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The Oshawa Times, 28 Oct 1960, p. 17

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THE OSHAWA TIMES, Pridey, October 28, 1960 17 __ (A5--Reol Estote for Sete 45--Reol Estote for Sole |45--Reol Estote for Sole A5--Reol Estote For Sole | 44--Houses, Apts, Flots [(A4Havits: Apts, Flots i sun COLLEGE Hill, very cwie 45--Reol Estote for Sele |47--Automobiles for Sole (440--Rooms For Rent For Rent For Rent ] LARGE fully caged housekeeping suit one girl, eentrsl, Phone RA) VEN-zoom house, oli furnace, veh, Barak, Besr shopping centre, fully decorpted bungalow. ighwey, B room house, furs Pirinen, ir id BP i i eo eey son $500 down. 915 monthly, Principe esd chen, new ol furnace, Gor a aii rg, nt ate nr oes veil J. J. VAN HERWERDEN, REALTOR fui 'vu™ eb ies hunt, Jor Sols 4; och for So % fiom Lot aws, Th Art| coces, Mo ebildien, WA 30008 soem, for gentiem ravi, / BUILDING iat in Courtice, 185 = 660, Sa WE Rh sd i Sports 4 , Back Pest RA 3704, wom, for . & {io ales, Beater, radio, whehs FARM Tones. Pine gl WAKEROUSE space, approwimately 996 hiock from lecrtt's, APY pv Clark ' 1 wii A fo tian. Oly A 1 sol, \VERY aiich, | Wise hedroom Brick weour ay piri bony rast rs pos , Excelent Jndion OWREr mVIEE 4 i pe n a en Pe vo Bunn WTVH, = T= pts nse oe oma wt nimi) 74) King St. East Oshawa RA 3-447 (lr Eads ater," ie Spoil lie i, 2. Clete, ll ol bball 4744 room bungalow with privite % only, BA dies OF BeBtiemen, one room. ' lO sh: (1088 din NOTHING down, Lake over Pevensie kitan i monly av RE $478 5d £79], hada; "one room.' double beds, | A "HIGH INCOME" FARM WITH THE FEATURES [actor & Sle Ti a; --- ranch trv pongsion A) ad bordioy #6 altar 8 3 rn -- ar rive enianen | oom Tor iris, two single beds, OF A GENTLEMAN'S FARM. M. 0.7 TINDALL three baduom brick bung below, Wik Peved iar, Sosy sutras. Diy mort. | igg - TT C ] : PRR HED Vhrea room basement Telephone RA $9006 ent eoning faclitien, privme "oil 6 miles from Oshowe -- 200 ecres Deiry Farm, 175 acres work: ther extras, $1300. Rosen, oe wih § per est lnlereh A Forks stake, Inter: Avarim » eated, private hath, en FOUR. room spariment. sell-contain:| pod nB, mepital or obs. Excellent inted bons, The 10-ro0m stone house is © REALTOR Realtor, BA 50979, poyment, Now vacant. For fui 00one. he [RRs Availatie Wov, 1. BA $1114. (LOVE LEP ortvata athvoom, SYM | uilcron Suet ! " po ole $2000 DOWN, ness forth GM, seven por sry, tai 8 Mack. Weaior, Rh \'49 METEOR Conch, 0 or ni STORE for rent, Simeon Birest well sie now, BA 57703 {TWO partly furnished becuty, Creek, drill well, bam with stable cleaner, bulk v, 43 BOND ST W $1008 DOWN, news orl G._uswer 0 . , ¥, x Dein estaliiohed barber | Witable aes" Tor vent. Phone | L00m8, Couple preferred milking machine complete, high milk contract Steel implement ' ed, immediote posse One 10-yenr| a n ------1 wher email anes, WA 2AM aiier FVOWY - oom house far ¥ Road | 7rew_Btrest shed, Very nice view, 3 sides rood frontage, Ask for informe- open morgage, BA 5616s 0 oF RA 5464 no pow, Charming wh le level bun. |; (Fre re a ns [oe oo SE, RG) on RA 50429 [Fmies Slo et Sein i, "i "51551 Tos Wo hunt th le Sui 53 Vi 00m FARE syle hunaslow, close = lnow, L. Lavender, Thornton's Res 4 STOREY and wail "Woden Brick home, iy i" Lili id 1, shopping and Souin Go, FIVE - room house immediate pos Sol "RES, Omaws lek hor Vie CHEYRDLEE power giide, for door immediate prvsession, hppiy 1148 Werk.| soon, Phone BA 5% lowe furnished room, In quiet home, ANOTHER "CLOSE TO TOWN" 535 acres good soil about [fini A ening, giana and DOW DOUBLE lot, some umber, oni deluxe, radio and mow ves, good cow o Prive. {BX - room bungalow, we Jers | suit Judy or gentleman, Apply 99% Elgin GENTLEMAN'S FARM 300 workable, (Lindsay), B |screens. Low down peyment, one mort mately 25/40 bricks for sels, on in| Yin, very ressonsble B: " TWO room aperiment, frig, stove, |%ll conveniences, gvaiiatie now, Ap [Wen or BA 57854 witer 5 room brick house, 4 pe, thed |Wsse for the balance, For further infor | snd Senses. Full price $9006, private, 88 PLY sedan, radio, chi private entrance Centrally Jochted, $45 t Miata Nod n Voie OVE od room Tor goth 5 miles from Oshows, 100 ocres scenic rolling land with vos, } orh. returel Teplice in ive nation, call 5. Macks, Restor, BA RA 56489, ses, fest, Mater - £744, (4 OG - R60 men unenes po me 4 th f. . 77 | h ' A ot rR She TR ot A i [pack ted nk By Rigg) ovly fo Bimeoe North Lone with maples, Excellent sas} born wih wa eho ho a ing raom, a modern conven: Gawd Tre sary Tovar. Bri ih RL Sows Layman ain on int Wet sil combination line dains vom, our + WO SI Toth ais "whom | hase with bathvoom amass, modern. kincren. Fun price | fences, 1eol Good Lishoped oom sito. duvets wih" hve veass oll tins room to havc 9 WACK yb Sotah Per SHS "room ,| en, haan ¢ ise wi ath wmnace, m Ki i stone yom, saved Foul, Nesr ment, Immediate , " ul rn on Warm ie Ph Avy 390 La bale, RA" 5001 $39,700 with terms. Steel implement shed DID rook orn. Weel Stan evden: Pun + MOFVIB (or quick sale. Wr, Tas on WA pi Gown peyment, Ab Smith's bports, ep pr home rio primants CCL cue, Weior, HA 59010 2 TEstate for Sole chions, Oi ete reson or (com ackstock HRI Brethinsr Hest Evtote | vowike radio station on King West, y Pi 4 Vi ~~R d pds Ak MRA RR Bis BRA A Sore, re Ata rae ane weve. WHITRY = two = hadron. apartment, 33--Real Estate for rd 100-acre Form, very productive land, clay loam, 90 acres work ii nly. »v, BIW six room frame bungalow with |5ikm6 BEAL family home, Bix rooms,' MERCURY possener siokigh central, HA BA676 evenings or Satur: stove and refrigerator, Balcony, lsum: vis MONTHLY (0 errry, Bram able, springs end wells, L-shope bam ey 40, B-room house " attached garage, A muiet selling On three extra large bedrooms exirs | WAKOR, ils, , oh Bis (eg ,, dry facilities, parking, TY enn. brick bungalow, $9950 full priee, wok d h The of $16,000 is lo 200 acres good soll, (Sea. ~|Ps meres of choice lend. Call wer & washroom oft kilchen, covered paiie, = station on ot. THREW Foome and Wath lor ont, chil. AVRIY Av: 10, 10% Craydon Road, MO iawn, others available from $150 aoon| Wh woter and heavy wiring, price o : Is low rove), Buildings foir, on |B. Sundsy is Thursday st end of\freviace, busiin gsrede, north "end Frade or terme V0 wih. me and bath for rent, Me." Skelton, "Brethour Res! Estate.) for this excellent form, TERMS. : 95 ) {Vorcor's" Bond" Worth, Private, Mr [7 » t open Lo y door, Wrvilie wi trade in. Apply 1 is a come, be id yori PACIOUR th ariment, | 10 B-8051 "nee v aa venue, » 4 ree "room apartm did - ER SR Re pe ea see Cours BERL Like) Lin inde d hil hadaun TA ul | LE pa RA 5.8008 newly renovated, ond decorated, Sim 100.57, FRONTAGE wood logation w| A very nice 100-0cre Farm, 7 miles from Oshawa, oll workable, nese Syd, Mido nan, Ne w W Semon nisin ow, y, for ale, Fd (A om Dnkeion, ow. Three Piece 3 a A = wi a ---- NEW five + room house fo ent, Town. (08 rest Bouth 1 APSrtme v(Brooklin, any Feasonsble offer Be Very good barns BO x 40 and 50 x 30 feet, waterbowls end barns, , 1186, lel) 2% were gorden, " ROL new ton Road West, $65 monthly, Call HA hamhin Srapes ded RA copied, Call OL, 53144 -- oy, Lai hy cement silo, B-room house with oil furnace, bath. riced below octuol velue for Pind llr' dad st per | EP hone BA 328% tire, winieriied, $175 oF bast oiler BA WOUSE = Tires Tedroome close lo IE etme rt Ho idren | WAITING room, hot woter tank, modern kitchen, Asking price $52, 000 ich ois, 925,000, stucco bungalow. OI best, fireplace, ' ---- ol South OM and schools, Phone WA 8.4285 hear, APVy 103 Wilkon Hosd North, Out of town client would like With (om, 100 ecres, (Sonyo) on Highs |917000, Hrd 7 id or. Ristow and BUYING OR SELLING SEE - y o ad iN wi ' -- $i THREE (arge unfurnished rooms, | Soe" ros cd™ Foss with three bed 100-gcre Farm, lighter soil with 29,000 Christmas trees, partly wey, 6 room house, 3 pc, (NEW fivesoom house, oll furnace, all TED CAMPIN private bath, food central distriet, | ons FEE EH is irier, Close to 10 purchase eo 3 bedroom 65 koble, Barn 60 x 30, silo; 6 p Ap city conveniences, Ht Chadburn Street avaliable immedintely, RA 3470 Lschool and bus, Available immediately home, west end preferred, feady to et. Berth gd ce $100 50 h $2 ao bork, otc, Gow boy hdr, For Intormation . snyiime, RA 0 sen MOTORS GOOD brick house, hardwood floors, Will sell or rent, Write Box 148 Osh lbs 4 1.200 house in good shope, Full price $100,500 with $2,0 wh, weter on tep, a good line of 55365 three bedrooms, dining room and iy: awe Times, down payment about $1,20 Besides these farms we have still many others for sole, machinery, tractor, etc, Some $500 DOWN, one mariage for Balance, 607 KING ST, = OSHAWA ne po Kitchen 7 dd Avillable | GURNISHED base ment apartment.) If you con help coll Lloyd hay, would exchange on city |immediste possession, seven - Foom Realtors Gust Eost of Wilson Rood) ovember 1, HA 6 a three rooms and hath, in quiet home Realte RA 3.2254 LOTS property brick, V-storey, family or income 3. 44 94 Res; 5. 5574 TWO rooms and kitchenelie In hase central, KA 35000 alter 6 pm Ayers, Realtor, 4, : 25 " ) home fully Aecorated, bedrooms, 4 Res; 5-55 A lose is Showpirg K entre and | V-acre Lot on Trull's Read Nerth, $1,350 with terms / Aeros, ample on. pave three-piece tle bathroom JIE ¥hom, WHITBY ANDY NAGY'S Lids est mount #780 | In Whitby, nicely treed lots, paved road, oll services. Asking ed road, 6 room house, hydro, ining oom, mods 4 : Wx. room brick house, ot neation; 9) APARTMENT i SEE THIS price $63,00 per front fool, water on top, bern, chicken (mesh, oll best, private drive, pice #88 penycED TO $13,500.00 BODY SHOP conveniences. East End of Oshawa, | $10,500, completely remods house, lots of water in pas RING TS Hoe Six-room brick bungelow en MERCEDES - BENZ Phone €O 3.2764 | SIMCOE AT ROSSLAND eled 6 room brick, oll heat WE URGENTLY NEED LISTINGS FOR FARMS AND HOUSES ture, $9,800 $3,500 BOI overlooking lake a home or Wardmon Crescent close 10 a, room twi-alorey briek house, Redecorated, 2 bedrooms, | ed, $1,000 down, central - " down Eosy terms or ox Sim c i PI od Resltor iH Polmersion chil avi vy SALES DKW vice November 15, central, RA 3.2715 be stove, 'Ing, parking, GGuUlts # E : ; change ref 4 ' with storms and screens, I f 10 WwW IALLET ST, == Three-bedroom brick bungalow, featuring 18 i eens] Gril, A-bUrner gos Stove a 1 LRA eee | ' c R 33 2. GERALD BARRO x B' kitchen with lots of cupboards, ceramic tile bath, This 3-Plex, Sie Fag 7/9 Al gerd Fully a ons 408 RING YAS AVA dren welcomed, Phone KA 55770 after PHONE RA 5-330 BROKER ~~ RA 5-3852 well-kept house has storms and scteens, double driveway, Full month. Income $195 ol THREE- BEDROOM a rock garden completely pm MODVRN wlerivienlly bedroom apartment, 111 Craydon Road equipped, two 44g--Rooms For Rent n room, first floor or LOTS FOR SALE price $14,000, B-4743 Cal Phyllis Thorndyke, MO B-5853 or MO month, Good terms 10 acres, Garrard Rd, N., no In choice north-west district, BRICK BUNGALOW fenced and private drive, REDUCED TO $15,000.00 BUYING OR SELLING SEE TED CAMPIN SINGLE Whithy, MO 6.8104 room, walking distance of NEWMAN CRESCENT -- Three-bedroom brick bungalow fea- buildings. Reduced to $8,500 Six-room stone front brick MODERN Gachelor svariments sieciri: | SGM, bus at door, Telephone RA BIB ING ST, E. & ROSSLAND RD iD tained A phi i rch faloy 18 Terms excellent for schools, 5Y4% bungalow on Henry St, neor MOTORS i Mg) Street North immed we Jurnished A PP Tool $60.00 per foot, NH.A. ap Full price $13,900, Call Phyllis Thorndyke Call RA 5-0429 for appoint mortgage, carries $80 month High School, Equipped with ala ossupaney. Coll RA 5-343 E or iw s, single beds,| proved, Builders terms, RIL. LiL. HR - lv, $12,300, RA 59680), Slormg ond seres, None eta 607 KING ST, ~~ OSHAWA TWO four - room, self-contained APATE | onringtuled aatirens parking. shane. Attractive houses in @ good area in Whitby, with three bed- - pare, living Jom; Liepacs Gust East of Wilson Road) a) new stove' and refrigerator, fur: central, RA 81970 JONES rooms, nicely designed, Low down payment, Terms. Call for ony Pi ey ondscop RA 3-4494 Res, 5-5574 0958, . SINGLE double room, suit one or eppointment, -- pate ler vant with | 10 OF GoMDIe, ise OF Kil on and Wath AL ESTATE REDUCED TO $16,900.00 CASH po Tg Big in yf FRA np mann hone RA Vim a RE Pickering Electrical homes now being built, Phone our Six-room brick bungalow on 63 ) Ve r 2 omiorta eely furnishes i Tous on sate HA 5 6us0 after 7, HAKe Fo isckeping room for entieman, with RA 5-6412 RA B:-1566 | sales staff for information Green St, near Kathleen FOR YOUR CAR THREE room apartment, BrVAe nen NOM, stares and bus 13" Elon Down Rowe Memorial School, Equip. VAN HEUSEN | hath and entrance, Refrigerator Mave, ie pre-and. hip SCHATZ OLIVE HOWE, REALTOR fed wih lull n_gorage, | TV outlet, garage, suit couple, close 0 Ie g | hospital, RA 8.2104 after 4 pm ONE unfurnished Foom for widow or A. J. " room with fireplace, storms M | FOUR « room self-contained ADRIMORT, | Sher iy a yr Livia 4 By and Realtor General Insurance _130 BROCK ST. NORTH WHITBY MO 8. 5853 NO Salary Requirements and screens, landscaped lot OTORS water, hydro and heat supplied 144 company. Lansdowne Shopping Centre, WHITBY MO 8.3337 NO NHA f ' ond private drive 149 KING ST, Ww, monthly vailahle now pp nice locality, RA 65-6462 B. n erviews : ET ----------------I---------- REDUCED TO $25,000.00 Church Street, RA 50355 (ATTRACHIVE furnished rooms, avail OPEN HOUSE - DAILY 1- 9 Beautiful eight-orom split WILLIS MOTORS L FOUR room furnished apartment, new shle in private home. #2 Park Foad REAL NEAT aro iin, Baral rnd Korn sn Ar nto ay Sn 1 NO Red Tape aval Fie tr Comtrone 5 AUSTIN store, RA 3.4948 [Ene men t anarn® Amoi a6) colina| Separate and Public schools, $558 DOWN $558 Equipped with storms and AY Vi ox enn t share, Apply RE" Church in Whitpw, sur. | kt TIO ow $0.00, VE 20 year mortgages carry for $77.00 monthly, steers, JV Jol Joma SALES » SERVICE vigerator, TV outlet weekly, '810 a y built 3-vear-old soli room brick homes and pp! i 4 ! GOOD ASSORTMENT gebate"at and of one year, Wiitehail| [LR Elolkl ln ay "Wt" goo slow W| Clay brick bungelow, large | month plus taxes, 1050 square feet bungalows or,' 1150 square 6-room solid brick bungalows scaped with buill-in garage ems | SGM, 356 Park Road, RA 8:0146 feet full two stories, completely modern with all the extras, and 13 models to choose from ond private paved drive USED CARS living room, 18 x 14 kitchen, South, TWO furnished rooms, suit bachelor or 3 lovely bedrooms, 4-pe. cers top quality construction second to none, Stevenson's Rd BUILDING LOTS TAUNTON RD. EAST FREE [fm WA "S7o80, '300 Pacifio Avene, emic bath, netura) Wreplate, | opposite Loblaws, Oshawa Shopping Centre See Whitby Estate Today $3,000.00 ~-- Cochrane Street "RA 5:0331 2 weeks rent in very modern uARGE fume hove vin 1580S Slomy | WATCH YOUR MAIL FOR MORE INFORMATION : Fin lot 1 or smart unas: one bedroom apartment with 1" ALGly 0" Clrnente and screens, ete, All this for LLOYD REALTY LTD -- REALTORS Dundas East at Lupin Drive Whitby Jou, storey ond half ot, SABYAN MOTOR $14 balcony, 105 Craydon Rd, [SINGLE furnished bedgoom for busi: only $2,000.00 down . Whit, on i in ih Cn" G60 do c"and ve RA 85120 RA 912 RA $9135 | _H.O.BRK -- BROKER -- MO 88283' | ssummm comms | SALES LTD. | MO 8-4770 HOUSEKKEDING room (or one.t W0| 0 OM INCOME HOME 101 SIMCOE ST. N. Lil business, 66' x 500" STUDEBAKER, VOLKSWAGEN Angi wm | B0ULH End, RA 3.2625, 47 Elena Street In Oshawa, with extra lot, A $1,500.00 each = Byron St 334 RITSON RD. SOUTH : Three lots for home builders large furnished housekeeping at a inexpensive prise 90' ONE suit two gentlemen oF couple iM Ki Street West, room, real money maker, only $1, PELUXE APARTMENT, new 000 down, $12,000 full price st chance is ver | Wilson Realtor Teli RAndolph 3.346) building, $105 to $120 [Ave ' 140° § or 4 monthly, west, central, with SINGER fir im i = Jue of iba: or best offer, X80 x Tuo' * 140 or without lease, LLOYD iL hy "WA ase een . LAST CALL ONLY 4 LEFT OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE REALTY ( RA Only one left, 6.-room brick To inspect any of the above Oshawa) Lid, CLEA Sind, and dowmown bungalow within one block of RA 5-6588 call Keith Lunney at MO _8 5123, Dial RA 5.2872, New High Seheol and Senor 10 SOLD THE FIRST WEEK 53029 01 V0 E2950 aver TO THE PUBLIC f ROOM in private home, very central ate School, Whithy ully ings DELUXE ine five, wi doioman | Gcoried Low. dow pay Completed Total Price $12,500.00 a SHERWOOD AVENUE : . HS whthd dy ment, 6% mortgage, HURR (loan costs included ovely 'six-room, ene-and-threequarter storey home, pave on BLL Toi ltd vo up! ) drive, oil heated, fully equipped, nice street, Priced at $12,900, Due 10 Whe gract accep For particulars on these call APARTMENT 08 { phone, central loath Kid Abply Ry I ly {Bill Schatzmann, evenings "ond mont soymens o 5 AY arigage ROGERS STREET Insurance Associates Ltd, | we have become overs NEW BUILDING wo Targe unfiirnishied yooms, Second MO 8-325 $475.00 py if vou aualit Another nice home, one-and-threequarter storey, nice condition, bo , stocked on used cars, 108 $120 cupboards, olo storage space, on | A. J. SCHATZ y q y paved drive with good garage, on quiet street just off King and REG, AKER~Pres $ to bus line. HA 3 We are now introducing @ new ranch-style model at $12,800.00 close to Power store, Only $14,200, BILL McFEETERS--Vice-Pres, 30 USED CARS Member Oshawa and District HOOMERS -- good clean comioriable rooms, single beds, central, $6 weekly. Real Estate Board 44 Colborne East, RA 5.4882 MONTHLY with everything included WEST-CENTRAL SPOTLESS CONDITION If you are looking for a better KING STREET And still one more en King Street, A fivesroom bungalow in MUST BE SOLD No hidden charges for extras, no gimmicks, ne giveaways = ONE large unfurnished room, reason JOHN A. J WITH OR WITHOUT LEASE |ihIo rent. 20 Frince iret just the most house for the least money in Oshawa, good condition with a bachelor apartment in basement, a real than average two-bedroom ON GNE housekeeping room, completely BOLAHOOD HERE'S WHAT YOU GET: fine home, reasonable down payment, can be arranged with one bungalow, convenient te fy nished Mh wink stove and Folriger : mortgage for the balance $16,9 downtown, ete, this is the THURS FRI SAT or hle ) all entieman, ¢ 3 8 LLOYD REALTY contral Apply 997 Athi Street East LIMITED 1050 sq, fr, of floor space Iron railing on front po one, It features a large liv: / 4 . ie g are WOOD STREET ing room, 2 bright hedreoms, | OCT, 27th, 28th, 29th OSHAWA LTD, ATTRACTIVE newly decorated furnish REALTOR == INSURANCE Brick and stone construction Sodded front lawn a modern kitchen and bath, ! ' ' 3 bedrooms Gravel driveway Little older type home in good locality, seven rooms, this can be Full basement and oil heat: man, cooking privileges, Phone RA | RA 8.5123 51300 167 SIMCOE §, Forced air with oil heating Laundry tubs redecorated and will make a lovely family home, Low down ing, ihedged and shrubbed Ne ONTHE TO PAY Large modern kitchen Hot water tank payment with ene mortgage for the balance lot. Asking price $9,500 ) a f i : RA 5-6544 Exhaust fan in kitchen Prepaid services OPEN EVENINGS AND ALL DAY SATURDAY ostantal SON re oa! 6% BANK RATES GIBB ST Bowe off ig room Convenient location Wes Elliott RA 8.0581 Lloyd Corson RA 3.2537 son, evenings, RA 5-0243, 59 M.G.A, = Radio, whije- : x eramic tiled bathroom walls Storm windows and sec WL a R pg OWS Berodin bungalow with, ger, and floor a ON eT | _bpick Young RA 3.7789 Bill. Norris RA §-6588 GRIERSON STREET Jails, hardtop windows, FOR RENT -- Immediate possession, FOR RENT = Unfurnished three room age. Gleaming hardwood anc 1 wooden storm doo a um storm door . Newly decorated == 5-room Y ! : . shx-roam house, heavy wiring, centrally (apartment. Apply 100 Contre Street tile floors, large modern kits w storm fr y '58 FORD Bavvertble _-- nated, 875 monthly: alta four ream South or phone MO 84360 chen Asking only $10,000 . bungalow, brigk frank, vary Radio, 'whitewalls, ele house, heavy wiring, no basement of | Gag RENT Two. 00 nartment full price with low down pay- good oil heating arge live { ; furnace, $57 monthly, MO 84737 [943 month. fin. wai and hot ult | Yar par FURNISHED MODEL HOME ing room and family-size 57 CLOSMOBILE od E FOR RENT = Two room furnished cluded. One child welcome, Apply 86] qnnaintment to view call now x kitchen, 4-pc, bath Nice '87 OL LH armen NR & Availabe wav vast Pickering : «| ask for Bill Swarbrick at RA Friday and Saturday October 28 and 29th stone patio and large back don ~~ Redie, power avember 'hone 12 = A woman for housework, | § 4644 or 5.8342. from 1:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m lawn, Close to schools and steering and brakes, aus p Osh : \ \m, FOR WENT = Threehedroom bungh ane day b week, Write Bax 410, Oshawa P Pp REAL ESTATE-INSURANCE churches; regular bus ser tomatie transmission onvenienges, available ! ; ATR Wi lable NO: | COR WENT = Thres-room self con OSHAWA BLVD. No Wilspn Rd. North, 4 blocks off King St. E. 6 KING S Vice, quiet dtr 31800 1i11y $1.29 1 to Lynbrook Park, Mr. Kockmen, [tained apartment, heat and water sup ust ene bloc rom King n month carries, including tax» '58 FOR Fairlan "E00" LM] rit Widen » fio an ed available November 1, MO 8.4426 yet completely secluded, this 4 IN T. Ww, RA 8 6228 es, Must be seen to be appre 8 FORD all eS Omar 0 fo A REDUCED ta #90 for quick action lovely &-room bungalow is LLOYD METCALF REAL ESTATE LTD ciated, call Bill MeFeeters h I k, Monday ta Frid f aw ; 1 ALI). y transmission, whitewalls, § pom. Phone MO B46 04 | One mi apartment, available Nov. Healy guiied log retiring h . New 3 EXECUTIVE TYRE HOME : evenings, RA 5-1726, 0 Firxsrorrs $1,348 " o. twa bedro art nt Ix 1, lulls, W wl @ wo-storey ome with attaches arage, wo ur-plece ~ M TOR BALE i aa a I Cravdon Road, Whitby, MO 84338 fireplace, separate dinin 40 KING ST, EAST RA 8-4678 baths up, one two-piece down, ib JR kitchen hgh hits PRESTIGE HOME » MONARCH. Tuo dor bass. Telephone RA 8.4024 FOR Sale -- Twin 38" Continental Beds OOM, two bedrooms an FO room and living room, four bedrooms up, all large Built-in Attractive tri-level stone and grétop ae (ullomatig DAY care. for ahildren, in own heme. | : Like new Phone MO 8.4208 Study ot third bedroom, med R FURTHER INFORMATION ON THESE CALL stove and oven, aluminum storms and screens, broadleom in clapboard home with garage Jrenamiseian, whines Phone MO 8-8120 FOR SALE = One girl's hrown winter em itchen With built-in Joe Mage 5.9191 Marion Drew 5.7610 living room, patio on top of garage, decorated to purchaser's Located on one of the bast oo FR RENT Phroe-room house, oil 00at, sige 12, fur trim, in excellent con: | snack bar, finished recreation f 'S56 FORD Radio, two: you RENT oo ae hath (dition, Phone MO 83360 tid WI bade Sp Dick Barriage 5.6243 choice or inspection and information call K, §. Denevan, residential streets in North : -- Re io, $708 Street, North Whitby. EMPLOYMENT WANTED: Rolabis| landscaped, garage and pri- | Lloyd Metcalf 5.6983 Svwert Siac 39300 | RA W622 we evetings RA 3.7314, Oshawa, Nicely decorated one pain, ete, FOR WENT = Furnished Thi house: (WOman wishes work from § Ul 4 daily. | yore drive. Property is clear h and in Al repair, Land: 'S56 METEOR Station Wagon kooping room, with private entrance rin Whit He Tak vob ores: | and is priced to sell at $13, FOR SALE OR RENT scaped with lovely shrubs == Radio, whitewall tires, Ne aan MaTY Siu Nam me VOOM | Simen, Wiithy 500, terms con be arranged Spacious S-reom bungalow. Beautifully landscaped with shrub and flowers, Spacious back FOR SALE = Garrinio, 380; amall ori | ALUMINUM siding, pastel colors, free Call Ted Cunningham at RA bery, planter and rockery, attached garage and picture window, lawn with large shade tree '§7- STUDEBAKER President i Or mattress, $8: Kiddie Corral, $18; (Tarpon, 383 pW RELL Mo 36344 or. 3.2258 all on a choice lot 60° x 126". Must be seen to be appreciated al hedge Price hes been Automatic transmission : 85, MO 8.358 {ndssn d h ! A For sale or rent for $125 per month drastically reduced as owner radio ... $998 AFAR T FOR RENT w= One bed FOR RENT = Foreiaived reae=eiil RARE FIND is leaving city, Call Russ . En ng sh, Wi. Fae Tat, Tana We | LTE 100 or laut in IN DIFFERENT STAGES CHOICE FARMS FOR SALE Reeve, evenings, RA 54040. | '86 BUICK Tuadoar Hor: a Phone 3 33 p-0pe . FOC : si ] FOR NATE = Clearance Sale -- Rv's hr germ brick with concrete drive and 150-acre choice farm land, with ample buildings in first-class INCOME ZONED transmission ,. $1,295 bi ding) * pi hg Py oe walt i SPINE W iy en garage, Lot beautifully land OF CONSTRUCTION condition, well fenced, plenty of water in bath house and barn, COMMERCIAL '55 DODGE Sedan == 24,000 pots lors. ie 3 1a Lehn, Not ie | MO 8877 scaped with neatly trimmed small wood lot and pond. On good road about 7 miles ta Osh. 5 original miles . . $6 95 Stare, Whithy FOR SALE - New Kelvinator ap Shiubs Full dry basement ARE ALWAYS OPEN awa City Fimh For further information call Ernie Allin, evens §roomed drick Rouse Shine ° 54 PONTIAC Sed R plianees © are clearing all our sto t 0 4 - Outh, consists Ww edan = Ra- CARN ricoy Ba, AT, 1200, 10 tant 44 some prices boom sant 'Coma 8 ro 'we (reed of O4 eet, FOR YOUR INSPECTION ings RA 3.3083 Gm. South, consists of wo RONTIAC Sedon -- Roc BY Mn Midtowa, Punitive, H1ATa simplicity washing na wines win] bath. Delightful evefull, work : 100-acre ehoice farm land. Good house, Barns need remodeling heating. Would also be ideal 'S54 FORD Twa.door == Ras» Rack Street varih 2 year warranty from Midtown| all done, Only $1,500 down DAILY FR 9 On good road about § miles to Oshawa City Limits, Make an for barber shop, lunch room, dio llent tires $448 ATTENTION Runiora! For fre Furniture, 11 Broek reat North, MO| If vou are not looking for OM AM, - 5 P.M, appointment to see, Call Ernie Allin evenings RA 3.3083, etc. Asking price $16,900 53 Rn Tes 4 a 0 lights, sleeping bags, 303 value for your dollar, don't with low down payment, See MONA Four-door == guns. beats, ots ant Nraliers ' Wik Aone ok a iam hing ne gol Howard NeCabe at RA BUILDERS OPPORTUNITY this Properly Sn make on 9 . Radia, new paint , $495 ad mates anywher 'hil Harper, 288) boli af i otter Ql en inson, COLD wave (Lanelin - hed) Jom Gireen Street, Whithy, MO S408 Building We win 330° Jroniage on Ne 12 Highway with a evenings, RA 8.0043 $ § TUBEOAKER Sedan oe B01 cline wT RANA ANAT, POW EAR = ack Tam mane fr] | DOUBLE-HEADER ER aust Weds Sory Yepein : Mat by pe Sion #ardens. Call MO 84514, Whithy Now is the fife to invest a eq u aq e deal for handyman, Reasonable down payment, % MORTGAGE TRUCKS ; SEPTIC TANKS cleaned th { few of those dollars 1 § 0 BE aie, AFB] hove kod cues Th 2.STOREY HOUSE -- KING ST, List price $12,900, well con Joureelt, oF we can du 1 108 vou pi evinit_ West, phone MO S30 good sound investment, ideal BUILT BY Two-storey house in exceptionally good condition, double frame low, 3 bedrooms, 4-pe. tiled '89 FORD Half-Ten -- Low d. $01 Rrock North. MO $3017 lor the smal irvestor Le garage, lot 48' x 58 p rooms, tirst floor § rooms and bath bath, Completely landscaped 57 ise WA § a . on : our dollars work for you, no! nd two . ne- 1 an, hig Bp gE CRAY ANY PLANT YOUR you for them. Trust our rig use vp. Sage Neher and lutie ving a Sunsied dusgroted, yi gi '58 FARGO Half-Ton V-8 -- i wie MO. sulhosiy RULRS NOW ee & Neal. Soll priced. For information ond inspection eall K, Donevan RA screens, Monthly payments '58 FARGO, Halt. Ton V-8 a | y ' 8.6228 -- @ RA == Automatia transmis- TYPEWRITERS, a od w, [ oul or 3144 ! . bib il a0 Rintinal, imerest and sion 11 3 OWR PAYIMEN § pos Tg i HB Ry oA resin We have a large variety VERY ANXIOUS CONSTRUCTION LTD ASSURED INCOME evenings, RA 8.8423 ers Mamiton OH Ouifitter " Buran Street South, Whithy. MO 8.8431. |S t Dut h bulbs Pa ery wa sell for $1,000 down CONTACT S, &, 8 ond |lsuite Apartments for sale. New. Com. List Co-op Through This SEAWAY OCK, andscapin odemn five-room bungalow pletely modem, built-in avens and refrigerator Broadieo: A FOR RENT -- Box, boat and 9 Extra large kitchen, intahed SCHOFIELD INSURANCE tile, ; 9 3 mond Otfice, cabin trailers, chain saws, BEVERWYCK counter, lots of cupboards, os as : Member of Oshawa and LTD skill saws, coment mixers, GARDENS Three large bedrooms, 4-pe ASSOCIATES LIMITED Lots for sale in sity limits or outlying districts, District Real Estate Board. ¥ paint sprayers, shotguns, tile bath, full basement. x oes " . rifles, etc HIGHWAY 12 Quer very anxious to sell R List through this office for Co-op or exclusive listings 47--Automobiles for Sale DUNDAS STREET WILDE RENTAL | 3 miles north of Whitby Sol Ratelitte at RA A 3-2265 FOR SERVICE AFTER 6 PM. CALL TI AUTOMATIC Studebaker, body Seen and Soles | PHONEQL 3.3870 Nomar of Ouhawa _ and Erie Allin. RA 3.308 o I nt eA whirsy > ¢ 5 awe and mie lin. RA 3.3 ) 0 2 | sWission, niles per ---------- 1418 Dundes & MO 8.3226 Residence MO 8.4738 Distriet Real Estate Board RA 8-1624 Evelyn Wolker RA 5.1442 SRoloh Vickery RA FEN gallon Naviough, Frul's Road Neth old --

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