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The Oshawa Times, 20 Oct 1960, p. 4

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THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thersdey, October 20, 1960 (vide (he specislized education (rave received siready, we should hesn WAYWARD WEED of Leo Tolstoy's death Is Bow, : pr -- --- R S 1 they required The sehool being | ene ool € HAMMERFEST, Norway (AP) and spesial ceremonies ihuilt in Lake Vista Gardens i:}7 0 ions, tropical weed--cslied Bushs planned . etar e C 00 | the result of their determination EW CAPTAINS ne b householders | mart 18 Sroming Jas above the g ub Wins C ded School Br mm mony BEE Sn SEL CARES rc : funds to finish ilding enc y eplopoe y not ; AMDAIAN STATES [=i mee eerie "lors 2 eos alas "re , abrir eas mes ie 5 gon gre: shi, dasgher of wosky d to Retard s from American aress or "From the back room in the Wm, eda, to i Sv Yo frets Box 86 os Ca { { Som [az Fire Hall to » modern ections on the Dixie Road; Mrs. or Usher Tro h AMAR = five hundred CiL@ Fen. Their watchword: (school is 6 long wey 1 go in Just Fry, and Messrs, Maurice Wool canvassers for the Retarded| let's finish the School!' four years', said Campaen|ien, Phil Glendinning snd Raigh SI AMS PLANE DOWNED NL : " Children's Association Campaign It was only four years ago that Chairman Wm. A, Parish, "espec-iSiratford, taking over various _ CAIRO (AP)~The United Arab, FRENCHMAN'S BAY The|the Yacht Club banquet to bel % on Mond . the Ajax, Pickering and Whithy|islly since no support is received) areas in Whithy, fe W Is Frenchman's Bay Yacht Clublheld October 29, Plans were aise," Work on Monday Vo Knaek| oo Vt Retarded Children was|from any community fund or ap Giving this yesr has been simp reel asd Jorden of vidlating its won the Usher Trophy on Sun-|made for thelr Christmas party to| 8 every door in Pickering and, oq eight individuals with|pes!, We are siming at $25,000 "al space and claimed an lsrael) od hen hey invited awe he held at the Oshawa Yacht|Whithy townships with the siory he will to do something for re-land # we get the heart-warming i hy the mgthol of postdal- gtr pang was downed in 8 pcht Club to sail in ueiClub on December 3 y have of ¢ § ial odsupport from everyone that we ed cheques, Canvassers have dog) } day races. There has been engaged Cam Warne's Orchestra of the Aldon School for Retarded, tarded children, espe tally 0 pr apport oro - very i. i ---------------- competition for this trophy forifor this affalr and more will be the past few years as there werelcoming up sbout i later, The! Bo class boasts in either club unt] next meeting will be held at Mrg, | the Bay Club built the fleet of Sandrs Clark's on November i Blue Joys this year. Frenchmen'sl A meeting will be heid Sun Bay tallied 125 points in the two day, Oct. 23, at the home of Ron! races and Oshawa received 104% | Playford, Bay street, for all those points. Two Oshaws skippers|interested in another boat build p placed first in both races, They ing project this year. We under. were Wally Dilling in the first! stand that shout 15 have express race sailing Pat Shewan's boast ed thelr desires to build Blue and Joe Patterson in the second! Jays to add to the existing fleet Rhee sailing Roger Conant's boat. of 13 Hb Usher, Jr., came in second . on ! and Ross Fertile third in the first | MONTHLY MEET gace and Erie Playford, second The monthly meeting of | end Roger Conant third in the Frenchman's Bay Ratepayers will be held on Friday, Oct, 2 second race at Fa United Church Hall | This was a switch race with no * Fairport f skipper salting his own boat, The| 2! a pm. Resve Sherman weather was perfect with a good Beott also Counet or es: stiff breeze blowing and warm kin and Jack Chapin, Superin sunshine, Both races were excit- Sendent of Roads, wi be Dresent ¥ f J Tues ing to watch, While the skippers tons concerning oa ae ued in the first race had the advap-| ' : tage of a stronger wind, the sec. | Ihe Bay, ete Ts should, be a | d race had 8 thrilling ending| Plormative meeting a - on 8 theiling 08 members are urged to bring » When ten of the 12 hosts erossed slong one or two neighbors the finish line seconds apart, four," 4 . [ " / A baby dsughter, Maureen » of them fying for fourth spot in a! H i Apn, was born to Mr, and Mrs nin photo finish {Cliff Brown of Bay street at the Has Foam Cushio 4 LADIES AUXILIARY { Ajax Hospital on October 15. A . . The Ladies' Auxiliary prepar little sister for Eva and Tommy Nylon Reinforced Fabrics ed a turkey dinner for the mem The Fairport United Church bers of both clubs at the home of WA Is holding an afternoon tea Mr. and Mrs, Herb Usher, Sr hazaar and bake sale at the ' shureh on Saturdsy afternoon Commodore Tom Tomblin had|0" the top of his thumb eut off when| Ottober 23 iiday wishes th Don Save on this decorator-planned room en- bee ape welted petvess Iwo nie Balsdon, son of Mr. and Mrs semble. It features a 2-piece chesterfield or by "i Was Hehe Garry Balsdon who is celebrating . the Alax Hospital whets he re yic first birthday on October 21 davenport-bed suite with luxurious foam eelved sceverrl stiches to repalr Mr. and Mrs, FErie Playford Phe damage Tom Simin vin celebrated their 31st wedding an hird spot in the second | or | ito Oc y . W o the rudder broke and had to i er Aig iB to Her: care nylon-reinforced fabrics in shades of towed to shore Osorge Snir, pnt Dalik in the death of his fa Brown, Beige, Red, Green or Natural | Shop ehin had a co swim in the lake ther in Italy last weekend when he nee dentally fell in while het In | Balsdon i wah. 3 early | adlusting the sails ' th » patient at the Oshawa Gene; bo The final races o ® SERSON | Hospital for the past two weeks will be held this Sunday at 2!is now recuperating at home p.m. when the Frenchman's Bay| AB Seaman Arthur (Sonny elub members will compete for Hearns was home from Dart three trophies mouth, N.8., with his family on A general meeting of th en short visit during the weekend . Frenchman's Bay Yaeht Club!This was his first trip home In Ladies' Auxiliary was held last| almost three years Wednesday at the home of Mrs The Tuesday evening _socials Norma Singer. The president, (will be resuming at Fairport Mrs. Eva Playford, was in the/United Church Hall on Tuesday chair and plans were made for/Oct, 25 at 8 pm § cushioning for complete comfort and easy- Rebekah Lodge | GROUP COMPRISES: Modern 2-piece | . suite Arb: r te topped coffee table and Holds Meeting I ui Ss sr a a 18 PIECES By MRS, ARTHUR ELLIOTT Sister Mabel Disney, PP on be Sable lgmg end shade INCLUDE BROOKLIN ~-- The highlight half of the family, | of the meeting of Kinoven Re| > | bekah Lodge No. 353 held on PRESEN] GIFT Tuesday evening, Oct, 11, in the! A gift was presented to Bis 100F Hall, Bagot street, ter Velma Ross, JPNG from the installation of officers for the the officers serving with her dur. ensuing term, Guests were pres. \"8 her term as NG of Kinoven : Cals... -- ent from Oshawa District 7 West, Re bokah Lodge, The prosentation 3 si Cd | Oshawa District 8 Fast was made by Sister Jean Disney 1 f HIBE| - shawa 4 NG, Sister Jean Disney extended & 4 | ! : (AEH ti] If ] Bowmanville, Port Perry, Whit-| (hanks (0 Sister Della Jones for by and Brougham her assistance during last term 4 / 1 g | \ f : ; | | HH - Presiding during the early as VG and presented her with ih p / i i / & Aga [1] 1] edge part of the evening was NG Sis-|a personal gift, Sister Evelyn ; P F ; i : : i : 11 AE - ter Velma Ross, and NG Sister|Croxall, retiring musician, was : ; | i | ih | | lef J Jean Disney, the latter submit. presented with a gift from Kino: | ted her annual report ven Lodge, in recognition of LONG GOWNS faithful services rendered as mu ow We | | ! ONG G ! sician; since the Institution of ' i B. . ! i || A King-5ze Saving! Modern 3.piece bedroom sulte features é-drawer The installing staff all attired Kinoven Rebekah Lodge No. 553 y . in long gowns of pale yellow silk(in 1050, Ee NO. WW BL WL Si Li : E (11 double dresser with mirror, 4-drawer chest, and bookcase bed. Suite Is hroeade, accompanied by Dig 5 fo 3 ju ¥ ny Deputy I i Bi yaa, Rebekah Assembly Ia : Po * i be HIE t 3 finished in a warm Sienna Walnut, And you'll appreciate the slueping Gladys Stoneburg, were escorted |aqdrens and Sister Velma Ross 4 : ; j " comfort of this ensemble's buoyant spring-filled mattress and resilient into the Lodge room hy a guard presented the gift 4 ' " ? Cy iiuisss a . of honor comprised of members|" gigter Jean Disney, Noble i BR Ao , spring. Come early for this feature value | of Kinoven Rebekah Lodge, each! Grand, announced her commit 4 ; : i 4 i : carrying sprays of pink roses| oc for the ensuing term, Fol. #nd white carnations lowing the closing of Lodge in Past noble grand, Sister Helen usual form, the company ad: i pi i : i oe wg hE ENSEMBLE COMPRISES: 3-pc. suite; Batten, introduced the District! journed to the Banquet Hall ; a i i 2 \| mattress; spring; peir of pillows and Depuly president, and the install: where approximately 130 mem £ i 4 2 7 i aa . Ro. | pillow cases; S-pe. ashtray sey 2 " ing staff. Sister Ivy Arksev. Re-| bers and guests enjoved a hount! 3 + ju - 4 boudoir lamps with shades bekah Assembly conductor, was|ful lunch and social hour, con ge - 4 Ee ¥ ahi amps fntroduced by RSNG Sister Beu-|vened by Sister Robena Nesbitt, H his lah Duncan and extended «iml:| assisted by Sister Helen Ciro: : J #1 lar courtesies WE % Sister Mabel Disney, a nast as-| ik i si % - 3 4 i pri oo MEWSIVBRIEF | AS Sei SRT as I 18 pieces Assembly of Ontario, was escort ed to the right of the Nahel| UARANTINE STATION ~~ w ES %. bs J 4 4 -g Girand by JPNG Sister Della TEHRAN (AP)--Iran has set oy 3 : GR | 4 he - Feo INCLUDE $12 A MONTH DELIVERS ! Jones up a marine quarantine station Sister Bertha Hackney, PDDP al the entrance to the Persian of Bowmanville and mother of Gulf as another step against the Kinoven Rebekah Lodge was es. spread of cholera, The Pakistan corted to the right of the Nobsl/and Afghanistan borders were | Grand hy the warden, Sister Reta| scaled by Iran earlier, Delong CURB CARTOONS Fach guest was presented with| Bd + BUENOS AIRES (AP)---A bill . w Ho heautiful corsage. The installa. to eurb foreign cartoons and com- ---- ' A Dual Filter Rinse ion cerem niles were conducted ies in Argentine newspapers has | ) a by the installing staff, all mem. b ] f MEM hoon rejected by the Argentina | Ee oA R . . bers of Sunshine Lodge, Oshawa. |jagiglature, Opponents denounced | TR. TER CW £-Lone Sim lioit Washer! The new officers of Kinoven| the measure as a restriction of] : . eT A a . Rebekah Lodge, No. 353, read|freedom of the press 3 as follows a $ > J i . 3 a N ELECTRIC CO! ITE 3 (ST : n f 4 t Noble grand, Sister Jean Dis , ELECTRIC COMPUTER i Fook eirigerator Save $50 on This King-Size Value! : LONDON (AP)--A Soviet engi- | ney; vice.grand, Sister Eileen neer has perfected an electronic | Thompson; recording secretary, computer to help reduce risks of A gy 38 Ronen i a Lo : Sister Annie Jackson; treasurer,| Ship collision, Moscow radio re- TR } \ : 10 cu. ft. Prestige! The new Simplicity Safety Washer is loaded Sister Nora Maynard; financial BONS. Wikh sadat It fyuret aneey with these modern features;--new dual filter secretary, Sister Mena Ormiston: proaching ship and shows the ¢ fe | Si rinse action, big 11 Ib. oversize tub, automatic warden, Sister Cora Carson: eon-| change of course needed to avoid | La : i Save $70 on regular price. clock timer, 8-vane gyrator, hi-speed pump, 8s nD isnev: @ crash, Moscow said doweut I ay ASKS $25,000,000 Deluxe Prestige Refrigerator and Lovell Safety Wringer. musician, Sister Jane Carson:| NEW YORK (AP)-Supermar. | H : 3 i features full 37 -1b. zero Bister Grace Bradley; LSVG, of misconduct with hall a dozen Gladys Stoneburg of Sunshine an early European summit meel- Arksey, each in turn expressed|ler Diefenbaker will address 250 aii au i i 4 good wishes. A gift of apprecia delegates attending a Progress ER dq | y ' HAWA SHOPPING CENTRE Sister Jean Disney, NG, re. said the meeting will set the date RSNG, Sister Della Jones; LENG ket heir Huntington Hartford's : i ] ; freezer, recessed door REG. 209.95 Sister Rilda Ross: . 1G, Sister, women and asked & record $28, : 3 FE . 1 3 * and dairy compartment Rarbara Evans: OG, Sister Ethel 000,000 in alimony. Hartford, 48 5 i i 3 : ne Ormiston; Degree sta'! cantain:|the heir to the A and P food ey 0 {i wh | Shop early Refrigerator . Brother Howard Arks vy; Guard chain fortune, has entered a gen. | A : : i : carries a lifetime COMpress- of Honor, Sister Helen Batten; eral denial of the misconduct 3 ; ¥ " \ . a PNG and Sister Mildred Barrett; charges | 4 q 1 or warranty | Soloist, Sister Tvy Ark-oy { eSATA [ i } ! | SUGGESTS SUMMIT Ras { § by EXTEND GREETINCS | LONDON (AP) -- West Ger i ; Lodge, Oshawa, exter 1 greet |jng and Hritish officials specu- ONLY 10.75 A MONTH fas and wished for Kinoven lated it might lead to an Atlantic | sflon was presented to Sister/sive Conservative associa q | / Stoneburg, the presen'ation be-|lion meeting here Saturday night, ! ooo REG. 319.95 5 Tel RA 5.3519 tne made by JPNG Sister Velma|party headquarters announced | ¢eived a gift from her family, for the next annual general met Shop Fridoy il ' pm Closes Wednesday ot 1:00 pm, presentations being made by [ing of the assoelation, \ : 3 { Sister Margaret Pascoe; RSVQG,| estranged wife has accused him shelves: chill tray, CHsper Deputy president Sister| many Wedaesday night suggested Ld ws : i | 4 YOU SAVE $70 1 odge every success a' » extend-|alliance chiefs of govermment | hr EY ; i EH RR | DELIVERS ! od thanks to her inst: 'ng staffisession in December, § i ] ! for their excellent we : 2 5 | i : -- i i ™ | . Sister Mabel Disne Sister _TO ADDRESS PCS pu "| | fertha Hackney and Sister Ivy] OTTAWA (CP)-Prime Minis. : -- » di | Wednesday. The 0 f > hop Ross 'ednesday e announcement FU [=] N | : uU R = S Deily 9:30 eum. 'tl 6 pm, |

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