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The Oshawa Times, 20 Oct 1960, p. 25

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THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thursday, October 20, 1960 2% A4--Houses, Apts, Flats {\-=Hovies, ApH; Flots WE Flots - (45--Reol Estote for Sale (45--Real Sotote tor Sole (45--Reol Estate for Sole AS--Reol Estate for Sole For Rent THREE - Wiex good hase, one apart WHA bangs | BARGAIN 910550, sxyesroid, five. ; -- ant Ras seperate entroncs, hydes, Wn (10m frame, Rved Arvewny, $695 DOWN Lr conta, thres - voom fiat, BK . too no fopnace, $50 5 THREE riment, private Fook Batriet, Bt (1 $6005 down _ Koo Jag location, lenving cowntry floor, privete enirance Frome wonth, i Ris vest BA 50002 wath, nepr Sows GM, Possession O66 lerume $105 per month ineome. Tindall | Avenue, East of Bevan ead | after 6. RA 3926 oer 3, Apply 264 Mstogs Hoss. Ret Estate 48 Bond Street West, RA north. DETACHED Ks Pelt pries, Shaoom iow, BE PET SER MOTHERS, Ing rooms, hiss maser wie possaswion, Owly $406 down. 96 Low dats and Mr ME 88051 Brathowr Resi sows Tim ------ tiaglly new , With pia Price $13,000. Terme #valk | Felephone BA 53079, <n hd BOWHASVILLE -- Wasted, 9. partly for. ' Wished, lows © room thee aa prion 48 Coiinn Bienmt, RA very er a room Rowse (6 reliable tensnts, Fo df Bl we sentral, Call re FOS, a] nd wave, i, or Bath, entrance; |" Tie nce Wo . Phone RA 54486 A E EW Bre som bassoon. [A chan, | Abie Honda Sizeet or RA 57716 NEw Miracively decorated, Hon Aud , Close hv viay Com roniense Avene, WEW recreation room, Miahed, sit two or three entrance, Furki terired 18 minutes 9 G Ald Tivs-voom $0 © for met yg A MLL [HOV aon house, , brick he Sardwoed Toors, | kood a and Pantry Avail So suitable for | hewt add wiier| Fine west of school, furnace inside, pump. Drive Phone Markel 2718, Piker od hresrowny, double garage, $100 a plete month, fourth house Commerée Birest | (hres a Frenchman's Bay. Apply SIX-ROOM bungalow available Nov Tenants tg fl (1d for reduced rent | Owne BA 5908 alter or 0 m, i | furnished, 1ighis, Cali RA renteam T0 EEE ra ae THREE ' a atin Shi 8 £4 went Breakinst | WELY- plants. MO ital for r, Phone "rent, Bimeos Blreel "SEVEN BE -- Bowmanville #res, Box FOUR " bedroom bungalow, heat- ed, pewly decorated, kitehepetie com: next ing, seasonable Apply 23 Gibh | Apt {TR ' A% old yA clean, well furnished, reasonable, Ap: very central, le mother works. ply #91 " HEATED four-reom ied A "contained we persons. Private on WH 273, "room house, win POFeh, oi Can be Lg Ly ad And 5 tween 2 and 6 Avenue , dre, ropd. Apply 125, Oshaws and Hy: Times. References required } 048 VRRIRGS, | NEW Wereom | pletely __ | len Tarne | OME, COREA ase | 7Wo furnished rooms -- | MFTRACTIVE furnished rooms, avail: lee hie in Private ad ma? Fark Rosd ah AES ant. Phone BA 39141 deytime or RA o> nts service furnished bedroom. RA 59%) FROM BPRILINENE, pve, i LLY bath, o Save, Teiruersicr, sheisiers, ad RA 55676 evenings oF Saturdays |#40--Rboms For Rent , wait bachelor or cople, sian two honsders wanted. Ag ing. BA 37588, 38 Pacific Avene pm, BA eying room for two) gentlemen to share. Apply 1261 "cele lor BA B-5683 FURNISHED, breakiast options), hus #t door, central to all south end plants Aoi bo Simeone South, Isl BA 537607 FURNISHED room, new home, one oF two gentlemen, bus at door, close to BGM - Park | Road. BA $0146, (ONE Targe unfurnished room, reason {able rent, 26 Prince Street room ranch style B , Klose 9 sehonls, shopping and nga) GY im} FIVE - room house, near Maple Grove, | mediate possession Apply 1248 Wecker between 7 and § + FOO Bpariment, seif-contain: | with stove and refrigerator, | piece hath, laundry room, park 'Sireet, , Wt Bimeoe Breet entrance room furnished apartment, Huron Street apartment, four bath, possession Oct, 31, Phone | i ONE furnished room (or Gentleman [Apply 620 Simeone North LARGE furnished housekeeping room, twin beds, suitable for one or twa, Park [ing Apply Tos Carnegie, LL SINGLE furnished bedroom for busi: | ness man, Apply 98 Colborne Sireet| West after 4 p.m, TIGWT housekeeping 700m, Tarnished, | pie CONVENIENCES, BEPRIALE entrance, | girl preferred. Phone | 4-850 (ONE unfurnished, Rona _Bouth room and kilehen, furnished or | Pivate entrance, 21 Park A BA0428 Two: Ld vent 950 per month, Mist provide refer: ence, RA 81921 FOUR room ApAriment and bath, laundry service, private entrance, suit two girls or courle with one ehild BA 32121 evenings. RA $9904 THREF combination living plece hath. RA 376 FIVE - room bungalow, oil heating, Highland Avenue, available Hs ately Near public and high schools, 860 monthly. Phone RA 5.5625 entra Oct 6 p.m dining room, 566 |ONE LEE 24423 hedroom | Whitby, LARGE fu bedroom bungalow, kitchen, | goyice for vent OUT: | 5nd garage, on Albert | Street - {GARAGE Tor rent, Pi 11 Craydon Road, | gentlemen, close to Ruth Jd RA 32825, 41 fight housekeeping foi ri nee, A 55512 after | 20, 162 King East, 1] seven «room house Apply 351 Albert furnished room, Eentieman pre. ferred, five-minute walk downtown, bus | at door, Apply 131 Huron Street antre and Gibh Streets, Phone RA 3-921) FREE very mi stove 2 weeks rent in dern one bedroom apartment with balcony, 105 Craydon Rd Whithy, Phone MO 8-4770 MODERN 2 BEDROOM [ment HA § 865 a FIVE Hii UNFL large c treet heatin at 15 Gibbon Adults or children over 10 21 GIBBON STREET FOR RENT 7 rooms, modern brick home __Apply Re in good location, Central. Va- stove, cant now $l J. BARNOSKI REALTOR I8 Bond St. W, RAS 7231 DELUXE APARTMENT NEW BUILDING $105 to $120 MONTHLY WEST -CENTRAL WITH OR WITHOUT LEASE LLOYD REALTY OSHAWA LTD, RA 8-5123 THREE - {Roards, 86 | trance, separate hot water tank FOUR heated, henv PHONE RA 5-3302 OFFICE SPACE Pas New building, Centrally lor cated in Moderate available room furnished svariment,| up refrigerator, sini ei HA oll heated, central decorated, private en Phone newly 1218 room apartment, and hath wiring, private entrance month, Phone RA 57764 room house at 66 Emma Street garage for rent. Phone RA 8.1158 RNISHED apartment, with gar Age, near Shopping Centre, suitable for or two husiness persons APARTMENT rn a I Abstain entrance, four attie, hot water heavy duty wiring rooms, bath, ng, euphoards, |TV outlet centrally located, HA B-8864 APARTMENT SIMCOE AT ROSSLAND decorated, 2 bedrooms, | frig, parking, adults [ 00 | | FOR RENT senger elevator service downtown rent area. Leases now THE TIMES BUILDING kL WILSON Contact 1 WHITBY CLASSIFIED house heavy FOR nirally FOR REN) wiring. Lavy Jarde cated, $75 a month. Phone MO 6 et MEN'S Us. Bomber Airflyte jackets, shower and windproof, zipper front with [FO® domes. Detachable hood, Color, Forest |priva Green, Sizes 36 to 46, Price $14.06 Mer. Phon cantile Dept. Store, Whithy, Ont FoR RENT Degem TOON APA atin ay Adults ed MO #3581 FOR RENT furnished housekeeping roams, with pri vale bathroom Suitable for twa adult arly Central, MO 8 2846 Also OANH prices paid for used furniture id refrigerators, stoves, skates, and almost gq sop any article. Midtown Furniture, 111 081 OR Brack Street North, MO 84! hb FOR RENT = Single furnished house. \ Keeping room, suitable for ladies © gentlemen, in quiet home. Call in morn: ings or after & p.m, MO 84762 FOR RENT = Six room house, Byron Street South, twa roam apart ment, #6 Church Street, Pickering, monthly, everything included Chureh Street, Pickering at back door FOR RENT he aor two hed: ream Widing FOR ber 1 ent hi ow Whithy, FOR Modern three hedroom | centr bungalow, excellent location in north: 'ural west area of Whithy, near sepavale and mont bli sehools Available November 1 135 monthly. Phone MO 83864 wo APARTMENT for rent at 200 Brock gooqr Street South, two hedvooms, private bath, centrally heated, $71 avaliable, MO &-2538 ATTENTION hunters! For rent, tratlers, tents, Coleman staves ard Ughts, sleeping bags. 33 rifles, shot Tee guns, hoats, maters an' trallers. Wilde Rental Servis, MO 8.3206 FOR WANTED Convertible haby carriage tn good condition. MO 84703 yeh APT. FOR RENT -- Modern twa hed {rally voom heated apartment. Avallahle Ne: vember | Apply 605 Green Streel, Apt LN Whitby MO B76 way APARTMENT FOR RENT Three furnished or un: "lanes al some priges below $43 | Flan « Apply 66 MO 8.3268 THREE tuhle HPA Oe he TV set, 11" suites, four single heds complete LJ SALE 2 hedroow one MO #3855 RENT te entrance 0 MO 84257 in respectable hame = One hed heated, olose ta schools and shop arking, OL 53611, Brook SALE New Kel We are clearing @ a lw t simplicity washing machines with AT Warranty from $98 Midiow ture WALES @ steering 16 fool cedar strip boat, 00 Lr roy , and ather extras mning Hghts Must sell MO 8 SALE = Space heater, Deluxe, used one winter Super Phone FOOT basement apartment al, parking, heated, utilities hed, newly decorated, #65 hy unfurnished, 875 furnished Phone MO #3377 \arke housekeeping roams, newly ated, heated, ample parking, ne jection to ene ehild. Phone MO 8-8083 warage after 6 ROOFING, cabin hlawn raek wool Insulation. Free esti mates "siding, eavestroughing and Phil Harper, MO 8-455 anywhere. ws n Street, Whithy SALE Kk loam. manure for ac wardens. Call Mo S481, Whithy RENT -- Large, nicely furnished sgullable for one or two, cen located, Meals aptional, MO il "VANKE cleaned the sanitary new tanks installed Walter Ward FOR SALE -- Well volied manure, why 34 Chestnut West, phone MO [EL wall w Anring 3 per load delivered MO 4 ALU _-- M siding, estimates, will go Harper, 335 Green Streel, W PRE COLD wave (Lanai enriched) fram $6.93 Includes masterful shaping, sham ! paste alors, fr anywhere Mail in Why, MO la SIM for appointment { FOR the A In INSULATION use PAL-O-PAK. Save money and install it yoursell. or we can do it far vou, Far free estimate call H. H. Goode and Son's Lid. 601 Brack North. MO 33017 USED FURNITURE and appliances, ele ® buy well, exchange anyihing Hamilton Used Furaitute, 108 Byron Street South, 0 hi TYPEWRITERS, new and used, down payment, $38 up. Desks, fling cabinets adding machines, cash ref ert. Ll 14 fers Hamilton Office Outfitters, Byron Street Sou South, Whithy MO § of FOR C.I.L. PAINT CALL Dodd & Souter Paint and Wallpaper Stop 107 Byron Street ' MO 8-323 FOR RENT Beating bo FOR SALE i] and styling by Ken, Please call MO! motors, comp Q supplies, gardening and wn equipment Wer 100i boat and ¢ ah Vv trailers Used boats, trailers WILDE RENTALS Service ond Sales _1415 Dundas E, MO 8.3224 PLANT YOUR BULBS NOW We have a large variety Dutch bulbs. Nursery Stock, -- Landscaping BEVERWYCK {spring |Hilleroft Street d room, available imme nels, Phone RA 86397 [FURNISHED room suitable for one o two girls, down town ares, Very reason fae Phone BA 57976 ONE large furnished housekeeping room, suit two gentlemen or couple {Apply 194 King Street West BINGLE furnished room for lady or | gentleman, new, quiet home, close to) | Shap ping Centre and downtown, kitehen {privileges RA 58518 ATTRACTIVE hed - sitting room and kitehen, completely furnished, Close Lo bus and hospital Bult one or two givls| only, HA 3 ie room modern hasement apart THREE LT, Tooms, upstairs | 4 [655 monthly including heat, Nght and walter. No children, please 'RA 57825 ONE large furnished housekeeping | room for gentleman or couple, one block from Glecoff's, Apply 185 Clarke reel ONE furnished bedroom, one light housekeeping room, also agavage. Ap ply 118 Tyler Cres,, RA 8.0150 SINGLE furnished room, use of kiteh:| en and washing machine, central, clean! quiet home. RA 58160 | ONE nice furnished room, all eonveni ences, close to bus, Phone RA 65-8505 ONE clean tomforiabie furnished room, close to bus stop, seven minutes | fram downtown Phone RA 5.0816 after | 1.90 FURNIRHED hed sitting room, hath, kitehenette If desired. sul ness girl or nurse, RA 5.3160 | FULLY large h * in room, sult one girl Apply 5 Nassau | ar phone RA 5.7622 LARGE fugnished front room, light] housekeeping privileges, separate en trance, near bus lines. Phone RA 5.0746 TWO large unfurnished rooms, sink, cuphonrds and heavy duty wiring, pri vale entrance, sult one or two persons Phone RA 3-2332 | ROOM in private home matress, sul Kigin Bireet East FURNISHED bedroom, water, very eentral 0308 LIGHY HA 5375 NICE voom for girls, two single beds, | light eooking facilities, priva en rivate busi: very central gentleman. 102 oontinuous hot | Telephone RA Jlousekeening room, central tranee, near hospital, RA th or 61 FURNISHED room, suitable for gentle: man, close to hospital, private entrance, parking space. Apply 241 Kendal Av: enue ANGLE furnished room, also two fur shed rooms with light shaking privil on use of phone, central location Apply 180 Hruge Street Phone RA 3-3474 45---Real Estate for Sale PRIVATE 4ale, six room house with AFARE, Alum 'n croens and doors oll heat south end, cash rierms fem very centra HA 50447 after |G. MILIFR ,S. SNELGROVE CO. LTD. 43 PARK RD. S, $3,300 FULL PRICE b-room frome home, central location in Port Perry, town woter, double lof, Priced reduced for quick sole | double gar Sid Martyn A 39810 $13,000--CO-OP NO. 974 b-700m brick ond stone bungalow cbowt 2 yeors old, ultre- modern kitchen, L-shape living room end dining room, 3 bed- rooms, A-piece tiled both, divided basement, complen ated ond landscaped. $1,300 down and balance on one NH.A, decors morigage. Coll Keith Piers RA 5-876) or RA 54162 even. Nes OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE NORTH-EAST WILSON REALTOR RA 5-5688 Three bedroom rug brick bungalow with finished recreation room, fireplace ond built-in ber in b 'drive with garage Nicely land: Four-piece tiled both, with extra stool ped, hedged fot, fruit Jress, private House clear one mortgage for the balance, For full poll Bg call RA 5-6588, STEVENSON ROAD N.--INCOME HOME Ideal for the family thet wents a privete income, Eight rooms with 2 complete apartments Separate meters--2 (large kitchens =? complete bathrooms, Only 6 years old---on large lot 50 x 150. For ful particulars call RA 5-6588 today, Bill Norris Lloyd Corson RA 3:2 37 Open Evenings ond All Day Seturday After howrs please coll RA 5-6588 Dick Wes Elliott Young RA 3:7183 RA B-0581 Stenhen MACKO Realtor 187 KING ST, E RA 8-466] Building let in Courtice 188 x 660, Nearly 3 acres of good top soll, suitable for gardening, Only $1,700 wtih half down, Lot 75 x 330 on Stone Street overlooking loke, Suitable for home or ideal location for cottage, Lot 50 x 150 in Apple Hill on paved street City water, Price Selling of $3,000 Comfortable 4-room insul brick en large lot, Taunton Road East Selling at $6,900 with low down payment $9,700 full price with $1,500 down payment and $60.00 month. ly for this 5-reom modern insul-brick bungalow en south end of Drew Street Garage, outstanding buy Very well-kept Near Duke of Edinburgh For further information call RA 8-466 to South GM, with 4 landscaped. Storey and half modern brick home close Storms end bedrooms down payment North-east section finished rec-roem able as an income property rooms, Last call on this é-reem ranch-type bungalow with attached age in the East end, mortgage with 6% brick Storms S-room modern Sehool and water oil heating one mortgage for the balance on paved street interest This home can now low down payment Make a point to see this one Now Is a goed time to buy a home JACK STEVE Members of Oshawa ond District Real Estate Boord, For friendly, courteous SHERIFF JIM DIONNE MACKO List Co-op Through This Office We have selection of properties available RA RA RA sun room, storms and screens bungalow, $2,100 Sewer and woter Truly an 3 bedrooms screens, Micely screens, Low Storey and half brick, 2 bathrooms, 6 large This large family home is also suits Substantial down payment needed, are Many extras, N be bought with before you buy, an outstanding sercive alle 3.3778 8.3798 8.466) Buy and Sell With Confidence DON HOWE RA 5.7732 THOMAS ST x 14 will sell with $3,000 down large 18' Owner 5.5207 MARY ST REALTOR-INSURANCE 67 KING ST, E, Attractive 5 room bungalow, 2 bedrooms, 5 room brick bungalow in first living room, nicely landscaped yard with trees. Contact Mrs Tierney RA class condition THREE-BEDROOM BRICK BUNGALOW In choice north-west district, excellent for schools, 5Y4% maortgege, carries $80 month. Wy, $12, 300. R RA 5-980), LLOYD REALTY LIST WITH LLOYD THEN CALL YOUR MOVER INCOME BUNGALOW ON LA SALLE AVE, Here's one to look of with poved drivewoy end double gorege, plus potio. Present tenant in modern apartment ogress 10 stay, Terrific loca- tion for renting ond conven lent for shbpping end buses, Immediate possession, Owner asking $2,000 down, Phone Bill Miller ot RA 8.5123 to inspect, OWNER TRANSFERRED MUST BE SOLD Five-room home in fess condition, Close to n Catholic and P 1 MORTGAGE $68 MONTHLY NEW MHA. BUNGALOW RA 5-883) WT. LAMSON DOUGLAS L. GOWER REALTOR TAXES $126 Must be sold, owner has b t another home, 4 oon brick bungalow in vary good condition end tastefully dec. oroted. Feotures 3-pce. both, new forced oir oil furnace, garage, well landscaped lot, storms ond screens. Asking $10,000 with low down poy- ment ond one mortgage for the belence, This is o very good buy so call todey to ine tt Sally Wallace RA 8. 51, after 4 RA 5-6297, schools. This home con be sold with oa very low down payment of enly $1,000 end good terms on balance, Call immediately, livin Cruik- sheils, RA 8.5123 "Need a House or Lot'? Then Call Lioyd Realty That's Just What He's Got!" Lioyd Realty Ltd. Realtors RA 8.5123 = RA 85124 RA 5:1425 mE Simeos St No. Yon . DeWith Realtor and Ge. eral Insurance Newcastle Phone 3341 92-acre farm, B7 acres works oble, excellent soil, 2 form ponds, L-shaped bankbarn, water on top, silo, drive shed, garage; B.-roomed house, runs ning water, heavy wired, Asking $15,000, Low down payment, 250-0cre farm with excellent set of buildings, lerge Le» shaped bankbarn, waters bowls, stream, drive shed, ete; B.roomed brick house with runnnig water, Asking $25,000 with $5,000 down, 100-0¢cre farm, near Janets ville, with 56' x 36' bonk- barn, hen house, etc; 8 roomed home, Asking $8, 500, Terms, 40-acre farm on 115 High« way, oll workable, 100' 30" bankbarn, hen house, etc; B-roomed brick house with furnace, running water, heavy wired, Asking $11,000 with $3,000 down, $200-ACRE DAIRY FARM, located 12 miles from Bows manville, with good milk quota, large Leshaped steel bankbarn, modernized, drive shed, etc; B.-roomed home with all modern conveniences, Bulk tankeooler, aking $28,000 ~~ down $5,000, Yon house for down poy: | ment, 80 or 90 acres of fertile clay. loam land with stream, loca« ted 6 miles from Oshawa, Price $175.00 per acre, 200-ACRE DAIRY FARM as going concern with all cattle District Real Estate Board A J. SCHATZ REALTOR GENERAL INSURANCE WHITBY MO 8.3337 MOST OUTSTANDING BUYS 12 room house in Oshawa, centrally located on 125 x 175 lot, Excellent for apart: ments or boarding house, A bargain for $12,000 with L000 down. Very eosy terms $11,800 full price for 3-bed- room, 2 year old brick split level home with garden, lo coted in Oshawa, 4-pc. tiled bath, Pearson windows, $1, 180 down, $72 menthly on one mortgage. Make an offer Fully serviced lot in Whitby 60' x 100-%2,400, For par- ticulars on these call Bill Schatzmann, evenings MO 8- 3253, A. J. SCHATZ Member of Oshawa and JOHN A, J, BOLAHOOD LIMITED REALTOR == INSURANCE 167 SIMCOE ST. S, RA 5-6544 $800 DOWN King St, East area. Clean two storey home, full basement, oll heat, private drive, large lot, Repay on ene agreement, Asking enly $9,000, Call Bill Ratcliffe af RA 5.6544, STEVENSON'S RD. N., Extra large five room bunge- low, Great big kitchen, three large bedrooms, big gerden area, Selling reasonably, Call Bill Retcliffe at RA 6544, WHAT IS YOUR OFFER The vendor would like $7, 500 for this six room home on Tounten Rd, E, [ust five minutes drive from downtown Oshawa, Good size lot, all conveniences, low down pay- ment, easy terms. Open for offer, call now and inspect, ask for Bill Swarbrick at RA 5:6544 or RA 5.8342, DUPLEX Furnished room with 3 REALTOR RA 5-2993 ideal for retiring couple, Open for Jnapection Contact Mrs. Brown RA 5.3867, | Va storey brick, ideal for family er someone close ta downtown, Available for immediate Nice location, it your convenience HOGARTH ST wanting to be ond machinery, good barn, bulk tankceoler, drive shed, etc; 8-roomed brick house, running water, Asking $30, 000, Terms erranged, Brand new, Two seperate apartments, living room, kits chenette, bedroom and 4-pc. bath in each, $1,000 down, 111 Broek Street North, MO wheel and windshield, | 100 40 HP Johnson Mee We start motor, | four with two | | Seven.room house, three down sun porches, in very good condition, private drive and garage, close to public, sep» arate and high schools, within ten minutes walking distance fd n pay ment and easy terms, Please call Phyllis Jubb, RA 3.3240 up ond wntawn, Low ¢ List ( p Through This Utlice | Members of Oshawa and District Real tate Board Douglas L. Gower REALTOR INVESTMENT Ten-suite apartment building, completely equipped with stoves, 'friges, washer and dryer This building hes just been completed and the ten apartments are all leased on a one-year basis, Full price $83,000.00, For de. tails call Pat Patterson at RA 8.4651, OSHAWA BLVD, N $12,900.00 ~ S.room brick storey and a halt with gar age situated on ga nicely landscaped lot. New forced oil furnace, low taxes and down payment to suit your budget. A real good buy Call Pat Patterson for ape pointment at RA 8.44651, $1,500 DOWN Five-room brick bungalow with brick garage. Completes ly decorated, forced air fur nace, situated on a large lot This home must be sold Asking price $12,500.00 For appointment call Pat Patterson at RA 8.465) air possession FERNHILL garage 4.pc possession Make an offer Smart looking, ranch style bungalow with attached 1 goad size bedrooms, large living roam, madern kitchen, tile bath, large spacious living reom, 3 bedrooms, 30 days Contact Don Howe RA 5:7732 or RA 3:-9692 LAURENTIAN == 3 year old solid brick bungalow, oil heating, 3 bedrooms, nicely decorated, ne work to do, Many extras includ: ing roughed in recreation room including taxes Call Don Howe RA 3 9692 or Monthly payments oy $83 RA §.7 732, Ristow & Olsen REALTORS SWITZER DRIVE Fivecroom bungalow with attached garage, only six years old, Large living roem with fireplace $13,500 with a substantial down payment 512% mortgage, For further infors Listed at mation call Carl Qlsen at RA 5.3412 evenings or RA 8.5107, For this five and ao half room red brick bungalow, THE PRICE IS RIGHT a quiet residential street close to G.M, Scuth Plc subdivision storms, including taxes this one if you prefer to have lunch at home Ray at RA 8.5107 Well-built RICHMOND AT RITSON Monthly Be sure to see located on , but net in a This house is nicely decorated and has aluminum screens and doors throughout the mortgage, only $75.00, payments on To inspect call two-storey, four-bedroom family home with large modern kitchen, Living and dining room with natural fireplace, Attached garage, nearly-new furnace with oil heating, situated close to King St convenient terms E. ond North GM Owner will carry on ene mortgage. Immediate possession, To in spect call Roy Flintoff at RA 8.5107 or RA 5-3454 evenings NORTH-EAST Three-bedroom bungalow situated on a ravine 10t with walk-out basement 6% Hollywood style kitchen, N.H.A. mortgage, $2,000 down payment Olsen at RA 8.5107 or RA 5.3412 evenings TAKE ADVANTAGE OF FALL PRICES Just think, house, 86 acres of choice farm land, partly modemized, m Oshawa large L-shape his may be he large bright living room, Please call Carl sevens-room frome bankbam, d for $17,900, with convenient ten miles 40-Acre farm, located on No, 2 highway, east Oshawa, all workable, barn, drive shed, otc; 8-roomed home with all modern conveniences, Price ond terms arranged, 98 Acres with 18 acres workable; S:.room house, los cated near Nestleton, Asks ing $8,000 with $2500 down 850:Acre farm, commuting distance Oshawe, 40 acres workable, farm pond, L-sha) ed bankbarn, drive shed; 5 room home with J-piece sath, running water, Price $9500. Terms arranged 120-Acre farm near Mil: brook with large bankbarn, steel stanchions, waterbowls, implement shed, garage, ete; 7-room brick house with all modern conveniences, Asking $14,000, Terms arranged 6-Room, L.sheped, . ranch style bungalow on large lot with 2 pressure systems, broad! oom floorcovering, dropes, panelled plywood, Bar in recreation room. Ate tached garage. Many extras, S:Room bungalow with at tached garage on | acre land, located near Newcastle, Price $5000 with $1,000 down Lots on Taunton Road, just east of Darlington townline. Price $600 per lot, Frank Hunter, RA 5.2974 Donald Mountjoy MA 3.3950 L.A. Perrault, Clarke 2231 $11,900 full price, Call now for this buy of the year, Ted Cunningham, RA 5.6544 or RA 5.2358, WHITBY $11,600 is the full price for the beautiful five room bun. galow, Owner built, just 18 months old, this home is a fine example of building pers fection, Must be seen to be really appreciated, Substan: tial down payment required. For appointment to view, call Ted Cunningham at RA 5. 6544 or RA 5.2358, $6,900--8 ROOMS NASSAU ST. Insul stone, 'Good income home carries. for only $75 monthly, taxes $117 per year, oil furnace. To inspect call Jack Appleby at RA 5.6544 or RA 31-3398, RETIRED? Well here it is, a beautiful 4 room brick bungalow with arage, just for you. Well ecarated, new furnace, tax. es are low. Why not phone now to inspect, Call A, Sib lock at RA 5.86544 or RA 5. 4342 COUNTRY LIVING With all city conveniences, Six room bungalow with nats dral stone front, Situated on @ large lot, low taxes, Large rec room and fireplace, This house is located east of Osh awa. Don't fail ta se this, call Anthony Siblock at RA 5.6344 or RA 5.4362 Member of Oshawo and District Real Estate Board DUPLEX ord, for os little as 700.00 down and a full price of $14. 500.00. We can have built GARDENS HIGHWAY 12 J miles north of Whitby PHONE OL 5.3570 Residence MO 8.4738 for vou a six-room ne galow with a three room bases opartmeft w prive bath ne f balance 0 Don't delay, col Pat Pater on ot RA 8.4651, terms. This likely is the farm you have been looking for, so call Ray at RA 8.5107 to inspect ROSSLAND RD. W Small home located just off Simcoe St. Ten years old, oil heated, large lot, Asking price $8,500 with low down payment. For further information call Carl Olsen at RA 8.5107 or RA 5.3412 evenings RA 5.6165 RA 8.5107 19 ATHOL ST. W SHAWA Members of Oshawa and Disrict Real Estote Board SPECIAL Billiard, confectionery and smoke shop business to be sold as owner has other interests. Full price $8,000. Low down payment, Attractive terms. Call John Wacko, Real Estate, 205 Simcoe South, RA 5.6569, \ | $100 NOW $50 ON CLOSING $88 month to carry, ond just one mer 6 room brick bungalow ce Whithy lor cation. Yecont now. No sel ory worries, My, Skelton, MO 8.805), Brethowr Reol Estate Ltd $695 DOWN DETACHED } MORTGAGE $68 MONTHLY NEW NH.A. BUNGALOW RA 5-8831 WW, T. LAMSON REALTOR--RA 3-2254 Move 'In right ewey to this lovely 6 room home, situeted on a large londscaped lot 686" x 17510" on Eost- wood $t.; 4 very lerge rooms down, plus A-pce both, 2 rooms up, gleaming ook ond tile floors, oil heating, ger~ age, Koolvent awning, Owner transferred ond is sacrificing this gem ot $11,800 with $1,500 down, See this today. Only $800 down---spocious 4 room bungalow on lot 45" x 150' on Simcoe 5t., freshly decorated, oil heating, tile floors, TV. aerial, bath, Full price only $9, 400. Vacant now New 3 bedroom brid bunge- low on Seneca St, on lot 53' x 150 ft, Many outstandini features including = ay bath fixtures, built-in vanity ond ceramic tile bathroom, cove ceiling and built-in vale ance box In large living room, Hollywood kitchen, exhaust fan, loads of cupboards, Pier- son windows, forced air oll heating, Possession 2 weeks, This is a steal ot $12,900, NHA, resale 6% on Sun Valley Drive, 6 room brick bungalow completely decor. ated, forced air dl heating, hardwoed ond tile floors, 4-pce, bath, Full price $13, 200 with $3,500 down, only $88 monthly to carry P, and toxes, $300 DOWN Large six room bungalow with split-level entrance, decorated in oils, base- ment divided for recrea- tion room, large fenced lot with private drive, fully serviced, residential area, RA 5-8831 W.T. LAMSON REAL ESTATE LTD. s, 525 DOWN--N.H, A New, six room brick bunge« low 6% HA, mortgage, Finished rec room, aluminum storms throughout, completes ly decorated, 4-pe, ceramic bath with vanity, many more extras, Located in hf Hill, Immediate possession, - Bal: ance on one NMA, mort oge, Can also be purchased or only $500 down PHONE---SEE--INSPECT CALL JACK APPLEBY RA 5-6544 ANYTIME RA 3-3398 JOHN A, J, BOLAHOOD LIMITED REALTOR == INSURANCE 167 SIMCOE ST, S. Member of Oshawa and District Real Estate Board PETER FEDDEMA REAL ESTATE BROKER 150 acres with 8-room frame house, L-shape barns, a very roductive farm, stream, rice $16,000, terms. with 520 Ibs, ood res 15,000 Dairy farm quota, Buildings in pair, Asking price --down $1,500 Gentleman's farm 73 acres with fully modern house, large bankbarn, nice stream, 27,000 Christmos trees, See us for information, 81 acres with nice stream, buildings in good repair. A good investment at $14,000, terms 3 qeres = S.room bungalow, good well, hydro, insulated, Owner must sell == give us an offer Soom house; Price $4,500, § acres low taxes terms. Newcastle 4-bedroom, two. storey home == two bath. rooms, modern kitchen, oil furnace, extra lot, A real buy at $10,000. Easy terms Several building lots, priced very reasonable, : Highway Ne. 2 East of Bowmanville MA 3.3644 G. Blyleven, MA 3.5300 | C. R, Lovekin, Newcastle 3598 509 | im madiste i 6 BA 87128 SEVEN - "room brick house, ack shed sud Karate, oh hebind Phone RA nowv, me mortgsss for atarice, SION, seven - fi family or income hedie Site DOWN, "Charming shit level (4 wulow, with wining, i minehed £ Hendy LA oceph Boss, A oni $73 MONTH ONE MORTGAGE $11,946 FULL PRICE $592 DOWN Brond new 6 room detached bungolows, Completely decs oroted, Fully aluminumed, vonities, hollywood kitchens, $100 now. Balance later, Mr. Skelton MO B-B051, Brethour Real Estate Lid $695 DOWN DETACHED 1 MORTGAGE $68 MONTHLY NEW NH.A, BUNGALOW RA 5-883] Ww. T. LAMSON 47 Automobiles for Sale WILLIS MOTORS AUSTIN SALES . SERVICE GOOD ASSORTMENT USED CARS TAUNTON RD, EAST UURA 5.033) RARE OPPORTUNITY! GOING TO U.S =~WiILL SELL '58 CHEV. BISCAYNE Ready for 10,000-mile trip Silver blue, standard trans, new clutch, new muffler, new radio. $1,600, Willing to take less If necessary, 55 __Brock St. Fast, RA 8-1742, MECHANICS SPECIALS 1952 PONTIAC 1952 PLYMOUTH 1951 METEOR 1951 PONTIAC All units In running condition, but require mechanical work, Several later model units also available, Vehicles to be sold to higest bidder, RA 54777 GOOD USED CARS '59 Pontiac Station Wagon, V.8, automatic, radio, power steering, like new; '59 Chev: rolet two door V-8, automa- tic, radie; 'S7 Pontiac four door hardtop, automatic, ras dio; '53 Chevrolet two door Bel Air; 'S51 Pontiac two door deluxe, very clean, MARIAN AUTO LTD, 25 GRENFELL ST RA 8.5179 OCTOBER SPECIALS '89 BUICK Sedan == autos matic, radio, new-car condition, actual mileage '89 CHEVROLET Four » door Parkwood Station Wage on radio, automatic, "Immaculate Condition." '58 VAUXHALL VICTOR Super Sedan. "An Exe cellent Economy Car"! '87 VOLKSWAGEN Window Van, "In Marvellous Condition', '56 CHEVROLET Deluxe Se- dan, "A Real Good Car." 'SS CHEVROLET Bel Air Coach, "A snappy little Car" '88 BUICK Sedan == autos matic, == "Exceptional Condition for this mods! year', '54 CHEVROLET Coach w= "Very Clean and Sharp®, 'S4 CHEVROLET Two-door Hardtop radio, autos matic, "A Scarce Mod- elf "HUNTERS SPECIALS" '56 CHEVROLET Sedan --- radio, Only 1098 'S2 PONTIAC Sedan == oo Your Late Model $99.00 Sedan = Transportation $99.00 TED CAMPIN MOTORS 607 KING ST. EAST OSHAWA Oust East of Wilson Road) RA 3.4494 RES. RA 5.5574 '51 PONTIAC "Good I ---------------- rr ----

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