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The Oshawa Times, 4 Nov 1960, p. 16

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feild J ree ee -ecsies jr807 Broker . | Poppy Day New High School |Family Court [AUDLEY [sera ce hc WHITSY AND DISTRICT _ Pay Salesman |, Saturday | Ready In 6 Weeks 120mm "eels iii By upheld an appest by an Oshawa © S€rvice for the cclehration of ' ! Yoppy Day, Seturdsy, Bev. 5.) Mainenance manager, Andrew! He stated thet the gymnasium the 40th ammiversary of the Beot- Year ENA Reports), or, ve cu. mes elicit | tose, poss; fies, le fist hs be Beste me sins + nares 4 te arms; | has been ordered 10 pay # former, Wich the Canadian Legion makes fig School Board on Wednesday that the painting of the building Yemily Court and has set aside] The community club met at the salesmen $222, & commission, by|0 the public in order to provide vues ihe Anderson Street High! was progressing ut 8 Jud ate, an order that he pay his wile $10 ome of Fred and Mrs, Puckein Judge W, §, Lane, of the Ontario 19nds for the relief of necessitovs|gouonl would be. com in spl All paving wes he 3 on Saturn evening with the Bt Eastern STar [ibn bm uve dm we se tnd yumi a vee ods "e pm vk men. The ar, it hs Gs pr A iid Shanti, FA Jess net. of remembrance fs We seid that the 109 floor was Wy? Mats siosed by saying that iy a was rough] Subse patsy. wis ey med, fof 4 EWE, WAS RESINS Zins $08 now Ja. 0 ing wi n i i", | Novem y sel " The rt of Whithy shal, presented the flsg #6 he' or Kociond rosd west, Oshawa, WYholized by the wesring of # gonial and Sha ih the "= She ul ding % ay Coy ten Von Syke, of WI oveniben 13. In Socler. tchod a Sg held " mo Wines of the previous meet. His Honor ruled that Wilson in irihule 10 those whe paid tire building wes hented, All dhe." street east, former public school inspector, beet pid on oonidey Mrs, | fh fhe previous mact-\must vay Sherill the $222 com.|\he supreme sacriice bn Wt thei Cl" Sxtures, he sald were i ' Von Siyke had heen ordered|spoke on "Forty Years of Edu, attended the Chapter room on , bling were res hy Seer Bry, MES. iccion and siso the court costs ATs In which this country has idl Sires, ini vere 2 Hallowe en Dance emily Court Judes ¥, % cation', Oshawa Presbytery WA meeting Soseie of pnd hy i Sarin, hy reports were sf was 4 lormer employee of begn ongaged, le that sll the net noted thet they were of superior Fob to pay his wife Morgaretl The COIT had a Hallowe'wn|o! Ajax on Thursday of last week, orthy Patron, assisted. |gven by Mies, K. Browse snd YO mor dismissed + counteyproceeds derived from the Pe pity gis Hine tied, 1 - the At Ont. Hospital [}. DF arens Welmacwancel einar Tasouns, on Fouisaos ibe princi A The meet was opened in|Mrs. Noreen Draper daim by Wilson, with costs, Wil. CAmpeign must only be spent for denry Sirest | School, i ves 1d ; form, and rid Elsie Goose, Mas-| Conductress Mrs, Audrey Me oo, hag sought $970.97 oats. Wik this cause and in the commun Mr, Muir told the board thet, Once again the annusl Hallow. Act Judge ait slaved the Bp EVENIDE. monds church on Sunday evening, (Kenzie introduced the 1oNowing| punter claim, Wilson asked $120 11€5 in which the poppies are dis-|the ges line Joints, from the boll. ¢'en Dance at the Ontario Hos pen 4 wid hog Poi 4 orfer Past Matrons and Patron of ins oe ven Sherif LrIDULEd, Nok one cent goes to any er room lo the science labors- pitsl was an enjoysble event 7% ground Jha thers was Dol VON Whithy Chapter, and Past DDOM i nosember 1059, Wilson claim. the other Legion activities, |(ories, had to be changed to weld- Held this year on All Saints' Day, (# if "yee I} ' . Mrs, Winpifred Newion, wholoq this was an mdvance on pn Pisabled veterans are employed|cd joints in compliance with Tent ahout 400 patients and stall dane ; | Don t Miss This were given' a sincere welcome BY bonus but Sheriff claimed that it #0 "Vetersft" depots the yesr!ing regulations, ed to the music of Bernard Tier-| His Honor said that in his opin. Pr) 11 New Cases the Worthy Matron 6nd escorted|, co Christmas gift round, to prepsre supplies wsed ney 8nd his orchestra with lyrics|ion Mrs. Van Siyke had left main. to the East: Mrs, Winnifred New-| judge [ane ruled that under no *8 Vo0py Da ] y. sung by Marie Lesch, lly hecause of & dispute over 8 ' » ton, PDDGM; Mrs, Elsie Goose, | vircumstances could he find the! With each sspeet of the work fb ed pumpkins, skeletons fiouse on King street and he B ECIAL! During Month PM in office; Mrs, Julia Thomas, 817 was given other then as # PONE worthwhile -- Poppy Diy tt ement and balloon hesds decorated thel could find no evidence of cruelty PM in office; Mrs, Grace Blow, | iri Also in the counter claim, BE8in makes its sppes! to the lnrZe hell and gave it an eerielon the part of Van Slyke, either) PM; Mrs, Mae Phair, PM, I0\Wilson sought the ret patriotic people of Canada, Tis . / appesrance, Mr, Vrank Wayes\ohysically or mentally, ity VON Nurse, Miss A, M,|office; My, James Martin, FP, In 6164 a, whith he said oo sucess depends on the senerosity Gives Owner supplied wefreshments whieh it Eo also tated that, SPORT COAT reports thet 11 new cases office, payment on a commission paid to|0f the citizens and the compe- were served by the student purses| C70, io for eosts placed by were admitied to the VON roster| Year end reports were EIVen|gioriry, Fis Honor ruled thet this|'ence and vigor with which if fs $7267 D ama g and sttendanis, Among tho 8 lyen Siyke be returned to him, | " OR during the month of October, Her by the following conveners: Bick! poney' was rightly enrned py 0r2nized and conducted by Ve present were Dr, and Mrs, D, O Saring for the month follows, |8nd Sunshine, Mrs, K, Browne; Sheriff and Wilson contd not 2 gion Branch workers, Lyneh. Dr, T, A, Sweet, Dr, A. R,| Van Slyke was represented by of October! Sick and Sunshine, Mrs, Noreen|,cot the ret f these BUY A POPPY =~ AND WEAR Richards and ev, T, H, Floyd |John Greer, of Greer and Kelly, | rink XN 20 home visits, Of Draper; Ways and Means, Mrs. vice 'Sheriff terminated his em ONE! At the Vall Assizes of Ontario -- -_-- | NAY Y BLUE B these 65 cent were nursing Audrey Mackenzie; Benevolent! ployment with Wilson, County Supreme Court, Mr, Jus-| care visky The remainder were Vrs phine Conibesr; refresh-l" The plaintiff Sheriff claimed tice ¥, H, Barlow endorsed (he (REGULAR VALUES TO 16.99) Sh instruction. There were 11 ments Mrs, Louellns Cook; enter: iar the $279 claimed was com. 0 H At minutes of an out of court settle. health | tainment, Mrs, Mary Inkpen; mission on the y » 0 pen ouse ment between a court action he- Fe * with the purchase of any ale of £0 new cases admitted during the e of a house tween Tony and Joe Bolahood, the month, The purse spent 12 hours cards, Mrs, Mary Inkpen {made before he terminated em . | Mrs, Audrey McKenzie, eon sioyment with Wils H 11 Sch 1 | plaintiffs and Lakes Bros, et al, T " industrial Pursing o Bathurst) 4 otros, extended her sincere nvment v h Wize, Greer gnd| * 1 ton 00 the defendents Fi BERG LASS BOA 5 BOYS TROUSERS 9 00 . Containers, to everyone who assisted wolis _- TH The settlement favored th The VON program provides pro hanks Kelly, appeared for Sheriff, and 3 we settlement favor e fessional ron i to pati making the bazesr such 6 Donald Dodds represented the de- ar ant Clover Hove ad plaintiffs who received $7267.52 MAMMOTH IN THE STORE ents at home, on a part time) PUCCOSS, fendant In the action ' 4 wi "n v4 N61" The action, brought against the | 4 There being no further BUSINESS | mmm monthly meeting Wednesday eve. Lakas Bro I | For Onl 1 . | -- -- ' . ph as Bros, of Oshawa Involved | Y | y Ks 000th hase, All entiiens sih as or transacted, The meeting closed n Fli Di i Ring of Wition school. oe prox famages to the Bolahood building | MANUFACTURER $ CLEARANCE i (51285 8 TO 16 : y ini dl form, Mrs, Jessie Johnston, Wor- Th 4 ¢ ' caused by the erection of the I Special sate ne aditisieted thy Matron, glving Khe farewell, | ree 1e18 ie 8 meeting with fhe Lords paver, Lakas building, which had to be and DEMONSTRATOR SALE (YOU SAVE 9 95) 4 t the ciose he meeting, |¥ 2 fa; x 4 ' underpinned to the former, : of pha Th mors of eC mri ware. trv) iit Plane Crashes i stance vie ei icone me ol | Un $0 309% Discount Limited § v er com- bd 4 8 Ml the ) and chronically fl. Pow are bd Mrs. Louella Cook and her com-| pyr nppR, Mia, (CP)--~The|cipal of Williop school, D, Chal.| tes tiie en "onaid Robinson, p to 0 Viscoun Hurry For This--Limited Time Only! ridden and are # J n andiora f i | In endorsing the action Wis and around if even to a limited | gine Bellanca aircraft were|was followed by a social hour yr rdshi fed y y pod ¥ g 0) ond ef ar fy Matched Metal Die Process degree, The VON nurse will visit) killed Thursday when the plane with refreshments being served I I nended nel ry In Lapstrake Design by the Makers of he Famous Chevrolet I Men's and anyone in his home to give pro-| e e a t] plunged into a stubble field in-|by the mothers of Miss Bosks : Corvette Body fessional nursing care under the| side the city limits during alclass which he said was far better than Al Models In Stock = Priced Right To Sell direction of the family physician, | . pid far y is 4 The next meeting will be held » Judgment, r the plaintiff wa Tor your aagient Soot Cilio SF Suis Mn Stlarmation Boy Wear } | ! sel fo an was The visits are made dolly or less H M t Killed were the pilot, Mike Pee. 7 with 'Open House" at oun v I i ! frequently according to the patl-| as ee in Medinsky, #1 ay nh By fo Clover Lane school, [fone hy mgm, GO ua dor BENNE MARINE 36 KING ST. EAST (4 Doors West of Regent) ots Reeds, a. resident of| Benevolent Rebekah Lodge No engers, Edward Fldey, 24, and M---- (ehyn and Hillman, McGibbon and WEST HILL, ONT, AT 21720 ® OPEN TONIGHT 'TIL 9 » - vs J Bvereit, president oft yop held its regular meeting Wed. Prink Rick, 35, All were from| WHITHY SPORTS PARADE |Bastedo, and Crelhion, Praser,| fhe the Rosy, hid interview.| Desday evening in the I100¥ iedgewick, Alta | ON PAGE 22 'Dryan and Murdoch, 4 ' % h Hall, Noble grand sister Greial S-- -- N-------- - SCN - &d on CKLB during he ook ofl Campbell officiated, assisted by| the VON campaign, vice grand sister Stella McLean good opportunity to interpret to . the citizens of Whitby the work| Minutes And thank you ecards done by the VON, Sister McLean reported for the "Stock y ' visiting committee, Sister Isahe! oc WHITBY tors who ilended th ithday . 0 v 0TOR S I L S PERSONALS fant i Ajax "ed we enjoyabie| Reduction 0 NTARI sand Reduction { " : a : . evening, | a At a discussion re banquets it i ' BY . : elo 0. The weekly euchre club met at) wag decided that banquets would Sale dim [a By S | i oH nh | --- aie three occupsnis of a single-en-|lice, intreduced the teachers, This the home of Mrs, Edna Bawyer,|pe entered to whenever the occa RR 2, Whithy, The lucky winners sion arose, Tickets are now avail were! first, Mrs, Anne Batherson, | able for the 'Monster Euchre! ay 3 . . i Whithy; second, Mrs, How ard and Christmas Draw" to be held i v v 4 y ' i wld | Bartley, Oshawa; low, Mrs. Cora |in December Over 80 Cars : . y W A nA die Over 80 Cars Peel, Brooklin, Lunch was served All business being attended to by the hostess, The next euchre||odge closed in usual manner will be held at the home of Mrs,| Birthday greetings were sung for Must Be Moved. Howard Bartley, William street,| gister Kathleen Brough who Oshawa, with Mrs, Cora Peel 884150 won the lucky draw, hostess, | Must Be Moved, Mr, and Mrs, Robert May, of | Kitchener, were, waekend Busse WHITBY at the home of their daughter and son-in-law, Mr, and Mrs - - Noel Lopez, 1012 Tullp Terrace, DAY BY DAY Mrs, Carol Marshall, of Picker.| ALMONDS ANNIVERSARY -- ing, was guest on Thursday at| On Sunday, Almonds United) the home of Mr, and Mrs. Barry Church celebratefl its 123rd an- . 1959 1957 1956 ] . " Oldsmobile Pontiac Buick '] Williamson, of Newman crescent, | niversary, For the occasion Rev Fred Lane, of Oakwood, a past 4 Door Sedan fully equipped 4 Door Sedan, d 2 Door Hardtop with . 1954 and sharp very clean, radio | automatic, radio, ete, . IT Mrs, Hilda Barrett, of London 4 [president of the Bay of Quinte Bniland bp 3 nar at the home Conference, spoke at both ser vices, | Mr, and Mrs, Ron Willams, 1200 "me choir under the direction | Green street, for the next couple|s Mp Robin Nicholson played of months, special music and the guest solo Mrs, Edward Finan and daugh. ist was Mr, A, Crowhurst of Sear | ters, Maureen and | Shelagh, spent | Doro. [ 4 couple of Gayl amilton as DECREE NISI the Buests of Mr. and Mrs. G.| Aigo Rotta, 91 Gibb street, Osh. awa, was granted a decree nisi | Mrs. Peter Van Gills entertain. |in his divorce action against Fau- | ed her group of ladies of Lee av-|sta Rotta, also of Oshawa this nue on Tuesday evening, The|week, The action was heard hy lucky winner of games was Mrs, (Mr, Justice F. H, Barlow, in the A, Johnson, The hostess served Fall Assizes, at Whitby, = John dainty refreshments, Greer represented the plaintif, | ---------- SS -- $2545 $1385 $1085 =-- PONTIAC 4-Door Sedan, Beautiful horizon blue. $395 | | ij) SANG. yeeoo Cw CONTROL © 1059 1057 1056 Chevrolel = Chevrolet Pontiac Station Wagon, 4 Door 4 Door Sedan, 2 Door Deluxe with Model, 2-tone paint $2195 $1395 $1175 Flerattn, R40 BR. BH. WALLACE, QUALITY BANGS 01 THE BEST IN BEER. WITH AT Sane e | ohakabia "LENDS BLENDING BARLEY MALTS eaav wore DOW BRINGS OUT THE BEST... i BIG FOUR PLAYOFFS ON TVI awh so tig vo 27,800 | ee 1 ln 5 44 a . 140 Bond West Oshawa RA 5-6507 LIMITED automatic and radio, 1058 1956 1953 Pontiac 4 Door Sedan 2% Serles, Chevrolet Meteor . Ponfiac or Soden 28 8 2 Door Hardtop with . . 4 Door Sedan, reduced te automatic, bs a BR Deluxe 2 Door Model, clear, and brakes, radia, sharp special, $1595 $1205 $395 | pr I JARRE Ll

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