i Thorley Schioen {Mrs Hohn Rose Wd liam % 3 4 § Mr vi nd | | | AMLer ' u WED IN DOUBLE-RING CEREMONY Married recently at Wiest | umbus and the late Mr, Lueyk Baptist Church were Mr, and bridegroom is the son Mrs, Raymond HiMon Cook ond Mir Formerly Miss Sonya Marie Lu Nova Booth eyk, the bride is the daughter | Wa Beotis of Mrs, John Lucky of Col Phote hy Ireland Beautiful Wedding at Brooklin Unites Elva Schloen, D. Thorley Amn Behloen and the of Mr Bridgetown On Saturday evening in St were Mi Wendy Mommas' Church, Brooklin, Five and Miss Linda Lee, They were Mary Jane Schloen became the gowned a ike in coral silk faille wide of David Garfield Thorley. on princess lines ith matching The bride is the daughter of Mr. how headdresses and other ac d Mrs, John Frederick Schloen cesories, They earried crescent of Brooklin and the bridegroom shaped sprays of pale gréen tint 18 the son of Mr, and Mrs, Thom: ed ehrysanthemums "= 8 Thorley of Fairport Bene h,!' Mr, Allan Deys was hest Pickering and ushering were Mr The Reverend £. W. Puller of: Schloen and Mr, William fleiated, Mr, John Smart of Osh: (ey awa played the wedding music,» oo00niinn neld at the and the soloist, Master Grant Gir: "me of the bride's parents, Res ward, Oshawa, sang 0 Perfect] ovine" (he bride's mother wore love and the 2ird Psalm pale orchid and gold brocade The bride was given in Mar: pei oied with mink, and a pink rege hy her father She wore a corsage, The bridegroom's mo dlassie gown on princess lines of ther chose Wace lace over taf white pure silk faille, with a lace feta with matching accessories embroidered yoke, jewel neckline and & MAUVE COTSARE: and sheath sleeves, A shepherd : ess cap of pearl-embroidered lace A$ the couple left on their held her fingertin veil of tulle honeymaoh fhe Mvide Wan Wear, Ire q ing a grey suit, ate 4 L illusion, She carried a spray of and Ril white accessories pale coral rosehuds over a white f prayer hook Mr, and Mrs, Thorley will re. The maid of honor was Miss turn to make thelr home in Osh: Awa, Susan Rose and the bridesmaids Drapery Magic By The Yard Dresses Up Plain Windows People who live In glass houses pleating hooks, All you do should clothe thelr windows, So stitch it to the top of the panel, should people who live in houses Fach of the prongs on the hook with small-paned windows, short are inserted into a pocket, The square ones and tall slim ones, [pleats appear like magic and a For draperies ave both useful locking device holds them In place If several panels of fabric are needed on a window, they should sign affect the appearance of a "cons together before the pleat wom, In fact, they're a majoring tape is applied, There's no item in the decorating budget need to cut off the selvedges There's a variety of fabrics for| just jon the panels together with (he housewife to choose from, To- a simple seam and press it open day the trend is toward draperies| Probably this 1s the last time which can be laundered and hung|these draperies will ever be on an up égain without ironing ironing board, Not even a touch Marquisette, batiste, taffeta, [MP will be needed after washing plain boucle and bouele prints are| When pressing hems, a steam all available in Terylene by the|lven is best, However, dry heal vad, They're long lasting and|!% fing if the ironing temperature easily laundered Ii kept low, Sewing (hread for Terylene| For laundering Terylene fab draperies should be of the same|rics, use lukewarm water and a fibre, The danger lasing cotton blue detergent, Take down the thread to stiteh~this synthetlo Is/ourtaing and shake out the dust that the thread might shrink, 1f they're really dirty, soak them where the fabrie will not. Alovernight in cold water, If not puckered seam would be the re: they go straight inte the tub, alt, When warking, With man: The way to avoid Ironing is to made [ibres, the thread tension| gy old wrinkling, Never wring should be Just a little Jooser WhaN| ehbm out == just lift them loosely the tension for cotton thread, The! ivom the wash Water and move beginning or end of a seam should |, or 10 the rinse. Do a thorough be back-stitehed, job 0f PINSING = grey Soap Suds One secret of success Is plenty in a fabric mean grey curtains man Peter Thor Was | and serve an important .decorat ing purpose, Their color and de Uomner Jo Adwinekle, Women's Editor Disl RA 3.3474 ! | B, W. Cook of atmosphere i | | THE OSHAWA TIMES, Mondey, October 31, 1960 15 PERSONALS Winners for the Mrs, Bva Wakely and Mrs nild Pike. For the most origingl Mrs, Soma Diachenko and Miss) Vera Siblock, For the most) come Mrs, Patrick Goatehel) and) Mr, Charles Lovell, Refresh ments were served by Lioneties Mrs, Rufus Lambert and My William Borrowdale THE STARS SAY By ESTRELLITA | COBLIIMES Were Hegi- (own guests pt the wedding includ Mrs, Horace Blake, Lee, Mr, and Mrs Mr, and Mrs, Wil Melntosh, Mr, and: Mrs Norman Hewett, all of Toronto and Mrs, Kenneth Cheslett Jarvis, Ont; Mr, and Mrs, Arthur Blake, Bearhorough Mr. and Mrs Taunton road, were party recently when 25 rela friends gathered cele with Out of ed Mr w and ¥ Ross Porter fiomored at @ we their them Sh t ft nome {o nate heir 2th wedding anmive B soca Mr Mrs, Porter were presented with a silver service and butler dish An aaniversa cake was pre sented by thelr daughter, Mrs Erie Seriver and a beautiful pot ted chrysanthemum numer ous cards were f distant friend Y. FOR TOMORROW A day for the off-beat and fan tastie; however, don't be imagin ptive shout obstacles in path, Count to 10 hefore men tioning what vou do not find with your wishes aereeahle Take a few setivities, biting 1] in ene off only THE. BIRTHDAY taomorro } Wir nadicates slarpalie ir inborn courage ambi tion, and have likel ood of making up financial sel hack may have had in preceding months I hour ana yr 8 and He on received nm hat vou « FoR If iw ho month f hirthday that support The Oshawa Airport as th scene of a successful annual Ha Joy sponsored by Court Whithy, 1443, and Court Motor, yo 1878, Oshawa, of the Canadian Order of Forester More 100 couples attended and wis won by Hallowe'en spirit. from the decorated stage of corn und lighted pumpkins tumed § who danced to music of Ivan Barrell and orchestra, Notable costumed "i rosty the darker Pochahonto: M realistic Vere » 0500p rns and rent e'en dance f you than the true 1 eRVES you Bi plan those the glad Bailors and who December know separate In at that time kill of sailors ond succes whether during be two alling the uring ht whether you f over the holidays, your and energy are likely fo and Mrs. be noticed and putting your best I dooriefforts into festivities would hy M Gordon therefore pay yon original, | were pre on December 21st | Whith During 1061 you your hasie ideals he channeled into measures and you can aid friend on a large seale heneficial to humanity A child born on this day great forthrighiness ve to learn patience, cruises fo the co holidays will to that there are I= fluences prey aheltin one in travel iravel Ime 1e i his [} ) mar the snow one ind for [OFS Were 3 and Leonard maiden Gordon KE ott WS WAS A 11 atthe Indian you vt George or Slay # hohe { 70% Von Dy arive Barks fper teh Leonard Ellioft yon Hes TL Vi Gordon wis V Bowmanville p i IFIZE 4 Elliott from roptn ant To especinll may change Sympathy can construetive yous he A ' the Hu moresque ening Io Club was held at the CRA as a masquerade party Winner of the door prize Miss Florence Werry and win ner of the game ' the p cel" was Mrs, D Armiste ocial or I will have hut Pass ar ad, Iwill ha Ww | two HAPPY LITTLE STEPHEN fon of Mr, and Mrs, Jo seph Simpson, Elgin street east, 1s Stephen Erie who cele Ww, 8 great Glenn, Oshawa, and Mrs Simpson, Whithy, and grandson of Mr, and Mrs, Fred EYE-CATCHING COSTUMES AT HALLOWE'EN MASQUERADE Al admired; The McKinnon Lady, , Was one of Lhe 0 via General Hos pital employees and stalf dance on Friday night wt the UAW Hall, this pair, in Spanish ¢Os« GROUPS, CLUBS, AUXILIARIES GOODWILL GROUP on Wedne The regular meeting of the ber 28 al Goodwill Group of Bimeoe Street! liam Adal United held in the church were 40, CHRIST present mem There her at the meeting of the The president, Mi Guild of Christ Memorial Church offered prayer, Migs Elsie Stain. on Wednesday, October 26 ton read the minutes, Mrs, Alfred, Mrs, R, A, Garratt read the Blandley the treasurer's re minutes and the financial report port, Mrs, Stanley Sargeant has was given hy Mrs, J DP. El charge of the chocolate sale to|liott and Mrs, George help raise funds for the renova-| president, welcomed a new mem tion of the Sunday Bchool and her, Mrs. H, A, Ward-Whate, The chapel, Mrs, Edward Hinkson| Parish Council report was given presided for the program, Mrs hy Mrs, Norman Millman, Orville Eagle led in the devor) The bazaar to be held in the tions, Miss Leah Garrow Becom:ioarigh hall on December 7 was panied hy Mrs, €, Worden, wang | dis ussed and the following mem solos, Mrs, Frank HIEEIN pepe wore chosen to have charge hottom gave two readings, Mrs. the various booths: Novelties, Frank Hortop played two plano|ares John MeCansh; haking selection Mrs, Ray Hobbs and Mrs, Gor All the past don Summers; sewing, Mrs, Roy presented with rosebuds, Refreshil pao "avs Alvin Hiltz and Mrs ments were served by Mrs, Ale Md Medibbon touch and take fred Hinkson and her committee, are * Avern Taylor Mrs, doh Meindiess, Miss {| It was announced that on No Stainton, Mr John Dyer an vember § Mr, W, I), Johns would Migs L, Stainton | speak to the various ehureh RAGLAN AUXILIARY [groups on Hillsdale Manor, New The October meeting of the|furniture for the ladies \ Raglan Ladies' Auxiliary was| room and meeting room was dis held recently with 21 present, | cussed Mrs, Charles World offer Mr, Douglas Boldue was pres were much sandy thie | tum matador | and the darbara Henry Spanish Mis Novem Mrs, Wil evening day the home Chureh was parlox including CHURCH AFT, WA I'here former John Dyer {AVE presidents were ered to attend to the Invitation ent and gave a talk on his week and advertising for the December at the Hoy Beout camp near Hal bazaar The recent rummage thurton this past summer sale at Simcoe Hall wa reports Bruce Luke reported that|to have been very successful fi the Girl Guides and Brownies nancially Tea hose HOS Were held thelr first meeting on Mon rs, Willlam Gibble and Mrs day evening Gordon Summers It was decided to hold a Wear ver demonstration in the hall early in December Girl Guide group ecommitiee HIGH STANDARDS Of 1,200 entries for the annual purchasing material, hats, belts fall art exhibit in Oslo, Norway and ties for Guoiders in 1060, only 122 were accepled The next meeting will be held! for showing, Leland, Trenton, and Mr, and | Mrs, Redney Glenn, Campbells ford, Photo by Hornéhy brated his first birthday on Oc tober 18, Stephen is the grand. son of Mr, and Mrs, John GLECOKT SUPERMARKET of Mllness in the fabrie, For mar quisetie, curtains three times the width of the window is best other fabrics twice the should he sufficient, A boon to doslbsyourself curtain maker: 1s the pleating tape now or width With this easy care your new ourtalns will give years of wear HOUSEHOLD HINT Keep the bottom of your double holler fram burning out hy put ting a few marbles in with the 174 Ritson Rd, S, = Open Daily to 10 pm, Specials! Mon., Tues.,, Wed. allahle for y rape avallad © fo wl a ut Srapos walter before turning on the fire 108, iA sturdy tape With when water gets too low, marbles pockets woven into it to hold the will become noisy i Jillian. Mae Marsh SCHOOL OF DANCING D.EA.--M.D.A. Ballet, Tap, Toe, Character, Baton, Acrobatic, Kinderdance and Pre-School, FRIDAY & SATURDAY at the MASONIC TEMPLE 91 CENTRE STREET, OSHAWA Information: RA 3.7253 6-QT, BASKET SNOW APPLES ... 59° BREAKFAST BACON .. 59° SWIFT'S PREMIUM ~ SKINLESS 49+ L8 PORK SAUSAGE LB 65* i (With Valuable Coupon) BUTTER FIRST GRADE 49+ ALL SIZE SILVER SPREAD ON HAND LIKE BUTTER PUMPKINS GALORE! 2, 33 as 3 00 MADE FROM SKIM MILK LB, BREAD FRESHLY SLICED CARTON CIGARETTES Shop and Save at GLECOFF'S "GAGS and GALS" Did you ever hear the gag about the mother who put in a hurried phone call ta the doctor? anxiouw "Doctor," she cried, "Junior has just swollowed my fountain pen!" "What can | do tll you get here?" The doctor Why he using a pencil?" was calm asked don't you try All of which leads us to a similar problem that we aften tor in our busi Infants who swallow fountain pens are not in our line, but scarcely a week goes hy hut what we hear from some customer who phones us anxiously te find out it we found so-and-so or such-andssuch in his or her pockets It may seem a bit obvious to remind you that you w= ye you and everybody else ought ta check all pockets in all garments before they send them ta the cleaners, It may sound as obvious as reminding you to always release the hand broke befe driving oft in your car, But you'd be ed how many pec to the ¢! ers without ng the pocke And sometimes | like having a souvenirs from other people's pockets, re Surpr ple send clothes check t feel fatherly chat with Of course we hold anything we find and moke sure it is returned to its owner, but the whale thing is a problem, just thé same, And every now and then we have te point out that we're in business to clean clothes, not to gather girls lipsticks in the pocket slacks, u could see what a smeared lipstick a garment, pleased when the iy wou who leave ' of their d understand why we're I din OPEN DAILY TO 10 P.M. SLEPA Ly epee TNE ANT Ae 5 a splendid attendanc | Afternoon | Fletcher, | lounge | prize winners, The dance was vell attended and most of the dancers were. fn costume TORMENTOR cp) children's the Bath cattl YOUNG BATH, England complaints during about haviour how water into a pig's ear, I nicians made purple dye Among he- one 'woman sald she saw a small hoy pour a cup of hot Once For Royalty 'Today's Rich Purple Is For Everyone Purple Is popular (his Costs, suits, dresses (underwear are appenring this color once reserved for the Roman emperors Symbol of pomp and power, this imperial color has a long his tory, f Fifteen centuries BC the Phoe They had discovered the secret of a | Mediterranean shellfish, When its (yellow Juice was exposed to (he sun it changed through all the colors of the spectrum til it final ly remained a brilliant and un fading purple. But they had to crush so many thousand shellfish for so little dye that purple was only for the rich and the mighty The high priests in the femple of the Israelites wore purple | robes and so did the Greek gen {erals, The Roman emperors {Caesar and Augustus both fall even in none but | £m wese the pwrp Under Nero, the wearing even the sale of purple punishable by death In those earlier centuries there were only two suthentie shades of royal purple a dark bluish shade, and the deep red Tyrian decreed that peror might and Were "purple Today the world of fashion has at its disposal a variety of shades from the palest eycipmen to the most vivid fuschia These modern dyestufls are synthetic, and are manufactured hy an industry that owed its foun dation to William Perkins dis covery of the first synthetic dye incidentally a purple shade Mauveine Synthetic dyestuffs have made it possible for every woman lo wear the emperor's mantle BERMUDA FRUIT The first bananas ever seen in England came from Bermuda and were exhibited in London in 1633 e RONALD BILSKY, B.C, Chiropractor CHIROPRACTIC AND ULCERS . A of Chiropractic care under How ulcers N uch a condition respond Let sibility cose ever! would us with Chiropractic? ine vestigate the pos What ulcers? An increase of acid production the a sed production of lubris fluid by the producing res just like you if you stuck your finger in a tray of acid produces e system or by digestive cating same, would produce Which is more logical an ta thi First, we approach roblem? PF F There are two could regulate our: diet so as to pro duce as few eorrosive products as possible or take foods which would counteract the over pro duction of enzymes, or second. we might look for and diss the ly cover the cause of, or why not produc of digestive system | 1 normal amount its kn that W body the We function | b Whe ng i all by \ over the pathways, operly nerve not function cers, it of the the brain to n the dy is in ul } due 10 a cutting oft nerve force from the body parts, Chiropractic lumn, the f the spinal ¢ r this On this principle of pracs tice, Chiropractors have sought out and corrected the cause of Under a recer® Chiros rese it cent ulcers rch program 0.2 found that per ¢ much ime proved under Chiropractic } Have you tried Chiropracs One of a series of articles pubs lished in the public interest te explain and illustrate the praes tice of scientific chiropractic, by Ronald W, Bilsky, doctor of Chiropractic, whose office @ located ot 100 King Street Bast (Plaza Theatre Building), Telephone RA 8.5156, Reductions MARTENS 3rd Starts Tomorrow 20 to 50% ON Top Quality Furs quality fur jackels CHINA MINK Dyed .... BLACK PERSIAN LAMB GREY PERSIAN LAMB ,,., '287 MUSKRAT pitied o.oo 339 287 287 quality fur coals PERSIAN LAMB PAW COATS MUSKRAT BACK COATS HOLLANDER "FEATHERLITE" DYED '287 BLACK PERSIAN LAMB v § 387 NATURAL "STEEL SHADE'-~MINK TRIM GREY PERSIAN LAMB COATS '495 HOLLANDER "FEATHERLITE' DYED : Brown PERSIAN LAMB COATS *578 '149 Oshawa's ONLY Quality Fur House The more you know about Furs , , , the better you will recognize the Big Values at MARTEN'S! \ Easy Budget Terms ATs FURS 75 KING E. -- Opjiosite Genosha Hotel