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The Oshawa Times, 31 Oct 1960, p. 8

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5 THF, JAYCETTE of the Year, | president, Mrs, Douglas Knowl Mrs, JG. Rutheriord, is seen | er, receiving the trophy from the ~Oshawa Times Photo, Jaycettes Assist Husbands In Junior Chamber of Commerce | Christ Church WA Evening Bra ' Has Quadrup | The Evening Gud of Christ | Memorial Church was first or: ganized in November, 1999 Meetings are held the first and by presi peating the Even) Prayer, followed by | Prayer, ! rpose of the Guild Is to assist the parish soclally Miritu- lly and finencially and the or- ganization of the parish and com- munity events which will assist the rector, the assisting eura'e and the wardens of the chureh in meeting the obligations of the | parish, Membership 1s open 10] all women of the parish, The present slate of officers Js as follows: Honorary president, Mrs, H, D, Cleverdon; president, iMrs, W. G. Jackson; viee-presi- dent, Mrs, feorgs Cane; secre: tary, Mrs, Fred Porter; tressur- er, Mrs, Maurice Proctor; eon- veners, Parish Council, Mrs, Gar- net White; Social, Mrs, Wolfe Miller; Sunshine, Mrs. Richard Evans; Telephone, Mrs, Gordon | Leslie; Press, Mrs. ¥, G, Know- ler; Aprons, Mrs, G, H. Elliott; Dolls, Mrs, W. J. Goodswan; Novelties, Mrs, R, G, Coombes, Fund raising activities include bazaars, rummage sales, catgr: ing for henquets, wedding re ceptions and teas { Pinancizl help is given toward the equipment of the new kitchen {in the Parish Hall | Donations are given each year The Oshawa Jiveettes whose and spoke on caring for thhair. [to the Sunday Behool Caravan members age restricted to wives) In November of members of the Junior Cham-|the Jaycees at our annual Men's| we entertained Fund, A dongtion Is given each year to ber of Commerce, were organized Night, Under chairman Mrs, G. help defray eosis of Bunday in 1054. We are an suxiliary of Reeve, & clreus program was School pins presented to prize and our presented, The December meeting took t luck supper at e the Junior Chamber, purpose is to assist the Jeyeees,| and train young women in lead: the form of a po ership, civic responsibility and the home of Mrs, D, Brown, Wi self improvement, We meet for exchenged small gifts, dinner and business meeting the third Thursday of eseh month, [on & very interesting tour of Im- Our fund raising projects were: | perial Optical Co,, by Mr, J, G, a Joint Jaeyeee-Jayettte Rum: Rutherford, who demonstrated mage Sale convened hy Mrs, K. [the actual construction of eye Buchenan, with the profits go-|glasses ing to the Jaycees for Tralfie| Our Befety work In December we sold mince. sentatives of the ethnic groups meat which the girls made as a "{'ordine, Our speaker, Mrs group project in one member's Gloria Aiken, gave an exciting home, under the supervisiom of talk on life in Jamaiea, Mi Robert Dewland, In April all former JTayeettes Mrs, D, Lowe chaired our and friends were invited to our square and round dance Friend's Night, We had as our Our spring project was the guest speaker, Mrs, Lyman Gif: ®Hydro Showtime '50", sponsor: iord ed by the Ontario Hydro Commis.| Our elections were held in May, sion, and chaired by Mrs, W, Ed- with annual reports given, The words officers for 1060-61 are: Presi: At Christmas we purchased dent, Mrs, Douglas Knowler; first gifts for the boys of Jury House, vice president, Mrs, J, G, Ruther: Ontario Training School, and ea- ford; second vice-president, Mrs, tered for thelr Christmas party Don Lowe; secretary, Mrs, Car! glyrn by the Jayeees Diederichsen; treasurer, Mrs, In May we donated a wheel Victor Pratt cha'r to the Oshawa General Hos! The outstanding Jayeette pital Awerd was prerented to Mrs Our meetings are varied, In Oc. J, G Rutherford at a Joint tober Mr, John Weiss, hair styl Jayeeé-Javeette dinner meeting ist, demonstrated the new eolf-|in June to close the year's activi: fures on three of our membersities, North Simcoe H&S Association Records Highly-Successful Year Last year's North 8imeoe Home end School was very sues #4 cessful and eventful ~§ included a panel discussion on™the pros and eons of the safety natrol svs tem, a guest speaker, Mr, Camp- bell Hughes, who spoke on the subject "How to Make a Reader", and a varie'y. night which pre. | sented the musical and athletie skills of some of the North Sim- eoe students, The Christmas season was en riched with Mr, Frank N Bwackhammer's speech "What | {s Christmas Going to Do for You?" which was followed hy choral work from the Children's Chelr, i The funds for the year were spent on new drapes for the au. Presbyterial WMS Links Auxiliaries The Oshawa Presbhyterial WMS) " Includes all organizations of the| MRS, D, K, STILES Woman § Missionary Seciet ¥| ditorium, the Grade # annual trip, within the bounds of a Presby:| and the graudation party in June. tery, that 1s, all auxiliaries, al- One hundred dollars of these filiated societies and all younger|funds was also used for new 8 oups It Sonsolidates and. co-| hooks for the class libraries, operates as needed, asalsts, ; 8 renathens, ereates bonds of fel: Mr. Norman Sisce, principal lowship hetween organizations and is an effective link btewéen Dominion Hoard and Conference Branch and the local organiza: ticns, E2ch department has a see: retary who gives leadership, has| Cin the an opportunity te share her| he { f knowledge and enthusiasm and | 4° { to help every local leader to do better work, to enlist and train new leaders and to arouse and deepen devotion to the eause of i 3 ; missionary education and of Howe amd Hele, Ausopiatien Ch'lstian Missions, {Stiles as oresident, Mrs, ~ Mal: Oshawa Preshylerial was or oolm Adam, and Mrs, Geoffrey ganized 32 years ago, holds an Andrews are the vice-presidents annual meeting each February | With Mr, MP. York 4 Thcarding wy the subject "Education Preparation for the Challenge o ano her evening was increased |delightful drama included Murs, Malcolm Adam, Mrs, Louis Mun. roe and Mrs, Lawson Richards. This year the and fall rallies for eastern andfyon "ag oqrresponding secretary. | western sections In October, Our| Mrs, Claude Vipond is - the share of the financial alloeation|treasurer, The eXeuve mem: eased steadily to the| bers are Mrs, H, G. Chesehrough, has Jaereneed i Ce . nd Mrs, Frank Farncombe, Mrs, F present over 3a2, cers and! gigwood, Mrs, R, G. Lancaster, departmental secretaries normal: |Mrs. Jack Thaler, Mrs, R. A ly serve four years but will stay| Wilson, Mrs, R, Richardson, Mrs. | George Slocombe, Mrs, R., G. in office now until the new or Trewin, Mrs, R. W. Pinder, Mrs ganizetion Is formed in 1932 with the 1st vice-president, Mrs, F, J.| William Dell, Mr. J. Rupert and Reed of Hampton becoming act:|Mr. Bernzrd Crozier, Teacher re- ing president replacing Mrs [nresentatives are Mrs, J, Pegg M. C. Fisher who has transferred Mr. Jack Herron and Mrs, Law; to Fenelon Falls, rence Savery, CO, LTD, 11 ONTARIQ ST, OSHAWA PHONE RA 8.6239 Nearing Al {of Donevan Collegiate gave an interesting talk one evening on Living", while the enjoyment of presentation of a play "Seattered Showers', This North Simcoe {winning girls and boys of the Sun 'day Bchool, | Contributions are given for al {tar flowers in the church when | requested, In January we were conducted, A representative Is sent fo the| | Canadian Association of Consum {ers meetings, The Evening Guild {Join with the other women's #roups of the ehureh for the May (Sale In the spring and the an | contributes to all group and fund | raising activities, | | REN, 32 MISS LILLIAN BEAMISH Pilot International Leads in Service Through Faith The first Pllot Club original: ed in Macon, Georgia, using a Pilot Wheel for an insignia, sym holizing "Leader", with an ob jective of community service This group has now expanded te an international organization with 422 clubs and a membership of over 1200 executive and profes sional women, The local club was organized October, 1057, and chartered in March, 1068, The motto of the clubs 1s "True Course Ever, The purpose is to provide com: munity service, further better friendship and erveate better in ternational relations, Our work: ung phrase this year Is Friend. ship and Service through Faith and Understanding, The Oshawa Club in the past year has provided transportation to the Golden Age Club of our Senior Citizens In the Home for the Aged and assisting with the Halliday Manor residents, The canteen at the Balely Patrol dances in Simeoe Hall Is super: vised by the members every Hat. urday night, Members also assist in the Cancer Drives and March of Dimes, The Club donated to the fund for Cerebral Palsy suf ferers and a Korean Seholarshin hi | n, Guild the Lord's] WHITE FOR WINTER | The textured softness of hin | ehilla cloth adds depth to the | dramatic clarity of winter white in this Impressive almond shaped goat, The topper his a dropped shoulder, deep | am 'Adelaide McLaughlin Pupils i Beherived masting was aun Chri haotr Desem 17 211 ofan (Guests of HES The Adelaide Melgughlin Home and Behool Association bh gan another year of successful events with strong eo-operation from teachers, pupils and mem hers, The first meetin held Ocloher 5, 1950 guest speaker for the evening was the Rey 8B. C. H, Atkinson, using as his topie "Opera ean he fun On Hallowe'en, the pupils eol lected $214.10. for UNICEF and rounded out the evening with a film show at the school; pupils receiving a treat hefore they left for home At the November meeting Mrs, Thomas Fairbrother gave a demonstraiton of Christma floral arrangements, In December we celebrated our first anniversary, Entertain: ment for the evening was pul on hy the pupils, the numbers in. hiding dancing, choral reading {and singing A birthday eake do nated by a member was (hen cut by the president, Mrs, Mor. timer Brown and prineipal, My Harold Pascoe Refreshments] were served by Grade | mother and A very enjoyable evening was spent, On January 26, 1060, we held a well attended card party, Prig were given and refresh men 8 served, Later the month we held our annual shat ing earnival at the Oshawa Chil drens" Arena, Entertainment atf our regular meeting was plied by the Canterbury ers, led by Mrs, George nan, At the Fehruary meeting (he Clarionettes entertained, eon: ducted by Mr, William Taylor, | Mr, John Kirk, executive dire tor of the Ontario Association of} Retarded Children, was also among our list of guest speakers and with him he brought a film showing the recreation given re tarded children at Lake Bellwood Kiwanis Camp at Guelph The March meeting was taken over hy the fathers Mr. John Henderson spoke on Physieal Education in the Pub lie Schools, We also had a panel discussion, the panel Including Dr. C. M, Eliott, Mr, Donald Sutton and Mr. Mortimer Brown In April we were entertained with musical numbers hy the pu same sup Bing Dry President, Miss Lillian Beamish Ist vice-president and. eo-ordin ating chairman, Miss Heverly Storie; 2nd vice-president and acting chairman of Community Service, Miss Mary MeLean;| Past president and chairman of nuboleity and public relations Mrs, Fred Lindsay recording | This year the adoption of a child through Unitarian Services was completed, Funds are raised principally hy a night of cards and theatre party, The presiding officers are: and corresponding secretary, Mrs | Russell Flutter; treasurer, Mrs Arnes Gorrie, Chairman of [finance and divector, Miss Beth Miller; ehalrman of membership and director, Miss Muriel Wilson NYLON First Quality SEAMLESS NYLONS For Nurses and Women wearing white uniforms . . MORRISON' 12 KING ST, WEST AS June, | Ausion tn Tune a edorfd smo: gashord wes enjoyed, It was fol owed by en Rauiees hy Lae Pies tor, Bev, Wm, N, Aitken, This season opened with & har In United Church hecue, ipwed by & very nid: three ehapiers esting FAVEIGENE OR AENGAR 7 The 50-50 Club of Bimeoe Brest " Pht Beta Sigma Phi's do things to United Church wes one of the Lom pid fo sous, shown WY tether and hecause of (his many first dowies eiubs formed In ths "1." sale" of officers for 10 G06 Iendihios re formed city, It came ito being through! ore: President, Mes, Beta Hopg: STORE members, friendships that the efforts of the ete Door jong." vice president, Mrs, Dean "7 RIORE the most eherighed A, bi, Comet, We Bickell; secreiary, Miss Viole TEBEWFES § YOURE WOMES 640 chureh, (Burton; tressurer, Miss Phyllis POISess, Iiendshios that are hers It has added to the strength of Sorostak; social convener, Mrs, 6 of Joy Bnd in lime of bor of the congregation through the| Reginald Cook; visitation ehaly- "™ years in two ways. Ibs meetings men, Miss Nora Moen; card con. A member of Beta Sigma Phi have provided 8 worm Christian vener and press reporter, Miss meets with her chapter sisters (lowship for many eounles. Mable Matheson; Misslonary ve ioe o month for & short bush The gioup has also pitched Ini oresentative, Mrs, Nets Hoag: i : | with 8 will and raised funds land, ness meeting and a cultural pro through projects of all sorts, gram, in which everyone partiel whenever a need wes Apparent, | pn. he oilers Hi. sompaty 50-50 Club Io best ul events (hroughow _-- he turkey sup a at rush parties, ig wi # mewhat v jie $, OBOE 14 Works por. This event ie . (with them on service projects, a tradition. it is 8 time at which Bond of Friendship all the cub members meet the | In the spring and (sll she has ithe opportunity to aitend conven oh the chon meer mens | For Young Women NON tions where she meels other Regular meetings are held onl Beta Sigma PW, » the first Thursday of each month scademic and non-sectorian, 50 sorority sisters from her Slate or cial, cultural and civic organies:| Provines, The young women who except July and Angunt, There are also four special social even: ings held each year {thon, was formed by Waller W. dreams of true friendship will Mr, and Mrs. William Trotter, Ross In Abilone, Kansas, USA (ud it in Beta Sigma Phi, Some the Wi Rrasidents of the elib, in 1981, with only seven members, chapters described Bets Bigma have { owing members On Since then It has expanded Phe G i + 4 "Phi gs "Phe Galewasy to Happl their exceutlve, Honorary ores oo, song chapters with more than gees", dents Rey, and Mrs, J, K, Moffat, | nest presidents, Mr, and Mrs. 120000 members around the| officers for 196061 are; presi: Roy Barvand; vice « presidents, world, A member may transfer dent, Mrs, Brian Cole; vice-presi- Mr, snd Mrs, George Pedreei om chapter to ehapler as she dent, Mrs, Marvin Perkin; re secretaries, Mr, and Mrs. How:\ljyes and travels about, This ov. cording secretary, Mrs, Perey ard Lake; treasurers, Mr, and|genization 1s loerird In every Bradiey; corresponding secretary iy ane Mire, Hoth Ctemwion tate in the United States, every Mrs, Percy McBain; treasurer, friendship secretaries, Mr, and province In Cannda, In _Alasks, | Mrs Kenneth Youn, Mrs, Ira Travel, Group leaders: | Mr. and Mrs, Yelle Bakker, Mr and Mrs, Lloyd Moody, Mr, and | Mrs, Herman Pincombe, Mr, and Mrs, William Doe. BUSINVSS WOMENS FELLOW The Calvary Business Women's Fellowship was organized in the A modified Puritan collar, large fall of 1058 by four business girls, pateh pockets and white etched (and has heen growing ranidly hone-ike butions are other de: (ayer since, The average atten tale [dance at present is 26, Mrelinas gre held on the first and third Monday of each month, Its pur pose is for Christian service, Christian fellowship and reerea- tion, This year two lady misslonar: fes in Janan and South Africa were each supported for one month, Other missionaries have heen assisted financially and hy gifts of clothing, Missionaries from Jamaica, Liberia, India and the Philippines have visited us and shown pletures of these countries Both practical and financial assistance have heen given fo the Bible Club Movement in this area, | A fellowship supper was held {In March with a large atiend- ance, Rev, Walter Main of the Moody Bible Institute was the alter supper speaker A sunshine basket and grocery shower were given to two shut. ins, A number of elderly peo: ple in nursing homes were visit: ed and taken gifts at Christmas, Several clothing drives on he: half of 4 Mission In Toronto have heen undertaken and suceessfully completed, Bringing ¢ Hawa, Cond Zone, England | seotiand : The first ehapler in Oshawa wis Lo med in tie auteimn of 1964 with 12 members; there sre Row (50-50 Club Has Led! Way For Doubles | Beta Sigma Phi holes and three-quarter sleeves, By Taey Adrian | he meetings to a eon: MRS, MORTIMER BROWN pils from Grades 7 and 8, led hy Miss Margaret Dancey, Dr, Hoy Howsell gave an enlighten: talk on cancer and a film on the same, Mr, Thomas Heath, nape of schools, was guest spea His tople was "changes education In the past 10 YEeurs To round off a gates were sent to the conven: tien In Toronto, With Mrs, John Gaskell pre. siding, the following officers were elected for the coming year year: President, Mrs, Mortimer Hrown; vice-presidents, Mrs, Ar: nold Behell and Mrs, Frank Gag ley: recording secretary, Mrs, Lorne Seeley; SOFFEARON Ing see retary, Mrs, Robert Barr; (reas successful year| yer, Mrs, John Richardson; ex GLITTER WITH GLITTER There's a bright note of glit- | matching bracelet, while a trl: ter in the fall and winter | Angular pin spoilights the fashion scene, dramatized by | curved shoulder straps, the headed and sequined eve By Tracy Adrian ning clothes, And with these ing or In Storie Park Aux, Now 12 Years Old The auxiliary has come 8 long WRY 5 uer i wes ar ganl cd in 1048, The first mee] was held ot Mrs, C. Durnd's . nn 6, Clark was the first presi During the yesr the ehfidren re- ceived trepts ot closing dey and it Christmas and & social eve. ning alter hell # ason, The supers visor Is given some money 19 Ip her with prizes ard treats, The auxiliary esters to he i Adings wings, the money to help with the building of our new ub house in the near future Present slate of officers: Prost dent, Mrs, B, Fry; vieepresie dent, Mrs, BH, Williams; secres ' Mir Mrs, J, Hickey; Mrs, H, Cameron; press reno er, Mrs, BR, Ellis; auditors, Mrs, R, Ellis and Mrs, 7. Whson, SAFER PROVERTY ; LONDON (CP)~The fire serve fee protested when Irish setress Slobhan McKenna, ring In "The Playhoy of i Weotern World," walked on siege carry: ing a lighted candle, Now carries an elecirie candle, . S-- -- FAMILY MAN Danny Thomas, the TV enmie, and his wife Rose Marie, mars vied since 1938, are pavenis of two girls and 8 boy----Margaret, 21, Theresa, 17, and Charles, 11, CHANEL N°8 FOR THE PURSH PERFUME AT YOUR FINGERTIES WITH THE MOST TREASURED NAME IN PERFUME CHANEL MITCHELL'S Y SIMCOE 81 4 darling gowns glittering jewels are a much-needed touch, The jewels worn with the costume above are Just the right cholee to complement the striking ever ning gown, Sparkling brilliants | ht the flowered emeralds of the necklace, earrings and of evenis, we held an auction in ecutive members, Mrs, Lloyd the proceeds of which| Gardner: Mrs Roufias Who; were. danated 4 hal Mrs, Fran rankfurter, Mrs, Vers donated to the Cerebral George Rutherford, Mrs, John Palsy Association, The patrol Bensen; press reporter, Mrs, were presented with sweat:|Alex Ivanoff; publications, Mrs ars, and the graduating elass with|G, B, Willson; social convener, pletures and a banquet, Four deles' Mrs, G, Harold Perry, hoys TERRIFIC VALUE! M. COLLIS CAN DO IT There Is no question about the superb quality of this medern living room group . ., one glance and you will know it's worth much more , . , available savil IT'S 2 ROOMS [save $50 '0| IN"ONE" SKIM mit | IDEAL $20 Down FROM LIMITED I MU'MM!! That's My DRINK !'! MILK DAIRY Storage $9 a Month Mom has COMPLETE 11 PIECE DAVENPORT GROUP NO MUSSING ! NO MIXING, Includes , , . ® Daveno, top grade friexe; © Chesterfield chair, Airfoam; ® Arborite Step Table and Coffee Table in attractive walnut; ® Table Lamp and shade; © 2 Pictures; $1 QO pak THROW-AWAY ® 2 Cushions; ® Hassock ........ "Purchased from your store or at your door" in the popular quart and half gallon pures CONTAINERS, COME IN TODAY , ,, TO THE BUSINESS WHERE BUSINESS IS BEING DONE THE NALF GALLONS Contact our Row M. COLLIS FURNITURE CO. 78-80-82 KING STREET WEST, OSHAWA RA 5.0332 PHONE RA 8.6241 te Salesmen or

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