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The Oshawa Times, 20 Oct 1960, p. 10

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Lf of OnE Dresth 4 mime and Byes again 8 normsl #9. Wis Yeeeah \GROUPS CLUBS, AUXILIARIES ME, WOOACUCK [a want coins socate Wp ave worm, 7 10 9 ' ' ¢ ¥ during Wis deep sleep, he is in pips 8 minute love slowing p ew A : ¥ Is Nature's Miracle concer o frecmmg to desth, ne. down ; x é I bevy an » ' ture weakens Bm Wp, Re LANES What hibernation is pot Man's Drinking Bouts Are (0 TR bo dT Of Hibernation |e eo aks i Sn The 4h Gronwp Commitice of The ma a ¢ VE ' the Girt Guides Association re i AID husness pl the even y . Lg did found that even humans can be 1 ; sumed meetings recently ot the TF WOE 1B regard to forming. When the goundhos disappear, The chick, belore Bhermating, "oofied off" to the point where erge rec ng ge home of Mrs, Frank Ross with Brownies and Girl Guides, Toe "ioter isn't lar awpy. This 16 the cats wath he is four (mes 5 neart potion slows down, thus Mrs Gordon Burnell presiding. loliowing grove committee was (0Hon of officials of the Ontarioinormel weight. Even though be making it easier for sorgeons Dear Mary Wawmrth: 1 am 48, your wimost, consistently, to 09% Nine members were present ee 4 YEE Department of Lands and For-wakens every three weeks, Be perform intricate cardiae opera. . fr : "ww / . § io a eerie halrman Mrs. Roy Nol: ests whe point out thet dering the eats nothing dwong thet periad, i my bushend is 46, and we have mote & constructive soon OF The minutes were read by Mrs. ; : : ne po ; " el n : tions & danghier 10 years old. We have ge for the Wetter; and, BaY- Roce snd Mrs. Anthony Flontek "enemy; VICE « ERETIHH Mis. past few bug the Woolwich iAs he awakens, is body Jemma: . Ween married 12 years. | was & done your best to no oval, W cove the tressurer's report Jt Lorne Bute retary, Mrs. Wil. #% Integral par of Omtarias slure rises from show 914 de widow with four children when such is the outcome, yom Them ooo decided the Group hold & liam Adair; tieasurer, Mrs. Roy yeide scenery, has virtual grees to normal, around 9% de- LITTLE FAY we married wn the problem over lo God 8, Baie Sale" J he. disappeared grees Many varieties of fish--sole, Brown, These are 16 make neces Bell he hack, mayne. nest. mic heart after two hours, 6 haddock and cod, for instance | These older children are grown entirety, that His will (not yours)! petro bments were served bw ' f : err ere served by Bg ox February 1 when, according to 4 low In fat content, and ay from ws, having left as may he done . ' { sary arvangemenis for Brownies vy 4 \heating 200 times 8 WIRE pre very , away from Ww £ 5 Mrs. Robert Leslie, Mrs. John popular myth, if he sees Wis es quickly as possible to escape my, The mood, In such ease, 18 yo scr" ond Mrs. Frank Ross, and Guides to start as soon as ; 4 hushand prebi £m Anning, phrased by S Paul ae "Raving Mrs, Jom Morrison offered her paasinle wih . he i" Darel which has heen gelling worse of done all, to stand home for the next meeting on 1c 1 ¢ | ie, rt | the recent Years When one arrives gl this Pont, Coc cher 95 af B of clock Virs, Lawrence, suxil presi true, for the ERpeTis # aim ' | He was given » medical dis after long experience in wresth-} dent, galled on Mrs, Frank God. Eroundheg may leave his arrow SHOP nd SAVE At i leharge by the srmy, for poor ing resourcefully with a persis RAGLAN LADIEN AUX lev of Port Perry, whe ga a '0 December ov January He a § health and drinknig, after 19 (ent difficulty, one's peace is pro-l The first fall meeting of the very interesting talk on the jm. CONES Nl ond looks around, and years service, He is a periodic, found. One is free of travell, ten-| Raglan Ladies' Auxiliary was held Poriant points of Brownie and then returns tn his comfortable | drinker and we never know when sion and urgent striving. But you Guide work winks ¥ Guariers : he will go on & spres or how still have some ground to COVER, | re | The Ladies' Au v is plan When he leaves the fields [one it will das Se vias. phen 0 reach that point, i seems th 5th Scout Auxiliary ing Hard Time Dance in Myr (Where hi Jo Generally Bm | Last Septem wi ve e Hall on October 26, All mem. come ta the farme, i wp and held for mental examing:| Wheat you haven't done (hus Names New Officers hers are to come in hard-time into # hall, lowers his body tem tion: hut by the time twe doctors far, indeed what you've failed costume, The i meeting is (operative (0 a few points above {got to him he was sober and had conspicuously th do, 18 set ov 3 he held on Wednesday evening, ireezing, reduces his hesrt bea the shakes so bad they fumed much good counsel yow've sent Detsher meeting of the 50 Goober 26, ni Mrs, Roy Brown's/to eight or nine a minute, euts [him loose, He has heen picked searched for and got from pro-ic Bui deBange ni|B was held home down his alr intake to an average p, 4 y 5 of . : A ' WTEN a ---- {up four times since 195%, and let fessional sources; also from your oo." president, Mrs, L, E, As : . & o 0] dg go when he sobered wp {dismayed but loyal soms and trop, presiding 174 fl Rd \) Osh |WAS BEATEN |Gaughters The minutes were read hy Mrs | itson rr Oy awa | His last two sprees were the TAKE ACTION Lorne Thompson. The treasurer's] CE 4 ¢ EXCHANGE VOWS AND RINGS warm Jind during the jaten Je gp Mion A) ou, ving report as fren by Mes. Jack} {oPEN DAILY TO 10 P.M.) NEW! tip [ONL Oshawa will be the home of | son, the bride Is the deugMer |,o.dy he is telling me what he when given advice that ealls for showed Js very successful year, | Mr. and Mrs. Pairick Edward | of Mr, and Mrs, Warren Car: will do if he gets the urge again! drastic change, in which you'd] Mrs¥Lhorne Thompson gave & Tobin who were married re- | son, Newtonville, and the bride- (sy grown children are disgusted have to lead, you fall back into report on the recent conference . cently in the chapel of Bt. | groom is the son of Mr. and | ith me for staying with him and the same old do-nothing routine attended hy several members of SPECIALS! Thurs " Fri = Sat Andrew's United Church, For- | Mrs, John Tobin, Bt. John's, [1 uing to help; but when he is of wishful thinking, while the our auxiliary L] » L] . merly Miss Amy Bophia Car. | Newfoundland ober, he makes me a good liv situation worsens steadily G. N. Vamum, presi Mrs ' » ing and brings home Bis PAY! whe three legal men have told dent of the Beout Mothers' Exeen for ALL fs of hair! CHRISTIEY C [cheque reguiariy--until he Stars! yo. what to do. namely. depart IVE Board, installed the follow ! BR A Lidl saving for another bing from this drunkard who is wreck Wg new executive; president 4 In the past | always mensged io your daughter's nervous) 3 \ Trewin; viee-presi hy Perfect for between = FIRST GRADE for our little girl to he away GOT. pooh and yours, and now heat: fon un Ae wan X fetch BECTR permanent sraggers, | c : " ing his sprees, but even so, the i. vou in auilty fury, In chorus y, § 5 Rupert; treas / GLECOFF BRAND LS, Mr. and Mrs, Elmore Wage, in Simeoe Street United Chureh strain is beginning to affect her vith the Bi Abad they forer turer, Mrs. J. C. Bentley; press " hangs and neckline eurls, Emerson avenue, entertained yes narial Hall, Bagot street, Wh copnool work and her ways of tell that he is heading for a reporter, Mrs, John Kellington " New Result! ALL Bi vLAR BRAND | terday at a dinner party for Mrs, der the auspices of the WCTU, |oiiine shout home snd love Cevchotic erack-up If his dissin program convener, Mrs, Lorne Ga go 1 Tr le 1 id 0 CIGARETTES 3.09 C, R Butson of Prince Albert] During the reception at theloos ond sisters and me) ore. In donEet {Mrs G. R, Jarvie; social econ HIDDEN BODY! CTH, [ J who were celebrating their 50th Allen-Fisher wedding the Rev.| I've talked to three legal men" AF eS Rt wn a Tone tant | Vener, Mrs M, P, York; assist | 1 wedding anniversary, During the Dr, D, M, Smith acted as master| oj. ver a legal counsellor our ving Bl {ng als ants, Mrs, G, R. Jarvie, Mrs New lormula naw WavoR GEM evening relatives from Oshawa, of ceremonies, The Rev, H, Al 4 2554. s of whom said; | *# 3h My Re am w. B, Baker; sewing eonvener Toni's f "Hid Raglan, Toronto and Port Perry! Mellow proposed the toast to the! eave him." They and an army ho 4 he ikarter I might] 8. Donald Bugden i oni's famous en LBS, called to offer congratulations, | bride, In his reply the bride| pr to THES from AF EW Mrs, Frank Johns presented Body" into your hair, doctor agree he Is "Sure 10 oi him into a panic state (after|y From their Immediate family groom proposed 8 toast to the ln 0, p is sprees, 110 {Mrs, Astrop with a past pre ! ' | So , #1 } break during one of his SDFCES:| another spree) that would drive denis pin in appreciaion of the SWIFT'S ~~24-0Z, BIG TINS--10c OFF REG, 49 Mr. and Mrs. Butson received 8 bride's attendants, The best man it "do something," Buf } tha | l eoffee table and from their grand: replied and introduced the ush I font [ a ant " by o wee of im Into the Arms of Aleoholies| service and leadership she had | [] sons, & hassock. From other rela-| ers, The Rev, Dr, 0, L. Oshorne| wh y I Anonymous; the "last best hope' | given to the auxiliary in the past EACH me for my baby; 8 rmorali tives (hey received matehing| proposed & tosst to the parents to|mind and a home fo a" [of the eritically de maralized| two years as president ind tables which the Rev, M, C. Fisher re-|Pit how do we get t7--K Pr drunk, ~M, H | The new president, Mrs, R, G " PORK LUNCHEON 12.0%, - plied | TURN TO GOD (Mary Haworth counsels Trewin, presided for discussion REM Mrs. HA. Mellow, Mrs, George |" Dear K. P.; You gel peace of through her column, not by mall on the new business MEATY TING Telford, Mrs. H. A. Gray and] 4 coeoesstul "Fun Fair" was mind in dealing with a problem! or personal interview, Write her| 1t was decided to divide the JEWEL Miss Cora Harvey will presioe wag of South Simeoe school on when you've done your hest and'in eare of this newspaper.) auxiliary into three patrols with SHORTENIN 29+ The Mrs, W, E, Mann, Mrs, Lorne . 1-LB. PRINTS si the tes to be held next week Saturday, October 15 Pair | was opened by Mrs, William) iron tad a: Whi Te Wendt, A wide assortment of Holmes as patrol leaders 7)) ALLSWEEY ¢ Paul Pa e Weds hand made goods was displayed i Two contests conducted hy Mrs fT and sales from the various booths : ' ol " Wallace Holmes were won hy| B : 1 resulted in this event being the / Gh Mrs, E. J. Moore, Mrs, W, 8. Ba : s J4. PARD 16-01. " Helene Miljour most successful attempted for wy ; i ker and Mrs, John Kellington . ; F oD TG some time, There were home oe p Refreshments were served hy In the Roman Catholic|baking, sewing, candy and var: § Mrs M P York : : Le i REG. Chureh of Ste, Marie du Peuple,|lety booths for the grown ups and » $ , AT for bab recently, the Reverend N. J.|a fish pond, hot dogs and penny hd wl 2/45¢ Gignac united in marriage Helene toss for the children, The tea | & ; 3 i : we Marie Therese Miljour and Paul| room was enjoyed not only by the ; ? : uy gel free 4 ¢ Arthur Page, The bride Is the (visitors but by the hard working "eh daughter of Mr. and Mrs, Ger-|\ members of the Association, | B be y ? ard Miljour and the bridegroom | 2 yy son of Mr, and Mrs, Del-| To celebrate his fifth birthday B 4 is the mer Page, all of Oshawa Master Freddie Bebee, son of Mr 4 Miss Simone Gimblett played and Mrs, Clifford Bebee, Kings the wedding music and the solo-|dale avenue, entertained eight ists were Mrs, Leo Marceau and) jittle friends at a party, The little Mrs, Lucien Chamberland, guests were Bobby Livingstone, The bride was given in mar-| Ricky Smerage, Ricky Malarz, riage by her father, She wore 8| Kelvin Thomson, Marilyn Daw:| B p 5 : full-lenght gown of ehantilly 18ce|son Laurel Rodney, Sylvia) 7 | aver taffeta with a square neck: Mercer, Glen Bebee, Gayle Behee| A fine and lily-point sleeves, A er¥-iand the young host's sister, | 4 iy an / | stal crown held her veil of tulle| Maureen ) 4 4 4 Anes oh Ae , TENDER JUICY fllusion, edged with lace, and | y ¢ 4 ? aps S i EAKETTE 79+ she carried a prayer book adorn:| Meas birthday parties, wed.| 7 f 4 lg ALA i CUBE Ls, ed with red roses and white ear-| 0 CEE PC and| CHICKENS EVISCERATED gations | | A 4 i a A Cd ] Miss Mary-Jane Miljour was going of guests and your own hall: J hi | BOILING FOWL 29 maid of honor and Miss Pauline|day plans are always of interest ; 4 FA ? SPECIAL LB, Miljour, bridesmaid, for their sis ; i ~|to this column, Write, telephone a a Fresh or Smoked, Shankless == With er Without "3 9° ter. They wore bouffant dresses of coral organza over taffeta|0F Visit the social department ¢ ie b A / ] with matching hats and eye: | with your item of news for which 4 / y d ' | R LB shadow veils. They carried cas.|there is no charge, Telephone RA / ? i he) ' \ i cades of white ehrysanthemums; | §-3474 "2 oy PRESSWOOD'S PURE Miss Mary-Jane's lightly spray | AE th g * b 4 § £ " lo match het dress " | JR. CASTLE CHAPTER ha di id i. wi | | PORK SAUSAGE 1-18, BOATS 39* Mr, Gaston Heroux was best > we man and the ushers were Mr.| ALUMNAE AT THE RECEPTION | 3 YOUNG Robert Hobbs and Mr, Laurent| The regular meeting of the { # : SE . 3 1 SLICED THIN Heroux | Junior Castle Chapter Alumnee| Mr. and Mrs, Palmer Knight | the daughter of Mr. and Mrs \ : 1 BEEF LIVER 49+ A reception was held at St was held at the home of Miss) oui the cake at the reception | G, W. Constable of Oshawa 1 | LB, Gregory's auditorium. Recelv-|Ann Howden, Brooklin following their marriage re- | and the bridegroom is the son : or? ing, the bride's mother wore Dior| he president, Miss Doris Batty) cently at Christ Memorial | of Mrs, Lorne Murphy of Osh ; py. 4 [ hlue be au de sole with Matching | finalized the plans for the "Night| Church. The bride, the former | awa and the late Mr. Palmer | accessories and white carnations| or cards" to he held at the On-| Miss Pamela June Constable, is | Knight § an corsage. The hridegroom"s mo tario Ladies' College on Wednes:| -- . - -- me -------- ] ther was In stone green with | s frown accessories and bronze | 447: November 16 at 8 p.m flowers | All members and their friends The honeymoon was spent at| Were invited to attend an exhibi. Niagara Falls, For going away, [ton of paintings to be held at the bride donned a red velvet|the College on October 28, 20 and| dress with black accessories LY : | A . y & I 3 1 } i d a and Mrs, Page will make | A vote of thanks was extended | . I CHOICE Ha CELLO Ld their home in Oshawa to the hostess and to Mrs, R. L w Guests were present from To- (Gray and Miss May Storie, the ; ASHED BAGS ronto, Ottawa, Gatineau, Rouyn|commitiee in charge, for a very } CHOICE HARD NEW ¢ and Timiskaming, Quebec pleasant evening, i : MR LARGE MEAD SHOP ONIONS COOKING L8, rig 1 5 | LR | GRAPES" 2, 25 WOOLWORTHS | SUEREET J | [--- Baked Today---Delicious | ' : Se | TOILET TISSUE 8 us 69 BOYSENBERRY PIE EAT DETERGENT V5 FOR Regular 60¢ BEEF, CHICKEN OR TURKEY | TV DI Foz EACH . NOW 50c Weiner Washo SALE PRICE |] er NNERS 83 New! New! New! TODAY, FRIDAY Complete With 4 h | SC OTTIES PURCHASE me 1 BOSTON BUTTERSCOTCH SAYURDAY. /] Pimp and wary 9 *VV || AJAXCLEANSER2 ....59° Advanced Features | Crest TOOTHPASTE is here WH ITE CAKE f LARGE ¢ GIANT g ECONOMY Sik Regul. 9 P TURES k)) TURES TUBES 1.05 ayvtar 3% | 'WE SERVICE WHAT WE SELL" a FREE DELIVERY ON ALL ORDERS PRESCRIPTION CHEMISTS | 5 | OF $10.00 AND OVER | iD R YE | a , | | hoon Sa EO iF OPEN TO 10 P.M. DAILY 5 A INO \ 530 Si C - wanfidanet, white G WOOLWORTH § ! LL J PHONE RA 3.2295 OSHAWA PHONE RAS 354 of Satisfaction rn | Ete GLECOFF SUPERMARKET ALSO STORES IN BOWMANVILLE AND WHITBY PLAZA RA 547M Th TEARS SERVICES TAWA

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