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The Oshawa Times, 4 Nov 1960, p. 11

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Mrs. 1, K. Chalmers; model homes of the Kassinger Mrs, HM, Pretty; press Construction Company Mrs, DD, Monroe; cont-n-. Our first project was the adop SECTELATY IFERSHIEY mperier THE OSHAWA TIMES, Fridey, Movember 4, 1960 11 Astra Group |Colleg Hill H&S Holds Its First FOR STARRY NIGHTS add ples A Rodolphe of Toronto, The rich patterns and colors of the far east dramatize the classie lines of the cloak which hangs freely from the shoulders and is open at the side, Gown with its bare shoulder and semi - detached panel suggests the Hindu sari Madame Ambassador ed a dash of Kast Indian ta the fall ealleetion of the elation of Canadian Couluriers whieh ented in Mont real, The white Jersey aerylie fibre and St. George's Ukrainian CWL Soon To Buy Stained-Glass Window least ) Vik pre ening ensemble in knitted of wil [ arion is hy The frst meeting of the Juniorgroup eommunion al four Auxiliagme of BI. George's Ukrain: times a year ja Cathalle Women League Rocial activities proved fo he vas held an March 2, 1050, al the} yery successful in our first year parish hall IL Was unéni-iihe Junior Auxiliary sponsoring mously agreed upon Lo strive 10 gaoial hinges, one of whieh fea wards the purchase of a large! ured a raffle, and a June dance slained glass window for (hel "1a60 is proving fo he another church, and to participate in thei guooessful year, Election of offi activities of the parish, It Wasleeps was held in and agreed upon that TUWFe hay are as follows: Mes. | to he held at theloanuk, president; Mrs, J vice-president; Mes meretary Mrs, § Pritt fpatasurer: Mrs, J, Hrico and ual advisor, and upon suggestion vee Mo Kawzenuk. Ji Comp from Father Pereyma, the Jun trollers; Mrs, J, Planeta ior Auxiliary favored anendtiopnal secretary; and Mrs Crerewaty, press reporter A valentine dance in February when January alsn meetings parish hall We are pleased lo have J.C, Pereyma act as our were Haron, | Honfardi on A and a dance in June of this year | be very successful and we are looking forward to our next dance this fall | We again featured a raffle al one of our social evenings earlier this year =| The Junior Auxiliar wa pleased to participate in eelehrat proved to | Hyrs| A, Korkush,| ra. Sets Sights High On Leader Ship A milestone In the Wistory of Since its Inception, # tle over College Hill School was passed two years ago, the Astra Group, this year with the graduation the youngest growp of Simeoe ceremony md presentation of Street United Church Woman's awards to the first Grade § dass Auxiliary has inspred Hs mem Sylvia Rose and Wayne Wass hers Lo serve the ehnreh gt large weve the winners of the awards and the community ss well gs for academic achievement dongt giving leadership in thelr own ed by (he association and present church, Beversl of the members ed by Mrs, Earle Adams, the teach Sunday School, Vacation president, Fach graduate receiv Bible School and lake an setive ed #8 class picture, Earlier in phrt In community organization, May, the dass, accompanied hy e.g. hospital swihiary, home andiMr, J. Zilinsky and Mrs. Mal schoo association and the Pilot thew Bell took a bus trip to To Club Fonte to visit the Roval Ontario The growp this year has taken Museum, CHC television studio stalfing of the Iutam #04 other places of interest on Sunday, A Kindergarten Tes was held Stan Swartz in Bepember followed by the an nial Fall Bazaar in October Many nights are spent working] Several excellent speakers together in small groups, pool-|Visited us during the year: Cap ing ideas and making articles for!!®in Murray of the Fire Depart ment, the Rev, K. ¥, Dargan, Mr G, A, Wendiess, Mr, T, J, Heath, June school mspector and Mrs, Earl Wes B success In spite the Hoy from Home and School) weather, Counell, The members of the The format of the programs is Junior Audubon Club of the varied to appes) to a wide range School were invited (o come with of terest, It has included in the Meir parents to see the colorful pest years Allendances at An pletures of birds and flowers nual Lenten Berviee as a group, a|toxen by Mr, Alfred Bunker, # in color, an auction sale, a tour| WEN known naturalist, of the Bell Telephone, a pot ck! In June the association gave buffet and Opinion Quiz field day prizes and provided a Mich eredit for the organizing treat for each pupil. Two dozen of this group goes to leleresied | sweat shirts were purchased to members of the other WA groups | kether with material for one and to Mrs, Waller Roe, its first dozen pair of shorts which were president, and her made up by several of the mem Mrs, Robert hers 4 present executive The Mrs President Karle Adams; recording Vice-president Mrs William Baxby; recording secretary, Mrs Wozniak; corresponding secretary, Mrs, Nicholas Gulen treasurer, Mrs, Matthew ; executive: Mrs, MeGillvray hields, Mrs, Douglas Langley, over he Care Department mornings with Mrs man i charge the fail bazaar held each Novem her A Sirawherry Social in of executive, the follows vice-president, Me Leod; Mrs Nicholas Gulenchyn; correspond secretary, Mrs, Dave Bow man; treasurer, Mrs, Bob Hess; press reporter, Mrs, Neville Lau ecard &onvent r, Mrs. Reg group leaders, Mrs, How Mrs, Ken Cowan, Currie heads slate of officers Mrs resent an . ' Hobert secretary, i% Ing renee; Piper ard Toaze, Graduation Party For Grade VIII Mrs. C. B Waribert, Mes. Rob ert Mackenzie, Mrs, George Sis ey Ladies' Guild Supports St. Paul's Presbyterian Ch. fit, Paul's Church is located a the corner of Wilson north and Rogers street in the east end of Oshawa, This congregation was slarted ps 8 Mission Sunday School under the direction Knox Presbyterian Chureh An organization of church school tenchers and parents was form ed on the ih day of Vebruary 1950, which was later named the § 8, Paul's Ladies' Guild, This first meeting took the form of a banquet to which the mothers of ali pupils enrolled in the chureh school were Invited The main source of revenue since is inception has been the use of cent-amesl boxes, Also spring and fall bazaars have heen an annusl event, Bome catering has also been done for wedding receptions A special garden tes was held this past June at the home of Mrs, Willism MacDonald, Athol street east, the proceeds going to the bullding fund, for the pro sosed new addition to the church ilding The present membership on the roll is 4 The guild has provided equip ment, and given financial aid in many worthwhile projects in the ehuren Two new groups this year with the ladies' guild The present officers of the guild Ere President, Mrs, It, Copithorne vice president, Mrs, W, Dempsey formed the Were help of mesl, MRS, ARTHUR REARDON In her second year as presi dent of the Ladies' Auxiliary No, 27 of the UAWA, Mrs, Arthur Reardon is known In the auxiliary as Bister Alice - vy ¥ % Ke t 0, 23 | E a - Ing Father Pereyma's 25th Juhl vv of Ordination, This was the seh event to he celebrated our parish and | that lee first hy ane will long be remembered | At the June meeting it was un (animously agreed upon to have future meetings at the the member Our September meeting was held at the home of Mrs, A, Koy kush where we were graciously homes of MRS, REGINALD PIKE was held MeAvoy A Mon SCALLOPED SPROUTS Cook 2 Ibs. hrussel sprouts in Lineh water only until tender B10 minwtes, Meanwhile, hrown cup dry bread crumbs in 2 tablespoons butter or margarine Combine and heat '% cup milk Le Pov ne salted abot ered boiling, of sont den \ ee Wo Nas nited Oshawa We . ni ell Harmony \ Lions of Corn received, The highlight of the evening was the showing of slides by Father Pereyma of his trip to Europe, which was en [Joyed by all, Following, a lovely {luneh was served by our hostess bh | A bake sale was held the latter Humoresque Clu part of September. This was a . . new venture and had the support Gives Blind Folk of the whole parish The October meeting Friendly Pleasures at the home of Mrs, P who was a gracious hostess tn January, 1901, the Humoy soclal bingo was held on esque Club of the Wind for Osh day evening, October 24th awa and Distriet will eolebrate he kind support we have re its 11th anniversary Phere are ceived in all our ventures to date members from Oshawa, Whithy, is greatly appreciated, We look Rowmanvitie, Rurketon forward to realizing our goal in We meet at the CRA building, the future, Tt is hoped we may 100 Gibhh street, Oshawa, the sec have a stained glass window in ond and. fourth Thursdays of stalled In our parish ehureh in each month from October Hl the next year May. The first meeting 8 a busi ness meeting: the second is a so ela! one. There also a- Mind Rowling lea Humoreties which meets every Monday night The Lions and Lioneties Osh awa look atter the coaching and searing A delegate each year to the Convention of the Cana dian Council of the Rlind, This is held In different eities of Ontario epbh May. Several groups have entertained the eolub during the VOAr. A Suidlay evening service' at Albert Street United Charen Rowmanville, West Durham Ad visary Board, CNTR at the CRA plenio at Lakeside Park, Osh awa Advisory Board CNIR concerts at OCVL ga part or 1k i Mrs dinner at Church hy the Bowmanville, ONIR POA at the Kiwanis Camp hy Oshawa Lions Club, The Lionettes of Osh awa serve refreshments at each meeting We ns AT Very ta the 1 Rn m te § § The officers for 19041 WN 0 0 Past and 1 oup condensed cream af mushroom soup. Place the corked sprowts in serving dish, Pour on soup, sprinkle with 4 cup grat od Parmesan cheese and tap with the browned buttered erumbs Serve at once, Serves a Mrs Mrs Eva Wakely* Pike president president president, Mrs Pease Alias nell* seorelary Armistead ransporiation oon voner, Mrs, OC. Suddand* convener, Mrs. M, Leach*: pub Holly convener, Mr Lester Davies*: Legislation, Miss Vera Siblock®: social conveners, Miss Freda White®, Mrs, Mary Me Connell: press conveners, Mis \ 1 A ed Iva ¥ vive Farvest* Pat MeCon Ms. DW cand A WE Tawamiy-three wi? 13 sovial members, guides, Hi MRS, A, Mrs, A, C, Lave Ia president of the Catholic Women's Lea gue of St, Gregory the Great Council of the Archdiocese of Toronto THE STARS SAY Ry ESTRELLITA ¢, LOVE FOR TOMORROW Meroury trine people analytical and good at making deolsions, but the moon in Geminl causes decisions to be in very unstable equilibrium and therefore not permanent, Don't decide whieh to ') stream on FOR THE RIRTHDAY If tomorrow is your bivthday your horoscope indicates that the year ahead will bring forth ap portunities seattered throughaut If you reael to personal situa tions surrounding you, don't re spond too quickly and you might see them in a different light, On top of that, people's relationships to another ave likely to change, too, requiring a differ ent approach in dealing with them. This trend, giving an ap portunity for vou in social re lations, will last until about next February, Next March there is a great likelihood of travel with romantio fringes It you get in tions, remember revolving later days give you which you seene A ohild hora on this day would make good in business or as a seerel government agent Mars makes horse Cross one any tight situa that the high slars are very apt in 0 ease things and a loophole through Can reverse the HOUSENROLD HINT Tying dye in a piece of cloth and pouring balling water aver it until dye is completely dissolved prevents spotting when dyeing or tinting fabrics NECK LONG HOR Beek, I m and from the sale of various| ihe Oshawa Kinettes succeeding and It was the join effort of the Item decorations Years, L, Laniel; visiting tion of an Indian boy through the Mrs, I, Bell, Mrs, C. [Unitarian Services Commities of tea fund, Mrs. I Conada and every two weeks one Mrs, J. Wise of our members sends a personal letter to this boy and many re plies have heen received it has been our pleasure to donate a iolevision set to Wills dale Manor on the ocession of Ws opening, Our latest undertaking has heen to contribute to the support of the Canadian Cystic Fibrosis Founda tion, The Club's participation in (this regard was to purchase, at » cost of $400.00, a special oxygen mist sleeping tent required by » local ehild suffering from Cystic Fibrosis The club membership Is con tinuing to increase, We are most interested in enlarging our group and as we do not eonfine our membership to wives of members, of the men's club, extend s wel-| come ta any ladies who may be interested in Joining with us, Our meetings sre held on the 2 fourth Monday of esch month from September to May and are always dinner meetings st which we have either a speaker or some (type of demonstration We are looking forward to an even more successful coming ses son with Mrs, E, A, Middlemass as president, Mrs, J, Kietz ss vice-president, Mrs, G, W, Bay- liss as treasurer, Mrs, BR, Whit | taker as secretary and Mrs, A, A | Thompson as corresponding sec. retary Mr commities KB Whi Lake £0 praniat MIS, ¥, A, MIDDLEMASS Civitan Clubbers Correspond With Indian Lad The formed Mr. Harry Skinner that time pres Ladies' Civitan Club was 195% who was at dent of the Men' Civitan Club, contacted sll of the of the Men's Club mem hers to enquire if they would be interested in forming a Civitan Ladi Auxiliary Club, The idea enthusiastically received and 17 wives attended the first meet ing at the Genosha Hotel, On that evening several representatives of the West Toronto Ladies' Civil tan Club attended to outline to the prospective new elub mem hers the organizing of a club snd also to explain the purpose and function of such a elub, From this meeting it decided that a» club would be formed and Mrs W. A, Witham volunteered to be come the first president, Mrs, W, Wolfe volunteered as vice resident, Mrs, ¥, A, Middlemass treasurer and Mrs, A, M, Grif th as recording-secretary in November, vives MRS, ARTHUR STONE Mrs, Arthur Stone was re- | cently installed as president of) Funds have been ralsed through! ding an annual rummage sale eh as Christmas cards,| Mrs, Earle Southern, The Kin. | candles, nuls ald kits, For the past two| March of Dimes every spring to we have hostessed the wage war on poliomyelitis, rst MRS, G, 8, WERRY St. Andrew's WA Progressive View In Church Work Early in the first month 1060, the first year of this new, decade, the St, Andrew's WA and WMS held the first Joint installs | tion of oficers, This marks the beginning of the future activities) of the women of the United Church of Canada in St, An drew's as a single group working in the interest of the whole church A glance at the executive offie ars Installed at this historic meet ing shows that the president of the WMS, Mrs. J, L. Pegg, is also the first vice-president of the WA, Following is the list of the officers of the WA: Honorary president, Mrs, Murray Miller; past president, Mrs, A, W. Arm strong; president, Mrs, G, 8 Werry; first vice-president, Mrs J, L. Pegg: second vice-presi- dent, Mrs, James Warnica; third vice-president, Mrs, Irvine Mae leod; recording secretary, Mrs. | David Low; corresponding see retary, Mr Donald Campbell; treasurer, Mrs, H, V, Trew; pre: secretary, Mrs, H, E Grose | | oi : i 3 2 : * : iF H f i 3 oh : Form Auxiliary The Ladies' Auxiliary at The Officers Mess of Sotitle od, followed by a social hour, [Inthe past an annual Night-of- Cards has been held, plus sev- eral rummage sales, Money from those events has been donated to various ¢haritable organisations, The executive for 1000 is as follows: President, Mrs, J, A. Sheriff; secretary, Mrs. D, Harndon; treasurer, Mrs, J Larmond C. tr ---------- EARLY TREATMENT Whooping cough vaccine should be given to bables st three months of age, BT yrosa Oct16h sd lil In a Hurry ? CALL MERCURY TAXI [time 1) and) ettes sponsor the Mothers' | During the year tea was served at the regular meetings by mem RA 5-47T1 bers of a different group each veryone joined to serve Oshawa's Lar est and lunch to the members of the| Finest Taxi ervice choir after thelr conceft in May, 45 KING E., OSHAWA entire WA to hold the annual Flower Fund Tea In May, and the annual Choir and Sunday school banquet In March, In. MRS, BRYAN COLE MRS, JACK ANDERSON Mrs, Bryan Cole Is this year's President of the Lioneftes, | president of the Ritual of Jewels] Mrs, Jack Anderson and her | Degree of Ontario Gamma Epsi.| executive plan treats and sure | lon Chapter of Beta Bigma Phi prises and many little kind- The sorority Is a bond of friend.| nesses for the blind and partial. | ship In social and cultural .aetivi by blind of Oshawa and dis tes triet Te TART "ETI FTN WTI , A Toast To Health For All The Family! GUERNSEY GOLD IS THE MILK FOR US!! ® GUERNSEY GOLD is a natural for active weight conscious members of your family because it con. tains approximately 259% less calories, but more of the vital elements such as protein, thiomion, riboflavin and calcium than whole average milk, ® GUERNSEY GOLD has: 10% more solids, not fat, than average milk 20% more Protein than average milk, 13% more Lactrose than average milk, 89% more Minerals than average milk, Approximately 25% less calories than average milk IDEAL DAIRY has a complete line of quality Dairy Products available at your store or at your door IDEAL DAIRY brings you the famous Pure-Pak Throw-Away Containers for the same standard price charged for glass cons tainers with reduced prices for Bulk Purchasers of Guernsey, Gold, Skim and Homo Milk CONTACT OUR ROUTE SALESMAN Or PHONE RA 8-624] IDEAL DAIR LIMITED "...and we can build our "Rec Room" Now . . With no payments to make until next May!" "We may purchase all the materials we need to bulld our "Ree Room" , , , have it delivered free to our home, and NOT PAY A CENT UNTIL NEXT MAY! There are NO INTEREST OR CARRY. ING CHARGES over this period, and when payments commence next May, the interest rates are really low, | checked every detall with MILLWORK } nome upplies and am | ever gled "It Costs Far Less Than | Ever Dreamed!" The chap at Millwork was really helpful, He checked over every detail with me, showed me where to cut corners, and provided me with an estimate that surprised me, it was so low, The classes I've been attending at Millwork on "HOW TO BUILD A REC ROOM" opened my eyes on the relative simplicity of the job, Let's start right now!" We Can Arrange To Have Your Pro- posed "Rec Room' Built For You If You Wish . . , No Obligation, © FREE DELIVERY | » WIPNISDAY ALL ¢ BUDGET TERMS ® FREE ESTIMATES OPEN ® FRIDAY TILL 9 P.M, \i JATURDAY TILL WM, You Too Can Build A Beautiful "Rec Room" (ready for Xmas) and nol, PAY A CENT until Next May! Why not investigate today? "OSHAWA'S COMPLETE MILLWORK SUPPLIES 1279 SIMCOE NORTH SUPPLY HOUSE" & BUILDING LIMITED RA 8-6291

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