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The Oshawa Times, 25 Oct 1960, p. 1

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THOUGHT FOR TODAY Today s child is something and (4 ' between an adult and a TV set, Price Met Gur 16 Cams Vor Copy French WEATHER REPORT Strong Worth winds will eon tinue to weather to bring edd, doudy the eres, eboriied 1% Fost Aes Ceci" Grtows EIGHTEEN PAGES Accept Nuclear Plan By HAROLD KING PARIS (Reuters Charles de Gaulle early today emerged from the higgest test of his two year-old presidency with pros peels of still more ehalienges his Algerian policies crucial debate extending past midnight, the National A sembly gave 27 voles--70 short of the necessary absolute major ity--to A censure motion OsLEn sibly aimed against Ws proposal for an independent nuclear sirik ing force, There are Hdl seals in the assembly Failure of the motion saved the 21-month-old government of Pre mier Michel Debre and gave au tomatic approval to de Gaull plans for French nuclear de terrent It also sonal position of the president But more agitation and clamor were expected in the coming weeks from left-wing organiza | TWO PRESIDENTS MEET President Eisenhower and Mateos, right, embrace Ike | Acuna, Mi visit with Mexico's President Lope# | prepares to leave Ciudad | the Mexican ehief of slate Better Market Sought For Canadian Autos [5x g 5 i surgents and unsound and should market under which United King: with the Algerian Insurgents { leles : io Tunisia dom vehicles are nol subject to In addition, heightened efforts he Ontario presentation ex to kill his self-determination pol ised the helief that unit pro "If the goal of the free world iy were expected from ultra-na duction costs could be reduced in is multilateral as opposed to hi yhieh are Irade, favoring one na { hy a reduction tion aver another would seem 10) gerian policies found common of hasie models defeat this I added, [ground against his proposal for a within: each The Ontario hrief sald the Ca five-year, $2,400,000,000 defence nadian automotive industry pros program under which BO super that consumer duced and sold #40 different | sone hamhbers would he hullt to are greatly models in 1060 although market] carry French al amie homhs advertising experience demonstrates there is while development ro eels on in myriad! a large segment of the Canadian! hydrogen bombs ane missiles, in Canada supported by parent|ways nla Canadian homes and popuiation that either prefers or UB, firms were other aectlons/thal there 1s a danger that the!ls abl altord only effielent,! suggesied to moderate the eco elimination of some models may econmmical transportation, nomic impact of ear Imporis|divert purchases to imports, | And despite the inass of models fram Europe and across the bor { Ta avoid this, we would ree:/It sald, the gutomohile companies der ommend that sueh steps be taken saw foreign imports capture The province's views were con ave feasible to moderate the most one-third of the avallak tained in a brief submitied elit on the Canadian economy market, Professor Vincent Bladen of Tor-0f both UB, and European mi-lyon gow v0 CHANGE ona; one-man royal vommisslon i A hi lly Blowness of the response of Ca 2 ils of the Canadian \ ¥ i studying the ills o L ALAR ts hat overseas manufac: Badan automobile manufaetyy automotive industry--the indus ers to changing consumer de turers will turn thelr production J Hing share of the domes | ty 4 falling fi E sonnent lay. [€80UFEES 10 the manufacture of Mand may prove, in Ontario's } a p } L ew North American « type cars was|' 1 offa of auto workers ens nied the i] commis: | Pediments The brief said some Canadian' » 8 A : n-owned firms in Cuba to re sion in another brief up for dis: ®"Y Ca , iorpitve Companies pre today Ontario sald a greater effort |Lallate for the United Btales em vented by thelr UR, head offices usally must be exerted to increase the barge on mest exports to Cuba from competing in world Mar INDUSTRY MIGHT GO [Canadian content mow being used! A new nationalization decree kets, a story it sald is true Such a move coupled with no in Canadian motor vehicle oper:| ordered the selgure of 167 firms well in other hranches of second in Canada's present pol-|ations If the parts industry is to|leaving 218 American companies ary industry, he brought te a healthy state untouched, Most of those sill not "We Canada's exports of automotive government hands are com British Car 8. totalled $7,000, | paratively small and U.K, offi while imports of |elals estimate thelr value at P p 45,000 ident of Studebaker-Packard of finished motor vehicles and eom | phnably no more than $25, Canada Limited ponents from the UBS, totalled ¥ x it covered brief fram American Motors | $860,000,000-- "surely it is net he the $onfiachtion, onls h eavepot (Canada) Limited called for a re- yond the ingenity of the industry oy lif Tort ere. Before of the preferred position and government to achieve 8 oastro's government started its Britain holds In the Canadian closer balance LONDON (CP) seas cat sales last month plum meted to thelr k st level in more than three years The heard of trade try's trade department [wholesale selaures, American ell |RUTO INQUIRY Monday that | LJ » Commissioner Raps Price Hike OTTAWA (CH) isl the ailing Canadian auto 21 per cent le higher tariffs, lower ber, 1030 adjustment hy the in This Is itsell were disenssed have hil as royal eammi Hime of rees public hearings ea Last most reduced export lea. Sales ta ( month dropped hy wy and ta the United Si thirds The detailed trade figures that the automobile industry mt the only lo sethaecks. None af th modtity groups product metal 1oals, fuels any Ines andl thind qua expart Sent MORIAS 1s CORORTR, ROL only ment hut for industry Earlier this manth Lloyd, chanel ehequer I'T) Kien, aller Ll strengthened the per #9-year-nld Ontario equilahle Cana Fhe today should OTTAWA government sald dian made cars greater opportunity lo compete in world markets of plan te safeguard the Canadian economy from Jolting eollisions with European and United Blate motor vehicle imports An increase In the content of Canadian prodhiced Cars, 8 more satisfactory mar ket for Capadign car parts and greatly expanded auto researeh (CP) he remedied have duty pre part ] as i tonalists taleral Opponents of de Gaulle's Al Canadian plants een fred in Ontario nthe number andl variations model "We | patterns Influenced Programs PUP psi Canadian recognize Canada hy U.N, beamed n I : "Remaining Imports frightening' pos tor one of the most serious im:| government today confiscated the HAVANA (AP)=Fidel Castro's in the way of recov:\most valuahle remaining Ameri 0 are as change ley could well mean virtually the in: gomplete elimination of Canada automaohile manufacturing In: [parts to the | dustry,' sald G, K, Grundy, pres: (000 last yea) helieve that (his 18 view nation Among the flvms nationalized were Hears Roehuek; Wool worth's; the operating flem for the UB, government's Niearo nickel plant, whieh has a $110 000,000 hook value; the Coca-Cola hottling company; Westinghouse General Eleetrie; the Minimax x Chain of supermarkets; and Rey it nolds International Aluminum and Hritain's over ¢ the coun reparied exports A 007A in Septem 4 drop Almost Alternatives culating hould Dears wit August i than in he LLper-oent sales ta adjusted that equally Canadian foreign cars Most. militant Todgham of Chrysler who urged that the 17%-per-cent duty rate on foreign cars he inoveased and that duly be made to apply to Hritish ears now entering Can ada free under the Cammon wealth preferential taritt pegoti ated In the 1930s Chrysler, unlike Ford and GM, Oks a Hritish subsidiary which wl A on 50 Industry axes ausiry Monday 1) nem as Septem an or Gold Price Fixed At Record High LONDON (Reuters) Loading dealers today fixed the price ol gold for the day at $38 an ounce, a dealers' record for the London gold market and $1 above the of fielal US, price Although the price fixed hy the } level 193 Aner t Fehruary n North the hey Wi was Ron. W son a on he on | ly Amey the htan hal two month's drap resulted from dras 0 Narth nada Professor Vincent Rladen of Taronta, the lone eammissioney dicated he takes a dim view of conmmendations leading only to higher Canadian prices and won greement that the main manu acturers will take a look at an athey ihility al Motars of Canada Lim market ted, the Ford Motor Company of i nada Limited and Chyysler Carpoaration of Canada Limited agread under questioning to ean United States parent ynpanies abaut the feasibility More economic Integration Dr. Bladen was told it take three six weeks before tucdies might reveal the main mvelved mn commer Ms to tie more Canadian Ww inte the pattern of an dependent on US ane ALR entirely ! | during We tes hy a i show POS { h Wh 30 A al is small cars, [IN Private deals rose to $1 Bladen told My, Todgham One stage last week during the at one point that the Chrysler stilloantinuing gold fever in the brief was Mghly protective and Market here that he finds it hard to take seni: FIXING of the price hy leading ously any recommendations that/dealers is standard procedure would unduly raise Prices. He said he doubts Cana. each dians want secondary industry at dominal that price (day LATE NEWS FLASHES Gabe Paul Quits Cincinnati CINCINNATI (AM) With othey Gener One suffer sale mar eam engineering textiles, chem whisky 0 the | hav ANN \ f sl VASS thelr the VOar a VE the the hecomes or morning and t afticial price wrformanee in of 8 pavern well Selwyn ¢ the ex ve would a4 Source ave the AS {4 for eiples eit WwW \ duet TY naw party ha @ Ar goods Bh Ww home they times CITY EMERGENCY PHONE NUMBERS POLICE RA 113% FIRE DEPT, RA 5.6374 HOSPITAL RA 3.2211 and a EXPRRsive cam TOMAatie transmis tons Gabe Paw! resigned today as viee sident and general manager of Cincinnati Reds, He will general manager of the Houston Sports Association has ust been granted a franchise in the National League 'Serious Consequences' For Car Market OTTAWA (OR) today that "ve trade would | Cars i the agreed that exeise ax and diseriminatary n Canada we me and Wr-eent on - ATE Isewhere AM. Sale OOK 18 Mest cautions note hi tavitfs WR Present Ww ganization sat Anglo-Canadian Britain A British auto industry or Yor harder VO SOrious SORSeGUences making westion of W HOW measures it for y sell m Canada Dies Under Blazing Car ARONYE (OP Kod 1] \ { lack Pearce \ on he bein ¢ OVE the Ian Was SIOKIRE and either dl asteep of heart attack, #0. died today a ba A which had working, IN A hey N hel Of M had a EF. H Walke eral Motors, sail the base of oak | president of Gen Castro Grabs | U.S. Property radicals and Com got support for the cen from some of the Hepublicans (Roman Conservatives and Al gerian feputie Dehre and Maurice Conve Bocialiss miinist BUTE mam Popular Cathal Foreign Minister de Murville mied that an independent French nuclear deterrent would divide the Atlantic Alliance Conve de Erance never atomic meni of atomic Dehre sald parliamentary dem is at stake in France, He drew a comparison hetween what he described as the present weakness of democratic siales and the relative strength of to talllarian slate This Is one democracies to abstain from playing with power," he sald "The present constitution may be {the last chance of keeping par {Hamentary-demoeracy in France Some say the president of the re publie is stepping out of his role Is this a question to ask in 10607" Feener Can't Get A Lawyer TIMMINS (CP) hearing on a charge of murder againgl Owen (Mickey) Veener, 204, will he held Wednesday after noon, Veener was ehavged with 'mur der Oct, 0 following the discovery of the stabbed and heaten hody of heautitul, red - halred Kay Chouinor, 26, of Timmins, On Oct 12, he was remanded for two weeks In distriet jal at Halley bury, 185 miles south of Timmins, Feener has no lawyer yet, The president of the Porcupine Law Soclety, Jerry Evans, sald today he would confer with Crown ats torney 8, A, Caldhiek an the prob lem sometime today, Attempls to obtain legal assistance from members of the society have falled to date The government has ald that when a nations! force exists, ils employ will he made without elose ordination with the allied forces," Nera more veason for A preliminary H de-| | Murville gave this as:| | A straight two-way hattle he: | {ween Liberal and Progressive Conservative candidales 1s set for the Oet, #1 federal hye election in Labelle riding in Queher Paul-Emile Lesage | (left) is carrying the PC banner | | Kennedy By HAROLD MORRISON Canadian Press Stall Writer | MOLINE, Il, (€P)=0ut of the stilled, attentive audience came hoarse shout from the back "You've got him on the wn, Jack, The crowd roared its ap roval, 4 This frined Interjestion I uring the last of a dard ivered by John Ken: nedy in his typical machine-gun style, seemed to reflect the think: ing of Kennedy's campaign team The surging evowds that had |pesponded (0 the Democratle presidential candidate's magnetic appeal "lo help me move this country forward indicated that Kennedy had evacked some of the, Repuliliean armor in this western| inols area, The response seemed to he cemented Monday night as Ken Inedy's motoreade made a § Imile tour of the three adjacent [ities of Moline, Rock Island and' + v - Russ To Push Talk On Cuba? UNITED NATIONS, N.Y, (CP) mg committee tuday for General Assembly debate on Cu han charges that the United Slates 1s mounting a large-scale invasion against Fidel Castro's regime (In Havana Monday night Cu han President Osvaldo Dortieos warned an audience of young people to he on guard against a US sponsored invasion of Cuba.) In a memorandum accompany ing the charges, Cuban Foreign Minister Raul Roa elted the [three Americans executed ves foently for their part in an- anti | Castra expedition that landed in Cuba's Oriente pravinee, He alse claimed that arms had dropped in central Cuba by four engined plane with U8 markings . The memorandum said Cuban authorities had reliable informa tion that a largeseale US, inva an compete in the Canadian ealers was a vecard, the Bree gion aaainst Cuban soll would be launched soon Such an invasion, It said, oonld| wn: | lead to a "eonflagration of imaginable proportions," an ap parent reference to Soviet Pre mire Khrushehev's threat ta use sine Meanwhile Police Seek Kidnapper HAMILTON (OP) tinned searching today for a holdup man Monday Kid (nappa young truek driver and abbot him of STEM Jack Lawrence Heubaeh, 31 WAS ood al gunpoint to drive his panel traek around the olty's end Then he was left in he rear of his truck, bound hand and foot and buried wader a load of paper and books lore than an hour after the Kidnapping he was found hy a ha heard him Kiok the thaek ar toy Company Canadian diple Police eon Who Iv ol | Wes W ol of A y Mr Hey Mountain CQ {dmited A News vey mast expressed confidence of owned ar controlled §1,000,000,000/ The Soviet blog was expected tofgaining fairly wide support for in 1964 forth of property in this Island press In the Unite! Nations steer | advancing Prime Minister quiek| Del for a UN underdeveloped enbaker's proposal "load bank for countries Arthur Trewin; Canadian am: hassador to Mexico, presented a draft vesolution te the General Assembly's Bh-country economic committee Monday whieh would have the UN's Food and Agrieul ture Organization work out a sys tem of distributing food: to needy countries and details how il should be paid for Montreal Elects Drapeau Ry ALEXANDER FARRELL Canadian Press Staff Writep MONTREAL (CP) Jean Dra pean, dhyearold lawyer in and out of polities singe he was 23, swept to a smashing threefold |] heen | A Canadian is agreed on at a meeting place saokets ta defend the Castro 0: victory in the Montreal muniois pal election Monday that heralds the beginning of parliamentary government in Canada's largest ity He regained the mayoralty from Senator Sarte Fournier, turing the tables on his 1957 conquerar hy TE.T19 voles to 46,663 His new Civie panty of Montreal won 44 of the 6 council seats 10 ensure ones party contrel of both the counell and the seven-man executive committee or fab. net He had the satisfaction of seeing the 33 appointed cows eillors abolished hy Montreal voters, 105.008 to 20.772, Wn a referendum on the suhjeet Apart fram personal victory Senator Fournier, Mr, Dra campaigned nothing than A one-party ad nat hall and the Hiion appointed coun (olllors, ave pean for harder far mi on A) aw Ww 5 | | | Mobutu from bringing & fleet of | UN SOLDIERS PREPARE TO BLOCK CONGOLESE Congo Army Boss Cancels LEOPOLIWILLE (Reuters) United Nations troops today Mocked strongman Col, Joseph armored cars and truckloads of soldiers inte Leopoldville The UN troops dug in with anti-tank weapons st key points UN Trip (would remain adjourned until the commission hes completed Ms task, Foreign Minister Justin Bom hoko, president of the commis. sion, made the original announce, ment Monday night the cancellation of Mobutu's trip to Ito halt Mobulw's reinforcements |New York, | TWO-WAY BATTLE against Liberal Gaston Cle mont, The seat heeame vacant when Henri Courtemanche, for: mer secretary of state, was ap. | pointed to the Benale CP Wirephoto | Lauded In Illinois Tour Davenport and drew total sireel erowds of about 100,000 At one downtown street corner! in Davenport, at the western hor der of Hlinols, the erowd was so dense that police had to foree a ith through lor the motoreade, Kennedy got out te make a Wreck dren speech but most 0 his nords were loit in the applause, it seemed the crowds no longer found it necessary to weigh his words, They simply wanted to look at him, hear his voice, and he given the ehance to cheer, Kennedy showed no signs of letting up, The gruelling day he gan at Roektord, 60 miles north west of Chicago, and ended near midnight In the western Illinois {Arm helt, Rockford was none too responsive, At Champalgn, about 200 miles 0 the south, the Kennedy three entourage of leader, advis: technlelans and pol ly plane A University of Nlinols outdoor student rally of some 10,000 al most crushed Kennedy with affee ton Hut It was during the motor cade tour of Davenport, Moline and Rock Island that Kennedy received his most pleasant sur prise. Amid the sea of Kennedy placards was a hand-printed han ner held hy a young hoy, hearing these words: "Re-elect Kennedy "The hoy had taken Ken: nedy election this year for granted RAPS "NIXON GAP" Kennedy seemed indefatigable, He moved swiftly and punched hard attacking Viee-President Richard Nixon, the Republican candidate, on what he called the UNixon gap"--the gap between Nixon's pledges and his perform. ances, JEAN DRAPRAU, his wile {And sons beside him, celebrates | Mr, Drapeaw, mayor from 194 " from entering the capital, Mohutu had counted on moving In his armored ears and men from Thysville, 150 miles from here Faced with the new erisis, Mo. hutu cancelled his plans to fy to New. York today on a protest mission to UN headquarters (The Belgian news agency re ported Mohutu cancelled the trip following discovery of a "plot" aimed al restoring suspended premier Patrice Lumumba power, ) Gen, I, Rikhye of India, the UN local eommander, telephoned Mabutu in Thysville Monday and warned him against rye to move the armored cars and troop reinforcements into Leopoldyille Rikhye informed the 80-year-old strongman the UN had flown in heavy equipment in the last few days to forestall Mohutu's move on Leopoldyille BELGIANS REMAIN Congolese troops in Thysville received thelr training in the use of armored cars from four Bel: glan officers, The UN ordered the Belgians to leave The Congo three days ago but they are still in Thysville, UN authorities also toughened mier Moise Tshombe is tryin expel UN repre endsen ew Ll Elisabethville to defend Berend him, Meantime, the student admin istration appointed hy Mobutu executive and legislative eapael sen If any move Is made against Bomhokn gave no reason, hut it appeared Mobutu gould pot ple ford to leave the erisis-ridden country while his control over the army dwindled Unruly Congolese soldiers strip. ped African women to the waist Monday on the main street of the African quarter of Leopoldville, PRESIDENT SEEKS REFUGE Assembly President J otebh Okita sought refuge with the UN and there were other reports of soldiers manhandling civilians, Leopoldville provinelal Governor Cleophas Kamitatu called the site nation "complete anarchy.' UN officials worked at plans to | start police patrols hy mixed {Congolese and UN forces, A spokesman sald the patrols were held up by snags "of a technical nature," I The Congo appeared to he tole tering between a continuation of Mobutu's rule and a return to power hy deposed premier Par trice Lumumba, Meanwhile, leading Congolese {palitielans stayed away from cele |ehrations marking the 15th anni |versary of the UN eharter, Only ahout 300 Congolese turned up at 50,000-seat Baudouin stadium to their stand in the breakaway walch a parade of about 450 UN. province of Katanga where Pre: troops, The Canadians to man tative lan Ber.|C A_Beven p led hy Capt, Geor pou r of Winnipeg Auth na + In Elisa Moise Tshombe of Katanga and {his eabinet ignored invitations to .| attend a coektall party thrown by UN representative Ian Berendsen rule the eountry until the end of [df New Zenland, the year announced today it has full legal status to serve in hoth| nounced cancelation of all Bwed. The hreakaway government ans Ish-lTanguage hroadoasts on Radio tes, A decree, dated Oct, 11 and|Katanga, Most of the UN troops published today, sald parliament|in the province are Swedes, Ike Sees ! reporters | foundt he elimate warming up. | WASHINGTON (CP) Presi dent Kisenhower's chief economie adviser sald today that economic facts do not "sustain the theory" that the United States is heading into a recession despite the $3, 000,000,000 summer dip in produes ton "1 think the American economy is today In a good position to make another major advance," sald Raymond J, Saulnier, chair man of the president's eounell of economie advisers, His speech was prepared for the convention of the Iowa Bank. ors Association in Des Moines but the White House distributed text to reporters in advance, The Demoeratio presidential nominee, Senator John Kennedy, with well-wishers after winning Montreal's maveralty election Boom, Not Depression has charged that Republican eco, nomie policies have contributed to unemployment and a slowdown in national growth, Kennedy has not contended that the country 1s in a precession though he has declared the recen lag in expansion ealls for vigors ous government action to stimus late credit and investment, Some economists have gone much further, contending that the business indexes indicate a recess sion 1s coming or has actually are rived, Saulnier took swipes at both po, sitions, Predicting that the next decisive trend of the Setnomy will he upward, he rejected polis cles hased on easy money and defieit spending, 0 1937, won a landsiide vietory in ousting Sante Fournier, «CP Wirephote

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