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The Oshawa Times, 4 Nov 1960, p. 19

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epg wg g me eLOMOMVE TSIOTE Of emmanities outside the man | metropolitan centr i said 4 rindi Rfid FIRE LOSSES FLYING FISH | The sect, Introduced in 1995, " . lestabiishes & schedule of wages FWE lowses In Britain totalled The socalled fying and days and hours of labor for PEIAN000 In the first hall of in warmer walters do not ; . certain indusiries if designated #0, compared with £21006 000 ly they glide from # fash an Yammer Wh PA #0 i 1 Wh th fo dod io a . Of whowt 135 such indusioighl developmenis have heen made on pa a-------------- oy dual whose political "career has # "heat camera" hat has pro standards in force, five Dreserthe kaT A A : oo A vided more than W0-percent ae emtical wages ond hors of soury, berbering, construction, The true North American of surface Work In sll parts of the provinee, ladies' dress and sportswest, lean he distinguished from » Industries altected by (he act painting and decorating, plumb bit by the hare's longer ears hind legs, THE OSHAWA TIMES, Fridey, Movember 4, 1960 19 New Camera 'Finds Cancer MONTREAL (CP)--Dr, Ray 'Nasty Nixon vs. Kid Kennedy 4 Jot AMER MARI you often seemed (0 show ERgLY -- v $, presidential Can {tow ierd none and malice Yward racy in detection og A whet puri [of + ww Kenedy, Is the The camera, only one of its nelude hrickiiying, sme maiing, and millinery impre sion. one wis 8 crooked! ricaer . happy' kind Wm the world, measures uP ' infra-red redistion, ard Jars and the other & Je "wrecking crew, Te ean Ret arming nhe 0&3 y 1 4 (RIPG INTO RECORD {whether a patient has cancer ov} * He Wd pA Py roy Po Kennedy has made ripping into Just 8 cyst without periorming #1 een 1048 fo now is wp to Wis Presiden Eisenhower's record Wiopsy," Dr. Lawson seid : wig hy wettion CAmPRIEn, IIE of bis main occupations inl "We cin also nse the camera rio plugging for Vice Fresi-| this campaign 0 determine whether burns are dent Richard WM, Nixon | But he has caretully avoided tecond or third degree within # Nixon has even of Ken any direct assault on Eisen minute inatend "® ys. 8 ing Lnedy's promised policies that he hower, This be not unnsual, 1's lo per om, n gralis mu cinild think of neo carnival confi simple good polities for Kennedy ore hap y the . dence man selling & worse quack to lay ofl Eisenhower oven Dr. Lawson sa next step ! Awill be development of an elec medicine to an unsuspecting pub-| ough belittling his sdministra vehvien) ye. hie" tion--since to he otherwise might Fone tube similar ns i A Kennedy has sald not only that cost Bim voles among admirers) thal will provide ne vio With If someone had better eut the of the still highly popular presi-|® wie pheture a pe 5 cards" before Nixon desis ut des heat patierns has represented the viee-presi- Eisenhower, once all his ora ery . SSL ECRTRY FY CLEARANCE OF 1960 FRIGIDAIRE Multiple: Hest deni a5 & haletul kind of Indivi-|tory 1s siripped away, is simply | - Dryers, Limited Quantity fo 4 - appealing to the volers to eon clear, sie Lo trust his Judgment to From Just oF ot $1699 down with smell monthly ., HOME APPLIANCES (Oshawa) LTD. 90 SIMCOE 57. 8, RA 5-5332 ® Your Frigideire Decleor in Oshowe tor Over 23 Yeon # Guaranty Trust © knee, Repeal Of ia heiter president than 4 . ntial " oor oe oo Standards Act | BEER BREAK BACK AGAIN Buys Prudential. ,......, .. ,.. Standards Act | Connle Danbury. forewoman | hoss, whose action earlier in were supposed 10 he putting In trast Company of Canads has himself elected twice, hasn't legional Development Council ke #% of 8 London shampoo firm, | the week banning the beer | the shampoo, Lincoln agreed 10 ved control of Prodential en so lucky In doing the same Thursday recommended repes) pours hare a Gone of heer | Gritiing go fl ve nh " | thelr ye . _ hyp h Ir wh Ce mpany of Montreal, i for Ws fellow Republicans of the province's Industrial today siter the company's wo. | walk out, Lincoln gave in ia heir canteen wd to give each " ) 3 4 Meee times in a row---1954, Standards Act men employees won a free | night and a COMPFOMIse Jr. gin walt # pint free at lunch oe istered ig TTY ob, 1956 and 1058---he campaigned The council, meeting in Tor dally heer break, Joining In | reached The ae i (AP Wireohoto) Guaranty Trust, seid his firm Hepublicans for Congress, onto, presented a brief to Pre- quit drinking the beer they ourchased control from Cham: Each time the voters ignored the mier Frost and his cabinet to i" savings Corporation, which Republicans and gave the Demo- support thelr resolution ed 81 per cent of Pruden:|crats control The act "poses a very real Papers Pick Queen-To-Be CT-- with offices in Tor: | -- - 1 . {onto Edmonton, Calgary and J | Dick Nixon I 113 t Vancouver, had assets Inst yesr of $25,761 000 Sh y ' nte igen Mr, Berry said thal eonsider: CHICAGO (AP)--A presidential] ble saving In overhead will re poll of United Blates newspaper MADRID (Reuters) "Quiet as Altonso XIII, Fabiola and her sult after consolidation of the . the drink Is Eric Lincoln, the ---- . editors and publishers, withls mouse but extremely intelli: mother both frequently visit ie ahout 40 per cent voting, shows gent, is how a close friend de- elderly queen they think Viee-President Rich: scribed the shy Spanish woman Although she had at least one ard Nixon will be the winner In|who is to become queen of Bel: previous suitor, a Spanish aris next Tuesday's election glum toerat, Fabiola preferred 10 wait Publishers' Auxiliary, & weekly 'She always Lakes # back-sest until she met her ideal man, i trade nawspaper whieh con al any gathering ' added a The man I mure she told ducted the poll, announced priest who knows her well a friends must he both a hard Thursday final results from! Dons Fabiola Mora, the #2 worker and religious In eharac nearly 4,000 of the 10,708 ballots year-old fiancee of King Bau. ler sent to the newspaper execu: douin, belongs to a little-known IN LOVE tives but wealthy ArialoGHatle family According to Countess Baltes, It announced. that weekly news. On her mother . side ja fuel "dhe is madly In love with Bau paper editors and publishers be lary her noble lineage 7 doin" Heve Nixon the winner in what WE In recent months, Fabiola has 16 sald "oould be called & near Behind her shy facade, how: (0 shout five pounds---she Wey landslide," He was favored over| ever Is 4 Woman of determing ally welghs about 128 pounds his Democratic opponent, Bena {tion and discretion The news of (oo use she was worried about tor John Kennedy, in 96 states(the engagement was Kept 88 ihe vosponsibility whieh she with a total of 416 electoral voles close A secret As Wak hat of would have to assume while Kennedy was the choice in| Princess Margaret to AMORY| yop host friend and sisterin 12 states carrying 115 electoral] Armatrong-Jones law Pilar Sasiao, when asked voles, A candidate needs 260 : ' low she reacted when Fablola electoral voles to win, The re ay 4 ROK elas sister, the confided her secret to her, said turns were from 3.360 weekly oo onto Maria Baltes, "shell SAW Fabiola so full of hope newspapers made her decision entirely on her and po. deaply n love that " I In the poll among executives own, Not even our mother knew "OW A iad pray Pi pi of dally newspapers, the tradelof it until Fabiola had made hor, Hola 6 wh ppines newspaper sald, Nixon also was mind up to accept the king's of ith ok 4b a Wenderidl ou regarded as the winner, but with fer of marriage," on ror onder a smaller majority, It sald the The couple probably met in the RAIL a TR 842 dailies reiurning ballots gave home af Ti-year - ald former told one of her sisters afier the y J br 4 | Nixon 82 states with 380 elec | Queen Victoria Eugenia of Spain Boi dba Bt toral votes and Kennedy 15 states(Who in 1006 wae wel omed hy © with 147 voles, Three states, Spaniards as "the English rose" | pixps GAIETY Arizona, California, and Idaho! when the blonde heauty came 10| Ayko ah shy, Fabiola can be were fled the Spanish capital to wed King surprisingly gay when with her ---- family or among friends, She is wisiness as Guaranty has al ready established offices at the ive points where Prudential Is located Guaranty reported assets last year of $220,409 460, Pipeline | Appeal Heard | | WOODSTOCK (CP) Hearing | of an appeal by a West Zorra| Fownship farmer against an Ar- nitration board award for dam: | age to his land by gas pipelines was resumed here Thursday be-| fore Ontario Municipal Board representatives Charles Lupton Is appealing | the decision of the Ontario Fuel Board to award him $1,180, He| claims pipelines installed in his land hy Ontario Natoral Gas | Hlorage and Pipe Lines Limited, | uf Chatham, damaged the land | and restricted Its use, [ Bank Interest | Increased Again OTTAWA (CP)=The Bank of Canada interest rate, elimbin for the sixth straight week, ad. Wear a POPPY On... POPPY DAY - TOMORROW! Every Citizen of Oshawa is urged to buy a Poppy to wear as a symbol of Remembrance Mp 8 UY and WEA a POPPY! Poppies made by disabled Veterans In the veteratt shops, i . fy seen al any social func tion in Madrid, But she liked to vanced Thursday to 8.47 per cent No Rift NEWS IN BRIEF dance with her brothers and sis from 3.28 last week with the sale will be on sale on the streets of Oshawa Tomor by Cana- ters when they Were all young of $06,000,000 in 9lday govern: | 0 AID UNSKILLED (together, Bhe plays the plano ment treasury bills . Between arr D UNSKILLED Lo [tell and sito 'he guitar, and "ho rule, an indloator of con dian Legion and Ladies Auxiliary taggers, The entire pro- cald sad to # neo 8 ditions 9 ™ | R Chi sage sald Thursday is govern | Ju (CSU, ATICNC0 RODE IOAG In ie han ceeds go to help veterans and their families in need and uss, ina I Jp a program of She loves children and spends 1% percentage points from its] diviress. Please be Sondrous In tl wt of Po : Day. B | - LONDON (AP)--Premier Chiu eal schools In Wishes, provinee Tormuch of er Hime with ber i Wo: year low of 1,93 per cent on . g PPO PRY y. Buy A Endal of Communist China deslopen new Joh possibilities to un. BOHN bd Sept, 42 H 'pled In an Interview Thursday| skilled laborers who form the| 18 Jeary 10 ole Monin, the « hi The rate, minimum charge hy and Wear a Poppy for remembrance, i night there Is any rift with thelbulk of the unemployed, dren of her six brothers and sie: 0 conipal bank on its infrequent ) Soviet Union and said the United | tors, Fig education has hoon loans lo chartered hanks. i sel A States ean have peaceful relations LINER SANS hp A wey TY nth al one-quarter of one per cent on with China only if it pulls out] ROUTHAMPTON (Reuters) lof me was tn Swieriand-hul above the average yleld on the # of Formosa and the offshore Is|The Cunard liner (Suan Mary|Cnpant travel and long spells | o kly sale of 9-day treasury Li lands sailed early today for Cher OUR | residence abroad have Riven bills | " The interview was taped In Pe. on Ae Pid " Jon Tok aie er a cosmopolitan bacground ee ' . $ R HH king "nd Sows throughout Brit cable onlin bi of her propel: | Fablola's friends helleve that USEFUL ANIMAL | ervices 4 emem rance M: ain hy the BRAC she will make & good queen, he:| The South American Llama, a R Asked about reports In the|'®™ cause she Is a woman who al-[traditional beast of burden, is] ; 4 West thal Russia Is worried] SEEKS BARRETTE'S SEAT [Ways has been occupied with also valued for its meat, milk wh about Red China's growing JOLIETTE, Que (CP) helping others land wool LL | : ( . A J ' 1 by . A-- ------ ty power, Chou replied Charles-Edouard Hetu, 45 Joli ' Fo "The socialist countries oan: he' vawver was ploked Thurs ] fur nol possibly be apprehensive off guy night as the Union Nationale | | I iH each other, Thelr common Inter: nary affiolal candidate in the ATTRACTIVE CAREERS » > LJ MY est Is to help and support each|{Nay, 28 provinelal byelection, He . . » . . a other for a COMMON UPSUrEe In| is to try to hold the seat vacated | ap their national economy, and 0on:|hy former premier Antonio Bar IN THE | \ ~ tinuously ralse the material and pette, who resigned from the at the at the iY cultural standards of thelr own Quebec legislature and the party FEDERAL PUBLIC SERVICE | ¥o peoples." leadership In protest over what trig -- - woes [ho oalled anti-democratiec meth LR 1 ols of certain party funetionar FOR | | ¥0 M t [fon te otor Coach | | | wl [Wren AT GUANTANAMO 0 GUANTANAMO BAY, Cuba! hn For Museum (AM) The entire defence ma | & LONDON, Ont, (CP) -- London ehinery of this strategic United Requirements Include i A callvay 00 mm ks 8 Lon Thurs: States naval hase will fo into ac CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION OFFICERS Parade will assemble at Legion Hall, Centre All those wishing to place wreaths on the war Memorial at | oo diy rejected 4 $300 bid for three| HON 10 a (raining exeroie (0ARY this service, please assemble at the Legion Hell at 10:30 a.m, ping old motor coaches of the London | Nats By eg Rie Sh JUNIOR ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICERS Street at 2:30 pm, te proceed ine body te the Cenotaph, ro aha port Baney Ratner ia traning manoeuvres normally | ECONOMISTS AND STATISTICIANS Ay y : ' conducted monthly | A : o Canadian Rallwa I oy ve By Brag DOMINION CUSTOMS APPRAISERS Every citizen of Oshawa is urged to attend these services of Remembrance for the Glorious Dead Historioal Association at Moni WILL EXECUTE teal LEOPOLDVILLE (Reuters) The other two will be ripped Congolese authorities Thursday far sovap, estimated to be worth! onc iced anyone found guilty about $3,000 3 of violence or terrorism in the Three remaining coaches Will iio would he executed in public CORUNUE 10 TUR AR BXPIess BOTY: phe apackdown comes alte TRADE AND COMMERCE OFFICERS COMBINES INVESTIGATION OFFICERS FOREIGN SERVICE OFFICERS FOR CITIZENSHIP AND IMMIGRATION, EXTERNAL AFFAIRS, | TRADE AND COMMERCE I who fell in The Empire's Wars. foe between London and St geeks of looting and terrorism To eee: wel AncHivisTs This Message Is Sponsored By Canadian Food |dlsclptined soldiers of the Cone] pINANGE OFFICERS « ITA Epp oX Oshawa Branch (No. 43) Canadian Legion » Reor anizes WASHINGTON (AP) Presi ident Elsenhower may Wake a y trip to Nigeria, In. West Africa of TORONTO ry phatehdidets olther hefore ar after he leaves -- have approved an amended cap! te White Hote, The Goon "0e K tal reorganization plan exchange of messages, made n sxehange for thon ghd publie Thursday hy the White preferred share a House, between Eisenhower and Yelding 4% per cent, share 'he Nigerian prime miister, the! ors will receive ane first prefer ig, Sir Abubakar Talawa ence share. par 880 and yielding naiowa six per cent, and one second 14 preforence share, par $30 amd BAILS HIM OUT rr yielding three per cont to IN| 'uw YORK (AP)--The Soviet SA! aid six per cent thereafter, PUR oo ovat won freedom on $30, two commons share 00 ball Thursday for Igor Y for od ond 9 , Bt benefit, STARTING SALARIES $4050 for Clerks 4 and $4560 for all other classes, Since these are training classes, candidates must be under 31 as of June 30, 1961, Under-graduates in their final year of study are invited to apply but appointment will be subject to graduation, Students from all faculties are eligible to compete WRITTEN EXAMINATION -- SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 19 D. J. IVERSON, President A. HILL, Secretary AND THE FOLLOWING OSHAWA BUSINESS FIRMS: LES EVENISS SALES LTD. H. W. GOURLEY LTD, 15 PRINCE §T,, OSHAWA RA 5.4632 222 BOND W,, OSHAWA RA 5.1100 HOWIE'S B-A STATION ROY W. NICHOLS ES 21 ee ; he All class A stock wil oth Melekh, a United Nations secre: Asgitetion terms and detalh, including the losation o bow RR. 1, OSHAWA RA 5.5337 COURTICE and BOWMANVILLE RA 8:6206 } verted Ina COMMON ARATeS OR ania) employee accused of spy nat ntres, may be obtained at main Post Offiees, National ) a the basis of four common for ane jug in the U.S. for Russia, How Employment Ottiges and Civil Service Commission Offices, DODD MOTOR SALES NU-WAY RUG & CARPET SALES A A ] Malekh Maced under j ha company ix a holding com Fd al i A Bid " You would the. descriptive folders, write immediately he 4 PARK RD. S$. OSHAWA RA an ALL) MARY N., OSHAWA RA \ ; pany with subsidiaries operating in Manhattan and not to set foal Civil Jervis Commission Ottawa eitying your Holds of ) ' restaurants and other food serv: ga any pler of in any railroad interest, Please quote competition 61.2630, ' | oes. {or alr terminal, a J - A - ) I : : _ J hs wf

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