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The Oshawa Times, 4 Nov 1960, p. 3

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THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wridey, November 4 1960 3 MINOR HOCKEY May Be Given More Ice Time minor hockey |diocre players would be placed fee time at in the other league The letter asked if there was anything the commission eould do to help the situation The question was raised: "What about 'all the other organ izations that have asked for ex tra ice time? What will they say?" PRIMARY INTEREST Robert Wilson, chairman of the arena commission, said he felt primary hockey interest in Osh awa was in the Minor Hoe League, Ian Greenway, repre: senting the skating club on the commission, agreed it was the strongest organization It seems likely will get additions] the Oshawa Children's Arena, on Thursday nighis, Home and Behool Associations will be given) Saturday nights However, the arena commis siom, wary of public protest, re- fused to make a motion avthoriz ing the change. Instead, af a Thursday night meeting, they ap- Clproved any schedule the arena manager might draw up This left the dirty work to Bill Smith the manager, The discussion preceding the motion made it plain they want- 'led Home and School Association ice time changed from Thurs day night to Saturday night, {leaving Thursday night open for| Mr. Smith said he had econ minor hockey tacted eight of the nearly 20 1 || MORE PLAYERS | Home and Bchool organizations The discussion started when a|Concerne 4 He sold ut of that 16 t, only one though would | | eter From nd " Budson he alright to change to Baturda) THE WEATHER OFFICE | are maintaining sn sbundence | westher is forecast for Ontario | president « © awa Wr says prevalli ng westerly winds | of clond from Newloundland is 4 ond Quebeg for Saturday 'Hockey League. w ead. Thelnight, He said the chief com as | : Hotkey League. the 1 oe ra seemed to he that prope Manitoba, Little change ~CP Wirephoto wr , no vant ele, ,| LEGION Members of Branch 43 of the Canadian Legion sembled at Legion Hall Monday night prepare for Poppy Da Saturday. The Poppy Ta as to this Rally To Discuss Curriculum A number sentatives 10th annual conference Ontario Associa lum Developmen 1 Edward Hotel, 1 11 and 12 Those vill include E, K. Jame Roberts, H Drynan, Cu J. Heath John Polz Sheffield Thi rhe Oshawa attending epri he the ou of tion of Curr the rontn itendin Dy HN M don Wm | and ( Spa Ter J Nave \ I [8 ene disen year many Trends in aspects of include Trends in ematles, Teaching nage, Teaching of Crithe ing, Outside Education Teaching duen thi general the lath a Second Lan il Think on Ontark in Science Modern Influences and Trend the tw, 'lon COMING EVENTS tes and bakes BAZAAR ST CH NOF TH OSHAW TURKEY SUPPER SATURDAY, NOV. 5 4 PM all are ults $1 Until i A ¢ 0 Bazaar and Tea FRIDAY, NOVEMBER AT 2.30 PM IMCOE ST, MEMO HALL the auspice Group W ath Under A BAZAAR TEA AND TINY-TOTS FASHION SHOW TUES, NOV. 8, 2:30 P.M St United Chu ) Andrew Jessie Panton Missi Auxiliar BAZAAR Home Bak th, Apror d Tearoo BINGO CORONATION ORANGE TEMPLE SATURDAY, NOV Ome m BINGO AT UAW.A. HALL NOV. Sth 20 GAMES $10 A GAME $30, $40 $50 AME $150 WEALTH IN 4 games of $20 JACKPOTS, ONE SHARE THE PORT PERRY LIONS' CLUB NIGHT OF HARMONY AND COMEDY Presented by Oshawa Chape ter SPEBSOSA. (Barbers shoppers) and' Oshawa Chap- ter, Sweet Adelines NTS CHORUS A QUARTET SINGING and the Chapter's new BLACK FACE MINSTREL COMEDIANS PORT PERRY NEW HIGH SCHOOL AUDITORIUM SAT. NOV, 5th 8:15 PM Tickets Availobls ot Door - Britain, a POPPY FUND COMMITTEE by ion branches (o provide are Mrs Beaton H, Pow Oshaw Bathe J. An | Zone from left Ww F chairman the varl- | ing derson, | is an annual drive ous 1x welfare of » # and thelr Monday night CITY AND DISTRICT ™ a's ids for the ar poppy the H | chairman for a cam Mrs velerans families Bhown al 5 meel- ' paign presi CAPSULE NEWS JACKSON ON Jack Oshaw kating champion ng for rid f onxt Don on is in ( vho pre the ham on| competition ure Skat next eh i Don he Georg il anpenrl © WIRE OLDER WORKERS Scene OTTAWA (CP Unem of 10.30! Ployment Insurance ald Thursday that ( are ton My ind { Oshawa On CR( on h on of EJ Jac) The ( the Iv other G ho rr Channel 6 om n ol ( adian inadian em Bil M hompson ch i nin ealize Niring age and sept, W mployment Servic 15,611 (3 polyer ls lo he merit of personne In n and Virginia over the 1 560) ol TO PRESENT CONCERT ear ended Oshaw Chapter of A Bi I found 3 4 1 th the » I'he onal { SPERSQS 1 Join of Oshi ) ) vorkers 45 year hershoppers ) | Jobs fc wher Adel and oy omplete ato put on a SECRETS West issumed LOST Top BONN. (Reuters sald Thursday it of top defence been relayed to Moscow ring uncovered last Minister Franz replying {tions about the Alfred Frenzel Sockalist dep. ity and member f funde (lower house) defence and 'com Perry High! on Saturday enterta by tor « enin edy, at the School andi v. 5. The ¢ of harmon Port (ie new ot secret hy week Josel to que t Friday ome ts ening 'BV a spy Defence Strau " bein ponsored rey Lion P. table Clubs work as ar of TOURIST Ihe O mere \ ommittee PROMOTION a Chamber of Com iors Conver headed b held a lune Frida Was a meetiy towards a an ol ne @ and tion ' ag Gorde non mitiee com neon com at Hotel good at accom ohjee Garrison There and the DOG TAX NOTICES HAMPTON (Stab) dreds of dog owners | fon Towns vill tice to pay thelr dog tax the next few days, The Darling {ton township of mailed out approximately dog tax I'here timated in the Genosha tends Hun Darling ¢ 10¢ n recel } T veleome more conven plished much tive I ng and the holding of tons In Oshawa GARAGE minor a no within na visitor Hp ¢ has 700 an ie FIRFK Department [notices fire at|1400 dogs Thursday after. | no other fire| DIPLOMATS PROTEST day morning.! HAVANA (Reuters A mult routine ambu- nation committee formed to get fast action from Cuba on diplo British Laborites Seek New Line LONDON Labor, party Britain to township Oshawa «l Gibb stree ere nee Ie a garage Vere Thur ere we hree el eall Left AP rebels wing| Harry Hylton-Foster refused want|accept the motion because it serap nuclear weaponsinot submitted hy Gaitskell wl its NATO lance today|the official party leadership ugk I ( | it new st to ¢ mtinue | At one Silverman the fight after ling to shelve had no right 'Molly Br to was and point de to Galtskell, a supporter of avernment's general defence cy, kept the top party post by| 2 to 1 majority left | wer Harold Wilson in balloting Labor members of Parlia The 166-to-81 tally, the re it of week-long voting, was announced Thursday night at a eauen | over by ment h Hu n p Ry WILLIAM GLOVER NEW YORK (AP)-=In The Un sinkable Molly Brown a lot of top Broadway talent mixe raphy and musical comedy be folklore but as robust enter all done by clock even wh Gaitskell was a el lebration dinner with Wilson's supporiers moves fami wi to 48 new I'he Dally rebel blog Sketeh reported that planned to form party vould strength in Parlia third. The left wingers would v} to! second The result may disappointing talnment, It is work hich out Labo nearly «o ne he Thing tart with a rush of nent eaders n future ig 8 ¢ elahorate em as a high promise in the elahoratel how that opened Thurs Ww on mounted night in the mer Garden DERATE am Wi hinted ear Audience Emanuel Shinwell, ated hy Impressive member the leftist] 7Production hy Guild and Dore hy Schary Willson, hit The drawer down Hardly the heroine ASKED Such a FOR Move whe edit Theatres direction Meredith fabulous and top the way playhill ¢ the Sch score hy of the Man all by in ol oup Shin n 11 ther ind lef Siiver led an demand in the { Commons for debate on la motion condemning the gov nment's decision to provide hase in Scotland for US Polaris-firing submarines The motion, backed by 40 left {wing Labor MP iso demanded {removal of all U.S, bases from But House Speaker Sir Sydney ving creator Music technic n in ecessfal | House an is the curtain up than races on in the pell mell person of Tammy Grimes who has a snub-nose, a gquavering volee and ar case of super energy. A barefoot tomboy, Miss Grimes wrestles three brothers a nuclear or | | a ole The Only Drug Store Open DOWNTOWN OSHAWA SAT. EVENING, NOV. 5th, 6 to 9 P.M. WILL BE JURY & LOVELL LTD. 8 KING ST. EAST RA 3.2245 The other downtown drug stores suggest that you make sure you get your prescriptions refilled before 6 p.m. Saturday of each week and avoid any in- convenience PLANS TAG | hart Older Men Being Hire 451 | CONC RNE D OVER NAZISM |Gied Hall committee | speak Disappointing leagues there are more hoys this year than last year, More time is needed to provide oppor {tunity for all the boys to play More than 100 boys are in volved," Bill Kurelo, minor hockey commission, said time was provided {would he divided into 'A' |Leagne and a "B"" League, The Ihest players would be placed in he "A" League, The more me auxiliary, A. Brown, Oshawa | R, Burk. | dent of the ladies' Canadian Legion; R co-chairman of the Drive and Mrs the the I'd representing league on if more the league Poppy Oshawa Times Photo an ice on that th re then to go out Saturday night pointed out Home and School As only gets the use of once a year, It isn't alar schedule of Saturday the must follow Reid representing on the commiss 1g Thursday fo parlies I was however each ation Lodge Gives g © Uren: the ion nig 1 provide] | 100 boys if At Detroit of could than fan Lana) foe kis for *more in noy ating he Cort members 61 Bone 40 thian Lodge wh or of NO OBITUARIES Order Odd {panied the lodg {team to Detroll las! wives of of Fello third veekend of degre ome the hushands FUNERAL OF FRED HOBBS pumber of attended the fune Fred Hobbs who died Hospital A re (0 and service protested to the Church Thursday against thelOshawa General motor launch belong day. Oct, 81 Portugues ambass The servic on eountrie Thursday N thelr Intosh-Anderson commitiee formed and as conducted ding Canada Archdeacon H Chile don. rector of Christ United | Anglican ( wireh, Interment | n Oshawa Union Cemetery PROTEST SUB BASE The were GREENOCK, Scotland (Reut White ley Union demonstrators Thursday Biddulph cketed a ing of navel and ence Foster called to discuss| A profusion Polaris-armed| indicated the Ihe dem. whieh the deceased was and waved all sections of the community against the large friends for street ral 141 the Mon mati at ernment note zon elzure of a 2 p.m M Home hy the Ven D, Clever Memon held at al. the Funeral n to the f a Al ¢ Was are Ww. 3 ambiassa mn erable France, Arab Re and the HA Jack Clar pallhearers Arthur Rowden Kelly DeGray and Tan McNab of floral tribute gh esteem iithoritle i civic for m 1 Beottish base ine mstrator submarines held In houted protesting ed | | here { rican banners propo 8 In falling health for. about 15 ears, Miss Ethel Tryphena Oke at the Strathaven Nursing Frank H |Home, Bowmanville, early today Canadian gne was in her 70th year human. rights) x daughier of the late Samuel sald Thursday helo e and Alice Hamblyn, the de a Nazl party In Can-| oon cod wag horn in Bowmanville erious coneern to all April 5, 1868, She was a lifelong sald all CLC affil| oiqent of Bowmanville and for urged to watch for a number of vaars worked for the of such a party or 8Im-{y p00 Holgate and Son Com t activity and to expose pany y Miss Oke was a member x | Trinity United Church REMEDY | She is survived by Mews, a street Walter Oke. Mayfair dis The funeral service will be held| of old daysiat the Morris Funeral Home were given Bowmanville, at 2 p.m, Monday | tempers, Nov, 7, Rev, W. K, Houselander, | | pastor of Trinity United Chureh,| {will conduct the services, Inter {ment will be In Bowmanville lo emetery near v (cp of Al chairman MONTR the Labor Congre existance of ida 1s of itizens, He lates will be ny ine ric ) 0 ilar such groups ol RouvGHn Pond London's reminder wives their a brother, | Ducking Ign in trict 1s a when nagging a dip to Improve the The at for matters party on defence party's annual con Scarborough last month adopted resolution propos-| ing that Britain serap nuclear rm regardless of what other countries do, Gaitskell took the view that Labor MPs -- who the party leadership--are not compelled to follow conven tion policy hecause they are elected by the publie, not by the party convention ference FUNERAL OF MRS, MADELINE RAN The memorial service for | Madeline Randall, who died all the family residence, boulevard south, Monday, Oct, 41, in her blst year, was held at the Armstrong Funeral Home at p.m., Thursday, Nov, § Reev. 8, C Atkinson inter of Alberi Street Chureh, conducted the ser Interment was in Oshawa Unlon| | Cemetery | The pallbearers were Andrew| | Brodie, Arthur Bishop, David| | Reid, Harry Boychuk, James Hardie and A, Parish FUNERAL OF JOIN SEMENUK funeral service for John a former Oshawa gro at the Oshawa Tuesday, Nov the Ukrainian ¥ ( H min lees own' across the stage as she proclaims her theme song I Ain't Down Yet Swiltly she advances from this start in Hannibal, Mo.,, to ro mance in Leadville, Colo, with a luek-happy miner, plaved with musieal vigor and wooden man. hy Harve Presnell, a convert Thursday 3 from the opera-concert arena, | The pod ice, which was largely The pale hit a $10,000,000 lode]aitended, was conducted hy Rev and head for Denver where s0cl- | John Jacenty, minister of the ely snubs them so firmly that a hureh Interment was in Mount they light for Europe {Lawn Cemetory | plays through aill The active pallbearers were he sthsequent events | Willlam Wiadyka, William Hryey urvival of the liner |shyn, William Yourkevieh, Harry ister and reunion |Mandryk, Thor Salmers and Ro of frantic one-note man Kophynski She neither ages| The honorary pallbearers were A. Wladyka, 8. Salmers, K, Kra The enterprise is so busy on|gutsky, N, Zaleschook, T. Say tory, with occasional dancing chook and H., Krawets nterlndes for ¢ hor eo grapher| | Peter Gennaro's frenetic corps, | MRS, HARRY WILLARD The death occurred at the that the spectator never gets in volved, enthused, or amused 'Cedars Nursing Home, East Whit The Semenuk, leer, who died General Hospital 1, was held in ner Novy out Grimes the separation Fltanie dis vith a sori determination nov ripens @ and Travelling Overseas WHY NOT FLY "The modern way to travel is by air.' N a For information regarding any form of travel . ,. DIAL RA 3-944] by of Ww n nw en M Port ifter w " CUrs 0 th 1 Ll st g hase at Holy Loch MISS ETHEL TRYPHENA OKE Pilot Offier William Willard, whe v Jame The funeral service will be held! put on the third degree for nine fre F pm Ww P e { |b Donations To! 'Hospital | 51,158,147 + 270 Oshawa g1 158,147.01 [tr | United |" th Pu Preshyterian Church at 3.30 py Gniario County Medion mM 0 1 M AM #50. vith the World War or Bishop accompanied their The Oshaw comed hy Non Har had three or B6th Thursday vidow of Willard, who th for stroke her Township Emma Peer lard, Mrs nh heen In good heap wonth hus Di a party roup of and were Wayne a turkey dinner head table Norman, master and Mrs. Norma Al, Cole; Ra ind of Wayne sceretary of Wa Klein, past disiri ind master of Lodge of Michigan Klein G Wannamake Distriet 41 Bordelope, PGM represent of Bovereign Grand Lodg Meise nohle Lodge; Jack Grand and deg ain of Corinthian Lodge Hambly, noble grand of ide Lodge and Damon Wolf, grand of R ide Lodge Norman introduced the VAS a the trot members the Detroit rooms for to utfered Bh da in Among Bro ceremonis Mr, and My i, Vice A, We Lod ge deputy ( the ere Ww Mr deceased rn at Udora moved to 1900 and ried to My of Port Perry fi y Mrs, Willard went fo ¢ er daughiers in Port year five y di Cieor hter of the late the and e Peer Ul Perr short] Willard n y tman n Gir i" Ww rand Vr DDGM bY HIVE H Wayne Nohle 0) ago and of moved Ww them to VA. Bhe Was & member Port Perry Church edeceased hy her n Mrs, Willard ith of ¢ ia P shand in § survived b wo daughliers, Misses Helen and ita Willard, of Oshawa and m, Grant Willard, of Port Perry predeceased hy On he Was Vers 4 het as killed R( vhile ser AF Ing overseas during the Second Wannamaker to the lodgernom degree visitors, Bro tended greetings Later in the Corinthian Lodge Also surviving Is brother Peers a of Port Perry tea we! fro whom one of om the MeDermott - Panabaker| |! andidates, two and uneral Home, Port Perry, at al from Oshawa Saturday, Nov. 5, Interment] Brougham ill be In Pine Grove Cemetery Bro, J, Taylor, noble grand ripee Albert, The services will| Corinthian Lodge, thanked Way conducted by Rev, H. A, Mel.| Lodge for their hospitality Bre minister of Northminster| Norman and Metevia nited Church, Oshawa, assisted! appeciation to the degree tea v Rev, EB, 8. Linstead, minister and heaped praise on Its mer Port Perry United Church, | hers for a fine performance One of the highlights of Phil was the presentation | Noble Grand J, Taylor Grand Metévia of a new 50-st flag for use in the thi ldo Pt Later Oshawa the hotel Another feature was the draw for held by the Detroit draw was won by Oshawa at the Lodge, Jd. Taylor, The Oshawa nnounced . this has General Hospitad morning that now heen con | ihuted {o its building fund. The t of donations, not previously acknowledged, follows R. Squibb and Sons of an, Lid, Montreal na Co. of Canada Vighton Revan 5. J. Whyley PIONEER Nielsen, born CHEESE Mrs, Hanne since Furope Processes 0.00 making all over nations' ish cheese trav elled 24,00 o study other 24.00 16,00 P A 4] Independent Accom memhers eseor ie Lodg guests| cloud is y Mar Lodge vnel the and| Ontario; | River-| & vice| Bro | tahle and welcomed the Canadian) ex Visitors, the expressed | the brethren| were entertained by their hosts) of the evening a ladies stole This 100 vears ago near Copenhagen, was regarded as the mother of Dan she WEATHER FORECAST ThirdDegree Sunny Intervals, | Remaining Cold n cp wenther in the Little forecast paturday Regionnl forecasts | mi idnight Saturday Lake Erie, Lake Huron Lake Ontario regions will continue today. Partial London, Hamilton and Tor clearing took place during 4 loudy With a fe Ww sunny night over southern Ontario put | Intervals today and Saturday : h a Little change in temperature expected develop winds westerly 15 Georgian Bay, Haliburton re gions: Cloudy with a few sunny intervals today and Saturday. A few hrief showers today, little change in temperatures, Winds northwest 15 Kirkland Lake nskasing regions, North Bay and sudbury Cloudy with few sunny intervals and a few snow flurries today and Saturday Little change in temperature, winds northwest 15 to 20 cP) TORO sued by am, EST Bynopsis--An intense | sure area centred over {dominates weather picture] ¥ rn Canadas, In North-| Ontario scatiered snowflur NTO he again today eather Is | province low -pres-| Labrador change BErOSE Forecasts is office at valid until the Niag- Wind. I- over e-em iries Aste ara S01 y onto to ol n Timmins-Kap ri Ll i" el TORONTO femperatures Low tonight high Friday Windsor St, Thomas London Kitchener Wingham Hamilton St, Catharines Toronto Peterborongh | "Trenton Killaloe | Muskoka North Bay Sudbury Warlton Kapuskasing White River Moosonee Forecast r aol | » 6 8 re rer m rene of ne Ww TIT) WILL PRESIDE Harrison E, Murphy, prin cipal of the Oshawa Central Collegiate Institute, who will preside at the school's 10th commencement exercises being held in the school auditorium at 8p. n, today, 'Probe Promised NU-WAY Road Condition § nus & career HAMPTON (Staff) Isaac SALES Hardy, of Solina, appeared hefore the Darlington Township council | Broadloom wall to wall, Rugs, at Hampton, Thursday, to ques. tion improvements he felt should | Carpets, Stair Runne be made fo the Bth concession ST ------ m n- to by Noble Ar rd of road, He sald he knew of 20 peo: | ple in the area who want the] road widened | Councillor Harold Muir suggest. | ed a survey should be started to establish the road limits, | Mr, Hardy told the council he had been paying taxes for 36! to Installation by our own mechanics R. N, Howes H, Wilks M. Turner Stanley Langerak E. Ripley Duyft Licht ndermeulen 24.00 14,00 12,00 12.00 26.00 52.00 26,00 26,00 25.00 20.00 2.00 2M. 00 26,00 4 20,80 { 5 0,00 n Candler 26,00 M. Pitten 21.00 sther Burns 10,00 HEALTH CLUBS ON COMEBACK Health clubs ave making sudden inroads on a paunchy populace. Wall Street Journal reported recently, that health clubs have almost doubled in the U.S. in the last year You ean put some muscle in vour service business with the regular use of depend. able actionsproducing Oshawa Times Classified Ads, Call RA 33402 now for informa. tion Seoretaries Association rs Estella A. Balson, Hampton shawn Naval Veterans Club Radiator Repairs 20,00 olson's Brewery (Ontario) Ltd, 2000.00 Danevin 25.00 10.00 i, 00 100.00 years, and had been keeping the road up himself, He felt that at least 25 years worth of his taxes | had gone to other parts of tel township 174 Mary Street Councillor Fred Smith told Mr. | Hardy that the biggest part of his| RA 8-4681 taxes went to the schools, and that only 15 cent y e | at only 15 cents on the tax dol | hh A A lar goes to roads Toisl to Date $1,156, 147,00 1 1) FOR SUPER VALUES! This Is The Last! RUBBER PLANTS 24" to 36" high 1.99 SALE PRICE We have o direct Toronte telephone line for prompt Airline R. MEADOWS TRAVEL SERVICE Owned and sperated by Thomas Messows ane vo. Conade 22 SIMCOE ST. SOUTH, OSHAWA DIAL RA 3944) 2 STORES TO SERVE YOU BETTER DOWNTOWN OSHAWA OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE BUY NOW a CHERNEY'S PAY NEXT YEAR Do your Christmas shopping 'early, or buy what you need now and Get the jump on "Santa" toke advantage of Cherney's special terms, If you don't have an account, now's the time to open one BUY ON A BUDGET ACCOUNT Pay a smdll down:payment, then pay no more until Janus ary Ist, 196). CherneyS will open an acéount for you in a matter of minutes BUY ON A CHARGE ACCOUNT No money down ~~ Payable in full by February 10th next year, CALL IN, ,, BROWSE AROUND 3 Retter Selection! Better Prices! Better Service! "

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