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The Oshawa Times, 4 Nov 1960, p. 5

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THE OSHAWA TIMES, Fridey, Movember 4, 1960 § A RED-LETTER DAY FOR WHITBY AS NEW TOWN HALL OPENS Martin A DE ANTER for the | ice clubs in the town made | Municipal Affairs, Mayor Mar- A LARGE. PLAQUE, bearing | new town hall, Shown above, | The plaque hangs on the north Mayor's use was presented to | presentations during the official | tin, left, 'shove, accepts the de- (own crest faces Mayor | Whithy businessman Ron Arm- | wall of the council chamber Mayor Stanley Martin by Mur opening of the new municipal | canter from the Kinsmen presi Stanley Martin as he presides | strong, left, turns the plague ray Silver, president of the | building this afternoon hy Won, | dent, right gol in the | over to Mayor Martin, right, | 0 a p | ! , right, shaw Whithy Kinsmen Club, All serv W. K. Warrender, Minister of Oshawa Times Photo 2°! souncil meetings 3 ver Jo Navy Ma 6 : hawa Times Photo ' ; Business W Hillcrests Bow 7-5 Knights Plan Prediyless [Sie basis In Hard Foug ht Game The Sumi TOE Fr a ud ar ie ert Hi A NEW CHAIN OF OFFICE | 112 of the Canadian Legion ehain on Mayor Blanley Whithy, at the official opening | who is shown in his robe of of d of the new municipal building fice, also presented during the for the town of Whithy, was pre shown above, Legion president | afternoon sented this afternoon by Branch ' Vernon MaeCarl, left, fits the | Oshawa Times Photo | for the Mayor, the first ¢ er | Man Events The Business Women's Social Bt, Andrew's Preshyteens open-| Club held its first luncheon meet Council No, 4005 Whithy Knights| Townsend, The topie for discus-|Mrs. Phyllis Glendenning, Miss of Columbus was held Wednesday| sion was "Reach out through vour| Carol Radeliffe, Mrs. Katherine levening al Bernard chool, | Church', led by Miss Townsend,| Rose, Mrs, Inge Donuth, Mrs Grand Knight James Smyth| The business meeting followed| Townsend, It was decided to hold chaired the meeting, which vasa which time the members dis-|these meetings regularly on the lwell sttended leussed the selling of church ealen | first Tuesday of every month at SECOND PERIOD During the busine esslon |dars at BO cents each, At the next|12 noon, Plans were also discuss 4, Whithy Westfall [plans were made for a forthcom.| week's meeting, Miss Sally Ben-|ed for a Christmas party, A busi (Elliott, Shearer) 5.04 ing stag party to be held latenett will be guest speaker ness meeting of the club will be B, Whithy: Luke November also a Christmas! At the close of the meeting| held on Monday, Nov. 7, at 8 p m. (Tran) 8.28 party 1s planned for the mem- Kames were enjoyed by all M---------------------------------- 6, Whithy: Luke her's children, tentative date Is] By CLIFF GORDON not' in the second period it wa Penaltie Viddieton 1,26,| Whithy Hillerests tock it on the the way it went, The Newmarke {Hobbie minor and misconduct chin again last night as they team got all the penalties and th 4, Bneddon 6.32, Naplorkowski dropped a hard fought game to Whithy team gol all the goals | 17.60 |the Newmarket Redmen by a Westfall fired one and Luke tw 7:6 score In Newmarket. Il was io tie the score up at three each a real rough and ready game that! as the teams headed into the final held in the balance until the final [20 minutes of torrid action few minutes Newmarket appeared to have Then when the final bell did| things thelr own way #8 they ving all fury broke logse, Shearer| built up another two goal cushion had a go at a pair of the New: hy the B08 mark of the final per Middleton) B30 Dec IB A New Yem dance| EVIDENCE DECEIVING market players and appeared toliod, The Hillerests however with, Penaltie Chrysdale 1.00,/{s also being planned BELGRADE, Yugoslavia (AP) DoDD & SOUTER be having a tough time when E.| plenty of fight bounced right|Tapper B45, Cullen 6.35, Mc Brother H, Walter xprested|pwa trucks. one loaded with milk | Bran came along lo give him il back and, with Luke hi big gun | Knight 16.45 hope shat, the member hip rel and the other with wine, collided PAINT and (hand and, as a result, Cullen 18ionce Again Knolled ie eoun " . or fh degree to be he WV oo 4 " luap ' . {[" teeth short after the affair, These were goals number three THIRD PERIOD 20 would be very successful, Ho| "ear here, The driver of the milk] WALLPAPER STORE Gord Luke paced the Whitby at- and four for the centre man| ' Newmarket; Morell » wl viked members to contact pros uch In charged with drunken | yo7 BYRON $7, §., WHITBY [tack with no less than four goals| Luke, At 14.40 MeMillan got his (Clifford, McKnight) pective member Br : as the big blonde centre appeared third goal of the night and it| & Newmarket: McMillan Brother K. McRae, of Oshawa, MO 8.5231 to be jet propelled. Stan Westfall proved the game winner, With Mc Nab, Cullen) BOB was present and explained insur triggered the other Whithy goal. |five seconds to go the Newmar:| ¥ Whith iy bert) § 4/ ANCO and its benefits with 'the YOUR f sit wae Mil-| ket team fired the climber and ladieton, Roberts # Knights of Columbus, The attend f | For the winners it was MeMil- ket team fire we elimber a 10, Whithy d {Knights o C.IL. Paint Dealer len with three, Hall with two | broke up an otherwise very tense Luke | ance draw was won hy brother Clitford and Morell with one! hard fought game |, Middieton) 1210 finan, The meeting closed with Painting & Decorating each | 108 CHIPS this was|!b Newmarket: McMillen prayer. The next meeting will be Contractors by the| ,, LAI 14.40 hold Nov, 16 -- J . wy hanethonting . wil Wall Mure | the same Newmarket 1eamiiye second loss in a row by thel » will play here one week from 10: jfillerests who now have 'a won 12, Newmarket Hall 4 T thi Y (MeKnight, Tapper) 19,58) morrow night, Tomorrow nightis Jost 2 record Roth the ' i " he Penalties «= Chrysdale 50, Bob the Whithy team will host the i csex have been at the hands of } oe | ve y Jy. / § hie 9.50, Tripp 10.15, Morell 10.15, Niagara Falls Flyers of the Jv. Al Metro league team Topping | ' is has 2 Bf A Clifford 14.45, Naplorkowski ma {league and this hae the earmark:|in he Whithy cage did not show lings of the biggest atiraetion atl, i . tast night as?" Chrysdale 17,12, Middleton the up 4 a Asal 4 minor and mise, 18,10 | Cu 3 p P | y yy G the Whitby arena thus far this pe was expected to do Hi » [ve will have to pull up his socks or | A RED ENSIGN, a gift of the | this afternoon at the official | Stanley Martin, left, accepts The Newmarket team who are|qj.e Gord Luke who Was ADDITIONAL WHITBY NEWS jit | | BROOKLIN CONCRETE PRODUCTS LIMITED 0.H.A. JUNIOR "B" HOCKEY Boy Scout Association, was pre opening of the new municipal the pew flag from Cub Tony De [still smarting from the 1acings pianked here the other night ON PAGE 16 sented to the town of Whithy building. Shown above, Mayor Jong, of the 4th Whithy Pack, [handed them last year by he weally had a field day I g hod YOUR FIRST STEP TO BEAUTY AND SAPRTY™ | v Oshawa Times Photo [Hilleresta in the playoffs started) ac he fired four, the larges off as if they were going to Make qn of any Whithy player amends for all the games In one game this year so far Niagara Falls Flyers WHITBY And D ISTRICT fhe ity team ap Very "wal motrow. Bight When the Niagara (JUNIOR "A", FORMERLY BARRIE FLYERS) WL tallied 10 Cab) h ine on TIVE Falls Flyers will try to hand 1 PUBLIC AUCTION penalties to the Whithy team Hillerests their third loss of the Fhe homesters took a 1:0 lead| nee season campaign it the D338 mark nereased it ; Board To Pa to 20 at the 1034 math and added SUMMARY pEnIOD | . . Boy Receives Y Hige Jolley | 1. Newmarket: Clore sul Of unclaimed and confiscated items of the Whitby Hillcrest The locals had the sd eye of | (MeoKengie, Scott) $1200 Damages | Tuition Fees [yr iio hy LAN jg Whitby Police Department will be held in | JUNIOR "3" 'For Teachers ws Nother tho reloree doeided to] 3. Newmaniey io su the old Council Chambers, Saturday, Nov, father on Thursday reoeived dam. Phi wan treated hy doctor n Sth at 2 p.m. Included are several bicycles, | SATURDAY , NOV 5th, 8PM. gy . 3 | Whithy High School Beard, on s 10 \ \ | Renfrew and spent tr En 3 : mien. tall UI hosnital there hefore returning tol ednesday, adopted a manage | P rves tools and miscellaneous articles, Auction. me \ i ( A 1 A ! ! be ment committe report whi an the Fal Whithy. | Oshawa Monday after the mishap ; A Philly Van a a ead shawn ho slated. that the board would nay! | oor Loval Pogue. WHITBY COMMUNITY ARENA \ Ihe fwition tee fo mmer father. \ lo Hy Bite, of |) ar He had heen ven drugs toahers, High" Sehool Important Service Chief George Rankine, Admission . < . Adults i . . 1.00 Wwe 5, she sald i VO year he sald, and had Management committee chair! | i school one year. She wan Llovd Gibson in making the] The Canadian Legion, who con: his behalf with the Federal Gov y § WW f Whit P 1] I) 1] | that during the Hest hoo! report tated that the board! duets the Poppy Day Campaign, ernment. There is no charge to own 0 by olle Dep ' STUDENTS WITH CARDS end CHILDREN 50¢ ifter the accident he had would be taking a big step In ve-/to be held on Saturday, Nov. §/the veteran or dependent, The ex SAS. -_ d 27 days of school because emhursing the teaches summer has issued the following "Quick! perience of service bureaux in wlache and had heen sent oourse fee Quiz in order to answer the handlin uch problems, enables nany times more hy the! He recommended hat the many questions that ave asked by the Legion to keep a close cheek hecause he fell asleep In hoard should not pay the fees un: those who purchase poppies {on Veterans' Legislation and ess the teachers notified them Why should 1 wear a poppy? recommended ehanges where| he sald, he ap. that they were taking a course! When vou wear a poppy orc anges are justified : | of € completely recov and received approval from the display a wreath you honor thei Can poppy money he used for We injury hoard war dead and you help the ving. anything else? ee n the trial, Dr. Wil Mr, Gibson added tha though! How do 1 help the living | No, The Legion's eonstitution Hawk director of the the Chi (ve ement lor Your eontributions provide stresses that these funds must the home of h vid { i ) t vel ¢ serviee teachers, | spring tated that quick help for needy veterans be held in trust They are sub vas dccompanied hy | the ¢ Hospital for Sick Children, summer courses would he pald hy! and their dependents seribed to by the publie, They Mrs. Pu d.1 Wo iid that the boy had the ho \ was nothing wt Just what does this help consist are held in a bank account sep ee 0 ts stating ef? arate from that of the branches Win the sp of 1957 U he bo Vou elmburse Any veteran may appeal to{and cannot be used tor any othey hart sum course | Ww (ees the poppy trust fund for emer PUFPOSES than stipulated above wy, and a ( that Was No gency aid, sueh as food shelter] How mueh should 1 give in the left h § ol Board ar medical expen here are We sugaest that you give ao red ea ites eh the board z150 bursaries for he ir children's cording to the dictates of your ¢ i he fe education in the deserving and conscience. You might remember \ N aly G 1agested a that the eost of all things the needy eases es01ve the Doesn't the government pros Poppy fund provides {8 much higher today than it wed to be Vs. Prince and a \ \ t fn kept there for four days tor the fal APRrOVe vide pensions for veterans? einburse ves In fact many veterans Therefore it takes more to do the Rut many athers, same job (POPPY DA Y. NOV. Sth) b: do gel pensions the open ea 8 3 NARIMously aithough handicapped, do not nstant . \ fn ed fram He hat { now that the adopted However, no pension ean provide nS nl Ladin ie ORR Support Your CANADIAN LEGION (Branch 112) WHITBY penses THE NOME OF GOOD CAR KEEPING BROCK wirrsy Plan Program, Sale|, bos, av ish Soren Yeu. In fact 73 per cent of all WHITBY sats, To a, Tray hidies cases Myth Rie who are N Playi Evening Shows ot 7 and 9 pom, | formed Church on Third Conces. "Tioa™ i "the money raised |} 3108 Stavice ree warimares The Canadian Legion's Poppy Trust Fund is the answer for thousands of war ow ying Feature Starts at 7 and 9:40 pm, Alon, Weal eS La ov 3 ig tik through the sale of poppies and : ; ; [THE MOST ESTING ADVE SRR BO MARAE] meeting Wednesday evening, Nov wreaths §6 mio velerans welfare widows, orphans, and disabled veterans. It is a comrade's enduring answer . od to order hy the resident, paises such as cost of POPPIES 3 METRO.GOLDWYN- MAYER sucess SAMUEL GOLDWYN, IRS mesons Mix G Neciman, with vm, qo her Suonies nalurally to those who gave their lives for us who remain, . : Kieth Me" and prayer would be deducted MARK TWAIN'S I Mrs. J. Vander Male read the Are CAMPAIER expenses high? SCriplure and gave a devotional Campaign expenses are usual The Adventures of oe Ar 3 ato ry oman ay : ties were enssed and planned tary during the business session. Fur How much of this money cal ge » ther decisions were made In Te jected stays in the community? . gard to the sale and program to About 0 per cent. The rest " (be held Saturday, Nov. & start nelps veterans hy going to the We fi ng at 3.00 pm, The Publie. wil maintenance of service bureaux Be welcomed Wakiienance 0 Mohawk 0 op ; The hostess A R ersma What are the Service Rureaux? J n " bug aa ie seers ar oe 3 301 BUNDAS ST. W. : LEST WE FORGET ms Cinemas ope ad METROCOL OR The AE W ¢ Aw ve volohat SATURDAY MATINEE AT 1.00 AM ke ging and The Lord's Prayer inj pendent help with pens x MO 8.4009 -- WHITBY waison. 'other problems, They w S| on (

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