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The Oshawa Times, 1 Nov 1960, p. 12

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14 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tessdey, Wovenber 1, 1960 57% THE OSHAWA TIMES WANT ADS [£3 ---- - & EET 2 CLASSIFIED AD RATES ra i NEW BUSINESS Wala, mcm » -- govstom masse ith cote UBT Vos tr = Wf TELEPHONE LISTINGS raved Acemiiante oe 128 im » REY ann | LANDSCAPING SECRETARIAL FRY OUR " alli a ih S 5 i : Eid hr ult! 0 Sl ney os we 1 don we | SERVICES OVERLOAD BAR-B-QUED CHICKEN Prise, it ie bos dy dehams Dinas A be er er Tare 3, Neeel, (haw, Cron Weeds treated, field rursery SERVICE Chicken phate, helf chicken y Tod wd, top wil, grovel, send with french fries, fish ond gl The 2 fk wp naar ire i Complete vice' Weed | foeciolting in Tics, Shor. | cin ambi, ho dogs ll We i YOUNG MAN CAR a ¥ Yrelevred, Wh Fister 1 WORRIED) ond 164, gstimer Dictaphone, Bookkeep- ke shakes 16 TO 20 YEARS , Osha WOW T oe, Direct Mailing, Mmes- MODE 2 pads eiianter, s Comm. VA KNOWLTON For foul occas | WE DECER A 5.3687 FOR MEN'S CLOTHING STORE res rote, ferent wens Fo oy Ua onal ond J Ok 5-6047 ns . KF BROKING and C4 i A a ote---- ies assistance MO 6-818) rT -- " AUTO WRECKING CO, ad vf asad : lots cars for wrecking, so?' 158 ao "oer gre! ken, Orhaws, 1 py OWEN BROTHERS CO. LTD, | 18==instruction % CLANCYE Opies iin | i ory TREE EXPERTS AIAN Mae Wark, dan an doar, ALT ". Haher hi x PY bon Jor a's, O00 410 Joon OSHAWA TIMES Services for small Piste ; : We specialize in tres prone / greg dois Figty oe, J diiad Soturdoy oll day. Phone Rise sh 50 ee | Fae bz ing, trae planing, tree nr IV DANCHE ACADEMY SERVICE WHEN YOU WANT | RA 52311 89 BLOOR E._ EATON'S WILK | FOR SALE ~ 57 Toil, Ha WONTEIH, | moving, cavity work " fo Royel Academy, Ballet, - DAY OR NIGHT! -- A re fred EY a TP] 2 ms pon rr | mone RA. 5287 [Eller 4 i Ho Bh c Iv a so8s | WANTED | in OSHAWA [ dh A Simm Lik wm ed otherwise hen i - and ¥ ps Rowan a BA ibis, nn on ind CHOICE LOAM i LEARN TO DRIVE| Al Work Guaranteed SCRAP JON, POULTRY VOU ERE AN r fd AE _ en de, he - | Lamers sor. wate. saris AL At the Oshawa Driving School OSHAWA k. TURNER S SEVER Tao Trkme form hire for Tent, Ap 2--TBoriiers If srovgas Sor 8 biple smstrhion 2b au ALE the Oshawa, Orting Sehost ELECTRONICS | RA 3.2043 RA 33374 | With plumbing exper fee dita fife dgrine oo is A, ra a. Ang giso reserve the ngnt a N F 7 SALMERD WA Bapriner, sig Be hassity cdvartiong ecsording 16 Aso Bock Filling Fully trained instructors (collect) ience. Salary plus come | ment ky od hn arte get Faget" tor, ele, 13s Simcoe Blreet Ws own classification | f $ondard, Automegiic corm | ; APARTMENT, two bedrooms, aru oP Ortice Hh BAT, Redence, HA Booth || 4 oom clossticatien rise. | Lots Levelled 8 009 TV TOWERS | mission basis, Apply Cus. |living vem, baihreem, madern, eormer| C3" A Sails "= oh py + oF alld met " # worth AREER, Murphy i] Boe menis The ai nl oy RA 5-21 56 RA | CEOARD LE tomers Accounts Office, | heme RA 65741 or BA B-5642 Svenlnge: bnae boom of Vr iment, private en ¥ King Sireet East, RA 54717 Russel} mn mich 'the' acrudl srr | mrmm---- : -- | -- ---- 40, self-supporting tower. Cha REE mom alte Fe wn Fance und he ce # Li 3. Murphy and dames A, Machonsid. | occupies The fublishers ands avo AURORA SAND & DRESSMAKING Het dip galvanized. No point, IRON METAL LTD. Oshawa Shopping Centre, HA Si Somvehi i lh of Portlorved Vita," ud ' vert ; a Sowial Dav Lu Rn i Yo oro rf Ly Fu pid figbility GRAVEL | Complete with new Wove- W eny inaccuracies in any form Master gll-channel antenna PAPERS RAGS GUARANTEED | Le Toa spare Te Teli a a i derice, WA B24 Brick, Sond, Crushed Stone C [S 4 of advertisement are seniined ' ' 0 RS Total price, installed and \ IAYS AY | Mave, gar her, vor, UMVIREYS, Tovehvi nd Jian, heron, Road Gravel, Pit Run | U guaranteed for year, $59.95, | OPEN a' ba oY Pa Pp Thehate bom, iovhons A CRN: ie, J po printers, Boneitors; KB. H 1 : | 2 days weekly, Monday, Tues: | o Gl; G8. Bovenwn, BA; W. A VALLEY FARM RD, | 4 ¥, Monday, . | | Boo fi 7108 TV. Enterprises | FREE PICK-UP SALARY \ ea Trai To F 0 i . Cima, LB, 9 King sireet Fast | Phere Wabrie Oerator day evenings han Off BA 51177; 8, ig 4 Learn to cut your own pat KEAN hin rine i Eiki or Why, WO ATW; RA Vaiss | BeBullding Trades TEmple 9-254 | terms and sew for the whale 253 Drew St REFIDENCE RA Sitio TO QUALIFIED WAN I bo te & a ii BB id hepting supplies - | family trom the children to . ! Bh rr Tevery i HcGIRRON snd BASTEDD, ws Me Le Pt Retr A The home of Ouality Dutch | adults RA 3.3563 E = i olor Ta WRAL. gh Berlin de Ht Lon ht gu, ewer | Th home of Quality 225 verona 7 WE REQUIRE |iisiitodivit, ede Set 80 omic Bi re argh a, He Yo Eo BULBS | "Rn FOR ROYAL COIN AND XA Vd yh) fig i, Shopping ne Mri A §a9b Charles { a asiedo, QC 0 floors plied, laid snd 4 | 4 -- ROUTE MEN TN 5 OERON; wr ; Pie, oa Hoare resarineed. Ale% Van Belle Gardens | 16--1Inswiance | T.V. TOWERS | STAMP STORE rch CARRIERS a ia hn Wb A a (AP, "nk ara vr far nd Motary Publle. 10th East on No, 2 XVTRVATH Kala Vuvirance, Bave up OR FACTORY WORKERS Fl i ron names Will, Eos. HA 92250. WHA and $orivee | WATERPROOFING specialists, Roof to MA 3.5757 tn 4h per cent, six months Lo pay, FoF RA 8.3221 : | y T.V. SERVICE mortgages arranged ellars. For sppomiment. Write Box {personal service at your home, call BA | - SALES CLERKS dl Le 14 " RALPH JONES, BA, and Themes H 1255 Bowm snvl fe oa Mamie BIH EE UJ 64 KING 87, W,, OSHAWA SALES LADIES wiry i Srast, rh pos emer 18 M. Arply bid Frome H Greer, Assaciale Barristers ond Bolly BOTLBOTING Save Open Evenings SEE US STAMPS AND ES s EVEN am house, four lors, 130 Wing Streot East; RA $00. (ko S15" Free estimies. Tovior| == S---- 17----Meney to Loon 40' Sampson Towers installed = NEW CANADIANS pid a his oo medrn. garage, "Phone HA DONALD RARE DODDS, Barrister Winer 8 Kulcouns Drive, Wel anal Hardy Privet . 10c and up |Fikev and send mortyaie sile with AL. B-213 A-Channel COIN ALBUMS, Canada's largest heme im. |Rethrosm, prvete foo Cg Full TX = soom ranch wiyle bing wi A A " P i p d wil we pd Solos, oe ling Sirus Lat Ohitonay work, Terms srranged, Pree Chinese Elm . Be and up nick and Tennick, Barton. 31 King psi ( By Whitman, Minkus, Regent provement company with 37 pe hosplial. Phohe ai [18 Sihonie: shaviing wi oh ih Telephone, JSusiness RA 30001, Resl | Co ies, Phone RA 5168 Street East, RA 87893 ONLY $55.00 ete. Wanted to buy, all factories in Canade, USA EDTA ; Ph | Rol a saseion, pile ence A Gand excavebing. Dial Yrees, Shrubs, Roses, Evers 1 ents" monies Vahis To FREE SURVEY ce C Ameri and Europe requires inexperi- me, ol ER WARNING F. swanrE, Barrister, BEI RORING Ey 1a ain, WE HAVE Hienis monies pralishie for h saree Lonadion an bd enced or experienced sales [lam ireel, close Wi Avo Se "room heniad itl Solicitor, Notary, Money to loan. Bae | groinors, 98 dilleourt Drive, Whilhy and alse Purchase of MOriages snd Ji | hd of th persons. We will train you tor, Osha Eat, onirance ad Bo Brice Xe Steet Bust RA|PLUMMING and heating pipes, AF] VERSLUIS LANDSCAPING agreements of sales, Louis & Hyman Oshawa « Bowmanville - Whithy | paid for eld gold coins of the to Insure steady year around |THREE TX pie REE furnished "v unis "rome; § semi ve ™ # ua wing: " rip 4697. Residence, dial BA 4029 tings, fixtures, new and used, chang: RA 5.9642 HY King Street East, Oshawa, HA world, We buy stamp collec: somnings, If you are prov path, nese ently employed and wis or Arp Abi fram septic tank (0 Sewer A spe: aie, Mortgage and agreement of wale work part time fo determine pbariment Fy Tol, twa bedrs a ing Street Fast. 0haws, KA ype of plumbing. Dial RA 54241. J Oshawa ten Mia morigage arranged B02 Simeoe St, § 35m loyment Wanted 4 " wither, ' L your abilities in our field, @ ralor, stave, «00m ph) Some LWW sidence, HA 53405 {Foley Creighton, Fraser, Drynan and Mur RA 5.7844 or RA 8.5804 |ROOKKEEPER - Aypisl, experienced,| personal inte | " , han, pg or om wy Grd TILA LA TR VR - Home Landscaping |i -- TT | duatend Reseda on Jon fhane. Alen Tanded of our Othewe office, | Comes 00 it 8 ih we. I A for, 9% Slmeoe South BUILDERS SPECIALIZED. IN FAL | -- SPECIAL Wiplels charge, "ow ear * MOE Call now for personal, sonfis READE PENTIAL -- " wld one Shot be "wii dential interview leh "leony GE Xi Ati between ont" tions 4 i a ng ---------------- - -------------------- Ei Hote ee ol fl ion and $a Mies res oa any CLIENT money (0 loan on first mort CITY | Y. i y ha nfermation and estimate f TON, VRAGEN, DRYNAN 850 led bathroom supe LANTING AND SODDING, MONEY 10 GR widow wild Tike 548 Gn amry Barristers, Solleliors We Caromie ¥ od bal om ha 479400 TULIP BULBS, ay, wh th A od ue wrag Residents of areas surround: tary Public, Rank of Commerce Bi plied A F housekeeper, iA Ing Oshawa are invited to No to fred, | FOUR oom » Ab E: move noe North RAJ 1k IRR Bh hada 7% LOAN ON FAMOUS poll ae ede house:| opply quiet nati, os b on ' bran 0 "floor, oh waking, tnd? Bs dW mE mn rn py SAMPSON [iirgdleibsby dorsi» | "BILL ROGOSKI ~~ [uavanio his li Hk Prvaen 6 1 Mwirdorh me First class tradesman, Phone Fakes arranged anvtim Call or Ry vi, "| VACANT | now, only #0 mony ( ] barrister, soll Monies for all types of mort. YOUNG Iady, 19, requires wifes RAndolph 3.9 ony, 06 four ire Pe a Hd RAB.1177 RA 8-6366 gages; for first and second TV TOWERS fin or part fime ork as fl ie dolph 3-9843 FOR GALE 67 ToL Wl Fr " iosated Birest East. Phone RA 81763 [ o------ . " mortgages on all types of real hn aim om pal 39--~Agents Wanted decorated, storms and Wh eereR: |e - : 217 GREER and Kelly, Barristers, Boligd | -- estate Including vacant lands; A40-ft Rower od with HIGH school Ir on shilla Wanis work Ad Plaarani ouldoor Work AVEr: lot Joom, Ali! paved Srivt. » glow. Reneen' i on tors, is Simeoe Street South | PRECAST . short term = mortgage for single Radess 13 alls | enaral hogsework or any itting ber hOWF jin eoncition Ingle rv wis, Own ifehen and ba ' Dial HA 8 an, Residence MELT ] COMPLETE CE builders first and second channel head. $59.95 com» Sxphrioneed RA 84734 ty rie Hawlel UL HA hii i An fra week Avalishie or meatal APR Pply LL GARDEN SERVI } pletely installed and guaran: |FRPERIENGED ¥ "kl, [220 North, KA 8-50 ence V, Kelly, "a act HA #58 mart = - ahee V. J goges and agreements Fr TWO o able for 5--=Nursing Services CONCRETE Gardens ploughed, disced, for sale purchased, Apply toed | vor Viobe ier's om or dav, Phone" A CHRITMAN Cord wioniy a d net, Sp ph h Shroot "il neh wr vil ni TO Sui lars rooms hg ne, A landscaping, wood cut, trees M, Swartz, 2614 King Street NOE personality Jon, grenting cards, Over 80 cards to choose | ---- a now, lots of storage spags, Bon, (i ap | SEPTIC TANKS rood out Shaws, Taluphane RA RA B-B180 [Emmitt mush ely fn Mote mie ir Wor AFAR, Wh J, MPT aed bh ple BN supervised, Inauivies invited, SIDEWALK SLABS RA 8.1798 3.4697 goa a work, Wrile Box 10-Oshaw Y04F ree album today. Wo Lm fl or, T% outlet, hw Wile 1 ow Peasonahle rates, RA 52380 COLORED PATIO ------ Tg OSHAWA TV [suis a oer (an Javae Jk yo feDitometian_, DURA STEPS CLIFF BROWN he a Phone RA #2010 361 GIBBONS ST fis, oe Yih bine Ne Rom 3 oud rh a ui I fl ti, io LAE. Jon fas A 2h Bot 0 Conan of evn, cnt CURBING - IR AVENUE, names rme---------- | TTY : close ta North (1M, hospital a » bedroom how orator, Eka Hote atoms WELL TILE GRAVEL & SAND ear tn Nt ee Golam SHEARS woh car Aol of) 0 C1 rar ld vo ALLAR hn ii po A S418) | B48 3 {while you shop or work, day or eve: | ROOM and board, clos SGM, A) evenings x i; nan 4 ' LOAM . BPECIALI 8.50 | ning. Reasonable vates, Phone RA new home around floor, B LBL tn Himes ONE bedroom Avariment, 4 - J 0 i! trist/ Please [RE VERSIRLEskiria a specially, minor Heat ermanents $ LH THER, bo iEtamed am htan BROOKLIN Prompt Delivery alterations on 1adies' wear. Algo child, |Calde wave 86.00 ates a idresning, ROOM and board for "gentlemen, "Thies THREE | 0 a. CX "iA il ie now. n roote "iA ank oF 74 Burk Streel. Invalids ex:| ven's, RA § MTA, Corner of Elmgrove [196 Pine Pid RA § EXPERIENCED day care for Aen minutes from four corners, Apply M $0004, amined at home. Dial RA 54587 A B-89 ] Ave, Park Rd in my home or haby sitting st night | Charles Stree TWO room | Hatin da a, I, T= Servuren CONCRETE Lads ass | GERDA'S BEAUTY SALON [Fad V0" vidl " 7 FAVATY rt gv ar (a doe te 8 een, Sale ts a A -- C oh your ou oy NT 8 i Ee eH _T=Surveye FALL SPECIAL Bg Bg J LR 621 KING ST, E 36---Female Help Wanted [I0, Host Kn "A" aioe): Thor: Nov. 1 HA b+ ino EET THREE viomy and a. FT HORTON and Associates, FRESHLY DUG model, elean and block, RA 5.7808 i TH fol 4 five | TWO friends fa sh ™ Foi "and \wo-reom ARATIMS) VJ ApArimen contal tario Land Surveyors, Professions) a PRODUCTS ' Lanelin perms 7.50 up, Mon HOUKERERPNR for father an ends fo share room and hoard, ni orators, sloves, sinks, rik He: (Avy vas James oa Wh wih eis ne Dundas Steel Wes! 12 ta 16 fr. Well Branched [SPECIAL Permanent waves, $6.80 \ children, live in. RA § all conveniences, sink in every room, rive entranee, Chl eleome, Whitoy, MO #5061 Wi 8. HARDWOOD MAPLE TREES Kiwanis Beauty Pavlos, 8 Celina! day from 12:30 te 7 pm ELDERLY Indy in oR dnsires Tight | APPLY 336 Lorraine or KA B:1168, few A ry DONEVAN AND FLEIS MAN on LIMITED Regular $12 = NOW $5 -- Tuesday to Friday 9 a.m. to housekeeping fom anion Comfortable ROOM and board Wx dave A ek, i oe nt ie tari Land Surveyor, commercial hiue Oshawa Garden Service " ungalow with other help employ meals, privileges. | lu jon Biya JH A i 7 pom. Saturday 2 am. 10 4 3648 804 Centre Street | South End, el N Cry Printion, 13 Bloor Street Hast, R OLiver 5.331 | MRS. ANN f ¢ Avoly MO 83648 ar 804 Contre Jouth Kad, elose to Pediars, Fittings, sh Tos {a i! #6 Taunton Road West RA 3.3222 PROFESSIONAL PALM p.m. For appointment call RA | EAVEE roam ha Fa near Raila, [5 ool ale , rent mm pekion A * 8.264) LADY required as housekeeper im: | ROOM and board, close Nok [1K Pal » CoA wo rou oy i fe Rr [TT --=Business Opportunities -- JER mediately between 30 and 40. Apply [hospital Phone HA 58508 private entranes ting oa HENRY FLUM FOUR uni apartment building, ily PATIO, FLAG AND Card reader, and advisor 148 Wilson Road Routh ROOM wna hoard Tor two §oRtiom Mh regener, Sank gi A fue Ti awmanvile, An io e ] Bring your problems to her, |[24==Market Basket i Fish od " A vented and fully equl ped grogery ROCKERY STONE WAITRESS -- experienced, for evening [two single rooms, good home sooking. |& \ o & 0 4 No appointment necessar ahi Apply from 30 am. to 4 pm, [APPLY 388 King Street Bast, Contre Bi 4 th rep t value of h y . I! y ty raished apartment, cen: ONTARIO LAND Mont aver S000, fair MFMOVr which STONE PLANTERS Open dally from 10 AM, ta |PARROTS, In eente anol Soaieh Bouth Bnd. Westauran, '§ Bloor KAN. |puRNIKHED bx ss 5 + 0 { SFRFITE LARGE nr woul gy me fr - vil SURVEYOR could he tripled. Full use of meat fneill TOP SOIL. AND SOD 10 pm RA B:AT41, 140 [buiiel, Bring containers W Ey mann three roams and hath, In quiet home, E554 Slot 40 iy Abttalners ties and some delivery, large hrick SUPPLY AND LAY Simcoe South - [half-mile east of Niehalls oentral. KA 30800 a hu dul [4 ' 4 i AROUND fi y hy h Iv pleased to announce that |EFRRL, BRL MARKS NOE pel atly OSHAWA {Courtice, Go north to first eo WORK NEAR BOARD and care for tiny ad dion, itt oom SIA HES Re BAK and front, Ee hath, heavy tral, adults ANE, PRARONA or one baby weleome, (3.3 practice CHIP wagon, fully squipped, good con we RA 3.3222 ; i pelos. Btore in fruit gellar, Good HI LL and that in the future busi pm RA 400 NO 1 Removal of superfluous hair | hags, free delivery, RA # EARN TO $50 | stave, Ine ih, oo Fy Wayne Street, the name of counter Established 30 years, sentrally TOP SOIL Oshawa, Nov, 22nd and 23rd, [lar siee, Coll after dpm, ab 108 y von Hi ne King res aay Rik i '" Tele hane RA 88170 or 18 William FLIM AND Street East 6 YARD LOAD 7.00 these dates for appointment |25--Pete & Livestock tomers' Christmas Gift needs a fade bol hot waler nase. =, fn J medi pol | hone RA Hadas, full Heul pall ©, A M anthly. Contact Supervi AN Biv WPRIeS I |! y FOUR SURVEYORS Eros apni SH cut tog | 14==ousonold Repairs 1a hi Coit Wirise, "seas fusion sah wot od ¢ M20 GILMOUR STREET, [MGR i ead inh 4% bochalor or newly wath, we: (FS TER a ' he has bought th ve 5-802 I Hi fr cE ~ | separate rooms, private home, close ¢ boug "oo 0 Wrvey RA 3. 40 Drew Hiveet GARDEN SERVICE £ LECT ROLYSIS [ORDER early, avoid vidiowlous winter HOME hurche. hice Whi: NO 8 hes Hos) ink, PI AY Fin, Immedinte Possession, lope, Ontario Land Surveyor dition, Apply 398 Albert Sires before] |spring, Polatogs, wholesale, five bags and hoard If aired, lose to ATTRACTIVE | ee T TOAm part ant Fo of 0 J 80, 75Ih, |dawntawn and NUM, App! UR» room Sharimeni, nar fats | he gc odd 1 AT LAST vou have the apportunity te ai fron diver A bl 08 By Hiraet © phan he el yi he Wen street Io Me ba i i aul gly me hr { wr ness Wil he carried On Under (oni a Head lohacco stare with Mach ' Marte Murduff will be in, |WEUE grapes for sale, also doar, wel OR MORE PER WEEK -- Wilh Jit cairn "RA oii 1 ® 04 THRE! room bungalow, im thehied In (thaws Kweellont husthess | Phone Genosha Holel on |e Taking care of AVON cus: gags PRT hoard for Sar Ro i arma on w i Bs a in ww hy me i Arthur Street alt " FOR LEASE twa hay service station | | ET PY ah lin your neighborhood. Choose \ TR LL PE snack Bar. and living quariers with 21Personal Service White miniature wi hours. For Darling: | ¥WO gentismen [] Ein is be 3 hid M |puppes, champion heed, show qunling, your own " ™ ;, . gh lian Phone RA 3-3162 [svi PAN Nursery Sohal, ohiidven | (eAsonable. RA § 2377 ton Township write Nunehes packed. RA MA 1 ale = SMALL LL SELF-CONTAINED He i Ne (a eo} ONTARIO LAND and Whithy, Rent tg be negotiated. | 8:8 years. Monday to Friday, fram 815 GERMAN Shepherd purebred resin MISS K. MacKEAN ROOM and Bonnd Tor" gon APARTMENT, suitable for 1 g 1} 1 Riv oad 8 2 Lo balaideiddi Wh PROFuSaONA hank (WAGAR'S Driving Sehael, Government (REGISTERED dachshund By a wy a Ro ble rent, Available Dee, = [senh Hosea, Realtor, Same address PW ' thep or Hele Atnted al 4 Albert [FURNITURE repaired and re-uphol -- f WANTED \o HY i Ye I nt garter. i 216 Adelaide Ave E Street RA § 268 [stoves Hen aur materials for re-gaver. | FOR YOUR ORGANIZATION'S HARING, my: & ao Yo YOUNG LADY {ite Ne hog To wil L 795 KING ST. & a fd lh § fo ine, hie ha -_-- -- Ang, Hrues KR. Dalton, 78 Charles Street, RA 3.9292 PH a ----~ RAPIDLY lis Tobi, recovered CHRISTMAS PARTY hE Togo "ain rsonality, pleas: Eg ety nd a A ul Ike new. WhY pay moved Our pales AND BANQUET Tolophons OL S471 Reserve your pa) Attractive persanality, p 1 Wow Apts, Flot UPPER DUPLEX, - Leshaped hu, Ha 0 ma Als lie p red ¢ H. FLIM OLS KOE Spies TUN 307 0an Be vad for | Fran sntimates, Al Conroy. WA #0088 par WA whgo "Controle Kennels To foinons Wook -- PETERBORO -- |43==Wante Yo Ret 13t, Logue Apartments, Apply | WHITEY we vo . hedogm hs HE ------ \ Ba Pies for Christmas now, ant and courteous for recep Ft hie. Satisfaet UL ood | 8---Building Trades EXPANDING Bene veal Wiavy Upnalsieny HOT TURKEY DINNER hata ude Lh | tienist and switchboard oper, For Rent Svingdimiry son ha epteny fri & bh, 0 LUE Bh 1] A Rn 2 raining Akin slrain TY re men Lo ral 320 remuved maranein Ee samees| DISTRIBUTORSHIP fifi! Cute fuwel Wah HW 1 3250 4 Turns frond. 14" Rath Sires wad LL Th fo a pl Aerial, Bove, ong room, nicely decorated, ho 0 Ny mat fear RA LL MO 83308 ar RA Samy CHESTERFIETIE and oll chairs ve INCLUDES MUSIC AND YR Encallant working" ton AF tw ohIATen weloame, Rear Soh wood and tile ie [savgred [lhe new el Whe best (or tows | HALL FOR DANCING 26~~Farmer's Column whe. orig Tun on AM tore, WA 3AM, 131 Somerville deght egd, T.V. outlet, FREE PODD & SOUTER Feduires agency representative rE IRA Wat tr '% Wee Smoigasbord, steak, chicken [REN Tar wok Ao rT Apply po 3. hA'3:7903 or RAS: TOO Upper vale en PAINT WAL LPAPER in Oshawa Whithy areas estimate and other menus quoted on Maral Fur' Pov var, nor. he ahr H bra Ar HH 2 weeks rent in very modern PAINTING & DECORATING | Applicant must be capable (8.0, PAINTING WEOGRATING "| request. WELL. roled Wanure or MR. HOUSE } [Cedar Street MODERN one bedroom apartment with tradesman interior or esd , WN CONTRACTORS ness be |16N® WOTK guaranteed. Free selimates RESERVE NOW OAT siraw for sale, 83 acres In fled CHERNEY BROS, WANTED ane vill To Shave & balcony, 108 Craydon Rd, of managing own business RA #3 y or F Estimates call od 5.97 MO 310 80 KING ST. § iam Whitby, Phone For Free nal 9 bondeble and prepared 10 [VOUR local chimney cleaner. Ohim DIAL RA 5.2737 BA OINTERNATIONAE 300 URINY ra : 0D unl eamE URstaiTe 2 BEDROOM DAYS MO 8.5231 nexs built and repaired, gan lnings me] LITTLE BUCKAROD RANCH, {ior torus ami lifer, | 37 --Male N Wanted ™ wn N d \ MO 8 4770 make small investment for [sialied, furnaves ¥ A ¥ RRA ~Male Help Wan Duk tn ouphosrde and sink, \ § T 47 CE . RA 5 7426 at \J @ Haled Airiaees acuumed Tes aail Off f Harmony Road North am Mie, N oar CAR way TEN = Rallis nian 40 400 ot HE el eh of APAR MEN 07 Byron St. § Whitty KLEENER SERVICER Rug Bphat | 22--Radio Repairs 27--Fuel y 'Wood Et Saunt A a rh: - oat 15 Gibbon Street Two bedroom apartment Az wall washing Ohir Bsineds 18 SaUBRod| CRANES TV service, TV asian | SRY Fariword sna: suilabic or | Ay 10 sien into ald Brofilable business) BUCKINGHAM Adults or children aver 10, REPLY BOXy109 sustomer. alatars, towers, SA ad up. Aw A where Rawlelgh Products . s ur, i OSHAWA SUB- THE OSHAWA TIVES PAINTING ane paper hanging, i ah ed di Th aR onimAL ond delivered th, Ee ~ Jorn, he Wry Rawioang, MANGR Apply: 3) _SIBNON LL Salle Co : gvailable {fessional war fren estimates here in ely and surrounding dis : J A W a » APARTMENTS % CONTRACTORS T3--Drenmaking [Wunranisen a1 tow Brices NA MIN |00 Phone RA 38335 ar RA 31480 20--Summer Properties. HI ele, 1 Wohelion, Moth, one and 2bedioom Aparts OSHAWA'S FINEST now, Phone RA 5.3813 STORM windows washed and sab wp | ACCOUNTANT with experience 4 Un | ments, electrically equipped, BRICK BLOCK AND AUTRRATION oui hie, asa Coe Wack HA 08 DID YOU SEE OUR ETA, cama Toes, dd TAY entra] movsuning.| best location, $83 and 31 PARK LANE APTS. or RA 8-6483, STONE WOR i : TONE WORK able vale. Phone RA 3 NEW ALL GALVANIZED | northeast Taranto For free Mat [MWR be capable Bf SE and monthly, 498 Simcoe St, Pho MO 8.412 ARFRAMARING and slleralions ng folie, write Bowes an uw | NR nau ledne Bf afice ant factory | North, Apt, 18; RA 8.8476 MO 8.4259 rR and pl do Vo =» FURNACE SALES R A D E S S i, Wears Phir nrongh: Riveraiis ride | WB dept i! Menor ne ! = BEA AVE PARKWOQD . i ane o wal OFFICE SPACE Si bg ¢ -- Can lead to contral Contact HOMES--COTTAGES | DRESSMAKER | MM Macks Co Ld TOWERS [Toate Ce Hed tws * Wore "ao FOR : E MANOR GARAGES Women's Children 5 RA 5-5954 ftom NE hire RA ABS nn RENT DON OW Pp MENTS Norden" Al v Gliders" Ne d Remodel raND: v Windows, Cuntommade Kit Te any i had Seve ==1961 AN Wave Antennas |4KE The nev commaet 12 site Tavell AGENT WANTED o eae APART [ abhinet F Esti Low prices, perfect value job -- Did You Know That We John. Balane | DATROE SOV, Passenger elevator service, Ny ~ io i ¢ \ { ave So . Saree hay br Hk rig ---- Now IMMEDIATELY New building. C iy to RA 57732 ON wExpert workmanship Ring West Can he seen anyliuie, mates, No obligation, Terms Mrs. lrene Coop Have Same Day ' Ce v ; Long Soul Const, Con, Li. | 29 ROWE ST, SEGERS + | "fowl erien Tachichos [BASS TH Bada KADEN" | pequremens: 17 yous or | sored dowwown owe. [| MON renee eT | SAGUENAY AVENUE RA 8-4614 PHONE RA 8 4706 | RUG AND UPHOLSTERY | ~ am Hh ER R we AR] over, student suitable, Must | Moderate rent. Leases now : (PARK RD. & KING ST, oon " OPEN EVERYDAY CLEANERS TRY US IN have phone, car and be ablé available Immediate Possession DISTRICT) W. WARD UNTIL 9 PM RA 5.7488 TRIO |28b-- Hunting to work during business THE TIMES Deluxe Rhatraom naw gpa OPEN FOR INSPECTION LL DIGGING BY rere | JKLLU, | a hows, Unique opportunity, Ment, " let, residential street, WELL G 13--Gardening : Supp! los | | Bigg iva Hg HUY Cg ool! Applications by Nov. 2nd 1 electrically equi broad: Fo, toni ANOS, MACHINE | Specializing In wall to wall | ! \ SPECIALIZING | FOR weed Wiling ARAYA ANA REA | carpets | TELEVISI( N [Phone WA 3-F3 WRITE BOX 103 BUILDING loam, traps, Vv outlay, Stoves, 'rigs, T.V. outlet, Whit VEY, ONTARIO [Bf tmdth dards at. sh WISE ERRING i er OSHAWA TIMES To nso d Col tn drops, Bathing: eto D0 8-2563 MQ 8.3309 [Reais \andearing | 13--=lntteuction 171 BOND 3T, EAST rey sissisihialiiskisad int Il be alt by 1 » o 109 No a Rents trom 390 monte w-- a _ nterviews wi mw Contact LL WILSON : ag CHESTNUT ST. W. {WEN want, hore aie, sattie PRIVATE teacher. student connmiion y [ATTENTION Funtora) Tears skinned telephone appointment on | RA 5.4608 before ! pm, or | PHONE P.O. BOX 329 ET eh ie AAT reas by Wterview only | RA 8-678] Be tar RAEI Wiehetn, | vat her 2nd | Phone RA 3.3474 | ques pm | RA 5.72722 RA 5.5007

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