10 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Fridey, October 28, 1960 Ron Stewart Awarded Jeff Russel Trophy; Mitchell Top Rookie OTTAWA (CP)--Halfback Ron was Stewart of Ottawa Rough Riders, the little man with pistons for legs, today was named 1960 win. ner of the Jeff Russel Memorial Trophy. The award is made annually to the player in the Big Four foot. ball league who hest combines clean play, sportsmanship, will to win and promotion of team spirit. Ability, prowess and num- ber of points scored are not the prime considerations In selecting & winner though they do have a hearing The trophy commemorates the late Jeff Russel of the old Mont- real AAA team in the Big Four Russel was electrocuted while repairing a power line in Mont- real May 3, 1028, Winner of the Big Four's rookieoftheyear award was also announced today, It goes to Bill Mitehell, defensive line, backer with Toronto Argonauts Players on each Big Four team nominate two of their team mates for the Jeff Russel Trophy Stewart, five - foot and the selection is made hy the pounds, is the second Canadian league's board of governors and in a row to win the trophy, Ot referees who have seen all teams téwa quarterback Russ Jackson in action won it last year Nominees this year were: FEicheverry Stewart and Kaye Vaughan, Ot- lo win twice tawa; Tohin Rote and Dick 1956. Patterson won It in 1066 SBhatto, Toronto Argonauts; Paul and Shatto in 1957 Dekker and John Barrow, Ham In the 30 years the award ha ilton Tiger-Cats; and Sam Eiche- been made since 1026---there was SPORTS MENU By Geo. H. Campbell SPORTS EDITOR 'Everything From Soup To Nuts' Knee Injuries On The Mend | | | OPTAWA (CP)--The | juries Rough Riders seem to he on mend don end knee delacie, import defen for the season delacie hurt his n the Big Four foothall here against Toronto Argos a defensive end. Queen's knee is still swollen and no graduated WAS when he No, | sweater Montreal) Stewart is with Riders, He has points this season, 12 league-leading George Montreal FIRST DRAFT CHOICE Mitchell, the rookie year and winner of the Gruen oi "Hamilton agains! Trophy, was Argos first college oq , draft choice, He played tackle Import guard and defensive end with the oq ste University of Western Ontario cieared Mustangs and was voled most valuable player in the lercoliegiate circuit last year Mitchell, 28, sixfootiwo and 2106 pounds, immigrated to Wind sor, Ont,, at the age of 11 from London, England, and turned from soccer to football in high wl, Argo coach Tou Agsse him as the finest kickoff placement kicker come ranks the rookie-of-the Mitchell Toronto Nick Conacher Meco Gerry Bamuel Montreal; and Frank Constan tino and Peter Howard, Hamil ton, There were no Oltawa nom inees retired hy essa Others third year|area are scored 96 Bruce and less than Mery Coll Dixon of ning {Jured knees probably he the fina the | oiaying the ends n Canadian Ted Smale ins, All have loosening up hut while ready for they won't njured in his the they i and Hikely of Saturday the quarterback Ron houlder injury up and he will the start for Riders Saturday n-| Russ op ( it this TORONTO The sald Thursday playoff games Big Four incisal Foothal BILL MITCHELL RON STEWART verry and Hal real Alouettes rales id out of college Nominees for award were Jokanovieh Lionel and no award in 1942-44-Ottawa ha to vom it 12 times Stewart, 25-year-old Toronto tah dian rushing Montreal bh) including runs for Patterson, Mont year in A " native of Union, at even, 175 an all-Cana- year Oct, 11 Ho, for 2 L shed record galloping of touehdo po network The second Four's Nov, 18 If there day I'he nf-three ried 9:30 p.m game, if necessary, would carried in the east following 19 Big Four game game of (he game final will be seen in the is no WIFU game foran yards 47, B2 Poliziani VO and 5 yard He has 15 touchdowns by ng this season, two under league record held Pat hruzzi of Montreal Stewart began pla high school In SOCCER Canadians In International | ne rush the Ah is the only player He won in 1054 and second of the WiFi the NOV hy game doe half Years winner Was Ouawa defensive Lasi Poirier hack z football on eastern network and n in Toronto NOV LONDON, Ont, (CP) ity when they meet Montreal ling hoodoo Gill Redmen day In he signed later section will he Austria, Yugoslavia, llaly IF Portugal, France, the Bpan- foothall game and a Canadian team Mustangs will Winners in each section will handicapped hy Injuries for the championship, Last ularly tackle. Bob Bangu won and Kilmar-' heen vith a knee and Harvey the tringer, 1s with shoulder Powell Brothers will second NEW YORK national Noecer gained momentum | last Hoe tions in 1061 and lake dian elt Bil | Thursda There will section AP Ihe League Inter vhich York pean club In the at n New a Senior xpand opera nal al real h team level possible to summer here BASKETBALL at the highest province ana start the Oshawa d a in par will be played Fox tain In this this winter, at the Donevan Collegiate expecting to have their home games few League tH promaoter al sidelined Beott mul gymnasium, with play ght teams instead of six, rep and North and and a total of 18 will he nada. onto lance ( he ¢ In summer the Genosha Hawk on Saturday nights usually The Southern nesday nock I'he was runner-up Canadian cul either Montreal each resenting South America games Il he pla Jersey (Cit ay; d probabl an Tor mid-week games Europe Wed of collegiate { and a Ontario was formed or new ed ino with al sald nine game n each vill he played In Canada in Nt al ast { milton elgnt 0X of Inte ful fu night at a meeting I bie ped ection nd 1 he Polo Ground immer's championship about 25,000 | was poo ted (outside ean HG team Besikias uy Ontario's strongest Cox said among York-probabl y of this where luded in the tel ghed are 1960) and the ol teams ) entered, hi POW ro he ha Ciames Lean champions of Real club Deportivo Istanbul key Ispanol All the Ie game Tillsonburg ingstons, who rep drew NHL BIG SEVEN THE CANADIAN PRESS York's Andy Bathgate gained a point on league-leader Dickie Moore of Montreal Thur night and into on of placing new loop will he the resented Cunada at the Olympic YA" champ Hamilton, the St By TH The and Art reunion Haider Barcelona Spain top noteh pro Ontario Junior last Powell brothers are from Thomas team "BR in lonal elub when the today invade on 0 nn nited the He of Heol » other Kuro pla wd, in the | I sed from two of the most pow all nenlor champions and years er Lo team and elub and the | with bi many wether Kilmarnock Bangu of Brazil, Tw les" By New erful teams Toronto's senior 'cage ci are Poothait Le Charlie, 27 as defensive right end while Art, 23 for New York hance Charlie Art, hut pread ends with t about 15 ive over with New hrother game Older erates Oakland ve left here he | I'l u der hi Oakland expected to be part-and parcel of the new league, The iKlas Oshawa boys will they'll ind but we are be in powerful compan ole the confident that more than hold their own and da moved end 5508 six give an excellent account of themselve while pro posse ixth a viding basketball fans of this cit scoring race nee I'he weklin Reactor Captures Woodbine Feature TORONTO (CP Frank A Hamilton industrialist who 1s having hi greatest year in Canadian racing jeollected another purse |Canadian-bred captured the feature Woodbine Thursday Reactor defeated [three length favorite, Tyhawk home third Ridden hy Alfor tor notched his fifth season and hoosted h and district vith the leader an 17 ithe ou defens hack probably will 10 14 | es thrown in fl "tops" in this popular sport entertainment Manse AP Geoffrion Ullman Heliveau Richard vhen his Bathgate Reactor, Litzenber al New Hull Hicke Howe Montreal Montreal 7 Detroit Montreal Montreal York Chicago It didn't take long! We suggested yesterday that the AM OHA Senior teams, instead of being two group all back They're waiting that long, There's a meeting tonight to try and arrange for an interlocking schedule, between the three surviving of the ill-fated "Eastern Group" the neighborly five that comprises the Western group ing. Welland is sticking to its Yout" and Belleville reports that they had about 1700 tickets sold in advance for their game with Welland last night They, Belleville Macs, are scheduled te play in Oak- ville tonight while Windsor goes Strathroy on Sat drday There has been a suggestion that the "Eastern" teams play a double-double schedule, four with each other---away and at home, plus a double schedule with the other five Western for a total of 36 games--18 games at home would appear to be plenty, but the trouble with this suggestion and all others, likely that they'll have to worked out with thé games that already have been played hherman could be portsman het hargers meet Boston find Houston ion leaders, play Ruffalo, and by Christmas Angeles ( nts at New er Chicago Montreal Detroit in one grouping, sprinter ton Paty race da Ame eastern di the Hill 1 eal ivi Hroneo Texan f | 4 7 and | Theo Geo hy the slragi teams On's at home against n vhile odds-on ted they're Dallas decision Snowman Becomes Champ Showhorse wasineon otory WASHINGTON (AP) natural jumper from the slaughterhouse 1956 leading apen ta hecome a champion show-iplacin Ww Robert snatched a blue ribbon and Newmarket, Ont look the lead in the open jumper ahead. Hallard still divi Thursday night the green jumper class Ela: ah oy A 0 Coy, Read win of the 1960 earn than $15,000, He led all the a ran six fur longs in 1:12.4 over a slow track and pald $16.10 $6.30 and $2.90 It was a bad day for {The first five winners [turned double figures national horse gave his de Layer of Mi the Ir ings to more Snow- Harry saved N.Y to Va) hh as rider Hallard color 18 jumper he man, a games in favorites all re Norse leads teams, riders That on at 18 be BRIGHT BITS: Jack Dempsey, in Toronto last night gomething else, got himself quoted, as usual, on a d he came up with the statement that he wants to see a general cleanup of all professional boxing in the U wielding a few new brooms in the last two years, but there's a lot of corners where the dirt still lingers DETROIT Free Press ¢ame up with a story that the Tigers are seeking to have Paul Richards take the manager there, But from his home in Arizona, Richards denies having talked with the Det OH WELL, it was only last week that declared that he would- n't think tors out of Washington---and look whut h SUDBURY ARENA is losing Pro "Wolves" ready 11 cha 0 He made, Ling BRUINS fi red a Rangers last r w=point ga starts SUNDAY SPORTS IN 'PEG MEAN LEGAL HEADACHES WINNIPEG (CP)--Voters in | Kay sald he did not think Winnipeg and neighboring St ReMonally, that jan concerts of James apparently handed a hin TU i ressions ave any hatful of headaches Mani Mr. Kay said he "wouldn't toba's attegney general Wed nesday 4 know" whether or not profes they approved | sional hockey or foothall could Sunday sport 4 : The attorney be considered 'non-profit ggneral now must decide for boxing topic ar 3. They've been on job as it "brass" fith hl g Lhe f ed Wednesd Faster Cal G tly ft of tak ppt Ay mo the and al ges will have ROSTON win over nin nine are hi ally to Admittance may be charged fa? example hut the event must he spon whether or nol-a jazz concert sored by a non-profit organiz of rock 'n' roll sion contri bute to Manito ture, and [Si] ation. No player over 21 can take part if he derives more should be all to charge | than half his annual income for Sunday performances. He | from the also must decide whether pro- | would allow junior fessional football or hockey | hockey hut professional hockey teams are "non-profit" organ | games would be But the {zations 2 | Juniors could play, charge ad Deputy Attorney _ Gene al | mission and the professional 0. M, M. Kay sald Thursday | War of the Western "eourts would have to decide Hockey League could appear as most of these questions Mr. | an "added attraction." sport s out NORTH Roman Gabriel, a big husky/4 Junior has hit 59 of 102 passes quarterback, is the pride and in six games this season, for | CAROLINA STATE'S PASSING ACE the nation ', ors mast acourate joy of the North Carolina State's | S78 per cent. His passing last football squad. The 200-pound ! year wom him the ranking as Rough Riders' sprinkled through Ottawa sive the only one of the four injured Riders with knee troubles who appears to he out of action knee Saturday game Golden Gaels retired his number | cision has been made as yet on (Russel's| whether an operation will be nec SANE Lou and guard! heen run-| action when Ottawa Tiger Lan Jackson ready to spell him Will Televise All Football Playoffs will televise series west that hes! finals will he car Western Mustangs Seek Away Victory, Univer of Western Ontario Mustangs [will be out to hreak their travel: Me Batur Intercollegiate game tie has injury other first injured Opponents Today E ASSOCIATED PRESS Charlie will hold a litle family Oakland Polo Ground for an American Foothall League Is offen may ards half dire mother AFL game tonight Hos 'wo Sun Oilers Den show owner, James wha had heen the | | the Oshawa Vikings originated nearly two years ago minded men Jim Stephenson. These men spen a lot of time, patience and money on the club, knowing that they lost! They also lost shout the next word get no return The! After 8 concerted de the future began to look prom ising entered into a schedule of exhibi tion matches through the efforts of two sports. Chris Krause and recruiting their membershi drive the club managed to sign ahout seventy-five members and In the spring of 1959, the club rugger club, found the Vikings with only six out of the origingl seventy-five {players avaliable to play. The club did not withdraw, however, tL instead, they borrowed men from other teams snd played, They half & dozen games pithough Pp rose lo over 2, 1 was at this stege that a club spirit came into being and the Vikings began winning matches In the fall of 1950, the club was entered into the Ontario Eastern The first match Intermediate League and astound ed all by being unbeaten, and will in he SPORTS CALENDAR going forward to win the all-On- tario Intermediate League cham. plonship, This, from a club that {had only been in existence for a few months and had started with six players, was quite a shock to SATURDAY'S GAMES nas likely RUGGER th Balm) Park Game) a Oshawa Vikings No. 1 Beach Beniors, at Pantry Toronto, (Exhibition 1L00 a.m |BABKETBALL | Basketball Clini for al the Ontario rugger world TWO TEAMS ACTIVE The spring of this year saw the formation of two Vikings teams (One as a promotion entry into the all-powerful Omarlo Benior League, the only club incidentally 1 outside of Toronto to eompete in y "Minor-Age" players, at Simcoe Ns class of rugger, The other all, 10.15 p.m Exhibition Game osha Hawks mediaies al Be all the Trenton Inter Trenton, 8.15 p.m SUNDAY'S GAMES HOCKEY UAW League Baker Vend ing vs Tony's Refreshments, a 1000 am, and Merchants Credit Union, at 11.50 am games at Bowmanville Arena Oshawa Major League Dou hleheader at Bowmanville Arena with first game scheduled 6.80 p.m Tigers Seek Paul Richards As Manager DETROIT (AP) Press sald Thursday night troit Tigers are trying to VE and Western Interpro least and'gwo of them on a coast-to-coast Big at 14 and the third he the De Sig Gordon tract Karlier Thursday, the sald it had learned that Bill Rig ney former manager of Francisco Giants, would named to manage the Tigers The Times said confirmation of Inter A a Ldvingstones Canadian Benlor would come shortly from champions and Olymple represen: guard spots, Newcomers Alex Ra who owns con. latives last year, Niagara Falls dovieh and Bob Reynolds are ex Rigney's selection at $30,000 en lohn BE trolling Interest Baseball Company The Free Press sald Rick Fer rell, Tigers acling general man ager and James Campbell, club vice - president, left Detrol for Phoenix, Ariz, "to try to wo Fetzer in the Detrol op for foriwho have The Free Monday Paul Richards as manager of the club to replace the departed Joel Wednseday, the new 1 San during the hei to 12 consisting of many "green"' but Oshawa Gi BEST IN BASKETBALL Oshawa Vikings Club Making Fine Progress enthusiastic players as & replace-| Oshaws Vikings themedives ment in the Eastern Ontario In- have the chance 9 compete st 8 termediate League, tournament in Bermuda in 1961, The Fall League schedule js hut as yet funds ire very short, nearly over now and both teams, They will, however, travel to in spite of their immaturity, have Deep Tiver, London, Montresl | proven (0 all concerned, their re- and possibly other points on the spective ability to compete in the map, all the trips being financed high standard of sport demanded hy the members of the club, out by, both Jonsgues of their own pocket! season has heen successful for hoth teams, without any un: JUNIOR TEAM ARISING expected miracles, The teams lost, We hesr too, that Viking offi. some matches and won others ©1818 have had enough response 16 and, in spite of a myriad of teeth. #1 Oshawa Times article, to he ing troubles, it has emerged as a #Pe lo form an Oshawa boys' HEE, thriving club rugger club, This club consists of This Saturday morning, the Dys between the ages of nine and Oshawa Vikings Seniors close fifieen and is still open for appli- thelr league schedule against "8tions, Balmy Bench, at Pantry Park tn We would like to mention at the Toronto close, that Ajax oo has a fine This Balmy Beach lub has just TVERET elub and tops the Esstern completed a highly successful Ontario Intermediate League at tour of Great Britain, emerging he present time, So, why don't unbeaten and their tour shows the YOu Eel into an expanding sport wide thinking of present-day rug. #nd play rugger ger clubs, Teams had already GAME SATURDAY travelled to many varied points. Vikings | versus Balmy Beach in Ontario and the U.B,A, and at Pantry Park, Toronto, Kick-off now a team was touring Great at 11.00 am Britain for the second time and! Vikings: Kelly, Williams, Pase heating "the teachers" at thelr coe, Goldman, Nichols, Jones, own game Taylor, Worrell, Mlison, Pringle, Ash, Sheppard, MeArthur, Ryan and Edmonds Oshawa Genosha Hawks In «i New South-Ontario Lea Oshawa Hotel Genosha Hawks, heen holding twice: weekly workouts at Donevan Col leglate for the past few weeks, will open their season, this Satur day, with an exhibition encounter against Trenton Intermediates in Trenton, This will he the only ex hibition game for the Hawks, be. fore they open thelr season with a Bouhtern Ontario Basketball League game, against Hamilton CYO Montelairs in Hamilton on November 7 , EIGHT TEAMS ENTER Al a meeting in Hamilton officially formed, There were re Richards is manager of Balti. presentatives there from eight| more Orioles and has a 1081 con clubs, embracing the whole sou thern part of the province, 8ix of EXPERIENCE HERE Times these clubs are ready lo play and will proceed with thelr schedule The teams involved are St Thomas Barnes 1060 All-Ontaric champions, t/ AJ's, Hamillon CYO Montelairs Hamilton Quigleys and Oshawa sibly Ed Kolodzle, who 1s still a Othe r| teams, both from Toronto are also| a expected to Join the loop and they be that of Gord Davidson, whol given until November coached Genosha - Hawks, Two ti have been [6 to enter, A strong team, man )| | to he straightened out, Also GLENDALE WILL WELCOME CASEY GLENDALE, Calif, (AP) The familiar red carpet will he unrolled Saturday for the re turn home of Glendale's favor ite adopted son, Casey Stengel here has been a welcome of orts every year Stengel re turned from the baseball wars since he hegan managing New York Yankees This will elal, however | no longer with the Yankees here will. he a reception committee at International Air port in Los Angeles, The Sten gels will then hop hy helicopter to adjoining Glendale and set down on a ball park named seveal years ago for Stengel After more ceremonies at the park, Mr. and Mrs, Stengel will gn by motorcade to the pity hall for still another wel | come-home attain the the on ing! the something spe 180Y he the sinee the re of San Francisco Giants Beat Japan All-Stars SENDAI Japan (AP) Two home runs hy Willle MeCovey and one hy Felipe Alon powered San Francisco Giants to a 74 tei umph over the Japan baseball All-Stars today before 30,000 al the Miyagi Stadium Jack Dempsey 'Wants Cleanup In Pro Boxing TORONTO (CP)--Jack Demp- sey, one of the greatest heavy- weight fighters in history, Thurs-{ong 'goal at 1.15 with Hubble and 0€ss in beating Cam day night called for a wholesale cleanup in United States profes. sional hoxing Y | Dempsey, now 63, said the seores of boxing commissions|seoond period with his second |their 6-2 victary, throughout the U.S. should "unite [in agreement on an over-all eam {missioner to he appointed hy the [federal government." Dempsey flew inte Toronto from Now York for the opening tonight of the Devry electronics training centre There are persons on various boxing commissions throughout the US. who know as much about running the fight business as 1 know about running a bank," he sail in an interview, Dempsey, a New York restaur ateur, sald: "I 1 don't serve good food the customers don't come hack, There's a parallel in the fight fan "There should he an enforced uplifting of the game so there'd be no doubt in the public mind what it's seeing and what it's paying for." He suggested a cost reduction to help boxing, especially in the mall-fight leve Why should there be three or four judges when one competent referee AP Wirephoto would de?" the new League, Tillsonburg will of course be the favorite to win the group title They have four Olympic London, Big John MeKibbon whe has starred for the Livvies for the| Collegiate gym past two seasons will be back along with Warren Reynolds and Bob and Ambi Gardner IF CIVIL SERVICE Firefighters And Dairymen Win Firefighters took a 54 win from Local #60 ITU Tuesday night at the Bowmanville avena while the Dairymen won decisively aver (the Imperials 6 to 2 | Local #69 1TU, formerly (Times, were the visiting team against the Firefighters in the {opening games in whieh the lat ter team came up with a 54 win The Union Club opened the scoring at 1.00 minutes when Raker shot the puck past Robin {son on a pass from Cole, Ger rard of the Firefighters tied the | score just twa minutes later un assisted, Durno for the Local ITU put their team ahead at the | 5.50 mark when he drilled one into the Fivefighters' net, with] Gough gaining an assist, making the score 2:1 at the end of the first period In the second period, the Five: {men literally went wild and seor- ed four goals to none. Hubble scored from Knight and Mallette at 1.08. Gerrard received his see The Knight also receiving oredit, Gra ham swooped one in on passes from Hooper and Gibson, Finally Hubble ended the scaring in the goal at the 14.45 mark, when Ger rard and Knight assisted on the play, putting the Firemen ahead §2 Local 869 of ITU were sparked) in the 3rd period when Baker| scored on a play hy Handy and Dodsworth at the 11.18 mark They out-plaved the Firefighters n the 3nd period but just could not seem to heat Robinson again in the Firemen's net, until the 19.20 mark, when Raker received his hat trick cutting the Fire men's lead to §4, Durno and Cale assisted on Baker's thind goal THREEIN-ROW In the second game of the twin hill of the Civil Service League the Dairymen beat the hard-fight ing Imperials hy a 62 scare Unlike the first game in whieh elght penalties were handed out, none were given to either team in this clean, hard-fought game in which Imperials, despite the scare, might have made the game more balanced scarewise {had it not been for the brilliant OR Bug AREUE WAR 1a. week of November 6|season, Tom and Jog Olinyk, Carl activity except Tillsonburg (field and John Newey, both for Alwards last year will oro| managed the elub since Its incep:| jae will tem | ) to YMHA are expecied to enter/tion team be out next week {members still with their squad no increase in prices for games in and are bringing in others from|the new League and the Hawks Niagara only a tentative date until sched alls have signed Doug Marshall, Increase In Athletic Fees gue Is Endorsed top scorer with MeMaster Univer n ' ' had lost yout Bt Thomas have uIINGRTON ons Quen ost starry Larry drieh, bull, p Np |icked up former Argonaut foot oe phorting a " aller Funo / | The Hamilton junior squad is|"T08der Intercollegiate athletic {shooting for another Junior "A" |PTORTAM has heen favorably re. tithe and will have a powerful |["0IVed by the university's ath young club, The Btulse brothers|'etie hoard of contrel, and Gary Vipond, who also went| "It means the only restriction to the Olympics, will line up with [Preventing a complete return lo {Al Sherman's Toronto crew and (OW Intercollegiate program of maby of last Your's Judy's AC|the past h 8 finanisl one. 4 players will be in Uni-|ROAFA SpOKesSMAR #8 ue ' [ form, "The hoard has agreed jt should All-in-all, It looks as though Osh-|plan as complete an athletic pro- awa could be the league doormat. gram as finances permit," the people of Oshawa willl The students agreed that ath. an opportunity to see theletic fees should he Increased hest basketball clubs In Ontario, from $15 to $20, An additional right here in thelr own city {815,000 would he available to fis {nance the athletie program. off This year the athletic hoard this Suspended all its intercollegiate for football, Cheski and Gary Vaughan will|baskethall and track, play with the club, Brent Old-| Kingston Loses Ouellette And Charlie Burns the team last year, KINGSTON (CP) = Charlle {Though he has moved to Toronto, Byms and Gerry Ouellette of The Hawks will have mosl i last year's -club back for 1] or ------ be at the | pected to make the club and pos school in Flint, Michigan, The toughest spot to fll will Paul Richards into stepping out|aged by Al Sherman, forme r/Davidson may still he back with Kingston Frontenacs have been of his contract to manage Balti-|coach of Toronto Nortowns is ex: the Hawks before many days, The pecalled to Boston Bruins, Gen- more next season in exchange for| pected as a certain entry and| coaching reins have been handed | o,.o A a lush five-year pact at Detroit," [only a few minor detalls have over to Fred Whalley, who has py. manager Wren Blair tenacs said Wednesday Ouel: poranly replace ine jured Doug Mohns on left wing, Burng' promotion is likely to be Permanent Burns, a strong defence Plaver, was with the National Hockey League Bruins last year, He was sent to Kingston of the Eastern Professional league as a replace. ment | Blair sald Frontenacs could not abject to the recall, By giving up the players now, he said, Kings ston is lkely to be sent good players if the elub ever needs them Lynn Patrick, general manager of Bruins, sald forwards Dick Meissner and BUl Carter have heen ordered from Boston to the PHL, Meissner goes to Kin ston, and Carter to Hull:Ottawa, | Maureen Orcutt pet-minding hy Campbell of the! Wins Golf Title Shearer opened the scoring in > favor of Tyg at the 4 13 PINEHURST, N.C (AP) mark of the first period, with help! Maureen Oreutt of Englewood, from MeDonnell, Welsh tied the Now Withstood the challenge of score six minutes later when Mrs Julius Page, the former na. Durno set up the play. Randle !lonal amateur champion, to win put the Dairymen in front when the north and south senior Durno dug the puck out of the Women's golf title by one stroke corner and centred it for him [Thursday with a 183 total, Mapes of the Imperials passed| TWO strokes back of the leader the puck to €, Kemp who beat|Was Ada Mackenzie of Richmond Camphell at the 16.45 mark, thus ill Ont, the Canadian senior tying the score at 8:3 which re.| champion and former Canadian mained so to the end of the @mateur titleholder, with 18, period, |. Other Ontario golfers scores: Durno, for the Milkmen, open Ea CT. Siler, Simooe 8% oed the scoring at 16.00 minutes of Airs Ww D. Mathews, Ottawa 8 ) the 3nd hetiod on plays hy Welsh 7 3 and MoKee, Then Vasko lifted Nic ® Ww Re ; one inte the corner of the Im A Bright Niagara Falls perials' net, from a pass hy Car -------------- rie at the 17.18 The Dairymen | thus were leading 4-2 at the end | of the second, | The Imperials fought hard in the 3rd period but without sue phell, The Milkmen struck again i at the 18.01 mark and the 19.50 mark when Durna received his 2nd and drd goals, giving the Dairymen { The Hawks will play at home sion Thursdays and Saturdays this |year, A complete schedule will There will be y will once more play at Donevan 'hey are expect ed to make their home debut on Saturday, Nov, 12, though this is ules are released, POST TIME 2:00 P.M. Name Jim Perry . Indians Hurler, AL. Sophomore Bah YORK (AP)-Jim Pervy, | the onelime 'weak brother" in 4 pitching family who became NT have of] the ace af Cleveland's mound | gave including admission te track, staff, was named Thursday as/g2 65. Bus leaves immediately the American League sophomore after last race of the year of 1960 X & \ d 4 . $1.00 " The righthander received 97 of General Admission \ (ine! Rpathande: received lax), Clubhouse $2.30 (incl, tex), | FREE PARKING For Information and Reserved Seatews BU &2110 (Torente) 188 voles cast hy baseball writers in the annual Associated Pres poll. Jack Fisher, Baltimore righthander, was the runnerup with &7, Perry tied r aookie Chuck Estrada of the Orioles for mest' victories in last season. He won 18, Bst 10 and had an earne run average of 3.62 while posting four shutouts, new | 4 *ODBING I