wi le ---------- a a 26 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thurdey, October 20, 1960 Articles For Sole [50--Articles for Sale TR For Sale CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING (Continued from Page 15) "0; Liovd twin twin 14 FY. moulded Sywoed host, whol. | slaved sleering wheel, {hitd, ite oon, A 3997 ! ad 25 HP John | goa _eondition - [rma rooms of furniture, only F---- Hace chesterfield ice, gnod This Included | he: --- x Sy SEWING machine, " Viekers sleetric ne AH (it fh sews forward snd reverse, autling . heads, cords, ete. GEN RON oeolier, of 4 Cotfiald washer, with daily Wi seth, 999, RA 5 King Street West, 155 officer desk with swivel RA 8075 -- | ONE Jargs a wir compressor; ome % lon hair, TENTS, camp Moves, camp cots, tar. Fagars, 47 Automobiles for Sols 48--Automobiles Wanted condition, 384 Beverley Street 50--Articles for Sele ELECTRIC vasor servies, AN makes, 50--Articles for Sole LARGE 1 pr erth and plastic mat | TL furnace with blower, heat sa Thom condition condition WALLPAPER for Economy ond one pickup trucks. 206 King rent Fact, Bowmanvifle GIRI/S shinies, Jumpers, navy Wiazer, 704, 'BEECH white enamel coal wd Ld with Forged Mr Oli Pumace, BUICK rosdmaster, power WANTED ~ A aqipment, white wall hy fmmeen "Si or "9 pt ise Go ort good ate, one = owner condition, sacrifices, motor, Dave, RA must sell, best offer, Private. RA! A 670, LAKESHORE. Auto Wreckers have eovs | Highest prices paid. BA |convERTmiE baby #8 yin W (good condition, Phone Oliver 54095 ~ Wedding iss, reason able price, Phone RA 34013, | ADMIRAL TV set for sale, in Al con SUPERIOR ALUMINUM Offers More For Your Mo TT AI rrr i, JX white, red interior, whests, fully" power enuipped, fly ehrome me Yor: Smmaeiiate condition. MO 8-4108 CASH 6 CHEV, iwodoor sedwn, ready for winter driving. Resi mice condition, Call " BAndotph #108. | For ony choice cleon cor is FOUR-DOOR Strate Chief Pon. Biss, radio, padded instru Gait wh aren wien] MACKIE MOTORS od one in" its 8 KING ST, E, VARCOE'S RD, moter Dave, RA 525%, HOUSTON' S GARAGE Bs CREVROLET 3 power ver wilde, ion four: AND SERVICE STATION or vei ressonavie, RA| BRAKE SPECIALISTS, COM- PLETE BRAKE SERVICE PONTING Tawreniian, wih 30is| MOTOR TUNE - UP AND athe transmission, vadio and _whils.! GENERAL REPAIRS, Division Street, 67 KING 57, W, 7% GM hal-ton ion pickup, exeriiont eon . dition, also i. oikswagon, RA 57478, RA 3.7622 EE a So, gn| SPOT CASH aia suis. WO 44184 PAID FOP METEOR conch, mechanical] Hood, needs body work, $85, RA S421 | Good cleon cors, Trode up 51 PONTIAC sedan, fully winterized, ©f down, Liens id off | fe ton et Te or sw DODD MOTOR SALES i Phone KA 87142 after 8, 314 PARK RD, §, W WUPER Buick, power equipped. RA 3.9421 5 Years Experience in Aluminum dition, cheap for quick sale, Phone BA; SPECIALS FOR THIS MONTH Doors $42.50 Installed--Windows $18.00 Installed NO DOWN PAYMENT--36 MONTHS TO PAY FREE ESTIMATES (sox three. pleas beige tweed winter Tight A tweed, size 6, 913, Phone RA 59229, ONE mantel radio, one washstand, n- wide white panel door, one bathroom one kitchen sink, RA 33236, ONE pair triple width one walnut coffee table, wV, Ty Boe =] - George--RA 5.7119 or Earl--RA 3.2619 conis, infant's Sething. biszer, trench man's pauline, bags, spring, step and ottes pre boudoir and rentals. Oshaws Wardware and ty YE mei, fo Street, BA 39008, | ner het tor ru #t | 9250, Use your own burner,|itom Dominion Store, [i ree Selivery Wear warranty, | GEED mort Avie, fox Vi. tires, most "|B, V. Goodrich Stores, MOVING to LLL mira! The Ji] n BEA or and Ino peir sls and poles | iad ighes: tradedn sliowance st Park mis, vo winter Tread a Ahead 9s AL eet brown and items, RA i 58008. ing #6 SAVAGE 1 rifle, lor "sale, good work: pd "guitar, 4 ding order, Phone RA 39774, | machine, ithe new, Fa GIRL'S Wleyele, giri's winter A 34434, Lu tweed, size 10, Seth SICKROOW sqiipment Tor ont nd} Sood 2m vs King sale, in XL eit Tor fon + invaiig| West after 4.30, heath lamps, SMALL srace healer; Westinghouse " wise roll-away beds | frigerator; Ww 0 investment. ow rentals, 4 Free delyery and "ikon, Phone AMd-|Rosd North excellent Apply 8 Foickeon's [50--Articles for Sale , 925. Phone RA|Povse Good on. RA S008. tw lady's HUNGRY BEARS "4 Due to a poor berry crop on up Feirigersior,| PET mountain levels bears have rig auiomatic ST, hifi, V, dinette tal ond six chairs, red meple bedroom suite, mahogany | One 80-pound cub was trapped in m mom wall antipom mg. No deslers Pickering WH 24166 MUSKRAT "hack cont, outfit, been dropping in here for dinner, # garbage can and held for hw mane socitey officers who re kid leased it higher in the mountains, HISTORIC WRECK A br Wenersior, V0. Toe| NANAIMO, B.C, (CP) -- Re SEATES, new al weed, sold and ex-| Drevion's Crate. 204 Bond treet Fant LJ * wees | Lloyd. Wade and four compen. mains of an old British sailing ship were found by skindiver | ions off Thetis Island near here, -- BELLING furniture? We'll buy i. Re Tires, bat |frigerators, TV's, washers, planes, Kelvinator refrigerators, tele (stoves, etc. For top cash offer, vision, Thrifty Budget Plan, RA 54543.) tact 15 Prince Street 1 will not be responsible for ony debs |The ship, Tanther, was wrecked wd In . ny Lines ron this yA Windy ;|92 Fears ll ig with 1,100 tons of 1960 dons Lines leoal | yadia, two lone, trade or finance, RA | 4 CONTOMUINE ord sda, dia, SoA ticles for Sole rebuilt motor, new battery, Can finance | swNINGS, pisin col or gay stripes, or take trade, Phone RA 85013 | Prompt service, ¥ tim ates, Order CHEVROLET § eylinder four door now for early delive Chair and table hardtop sedan, Bel Alr, one owner And | rentals. Cleve Fox, 413 Simeoe North driver, automatic transmission, power | sy 1. 47 Chev, esr, Includin, windows, steering, and brakes Manx | four Jar tires, Phone WA L197 " extras, No sceidents, 19,800 miles 52504 ACCORDION, "'Salenti Lai vecial" and 51 OLDSMORILE four-door sutomatic, sate, He sew, % tze, bass. P! ood tires and motor, radio, very clean iu wr sare ---- iy. Call KA 80181, CONCERT leork chord iisn, thee " oNARCH | two door. Fardiop, Slo | oning ola, for sale ressonshie, Phone matie tr rad _ Sa fM gondition vate, ho Burk Sirest,| ELECTRIO chain hoist, one tom, 110 priv volts, 60 eye le, good working omit " oy Jor ed , filly equipped, | radio, | power ois Brovkiin Conerete Proquets steering and brakes, two RA or 8471 DIKCONTINUED patterns of floor cov AULWTATE 'Aule Insurance, Save up to SHINS: wy. thegrivl dew ns 2 A 20 per cent. Bix months to Day. FOrl.orderiess rugs #3; canvas back inlaid personal service at your home eall BA |yioioim "half price, 9c & yard, Wil b-2802 pr ------------ | 00'S Furniture, 20 Church Street, 4 GMO Va-ton pick-up, perfect eondl | GNEATNTED hookeases, only $c with tion throughout, O ood Texaco, RA (the purchase of any piece of unfinished 8.6011; after 7 p.m. RA 50676 | furniture, Students' desks, $10.99; ehest AUSTIN Cambridge ASS, private, [of drawers, $17; bookeases, $590; van best offer ageepted, Telephone wH |ity dressers, $26, Wilson's Furniture, 20 26410 Ajax, Finance ean be arranged, Chureh Street, 1 NASH "Metropolitan, "Tow mileage, [TWO oak wine barrels, EF] gallons, 93 sconomionl, best offer, Call RA 5.0624 (each, Coleman radiant gas heater and after 5 p.m lamp with pump, both for #12. RA 757 MG coupe, spoliess condition, radio, gv D403 heater, ete, $1200 for quick sale. Wil fi. | RANGETTE; one Singer treads sew. nance, 113 Harmony Woad North, ing machine, 202 Kigin Street West, PUBLIC car suction, avery Saturday, DURO THERM space heater with auto. 10 a.m. A proximately 100 ears offered matic fan, used one season, Apply 230 for sale by suction, Free admission, [James Street, Oshawa Car Auction, 25 Grenfell, RA |PAINT, interior, exterior, $3.08 gallon, "80179, [Al solors Guaranteed, flat, gloss HI ADTOMATIO Studebaker, Hod y Oshawa rdware and Elecirie, § beautiful, recently overnauted molar Church Ph RA 37024, and transmission, up to 34 miles per TP a po gallon, Waytough, Trull's Road North, |e ann, Tally ete Now one mile, 78 PONTIAC, four-door sedan, $4350 ik mors Visine Phone h 37008 the best time 10 eall| Cl alffed" Ads, Phone TA 3.3002 for ine = Doon pr. were [fOFMIAtION AbOUL special business rates, "MM URY iwo-door hard > good hae. 3s, or beet otter hana |13, TOWERS, do ft - wil-pporing or 349, -- channel hea talled nl guaran. i CHEV, "Tmpain, "four-door sports teed for one Ly Trio Televi Sedat, Automatic, one owner, excellent |#lon RA A-0781 condition, Immaculate, many extras, 19.000 miles WE pay highest ries In the eily for an be financed. RA 81074, [sea * furniture. Preity's Used Farm) 55 PONTIAC, V ek, dual exhaust, [ture Store, RA 3.3271, 444 Bimeos Bouth two.tone, radio, er, lghte, | AMERICAN Fiyer frain, eight ears, low mileage, no rust, phone 0141 track, three lghts, engine needs ad: i VOLKSWAGEN delux iq Todi, Justing. Apply 965 Ritson Road windshield washers, Very ge condi. | ONE dresser, bed spring and mail ton. Phone RA 39202 after 8 p.m. |435; three-quarter bed, spring and mat: 5 NTUDERAKER sedan, xood running |tress, $15; dinette suife, cabinet, table, conditions also bleyele motor, Apply 854 [five chairs, 25; 8 euble foot refriger. Mary St after 5 p.m, or Saturday r $40; kitchen range, 88 rie and Sunday afternoons. M0 PONTIAC, in mood mechaniesl |g, ™ condition, nies appearance, $135. Phone three shovels, hose, shears and law RA 86088 Mawr, #10; RA 8.8265 evenings, 7 pi ANTIQUE "51 Bulek sedan, one owner, |? p.m -- like new, must be sold, RA 5.4035, FRIGDATRE 40' tom wo #5 PONTIAC sedan, excellent condi. cellent condition, 'reasonable price, tion, reasonably priced, Kurt's Fina after 6 pom, RA 5185 or all day Wed Service, 148 Liberty Strest, Bowman. Nesday ee ville, MA 3.8063, i FOR SALE Lr rent, three eabln trail 'Sh CWEV, Bel Aly, Would trade for ors, ps five, equipped with gas | ol , Phone RA [stove and lights, lee box, hydro, Wilde HH older car plus $1000, . Rental Rervie, MO 8 83226, IT WALFAON Mateury, #180, Phone VACUUM cleaner repairs, ail m RA 5.3037 parts, attachments, brushes, eT feed rebuilt machin PRIVATE, '81 Chevrolet hall fon, a ( lem condition, sell to best offer, Renta, Vacuum COLLISION and a Ibert Btn MECHANICAL [ia Sim A" * SPECIALISTS Ha a ny 317 TV sets, an low as Complete paint jobs only $59, Free Estimates MARIAN AUTO LTD, 25 GRENFELL RA 8.5179 L) porting Telephone a Underwood, 51 Barbecue 5 ling eahinet, 953; meat slicer, manual, $75; office desk, Many -- more happy customers who have Received a) lucky green HER GRANDCHILDREN COMN NEXY | gan, 226 Dunlop Street West, Barrie, shown with G.E, hooks of Loblaws Lucky Green £{amps also got one for her daughter, now have seven books saved toward bavy. ghee Mrs. Duggan adds, my and 4 ar SABYAN MOTOR Fi iis maha i 14 BABY carriage, $10; Twin stroller, SALES LTD $20; both in good condition, Wedding * dress, size 10, Telephone RA 8:0161, STUDEBAKER, VOLKSWAGEN (ORDERS taken for storm sashes, wood SALES and SERVICE or aluminum, free estimates. Terms. 334 RITSON RD, SOUTH |Fhone RA 3.409 an OSHAWA, ONT, URED a ars and "TOPAITE Jor . tol: RAndolph 3-346) motors 85 to S810, atrantesd Yecondy tioned washers and HN Paddy's BUYING OR SELLING SEE |Market, Hampton, CO 3 i DOMINION Appliances (a division of TED CAMPIN Beatty Bros) now sold at Paddy's| Market, Hampton, A complete line of MOTORS abulisnens at hard to beat prices, CO 607 KING ST, == OSHAWA atNs Ammunition wd Hunting "wip np. . . br ans $574 [down "Renin Tis ver. "pond Street West, RA 3.8311 4 MODEL A Ford and box traller. RA 1959 PONTIAC [== V-8 PARISIENNE All aluminum products w= Doors, windows, shower doors, Four door hardtop, excellent awnings, TV towers, paving. condition, low mileage, com. One contract, nothing down, pletely equipped. May be fi- For free estimates. call w= nanced to responsible party ot reasonable rate, RA 8. Aluma Seal Co. 1461 after 8, RA 5.9365 ANYTIME TRIUMPH MOTOR CARS | ALUMINUM DOORS TR. 3, VANGUARD, ENSIGN & HERALD AND WINDOWS! "x ON DISPLAY AT Special Reduced Price SMITH SPORTS or We Sell, Cash NORTH Wa ond Carry' CALL FOR QUICK SERVICE CASH ALEX VAIDA VAN HEUSEN MOTORS SEE HOME APPLIANCES 90 SIMCOE SOUTH 149 KING ST. W. | "FOR FRIGIDAIRE SALES AND SERVICE ANDY NAGY'S Domestic and Commercial BODY SHOP i MERCEDES - BENZ 2-3332 SALES DOW vice SALE 408 KING W., OSHAWA | oeit™ iny "or the. bet v RA 3. 7132 | prices, fully guaranteed, Double hung windows only 48--Automobiles Wanted $18. Call now WANTED A ndercoat- | r i SEE SERGI Lymer Aun Co moter, Dave, RA $3034, RA 8.5385 HELPS FEED NARLY RISING SPOUSE "My husband has to be at work by * says Mrs, Ray Ruts, 84 Eccles shown with attractively bound folding West Clox Travel Alarm she received for only 234 Yoblaws Lucky Green Stamps, "This helps get me up In time to make breakfast for him." ms JERY WONBERRUL 1 AYS MRS, VIN ls 1s wy our second Ne in Cana: a of reports Mrs, MH, Vink, ye FORESTRY MAN'S DEEP FRYER By saving only 7% hooks of Loblaws olland whose husband roduce, "And we didn't have things like hla a purpose General Electrie Mixer * * Mrs, Vink saved 13% books ot "Labia Lucky Green Stamps to se oer pot roast, bake i on carne or any other one nakes good oh 8 or french son adda, ve always wanted." aa al LL WRITE SANTA "I got this with only § right, "And 1 hope t's still working by or plays with it most nights rey Douthwright, 4, of 104 Muleaster Street, told Arg if he writes Santa Claus h us he' SPECIAL SPECIAL! MOTHER PARKERS [m2 SPECIAL! SIX VARIETIES LANCIA +18, ® SUPER SAVINGS eo 4d nr. DETERGENT 255 8% SPECIAL! HONEY SPICE, CHOCOLATE, GOLDEN, BANANA, WHITE ROBIN HOOD CAKE MIXES =... 67 © PRODUCE FEATURES eo NEW CROP! FULL OF MAVOURI TREAT YOURSELF TO HEALTHI VALENCIA ORANGES 'i FAMILY 2 oor, 69: SIZE PACK GARDEN FRESH FROM CALIFORNIA! NO, | GRADEI SOLID CRISP HEADS! 2 ow BP HEAD LETTUCE GARDEN FRESH FROM CALIFORNIA! TENDER MILD! TASTY BROCCOLI ONTARIO GROWN! SO TASTY| WONDERFUL WHEN BAKEDI PEPPER SQUASH ... SENNIERRAERR INRIA RRRRRRR RNY eo LOBLAW QUALITY MEATS eo SPECIAL! FRESH CANADIAN LAMB MEATY LAMB LEGS SPECIAL! ROAST, CHOPS, STEW SHORT WHOLE SHANK OR HALF LB, 63 LAMB in the BASKET 35: SPECIAL! "IDEAL FOR MEAT LOAF OR HAMBURGERS" EXTRA LEAN MINCED BEEF... . 39: SPECIALI AVAILABLE. IN MOST MARKETS CHOPPED BEEF STEAKETTES . 59: NATIONAL FISH WEEK -- FRESH FROZEN FISH -- PAN READY SPECIAL! GOLDEN FRIED --. JUST HEAT AND SERVE COOKED COD FISH STICKS ................... 29: SPECIAL! SPECIAL! AVAILABLE IN MOST MARKETS SWIM'S SMOKED COD FILLETS .......... it JO ww 37 | ® FROZEN FOODS © SPECIAL Y McCAIN FANCY PEAS ...... Highliner Fish and Chips Winans Treesweel Orange Juice AVAILABLE IN MOST LOBLAW MARKETS 2.5% 4 Loblaws Jack & Jill Peanut Butter 35 NORTH VANCOUVER (CP) -------------- --_----,.