Ww N\ | i 1 pe EE Soo = . Su ---- bp Ml tna. ial os y ' wy ervimt iby 16 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tuesday, October 25, 1960 | ' * + _merearNNGS | Today's Stoc arket Listings on Toronto Exchange DEATHS | By THE CANADIAN PRESS TORONTD 1 AM, STOCKS Wet wot web et BIRTHS Alas Steels 14d., 9 mos onded onl, The Cosdieh Frese Block Seles Wigh Low I} sm, CW ge Soles. igh Low 11 4.3 OF'gn Block Beles High Low lem. CWgs Sock Bales Low 15 om. Wp 4 4 fon Aang - ' . Macle 0 11s | THORNDYKE, Russell ~ At the i 2; 1900, $547,100; 19% (Quotations In cents unless marked §, Yom. 47/4 = ian 1% i Woh ¥ W Wh Bi 8% Betiim 3160 56 BM +8 ead 1% w "" H] # \Oshaws General Howpitsl, on Monday, Od It, #4 ~ Exdividend, wxr-Ew ¥od Com Wawed A wt 100 450 450 48 0 Eevern Moos ish 18 18+ Hh Magnet "we 046 8 Bh cents, duganter, "Barnes nt Too miony. of WE Jere Sess, Yraser Companies Lod. 9 mos | He, ww--Eiwerents) Emel A ARIS WO Mh Oh Sh Beep time tog 1 0 --t ey hex RE ueantt, A ha , : Gatinesn iH hy . ¥ - arboy bw 6B wu 5, on Sati Ostomes 2, f Jel ; helo 4 Gertrude (Ended Sept, 0: 1060, $2,319,785, 'G Preis - Black Vs Bho y yd ran, pita any miner Marnien, isk os of es A Sa 8104 a share; 1950, $2000.54 INDUSTRIALS 2 min € Pape or $5 4 44 » rstone" wh "ww o ow A [ie 45 F- 2 9 3 w 6 Dr. Hall dam (Mer ) of Oshaws: Wes gio df ' Wet Gui Hon Co 8 825° 2 Be Cadamet we 1 HoH we 2 B® AMES = Porte 1 eat it TE 5 BOA £5 ite, 110 : 1 gs Jor om gy Go en Bose 1 Ho oy fey he om mm wom | Kom ERE RB ance the arrival of he Duby Semuel of Port Wis Jn we mown Johns Manville Corp 3 ADs sn Sn Te dw = % Limp 4 Maclaren A 00 915% 19% 1% kmiin 1% Bn #4 iw wn out? sister, Beenda Les, Fridey, October 31, (7ear, Raving at the W, C. Town Fu. ended Bept. W; 1900, T5000; Ko pa" wm 165° 155 155 bmp oh : Caviatn APY New Hosen 1500 46% 6% 0% = t% 900, wt the Oshaws Genersi Hospital. "evel Chapel, Whithy, lor service I 1656 1 431 000 Ais Gas 5 I 1% hecep OILS ota A Most 1B BB -% B Myloms 10% # # # Prod parents are Brace snd Wency, he oi Wednesday, October 6, Ais Gas pr 1 $1655 105% 109% ~ Y Inglis ent Pore 1000 14 18 i ~ Newnor We Wh WE Whe Thanks 6 DF. JORRIOR lat 2 p.m, Interment Union Cemetery, Lorado Uranium Mines Tid, Bits Gos w 150 70 TI8 TI +5 Inland Gas All Box He 1 B15 2 Coch Will 1660 29 900 36 8 ' 0 40 A MW = (shows. Minister the Rev. Be A Nos vear ended April 30; 1900, met] Ais Cen 76 Sib 1h 10 bt Lt Kiminen 0 149 16 WH +3 om ie BBE n Bor me ew Wh 4 NICKERSON -- My. and Mrs. Eugene | 00 ("SUG 00 LTD 0 Tuer (loss, 13542; 1990, met loss 1, Ak Conwis m0 4B 5B iH oh gy Ad Avwmers = 1600 B B B ~h Ge oo 18 4 i Rojec 0 4" M4 Nickerson (nee Beoit) are happy to an S00 088 #22 Algoma Wh Wh Wh - % ined FL Botley B A 400 510 95 M8 +5 CO Mow 16600 §1 41 91 +3 Ras va BR 2 " saunan the WAEth of their , Bay: | 0% MH Alming 199 ®» » Inip Sti Pipe Bata We Wh Wh Wh CHalliwell 2000 #8 40 16 Dorma We 26 6 We wars Jean, § Ibs, 15 om, on Fridey| A. V, Roe Canada Lid, year] Momo 80 85% 5% 4% delterson Broiss Biz wo a uh C Marken. 90 2 02 9 3 iv ess 523 October 20, 1 f ' - ' ARs we % 2% T% + Labatt Colalts 9 » BB Brien wh oy Yotober 21, 1060, at Oshaws Gener, LOCKE'S FLORIST id cm 260 75 78 5 +} misks onions. Owe thinks to Df King A : Nk nd ended July 31; 1960, 91.4738, 10] Atles Geet in Wawa Td 4 Lakeiona cal ka $8 Gm iw Li -- Con Of ond 6.29% $T% 1% 1 © Opemia oo i uh 4 unergl arrangements © cents a share; 1950, 5,820,9%1, 61 Bank Mont 5 854% Wm 0% ~ % Laure beg y 4 lk r 80 21 7 e Wiekel ROMANCRUK -- Born to Mr end floral requirements for all | oops Bank ad u wo " . - ei" AL Rod an o = A iu € Nothid 9600 % os ll i] 4 v ; 4 Mrs. Edward Romenchuk (nes Nunn) occasions Bell Phone 1603 S46 4605 Add 5s GB pr Dome Pete 1h 865 665 665 Courven Min 1000 16 18 18 41 Ves Expl 18400 16 pt 77% 0 fiers, Ontoer Wh, Joh 8 27 OSHAWA SHOPPING | TORONTO (CP) ~-- Golds re-| Bow Sis pr ib Sos sos 4004 Wi Loss Wilh rvs Wh 3 Ww -p eis ge le jo es pW, ME BB OB orsl Wowial. CENTRE fuined #0 vnexciing lead mid ii dU Bg Bg Moore Gr Prams 100 0 "0 "a Pitlsn BA I WM. ie Aeon "im on os Yon Tn y etive trading on the bios B HBOILG 5 96 905 95 hehenson nun ee ™ Lita 00 Wo 99 4 24 HOUR PHONE SERVICE |the close of ac Be Tank mn 25 847 #1 #1 . bs 4 us 9% 2% 2% ~ : w SCOTT ~ Debbie is happy to an y ; y ' N 6 Cor Li Pete 0 5 8 4 =~) ne oe Th ~ WH Que Mop 1066 18 18 #0 en he SEPVEL Of 8 Deny DEOher, RA B-6555 slock market Maviday and indus WCE Bs or 8 Nips Aon $04 = Dis Wire leds 0 Wo WE ME i RAT 2h ch ww bd i» ow 8 ow Richard Douglas, on Tuesday, October | trials slumped following the de- BCE 4% p86 $i 9h Hibs Bor Blas oF NCO pr W NE Wh T% East Mal £4 62 wr 62 +8 Gon 20 UU VU =H 18, 1960, ut the Oshawa Genersl Hospi: pression on Wall Street BCE 5p 8 6% Nh ATT =~ Wihid Us Worthia we It 1 1 Elder, 0 wm = w = Padicre Wo 46 45 8 2 wal. Parents are Jean and Doug beott.| GERROW FUNERAL | 'the gold index gajned 1.34 at] BG Foest 400 Sins 10% 104 Owhiws A Pac Fete =~ 200 085 985 5 ~p Fatma 100 35 ¥ Bovrocy "mun = + Syecisl thanks to Dr, Anderson Md gd a gm oy lhl BE bow 75 WT 3 3-1 Fase Hors bic Pete w Jn 93 435 498 : os 2 2 oom 30 A a ¥ Rd " is -- Lemium crme La 4 CHAPEL 4 " wile Canadian oid kilo Bockville Vn 74 1" = aN Gas wih Petrol "gm @ #) Geco Mines 200 $16% 16% 16% ~ We 500 11% L% 11% + : i points--w| v £0) Buns 100 $13% 1% 13% -- Heichoid Prove Gas. 2200 192 19 1 =F Gonex we HH 3 cm 209 '19 1 19 +) DEATHS Kindness beyond price [bars improved on Friday's quo-l ¢f Fray 295 $5 i6 199 Fohertson Rocy Pete 016 4 4 4 Sumy Soy iB 2 Bun Com 2000 6 6 6 wih febat tations $37.75 to $48.25 C Pick B 7 BE 6 46 4) Roe AV € Royalite pr 100 $18% 18% 18% --1% e ring b "% nor Yoh m1 B® Ww yet within reach of all, v i 2780000 shares) S*% Fem we RB 0 Koval Bonk both U pe pg y doing 1 Te 19 ee wm 2 DM - ! olume was C Bate 4p 210 861 9 Hl uswell Submrine 5 +h f f "= 8 : ! RAINES, Allan George = 2 tl, Co vied OW 30 16 115 176 Herd Rock 000 Wy Wy Wh = th Sherritt wo 90 96 36 at the Oshaws Generil Hospits), onl RA 8-6226 compared with the 3,2260001 G8 oO Mn ow Tou ui Soladek Un Oils 0 15 118 18 v1 Hasags op . 18° 18 18 scoe 6400 112 106 16 =p Monday, October 1, 1960, Allen George son ING STREET WEST |#heres traded Friday Cdn Bew 040 Shin Th 9% ~ Salada wis Webume 1000 62 8 2 +} Boklaheo 200 J 2 2 =H barrit B00 5 BB Raines, beloved son of Mr, and Wry ; olds to re CEAL A wis 120 250 250 280 Seven Arts W Nace we uw hd | Heaaway 00 8 UW 8B 3 bleep RB Gi B45 B40 640 John F Raines of Port Perry, and Among senior golds 80 C Chem 180 86% 5% 5% = W Bhawin Curb Hud Bay 2 Me MM id $00 Wh Mh M4 dear brother of Rannle, n is 1713 year, gains were Hollinger, up a point C Cut W 200 100 100 100 +16 Silverwd A Dalhousie B13 13% 1% 1% ~ WH im 160 N yn H 4 wish 0 nt - sting a» the Chas Dermott 14 ¥, GE v Bomvilk Bui 11 as vi Jig Fort Perry, for service on IN MEMORIAM ad 21%, Dome, up % at 2, and ar id Ca 44 LH 4 " Bt Vey " © Wicket 600 $48) 0 A8Y% ~ Veck-H oa fd h wh Weanesdiy ot 3 pm Interment Pine Camphell Red Lake, up % at cu, 100 Si 1406 14% ~ % Sieel Con MINES 7 wane Ww % + Var 08 » » » Grove Cemetery, (Th LOT ve A oJ | y be = [4 o y g # i i Urata Lord hgh, Sw Bani we FONEY = Io loving memry of 10% on fh unl wa Wee Mass, He a wa ws duthw BBW OBS ine, #8 2% % the name of the Lord.) dear hushand, John Foskett, whe pass: Molntyre-Porcupine dropped %( ab wane "50 sisi 3644 3674 -- 4 Tuneord / . 90 12" 72 1 dobuirke wl MH HH U Un Keno 1000 To0 700 700 +8 ed away October 24, 1099 26% yo ad 50 sion 4 Bw 4 Vdd Aim Loder BO 22 2 0 Kr Md 1100 S46 14 U4 + Wb Upp Can 0 120 120 Along the road to yesterday at 25%, N Gis 00 n lon 6h hep Am Nephe 000 43 43 43 7 200 82 30 Wk ~2Y Ve lures 00 824% 2% 28 GARLAND, Mary loulss -- Ab the! pi ce® cs me straight to you, Industrials' were off 349 at € Wesing 150 834% MH ~ Wh 1 harnel Anglo Hur 10 925 015 00 238 Labrador m0 $v Uh 1% Wills po 20% + W pesidence of her won, John Garand Ave niomories of the happy days Reus! ria d ps Col Cell 1050 400 400 400 +5 EY Failors A Arcadia B00 38 6 3 I Shore 75 410 410 410 +5 Willey wn wm oa BR 2. Markham, on Sunday, Oclober| poo iter we once knew 482,57, base metals off 131 at| Dost Beag 160 28% 28% 264 Tor-Dom Bk Aumache 150 8 » 8 s Lu Wr M0 We 0 +5 Wr a io nw om 3 2, 1960, Mary Louise Sowan. beloved Mways every evening 150.50 and western oils off 86 at| PD Bide Bain Ie 1 Ry A a Eameque M4 bw tv 5h Lamague 100 35 368 985 % Best 4300 HA 1 i =} o we late Jo H ccem to have i / , 1 a ly 3 BIB 2 angi 5 3 H 4 Snerryword, Ontario and eur mather of BAL pack 10. meet you £0.87, Dom Btoes 206 860% 60's 60% Un Gas B pr 4 Base Mets! 2000 0 io " iL prod pH 4 5 +H zn ind Ii +f a A | of Joseph of Cherrywood; Mary (Mrs. | Gn 0" 500q 9 yesterday Motors lost: Chrysler lost 3 bom To 146 en ou U Corp B avka Hoo 11 10 iD LL 750 WW Wh +4 Bulolo wh Fo kA or org Pend oh coring ne |= Rovingly remembered. hy wife at 40, U.S, Ford 2% at 63%, and Bhi BR Vn 7 Wh --ry. Belcher ow wv vw Macassa 600 299 297 2 wl Saies to 1 ami 573,000 ' i of Markham # ¥ ia (5 ' ' -- a re --. L " _ My J. A -- Terrance Mulloy) deceased; and dear sister of James Cowan of Ohio, and John Cowan of Plekering. | auay October 24, 1939 Mrs Garland is resting st Mekachne | Today recalls sad memories 0 FOSKETT ~ In loving memory of » Goneral Motors 1% at 4] Toledo, | dear father, John Foskelt, who passed Funeral Home, 28 Kingston Of » dear father gone to rest, West, Pickering, Funeral on Wednes And the one who thinks of him today day. October 26, at 1045 am. 0 BL| Ys the one who loved him best Francis de Sales Chureh Pickering, | Lovingly remembered hy daughter for Requiem Mass at HH am. Inter anice, sondndaw + Bill and grand, ment St, Francs de Sales Cemetery, | children The Rosary will be recited at the Fu: | on Tuesday evening af MITCHELL ~ In loving memory of peral Home, #50 pm | my dear mother, Ellen Mitchell, who y EE -------- ---- | passed away October 25, 1955 c A leaf in my hook of memery OSHAWA Is gently turned today Still missed, MONUMENT COMPANY | der, May SPECIALIZING IN still loved and every Monuments, Markers, | Memorials, Comerstones, CAR | Statutory of all types. 1435 KING ST, E JORNSTON ~ We wish to thank Ph. RA B-3111 or RA B-BB76 [relatives and friends for flowers and re ---- | €ONdolences also Dr. Kimmerly and si | Elder Hewitt of Toronte tor their kind : ness at the time of the death of our FLOWERS FOR ALL brothers Lott Johoton n.- Coalk. gaa rs. Sarah 00K an OCCASIONS wMrs; Winnifred Collins Flower Shop Ceorenatien, 55 EE 4 i King St. W., Bowmanville, SQUARE DANCES y Many North Carolina moun: Free delivery daily in Oshawa Phone MA store hours tain town hold square dance | festivals in the streets each year, and Bowmanville 3-7141, after MA 3-2944 | Papers, banks, steels and utili ties took the industrial index to its lowest point since Oct, 4 International Paper lost 2% af| #8. Dominion Steel was off % at 10% { In base metals, Falconbridge BUSINESS SPOTLIGHT U.S. Control examination, Under certain cir cumeaiaoees it might even decide that the price of gold is too high but it would he unlikely to rec ommend a decrease, Consider: opinion holds that it would| find an Increase desirable, YVaclors operating against single action by the United States! Ae inciude the following Uh felt differently, any action would and Ventures both dropped % at " 82% and 24%, while senior uran- 1 W fums weve narrowly mixed | (9) anes Western oils moved lower he Home A, off 30 cents al y VORES RHUDE $7.90, | Canadian Press Business Editor tion, there is a tendency to ex-'gold price Increase, -- SE (RY | There's nothing sacred about pect that any future change will the $36-an-ounce official price for|come the same way, This Is gold, I1ikely, Please Note AL the same time, if and when INFERNATIONAL ACTION ! Because the US, brought about' This would be a very complex ra-- 1ave to he approved hy Congress, {and a long congressionsl debate | could hring shout 8 run on the RESULTS OF DEVALUATION | If any one country raised the of gold, it would thus de- er currencies and put ft Into an advantageous trade posi- ion, Other countries probably! wouldn't stand for this, They, Deadlines now In effect for |ithere is a ehange, it is unlikely| A change would likely be the this column; to he downward, bul almost ou Fos of se Wernationsl a American dollar, ely to be upward, ion presumably through the In- Bins, Memerigm, Cords of hese Ad make gold spec-|temational Monetary Fund, inks ulative ground, especially for which recognizes the $35 price, 9 AM, SAME DAY morey that can wait Such action probably would be DEATHS w= The preseat $83 price dates preceded by an examination of (value its eurrency in terms of 11 AM, SAME DAY from the early 1030s when the the entire international system of | DIAL RA 3.3492 United States raised it from monetary reserves and the place | $20.67 of gold in it, Hold Annual Friendship Rally PORT PERRY ~ Warr iner|with several guests fro Lodge No, 75, Independent Order|ous lodges va om the van The present administration has of Odd Fellows held its anpualltriels Quite a the last change hy Its own ac repeatedly slaied it is against alopen. installation in the suditor- lum of the Port Perry Public|were also on hand to congratulate Fen if a new administration 5¢hool. The ceremony was con-|the installing team and the Dis- i dispateh|iriet Deputy Grand Master who and dignity befitting the occa-(is none other than one of our ducted with neatness, n, Over 175 members and their friends attended this installaito) devalue their currencies and a free-for-all of currency devalua- tion might result, Under the International Mone-| tary Fund agreement, no eoun-| try can change the value of Its currency more than 10 per cent, without IMF approval, large number of past grands and 25-year veterans own members, Brother Glenn Wanamaker of Seagrave, Several short addresses were given by dislinguished guests among which was the outstand- dress presented by the Distriet ing and thought - provoking ad. Deputy Grand Master Brother Wanamaker, which wes received with enthusiasm hy all present, The list of officers for the 1960. 161 term are as follows: Jr, Past er Bruce LSVG, Brother Glen Dame any Grand, Brother Sta Foster; Noble Grand, Brother "A | overt Harper; Vice Grand, Brother Maurice Fralick; Recording Bec. retary, Brother Stanley man; Financial Secretary, Broth. Thomas; Treasurer, Brother Fred Crawford; Warden, Brother Lloyd Short; Conductor, | Brother Leonard Beadle; Chap surrounding dis- lain, Brother Charles Bourgeois; RENG, Brother Clarence Butson; LENG, Brother Bruce Mackey; RSVG, Brother Clifford Redm RSS, Brother Ronald Wanama- ker; LSS, Brother Milton Heayn; Inside Guard, Brother Robert with an Inexpensive Scots Plan Loan from The Bank of Nova Scotia, Ivi Rug Co. Service Av in ig ~ of Floor Covering Call us for a free estimate on on wall to wall floor covering, "i RA 3.3425 34 SIMCOE ST, §. PHONE RA 5.9332 | MEAGHER'S 5 KING WW. ~0SHAWA HOME FREEZER OWNERS Al Dearborn Shell Service Stn. Choice Meats Tune-ups for all BEEF, PORK, LAMS, Makes of Cars FRUITS, VEGETABLES, Licenced Mechanic Ic OSHAWA FUR & COLD STORAGE Phone 3.3012 81 Williem St, W, HIGHWAY NO, 2 & THICKSON'S ROAD | THE OSHAWA TIMES "HOME OF THE WEEK"! Beauty Salon 1 ook Young Reliable Furniture Go, (Next to Plaza Theatre) the DOWN PAYMENT! Fgel Gay Go: To Jutto's 96 KING EAST RA 3.7928 "PRICES ARE BORN MERE STORES 190 King St, E, RA 5.6566 J Right Awnpy ! $1385.00 Ontario Mofor Sales LTD, 140 BOND ST, W, RA 5.6507. OPEN EVERY EVENING Roses--~42 Varieties Evergreens--20 Varieties Shade Trees Oil Burners Heating Units Sales and Service PHONE RA 5-2734 AR] 4 " n' WEEKLY SPECIAL RICKSHA Highest Quality" | You Don't Ok USED CAR" | VAN BELLE GARDENS| (Esso) MOSIER | pg cHinise Foon Lowest-Prices Need Cash . . . '60 AUSTIN SPRITE BOWMANVILLE SHEET METAL 4 Xi Your Old Tires Make Redio. Low milecgs. MA 3.5757 292 KING W,--OSHAWA . J AND RAISED ELSEWHERE" HORWICH CRED!T GLECOFF JEWELLERS LTD, SUPERMARKET WINDER'S ESSO SERVICE WHOLESALE PRICES TO THE PUBLIC CLEMENTS Supertest Service MOTOR CITY CAB ED WILSON sez: "This Week's Special" SCOTT Outhoard Motors tor Sales and Service see TED'S WHITE ROSE and MARINE RR 4 O° WA King $0. §, PAUL'S SPORTING GOODS Our Speciality GUNS, New and Used REPAIRS FISHING TACKLE and Taxidermy 589 A! BFRT ST, PHONE 5.5798 " SPECIAL A ] NENT Home of Fine Foods Your Folarsid OPEN THURS TILL 6 PM, Your Downtown 9 PRINCE ST, CLEARANCE OF "Esso Rad" FRI, TILL 9 P.M, ANTIFREEZE-- Span vary Night YH Yom 80. { eitte For Every Occasion SAT, TILL 6 PM, Location For RA 5-1127 FLOOR COVERINGS 2 59 We cash Baby Bonus, Pension PREVENTIVE : 25¢ PER ONLY &» A GALLON and Pay Cheques, Two Stores to Serve You Better Oshawa Discount House) Fast-Efficient Service, Foor SAIN 4 CARRY SHOP AND SAVE AT 20 Simcoe St, 5, ond 290 ALBERT ST, MAINTENANCE Get your coupons on the WILSON FURNITURE KING at RITSON GLECOFF'S Osh Sh Contre 102 SIMCOE ST. N Polaroid" by calling us RA 5.8507 174 Ritson Rd, §, Oshawa shawa Shopping RA 8.0311 ' No for service 20 CHURCH ST. t BEAUTIFUL COCKATEALS and woaws DO YOU LIVE IN THIS HOUSE? | 1tPor a Shon ar | BS ERRNMIGH , C. CROXALL| | STATHAM Paint & Wallpaper NEW EXTERIOR LATEX FLAT COLORED ALUMINUM ASPHALT ROOF PAINT 34 King St. W, RA 3.7351 RA 8.5924 LATE SHOPPERS Do Your Shopping JACKSON & RAIKE HARDWARE LTD. PITTSBURGH at KINGSWAY PAINTS SUPERMARKET 948 SIMCOR ST. N, TOWNLINE, RR4 KING ST. RA 5.0514 THIS HOME, CALL AT THE OSHAWA 5.00 PURCHASE ORDER SINESS SHOWN WERE, IF YOU ARE THE HOUSEHOLDER © TIMES OFFICE AND YOU WILL RE RIVE JRE} A GOOD AT ONE OF THE PLACES OF B BONUS MONTHLY PRIZE WIN A POLAROID LAND CAMERA Yes, you too might win a Polaroid Land Camera; Simply visit any one of the stores listed here for your tree coupons, There's nothing to buy, no jingles to write , , , simply sign your name and deposit the slip. A local drew will be held monthly so you stand a good chance o' winning. Qohnson MOTORS Sales & Service SPort I. COLLIS & SONS Your one stop shop for the entire family 50-54 KING ST, W, OSHAWA RA 5.6311 TALKING BIRDS, - PET | CENTRE ? CELINA ST, RA 8.0403 ALL PETS AND PET | OL 5-4841--Brooklin & SON FUEL AND BUILDER'S SUPPLIES Fresh Cement Always In Stock, Glazed & Cloy Tile & Fittings SUPPLIES SUDDARD'S 497 SIMCOE ST, SOUTH CCM, RALEIGH BICYCLES KEYS--LOCKS REPAIRS Phone RA 5.3979 MACKIE MOTOR | SALES KING EAST---OSHAWA For Oshawa's Best Deal in New and Used Cars RA 5.5743 MOTOR SALES YOUR ESSO DEALER Repairs to all foreign & merican Built Cars, Dealer 'in Peugeot and Skoda Cars, International Trucks, KING & CENTRE STS, RA 3.7712 THE GREEN DOOR PAINT & GIFT SHOP Fedturing CLL, Paints, Free Estimates on PHONES or Painting PHONE OL 5.4531 BROOKLIN, ONT, Brown's Marketerla Your Friendly Red & White PHONE OL 5.4521 BROOKLIN, ONY, MOTOR CITY BOWLING AIR CONDITIONED Special summer rates Oshawa Fixture & Lamp Supply 12 CHURCH ST. (at King! Spanish Imported Ch. ndeliers SEE AND DRIVE THE NEW E 1961 Buicks and Pontiacs DUMONT Aluminum Products 377 Simcoe St. 5, Oshawe BERG'S Ladies' Wear "The Store of Better Values" Specials On . , , HACIENDA DINE and DANCE SPECIALIZING IN STEAK ON A BUN OPEN 11 am, to 4 am, NOME APPLIANCES (Oshawa) LIMITED 90 Simcoe Street South RA 5.5332 Specializing In FRIGIDAIRE Domestic and Commercial Sales and Service. YOUR FRIGIDAIRE DEALER IN OSHAWA FOR 23 YEARS. om GENOSHA HOTEL FOR "FINER" FOOD COFFER SHOP COMPLETELY AIR.CON, OPEN 24 HOURS SHORT'S PHARMACY BROOKLIN OL 5-330! ® Modern and Danish Creations fully automatic Cliff Mills Mo Lid, WINDOWS, DOORS, : Ceramic and Opal Glassware, pin setters 8 KING ST. WEST 266 King lotors AWNINGS and SIDING * Wolnut and brass Jeo wilh 78 RICHMOND ST. W. 5.1932 RA 5.6651 3.4634 3.4600 Samer. beak neives, cabinets | PHONE RA 3-3212 RA §- YOUR SRT Biktt Me RA 8-1651 ) SHEPHARD'S | Crysler funn to.| Stephenson's sho - FOOD M ARKET "STORE-WIDE Garage CLEANERS LAUNDERERS CLEARANCE SALE" OSHAWA'S WHEEL Prime Meat & Poultry | gVERYTHING LOW COST! FOUR STORES TO SERVE YOU Fresh Vegetables RA 5.3564 46 SIMCOE ST. N, Bosy Terms -- Free Storage Free Delivery 29.31 CELINA ST, OSHAWA ALIGNMENT SPECIALIST 15 Church St. CALL RA 5.3555 for Free Pick-up and Delivery SATISFACTION GUARANTEED RA 5.0522 VIVIAN'S B-A SERVICE Groceries & Confectionery B.A Gas & Oil Greasing & Washing NONQUON ROAD RA 3.4872 WARD'S READY.TO-HANG 31 SIMCOE ST, §, RA 5.1151 FREE DELIVERY STAN'S SHARPENING AND RENTAL SERVICE 227 King St, W,, Oshawe RA 3.3224 WE SHARPEN & RENT NEARLY EVERYTHING Buckingham Groceteria TO SERVE YOU Where Canada's Choicest of Red Brand Beef, A Full Line of Smoked ond Cooked Meats Supplied by Canada Packers 28 BUCKINGNAM AVE PHONE RA 5.2213 LEAVE YOUR FILM HERE FAST 5 HOUR SERVICE On Black and White Film In by 0 P.M, Out by 5:30 PM, Jury & Lovell Lid, 8 Kine Sn E. RA 3.2243 $30 Sincoe S15, RA 5.3544 wv - a RN