rae a -- on a i wt £ 5 A very large comgregation wl fended (ae Sunday MATRE oTY fer in 8. Jo's UVkepintan Greek Orthodox Chgeeh, The service marcel he THk amwyersary of the establishment of the chek IRA | The pontifical mess was om Aucied Wy the Right Rev. Arak Wiehop Wichael, wssisied by the Very Rev. Dr, 8. W. Bawchak, the Very Bev, Peter Zaparywiik, the Very Bev, G, Teikenwyk, the Rev F. Lehenink and the parieh pries the Bev. Dmyire Lachak, The war boys assisting in the service weve Arploiy Kliesshmial, Jako Bemenks, Engene |asikiewicr Terry Dobroshinski, Alexander Bosna and Keoneth Karpiak LAT DINNER il Foliowing the service a dinner, prepared wy BL. John's Sister ood, was served in the parish will, A capacity crowd of Resry 0 guests altended, The church Ei eholr sang the Lord's Prayer snd the Rt, Bey, Archbishop Michael & Wieseed the tabies Sealed pl the herd table were The Right Reverend Archbishop ik : gold ; ; ow 74 47 it 4 Michael, Labor Minster Michael in ote oa / Gi are . a Sarr and Mrs. Starr, Mayo 18 HEST CAMPAIGN {Lyman Gilford and Mrs, Gifford OSHAWA SEA CADETS ASSIST C Fan, Stars id Wis, Sirs Members of the Sir Francis | east Ssturday morning, #5 | teer work hoosting the United | offered » helping hand hu, the Very Hey, Pele Dr fe Corps, Osha: | the arch th Community | Appeal Drive in Oshawa 107 | chest work in the Oshawa area, |Z20#Eynink, the Very Fev Wie Rep Cadet Corps, Osha: | they MAKER 16 | 10081, The Corps is ome of | © wid 4 George Tsukornyk, the Very Hes wh, parade slong King wiveet | Chest Headquarters lor VOR: | pony" orcenizations which has | Oshawa Times Photo, |myire Foty and Mrs, Foty, the OBITUARIES | FUNERAL OF . MISS ELAIE VIOLA STEVENS tive in the work of the Goodwill Group of the woman's associstion Memoria! services were held! During thelr residence in Aas for Miss Elsie Viola Btevens, who! Me. and Mrs, MacKay look # died in Oshaws General Hospital, | keen interest in the youth of the Pridsy, Oct, 21, from the Arm. community, Her hushand was the numher of basehall teams and thelr home wrong Funeral Home, Monday, COACH OF & na horke Silver Jubilee olorful Event Hel, TRE Cnren president, Dmytrg oh the ely of Oshawa, In his re he was peramilly sequawied with ior church chor under the dires- | years of Ws organization Oc. Mr. Mex Tactks, Mr. snd, Us Wichest Dwickek, We, snd! Mes, Wikiem Hercia, MWe, and Wee. Petes Baska, Wes, Boe Ladin, Wr. snd Mas. JSobon Fomociks, We, ond Wes, Barry {Coymbatints, Ws. Katherine Bop went, Mr, md Mis, Peer Be : bet, Mrs. Anestasia Wenilia Rev, Fedie Lahenick onl Mrs Yes, Ksewia Twarich, We snd Lehenin: . the Bev. Dmyire La Wes, Andrew Blows, Mrs, Dovel cic ped Mrs. Luchak, Dr, Peter, Viothattuk, Wr. snd Mrs, Wo Lesion and Mrs, Takavow, 0. heel Shody, Wr. and Mrs, Bost Cregory, Dmyire Bali) and Ws, Smvkativk, Wee Alice Furyk, Bani, Wichned Kargiak snd Mes. Wr. and Mis, Wickes Eatwris, Karpiak, Wakier Kuen and Wes, Wr, sad Mrs, Mex Mr, Kuch, dovegh Mags and Mes and Wis. Gesge Dragomety, Wega Mrs, Poracks Smolymiak, Mrs, Wr, Magn proposed the iosst tw Aestasin Yermide, Mr, Luke the Queen and the tosst to the Huma Mr, and Hrs, Dmytre plonesy menbers of 8, Joke CRes, Mr. and Mrs, Jon Js Church was proposed cin, My, Wichael Mr, ud Diyos ond Wirs, Jom Nemier, Wrs, | Bai Anna | Yuskim, Mr, snd Mrs, Nicholas TRIBUTE 70 FOUNDERS Tureski, and Mr. and Mrs. Tom immediately following the din Wenilia, Mex Lucrks thanked the Kalil. welcomed the guests snd J's parish for the honor be oirtlined the Tistory of the parish, Saved upon the 5-year mem. He paid tribe to the founders, Were the Sisterhood of the ehineh, the 19ers presidents and pastors PIONEDRS FRABED. the Wie REGEN (hats aerifices have gigi Rey, Arch ow Michael | made thie anni ersary possiie credited the work done by the He introduced Michael Karpiak, pioneer members and praised eid of he Juiniee commitiee,| them for having bees sie to Who Beled as master of gere corporate the interest in the mamas for the remainder of the younger people to carry on with program, [the good work which they have Mayor Gittord spoke on behalf commenced Choral selections were sung Wy marks the mayor mentioned thet the children's choir and the se- the Wistory of 8. John's Chureh tion of Mrs, Dmyive Luchek End that he has followed its pro-. Rey Dmvire Tuehak, parish es Yér HIGUERMIL The! oricst, thanked al) those whe had keenly VEArs Fie Hon, Michael Sarr, ip|'#4en part in the festivities and Wie remarks, recalled the prop. complimented the various com: lems which were eneouniered| mittes for their efforts, He es and dealt with during the early pecially noted the original singe Having served on the excentive, he was and table decorations which were closely associated with Ws prob. desgined hy Mrs, Peter Zakarow lems and progress land Miss Anne Bhat, The silver | anniversary motif was portrayed PROBLEMS CITED lin a silver replica of 8. John's The guest speaker was the! Church, which was flluminated Very Rev, Dr. 8, W, Barchuk, by special heams of Vghts, Sil head of the Consistory of the Uk: | ver sprayed en yeanthemyms ae. rainian Greek Orthodox Chureh!ecented the table settings. mi Canada, In Wis lengthy addvess| A short prayer of thanksgiving he dealt with the provlems fac completed the program et, t 8.15 p.m. Miss Blevens . ' mg every Christian, These in nm Oct, ", bt. 1 bp f a5 8 meeting place for all thel cludes man's duties to God, to was ® her 7th vesr ; i ' Major M. Rankin, officer com |? "ho played for Mr. Ma the Chureh and to Boclety in gen M . mending the Oshawa Balvation|#eY'8 team eri Il ute al Army Citadel and Rev, W. G Besides her bushand Mrs, Ma | In conclusion he congratulated | Dixon 'minister of Centre Street Kay is survived hy a daughter, ! the parieh and its members for ' Oni Church, conducted the M76. dohn Donald (Nadean), of the progress which they have) ited Chur FORAY WE Soarborn and a son, John. Alse made in the past 25 years, and i ibe vets & Jerry Jere wviving is a8 brother, Charles challenged the younger memhers ; RUNEATETS Were JEFFY JETOME [ney "RR 1, Whith te continue working with great] AJAX -- Tribute to the life and Ratite fe ig? doh Look an The remains are resting at the veil in the forthcoming years, work of John J. Mills, veeve of Raion : aon, In orn MH Wak Wiliam FE. Sherrin Funeral | Walter Kuch introduced the) the town for 10 years, was velo ount Lawn Cemetery ne, 4 ielegates whi resented the ed at a special meeting of the Hom Kingston road, Pickerin AEIEER 0 Fepresen ha | f H _ Liga BR 58 } ail neighboring parishes and Uk: Ajax Town Counell on Monday UNE OF township. The funeral service wil FUNERAL 0 {he held in Bt . Paul's Chureh,| ralmian organizations in Oshawa,| "My, Mills had the longest eon MRS, GEORGE BLOOM | 4iax at 280 pm. Wednesday | {Toronte, Hamilton, Long Braneh,| tinuous service tn the munieips) Memorial services were held|Oct, 2. Interment will' he in| Bearbore and BL, Mary's parish life of our town," sald Maver ¥ trom the Armstrong Funeral Frskine Cemelevy, Dunbarton, | Hivyie® of Oshawa Parish, "We mark hie hy stand. Home, Monday, Oct, 24 af 2.p.m,| Rev. R man, pastor of St | IROROLLS PRESENTED ing in silent tribute to © PASE: tor Mrs, George Blom, wha died | Paul's Church conduct the Ve Right Re Archbishop "M8 Of # faithful servant," in the Toronto General Hospital [Services THE WEATHER OFVICE | Lake Superior area and 1s mov: | during the passage of a storm |Michael, assisted by the parighl Puring the week of his death Friday, Oct, 21 says cold northerly winds are | Ing eastward across the prov. | centve. Temperatures will drop priest, presented sll the 15-year Mr, Mills Attended four meet: Rev. C. D. Cross, vector of Sf blowing over moet of southern | Ince. Rain is forecast for the | slowwy during the day {members with anniversary Ings at which town business was George's Anglican Church, con CITY AND Ontario but 'a southerly flow of | eastern regions of Quehee today CF Wivephoto [serolls, Those wha received | discussed, ducted the services, Interment warmer alr has reached (he scrolls were: The Hon, M, Batre] The regular meeting of the town was In Mount Lawn Cemeier DISTRICT WEATHER FORECAST and Mrs Sars Mr, and Mrs oo| counel will he held this Wed: e Ty Mr, Nichols ne ig Pallbearers were David Spier dove Tyehl), Mr, Nicholas Katuz-"nesday night, = Ken Crowells, Arthur Russell pn - . ama e Charles Russell, Hugh Gillard and| ,. TENPERED RECEPTION william Morrison | Hon, Michael Starr, federal] [] ' minister of labor, was the guest| u Y : p is , |of henor at an informal reception | MRS, JOHN COOPER MacKAY [in fhe Brook ballroom at Peter. n Ias es | The death oceurred suddenly at{horongh today Ars, Btarr was URS SAT [Bd | Bhd p * the Ajax - Pickering Genera! Hos: 150 in the reception line pital Sunday, Oct . / Damage, estimated at $600, re et Se ame. GlEATING Tonight | 9 AM TO 6 PM, WED.--8 AM. TO 12:30 NOON FRI,--9 AM. T0 ) P.M, WARD'S «ims | Simcoe St, at Athel Pears, heloved wile of John a A i 8 Bel Cooper MacKay, 42 Windsor ave:| PLEA TO END HATRED (reporied to the Oshawa Polloe onponmg (op) Forecasts is hy midnight, A southerly flow of A WK SALISBURY (Reuters) hel Department on Monday. No one A sue, Ajax, Mrs, MacKay was in| SA ier Ne injured in any of the acei- "Wed hy the weather office at & warmer air has reached the Lake her §0th year, {Earl of Dalhousie, governor-gen Lis g am, ED Bupevior area and 1s moving Barn in the Owen Sound dis. ®rVal of the Rhodesian Federa ald N Wackeay, - of Synopsis he cold northerly eusiward, The : warming trend trict, Mrs, MacKay lived for a|llon, Monday night appealed hd] Dona NB ton "a Hie | d winds were sill blowing strongly (will not reach eastern parts of few vears in MeGregor, Manito-|all races to put an end to intel onl Military By a ani over the Georgian Bay area and|the provinge nntl Wednesday be, following her marriage and erance and hatred, Broadcasting he L S08 Inva'ved La Naintie Most of Southern Ontario this| Regional forecasts valid until came fo Pickering township he. on the seventh anniversary of the|V ! il Rot AFive 1181 ol Se (morning. These strong winds! midnight Wednesday tore Ajax hecame a tovn |I'ederation of Northern and Ceoolia Rovgers, of J (dant tended to keep the temperatures] Western Lake Erie Region Very active in the life of the|Southern Rhodesia and Nyasa | dale Bt. Jae. m y Mi en! phove freegn Over Norvtheen! Windsor--8unny and not quite so sommunity, the deceased was alland Dalhousie sald that "nev or Rimes and Bloor streets, Dam. Ontario vhereg winds had eool today, Clear tonight, Wed | member of 8t, Paul's United before has the need for goodwill 00 was estimated et $150 dropped, skies cleared and tem: nesday partly cloudy with a Chureh, Ajax. She was a mem [on the part of ev yone heen so A rear-end eollision resulted in|Peratuves fell havrply White chance of showers in the late ber of the eholv and was also ae: 'greal or so urgent an estimated $250 damage In a liver was down to 10 above zevo|aflernoon, Winds light today W oear aceldent at King street | {southerly 15 Wednesday and Park road at 2:50 p.m. The | Eastern Lake Evie, Lake MI vehicles were driven hy Rohert Huron, Lake Ontario, Niagara re W. Hooey, of 808 King St. E. and |glons, London Hamilion, Tor Perahill Bingo, tonight at Avalan ot YWE-T., A Lavell H and § Assoetatian| Dt hael WH, Pryhack, of 821 onto: Cloudy and continuing eold| BB. 20 games $6 and 410, even 540 "Night of Cards" to be held in the (1elph St {today, Clearing tonight, Wednes is t oar prizes audita Wednesday, Navem:| Charles H, Greenham, of Bow {day mainly sunny, Winds north RUMMAGE Sale Under the A Ly h, 1660, at § o'clock. Refreshments [manville was Involved in a col erly 18 to 80, decreasig to light splesn of "13" Beout Mothers il " lision on King Kt. £,, at 8:15 p.m late today, southerly 15 Wednes a oliag rent ire Wed The owner of the other vehicle [day ---------------- | "| EME involved is not vet known, Dam arg | | OURT CHARLENE ' 3 Jn, Georgian Bay, Haliburton ARMED Mh age was estimated at $50 Kirkland Lake regions, Nort) ANADIAN ORDER OF bd } Hat | Aang ake agion orth KINSMEN BINGO : FORESTES 5 hole, Sipunring traits Nets | Ray, Sudbury; Clolidy with a few ¢ 'E " Guy § \ bb ght snowflirries today. Contin TUESDAY OCT 49th ANNUAL BAZAAR bdo atriek hy a oar driven hy (ning cold, Clearing tonight Wed FREE ADMISSION In aid of Cerebral Palsy, to be Min I Thampson of 50 Ritson Lig day mainly sunny, Winds EXTRA BUSSE held in the Orange Temple Ad, 8, Oshawa, Estimated dam [northern 20 to 3), decreasing to Bruce Street ale to the vehicle was 8350, iw | i y g a Jackpot Nos. 56 and 55 fuke 3tree . MAL p | § [Hght this evening and southerly P ey | 8 PM. TUESDAY OCT 25 |aceident acourred at 6:48 a.m BE [15 Wednesd / : g Damage was estimated at $200 | Whit he HA i K JUBILEE PAVI'.ION in a twaear eollision on Grenfell [White River, Timmins-Kapus ---- NS OF ULSTER 8, at 5:50 p.m. Drivers involved kasing reglons: Partly elouds ADIES AUXILIARY in the aceident were D. H fund warmer today, Overcast with RUMMAGE SALE Wed, Oct h pu Pearne. of 721 Whitman ereseent neeasional Hight snow tonight and 26, CRA. Gibb Street, 1:3 BAZAAR TEA land L. Posterara, of 975 Oshawa | Wednesday, Winds light, Inoveas | PM. Fall and Winte HOME BAK} | Rivd [Ing to southerly 15 to 23 this | 4 a | ng Featuring ehildre i A [atternoon and shifting to north Wed, October 26, 2. 4:30 | vest 1 rly Wednesday ' and. hot A CREMATE "MUMMY" west 13 ea ednesday, W ew Club House | . a Second Grou BIRKENHEAD, F il | Forecast Temperatures iillac Ave. North '4 \ BRglamt) | " i adnesds tans A Bd | ws tonight, highs Wednesda) nters) The romans of As (HIGHLY HONORED | lev a {Frances Allee Knight, whieh Michael Rudka. 054 King " 9" 8 THE E. A. LOVELI 17th CUBS AND SCOUTS [were found in a mummified eon: bh Dol #18 Thomas ' wn . 4 A ABIES A Ap ition 1 streel east, Oshawa, this week |Landon 13 mo H & 3 ASSOCIATION ARIES' AUXILIARY dition ied May a hol ye th al was elected International ser | Kitchener 13 A NC 1 {4 eupbhaarq in yl northern pant-at-arms of the Refvigera: |(w ) | NIGHT OF CARDS TEA and BAZAAR Wales, were eremated here Mon. fon Hib oe Eng SUIS Sool o iy ngham his 3 3 \ ' ¢ ' ¢ 2 1 Last Tuesday, Mrs, Savah/ \ ant 1 ama v 08 d BR an Fl | HRE C or 261 \ , al the arganization"s 3dvd pone | M A; : RIDGE d - 0.5:30 pm. St Paul's [Jone Harvey, 63, was acquitted] vention in Partland. Ovegon Ih Latin 3 Bo 12 be held in Pe e Church. Wi {of Mrs, Knlght's wueder hut] Mp, Rudka is a past president Fob 4 3 38 30 SCHOOL AUDITORIUM Eales [jalled fo 13 months for drawing] of the Ontavia Maple Leat [Rathore a WwW By 2 A 2 : S| money due to the dead woman Chapter of Pavontn and also [B15 . a Nednesday, Nov. 2nd, 1960 for 20 years, Medical experts! served as president of the Re Rillaioe Men R N 8:00 O'CLOCK £ T agreed thai after 20 years the| (vigevation Serviee Engineers | Muskoka wan THE AFTERNOON GUILD cause of death was uncertain Society of Canada , INovth Bay Nn 0 | Retrashments--= Tickers 75¢ of CHRIST MEMORIAL N CHURCH | gigs id Mo and Mord. | OHOBBED Travelling Overseas The Oshawa Weaver's | ORANGE TEMPLE Guild } Worried customers at re Brice Stes | cent opening al Albertson's ude atest = | A 9 | Everetf, Wash, hurried to THURSDAY, OCT. 27 Demonstration, exhibition | manager's office after being 2:30 PM | and sale of handweaving paged hy license number Fancy' Work. Home. Balk } Wed h . 34th 1980 over loud speaker They Th = wn held Lh B | Wednnday, Rl ath, 1960 were infovined that they had \& modem way to & \ heen selected as winners of trove! is by air.' TEA ROOM 35¢ TICKETS 35 TEA paifee-maker door prizes Win praises fram your family hy earning extra cash HAWA LIBERAL ASSOCIATION | &"uily hia bed household goods with fast action Oshawa Times Want 3 MEETING THURSDAY, OCT, 27th | Ak" ia di For information regarding your ad any form of travel , . . DIAL RA 3.944) We have dict Taranto telephone ine tor prompt Alriine Reservatiom MEADOWS TRAVEL SERVICE GENOSHA HOTEL (FLEETWOOD ROOM) 8 PM. -- Guest Speaker ROYCE FRITH PRESIDENT ONTARIO LIBERAL ASSOCIATION 111 DIE OF CHOLERA KARACHI (AP) The death toll the ohalera epidemie in the Mekran district of West Pak tan bordering Iran 3 KING ST, EAST © [-- OSHAWA ww. 4 | RA 35-0444 EYES EXAMINED | | OLASSES FITTED CONTACT COMPLETE } LENSES oprioau sevice Largest Eyewear Selection Convenient Credit LEWIS OPTOMETRISTS JOHN A, DUTCHAK, B.A, RO, OPTOMETRIST Tender EAT'N TRUE -TRIM BEEF ( VAR, "'y Fa I2KINGE * RA 3.360) Moat Specials! Wed. and Thurs. | MEATY PORK HOCKS § Ibs. 1 | MEATY CHICKEN WINGS Slbs.'1 | SHOULDER PORK CHOPS 2 lbs. 89c¢ SLICED SIDE PORK 21bs. 1 . Was reached ALSO : 113. sald official Hgures released Owned and ar Thomas sue ve, Canad AN ; | Monde. "The epidemic has he 12 SIMCOE 57 SOUTH, OSHAWA DIAL RA 3.844) PANEL -- PUBLIC HEALTH INSURANCE ase The anomie has been - p : THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tesedey, Octsber 25, W603 Still AFRAID 1] of co TINIE ' New Health Insurance Plan takes over where the Provincial Hospital Plan leaves off! There are certain expenses not covered by the Provincial Hospital Plan Now you and your family can be protected in and out of hospital, Prudential's New Hospital, Surgical, Medical Expense Policy will help you to meet the costs of * Professional ambulance service ® Xeray examination and laboratory services * Surgery * Anaesthesia * Medical supplies and equipment ® Private or semisprivate hospital room and board ® Private duty nursing care ® Physician's calls ® Treatment by Xeray, radium or other radioactive substance * Physiotherapy... by a physiotherapist * Medicines and drugs . « . dispensed by a licensed pharmacist This new Prudential policy 1s designed to help you pay for the hospital, surgical and medical expenses that will be billed to you when sickness or accident strikes your family, Other Special Features of this plan: * World-wide coverage # No aviation exclusions ® 31 days' grace period * Participating * Dependent children covered , , , to age 23 or prior to marriage For the full story on this exciting new concept in health insurance coverage phone or write your neighbourhood Prudential Agent about: THE NEW PRUDENTIAL HOP Ake SUmaCAL MEDICAL EXPENSE POLICY a The Prudential Insurance Company of America wn evtmon's Rd. §, awe RAndolph 5.116) £ a mutual lite insurance company #7 Canadien Head Offics: Torente, Ontario