Scout Ladies' Auxiliaries ted to Executive Board cutive Bosrd of Boy The Kiwanis Club's Annual Din w Auxiliaries was ov- ner and Rotsry Day at Camp S | Mrs. Melville Henry! First President | Of St. Luke's Guild Bt. Luke's Ladies' Guild was in sugursted in January, 1960, and, 1946, by the IsteSomac were highlights of the ; | eld its first meeting af the home! Ts Representa year, Over 200 Rotarians, erip-| sight auxiliaries were pled children and their parents) Mrs, William Corbett sat down to 8 delicious luncheon) the first president, st noon and ister had » plenie "4 that office unt Oct. style mezl, In May the Executive] ; ge | group in Februsry, the executive s, KA. Simmons was the Bosrd catered to 8 (wo doy Pro-| eon snd held office vincisl $all Conference. A to 1058. Mrs, G, N. vention was held Oct. 5 in St was then elected presi-|George's Anglican Church position she sill holds, The present siete of esent there are 21 Ausil-|jy President, Mrs. G in Oshawa, sll affiliated. num; vice - presidents, Auxiliary Is represented by| Bunker, Mrs ¥ Gravelle; secre 4 The ¥ rs, Pred LaSalle; treasur-| Fitches; eorrespond. | tary, Serves As An atitisry 10 er, Mrs, G Oshawa District Counell of ing secretory, Mrs. J ration is given In every heii: phone convenor, Mrs. A, J possible with the Boy Scout Camphell; press reporter uarters such as oblaining w. Richardson; visiting, Mrs mésessan assitance oT Apsen, Meetings are held wie Day ein) functions, such ss Con the Ist Oshawa Scout Hall on ences, ele, Gibbons street with the exorption | Executive Board organizes, of the May meeting which was [4d assists new auxiliaries when peid in the form of a Pot Luck [Wested, acis as consultant snd supper st Camp Semac and in | Mvisor to all auxiliaries, provides cluded a tour of the grounds MA ATIon with pins , Harare Bg sido Td y, This OLC (Graduates Keep in Touch Through Alumnae year the Executive Board prepar MM menls at Camp Samae for Cub and Scout Training Courses Group Committee Men's Confer mee, Clergymen"s Conference nd the Annus! Dislf The Junior Group of the Castle Chapter Alumnae was organized in May. 1934. The purpose of (his organization is to afford portunity for former continue their interes ladies' Aux, NUPSE First in the Union lege and (no keep In touch The Ladies' Auxiliary of loca 0, National Union of Public Ser Meetings are held the third Wednesday of esch month and an lees Employees Is a new organ ition formed in January, 1960 It is the first ladies' Auxiliary to he formed in the Union and has been granted ils charter by the annual bridge in the (all the proceeds Are used some useful article for lege, to donate to a organization at Christmas ime national office Officers for 196-60. Presidem The officers president, Mrs. John McLachlan Miss Doris Batty, Brooklin: vie pres, Mrs, Wilma Carnwith viee-president, Mrs. Harry Nor. ton ecretary, Mrs, Leonard Crawford; treasurer, Mrs, Robert Corneal; social committee, Mrs PH Vernon Claus, Mrs, Thomas Cor. Prooklin recording secretary nal; sick-dist committee. Mrs Mrs Carolyn Wilson, Brooklin Kenneth Beni, Mrs Clare Bow sarimponding ecrieary, Mr» man uth Laylor Oshawa: treasure Mrs. Elva Smith, Whithy The Auxiliary assists in the var reporters, Miss Betty Moffat, Osh awa, Mrs. Isobel Vox, Oshawa flower convenors, Miss May Storie, Oshawa; Mrs, Lsahel Pym lous activities of the local Oshawa; representative of coun: One of the welfare projects has heen making layettes and chil. cil, Miss Audrey Lawlor, Whithy; refreshments, Miss Ann Howden dren's clothes for use at Simcoe Rrooklin, Calder; Dinner in on students to in the Col vith wre as follows the Col Hall, The Auxilisry meets the fourth Tuesday of every month at Simcoe Hall, CROSSWORD ACROSS 1. Aside 6, Banter LA brute B Gulliver's En EAI ETE ERATE) re DAP] HID DOWN 1, Brahman title BIE IEE) [AIL IAT ENRON EIT ID) IIA] ANI WEEE ARAL, IAI ORY TAINE] Soturdep's Anvwer #8, Inferior rice 1 M0, Melodies 41 Part of the face 42, Level 44. Bon 46, Seine 48, Hxiste HRT Where You Gel LOOKS the BEST for LESS LIKE NEW ! * Skilled workmen will alter your old furni ture into new! And it costs so little! All of our work is Sully guaranteed! Free Estimates Anytime. Inly 10% Down--Up lo 2 Years fo Pay Prop. JOHNNY POCH : 142 SIMCOE ST. §, OSHAWA | supply secreiary, Mrs, W. Cor: F the anquets and other| fourth Thursdey in the month in In purchise charitable press lof Mrs, Mathews, 401 | Glencastie, Six ladies sitended | AM the second meeting of the officers were elected and posi A li tions are held by the following: ! | Mrs. Melville Henry, president ; 1 Mrs, Morley Johnson, viee-presi- |dent. Mrs, Adam Morris, tres urer: Mrs, Ronald Coleman, sec retary. Mrs, Ross Smith, Mrs, Harold Davidson, social conven ors; Mrs, Kenneth Moore, supply Convenor {During April, the group had a % | Tom Thumb Wearever Party and) an enjoyable evening was had hy members and guests, and (he MRS, NICHOLAS SEMENIU Barvinok Branch St. John's WA Contributes Nobly From is inauguration fn 1957 we Bt. John's Ukrainian Women's Association has flonrished as the V""Barvinok" or periwinkle for vhich i was named. Al that time Luck supper During the year the two hake sales, The first meeting 1 of the season was held in the new portable church and the group) new building and its needs planned a sale of work and ies to he held at the church on No vember 5 at 290 p.m. The Octo her meeting will be » "Than pe young women met and un offering" and an invitation has nimonsly agreed that there Was paen sent to the WA of Knox Pres definite need for a Junior Wom: puierian and $, Paul's fo join en's auxiliary in St. John's Greek with us in our serviee Orthodox Chureh, Since the der the capable gu nes thon, iu The group welcomed four new vesident, Mrs. Walter Kuch. the members at thelr Beptember Oo Heal meeting making » total of 18 membership has almost tripled bers and the organization has heen mem able to contribute in many ways During the past twa months 0 the wellure of the church Ne 4roup has raised a consider ahle amount of money with the Probably ane of the most im : tf portant duties of the association! "™* of "All Oceasion" ecards in the promotion of the Sunday Sehool classes. During the ast members have purchased a gift yesr Barvinok has contributed of gold eandleholder stands for financially to the aslteration of [the church the church basement for addi The following were on the ex tional classrooms. They have 8150, seutive for 1080-81 President undertaken to redecorate (the Mrs, Walter Kueh vice-presi old rooms and provide more ples: deni. Mrs Joseph Maga: secre sant surroundings and working (ary, Mrs, John Goreglad; press conditions for the children, In the secretary, Mrs, Dmytro Luchak; way of entertainment they have (peasurer, Mrs. Steven Gonta; fi arranged a toboggan party, out nancial secretary, Mrs, Nicholas door pienies, breakfast after Holy Semeniuk, auditing committee Communion and have prepared Mrs Steven Hercis, Mrs, John Christma fi for tutchak, Mrs. Alec Bec; Bunday the children Sehoo! conveners, Miss Ann Sab The p ential, Mrs, Paul Plishka; telephone has heen the annual Spring dance, snd shower convener, Mrs, Rob. Also, In the last year the mem: ori Sholdra; Ways and Means, hers of Barvinok have catered to|Mys, Walter Gregorenko, Mrs several hanquet and have Steven Hercla; rogram con sponsored a4 number of social|yenor Mrs, Alec Mec | evenings and rummage sales tr -- In addition fo the business at hand, the meetings have been In. (formative and entertaining. Oul sianding speakers in various [fred stich as ehild guidance In a Hurry ? civil defence, care of hair and CALL beauty preparations assisted in making the meetings interesting and rest ime fund raisin f | une | supper and entertainment | Tune meeting consisted of » Pot WHS, LUCIEN CHAMBLRLAND wou nea Canadiennes Very Active discussed business regarding the) In New Parish Januar Vederstion des diennes Franceises elecied a new commilles beriand John Cardinal [for husbands, and a family ple. | [nie at Lakeview Park Other activities during the past year have included distribution of Faster baskets to patients in the hospitals, preparation of a Mother's Day (ea, collection of funds for the Shevehenko moni. | ment, and church cleaning by the | members N To mark the twenty4itth anni versary of 8, John's Church, the All the meetings except the an RA 5-47T1 [nual have been held at the homes | of Barvinok members, For In. Oshawa's Largest and Finest Taxi Service 45 KING E., OSHAWA DAVIDSON'S Med You won't believe it... untrl 1t's on your foot! We souldn't begin to describe the comfort built right into this smartly tallored, medium. hosted pump, Soft and flexible with Naturalizer's combination last that insures heol-hugging wena fit... CROSS STITCH Black or Brown Calf 'oh Rack, Brown or Grey Suede president, Mrs, Lucien Vezine secretary wh was later replaced by Mrs Yvan Gilbert, (ireastrer, Mrs Girard Rancourt; social conven er. Mrs. Roland Lacroix; kit chen ecomvener, Mrs. Howard Gimblett; sewing convener, Mrs Yvon Leger The club helped a number of 2 poor families by giving groceries and clothes for Christmas and during the winter months In March a might of cards was held conjointly with the catholic Wo. men's League for the benefit of the parish of Ste. Marie du Peuple On the death of the Reverend ¥F. 8 Mahoney the Federstion expressed sympathy hy giving » wreath and a requiem mass In April a bake sale wos In June a surprise party was held in the rectory for the Rev erend NN. J. Gignac on his name day. the teast of $. Norbert Members and guests from Toron to atiended a communion break. dupe 26. The speaker wns Sauve Besull, president gen from Oftawn held fast Mrs ore he all eptember: aetivities re-opened in with a ( e 8 for mem hers and prospeciive members October 15, the annual bazass held in the Knights of Col Hall and October 23. » supper was given for all the menibers of Sie. Marie pa Cham hh and friends wishing fo join Mrs. them. This was cosponsored by vice - the CWL and the FFCF, To start thelr third ve 19656. the members of the was Femmes Cana smbus nrkey as follows President, Mrs. Lucien Ist vice-president nd 14.9 DAVIDSON'$ MEMBER OF OPERATED BY | A SOUTHWELL "Goods Sathfastery or Monty Refunded" RA 5.3312 31 Simcoe St. N. OPEN F AY EVENING TILL 9 PM Miss Annette Forget , TOMATO SOUP CAKE cups sifted cake flour teaspoons baking powder Ya teaspoon ground cinnamon 2 leaspoon ground cloves leaspoon ground nuimeg teaspoon baking soda cup shortening cup sugar "his can (10% ounces) condensed tomato soup Preneat oven to moderate degrees ¥.1. Grease and flour two Binch round layer pans. Silt dry ingredients together, In large howl, thoroughly cresm shorten ing and sugar. Add eggs; best until light and finfly. Add alter nately dry ingredients and soup Mix until smooth after each add tion. (If desired, | enp chopped nuts or | cup chopped raising may be folded into batier after dry ingredients and soup have heen added). Pour inte pans Bake about 30 to 55 mines. Ne move from oven. Let evel in pans 10 to 15 minutes. Remove cool thoroughly on rack. Frost with Quebec Maple Frosting given or use your favorite frost ing QUEBEC MAPLE FROSTING Blend a 3-ounce package eresm cheese and | tablespoon Gradually add 2% cups sifted con fectioners' sugar, blend well in! desired. Prost cake, then sprinkle with maple sugar. Makes enough icing for tops of two Kinch lay ers, (For additional frosting double recipe.) | mitk | Mix| teaspoon vanilla extract, if} THE OSHAWA TIMES, Monday, October 31, 1960 11 BIG AND BULKY . Ju n Autumn da sweater tha ping for Jack sporis skin tevesung three Lone all wool and comes ariety of eolor combina The pullover has the ne Halian collar and long Jumbo By Tracy Adrian i 4 ~~ SAVE NOW FOR CHRISTMAS BEAUTIFUL GIFTS WITH "LUCKY GREEN" STAMPS YOU'RE DOLLARS AHEAD WITH EE