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The Oshawa Times, 20 Oct 1960, p. 3

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RA. | Four Youths (CAPSULE NEWS CITY AND f THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thunder, October 20, 1960 3 clinic for these students will be cal at! at the hospital. Dr. P. § » | hd hd / DISTRICT held Tuesday, Oct. 25 Starman was appointed to the ' tted S 1 1 i STAFF ADDITIONS associates stat] with privileges in | ' » STREETS CLOSED The Oshawa General Hospital logy. Dr. Joke Kwak wae BOWMANVHAE (Stat rr i pe PORTA, at Ws October meeting also apy to the A eharee of comeing 16 we : . ar following Hpi ping iy 7 [sender night, made 4 addi staff Dr. Kwak will have general wile ae inagene gaint fons (sn ly $d ny Lh' tional sppontments to practice he EAE ZR [Te | QUINS ic vo on bios td acid FT 4 Tuesday when Magistrate B, B. son youd novik to (ribbons ' wt To ¥ Stevenson toad Borih, from ' ama pr ph of A SNF SHIR (AP pithie Just of by the {| Bonier concinded "There was 80 JOUASNSESBURG (AP) Hue INELIC® TRwnsier Wy RE stavion avenwe to Rossland. road i lway for the Crown to prove (66 dee Winister Francois Erasmas wounded and rélatives of those ? . ' west, Wison road south from 4 eh 7 aquestion looked wader 8." 1454 he Sapreme Cour Wednes iilled Olive avenue to Shakespeare av-| CHIIad OR TRE CRATEE WETE. doy Re will fight a0 dalms for 3 enue; Sevemson road south (Razer Blowin, 16, of 9 Mont car..v cerved on niin ae the rel Wik VOTE ON LEADER (C0 e. Creve icn eo hel | é reve gvenne: William 8. Dodge of the police Willing and LOXDOS (Hewters) Arrange (PR i . Richmond street west aw pv a Ly ¢ a v 7 o 154 Severson Joud north sounding of mare than 0 Ne PONE were made Wednesday| jose from Prince street 0 eR wah por a iarnes at Sharpevitie net March, VE. (0 BE CECHOR 16 SF Church street. Whemever poss road sonth @ Wigm Jame: = ng Whether Hagn Caltskell, wnler jie streets will be kept open for Wither, 15, of Osha . en # Hi TARE Gre over his defence policy, willy, e Emerarney e Fie @ir), & Mhyenr-oid Oshus $1,120.00 have Teen Fle against cin tender of Britain's oppo Vou A iy My frien sehoeh stident toAd the eon sition Lator party, The vote was\quire the closing of streets no [she met the four yowthe B # sen a hootiegaer's car parked on set up for Best week at & Wor on this Hist Just Arrived ! Special Purchase of {dance hall Sunday, Oct. 18 the sireet. We saw the man 26f hous meeting of the badly split into it, so we Blloved IK 10 Ws party's "shadow cabinet," NAMED EDITOR MEL AL OANCE WAM, Fe ir rez) DRAPERIES | {talking to 8 G0 whose sequain- BOUGHT LEMOS GIN REVIM Lg BALA 13 former festure weiter for The #2 | tance fhe find made, whieh Walther When he parked oulside the ' OTTAWA «F Ag Noel Dotto Oshaws Times, has been ap 5 2 Land Dodge stopped tn 14 io s¢, Walker wei Wis ear to Welneq asl ca Lo the camne y pg Ga Ba them ' ser i Wo wild at Tie A he secretary of state, will replace polatelt witien " Tuk Bon Cru THE WEATHER OFFICE | temperatures to most of On | sreas. Friday will be sunny nt Mier chatting briefly, the the bootiegzer had left was some|Trinspor. Minister Baleer on the Weekly. The appointment is el Fortisons and Bork Cloths ofl colors. Reg. 2.98 yd. says 8 surge of cold air from | tario snd Quebec lomight, Rain | cold youths fnvited the gins "to come lemon in, so Walker bought it." federal cabinet tesm at next! fective Oct, 24. A former editor | the north will bring freezing | or snow Is expecied In some CF Wirepholo | glong lor some wine', They met the year-old sald | week's Dominlon-provindal con of The Cobourg Sentinel Star | Mills and Blowin in 8 ear Mills! The zirt said the group went to/l€rence of premiers, Prime Min Mr, Pickiord more recently was . vas Arv ta restauran ge! 18 3 i fo 44 fi WEATHER FORECAST Bridge Club | ees cu, it iy ir i peter wt ews gig evo oe esnill SALE PRICE, yard GY) We went to & bootlegger on went lo the bootlegger's home -- " TRAFFIC CLINIC | thert street, where the other girl and picked uy & case of beet. | PAULEY OW, BURNER | Tiere were 46 attendants at » knocked on the door. She gof no! "We all drove to Courties| |, le oy RAE Cc | < e Oshaw . ; ¢ ( 8 Hinie ( oud And old i Hi h Scores answer, but the hoys said they where Walker and T went over a The Yeh Fire Department a Jha Tate ¢ Be Tes knew of other boolleggers, Wellemee inte a dearing and drank #Pswer 4 eall to a favity oll day RigA . 4 A # " 4 tried several in Oshaws, then!the gin, The others drove off and burner, ai 25% Bloor street west, man Smythe sald most of them y The high scores fo WEE drove oul 10 try one in Courtice, returned shout an honr ater, We late Wednesday afternoon, There were students from the three Osh RA 6.1611 75 $I ST. N, RA 616M ome owers prayed Tuesday, Oct, 15, hy mem "We came hack to Oshawa andi had started to drink the beer by were no other fire alarms, There awa igh Schools, They attended bers of the Oshawn Duplicslelyhile we were driving north onlthe time they returned," the girl were two routine ambulance #5 part of their driver training I, Bridge Club al Woodview Park Simeoe street, one of the boys) testified enlls courses, The final portion of the Clubhouse were " North-Soith Ing TORONTO (CP) Official lore Haliburton regions, Windsor casts issued hy the wenther of- London, Toromto, Wamilion (lar Mrs. £ Bad M fice ot 5 a.m. EDT Mostly eloudy windy snd eold', larke And Ars Mhgorit'g . 219 points; Mrs, Harper and Synopsis--Overcont weather hasitoday. A few brief showers or R. Morris. 198: My, and Mrs, W reached the lower lakes, With flurries of wet snow partiewlsnly Heron 194 Mrs Prank clearing skies expecied tonight in localities of higher elevation mo d Mrs HA. Ward temperatures will fall to or be: Just east snd south of Lake White 163 Ww 11 300 tte o low the freezing mark in most 1o-| Huron Clearing fomight with Ere West Mrs, V, J. Rundle e over pa rns and loths enlities. Temperatures shoul di killing frost likely, Sunny snd nol and Mrs, N, H. Daniel, 205 points hold in the low 4s today, Snow: quite so cold Fridsy, Northerly Mrs, W. J. Timmins ond Mrs, $ ; . flurries will continue Loday north winds 16 to 25, Wecoming light She ' 1 5 A ) 1 Sheridan 18) Jo-Anne Clark o Lake "Sapertn here. il on Re: --~theyre u woo also be sunny intervals in north Kirkland Lake, Timmins Kap William Doe and Mrs, Roy Mor + ern and central Oplario iskasing regions, Sudbury, North) oa, Regions! forecasts valid until! Bay: Cloudy with sunny intervals he Tue AFaws: Were Woh b : midnight Friday today, a few light snowflurries, og Davie and Mrs, W. J, Tim worste Cc Oo 8 rom wor - amous Lake Erie, Lake Huron, Lake Mostly sunny and milder Friday | oo British and Italian mills Georgian Bay, Northwest winds 16 to 25 today becoming westerly tonight and rents ropes CHEWING GUM 1S OBITUARIES vin! Wisciois, | gmiowy BUSINESS " §t, Thomas an Ah A sampinais Swat some 2B MRS, DELIA GILLEN Kitohener ... 2% Americans chewed some 250 The death occurred gt the fam wp dus million pounds of chewing d | ily residence, 163 Elgin street London . reer A ; gum 18st year -- AN BVETARE Have your selecte c oth H A NI ) 1%) your eto, Wedestay moran. Torta" wp | of To aks or 11 Io to CUT 19, of Mrs, Delia Gillen, The de: | peterborough ...00.. in the US } ceased, who had heen in failing Trenton 2H VET was | ¢ sens f f your hudget problem re heatth for several yours as THIS Catharines vei. 3 " Hour us po your no A FRASER STORES' het 93th vem My Rumilton "0 longer used household goods | 4 . A daughter of the late and | Muskoka AE SpOPLS GOAT, S66 Ontario, Niagara AIMS ont, the deceased : Ms. EI Clairinon wh Killaloe ond ears, ele with a fast wak horn at Marmore Sep, 14, Eariton a saws Tinie Claes] 1 s 1866 and was married there Oct, Sudbury bo : aotlon ) hava Hy p {es y : 15, 1886, Mrs, Gillen had Deen 8) North BEY oo... Hed Ad, ing A i roe " resident of Oshawa for 46 years Kapuskasing os al and was 8 member of Bi, Greg:| White River 's Roman Catholie Church Moosonee redecensed by her husband, | = The remains will he at sme Pec Toe Try September ory's Roman Catholle Chureh at wa Borer wi ing. the mam | Adult and ehildren admissions list of others, except Ontario Save up to $24.50... All year these Patrick J. Gillen, Mar, 25, 1044, Mrs. Gillen 1s survived by four 1150 ADMISSIONS f » daughters, Mary, Elizabeth and Edythe, of Oshawa and Made: eine, of Toronts and three sons, . 4 Michael, at home; Clement, of Hos ital Bus ; Vancouver and Murtagh, of Chi | oago, ; the y J {to Oshawa General Hospital total: | County, admissions with 61, Of | interment will be In Si. Greg led 1150 during September, W, A,|the 61 patients admitted to hospl-| y ory's Cemetery Holland, hospital superintendent, |tal from Durham County, 47 of 1 FUNERAL OF told the Oshawa General Hospital| them were residents of Darling suits cost $75 and $79.50 each JAMES MePHERSON GAY Board of Directors Tuesday night, [ton Township | A Funeral services were held atl There were 324 patients In resl:| Phere was one patient admitted | the Hartley and Barlow Funeral|dence, Aug, 81, Mr, Holland from a province other than On. | Home, Orono, Wednesday alter: noted _(tario and three from the United noon, Oct, 19, for James Me. Of the 1160 admitted to hospi | States Pherson Gay, RR 3, Bowman-|tal, 832 patients were admitted | The admission by ward break ville from Oshawa, 101 from Whithy, down is Orteele Verde A GLORIOUS SELECTION or CLOTHS Mr, Gay died in St yo ephis] 10 fom Rant, Whitby Lig private wards, 356; public wards Hospital, Peterborough ast 4h from Hithy ownship, | 768 and Li 216 ' Monday night, from Injuries res from Ajax and 25 patients were and nursery ~LHOOSE YOUR FAVORITE! ceived In 8 motor accident Fri brought in from Plekering Town: 817 BIRTHS This offer day night at the junction of High: ship I'here were 217 births in Osh. | ho subdued ond taste: ways 28 and 115. He sustained 25 COUNTY ADMISSIONS awa General Hospital during Sep- | is on for a * Glen Checks . . ful, head and cheat injuries | v 4. tember and one stillbirth, Deaths hy hee! emely neat patt Mr, Gay, whose wie died in Bil ad bie pita in the hospital during September * Small = ke , . . extr ly errs 1068, is survived by 12 children 4 \ " totaled 27 and diseh os Lol ale Thor decent "wan 3 mus cminon, Tho hho, tr i 1 Hh chien ited FEW DAYS Wald rows 1 + @ ie Sua arn teacher for many years and for|"\P8€ & No The total dail THES y Sola about eight years took elemen {admissions fei Noa s TOwnshIP: tients hy he the lin ONLY tary sehool children from Cart Hi Brock Township. wo and Ux [ar eo avers onde Month % Worsted Flannel . , , in traditional plain shodes wright, Nestleton, Cavan, South|Pridie Township two combined accounted for $11.6 of | ' Monaghan and Hope Townships| Other counties In the province |, Wo iG SCERIEC ar oi ol % Foncy Desigm . . . mony intriguing, neat to the Peterborough Musie Fes | accounted for 80 of the September babies gec.anted far the sid) Pua tival where they won a number| admissions to Oshawa General |. 4q daily average of Patients i of trophies Hospital. Durham County led the. qe. » % Plain Venetiom . . . increasingly popular, wears Outpatients visits during Sep. i COMING EVENTS [tember totaled 1607 which is | broken down, for x-ray, #72 sbi - emergency operating room treat OLD tyme dance at Thornton's Corners (ments, 685, and laboratory tests, | : . . : tamer" Nay dodrey's oromesis. | NOVEL BINGO a , There's nothing as satisfying as w g a TAILORED-TO- ROMMAGE sale in Valleyview Park| THURSDAY EVENING, 8 PM [a4 OPERATIONS 7 arin RE Club Nous hehind he Riighle Mf at ST. GEORGE'S HALL | During the month, 724 opera : ; A A \ nl Arena pts "ia j : roy (br nd Jckon 38) mat opera Fo and 18 MEASURE SUIT! It's specially hand cut to your figure and RUMMAGE sale and ehildren's eloth Games $6, $12, $20 arations ore Som od 45 a mg West Group, Centre Sireel M doubl r tripled | Church, Friday, October 31, 13 noon ay be doubled or triplec {treatments administered in the MMSOK ani» ai. gues $150 JACKPOT INCLUDED emeriency operating room requirements, choose your own tailoring style and cloth other's Auxillary 18th Guide and Door prize $15 | Comparative figures for the! , to he held in Rimeoe Hall) | a ctober 24 at 1.30 Bah HE [September activity at Oshawa Exira Panis $ ? General Hospital and the prey 5 NGO 3 the Avalon, Thursday, Oot ; previon M Qo | Othawn Fark, $0 and 810.) ZION UNITED CHURCH [month ave: patient days, 10,636 in wien W0_jackyots THANK OFFERING | leviember as' compared to 10,474 $ A PERFECTLY FITTING SUIT GIVES YOU CONFIDENCE AND POISE Two Suils 100 FUCHRE Scout Hall, Ginhons and in August { Buena Vista, Friday, Ocl 31, § pw ouha. ax Prives Refreshments. Admission SERVICE September admissions totaled 0 ents .| SUNDAY, OCT. 23 1867 as compared to 1393 admis Certainly it does! The Look of Success! JACK FRASER'S experienced erafts. ET slons to hospital in August, Daily men will help you choose the cloth and suit-style which suits you best . , . styles T2300 FM rerages eptembe tale : RUMMAGE SALE A et re amber. lotaled include the Trim Look for the younger man-about-town, and popular lounge cuts compared to ON Speaker previous month . for the servative man FRIDAY, OCT 21st | STEPHEN SAYWELL [wok our-rarieNTs Open until O p.m. EY ud 1:30 PM Procesds 10 purchase & new Out patient admissions during Note the quality tailoring--the hand-felled collar, hymo front, English lining, September totaled 1007 p AT CRA -------- pared to 1807 out patient admis on FRIDAYS hard-wearing pocketing. ST, PAUL'S CALVIN GROUP sions In August, The September . " \ SE ---- "| Whithy Chapter No. 248 [total of oul patient admissions FASHION NOTE: Wear the new Olive tone this Fall, Very smart, brings the total for the vear to s year BINGO Order of the Eastern Star [Hate to 13,085 as compared to 1, ST. JOHN'S HALL 710 for the same period in 1059 Comer of Bloor and Simcoe, BAZAAR & TEA Average hed occupancy during o September totaled 88 This is FRIDAY, § PM To be held in the Oddfellows |hroken down: medical and sur 20 games $6 and $10, Holl, Whitby, Saturday, Oct, |®ical beds, 97.2; obstetrical beds Five $40 Jackpots 22nd, 1960. 3pm. to Spm 66.2: paediatric beds, 93.2: and -- | bassinettes oconpaney- totaled 3.8 LARRY HENDERSON IS BACK considered normal in the ocon paney of medical and surgiea) J cont. Seventy-five per cent 1s See ond Hear Canada's Favorite Commentate hids In person The average stay number With his All-New All-Color Mation Picture davs during September hada THE CHALLENGE OF ASIAY {slight increase aver the pre at month, In September, th ol O'NEILL COLLEGIATE & VOCATIONAL INSTITUTE [ad In August ar oe vor 88 FRIDAY, OCTOBER 215t, at 8:00 P.M Admission--$1.00 | BUSINESS MEASURE | Vatu of hea conned Ca OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE Sponsored by FIRAng Bn t actiar learing centres was 12 Don't miss thig | \ A fe ont hghe ¢ IY Strategic Area of 1960, at $137,769. 940,000

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