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The Oshawa Times, 19 Oct 1960, p. 6

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The Oshavon Times Published by Canadian Mewspapers Limited, B6 King 5, E., Oshawg, Ont, Page 6 Wednesday, October 19, 1960 Oil Industry Doesn't Need Help: Imperial It is refreshing these days to hesr a company declare thet its eres of industry does not need government assistance or protection, That is whet Imperial Oil says in its vigorous ergy ment against the proposal to put Caner dien oil into the Montresl market by means of a pipeline, Far from being a distressed industry in need of public support, Imperial asserts, the Canadian petroleum industry is growing more rapidly than the gen. eral economy end most other Canadian industries, Government action favoring the Montres! pipeline promoters would require extensive assistance and protec tion for a vigorously growing industry and "would appear to set a dangerous precedent in the direction of a high-cost economy," The statement continues; "There has been a tendency to discuss the Canadian oil industry in terms of #8 somewhat glamorous western crude oil producing segment, In fact, by far the larger proportion of the total invest ment and employment in the industry is concentrated in the refining, marketing and distribution functions, Other fune- tions of the oil business have problems that compare with those faced by the crude producers ~~ but none of these problems justifies the kind of govern~ ment intervention end control contem- plated in the uneconomic Montreal piper line propossl" Imperial is on strong ground, It hes been stated thet a 250,000 berrel-nday market could be geined for western producers in Montreal, but this does not take into sccount that, if erude sources were switched, exchange agrees ments putting Cenadian oil into the US. Puget Bound srea would probably become void and certain "product" ime ports" inte Quebec would have to he increased, 'The net market increase could amount to less than 15,000 barrels a day, There sre more than 200 producing companies in Alberta, but it is doubtful if all of them would share in the in- creased market, Imperial estimates that less than 30 of the companies would get about 95 per cent of any increase, The Borden Commission did not re commend the building of a pipeline to Montreal if western production did not reach 700,000 barrels a day by the end of the year, What it recommended was that the National Energy Board review the situation, including the question of the Montreal market, On Shaky Moral Ground The United States once again has obtained enough support in the UN to block debate on the seating of Come munist China in the Assembly, but it was a hollow victory; the margin of support was narrower, the number of abstentions greater, and all but a couple of the Afro-Asian members voted against the U.8. or abstained, The US, opposes UN membership for Communist China largely on moral grounds, Its position would be much stronger if it did not support on Formosa a regime that is not a whit better than that on the mainland, The Chiang gov» ernment was corrupt and dictatorial when it held power in China, and it has not improved during its exile on Fore moss, There can be no Asian respect for U.S, policy as it supports people like Chiang Kai-8hek and (until he was driven from power) Syngman Rhee, Chiang does not permit any political opposition to develop, He is Formosa's dictator; he runs a one-party governs ment as ruthlessly as his opponents in Peiping. In recent months, for example, Lei Chen, a magazine publisher, or- ganized the first substantial opposition to Chiang's rule on the island, Then re. cently he and two sssociates were hauled before a military tribunal, charged with sedition and given prison terms ranging from five to 12 years, Lei Chen was not permitted to confront and question the principal witness against him, Action of the Chiang government in this affair has drawn sharp criticism from Chinese on the American West Coast and in Southeast Asia, normally friendly to the Nationalists, The Chris. tian Becience Monitor quotes Dr, Hu Shih, former ambassador to the United Btates, as describing Lei as " a patriotic man and certainly anti-Communist," Critics within the ranks of the Kuoms intang, Chiang's erganization, have heen threatened with expulsion, Lel provided the first serious opposition outside the Kuomintang =~ and he has been jailed for sedition, It is clear, then, that Chiang has no use for the democratic processes, that freedom and justice are empty words in Formosa, and that support of his regime on moral grounds is ques tionable, The United States could put a lot of pressure on Chiang to change some of his ways, Unless he does change, the US, will continue to lose support in the UN, Faster Mail Delivery Larger rockets speeding at 10,000 miles an hour from London would de. liver mail to Montreal and Toronto, as well as to New York, as quickly, Letters posted in London would be given "same day delivery" to many parts of Canada, One-day mail delivery between Lon. don, England, Sydney in Australia, and Toronto, Montreal and Vancouver in Canada, Such a service is not outside the re. alms of possibility, according to Post Office experts in England, They claim it will be possible by use of guided rocks ets, Letters would be the chief kind of mail carried in the rockets and they would be placed in nose containers, Medium-range rockets would shoot mail 1,800 miles an hour from Van. couver to Toronto, and Montreal, in a little ever an hour, and vice versa. @he Dshorwa Times Toh WILSON, Publisher and General Manager € GWYN KINSEY, Edie Tha Oshawa Times Va RE Oshawa T (estaclished 1871) and the ithy Gazette Chronicle (established 1843), 1 publaned daily (Sundays and statutary holidays excepted), Members ot Canadian Daily Newspapers Publishers Amociation, The Canadian Press, Audit Bureau ot Cirsvlation and the Ontaria Pravingial Dailies Anes clation. The Canadian Presa in exclusively entitled 10 the wwe foi republication of all i Wn the paper crediied to It or ta The Aseciated Press or Reuters, and ala the loeal news published therein. All nights of special despatches are ale reserved, Ottiges: Thomson Building, 425 University Aven Toronta, Ontario; 640 Cathéart Street, Montreal, PJ SUBSCRIPTION RATES Deliverad by carrier in Oshawa, Whithy, Alex, Plgkering, Bowmanville, Braokin Pont Perry Prince Albert Maple Grove Hampton, Frenchman's I'S Liverponl, Taunton, Tyrone, Dunbarton, Ennikilien, Osanna Leshan Broughham, Burketon, Claremant, Columba, Greenwood, Kinsale, Raglan, Blackstock Manchester, Pontypool and Newcastle nat over 45 pat week, By mail {in pravines of Ontario) owtiide carrion delivery areas 12.00, elwwhere 15.00 pet Average Daily Net Paid as of April 30, 1960 116,999 The Skylark high-attitude rocket which is now being tested at Woomera, in Australia, would be the ideal rocket for certain types of mail conveyance, the experts say, "All rockets will be designed for re. covery," said the Postmaster General of England, "They will be intact, so that the nose container with the letters inside can be recovered, This has already proved quite possible" Last yea the British Postmaster Gen. eral received a letter which began ita journey in a Regulus guided missile, fired from an American submarine in the Atlantic, Starting this month, the speediest mail service in the USA, will be tried out between Chicago and | Washington, Called fax mail or speed mail, the system will use television type machines to transmit messhges the 600 mile dis tance between the two cities in 18 seconds, According to word from Chicago, users will receive large writing sheets which can be folded into an envelope, The envelope will be deposited in a "secrecy" box in the post office, will be automatically opened and then fed inte a scanning machine that will transmit a signal "picture" of the message to the Washington post office, In Washington the message will be restored to paper and sealed in envelope form for delivery, 2A long way from the pony express! a SES = DL - » 3 N= ----- Ie a ~ > TN > J A EE PT Ne BX et oP INSIDE YOU "STARK DISCRIMINATION" po 1c ee | Ways To Handle Hiccuping Bouts By BURTON H, FERN, MD BLARING headlines had soft ened the world of his death, hut now newsphotos were showing his twinkling eyes and long, flow: ing rohes Hiccups had not killed him! Your hiccups (or hiccoughs) are probably more disturbing than depthedefying, Just about everyone hies now and then, often at Just the wrong time an im portant interview, a first date or worst of all in the publie Ubrary To hiceup, you have to fight yourself The diaphragm suddenly invites alr into the lungs, while at the same time your vooal cords jam shut, closing off the Inner en: trance, Convulsion « like spasms grip the inhaling diapharm and gateclosing vocal cords Just bes fore each hiccup, COMMON ROOTS A network of nerves, more complicated than the spaghetti like insides of modern electronie machinery, control these per feotly timed spasms, Like an upside-down oak (ree, a pair of nerves pour down each slide from common roots in the brain, sending twigs and branches to nearly every muscle and organ above the waist, Both dia phragm and voeal cords hang rom different branches of this tree, HOW THEY'RE CAUSED If any twig feels irritated, W ean trigger rapid-fire hiceups, Traveling from the throat, steaming soup may scorch the esophagus, The annual banquet may overstreteh your stomach to near bursting, A few stones rocking around in the gall hlad- BY-GONE DAYS 20 YEARS AGO The 12th annual convention of the Bay of Quinte Young People's Union Conference which was held In King Street Chureh set a new Interest standard with its high attendance, \ The first contingent of United States six-ton tanks to arrive at Camp Borden was a big event in the Ynterest of Ontario Regiment and' other units comprising the Armored Rrigade under the com: mand of Col, ¥, F, Worthington, The girls of the South Simeoe School Softball Club, school champlons for 1040, were pre. sented with the Cliff Palmer tro. phy hy Dr, H, M. Cooke, chair man of the Board of Rdueation, Dr, H, Bascom was presented with a 80 years' Veteran's Jewel by War, Bra, Dr, Charles F, Me. Gillivray, at a meeting of Com: posite Lodge, Whithy, The Ontarle uMsle Teachers' Association convention was held in Oshawa with Dr, Harrison, of Queen's University, the guest speaker, Pte. Bernard R, MeQurid, the first Canadian soldier to be atient in the new Sth Canadian ospital in England, in a letter to The Times praised.the work of the Red Cross . Almonds Church, Whithy, cele brated the 105th anniversary with special services ohed 2 Rev, R. H, Wylie of Colum us Oshawa WinThe-War and Com. munity Fund Campaign with $83.000 as the objective, surged away aver the top with a grand total of $112,848 Norman H, Daniel was appoint as Commanding Officer of Oshawa Civil Guards to fll the post made vacant hy the resis: nation of Col. Frank Chappell, W. L Grant of Oshawa was appointed Western Zone Sales Manager of General Motors Prod a h Lid, with headquarters at L'N der may scratch and bruise its ining, All ean trigger hiccups Hidden paeumonia or painless pleurisy may be revealed hy telltale hiceuping, Trouble Inside the brain may Irrvitate the ner: vous roots to trigger spasms half. way down the tree, An irritated nervous personality ean also thin itself into hiccups, USUALLY BRIEF Mild, everyday irritations rarely keep you hiceuping more than a few minutes, They hardly ever propel you to the doctor, But sometimes they continue as regularly as elockwork--for days, weeks or years, Uncontrolled hie cups can even kill ne teenaged lad hicouped every waking minute for 12 long years, Then, suddenly, when he reached voting age, his constitu tion gained freedom from these lrritating spasms, Because these spasms have plagued humans since ancient times, the hiccup files bulge with home remedies, Greek physi elans used to prescribe breath. holding and gargling, to he fol lowed hy nose-tickling, if their simpler methods failed, Through the dark ages, bloodletting, tongue-pulling and snuff-sniffing cured many a knight and lady, GALLUP POLL Breath-holding continues hi on the current hiceup hit parade, A slow glass of water ean also drown hiccups, Most eures simply stop breath. ing temporarily so that you ean't exhale carbon dioxide, Doctors now know that earbon dioxide ~ NOT POISONOUS CARBON MONOXIDY, -- quiets those irri tated nerve fibers which cause hiccuping, Special Inhalations een he given in the hospital, At home you ean glve yourself (his hospital treatment by breathing with a paper bag held tightly around your nose and mouth, Exhaled carhon dioxide soon fills the hag, But before hijacking that cons tainer from your latest supers market purchase, try holding your breath until you feel like bursting; then hold It just a little longer, Will power can save you paper bags IF THEY PERSIST If hiccups persist, see your doctor, He may want to numb those spastic nerve fibers flow. ing to the diaphragm, He merely injects Novacaine or one of its cousing, if necessary, When all else falls, surgical pliers ean crush the nerve, paras lyzing It for several weeks, while the underlying Irritation Is pine pointed and cured, Dr, Fern's mallhox is wide open for letters from readers, While he cannot undertake to answer individual letters, he will use readers' questions In his col umn whenever possible and when they are of general interest, Ad dress your letters to Dr, Fern in care of this newspaper, Liberals Gain Support By Canadian Institute of Publie Opinion Looking ahead for the next few oars, more people think the (berals would do the best job of keeping the country prosper. ous, If In power, than think this way about the present Govern. ment, Nationadty 38 per cent give honors to the Liberal Party; 25 per vent to the Conservatives; 11 per cent to the CCF, Remainder of the electorate 1a undecided, As one of a serles of studies assessing current mood of the Bublie, reporters for the Gallup oll interviewed a sclentifioally selected sample of population to ask: "LOOKING AHEAD FOR THE NEXT FEW YEARS, WHICH POLITICAL PARTY THR CONSERVATIVES, LIBERALS, OR THE CCF, DO YOU THINK, IF IN POWER, WOULD DO THE REST JOR OF KERPING THE COUNTRY PROSPEROUS? 'Conservatives Liberals ... On National Welfare the adult ERLE E Rest Par Te Keep The Country porous | World Copyright Reserved Jim Walden Different VANCOUVER (CP) « In Jim Walden, British Columbia Lions have a young quarterback whose football career has been domi: nated a flair for the unusual, ho 22» P+ ald righthander once quarterbacked an eutire union college game with his leit because of an Injured right shoulder, With 13 scholarship offers from larger colleges, the native of Aberdeen, Miss, left the South to accept a bid hy Wyoming be 1 " 100% Throughout this series of studies Maritimers are shown as most favorable to the Conserva. tive Party, For today's question they reverse the national pleture with 37 per cent choosing Cone servatives as most likely to keep the country prosperous, and MM per cent pleking the Liberals, In Quehee provinee where the pens dulum of popular favor has swung to the Liberals since the Pro- vinelal election returned them to power, it's a five to two ratio In favor of the Liberals, Ontario Ia split evenly between the two main parties, while in the West, Liber als have the edge In favor, There 1s a high no opinion segs ment in the Maritimes and the West, with about one in three unable to give an opinion, In Quebee and Ontario, about one in four won't give one, - The regional story on publie attitudes is shown in the follows ing table, Other ey Can't Say .. nn Bu on iY un ? 1 \ YORE W% 0% 10% Has Touch: that would give a scholarship te an wedershed guard who was his rie Nicknamed The Mississippl Gambler early in hs career cause of his tendency to call for the unexpected play, Walden again did the wnexpéoted hy com. ng to the Western Interprovim elal Football Union this season from Wyoming, He was the 18th draft. oholee of Cleveland Browns of the Na» tional Football League and third ABERDEEN, Scotland ~ in this ety In the north-east Beotiand, | have found the most attitude tow) city Is ficially known as a condition of employment, Any figure under three per cent Is considered in thet estegory, The manager of the Aberdesn Labor Exchange, when asked for bis comments on the situstion, 3 4 i zi} i 3% hl iH {el fi i He Hi ly food i i i 1 ; QUEEN'S PARK Standard Course Driving Solution By DON O'HEARN TORONTO ~ A good eamprom- Ise would seem fio have heen worked out on the school driving fnstruetion question The departments of transport and education have evolved a sor lution with which they ean hoth Bgree, There Is to be a standard eourse throughout the province, Any school hoards and princi pals that want to adept It ean do 50, OTTAWA REPORT Cabinet Changes Increase Strength By PATRICK NICHOLSON The sweeping reconstruction of the Diefenbaker ministry, which laced new chiefs in eight of the departments of government, has undoubtedly strengthened this Conservative administration, For three years and four months, the hard core of 19 rook. fes have been learning the new job, Bome ministers had settled down effectively; others had ex perienced difficulties which were not always of thelr own making, After digesting the significance of last week's changes, observers here now expect the cabinet to fee] greater confidence In itself and to operate as a smoother mas chine than it has hitherto, Lesser changes may be ex: pected yet to come, but in effect we now see the lineup of the team with whieh Diefenbaker will bes gin the final 18 months or so which 1s expected to run until early summer of 1062 barring une foreseen developments, this gow ernment must fight to overcomes two adversaries; The Liberal Ope position and the economic rocks, If this government comes up with imaginative and vigorous lang to create more permanent obs for Canadians, it will eons quer both its foes with the one blow, THE WOEFUL POSTS In its first three years of office this government has found that most of Its headaches have cens tred on four departmnets: nae tional defence, trade and come merce, agriculture and defence roduction, It was no coincidence hat three of those four ministries were given new chiefs In last week's reconstruction, Canada has been somewhat in the position of an ant which un fortunately found itself on the ground where two rogue elephs ants were jockeying for position, 'Nothing we could do would give us effective defence; our best hope of and stil) lies in working for at least a state of peaceful coexistence between the two towering glants on each side of us, Yet we have been committed to a staggering expenditure on men and hardware for defence through the last 18 years, partly because our prestige demanded it, more importantly = although this Is never admitted officially = bes cause substantial disarmament by us would have created savage problems of unemployment for men and arms plants in Canada, A not-inoonsiderable body of opine fon here has Increasingly been saying that we would have more effective "defence," and no such additional unemployment probs lem, if we contributed the equls valent of half our annual defence budget to a program of economie aid or give-away of Industrial and agrioultural equipment to the "havenot" emerging nations of Africa and Asia, PRIFT FROM THE FARM As our population definitely swings towards city life, our agri culture must trend towards pew American Football League, Walden's natural ability and Ns capacity for generating ex cltement have made him a fav orite in footballmad Vancouver, With the Lions he probably be came the first player ever to pave the way for a penalty with hs southern drawl, It happened in one of his first ames after replacing Randy uncan, the Towa ace, as first: string quarterback Coach Wayne Robinson seat Tommy Hinton, another southers per, from the henoh with a play Hinton drawled it out to Walden who called it in the huddle, It was to be a swing » pass to the fourback, (Racklield posh cause it was the only university choice of Denver Hrongs of the tions ave designated by awmbers. The education department will pay toward it the regular grants paid to-night classes Transport will Jrovide text books, certain methanical equip: ment and licensing and supervis- lon of Instructors, The key to the tompromise Is that the course mist be held out- side regular school hours, There have heel some people in transport and pn some local rT -------------- Ing courses should ye part of the regular ewrrievium, There will be class avalliphie for those who want them - fend there Is no question hey ean be of value There will be a standard ewrri- eulum, devised hy experts, And yet there will sot be sny compulsion for those who feel they ean hetler spend their time doing something else, FIGHT TROUBLE Premier Frost has been having transportation trouble recently, He had several flights kaocked oul due to had weather and fou himself making some close and ning connections, And then on top of it his chau. feur fot into a fight, While he was waiting for the "| premier at Malton airport he tan. larger and more (economically operated farm unitt Much has been done to help thifarmers hy the Diefenbaker govenment, but the farmer is in an uhappy spot and cannot he madecompletely happy, Our trade pike Is woe: ful, as our manufactuirs face els fective competition wom other economies where logr wages and longer runs slash psts, Here undoubtedly bold step and con siderable assistance ¥ govern. ment are essential, Mh these may soon gome, Tributes are well-deyved by some ministers as they uit their old posts, notably GeorgHees in transport, Alvin Hatton in northern affalvs and Doy Harke ness in agriculture, gled with one of the gendarmes employed by the department of ., transport, Mr, Prost was not on hand, which in its way was too bad, For it is at least a long, long | time since our peaceful premier has had to intervene in fisticuffs, And it would have been interests ing to see just what approach he would have taken He Is an expert at applying ofl to troubled waters but one won. ders whether this would apy to 8 good right hand heading for an oppenent's eye, How To Hold FALSE TEETH Mere Firmly in Place Da your false teeth annn » barrass by slipping, phi . bling when you eat, lsugh oi Just pinkie & little TE plates, This alka) holds false tee onm wnney, 1 tate or onl of 4 1] wa Bot Mer Y Christma. Merry Crossing] 0 EUROPE at Low Thrift Season Rates Make this the most memoible Christmas of your life! For more than a century Cun has carried Canadians 10 joyful reunions with loved enejn the Old Country, A Cunard crossing Is a holidi in iwself , ,, gala Christmas parties , , , first-run movies , , , dieing + , , superb food , | 4 faultless service! 7 ¢ Tange TAS Ailing hristmag iy 1 . rel WIR ip re land® & So QUEEN 1 16 HEARETH Soo vour local agent = #0 000 SOR Serve vou better CORNER BAY TOR » SYLVANIA & Ha from Ne A atta to eon: QUEEN MARY 10 from Cherboupy SAXONIA ye in Ireland» & Halifax yop \0W re & Southamprn: New & & WELLINGoN §T§, ONTO, ONT TEL, EMPIRE 2-29 22 SIMCOE §, ENQUIRE ABOUT UNARD THOMAS MEADOW: & CO. (CANADA) LTD, | OSHAWA \RA 3.9441 a '. Book Through "300 DUNDAS E, nie DONALD TRAVEL SEWICE WHITBY \ 83304 x -

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