- The Roysiite 011 Company pened a sulphur extraction plant Turner Yalley a short time ster, The plant produces sulphur ; Oil Produc » opane; gasoline and purified patursl gas and BOW TEprESEn ew n us ries a investment of more than $4 40 500 EDMONTON (CP)--An indus War when the federal govern In Jenuary, 1957, the British try unknown 20 years ago In nent opersied Calgary's am- Americen Oil Compsny her Alberta now resresents an invest- monia plant for the production of neised the reserves in Canada's ment of $225 000 500, £ The plant was later largest "wet" gas field ---Pincher WHITBY SPORTS PARADE By GERRY BLAIR (PSI eS ! they have the finencigl backing, but ere having diffi- culty in reaching an sgreement with several of the players Obvicusly the players from last season's, and new defunet Whitby Dunlops, ere not posing any problems, because it is more or less a mutusl understanding among them to form this club and play on # share-the wealth besis. The Merchants (as we understand they are o be called) were to have opened their schedule tomorrow It is the petrochemical Indus- taken over by the Consolidated Creek and opened a pew $4000. emu try, responsible in part at least Mining and Smelting Comp 09 plant. The plant now i5 # for such everyday items as news-and as recently as eight years $25 000 000 investment Two year d papers, carpets, drapes, c arlego vas the enly petrochemical ago its 1961 production was pro-| brake fluid and tires, artificial plant in Alberts fected to 700 tous of sulnbur food eolorin cosmetics, soaps . 5 3000 gallons of propane, 43000 and insecticides, SULPHUR PLANTS gallons of butane and 65 gal Petrochemicals now account for, Binge then, growth has heen lons of condensate natural gas 25 per cent of all chemical pro- rapid. In 1952 Shell Of Company dail duction in Cepeda and Alberta ppened a sulphur extraction plant. Anong the other plants in the bas 70 per cent of the country's pow =enresents an investmen' of petrochemical and by nroduect plants more then $5000000 end is ca- industry which have sprung up The industry started in the ~shie of an output of BO tons & i» Alberta is the Imperial Of Efforts are desperately being made by Bendy Al and company, the backbone of the newly formed Sen- jor hockby club in Whitby, to leunch their 1960-61 eastern division of the recently revised Senior OHA series, A special meeting has been called for tonight by Sandy and the OHA executive to clarify their inten- tiond or, operating. At time of writing, unfortunately, things appeared a trifle bleak, We have heard from night in Belleville, then face the same MacFarlands in a return game beck in Whitby on Saturday night As of now, both games have been eancelled, where to get suitable senior calibre players had probe ably posed a serious problem for the club, with only four or five Whitby Dunlops attending practices, Play- ers like Eric Pogue, Gord Haddleton, John Cheer sewski, Whitey Youngberg, Sid Arnold, and others who were in Whitby for short periods, but failed to stick have been the only "name" players in camp, We tried to contact Sandy Air last evening for a ? THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thendey, Octsher 39, 960 27 statement on the hockey cubs present situation, bug, he wee not sveilable for comment The remaining eight teams in the OHA Senior cireuit sre apparently ready 16 commence playing tomorrow night, with & full siete of games scheduled, with the Whitby -Belleville exception Should the Merchants fail to opersie, i could present @ serious threst 10 the belence of their esste crn section of the OHA, which comprises, Oskvyille, Galt, Welland snd Belleville, When we attended the special meeting a few weeks back in Woodstock, sil cubs present intimated thet they would not play in 8 four tesm league, This was the exact reason for the collapse of the OHA Senior "A" league, when the Kitcherer-Waterioo Dutchmen, threw in the towel, causing the "A" classification to become extinet, TOWN AND COUNTRY , . , Kingston Frontenses reliable sources close to the centre of the club, that provimee during the Second World day, Company plant at Redwater, A} LET NEW CATALOGUE and to introduce the new catalogue... STE 7 \ h CONTEST | wwiSHING "WISHING -WELL" CONTEST INTRODUCING THE NEW LUCKY GREEN CATALOGUE NOW AVAILABLE AT LOBLAWS have a week's rest before getting back into the strens uous battle in the Eastern Professional Hockey League, with the first five clubs eollectvely only three points apart On Seturdey night, the Frontenscs entertain the present cellar dwellers, the Sudbury Wolves, whe dropped # 4-2 decision to Sault Ste, Marie on Tuesday night, Sunday sfterncon poses & definite challenge for Kingstor. when they engsge in battle with the unde» feated Hull-Ottawa Canadiens, certrinly a powerhouse thus far, Cliff Pennington, Terry Gray, Bobby Rous- seu pleying-cosch Glen Skov, Gilles Tremblay, and J. C. Tremblay provide the pucleus of 8 very potent line-up, On the other hand, the Kingston Frontenaes, gs their loyal supporters will verify, hosst some out standing telent, in Charlie Burns, Bobby Atiersiey, Real Chevrefils, Buddy Boone, (six gosls) Tom Wille jams Tom Thurlby, and Harry Binden, whe un~ fortunately will have to sit this one out, Incidentally Harry was elected captain by his team mates, with Charlie Burns and Buddy Bone ss assistants, TELEVISION LOG CHUKAY Channel 1i=--Homilon CBIATY Channel S=Toronis WORTY Channel SBulinie WRENTY Channel bBulfsle | WKBW/EY Channel TeeBufinle WROCTY Channel SRochesier iso P.M, pth 4k 5 | THURSDAY EVE, 5100 P.M, iL=Family Theatre T=Roeky nd His Today | Bid AM, T=Popsye | News Roundup Bilh AM, Captain Kangeree 000 AM, ii=Romper Room $ "M, T=Depity Dawg Big Mie Siow f-Rumns i LA § o's y i FM, "My Lilie Marie Age "Thies Stooges 4d f--dunior Round-up FRIDAY EVENING Bid PM, Family Theatre w= Adventures of Rin in Tin S=Children's Program B=Flayhouse T=Romper Roam kun To Learn Vora nd aur Family bi Pa, on 8 b-busie wo, fir, [Vd Liuad 0 AM, ry Bhow Hi=Doeh Re u y To t=December Bride Vous B80 PM, Hehons 10:80 AM ¢ | BedB--Nows; Wenther Bis J 6146 Lf hy Sr on Helens AMNews te v S46 28 Bern h4i--Now, §8-- se Village 11100 AM LaMpriee® se Rien 1 Love Luey oneentration " Th 18:00 NOON M 11=Bugs Bunny - ote My I=The Texan Father "Koes ont d=Nowsi Weather F-Rescus §8=Truth or Consequences 12116 P.M, Nowy d=Bpenker of the House 18:80 P.M, T=Queen For a Pay #=Mavie Matinee d=-Beareh for Tomorrow G=Flayhouse Fun To Learn 2='Three Blooges B15 PM i=Early Show Hoy Rogers t-Huckleherry Hound | 1 aiovie [ } ewe 1 M, =Wanted Dead or live ven-0:-0ne Leave It Lo Beaver Lookup --Quesward, Ho | 6--Bachelor Father -B="The Outlaws b=The Witness T1486 P.M, LUCKY GREEN #100 P.M, Hb=Live a Borrowed . _ 4 Ho i a S=1t Could Be You ids P.M, FULL INSTRUCTIONS Prizes Each Week for 3 Weeks Nh oy 10 PM, Hb=Country Hopdown T=Harrign nd Bon >. id ON ENTRY BLANK CARDS AVAILABLE IN STORES EASY TO PLAY! EASY TO WIN! ® HALLOWE'EN CANDIES ® SPECIAL | LOBLAWS HALLOWE'EN KISSES SPECIAL | HOSTESS HALLOWE'EN GUM DROPS ........... SPECIAL | HOSTESS HALLOWE'EN JELLY BEANS SPECIAL | HOSTESS ROASTED PEANUTS wwswerieo SPECIAL | LOBLAWS KITCHEN PRIDE CHERRY Pl REG. PRICE LOBLAWS FRESHLY ROASTED PRIDE of APARIA COFFEE 'w% 67c LOBLAWS FRESHLY ROASTED TWO CUP COFFEE WHITE, WHOLE WHEAT CR' ~ (ED WHEAT LOBLAWS FRESH BREAD XTRA 50 EXTRA # 50 EXTRA "LUCKY GREEN" STAMPS S "LUCKY GREEN" STAMPS SPECIAL | HOSTESS SULTANA SQUARES Hal 35: 29: 29: 12:02 29 CELLO. BAG 5 29: 1401 CELLO. BAG 15.00 CELLO. BAG 14-02, CELLO, BAG SPECIAL | LOBLAWS FAMOUS RICH DARK APPROX APPROX 118, C "ies He APPROX ites. Me FAL] BAG La BAG SLICED OR UNSLICED H.o02 LOAF, LUCKY e143) STAMPS of podbot 50 EXTRA "LUCKY GREEN" STAMPS With This Caupan and Purchase of With This Coupon and Purchase of With This Coupon and Purchase of 4b, Ti Large Tube of 311, on. Bottle of HELENE CURTIS MACLEAN'S Tooth Paste SAUVE HAIRDRESSING WW: Counon Expires Oct. 37. 1940 WW: Coupon Expires Oct 22, 1940 WW: Coupan Expires Oct. 97, 1960 , Tin of LAND ©' CLOVER HONEY IK J JUST WISH FOR AND SELECT THE GIFT YOU MOST DESIRE TO THE VALUE oF 10 BOOKS FROM THE NEW LUCKY GREEN CATALOGUE, ENTER YOUR CHOICE IN THE SPACE PROVIDED BELOW, ANSWER THE QUALIFYING QUESTION AND DEPOSIT IN THE WISHING WELL IN YOUR FAVOURITE LOBLAW STORE, WINNERS WILL BE SELECTED EACH SATURDAY STARTING OCT, 80th, , 1080, IF YOU ARE A WINNER YOU WILL RECEIVE THE GIFT YOU HAVE WISHED FOR, NAME viene THE GIFT | NUMBER OF GIFT WISH FOR vivir 70 10 IN NEW CATALOGUE UALIFYING NAME THE i WHICH GROWS UESTION AND EXPORTS THE MOST COFFEE. DETAILS ON ENPLAYEER BF LOBLAWE ANR FANILY ANE NOY BLIIOLE TR ENTER THIN SONTERY Bg i MISS bo Pie bo bok LUCKY (1133) (811,13 p---- 36 aE | | SAAR ww | Wed begin =) Wn Wg bt reg NO 5 COMPLETE at Sn | | y= Klondike 7=Real McCoys . Masterson k Powell's Zane Grey Theatre ih P.M, 116-Faney Free =My Three Bons §-8-Bachelor Fathey Angel, Damestie Comedy Series i ™, 1168-2 Tennessee Ernie Ford 7=The Untouchables 4=Ann Sothern Show 10:00 P.M, 4=Person To Person i M, He=This Week In nothal F==Interpol Calling f--Contraversy Man Hunt d=dune Allyson Show L- Tombstone Territory PR Val d N-8:5-4-8-News; Sports 115 PM Y=Late Show &=Viewpaint E-Sportsveel 11:80 PM, I=Lails Show fi--Midnight Zone Slack Paay =Play of the Week FRIDAY 7100 AM, F-=Burinie 1 AM, HeNews =Gulding Light 1100 P.M, 1i=Movie Matines 1} =The World gd 2:00 P.M, §=Bay In Court 6-Ches Helene : Yada urray Show ~Prama Series Bilh 16 Nursery Sehool me 580 P.M, 11-6-0pen House T---Road Ta Reality B-8--Laretta Young entre =House Party 00 P.M, Y=Beat The Clock §3=0r. Malone 4=Millionaire 2180 PM, H=Puhlie Servioe Guide J=Wha Da You [rust 6--The Verdict Is Yours S8=Fram Thess Reels &=The Verdict Is Yours 00 F'\M, H=Papeye With Capt, Andy =Amenemn Bandstand Vi Nake Roem For | B=Masquerade Farly 4180 M, EEA » | euterner =Route L 1] M, J==77 Sunset Bh'n B.8=All Star Cireus filo Pm, H-f=Danger Man Mr, HA 10100 P.M, If=Have Gun Will Fave Td---Nixon-Kennedy Debate f---Ferry Mason A4-The Great Debate 10 fi | Peter Gunn Fon Npress = Featuall Hidde G=Home Run Deihy =Eyewitness to History 100 PM, H8h:4:8-=Nowa; Sports His WM, 11=News- Weather V-Lite Show &= Viewpaint C1 PM, H=Late Show Gunsmoke [8dach Farr =MGM_ Theatre 12:00 MIDNIGHT G=Wrestiing i dy erin Pramas 100 AM, #=The Unexpecien CROSSWORD 8 Arab PLAYING CARD CLIP AND SAVE FOR FUTURE 92 REFERENCE a [RC EEL EL ToT panied 25 EXTRA "Lucky Green" Stamps with this coupen & purchase of 15:03, pkg. Fancy Frozen Sliced Aylmer Strawberries WW-7 Coupen Expires Oct, 3 25 EXTRA husky Green" Stam 1) 1] Mase: fn Wav * ker MIX Raisin Pie Filling Coupen Bxpires Oct, #7 WWH @ Expires O¢t, 0 25 EXTRA "Lucky Green" Stamps with this coupen & purchase of 13408, pha. of Wylen Instant Onions WW-11 Coupon Expires Oct, 37 25 EXTRA "Lucky Green" Stamps with hh oun a Ryrehn of Quaker Corn Meal WW-13 Coupon Expires Och, B71 urehase at [HA ' ney Banquet cream vis Corn WW:10 Coupan Expires Oct, 32 11, Halley's 18, Motherless Alf (U8, 27, Run away to mamy 20, Shop 80, Holy City of the Hindus chieftain 3 Por ign Foreigners 6, Help eld shawl 41, Girl's name #4, Hindu AMBIORCTHIAIS] [UIE IAKERHIAIRIT] ICIOISTT ISI | [LTT AID OIL IDES || IE DICE] (5 (UIATHTEIE ID BC 1A MORTAL SROIE IN| ARIEITIERE | [TIERS IWIAISIDIATKIAT AMIS | NIE XA ICTY] [LINIBTAICTT ERNIE E' TIERRA RNEIUIS ITE] [RIOIUITRRA EET] 1SIAMIERRRIEOIS] Yostorday's Answer 7. 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