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The Oshawa Times, 31 Oct 1960, p. 21

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r-- 44---Houses, Apts, Flots {#daRooms For Sent {$5shioul Site bor Bs A5~Reol Estate For Sole (Res) Wiiets tor Sol | [47 Automobiles for Sele po--Avidigs for Sele | THE OSHAWA TINS, Mondey, Ocscber 31, 1960 21) For Rent wniirnisied of LA aw or FEIYATE, porn - i 5 Vert Wocttion 1b Ih cudom Bee ie Sov ed LA EEE: $0--hrticles 1 for Sole ER GO ei oT Tt VE Bd de wz Douglas L. Gowen 22: cdo 5 ph ne Ln hy 50--Ar a Tr a Era te tre Fe ode i bry owed, 9 Wh REALTOR EL WEE MEE 10M RORILBERE, SEGRIME QF (gama a) Saiki pn 51 BoA sp this cle five room, Ph Hersy A bat We FHing aah, BY E ROW. lean, KF 9 Hosp private 5 i one gp Pv oA Nr stas, Rand! 41 GLADSTONE AVE Be an 8 Lotfaws. 75 Abert (race, parking space. Aoply IH Ben THR, TVG worker, owner fesring) evepiige. Hislow M al. ih $9008 oH _AVERss ky, wh wien seh farmiase. BA BILL AY; 00m frome, geregs, hot FARE two Ak WARN fossa, Wie Joris WF FER FURNISHED , Ae er MONTY lo sasty, Sram] WONS esting Verge borg bo tenes rs AY harnts; ih v i ie AE Ww poco pos Ports, V/s pram pied Pu we, Leib nnsg 5a Co oiieh Buna iow, $9 fod Ws So $76.60 560, hn dd A. ' aii & HE Witahen. well Aucosstan, EBAradn B08 OXF furmiehed ioe 4 Br Shed on, A reihous Neal Estni low down QoL oem patie, $00 mowiiby. Aol RA BVI slsn one afl bsmichal Bei som 5 BA a Po yments $65.00, wiles § pm #1 SIR are Drive: Apple Hill, lorge 3-bedroom UNFURNISHED ty ia8 [LJo0m besemint HOLRE REV ING Fam (oF wae oF #| E Carer, 4 " ld ver vine LOTS FOR SAL brick bungalow, tostehilly fraser Ava Hey So y rs a #i 14 aad End oh a] deciroted, landscaped BIORE (or rent, imate Busst, Wel ONE lsrie borvished howe tl) (inG SY, € & ROGAAND RD, lot, foaded LM $13, jo Ye? Bnei WA Walsr, H ota hed Baring Ho swilalie 107 room apt Lee per HER CHAR 4 £490, = n Poye ® he, wher small basness. BA G4045 ser Apply 10% Bing Hire West $60.00 per fost. WHA, opr Gsonaiie dom ment, $67.00 per month ony Wowie, seven Fi ps ee a, " | damit Eas y 4 5 om SINGER for { wae Hf pitch proved. Builders 16m, principsl, interest and 197s, in 21s, Pow Tr is : og J ue : NOTICE pace hath. BA 37598 ROOK In provite home dr 24 visa? ESTATE fa od decorate? Joe snot De Tn " RAVE bs oH, p os Aone, MITRAL we thirepom perimnl| orng ya ok ueptieman. WWE 19640 VW yy ry As 0 pricks RE ¥ Arn REAL 73 Tw | THE VOTERS'LIST dronm bend slow Whelien wi fine, capt rdl, clean TREES in fr dining rom, Iw pi boy Brig ih | Med sigid JONES wen Ath broom brick, ettached sD pA A | Bn' slate (i ne pe rt a] ACT 1952 WRER Foims ond hash or ent, ol | Roly 18) Tondee is y with easy monthly Sioa en a pr : TUREE rooms THREE-BEDROOM | 175% = abr opie AORSY, WOVER = Khree bedrooms, ol iF 4 mortacae, corks $80 months 1) South G63, and schools. P WH pas . ur BE, CGFNE ' Month payment required with full (wow Sve oom i EB 2 voTERy LIST 1960 of the Su 98 Var F gis. Insurance Associates Lid fz 2 He hatheom, hing od of the Voters' List Act 1952 house, oll heating, ol ' A ¥ A LARGH FOR BUYING POWER {for five vomm hungslo the list of oll persons entitled BIN We 4 ' 3 Be Birk 4g Wi 4 W 44 ) 3 schonl and shopping, Ask for Henry Bon Ihroughout Lf gv Texaco, BA Hy of icipal Elections end NORTH AREA arb pm rea vend pan bel Swat} h % WoT & Hovel Yorers 10 take immediate pros ih or Wo I . , # ted on 6 nicely landscaped 4 is, 1408 oF best : or ¢ {Orme OF . a J, on Hane Joa condi on, ¥ MUST sell. deep (reeie, sulomatic| peries, poner ie Woda' tol af for eppeels being the 14th TH VDLKEWAGEN Aetuxs, Wack, 74 456 Phillip Murray Avenus, om ree ' Biome very, € ale ang lle | GEORGE FARNCOME, Clerk a" ; A . fd bungalow, very nicely decor WA B4108 miter om, ! ih 4 reugnout. butternut tim, fruit trees, lot BO x 138, 6% mortgage on this brroom |" MONAKET we door hardtop, aula | condition, Telephone OL in top residential district forced gir oil heating, hard- WT MONAROR senvertibie, Wary condition. Phone RA 33080 SELLING Tarnilure? wer CTR AND OTHERS down, reasongble monthly [Weawery on Wing: leash *lovilh, Tite tierdle, 80797 trance, pear | jen land Is a new brick bungalow, ready for o6 Very large 3-bedroom pungs motor. Dave, | mattress, like new, KA ons 1 All / FOUR - ream apariment, self-contain treet -- TRI-LEVEL west section of the city, For just for you with many attrac: rm---- rere ---- OHRIBTMAR tress, pruned, Se on| City of Oshawa, in the FIGHT pom house for rent. Phone f and need more ream this is dining rooms, built-in vanity jove # le oe bi Diy yar, Bouth aller 4 p.m ] 1:4 pe. and 1:2 pe, hath New four-raem Brick bung tures), exhaust fan in kitchen, For any choice clean car VYAOUUM cleaner re 7) makes, wi Stainless send in fo: the undesnmed MODERN dove, fr sol ARETE, it hom . wa uli | 2 son Cringe ox Baier. WI pia Lr il RA 5.6412 gh B-1566 ogc, must be oid 1 5 a ie Wie Tool le 3 wonilily, SeoRrate 1 4 J etl Aven {Aid lasue uniurmishn yng 0 A a : ] pri 1 Ae is 4 voy Ng Bens 1 1 BLIN ) ray tal Hast" wrens ws, 9 BRICK BUNGALOW | pages toe EE ovr He : ime #7 dod ivonsndhbu ep Section 12 NEW five - 0mm house Ir rem at Inia Woe, A BH ee miriam y ed & ge It, patio i F A : to Wad Weel, $95 mommy. C0 WA Gi damn supine] 0 choice northwest distny, | Revel. Ie en, triste BC po } Clerk's Notice of First was hi pi gof : 2h § we i excellent for school Va A Jess Joy b k eae LL A ¢ 74 A res) buy, Reasonable down Bi Lh wi x. "F RATION Serr Posting of Voters' List large wnlyy £12300. BA 5.5801 0 | wind [ 1 THRE lorie upluspished 100 bik vent. 2 ' /, price of $13,800 One 6% |b Jn Phone aRyLIRe, gi, He Re ray WCE THA XA [Ld rote ben, food rentenf SAM MITRAL od Fou } mortgage of $82.00 per 14 Wh hn 4 3 eer, 4 ol fon wy | ' wek| of EAST WHITEY, #vailable Imined He, B/ i by ' : wk Wand c month principe), interest end rif one marge wh lor Wigner {irons 2 id Pd : 4 ess. 1009, Lovely Bedroom Woh BoM INTY OF ONTARIO; 7 wake, BRAWOG the 54 PA [ll bbe Cuan mial r Co . 5 BOOP ioe. doing thom and Br: oom 4 » 'ne SCHOFIELD pone wore, ; ro Jace ane hl Lis Mer bom yA , 7 Eh Fr Notice is hereby given thet § "a, wh Call RA B-465) on iv rei 4 PPh uidit A MR gions whom! Fi Wy wa a | hove complied with section 9 My Mary Clarke Pat Patterson | mambo Bist na, lee Ath so ob. A ys nd thet | have posted ve nd | WO Bur bed rooms, suit | WF AF ! Ro Prak ary Clorke of Potter abl, , PIV y WETEOR conch, W4 att SE (and 6 ® posted up In 7 2 RAE. pEG AKER: Pres . Ossie Martin Selly Wallace | ih dar Weeds minor reps, Phone Drone KA |WIAG ie a i Vi lrvd, x 0 Church treet o my Office, at Columbus, on ng. BA 370 3 A i MeEETERD=YiEa drm, | Keown wien a oH Bi ibd Jada, (36a 00k codfs, AT wonton. Wo| the Ios dav of October 1960 . ' '1 Is makes, End of Owhaws. TAC e or twe. FP | AS A STREET | CAL DOUG GOWER Hon wih he thsi ect wkd one bo 1 |' o SURRET Raver, | Fartion, fl oh ETA soe the ey ney ey wer i _ rr - y ' a so ; wr MON sth Ioieed # ALR #1 G yole In Es unicipals bond nd Wed Fudd convement oh GME Hedon Ton wekup, verteol CORBI 5 pir Lad Ld i a 7 7 the so) inieipa JOHN A Stinson, evenings BA S045. Behotield A8011; aller 7 pm. KA bah Kewwoon, mis maser Someta. Whe piipid fd gn pH {hen thet such list remains there Inauranee Assn, BA SHIH 0 WASH Metsopalitan, ney. AE LS 4 A repisle, Ne fpnesima for inspection 4 BOLAHOOD | eaonomicnl, bent oiler pd RA Fi 11 WINDOWS, all pes Io 4 foots, bua ha feluity And | hereby call upon all ne LE ol " ERNE § y er $ lps. 1, 9 + ay ' £ / 4 L { 0¢ Wo y rected Ge | " ent, 1 Crayon Ro bar end bul Ir | REALTOR INSURANCE W., large brroom home whe 8 VOWTTRIT Baio Cet, Tadio, Wonk | Wnese, hodies, Kovty oY mony ow Tabie, a. enave, Dvondtentn, teks det. cording 19 ow, The last day MONERY bachelor op 3 Ie PHARINIER McFeelers Y | for 686" x 176'. Owner will ler, Phone BA washer and dryer, six months od, five |ete, No dente oni pp Dew ap . 4 5 724 Ters, 167 SIMCOE S. give immediate possession on |i PONTIAG we di terrific mri yenr warranty. Best offer, OF, S901 | EOED ve fies, 1 ast oh Ed o md | day of Movember, 1960 poe Elrest Noy mn / 4 ¥ this 9-year-0ld home which i ld trade Wn. Apply SEVEN Paes kitchen suite, only thies Dated this 31st day of Noy: TERRIFIC RANCH RA 5-6544 features oak and tile floors, | Adelaide Fas months' oid, LiFGuaIse Felis ior call Blo "Si ih » fen rims. ember, 1960, BUNGALOW oil heating, garage, Koolvent |Z 2 pris flog t one block 1 $9,900 FULL PRICE 9 wings Sacrificial price of fu Viel Met § pm Howe a) A To fem. ave wr a om orth 1500 sa. It. of Spacious five-room elapbosrd $11,800 with $1,800 down, |/55 DODGE, two-tone Fadia, ha down cont facket heaters, in working condi: fore 4 p.m, KA ¥ Columbus, Ontario 600 sq y PATER (oka Over pOVmERS, 007 n|lion_ Best offer, RA 54560 1000 18 i rude motor, excellent October 28th, 1960 00dloom ated inside and out, Six nice N.H.A. RESALE month, RA B1738 before § pm. FILTER Queen vaewum oa asner, Wom fandilian. wi No aan of seRson, -- k radia, |COLEMAN space Loy good condi: |SEWING machine, salesman Bing de NOTICE ols all close, home is neat brick bungalow on Sun Yelley |TaKe sid) li and clean 95 9 pin, Located Drive, completely decorated, 83 sondlion, private, BAO Burk Blreel, Lion. Telephone RA S47 mansivaior, Whose guiekly, Wwe only TO CREDITORS J o y {A WE Taree Dus Therm spken Renter, | ih SAL Mr. Kabhie . A 2 tenen AMAIA #1 Call Howard McCahe af RA wood and tile floors. Full |equipped, only $245 down and § frigerntors, TV's, wae [ . rie | ed | nd ove m off kite p (month, Ven Heusen Motors, opposite EH, Do, frome ratte wel, be | CRN le, For to Hh b. FR oa ren hs homme 18 tony fo SSS? Moo Hh York sathrooms, ful base. | B-6944 or 34164 gre 113.200 wen 83.008 Uris oA 1S st Sr FE 00 IN THE ESTATE OF Wrwet, veut, 1,.0il heating, Attached fe g IME? Sah front wheel, Bins for ont ole 10, MODEL A Fora and bow (railer, HA ris se) apartment, (wo FOAMS. | Nil : y 0 Ve hee his quali finn bungal v v, IKE A NEW HOME? payments 45--Automobiles. Wanted ile ful pr x, man's over: | 902) FRANK FOSTER WELCH, bathroom, a orn only. BA igh cooking facili ; sich fuated on ae ) or only 4 ner, undercoat: | COB! Wie ORDER Token Tor Worm # hai, wood a bathroom, shetainers on} y d d on acres of own this fives-reem modern EXCLUSIVE My 4 = (1 nl 41a Kart less | THREE qua rier continental , Seria ky Wi estimates, terms Contractor, Deceased BHREE - rom fist, private eniranis {Hllleralt Birest 24 x 36. Call Henry ¢ persons having claims mode kitchen, free parking, adults wo nari rnikhes keep edb , ry + BY cupaney In two weeks, Le low on Seneca 5¢. on lot LAKESHORE Auln Wreckers have ears (CONTENTS of house 2: AN omit ls i 4 eine, nearly Tels RA B80 15on, evenings, RA B:0244 he desirable north ( § | king. Highest prices paid, R radio, all articles In exes! , for wale hi v best oifer,| gaint the Estate of Frank hans BoA d caled in the desirable north x 180', designed and built for Jyree ng. Hig i Pp comin PTR Ta RU 8 NY Poser, Welch, late of the ed, Lwnplece private bathroom, aval loNE fu ed yous el} ins II Antheny Sib 1 features includ built ter x Pg 5176 milo oly 20 4 Fas spection ea \ntheny Sik ive features including bui f Whith: Wo 790 ' able now. RA 87763 wit lady or gentlems If yeu have a growing family Took, 'RA 8.6544 or 5.4362 in valanee bow in fiving ond CA H rok are [A Jhres eabin trol roll sump, Ve # County of Ontario, Confroce w dll Swop & Porter -- about the 10th day of May, Of Tanke, pp Fessure wvalemn, Oiree:| 1960, are hereby notified to BA Bd64 gr apply 836 Ritson Read ONE fen) gm fog Gentleman. | she home for you, 4 bedrooms COURTICE nathan melodie Renter Rereiee, Hy Phan ithee Vii Edie. ob TWO separate ) # ac ation Ample kitchen and cupboard low, garage, three qcres level gleaming cak and tile floors foe eit oh "il E Junta: y ¢ Lk and 4' chime 1g LA has! HeBSI0 ne RA Bais haard wl. I n ow, garage, th § y ) ; 4 nes, SENTLEMEN = good meals, lunches Apply 300 1a Salle Es ace, with L shaped living land, 48' chicken eoep, Only double Pierson windows, A MACKIE MOTORS Han, 18, Vastum loaner ir por fawn moweras altos WH, Chi Viens Personal Representatives of Sepaciied, home privileges. Fhane KA nd dining reem, Fully land $9 600, good VLA, deal. To steal at $12,900 g fee; RA 80891 anytime Md Sink ob Bh Kinds WH. Ton i" ark) the said deceased on or her "B:2708 45--Real Estate for O09, § y / KING §T, E. VARCOE'S RD, fore the 30th day of Movems Sale scaped with patio at rear ~-- gs II Antheny Sibleck, -- bam CAFTIARE, or fit FOUR 5 Foi arimenis, Wie Bath, | §iiii J sot tevel Wim! Located Neh West mid inspect £4 both | anal 198 | § Ze ber, 1960, full particulars of ponteal Toad, weIvait Shtrance, Jo: fon, DOWN, Chiining yous | of the ey, € on for $9600 | RA D694 or D4362 LLOYD AYERS HOUSTON'S GARAGE (Fes, wie To Welephans BA eh Ahegel | heir cioime, Immediately seh Bosca, Realtor, RA 5.0870 tinting. Only 811.600, Joseph Boseo WHITAY = two hodsogm spain, Heatior, RA 5 067 per, month principle, interes $800 DOWN REALTOR--RA 3-2254 | AND SERVICE STATION [mekes of stn if es Fin lt ERNEST MARKS, Q. C. | Bervonel' Repeosentatives 'will stove and refrigerator, Balcony, 1aun and taxes, Call Russ Reeve, Storey and @ half, Six [we 10, RIAYARI HH e Avy facilities, parking, TV antenni evenings RA 5:4840 e Bon -- BRAKE SPECIALISTS, COM- washer md [1 eH Creditors and others havi distribute the ossets of the : roams, redecorated, hardwood 47 Automobiles for Sale PLETE BRAKE SERVICE het, hh mpion. fo Vi Slaims against the esigte ol said deceased having regard LAUR, Ack E OBBS, only to claims of which they Gregory's and OC V1. This aint oo hire 3 bedroom home is an excel APARTMENT SUITE PUBLIC car auction, every Balurday SPOT CASH hi ih fra hy Vy Jan reed lot located close ta Sf cliffs, RA 5-6544, | lent buy ot only $10,200 16 SUITES 16 10 a.m, Approximately 100 ears niles PAID FOP condition SPACIOVE Three : roam apartment kitchen, ail Li gd gusellems condition, ea hithy, MO GENERAL REPAIRS aity go Street Bouth' In apartment ares, THEN CALL YOUR MOVER| Hiuated on a large nicely one agreement. Call Bill Rate | 80 Ava vil of SHR HE pie 67 Pr TN I hinay We Tequited 10 band fu full parte DATED af Oshawa this 27th hrea pooms and hath, in auiet home hospital, available now, all conven! Regsen for selling to close an for wale by suction, Free admission PAINT, inlerior, extarier i Faiion,| AD, 1960, after which date WELCH, | ; nings RA B:8423 schools and transport. Open [6% CUSTOM Ford sadeh, bale, "Tender DoDD R SALES i) Bireet, hr 1) claims that have been res By theri soliciton, Hints In good condition. Phones KA 34 RARK RD, §. ton, nd Teruel ed ceived MeGIBBON & BASTEDO, Apply Apt, 10, 101 Craydan Road. MO J #4281 LLOYD RE Al | Y MARY STREET and tile floors, uptodate |G OHEVROLET six se ny Bemall MOTOR TUNE:UP AND bis wi ov arn efovbid pnd desarsed, Wm | LIST WITH LLOYD 6 room brick 134 storey home fe oY ot ul ft late a the Cy of Oshawa, shall then have notice, bamboa drapes included. KA & 1908, Aol FURNISHED hase ment apartment HOUSE HUNTERS ante rade stel i. on GIRL'S white figure dn undersigned, soligitor for the doy of October 1960, teal. RA 80600 after 6 i" ( n wy 1 foo Adewinistratrix, on before DONALD WILLIAM wonten after § p.m | ) og nd A Bd | SIACIOUR Tour-raom ARAFIMEnt, REY £1.000.00 bu hi 1 | ences, Na ehiidren. HA 53068 4 12 vear ol y 1a estate. Far further details sall Top location, lose te Simcoe | Oahawa Car Auction, 88 Grenfell, BA| Good clean ears, Trade wp [AIL eolor Gussehiesd, al wi. | the Estate's assets will be diss WAREHOUSE space, approximately 600) d cond V | Bon Stradeski daytime RA North, just steps to shops, |#MH or down, ae gpd eel Thawn Hardware ny foot tributed having regard only to Executors 1, f. mein_floar, seaivel. BA Fg whl ni Will : ol 1} | 314449: Fran J ' ta offer, Call now, iw ot shirts, twa tone hiack hile, Wi ATE exchan| IMMEDIATE OCCUPANCY eis | $8,900.000, | List Co-op . Through This Bill Swarbrick at RA 85-6544 RA 3.942) 13 he Attractive twa bedraem aparts e Bill Millar at RA Office or 5.8342 : 'W5 PONTIAD sedan Laurentian, radio Bivest HA Wil, oi wil hm SANESY MARKS, QC, Barristers & Solilictors, ment, Hellywoed kitchen, 2 vy Jiaier in wood eondiion Phone §0--Articles For Sale Tursings Ls ow 17 King §t, East, 20 Simcoe Street North, embers of Qshawa and Member of Oshawa end R swinkb hadi d NTR, foy electrically equipped, bread: : : g Members of TENTH, camp sloves, riesllv squint 6 ROOMS FOR OWNER District Real Estate Board, | District Real Estate Board, |e VOL KRWKGEN dela ON FTN on NE ami iWon and i wp paula, : seeping [7 ilu, "al Oshawa, Ontario, OSHAWA, ONTARIO, logr drap: aytler, d, ¥ oh lasker hot water and parking PLUS HAY wilee af oh hor 1' Bm: ; on Mires | ob nth fre "Flor, "ond Hiectrier " "ahureh, busset, RAB ALi das S00 YA piggte | 9 ROOM APARTMENT | SACRIFICE SALE re, gers uno gn, on ws AmNuM wiNcows TELEVISION LOG before | P.M, or after 5 PM J - vately built home with double 429 MILLER ST. ih Tv ai wood condition len, fh i DIRECT FACTORY PRICES CHUR-TV Channel li=families CBLTTV Channel 6=Toronie twa car garage, twa natural | sedan, malie ] FREE {replaces paved 2,000 dawn and one menthly payment of $85,00 per manth [Bawer setring, o po ide i dei et er vy oo oh MANLEAG TOR VA ad WGRTV Channel BBuffale WHEN-TV Channel é=Buffale 2 weeks fent in very modern r more information Call Mill | will buy this immaculate six-raam bungalow with attached gar rewery on K hk ft Gk hl : NO OBLIGATION WKBWTV Channel TeeBuftale, WROCTV Channel S=Rochesier ons "Bedroom cecriment with Mi lar at RA 8-512 190. Located in the Nerth West area, decorated, fireplace, extra |i RENAULT, do ator, Tk Tike AL ly ressare, $46, Wilson's Porniture, Colonial Aluminum Sales . : : tool and shower in basement, storms and screens are among the [anly $58 down a BF hasan te s RA Bodé 14 MONDAY 01s AM Sater Tt baleany, 108 Craydon Rd Lloyd Real § eaITOrs | exiras, Immediate possession hitson ators, opposite Lh "» " LJ Soil Ti NA 8 A SL EVENING wn Un Kangire Fe Whitby, Phone RA 8:3143 - x Bra lef Call Charles Smith, Day RA 8:1679; Evenings RA 8.8254 oP ATE A TRI Save TEV | nn 0 (I hd N ALUMINUM DOORS 5100 PM. : "Simos Si kta Cat wan, WA 'Lane i Ca Wi) CAND WINDOWS! |jzgini fats, La 7 i, HE hoy MO 8-4770 01 Sin | . iain | HARRY MILLEN 0 PLYMOUTH for loon, Tada, hab hi! a Hoi rite, n fhe oo Ru Special Reduced Price, pun Toa aur Whe Nr of, Rew white walls, mechanically [fuse Sore, RA 3-9871, ii Sine AM. Rare rd Fil | 2 E good, alse 'SE Mayflower ohaty (rans: ; a or We Sell, Cash fils PM, A - WHITBY CLASSIF] mn | RA ECs I ey I A Chto |i | Eide, Re ¥ Ll nm v " LR P. M. Ame hati un Toa Learn nm J I'm XE "radio, heater, extras 846 UICK SERVICE M, fe i Daan A---- " award Stpeet between 4 an " CHRISTMAS TREES CALL FOR Q I=Rarly 8 B=-Hus) r' VY suk tien OPEN HOUSE -DAILY 1-9 RIAD de fa ai PRUNED OR SHAGS ALEX VAIDA ERE Ly pie" "He AM | ule kan - ROOMS 0 BRENT W \ ed ar, OR RENT f ned house | i (41 y A gollent eondition, new tires adtiou orh |exgelien i By * ride FE] 3 : (3-43 during business hours | Seotgh Pine and Red and : ondneoher M, $558 DOWN $558 |'88 OHEVROLEY, Bs gi four White Pines, Any size, Ab. 48 BREW 81. RA 3 988) ahi Is 1010 AM, wt arty Show 6 room brick homes $10,500.00 and $10,800.00, $63.80 per Sonn on ory Pease sow Rl selutely lowest Relées Fowler SALE pont Splay Your Huneh ~ Playhouse Five th pl 1080 s feet 1 | 1150 ar Soren, 306 King W., RA High Patrol vies Village d=Big Map Show manth plus taxes, 1050 square feet bungalows or, square WN or STH ane io he. a loss 1685. P i oe le NY nh M, a feet full two stories; completely modern with all the iroy ond mater Dave, BA hal re ba a oon _u hi ately LA. post | 1=Movaing Shaw top quality construction second ta none, Stevenson's Rd. Jouth, a i NEMORILE Tour P Aulam Ta he ity Is HH opp ne Loblaws, Oshawa Shopping Centre tad inh a b, ory Sloan SEE HOME APPLIANCES Be ly wise, LL LE) = ri Luey WATCH YOUR MAIL FOR MORE INFORMATION wn a lly sapped. adin, po 920 SCE Suh $18. Coll now [EE New PM steering and Brakes, 'we lone, RA Li Aluminum Co. iG : nl SE News LLOYD REALTY LTD REALTORS bos nia-- FOR FRIGIDAIRE yar, Numi Uniiey. Brinkley Ne SALES AND SERVICE RA 8-5385 haw a N y RA 8-5123---RA 8.5124---RA 8-5125 BUYING OR SELLING SEE Bomatte A 5.53 Ci A oo x Hy » Fad ni ane Re 101 SIMCOE ST, N. : TED CAMPIN All aluminum produets == , windows, shower doo 00 PM, MOTORS Satis, wus. shaee doors A Daye hig {ro H=Family Theatre A F=lave "hat Rob tty alone. f=Roven-n.ane | bdo Duns ' 1 PM, M - A L F a " gn CLEARANCE or airy ee, SH, has "oh N. House = Allen RA 34494 Res. 5.8574 SALE =D ear how 18 | Ravhus, Show Aluma Seal Co. ERNE RM | pee Wont REAL ESTATE LIMITED CASH Fine Fumiture == Floor Sam» RA 5.9365 ANYTIME =k 00 Rikol rE (A. 11=Wi Tie BAL 40 KING ST. | DIAL RA 8.4678 FOR YOUR CAR RR RUIN mp -- oy he |e PM Rah Mant show NORTH BAST SECTION | VAN HEUSEN | thane Stes eaves [FOOD & FREEZER Ey --. NORTH E oy ! Suites, Occasional Fumiture; L N Ru tatte Six =Mavie pHi. no BM, Three bedroom, brick | V4 storey, excellent location for schoals, MOTORS Washers, Dryers, Freeaers, PLA de T= Anout [ty Mystery ' | - R23 pping, transpertation. Well decorated, landscaped, broad Ranges You may have tried the rest Lt) Wi Farge fm o Millers ia a Wa are ol all aw 3 ha 4 hot x bint 1) CAN prices pal far vied furniture, | * \ al loom in living room. Full price $11,500.00 with $2,000.00 149 KING ST, Ww. --| All at 30% Discount Now try the best, {Exam le | i re Ed ER ni Show po tele." Midiown \ ' i \ down, remediate possession | average family of v 6 i14=My Sister BY 1 M. Reoeh Stent North, MO. 8498 'Sig wAshinE Tas \ AROOK . 'SABYAN MOTOR [Free Delivery-Budget Terms per wh. covers food and freeas | Sa Risndine een ER He Ie-Fiont Page TIRNTION hunters! For te Mt | Furr iture, HI ioe Novi, MO BROOKSIDE ACRES i " or), 80% groceries supplied, | +--DARRY Thomas 2100 8 ge 1 ' ern and spacious 6 ream ranch bungalow with double SALES LTD The County Fair all well-known products, high |, 0 Wh ar Wm Conn han Gillin garage. This home is a jewel with its many fine modern ' ost quality meats, bifestime | Feadventutes i ai Helene Sha Ll 0) PM, appointments such as Jalousie windows, twindows in living room STUDEBAKER, VOLKSWAGEN MILLBROOK warranty freezer, the only Paradise S=Drama Series 1he=Framt Page wl built-in stove and oven in the large bright Kitehen, Built-in SALES and SERVICE OPEN DAILY EXCEPT one guaranteed by Good Ba hig \ a 118 } and broadloom in the living and dining oem. The 334 RITSON RD. SOUTH THURSDAY -- EVENINGS Housekeeping. No down pays | $3=Dane' = ry Soho) Call MS \ y \ bedrooms are large with loads of cupboard space, the large OSHAWA, ONT ment. Call now for Demons 10:00 P.M, ERITH TANKS © RPA ¢ ¥ ¢ 3 oom and the living oom 23° x 13 with Tel: RAndolph 346) WED, FRI, & SAT, stration == no obligation Cha Slanwyes yeh d ure opiace compliment his home This he me is tasteful . 3 BR wat W wae VIO decorated throughout with Thad laundry room and Ps WILLIS MOTORS Sale Ends Nov; 12 RA 8.4969 hi +t in the basement. May we suggest an early appointment te =Tom Ewell Show LIL UR a, ow ThE Red Skelton Show Reality 10:00 P.M, a IAB Wa Closeup ea Aloan Presents RY aie o LS o. AN : | soe : TPoter Guan NFER] PLANT YOUR | FRE ath SUPERIOR ALUMINUM |Fish, + | Fagin Manisa ied Pirate. WW Byiwh| DUPLEX | SALES . SERVICE ali Muse Brew LL RAL) is u R U L RB S NOW 500.008 room complete apagment down, 3 roam apart GOOD ASSORTMENT 11:00 PW, a rod 2 b a " Jom B We have. a tarae variety | ent wi ory aod TeVenRUR central location USED CARS 3 Ve Otlens Mare For Nemo Sones WHEL Cilla' a al Canadian Wisi Dutch bulbs. - Nursery FOR rp TAUNTON. RD. EASY an h YR Saviee Guide hee PM, LLL LR SPECIALS FOR THIS MONTH S- Verio, 1 Yours hor: Shorts stock Landscaping w modem store plus 2 bedroom apartment above in new she BEVE MWY CK \ laze, after 5:30 An (1 Maga E) Ne RY a.) Ae an? | Doors $42.50 Installed--Windows $18.00 Inspplied | LILA Mufti PM. Wate al haw . o a SHOP p K we N ewan GARDENS Maden office space available in new Cedar Glen Building, air MERCEDES BENZ NO DOWN PAYMENT==36 MONTHS TO PAY Mavis A-Aaneye with Capt TS pa ALERS 45- News: Weal conditioned it desired PoAmerican Bandstand | Il late Shaw HIGHWAY : DKW FREE ESTIMATES Rpeonier aon Tee DE RENTAL ) N of Whitby AFTER 3:30 CALL SALES AND SERVIC ; pa ¢ and 39 PHONE £ y Joo Maga, 5-2191; Marion Drew, 5:7610; Dick Barnia 5.6243; 408 KING W, OSH SNOIgUNG, MN. Tha PHONE | PPope a PA ELE 1s Ducer & MO 8.32 Residence MO B2dy | ond Metoalt, 5-6983; Event Eien, 3: 9290 | RA 3.7132 ? George=--RA 5.7119 or Earl==RA 3.2619 P-L "=itrs Hewe

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