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The Oshawa Times, 25 Oct 1960, p. 4

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i 3 8 \| ? Brows, of Newcastle, presented(gy) Homes, Mrs Kenneth (Dore-fis annual Christmas THE OSHAWA TIMES, Yussdey, October 25, 1960 : ii the girls thy) Kelly, Mrs, Jack (Dorothy) Wednesday, Nov, 2 fn 4 ---- . ("5 dunes (owed bre dinner, |Tond, Wiss Helen Pamis, Wes and 749 pm, Those seated st the head table Sondy Chaskavieh, Wiss Elenor| yes Michael Stary were Mr, and Wes, Pearson, We | Pickard, Mise Joyce Wills, Wise ruceiving line t k Picker. Mr, and Mrs, Anabelle Stevens, Miss Betty noon period. AN st {1 il Le i st oi 4: is A] | i i HE) £3 +f and Wes domes Wichard, Wies Mary For|Vickard, BOWMASYILLE (Staff) rsh snd Rey Brows, Mr. and 5 verions attended a V5. AW Sammels P whthall henguet at the Lions The team members who at ur lans Setnedey evening The tended were: Miss Berbers banquet was to honor the Pear. Hoghes, Mrs, William (Helen) ¥ A ihtt tenm of Bowmen | Nicholson, Miss Barbers Brown FOF I ibe aprons, linens, drapery rem ville, whe were the championship Mrs, Ronald (Shirley) Brock , baby and children's eat vom 0 the Durham Ladies Soft Wiss Margaret Pickard, Mrs. AJAX ~ The Church of the dolls clothes, knitwesr, Christi COURTICE ~ bell Lesgue, Howard (Delors) Davies, M | 8 # fioly Trinity, King's Crescent at mas decorations, Christmas service held st The I #8 gue president, Rey Edith Mimigon, Mrs, Bon (Peg Burcher rosd, in Ajax Is holding cards, novelties, toys, candy and Church Sunday, | ! A¥x » i i . i : 2 i He i ¥ =f & ol gi fi v i 8 = i i i i ; i | : i 3 ¥ : ¥ fl ] | 0 I~ § i 3 i | They're Appealing ® 0 0° To YO aman for ana London snowplows swung | 1% to 8 inches fell on various into action early this morning | parts of the city eausing gant clearing away London's Drst | ooo tie ups snowiall of the season, From ll L z Installation By MRS, ARTHUR ELLIOTT (on Baturday, October 29, af B45 BROOKLIN -- Thé CGIT group/p.m. In the Township Hall of Brooklin United Chureh, ae-|Brooklin companied by ts leader, Mrs,| Music will be supplied hy Reg Robert Humphries, attended the Reed and orchestra, Proceeds annual Priendship Rally of the/will be used to provide supplies Oshawa Preshyterisl CGIT held| for Boy Beout and Cub movement ° in Whithy United Church, Thelin Brooklin, Your support | service was conducted hy Mrs, needed for this worthy cause A. M, Butler, Brooklin, assisted y ie PERSONALS by Mrs, Robert Humphries, affill, Mrs. Pearl Harris, of Mont 6 rel Ar car vd Mire TH A gi treal, was guest for a few days The CGIT group from Brooklin| At the home of Mrs, Fred M. Hol. formed the choir directed hy Mrs, day, Queen street, and during p |visit renewed old acquaintance Kenneth Holliday, with Mrs, Ma Jha. village thew Agar, as pianist, Mrs. Ruth Crozier, of Toroni " MEET MONDAY visited her aunt, Mrs, Mabel Ri Wo en urn ea ar 0 ei ¢ oa The Brooklin COIT group met|chardson, on Sunday on Monday, Oe, 24, in the] Mr, and Mrs, Frank Robinson | Christian Education Hall for wor-| of Gooderich, former residents ship and business meeting under of Brooklin attended Brooklin : Hin ugtion "i. oven Hancd Chubeh o Bungay Hor Mr, and Mrs, Citizen! . , . put yourself in the human sympathy and kindness di SURE umph 8 any old frie BROOKLIN WMS during the weekend RO ' ' Mrs, ¥, M, Holliday attended place of one of these unfortunate people who YOU WOULD, , . it could be your child or The Ryning Auntliary of WME | the wedding of a relative at Hes of Brooklin United Chureh met on peler, on Saturday " a { of Brool evening in the rnin" for, on Naturday, depend on one or more of the eighteen family that will maybe someday need the Fdueation Hall, The president, panied by Mrs, Ralph Wescott of : Mrs, Gordon Hunter, haired the| Dahawa. are home from & trip to agencies! ,,. YES! , .. Just suppose It were support of one or more of these humanitars meeting, Call to worship on'|New York City, "Phanksgiving" was given by| Messe Ralph Thompson i i i { Mrs, Gibson, followed hy Invoca Chari lames. Donald Duncan YOU that depended upon their support and lan agencies who give freely of their time tion to Prayer, Beripture lesson Iph Milner and John Medan . from Luke's opel was read by Re or the Nfth annual Men's kindness, , , and suppose YOU were unable and energy to help those in need, Look into Mrs. Shirley Mitehell y Conference of United Churen of be helped b Mrs. Gordon Hunter vividly de:| Canada, at Elim Lodge on Pig t e scribed the plight of thousands ofl eon Lake, during the weekend, 0 1elped by them through lack of funds your heart MR, & MRS, CITIZEN ... and world refugees, from Hong Kong,| Miss Ellen Snyder spen we Russia, and Earopean eountrios weekend with velatives and «+» wouldn't you feel that the more fortus then ask yourself, am | giving enough? as they wait in hope for pas : lends st her home town, Port | F th sage to new homes In Australia, | Elgin nat | R i Fitope and Ameriea, and thel Mrs, Anne Patterson Mrs ate people of this city were lacking n work of the World Counell of Gordon Hunter, Mrs FE, Kay Churches Service to Refugees be Mrs, C, B, Thompson, Mrs, J. Hl in accomplished {MeKinney and Mrs, Charles Pil Mrs. Evelyn. Wilson assisted key, attended the autumn rally hy marking locations on maps, | of WMS held at Si Stephe ns illustrating this study | United Chureh, Oshawa, on Tues Worship service closed with! day a hymn and prayer, Mrs, John! Several members of Hrooklin Batty read minutes and roll eall | gortioultural Soelety attended " 4 \ Mrs. Alan Btoeks presented slate he Chrysanthemum Show at : ¥ of finances up to date Sheridan Nurserie Islington, on ji 1 ' Members were urged to collect Baturday i ve and save used nylon stockings fol Several carloads of ladies, at 8 8 IN he sent to Korea, where Instrue:|janded the Bazaar and Afternoon f NA Wy 5 tions are given to Korean women mes held at Falrview Lodge, Sa = by United Chureh of Canada mis | whithy on Wednesday, and visit "ad slonaries and teachers on making ed many former residents of rugs and other useful artieles Brooklin in' the Lodge Mr, and Mrs. George Boake, 600D CLOTHING June and Ralph, visited rela \ v 6 Articles of good and used eloth:| < at Reaverton on Saturday : & ing, Christmas gifts and knitted |!VOS at Het 4 th irticles are urgently needed for prOOKLIN RRIDGE CLUR y & the November hale to he sent tol he Rrooklin Rridge Club met . 3 Fred Vietor Mission, Toronto, 10/00 weekly game n the base he distributed hy Rev, Hunni<| ont of Township Hall eit and helpers to needy Highest Seores Duplicate families ridge Mr, and Mi John reiaall wy " * Ladies who are housecleaning, cioodwin, 99% Mr, and Mrs : hl ! please note this and save good ave Coates, 90! Mr, and Mrs used clothing for those In need, | yavpis. AO Mrs. Cyril Davies . \ ous reports were given bY ind Mrs, Robert Heron fi A retaries Mrs. Bovey and Miss Rovey, 70 \f ing elosed with a hymn Myr. and Mrs Forsythe Tile o 'henedietion, Lunch was serv: John Miller and Ted Heron, 710 eid hy eommittee appointed IMrs. Walter Wadell Mrs Ww The 1st Hrooklin Scout Moth: | Lambe, 70%: Mrs, Roath and ! pL b SA : * ¢ Auxiliary ave sponsoring a Mes, W. A, Heron, 69; Jack Pat These 18 Agencies SF a Stavis y Hard Time Party" to be helditerson and Walter Wadell, 68 M S b B OMoOrrow LT Miss P. A. Brooks Your Support ! NL Becomes Bride ® BOY SCOUTS' ASSOCIATION Wear A RED FEATHER & Be Proud Of It! ® CANADIAN ARTHRITIS & RHEUMATIC SOCIETY ireenwood United © oh di \ ol ale ' ave VW § Ar ny Vite lurch doy wet of Matelug velvet how ® CANADIAN GIRL GUIDE ASSOCIATION ® CANADIAN NATIONAL INSTITUTE of a pretty wedding when Pat! tinted carnations ® viela Ann Brooks, eldest daugh The best man was J. Alfred FOR THE BLIND ter of Mr, and Mrs, John J. Pegg, cousin of the groom and ® CANADIAN RED CROSS SOCIETY § ee Ié er an ver Brooks of Claremont, RR 2, was the ushers were Joseph A, Peug united in marriage with Donald cousin of the wm and Ken * OSHAWA AND DISTRICT CEREBRAL Chishe only son of Mr ineth J. Hrooks, brother of the PALSY SCHOOL & CLINIC Pegs, an ba Jw ue oi W do Te org ; ist was Mrs % CHILDREN'S AID SOCEITY Markham, Ont. Rev. T, Flee: Alan Clark who sang 0 Portes OSHAWA & DISTRICT COMMUNITY tham performed the ceremony. | Love and "I'll Walk Beside RECREATION ASSOCIATION he bride, given away hy her You" ) fladioll and asters was the scene guets of white roses and ice blue JOHN HOWARD SOCIETY OF ONTARIO CHRISTMAS CHEER FUND SALVATION ARMY VICTORIAN ORDER OF NURSES ST, JOHN AMBULANCE SOCIETY WOMEN'S WELFARE LEAGUE YOUNG WOMEN'S CHRISTIAN ASSOC. Campaign Headquarters: MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS SOCIETY OF CANADA 0 : Big Tio ALGER BUILDING - 35 King St. East NAVY LEAGUE OF CANADA n bride and bridesmaids, Mrs, She | bride was woaring a suit of wow fa M, Brooks, sistersindaw of the! vislet woo! houele, matehing hat (Oshawa Branch) bride and Miss Nola D. Pegs. black accessories and corsage of : on » sister of the groom. They wore whit return ®» ® - { - dresses of peacock they grees nparted velve! sheatl made with portrait neck. thre i shaped tunics, Their headdress father was lovely in a gown of The reception was held at (he white bhroeaded satin over lee Chureh Hall with the mother of blue taffeta made with a belled|the hride, wearing a Jackel dress skirt, abl panels and a sweep] ensemble of sadal wood silk faille train; standing portrait neekline| with matehing satin and mink and long sleeves coming to a pointihat, brown accessories and cor over the hand. Her head dressisage of Tallsman roses was a malehing eoirelet and al The groom's mother was gown shart ee hive vell of silk lw |ed in a Jacke! dress of raval hlue sion. She wore a pearl necklace |silk alpaca. with matching fea a 20 of the groom and carvied]ihered d velvet } He a crescent bouguet of fee bhluelsase w pink butterfly prose baby mums and white gardenia. yappy COUPLE MATRON OF HONOR The happy couple left on a tw The matron of honor was Mes. week's holiday te Bar Harbor ra By Pegg, sister of thelLake Placid and Cape Cod, The

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