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The Oshawa Times, 28 Oct 1960, p. 1

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I A A: io -------------------------- - -- - i -------- a I -- RED FEATHER FACTS Your 86 donation pays for one ehild for one month of YWCA summer day camp, VOL, 89--NO, 250 DISAST Three bodies are visible in street, one wedged car (left) which rammed underneath into he Ey EJ boll iii ER ON CHICAGO STREETS during rush hour, Car caromed pedestrians in Chicago's "Loop" | off tar-wagon pulled by truck Huge N.Y. Crowds Cheer Kennedy hailed by KENNEDY Kenned AROARD (CP 1--John huge and surging almost nan-stop noan-to-midnight visit to New York City Thursday, crowd n carried his campaign back (0 anf vote-rich state, Pennsyl-\nedy started a final drive for thr | Pennsylvania's #3 electoral voles | other vania, today, One frequently repeated theme in New York was that his "ehief peement with Mr, Nixons and ity ig that 1! Ave the vaguest | which we don't think they idea of the times in live He urged 250,000 garment ers packed area of Seventh Avenue to help 'in sweeping the Republicans all the way hack to California (Nix on's state)" IL drew the biggest cheer of the day From Manhattan, where he made stops at other union rallies New York University apartment projeet, ihe Demo ndidate went hy ferry to Brooklyn of the city's work nome and an eratie Staten | on to Queen other SQUEEZE CAR I'he crowd through police ing the day around h oar for dinner at Brooklyn Except for lunch break RUTO INQUIRY and ind three land horoughs hroki pots du ed right whieh Hine fue \ { 1 he pe y restaurant nh that and a 1 nour Kenned 18 tall Bladen Says Industry armers Problem Too: i Angi im 1 un dian OTTAWA (CP patience with views that h employment in the Ca aut industry to De a poeke inded maohile ! prahie m Was here Thursday Vineet Professor Raden af groups 0 10} nt making his findings auto industry problem tod duetion oe It | ! the : Pies tions shoul to the this pan « a publie hear automotive royal His a reference hy the Can Wheat Pr GIVES SOME CONCERN. v1 \ i the WOeS & BL to Ontario pro elected fea thal \ (me an prabie industry 1 told man the cou N US one DIASE Wa p organisation, wh h repre the hres prairie wheat said whet sents producers red PONS, one with & p ol wa theories some of m the This Is aot concern," Di CITY EMERGENCY PHONE NUMBERS POLICE RA 5.113% FIRE DEPT, RA 5.6374 HOSPITAL RA 3.2211 that Canada | unemplovm to em 0 Hmensions as SAME CORCOLN this unemploy ists automotive industry a mater { Raden said mili his way the city from the time ng, waving through an he left his hotel at noon until he time hoarded his private plane late at might In Ken: Pennsylvania today, by accusing Nixon of 'selling America short," The Democratic presidential candidate said hig Republican aps ponent takes the Au i that the United Btates can't afford what t "should be doing in education, in programs for the aging, inl into a three-block medical care, in housing, in de./during the weekend our national re. velopment of sources 'NIXON-=NOT ¥V "1 say we can," declared Ken nedy, "It is Mr, Nixon-not 1 whe Is he added, "It is Mr, Nixon-not I-who is selling America short," In his third visit to New York n as many weeks, Kennedy drew crowds that his supporters ighted as evidence that he will capture the state's 45 electoral vole | Frank Doyle, execulive secre tary to Democratic Mayor Robert [Wa ner, estimated that 500,000 ons In Manhattan alone saw nd mostly hailed the senator estimates of crowds drew In Brooklyn 0,000 ar more | Unofficial at Kennedy night ran to of dreadful concern to a matter all Canadians The wheat producers argued that the Canadian automobile in should, in large part, aos ept responsibility for solving the problems facing It We ¢ ounding the motive manufacturing precarious and always have heen, For many of these employees their work is seasonal nfluenced as it is hy production f new models flood the fustry L that the condition in the indus employee ut try are which iodically." 'RESPONSIBLE! hy Canadian manu acturers were held responsible in the hrief for ihe ETOWIRE popu larity In Canada of Rpitish and European passenger cars whieh wave captured one-third of the domestic market narket per MAKERS Mistakes Agriculture's traditional on fo higher tarWs ounded today in briefs by the Saskatchewan government and the Canadian Federation of Agri uitre Rath United tas have co oppo sil was pointed out that the Kingdom, whose small ered a good chunk Canadian market, is a ne buver of Canadian farm oduce, Higher tariffs might ent #0 sales 1h he The Wedd agriculture federation the auto makers in ad : of the Ti-per Clse tax on oars but said ant change In consumer erence seems the compelling in the rise of aute imports the subsequent sag In sles ars made in this country pported stu ating the tion h hriefs s NOTIS of Inte a and United States indus (ies, already allied by Amg k Ca ston, | downgrading America," {and Toronto, Price Mot Over 10 Cents For Copy Bloody Sweep PARIS (AP)---Demor demanding an end 10 the six Algerian war wept France Thursday night bloody riot ing in Paris half-dozen cities Thousands more peacefully in score tow It was the expression on Algeria spring riots of 1058 that Gen, Charles de Gaulle I power rations YER with and a demonstrated of cities and biggest public since the led to return announced per- | The Elysee Palace would of |that President make a radio and lelevi dress Nov, 4, It as A | Algeria would be hi and killed at least five sons, Beene corner Randolph and Franklin streets, | About 100 demon rnd in the street ¢ Time Changes orn cat On Weekend [1 oviouse. Nevers, Toulon The fighting was heaviest along By THE CANADIAN PRI The fighting was heaviest along Clocks will he moved hack an hour (his weekend In eastern 0 S Canadian municipalities in their HER WA THE switch from daylight to standard LAST TO KNOW The switch will end the confu TORONTO (CP) ~~ Thurss slon which usually results from| 4.0 chonld have heen a hig an earlier switch to standard) 4.0 for Gary Lock, He was me in ether communities, | to become the first police fis Most centres in Ontario, Que: doin Metropolitan Toronto Nova Beotla and Newfound-| 5° yecelve a commendation will change from daylight for exceptional service from time early Sunday, Prince | the Metro police commission, ward sland, whigh has a law But when the time came forbidding daylight time, stayed| for (he ceremony, Gary, who on standard time all year, helped solve a breaking and In Ontario, mest major cen: entering was nowhere tres will return to standard time] 9 he found Those No one had hothered to tell changing will inelude Belleville,| him about it Brantford, Galt, Guelph, King Hamilton, Kitchener, Lon | don, Niagara Falls, Oshawa, Ot tawa, Owen Bound, Peterbor lough, Bt, Catharines, Sudbury | was il Gaulle on ad med chief topic trator ere that 180 | hee, land case, Pleasant Weather For The Weekend TORONTO (OM Pleasant sunny weather is in store for Southern Ontario this weekend, the weather office sald today Cloudy conditions are expected) to end Saturday afternoon with clear and warm weather Sunday, | Temperatures will he near 60| hoth days, several degrees above he normal for late October, WINDSOR (CP)-Investigators today hoped to make thelr way into" a "eoncrete firecracker" which blew fire and death through a busy Metropolitan de partment store The hody of Joseph Bohdal, 51, manager of the store lunch coun ter, was recovered Ihursday night, bringing the death toll In Tuesday's explosion to 10 with more than B80 Injured, Officials did not comment on the possibil ity of finding further vietims "We know it was gas but we don't know how sald A, R Crogler, chairman of the Ontario lenergy board, "We think gas in the furnace room blew up, It was just like a concrete firecracker A new gas heating unit was {thunderous explosion collapsed can ownership of the dominant/the rear of the two-storey struc producers herve ture, Saskatchewan asked considera 4 tion of the possibility of turning look, out a standardized less-costly Cas rest of nadian vehicle meeting national enough Ias harsh winters, [do something like this, It anditions suc have been terrible REPRESENTS | ie A thisd MIST to the ingquiny ADDED TO FORCE came from the Canadian Autor] He sald the small size of the mobile Assoblation which repre. room probably added to the de. sents car users across the coun: Struckive force af the explosion, try | "Shere wasn't too much of a It urged removal of the excise Way out," he sald, "When the tax too and sald the European Sas fired and expanded just so manufacturer has 'more ades an it took the whole room with quately met and filled the need it, That flying eonerete must have of the Canadian motorist," heen thrown hard The association epposed say in Mp, Crozier sald Investigators crease in tariffs which would are intepviewing witnesses, po raise forelgnscar prices, Nice, firemen and civil defence LATE NEWS FLASHES Three Years For CNR Robbery John Thomas Altiman, 30, of Oshawa, who pleaded guilty to rabbery in Oshawa Magistrate's Court, Oct, 21, was sentenced to three years in the Kingston Penftentiary, hy Magistrate FF. 8 Ebbs, today. Altiman was charged as an accessory to the robbery at the ONR station, Sept. 10, during which railway employee, Perey Thompson, 89, of Belleville, was Rot and lost "We'll be Ini there today te Mr, Crozier said, "The the building didn't tell us It takes a lot of gas to mst (RN his leg Wellare Officer Charged With Fraud LONDON, Ont, (CP) Russell George Moulton welfare officer of London Township, today was committed for trial on a charge of frawd No Change-In PM's Tax Offer OTTAWA (CPS. Prime Minister Diefenbaker sald today the federal government has offered no change in its aviginal tax to the provinces that they levy thelr come ax and succession duty, "Our offer has not be A i in any particular he told reporters as he entered the final day of te three-day Dominlon-provincial fisgal conference, suspended proposal sha | OSHAWA, Last Body Found In Windsor Ruin Oshawa Times == ONTARIO, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 28, 1960 y S V4 Your Community Chest - Investment In Humanity. WEATHER REPORT Sunny and mild today and Sat. urday, Some eloud is expected wrday, but temperatures will TWENTY PAGES Authorized 6s Second Class Ma Fost Office Department, Ottows Riots France Paris' Left Bank, where 60 dem onstrators and 15 policemen were hurt and 527 students arrested, Most of the students were later released NEWSPAPER MEN HURT yine reporters and photogra phers were injured covering the Paris riots, The French Naitongl Press Photographers Association accused police of singling. out newspaper men for rough han dling and of seizing eameras and fim I'he National Students whose members § io bear arms had called for a national agitation for peace in Algeria, The govern ment banned outdoor public dem: onstrations but permitted indoor meeting The Communist party ponsored work stoppages lasting few minutes to several French Union, many of face conscription in North Africa {from a nou In Paris, 8,000 students gath ered in a Left Bank meeting hall ind cheered speakers who called for a quick negotiated peace in Algeria, Thousands of others tathered behind police harris cades in the streets around the hall The meeting was invaded by a hand of sght-wing youths, dedi. cated to keeping Algeria French INJURED IN MONTREAL LINK SEEN IN TORONTO SLAYING ' Three Men Held, Girl Questioned TORONTO (CP) ~~ Three men were under arrest today snd a beautiful girl wes questioned and released as police linked the Montreal underworld to the gun slaying of Lorne Gibson, Depuly Chief George Elliott sald evidence has been found linking Gibson, 35, to Montreal's underworld, He said the largest squad of detectives assembled in months for a single ease combed through Toronto during the night and questioned more than 30 per SONS One man was arrested and charged with illegal possession of a 25 » ealibre automatic pistol, Two others were hooked as va grants and held for further ques tioning Gibson was killed late Wednes day night on dingy Milan Street in a rundown east-central resi. son, dential section known locally A tall, slim girl in a fur jacket Cabbagetown, Police said he had was questioned by police and re. heen shot three times with a 32. leased, Police sald she carried a calibre automatic membership card for the Dore They sald there was no doubt chester Social Club on Bt, Laws. the vietim was taken for a ride rence Sireet, Montreal, and was standing when he was shot, One bullet smashed into his face as he fell, The killing shot was fired into the back of his head as he lay on the ground, Deputy Chief Elliott said the murder could be connected with international narcotics smuggle ing, xfithson, who had a long erimigl record, frequented the area where drug users pick up their suppl One of the men questioned was known to have threatened Gib. on after the man's girl friend was beaten up by the victim a couple of weeks ago, LEFT WITH PAIR Detectives said two men were seen leaving a downtown cocktail har Wednesday night with Gib. As Compromise Arms Proposal At UN PARIS RIOTS ged UNITED NATIONS, N.Y, (AP) It was reported the Indian pro ab all costs, whe tossed smoke sii [and tear gas Hombs and Talsed, =e Ithe ery "Algerie Francaise" (Al erin is French) The students poured out of the hall and clashed with police (ry ing to enforce the ban on public demonstrations On Spy NEW YORK (AP)--FBI agents struek quickly Thursday night of round up a Russian employed at the United Nations and a Ger man » horn medieal illustrator Both men are accused of spying| for the Soviet Union : | A third man, a Russian national now out of the country, was named a co-conspirator but not a defendant | thelr Manhattan Yagovlevich the Russian Workers (o together the story Investigating teams earlier toured sections of the wréckage, Manager Joseph Halford of the Metropolitan Store, who was se verely burned, said from his hos pital bed after the explosion that it was caused hy gas, He sald he Melekh, 47, head of and workmen from Jessop| language section in the office of Plumbing Limited had completed | conference services of the UN installation of the gas heating| secretariat, and Willie Hirsch, 62, unit and had just opened gas| who came to the United States as lines to it when the explosion a youth but never hecame a eit oceurred een plece Seized al homes were Igor pair the Ile perators is 2.00 per classifications are | The had heen Indicted . Thursday by a federal grand jury in Chicago, One charge accuses OPUC, Union. men of trying to obtain aerial photographs of Chicago, including . military installations, Si n New ANNOUNCES ARRESTS The justice department in | Washington announc ed their ars | rests at almost the same time the Contract FBI men closed in Melekh was seized at his apart Sottlement was reached Thurs. ment on West 86th Street while day night in negotiations whieh/a birthday party was going on started in January between the|for his six-year-old son, Hirsch Oshawa Publie Utilities Commis. | was alone in his four-room apart. ion and the Local Union 2028 of ment at Fifth Avenue and 10th luternational Brotherhood of (Street, a fashionable section of trie Workers. Greenwich Village, According to a joint statement! Melekh, who came to the U8, issued after the settlement was|in 1083, resided with his wife, agreed upon by the Commission|Ivina, and their two small chil and the Union, {he rate for coach dren, ; now established at! A stubby man with grey hair hour, with all gther| and horn rimmed glasses, Melekh increased propor said as he was taken inte IRI tionately, headquarters: 'We were well New rates Mechanie prepared, «++ We were well pre lead hand, 7: mechani, first haved '2 tl) class, $2.16; mechanic's helper,| At another point he said, 'It $1.80; cleaner, $1.74, stockkeeper, just shows everybody Is ready," | $1.67 He did not elaborate All fringe benefits were incor porated through automatie inclu » ston in the existing contract, cov Winter Road ering sick benefit plan and paid holidays The terms of the settlement R is St rt [ave retroactive to January 1, 1960. epor a The statement concludes: "Be TORONTO (CP) = The depart. ment of highways opens its win | ter road reporting service Mon | day to keep motorists informed! of conditions on mare than 13,000 miles highways, The service will to sometime in April The 18 district offices are lo. cated at Chatham, London, Strat ford, Hamilton, Owen Sound, Toronto, Port Hope, Kingston, Ottawa, Bancroft, Huats ville, North Ray, New Liskeard Coch] rane, Sudbury cause of the many difficulties in lincorporating transit system within the confines of an agreement designed to cover alec rie and water operations, nego jtHatlons have been unnecessarily protracted.' | Very Camicable relations ex isied throughout the entire nego tations." rules of continue Negotiations started after the Oshawa bus system was taken wer fram the Canadian National Rallways hy the PUC As em iployees of the CNR, the bus staff! Fart Willlam and Kenora | were members of the Amalgam Informa available hy tele. | 1 Association of Street Eleo: | nhonin office ¢ Radway and Motor Coach!ienorted hy § way patrols {Employees of America, Divisionle 2M hours a 0 note 138 Oshawa, lchanges in road conditions, 4 on any « et aling day FBI Nabs Red ' | & Sault Ste, Marie, In an effort to head off a Boviel-| posal, among other things, would hloe hoyeott on UN disarmament | add five members to the 10na- debate, India and six other na-|tion East-West disarmament come tions sought support today for aimittee and call on the commitiee compromise proposal aimed atito report progress to the 90. bringing the West and the Rus nation UN disarmament commise glans back to the arms negotiatl-|slon by next May; urge that no ing table nation supply another nation with Indian Defence Minister V, K.|Weapons of mass destruction or Krishna Menon hinted at the plan| means for their delivery; and Thursday night in a twehour recommend effective inspection speech before the UN's 99-nation| al each atop of any disarmament TO ' ym i solitical committee which is de. agreement so that no country earned $11,000 a year, The indigt folliical & A Re hin [could gain military supremacy at ment him said he alsol Menon sald India would soon any step, an Jnrwn fs Peter Stephens and offer the outlines of a resolution] The Gneeral Assembly, mean ! v HRY on the disarmament quesiton, while, unanimously adopted a Hirsch, said alse to have used! Informed sources said India has|Canadian-sponsored plan for sur. the name John Gilmore, was/drawn up a ninepoint proposal plus food to be distributed to picked up while his wife and|/with Burma Mexleo, Sweden, needy nations by the Food and daughter were out walking Venezuela, hte United Arab Re-|Agricultural Organization, FAQ Hirsch and his family had lived public and Yugoslavia, Vig asked 0 sell food, to » pros In the apartment for the las i , . vided largely by the United States Vears aba tenant--told of | x RUSSIAN COMPLAINT and Canada, at low cost and for rest of the short, stocky Hirsch Diplomatie informants sald thei the currency of the country needs sald incredulously: "He was the Russians complalned the Broposaling ik : nicest guy in the building." left out any mention of Premier | Khrushehev's proposals for a gen:| In addition to being charged |apal , i" i ame! : with espionage, both men aiso/net, "0 COmiele disarmament No Peace Prize are charged with failure to reg:|" The political committee has be Gi Thi iven This Year ister with the state department fore if Khrushchev's plan, an. As agents of a foreign govern: other resolution by the United ment States, Britain and Italy calling] OSLO, Norway (AP) The They were held In $50,000 bail| for step-by-step disarmament and (Nobel committee of the Norwes after arralgnment before federal|a separate British proposal to set/gian parliament decided today Judge Lloyd MeMahon, A hearinglup a panel of experts to study not to award the Nobel Peace was set for Nov, 3, inspection methods, Prize this year, Charge In his Job at the UN, Melekh against v a JOHNSON GETS BLACKFOOT VOTE presidential | as Chief Hackieet Indian nation at the Texan's lone Montana cams PALER appearance today, (AP Wirephoto) Demoeratie vice Leading Star and a nominee Lyndon BR, Johnson (R) \ feathe red war bappily accepts his election = from arl Old Persoy, (L) of the | bonnet

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