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The Oshawa Times, 25 Oct 1960, p. 5

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Anniversary Service Held WHITBY BOWLING NEWS | LADIES CANDY LEAGUE singles -- Ernie White 217 (278, Points for the day: Alisoris 3, 264); Bill Jorden T26 (314, 290) \Gumdrops 1; Hembwgs 3, Jelly Marty Jordan 75% (285, 265); Bud Besns 1; Lite Savers 0; Lotlipops Brags 75 (718, 264) ; Dick Adams 3, Maple Buds 1; Pepperminis 4. 727 (2972, 295); Ab, Semenski 722! WHITBY And DISTRICT |Conveners Report Grant Six At IODE Meeting Mrs, F. WW. Browne, Regent of mack ped George Anderson pre- HOE, presided over the month welcomed new Canadians 16 8 16 solacing 637 W, Bastarache #11, Worren Weison 94 (4); ! 23 =] ly meeting held in the United ceremony at the CORTE Greeniey 0. 1, Riley wi, J. Pascoe 02 (309) Viscount Greenwood Chapler sented ODF By MES, FRANK 1. Mrs, Horace Sesrie Chureh hall Monday aflernoor House Hiltkiard 588, B, Peloshok 31, B. Singles over 750 -- Al Hepburn, COLUMBUS -- The sonusl Fattl tor the worship period, She Was : Date of the 2208 Wirthdsy Wee. Services at home and abroad Robh 5) 216, Frank Keppy 297, Jon Apsiy services were held in assisted by Mrs, Norman Seott Assizes Te ut the Whithy Arens was ERehi by Mrs, George Anderson that: # Singles over 29: 1, Mothers Briecile 21, George Richardson Columbus, United Church on Sun- who led in & unison er and ed io Monday, Nov, 74 AB EHEC quilt jad heen donated, Biso CoR-ioes Te. G, Ranilord 745, EB, 20, Hm Wide 20, John Tran. dey, The church wes very hesuth- read & passage of from Deorse nish were lssted Wn sh% ive meeting was called for Mon (oats were on hand for me dozen Mason 276, 1. Riley 271, G, Wiles 279, Ed Samensii 265, Ross § decorsied in 8 thanksgiving the Book of Luke, 1) Scare divorce actions before Mr, Jus. 089, Ot. 0, 20 paw. wt Re osonal property hace wilt begs ug 25. 7, Shew 25, E, Svencer 70, Jim Ross 21, Al theme ond & lorge congregation led in prayer and closed with 8 (Sice Bartow in the Fall Assizes 1ome of Mrs. HT. Feliaite 10. made, Members will assist 8 Jreenley 245, § Iilling 245, 1. bert Knivh 260, Ev, Detar 258, turned out to enjoy the services, | Thanksgiving poem, {st Whithy on Monday, A setions "ke final arrangements, Fairview Lodge Tuck bio Robb 28, 216; D, Kehoe 206, BR, AI Reardon 299. Joe Tit 29%. af the moring service the Rey, The guest speaker for the aller: were uncopested A wreath will be laid st the Mis, H. Doner acting 2s con Peleshok 234, B, Mosse 228, 27; Bill Brown 265, Myrie Reeson 250. 31" Cronier wes the guest-minister. noon wes Mrs, J, Cleo Robinette Osten, of Kent CPOLaPR on Remembrance Day yener H, Bastarache 223, 3; J. Wil 'For his address he ghose the from Blackstock, She wes street, Ajax, won decree in her #94 members will attend he SEF Faucation secretory Mrs, W. Ward 222, 295; G, McDonough 222; HITBY theme "When will the world duced hy Mrs. Fred section against Chester Frederick Vice. The folowing reporis Were g Marsh that 99 HODE ecsion- i. Bentley 204 Ww come' with & stirring message Mrs, Carnaghan spoke on her trip (Park Osten, of Welland, John 2Ven Wy conveners Kehoes by ders will he given to schools, WHITBY AND DISTRICT for those present, Special music on one of the Observer ours (Wootton of Whithy, represented 7s. D, 0. Lynch; that Chap-isome to locs) holdings and others| MEN'S LEAGUE DAY-RY-DAY wes by the members of which take in Bermuda, Trinidsd | ter motes had heen sent in Lor sold, Rev, H. Crozier will sets os) da igh 0 poi \the choir under the direction of and the Barbados, During an Mrs. Osten y | Shirley Leger, of Oshawa, won 8 decree in Bn action sgeinst Paul Leger, also of Oshawa {dames Maedonsld, of Oshawa, | represented Mrs, Leger, Anna Bielak, of Sylvia street Oshawa, won 8 decree in her I netion against Richard Bielak, of WEDNESDAY SECTION Bathurst 3, Mitton Machine 0 DuPont 2, Whithy Barbershop 1 BARN FIRE Alseo 2, Firestone 1; Jokers 3, Whithy Volunteer Fire Brigade Yardbirds 0: Millwor Builders 2, was called out shortly before 11 B. end BR. Transport 1; Munns pm, Sunday night when fire yore go panied by Miss Grace. Mrs, 7. Press 3 Friday's lars 0; 18 pooke out in the floor of 8 Iarge Webk oom Wot ereman gionsives 3, Legion No, 4 0; Fit- tings 3, Remblers 0 barn at 1250 Dundas street east, 0 at the resr of Slichier's Green- BD, of the Li 1 Mrs, H, Piho, They seng the them, "Jesus With Thy Chareh the various iasion fields of thew Abide", The Misses Phyllis snd countries, Lenore Glass from Oshawa slso tures she had favored with s lovely duet, They way next issue; membership, that 8 udjudicstor for war memorial member was in bospital owing scholarship essay on 00 Years of to an Becident, ODE", Mrs, Mitehell, well Citizenship by Mrs, J, Ander- known artist, will letter certifi son; thet: Mesdames ¥, W, eales Browne, G, A Welsh, N, Cor The Regent, Mrs, FP. W {Browne will present awards at Commencement exercises at Baldwin street, Oshawa, WHITBY Whithy District High School on 700 Triples include 250 sinde |p n Nan ; ® ples include 290 sindles--io cc wi , 3 i | Florence Moore, of Jervis Nov. 18, Names of ladies i george Childs 707 (209, 260); houses, Firemen Bs Lig hat lf the Best filnisier 4 the oe On Saturday evening the Met; street, Oshawa, won a decree ip PERSONALS arge of birthday bridge will 8p-\Des, Denyer 762 (268, 266); Ray reise dams io" Foon kha yi berv ies. Ha) ne 4 Vary Hine wre pilin yi Deitel #n petion against Robert Moore, pear In later Josue of the press B iehard 75 (264, 20); Ted od COON 8 br of eral Council", Special muble for ing si the Oshaws Shopping of Jamieson avenue, Toronto # Donna-Les, daughter of Mr fovember monthly meeting Munn 748 (273, 28); Herb Chis- chickens snd one pig, pone of this service was slso provided byltre Alleys, High scorers were IDasathing Yan De Wallet, bi and Mrs Clifiord Lise ome hd has been. Shoop > Hondat, pom, Ju 20 : arenes Moore which were injured, Cause of the|the choir, They oss os their A ong Bob Vogle and Grant Web elehr g & th Mrinasy t6- } FELINE 4 s JAH p hem Someone " ' ied Ay Sion sina Ronuld pr y sien other " § celehrat- singing of the Nationgl Anthem, |7\8 (375); Boh Giroux 711 (303) Tes Ys ot nome, BERRO .. + solo wes Adi Following the howling the group Gar : f ing' Bis 12th b today 100 i ¥. WW. Marsh and Mrs. H, 7 ee Bowler ie 3 wa WORLD RECORD I. Lawrence returned to the chureh for the rest John Wright, of Buckingham Their friends wich them many Fallaise were lea hostess Mer Tr I aon Th Bh Yl TOKYO (AP)=Pyorm | The October meeting of the of the meeting. A short worshin avenue, Oshawa, won & decree NAPPY ¥eturns of the day he 2, Lid Salon B10, Koh Shed FOKYO AP) Piongyang Re Afternoon group of the Women's period was led by the Rev, Ronald in en action against Frederick wipe John Slack, of Windsor . Pe, in He io sak ing le Mise 8in Missionary Society was held n|Love James Wright, of Sussex street, uicied her mother, Mrs, RJ Kin St H&S Les Reed 256 Wilf eh ascritop lemple Athi 4 "0 the Lower Hall of the church on -- isi } ) . £5 Ree 5, Wilf, Hubbard 256 man, set a world record In wednesday afternoon, Oshawa Underwood, of Byron street south Walter Yuill 252 Bwitzer 251, the women's 400-metre run with ~ Myc Ray Set, president, open- : Y | Plaintiffs in the ast four cases Hodgson 250, eorge ' ¥ G a time of 3 seconds, The listed § } yere epresente George Mr, Gordon Kerr has returned HN t B k Ww k i Hime oF We "0 ed the meeting with the singing of| JLo Tovrorented » alr Bordon Kerr I reer VO e Doo eex WHITBY AND DIST, {record of (534 Is held by Maria|symn 15 and a short prayer. 4 - -- - Sudbury where he visited friends Eka haol| MEN'S LEAGUE |Mkine of Russia, GUEST SPEAKER . J King Street Home and School! hd, The business of Was eon) 0 , DANGEROUS PRANK Mi Robert Ripley, of Little Association held its monthly THURSDAY SECTION REJOINS TEAM ducted by the esident, An- LEICESTER, England (CP) cpoht, he ) Sing the meeting on Thursday evening at. Legion Old Sweats 2, County REJOINS TF. ieted 17 the Jrendet. Fo olice and specisl security PA: pact week with Mr, and Mrs, 1, B, the school, The meeting opened Bowl 1; Legion No.2, 2, Donald MONTREAL (CP) = Defence: Pal of the Oshawn Preshyterial . % trols are keeping watch to eateh! pooh. of Pine St ith the singing of "0 Canada", Motors 1; Abner's Esso 3, Otten. man Tom Johnson of Montreal) Co wis held In Oshaw MFues,| \LSELR BU 10 beauty ; children who in one month have| The president, Mrs, J, C, Naylor rites 0: Knights of Columbus 2, Canadiens, injured in Sunday! ing dn ' | damaged many letters by toss| Mr and Mrs. Wm. Simpson welcomed the parents on behalf Coea-Colas 3 hed Wins y Gi1-inight's Nations! Hockey League 18, » AB, / owats A crackers into|visited friends in Barrie on Bun. of the association, Reports were versmiths 1; Dod- game in New York, left Montreal gers 0; Avena Sunoco 2, Credit hy plane Monday to rejoin his Union 1; Amateurs 2, Firemen 1. teammates in Chicago, He hes Triples 700 include 250 bruised ribs | ing lighted fire - {mail boxes read and approved Mrs, J. Beattie, program con vener, reported that the Decem day over WED IN WHITB her meeting would feature a choir | BOOST YOUR Married recently in 8t, John | Henricus Goverde, Whithy, and under the direction of Mrs, D the Evangelist Roman Catholic the hi degroom the son of e | Williams Mrs, Beattie introduced I Chureh, Whithy, were Mr, and Mrs, Hen a Vanden Wilden ! |the guest speaker, Miss Enid Wal- I Mrs. Richard Johan Nico Marie herg and | ale r, Gerardus | - lace, head of the children's li RRECTION i Van-Den Wildenberg, The bride | Vanden Wildenberg, of Bokel, vr. brary and assistant libr arian at | b k is the daughter of Mrs, Corne | Holland 3 ' VeLanghlin Library in Oshawa I Ii | lia Goverde and the late Mr Mary's Studio 10 spoke on the importance of | I \ § f / children starting to read library! | | " books at: an early age, She also! 111 By GERRY BLAIR announced that Nov, 15 to 22) | | fl} e u yas "Young Canada Book Week", | | OAN | Books were also on display from | Whitby Hillerests experienced their first actual com= {Thomas Allen Ltd, Mrs, Andrew | EVERY TUES. & FRI. EVENING | ] 4 . 2.10] Juniors thanked Miss Wallace for her YOU NAME THE NEED - petition: last Friday night against the Cobourg JUnIors, | ,o."e yo ioning talk on publie| PUT THE CASH ; and scored an easy 8-1 exhibition victor 1} laying libraries for children, TUESDAY , . 8:00P.M. to 10:00 P.M. wi w | An Ontario County grand jury,! The grand jury did not make This vear's edition of the Hillerest hs e playing Room attendance prizes were | after deliberating all day, has an inspection of the publie build in a higher classification, namey OHA Junior A (won by Jr, room Miss Smith GET THE CASH YOU NEED FROM LOMBANK = brought no bill against Stephen ings noteh higher in the Ontario Hockey Association ranks be. foon} hy Miss Love, Novem. FRIDAY rely 8:30 P.M. to 10:30 P.M. | Aldred, of Pickering, charged . ¥ ir #C" grouping of last season, which they 4 eng ueation month, I TODAVI with rape. As a result, a petit ONE JURY CASE from their ErOuping o aiaihat instead of the regular monthly t I , jury trial, before Mr, Justice Bap. With the announcement of nol conquered rather handily, In the final series agains meeting, the King Street school L | ombank 'nance low, scheduled ' for today in Pil, it is now alhesent th " hig Stratford, winning the title in 4 straight games, will Jo open House at the " (Eastern) Limited hi | 0 Hel one jury case will he heard by a fa an ies i aston last evenin regular meeting date, Whithy will not he fold wil [Jury at this session of the Fall Manager Ivan Davies, was in Wes LA £ The meeti d d 107 Dundes 51, W., Brock Bldg, 2nd Flos Before bringing In the mo bill, AEE A 0 BE hel for a meeting with the Metro Junior "B" grouping ng adjourned and re- WHITBY 'MO 8-3381 fle eo gis ip Re the nly eriminal ape slated for Jury wheh comprises, St, Mikes, Marlboros, Woodbridge, freshments were served hy the . hear every witness called by the § 4 vi y dois Badd a y u ik 2 in the case, At 4.35 p.m, trial and elgh of the nine eh il Unionville, Newmarket, and Lakeshore He will be at« mothers of Mrs, Cox room, | Monday, after Mr, Justice Bar ations Duy either been seitled tempting to work out an interlocking sehedule with ot OF fi Hse ow : ed aay the ot hin civil ametion to hel thelr four team group, of Orillia, Aurora, Don Mills room, eour VAS reconveng F' 1 vil aeth } the vi wv filed ) in their heard by a jury is that of Foshay, and Whitby, is an ; oe " seats and announced the no bill, vs Robinson The first home action for the Juniors will be tomor "This is a sign of a healthy row night in the Whithy Community Arena, when eltuau n" sold His ardshin lo Ch h thev host Cobourg in an exhibition tilt starting at je jury. "The no hill is an Ind h eaticn that the grand jury has urc orama 8:30 pm "gs aor HOM chi ionship club UY d I" Reveral of last years Junior "C" championship clu JOHN GEOR you have given this earveful con Planned B ave berk trying to retain their same spots on the | FINA SERVICE STATION sideration." 4 y club, but are apparently being met with stiff op~ | BURTINSKY George Popescu, Manager Twp. Brinade United Church From Tuesday, Noy. 22 tn Ppl r ' day, Nov, 25, the Whithy United I of 8 t Chuveh will hold a "Churcho th : rama." . 1} . y Ladies Nicht The "Churchorama' will be al \ special presentation of the work : w a of the chureh in which the fol The Whitby Township Fire De: joing media will be used partment No, 2 held its annual] n ; Ladies Night banquet on Satur], 'Splays photos, posters dav in Westminster Church hall | banners, maps, hooks, handwaork, it 1 head tht re and curios platoon chief and Mrs Osler, | Costumes modelling of na Chief and Mrs, Viek, of Rroaklin, [tive costumes of other lands | Chief and Mrs, Reape Corner of Visitors people from other| Whithy, and Chief and Mrs Jim lands will he present at stated) Watson of Whithy Township times Chief Watson was the hanquet | Audio-Visuals movies, film. | chairman and Mrs, Watson acted 'spips, slides, including piety as n'fieial hostasg f the Whithy United Choreh ac-| All five chiefs present shared tivities and its people | the dutie snacial speaker Speakers--Dr, "Bob" MeoClure with separate addresses to the gue noted medical missionary. for Other guests present were nerly of China, naw of India Councillor and Mrs. Gord Me. Rev, and Mps, Carl W, Zurhrigg| Mann, Mr, and Mrs. Ben Miteher, \who travelled with a group of of Brooklin and Mp, and Mrs. Ted medical doctors le Savas oF ane wedical doctors in Africa this | an summer. Rey, William Rlaek.| The grace was recited hy . Deputy Chief Carrington; the M70 Assaclate Secretary of the toast ta the Queen was given hy nter-Roard Committee on Re Cant, H. Bryan; the toast to the| Cruiting ladies was #iven hy Capt. M. 8a! | The "Churchorama" is heing way, and the reply ta this toast promoted hy the Missionary and eame from Mrs. Jim Watson Maint-nanee Committee and the On bohalf of all attending the Christian Education Committee bancuet, Fireman John Goodwin who are at present steering all expressed appreciation to the! sganizations within the ehurch Indies of Westminster Church, to play an active and. progres who pre ed the meal give part in the venture | | WHITBY BROC Phone MO 8-3618 Now Playing Evening Shows ot 6:55 and 8:25 Last Comnlete Show at 8:25 Adult Eni \l falnment i $ Tall boysl.. | 6:35 and 10 p.m, Ale 2nd Feature J TECHNICOLOR® Sonat te UTED J ARTISTS position from some of Oshawa's better Junior age hockey players, We tried earnestly last evening to reach Bandy Air, manager of the Whitby Merchants hockey rlup, but again, were unable to contact him, A definite decision to the club's existence in OHA Senior competition this season was have been finalized last night, They were supposedly folded last weeks end, but the Ontario Horkey Association intervened to. give assistance if at all possible with mainly play- ers, und as a result, their future was still in doubt as of early last evening The major problem has been lack of adequate play- er personnel to compete with the stronger clubs like Galt Welland and Belleville, and possibly a dark horse in Qakville A group of 20 Whitby merchants rallied to raise a suitable backing for the club, and were strongly behind the players, Where to obtain a Senior ealibre goaltender is appavently the more prominent stumb= Senior as to ling block at the present time-=and one who will he willing to play on a share-the-weath basis, By the time this column reachica your homes, a definite stand by Sandy Alr and his five directors should have been taken whether or not to venture into Senior hockey in Whitby once more, or call it a day, TOWN AND COUNTRY , ,, We were happy to hear from our friend, Gary Butler, when he called Sunday afternoon, to inform us that he had just signed his 1960-61, contract with the Niagara Falls Flyers of the OHA Junior "A" lcague, Gary played 8 games with the Barrie Flyers last season near the end of the vear, on a trial basis, and from what he showed at that time he definitely rated a return engagement, It has to be considered a: privilege, with a certain amount of pride for a young hockey player like Gary wha is only 17, to be chosen as one of the club from among 60 hopefuls at the beginning of training eamp The Eastern Professional Hockey League elubs are waging a veal hattle at present, with enly five points separating the first place Hull-Ottawa Canadiens and the cellar dwelling Montreal Royals, and the Kings- Frontes tied with six points each, Kingston suffered a humiiating 8-3 setback at the hands of the resurgent Sudbury Wolves on Saturday night in Kingston, as the Woives converged an the Frontenacs in the third period, scoring six times, On Sunday afternoon. the Frontenacs, slightly revitalized, salv- aged a 4-4 tie with ihe league-leading Hull-Ottawa Canadiens, who prior to Sunday's tilt, were unbeaten untied on their home ice, The Habs have suffered only ane setback to-date, and that was to the Sault Ste, Marie Thunderbirds last Thursday night in the Soo One consolation for Kingston, is that they have three gumes in hand over their closest adver in the league standings, the Sudbury Wolves, currently tied with Sault Ste, Marie, Kitchener are second, two paints back of Hull-Ottawa, The Frontenacs have a chance to hreak their last place deadlock with Mon. ton 108, or avie treal, when they host the Royals, on Wednesday night in the Lin estone city Clinton Comets started their 1960-61 Vnited Stntes Faster, Hockey League sched. ule on a winning nate, ol 1g Two victores ove 4] weoek=¢ 3-4 over Char N.C, Saturday vy and 4-3 against the New York Revers, on the Sabbath, FLORIST When you need Flowers | You Need Us Phone MO 8-3324 1] 124 Dundas 51, W,, Whithy WHITBY CLEANERS | LTD, || Phone MO 8.2345 For Free Pick-up Of Your Furs and Apparel WE OPERATE QUR OWN REFRIGERATED STORAGE All Garments Fully Insured | 150 Colborne St, East A More UPHOLSTERING A. ZAYETTE Recovering and Repair'ng For Old Quality Value With Modern Re-Styling Phone MO 8.2344 Whitby, Ontario advertiser they wish to spend their order, VIGOR OIL STATION Operated by "Vie" Van Luven Dominion Royal Tires The Best Deol on New and Used Tires Phone MO 8.3644 S01 Brock St, N,, Whithy OSHAWA Ornamental Railings Ornamental Metal Work Furniture-=Railings Fire Escapes Guaranteed Work FR, Gerry, 801 Beach Oshawa Ph, RA 3.4161 Whitby Ph, MO 8.268) FREE 156.00 LOOK FOR YOUR NAME WHITBY - AJAX - PICKERING BROOKLIN - PORT PERRY Personalized Service When You Shop Locally SHOP AT YOUR LEISURE, that right-at-home feeling is yours when you shop at home, Shop in your community end take it EASY, Your local merchants make it easy on your time and disposition, There's such a com- plete and easy source of supply of everything from safety pins to refrigera- tors, right here in this district, So shop with the merchants who are your friends and neighbors, and see how EASY DOES IT, See if your name is in one these advertisements, This page is a weekly feature of the Oshawa Times for a 26-week period and there will appear in the advertisements each week two names and addresses of people living in Whitby, Ajax, Pickering, Brocklin or Port Perry, Read the advertisements carefully and if you find your name, clip out the advertisement in which you found your name and present it along with a sales slip or label to The Oshawa Times office in Whitby, showing that goods or services have been purchased from any one of the advertisers on this page und you will receive absolutely FREE a $3.00 order to be spent for merchandise with one of the advertisers on this page, Winners must advise the Oshawa Times on which Try New FINA Gos Por Powerether Mileage ond Savings Licensed Mechenie Have Your Cor Checked Before Vacation Trip Down Here 20 Ash . By , 3 Phone MO 8.4232 932 Brock St, N, Whitby ROUSSEAU UPHOLSTERY FURNITURE AND FURNISHINGS Our location of 216 MARY ST, RAST 1 blogk North of Post Offiee in Whitby Is Most Convenient For Your Buying Needs Of Quality Goods At Prices That Save STAFFORD BROTHERS Monumental Works Member of the Canadian Association of Memorial Craftsmen Distributor of Rock of Ages Barre Granite and Eventide Granites Quarry Guaranteed MO 8.3552 Whitby J. A, VONDETTE Real Estate Broker Phone MO 8.3322 ond MO 8.484) WE SPECIALIZE IN PROMPT SERVICE Listings Solicited Industrial==Commerelal Real Estate Harry Jermyn, Manager 104 Dundas Street West Whitby, Ontario Geo. Hamers Lid, Plumbing and Heating * Automatic heating * Automatic Heating Unite ¢ Gos and Oil Burnen ¢ Eavestroughing ¢ General Sheet Metel Werk Phone MO 8.3011 212 Brock St, 8. Whithy GEORGE H, HARDING Construction Co, Lid, General Contractor and Builders Alterations--Repain Phane MO 8.3546 Whithy 41) Fairview Drive ALEX PEARCE Decorator DOMESTIC COMMERCIAL Graining Brush Painting Roller Murals Y Paper Spray Hanging Signs 903 Bayview Ave, Whithy Phone MO 8.5271 WHITBY AUTO WRECKERS ANNOUNCING "NEW FIBERGLAS FENDERS" For All Makes OF Corn--'52.'60, Specializing In RE-CHROMING CAR-BUMPERS All Grille & Accessorier--'52.'60 No. 12 Highway One Mile North of Whitby BUTT RADIO & APPLIANCES V. Graham R, Cotton A SMALL DEPOSIT WILL HOLD ANY ARTICLE TILL CHRISTMAS 118 Brock St, §,, MO 8.3707 Whitby, Ontario - "~

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