistrate A. 8, Mitehell han! Bouthern . of nicht big. ! pps asts Issued at 11 am ron, Nisgers, Lake Ontario ri COLLECTION APPROVED nued: "that might | got & PA dled 51 cases in traffic conrt|©a® ¥ { Fon, 4 of Yhe hoard of children IB MY side i two Bays Leter Tie a The Osharts offences Synopas: The eoldes air push ions, Windsor, London, Hamilton, collecting for ( y the doctor said | had two cracked totalled 15, including lowr care ing southeastward Across the Toronto: Overcast with I rein en wight as rihe less driving charges en Lakes todny gave ow Jen. foday, Desoming cloudy with and shoo James Parkinson told the court Frederick Cockerton, Oshawe, |PEFatures of many points In| scat showers tonight f i ving fe h wie fined 875 when he was found Northern Ontario during the Thursday, Much colder tonight, ey while driving down the street he it hen, Bis dog ling on the steps to Guilty of careless driving on Bim-| HERE 16 will be somewhat modi- Winds southerly 1020, becoming and saw the dog catch. coe sireet north, Sept, 26 His fled in is passage Reross the | northwest 1520 tonight. dois WE or conning the dog off the steps, licence was suspended for six rent Jaan and J perirey Northern Lake Huron, South om ds he He said to the dog catcher, "hey Months, A speeding offence | REFORS outhern Ontario will gen-| ern Georgian Bay, Haliburion re- Chireh of Bvangelienl | er were my doz" The dog against Mr. Cockerion was Arop erally he in the 30s ton) gions: Cloudy with rain tedey, and Baptists to wy 0 § 0 {Overcast skies are common Thursday cloudy with al rent» cateher told Wim i he wanted the Mini : of §i,|across Ontario with some SuRe|spowflurries Yueh dctasional dada dog bi he ave | ef am . colder log hack he g ha ole: one 10 aharines {or shine reported af # few points night and Thursday Winds | matvle fl, Whew or: Sd wa lll ae Hl sd hy 1 ng Soe od that the foundation stone of the Working thet pight, the dog catch. WHIEh caused & molorevelis toi 4 west 16 this evening, . ay, Kirk North Bay, TR. McEwen School will he er said if you don't I) shoot fit [collide with his car the corner| Hons have 'show while Southern) you op Georgian Cloudy with showers today lald Friday, Oct, 2 8 pm. Then sald Parkinson "I ened assan on Sn Seay onlsections. of the pvinet Wave land Lake regions, him a loney sneaking dog thief," Aug. 2 a wdc. oF OFFER TO SELL, becoming clondy T ib t P » d snowflurries tonight, Much a Il u e dal coming northwest 1 » > Chamber Cites Year's Program The activities of the Oshawa|Hart, Dongld Burne and Gordon Chamber of Commerce for the! Riehl, who in tern introduced past year and the proposed ac- the commities chairmen or tivities for the coming year were! whom they are responsible, The outlined at its annual "Autumn. Commies chairmen explained the Action" fall dinner in Hotel Gen- sims wd objectives of each of osha Monday might Lhdr committees and related sug Chamber President Herbert G. gestions is membership iniends Robinson outlined the activities to carry oul to complete the com around the chamber offices since mitlees' duties 10 the Chamber April, He noted thet 105 addi- "and let the people of Oshawe tional firms have joined the know its Chember of Commerce chamber since then is alive' Although general membership| Committees under vice - presi meetings were - suspended forident art include the tourist and the summer months, Mr. Robin. convention development commit son the gathering, which is under the chairmanship of numbered nearly 20, that the Codon Garrison, Mr, Garrison executive and hoard of direciors Outlined the objectives of his continued thelr meetings through-| Commi and how i intends no out the summer months carry them out Mr, Robinson stated that the! Another commiiiee responsible summer meetings helped in for-|10 Mr, Hart is the Industrial Af mulating the program io he car fairs commities under the chair ried out during the coming year,|Manship of Douglas Storie, Like A program of work, he said, has| My. Garrison, Mr, Blorie outlined heen planned the functions and objectives of his group BYLAWS REVISED The third commitiee respon Earlier In the afternoon, hetore sible to vice-president Hart is the the dinner meeting, the Cham: membership commitiee under the ber met to make changes in Its chairmanship of Ken Crone, lis constitutional bylaws and a revi- purpose was outlined hy presi slon Wm its fee structure was deni Robinson during his open made, Al the pre-dinner meeting! ing remarks the chamber voled to change is ; Vice-president Don Burns in fiscal year ending from 8 troduced his commitiee chairmen MES, BEATHI.EEN M. DAVIES to Dec, Bl. The present execu | whieh includes Jack Lowry, who , | tive and hosed of directors will in poor health for eral will bring rein (0 most regions might And Thuride) (CP Wirephoiod in shot Wm request by & local photographer if he wanted it, He said, Parkin to photograph growps of pbc son arvived helore pm. and school enildren, & meting of the neid the $2 fine. However, Park Oshawe Board of Faueation's inson was so mad, he was commitices decided Monday MEM. tremiing, and said, he "would mn the hoard room of fake a sholgun and Wow my guls O'Neil) Collegiate and Vocational ou Institute A Fhe & ] the dog BIT OY # Ld ICEF mn Hallow BYTRNERA NY home in the AEEIR IONE : - S00, 609888 | Wha i ¥ 4 aw NO ACTION hig home No netion | be taken hy hourd Blavi Chr the from stians Wom LAY CORNERSTONFK Board members were inform school Pawlowsky was fined 8256 improper lef! ef ONTARIO COUNTY WINS TROPHY von the County Herd | Hoy East Central On | Ormiston Trophy for this class ari Cha ship islemn tario Championship HWolsten | ain Blades, assistant agri Show held at Peterborough, and here D. 8, Dunton (right sec. | euliural representative for On ond viee-president of the Hol stein - Friesian Association of Ontario Canada presenting the 4 Class aL Ihe id A655 tario County Photo by Jim Rose OBITUARIES Alig BE Twirl iy] Hi | Pek \heads the education commitiee eats Men. Rathlees Mary Davies remain in office until February. Mr. Lowry explained his commit i. Hited f wid Bodo fi It was decided that November|tee's objectives and how it died a Hillsdale Manon do ay Wi P : Fairvie w| mn rizes is to be new members month. pects to achieve them : p The objective of this member |" year 4 resident o % | tip month 1s to Increase the| PUBLIC RELATIONS [Lae ge, Whithy, for several years membership to 60 from the pres-| Myrle Book heads Mrs. Davies was one of the first ent 466, Mr, Robinson emphasized relations committee, A m o pn g| residents of Hillsdale Manos Vey Nig ee Ata thet the help of all Chamber|other public relations work his| Born Feb, 28 1682, at Deal, jy" (70000 part 4g Swirling members Is needed to Increase committee Intends to carry out,|Kent, England, the deceased was oon otitions at the La Salle Ben this membership Mr, Book explained it hopes to|a daughter of the late Mr, and|io Hick School, The fests were from 6 | east to phe Last Baturday four majoreites the publie| from the Harvey Dance . Aca ' . ee een TTT] ower er eer ner CITY AND DISTRICT CHARGE LAID BRR TISRSSESSES AT CHICAGO CONFERENCE Ben Bailey, of Balley Foods Limited, Oshawa, was among the large gathering at the American Rakers' Association convention held Oct, 16 to 10 in Chicago, REPORT IN ERROR In a recent story, appearing on the Bowmanville page of The Oshawa Times, It was erroneous ly stated that Earl Kenneth Har ] i vill be ing township line on Highway 401 ud his association with Walker and rolled his car several times, | Lodge, A charge of eareless driving against Kenneth Hunt, of Port Credit, was dismissed, Mr, Huni Funeral N / Will be tak wy th Parkinson told the magistrate DRIVER REPRIMANDED 0 action We Laken By NE he was quite mad shout if as he! Magistrate Mitehell repr hoard on an offer to sell the prop-| cay the man call the dog off the manded Joseph Otvos and fined er, Winds southerly 10 « 20, be priy at 10h Colhomne street east sions Fe spid, the dog catcher him $20 on & charge of speeding this e to the hoard told him if he had his dog under, and failing to produce a licence nook SCHOOL USE GRANTED control he wouldn't he able to call on King street east, July 2. He Timmins Kapuskasing, James A request from the Dy, C F.|the dog off the steps told Mr, Otvos to he mare co Bay regions: Cloudy with snow Cannon 8¢ hoo) Home and Behool! Dog Control Officer Hosking operative with the police offi today, Thu raga y clowdy with Association for permission to use said: "1 didn't entice the dog at 0018 In thi HTS: is Wk Oshaws,| During the banquet hour, Tol- bid B La der Winds I sehon venin fi fidn't see the A n the] AHINER & ' fon. mmestinge won granted Toa oe, wee the G08 70 TRE "ined" 96 and costs tor carer| OSH The Inaelg of emblel" white River regions Verishie {hoard also agreed to the request! The crown attorney comment. tess drving Which yy north, awa Masonic Temple, Tuesday a with lonal snow. T, Graham, Bloor siveet ed; "The life of a dog eatcher is| #6 ae on Rime '| night, # toast to Grand Lodge flurries today and Thursday, Cel. Sunday School use the!not an enviable joh -- 1 have dif AE ade aon of 508 Milton|W8s proposed hy Bro, T, Gros der, Winds northwest 15-28, (Chareh service on Bunny mormon his war toot" sen by street, Oshawa, was nequiied by| V0, JSC Satter OF fe lofip | | Forsennt Toure Ing ¥ [a strange dog the magistrate on [1 eharge of hd Everson, who was recently honor: Wats might a ' 2 op al nier pen er SECRETARY RESIGNS | Parkinson sald, lois of people Solin fou full a, at i Inter. od by Grald Lod " SS0Tested A TROBE +rv or 88 kta bald have seen him coaxing dogs | a onors| London ' i ot we A letter of vesignation from from thelr property, The magis-|#"€¢ Oshawa, was|onierred upon him and stress-| Kitchener |, Mes, Joa MeMulian 3 Member trate offered to adjourn the easel Ut Bon ". ia conviel- of the Imponanee of Joitnels Wingham He son os DY of the office staff of the public for Parkinson to bring in witness of careless driving on Park 68 Tati Hamilton " 0 school superintendent, was Ae. gs. Parkinson declined od & wih on Sept, 19, ernsl groups as they form an im-|8f, Catharines ,,, , 85 Although fire prevention weekipromote a "Ryerson Type' Mrs. Clarence King, She was|held in the gym of this modern "ePied Mrs McMullan will be! The magistrate said he was ae. round orth on S6 nit William portant place in the men's lives. | Toronto Wi has now passed, president Rob- school for Oshawa married at Kingston, Ont, June|sehool with qualified NBTA Succeeded hy Miss Doris - Del cepting the evidence of Hosking, oo vn "of 368 Marion street, V, Wor, Bro, Everson referred| Peterhorough inson brought to the attention of Gilbert Murdoch heads the pro-|27, 1006. A resident of the dis judges and Mes, Elaine Jacobs Nure, a graduate in business ad-|and said thet some one (aking 8) ches' of making an improper| the visit of Walker Lodge Prenton |, the banquet that the Chamber 16 seesional affairs committee, He|tFiet for 87 years, she came to the as organizes ministration of Western Univer: man's dog does not give him the jor "sum was dismissed, Acton, PAL frlbute to V, i Killaloe ,,, going lo form a fire prevention) gyniained the function of this|Ares from Kingston in 1022, She| Ruthann Deboski, 15, of 14191 right to threaten to shoot him. Hel "po giconeying a traffie signalling him with his Ady Breen Muskoka... ittee to work IB eo-0PePA-| committee Is to develop relations| Ws & member of Christ Memo-| Chadburn avenue, Oshawa, won a) sald, Hoskin didn't know whether| Coe Bo ce con® of Oshawa, was wv y F Vast North Bay , With Fire Chief ay Hobbs, (hoi ween the 0 va yale mel Anglican Church | beautiful trophy for first place in Parkinson had a gun or not, and fined $20 and costs, He caused A lagers Jewel, He extended oon, Sudbury Whom he Introduced to the gath:| cog' husiness community | Predeceased by her husband, the noviee solo class, 15 years did not know Whether, he would| (vee. car accident at King street fire Boar aod has 10 ore Nonny Roriton ' wg The third vice-president intro.|Alred James Davies, Oct, 4,|and over, This is Ruthann's fourth shoot him or not, "Hes between og" giteon ropd when he went] pers of the Acton lodge, ee ah UL SRTLRE TE The president Introduced his * Pho A 1068, Mrs, Davies is survived hy|award having won third place the devil and the deep blue ses. 1) Foo. oh" ved Tight on Sept. 96, In rel to B toeet to the via White River ,., v4, (18 three vice « presidents, William ee elon two daughters, Mrs, A; C. Kings.| medal at Burlington last April; a fed you Euilty os Shared 1s| The magistrate dismissed the| tors Ip sed by Bro. Tohm Go| Moosonee oo d ude LJ | " The fine 008 ' J y J 4 peond place trophy at the Band. | le Hine Was An char | ki n improper | nish, of le Lod, Vv. the eommerelal affairs commit-|uey (Rose), of Oshawa and Mrs, |Secand J ; y Jail charge of making a nish, emple e, V. Wor, COMING EVENTS tee i i luis So IH Cain (Katherine), of Bowman-|'and Festival in June and second or In default tive days I ol. left turn against Walter Wunaoh Bro, H, Ritchie, of Walker Lodge, | Gardon Miles, the public uifairs| Ve and four sons, Gordon, of Place gold medal at te NE Harvey Danlel Frederick, 19, when he noted that the sum: paid tribute to V, Wor, Bro, Me: Still F lunder the chairmanship of Fred) Cumberland, Oni Peter, of arol Greenham, RR 3, Bowl. "an dinh "street, was arrested mons was improperly served, Intosh and also to his late broth: a rew UMMAGE sale Bi Andrew's Chureh,| p anshiy od | 4 Aid manville, won second place 2 er, Frank Melntosh, | Mall d the oh { hithy and Robert and Edward in Peterborough this morning, P ) ' hureday, Oct, 80, 1130 p.m alloy and the finance commit: BUC Also surviving ave 17/Medal last Saturday. This iso "oon Ot EE eft 1 AUTO ROLLED V, Wor, Bro, Melntosh express B I Left pao Bathe Park, Eulalls Avenue, te® which Is headed by Mr, Riehl grandehildren and Mabie 'areal. CArol's second medal having a " argo ted S14 le 1 " Alan Rodney of Oshawa, wat ed his appreciation of the honors arga ns ursday 8 pon. Buchre Sawirdsy | Like other committee heads, |g, oo 00" RTEAL won third place at the CONE and|72T Was reporied stolen at 1 a.m. fined #35 when he was convicted) 50S BRRICTAIEL 10 tied ino) p.m. Whist Monday 8 pm _ |they also explained the ehjectives "And hiidren she was captain of the Tartanette| 244, by Arthur Malloy, of 60 of careless driving. He missed) ql or (Ll bo Tire in. Acton FROM OUR TURKEY Dinner at Harmony United | 00 roan of reaching them of The memorial service Corps al the Bandland Festival Gibbons street, He said his car the detour at the Whithy-Pleker- y eB RIAL cider 0% their respective commitiees {held afi the Armstrong {when they won rd place trophy, | 9% taken from the GM south GIGANTIO fem 4.30 0 l [Home at 2 p.m, Thursday Oet The Dance Twirl Team ander plant parking lot. Whithy detach #0, followed by integment in the the name "Rutheties", including! M2 the Ontario Provinelal CITY COUNCIL family plot in Mount Lawn Ceme-| Ruthann Dehoski, Frna Lit (Follee was notified, Peterborough Rev. W. J. Goodswan of Lid, $30 for overloading; Charles Pichette, $20 for overloading, NOVEL BINGO THURSDAY EVENING, 8 P.M ter Carol Greenham and Cheryl F0olice later reporied the recov eolll ot 87, GEORGE'S HALL (Albert and Jackson Sts) Games $6, $12, $20 May be doubled or tripled $150 JACKPOT INCLUDED Door prize $15 NEARLY NEW SHOP Thursday and Friday 2w9%pm ST, GERTRUDE'S 690 King St. East RUMMAGE SALE ST, MATTHEW'S ANGLICAN CHURCH (Corner of Wilson and Hoskin Avenue! SAT, OCT, 22nd, 2 p.m WHITBY BAND BINGO CLUB BAYVIEW Wednesday, Oct. 19th Special Game 55 Neos Bus leaves Oshawa Terminal 25¢ return, $1.00 admission Jackpot Nos, 50 and 50 ST. MARY'S BINGO WEDNESDAY, OCT 8PM AT ST. MARY'S OF THE PEOPLE AUDITORIUM STEVENSON RD. N AT MARION 19th King street bus at door, Bus will be waiting at auditorium after bingo is over 16 GAMES OF $8 1 GAME EACH OF $10 $20, $30, $40 SHARE THE WEALTH $50 EXTRA 2 CARDS FOR 25¢ OR 10 CARDS FOR $1 ADMISSION 25% PER CARD -- CHILDREN ets 18 14 NOY ADMITTEL _(olinies to he |tario | Christ Memorial Anglican Chureh will conduct the Bmith were NEWS IN BRIEF services Ihe Hary LAUREN VINTON HOGARTH | Board of Works informed the| 14 failing health for some time [Oshawa and District Labor Coun:| Lauren Vinton Hogarth died sud ell Monday night that a sidewalk|denly at his residence, 842 King on the south side of Adelaide strap east, this morning next time tl jorettes in §0 that they but falled to place proud of these dy, 26, of 523 Montrave avenue, Oshawa, had been convieted on 8 charge of Indecent assault, As a matter of faet the accused was convicted on a charge of indecent exposure and was remanded for examination RYERSON HOMECOMING ery of the ear and the arvest of | Frederick at Peterborough CUT IN COLLINION Floyd Ramsbottom, 84, of 176 Roxborough AVENUE received outs to his left knee and ankle, Tuesday night, when the car he third on Saturday Dance Girls are irlers and hope ere will be more ma the Tartanette Corps may [3 go too avenue, between Simcoe and gown near Solina, Mr, Hogarth Mary, will be recommended I0inad heen a resident of Oshawa the 1061 sidewalk program [for 60 years. A hullder and con tractor by trade he retired 11 PLAN BAND CONCERT years ago. He was a member of Hon, Louls Cecile, minister of Kendalwood Seventh-day Advent public welfare, will officially open | ist Church Hillsdale Manor, the eMy's $1,250 He I survived by his wife, the 000 home for the aged, Oct, 36. | former Alice Gall, whom he mas {The Ontario Regimental Bandi vied In Oshawa In 1908 and a {will give a concert for the resl-| daughter Mr Bimmer Furpin| dents the same night | tDorathy), of Osnawa | Also surviving 10 EXAMINE REQUEST [ni "Fed Gama The finance committee will snd Mrs. Annie Veooman examine a board of eduoation re panto; a _ brother, Henry quest for approval of a 1861 de | Hogarth of Oshawa and henture Issue totalling $510,000. | grandehildven Projects include an addition 10) phe funeral service will be held Conant publie school ($80,000) and at the Melntosh - Anderson Fu a new senior public sehool (#20, naval Home at 2 p.m. Friday, | 000) | Oct 21. Rev. PP. C, Fell af the | College Park Seventh-day Adven tist Chureh, will conduet the serv It seer peaple to time than ly spry ed 10 pace the short and has and stab there Is even yout here | cash! Get selling yo goods power toc with an ( sified Ad two sisters, | of Oshawa of To| W.| two 2 GET TIME OFF BERNARD BARUCH . ON-RETIREMENT son can often do more in less Junior SPOrts gear |was driving was involved in a |eollision with & ear driven by David L, Taylor, of 168 Cadillac avenue, The accident oceurred at Richmond streel and Ritson road. Damage was estimated at $0 A large number of the Osh awa and distriet students and graduates of Ryerson Institute of | Technology will he attending the | annual homecoming on Oct, 98./ The day's events will start with| a parade from the school at 11.80 am ns Wrong to me for retire, An alder per GLASSES BROKEN hree-year-old Patricla War ren M 418 Mary thee), recqIved CALL FOR PLAYERS He knows fnall Gite to hot he i Bi i Mel Suddard would like all the) pitfalls ruck hy a Car on Mary | DOYS of the Valleyview Park area, acquived Judgment Tuesday evening, The oa who are interested In playing | ility. For all this Archibald Camp. hockey this season, to meet afi no substitute, not the clubhouse on Thursday, Oct h ? 20, 630 pm, so that Mans ean § no substitute for be made to form & team your share now hy his more physical He has learn himsell outs and Was streel was driven hy hell, of Raglan 4 AMBULANCE CALLS The Oshawa Fire -Department| was Involved in a two-car sion on Highway 7A on July 4, A careless driving charge against Wesley Mang, of Brampton, was also dismissed Perey Boyd, of Toronto, was fined $25 and costs when he was convicted of a careless driving charge. He collided with a car driven hy W. Holliday, of East Whithy, at the corner of High ways 7 and 12 TRUCK OVERLOADED Woods Transport, of Toronto, was fined $18 and costs for oper ating an overloaded vehicle on Highway 401, Mr, Woods, the The following were not present in court but were fined: Bernard Toth, $6 and cost for driving with out headlights; Primo Treppo, $10 NU-WAY RUG 00, 174 MARY 57, RA 8.4601 and costs for ding; Arthur d 1 Carr, $15 and costs for speeding; doseph Furlong, $40 for falling to stop and speeding; Norman Reacon, $12 for speeding; Wyman Campbell, $10 for speeding; Albert H 1, $12 for speedi and Brian Watson, $10 for speed: ing A charge against Joseph Capute of careless driving was with. drawn + SKIN ITCH Weaema, Pimples, Rod Boaly and Athlete's Foot ave aulekly cleared DRM. Slaps dich in minutes, Auth sentle motion heals, Mekes skin sofien smonther, clearer, Ask your NIXODERM olntment snd | 18s your skin, Look better owner of the Company, who said he was a member of the Metro Safety Counell, defended the case, The following were convicted of offences against the Public Com. mercial Vehicles Act: Wm, Dal. ley Cartage, $20; United Steel, §20 for overloading; Richmond Sod answered a false alarm on Sim. coe street south, Tuesday, There| were no other alarms since Tues {day morning, There were four routing ambulance calls ur extra household furnityre is, ele quickly Mhawa Times Clas Offtelal council approval was! ices Interment will be in Oshawa given city hall employees for) Union Cemetery time off lo get a chest x-ray at sel up hy the On | County - Tuberculosis and {Health Association | WILL OTTAWA Abdul and Diefent jointly anne day how Oy JOHN STIRTEVANT SMITH Following & short illness the death occurred at the Oshawa General Hospital this morning of SEEK LIGHTING COST | John Stirtevant Smith, of 800 Vig The Oshawa Publie Utilities toria street, Whithy, He was in Commission will he asked for afMs Sith year report on costs of installing Hgts! A litelong resident of Whithy on Farewell street, from the CNR Mr. Smith was & san of the late right-of-way to the new parks Joshua and Emma Smith, He hoard building, and along Raleigh| was A member of 8t, John's Ang street, from Farewell to Wilson! Mean Church, Part Whithy, He road. The city's Industrial com.| Was married in 164 mission recommended the lights) He Is survived hy his wife, the because of women emplayees| former Ruth Caroline Gerow and working in the area a brother, William, of Whithy Township TO RENOVATE POOL lors year Tuesday vated hy ada's contr monwealth south and Mala, intory year 00, 000 The funeral service will be held Clty councll passed a city prop: at the W. C. Town Funeral Home, | [ety Jecummbndtion Munday Whithy, at 2 p.m. Saturday, Oct (RIERE That © Rlary Av swim i ~ SIFORE TO0 {ming poal be renovated for use as 33. Rev. Stanley Armstrong, ree la wading pool. Financing will he! tor of All Saints' Anglican Chureh referred to the 1861 council at Whithy, will conduct the services budget lime Interment will be in Oshawa & | Union Cemetery ! REQUEST REFERRED An Oshyen Housing Company winter will he provided hy the request land be purchased Robert Dixon Co,, who submitted {fo (tional housing was refer |& low bid of $14 per ton 0 the 1981 connell for budget 1BOuss ion NAME FENCE VIEWER | Counell approved T A Harvey's appointment as fence | Wp viewer for the oily | TENDER FOR FUEL Coal to heat the olty hall ald to Malaya will be spent this) Out CALL FOR PLAYERS | Mel Suddard would like all the Minis. | bays of the Valleyview Park Area, Malaya Who are interesied in playing hoekgy this season, to meet at = the clubhouse on Thursday, Oot nee today or Thurs: ag at 6.80 p.m, so that plans ean Anada's Colombo planihe made to form a team 10 ATTEND SEMINAR | Miss Florence Hart, supervisor | of the $30,000,000 of art, will be one of the instruc Parliament Can: tars fram six Ontario centres who | thution to the Com: [Will be conducting workshops at jor [AR Arts and crafts course heing held hy the Helleville Association] of the Federation "of Wamen| Teachers' Associations Oet, 31 and 22 and Nov, 1 and TELL OF AID (CP) Prime Rahman of waker of Canada will med soureoes sald] READY COOKED Turkeys Capons Roasting Chickens Broilers ! (Alse Pheasants) for plan Asia receive assistance this i Southeast va will 1.00 19 Saar Than viaus Jenith : » Adjustable ta Yagr Head Shape CONVENIENT Nya RIAL © PTICAL D, * The Wards Smattest Treat Hearing- Awd 11 ONTARIO §T., OSHAWA PHONE RA 8.423% 117 BLOOR EAST For An Added Taste Treat Tey Our , . CHARCOAL BARBECUE Oudor 24 hours ahead for Free Delivery of trash fowl, Ben. quets and large orders aur specialty, LITZ POULTRY RA 34722 SIDINGS Front of Home 10' x 20 Com. pletely Installed EASY TERMS § YEARS TO PAY FOR ADDED BEAUTY & INSULATION TO YOUR HOME PRECAST STONE ALUMINUM BRIXITE r EA me ann ' Regal Nome Improvement : © 3557 ST, CLAIR AVE, E. SCARBOROUGH, ONT, -- OX 9.7106 Please send me more information on 0 ALUMINUM [1 STONE Name Address Phone Number ' \ 1 \ \ L REE EEE EEE} 299.00 149.00 119.00 EERE EERE EEE EE EE RR ER) Oo. Lid: CE