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The Oshawa Times, 4 Nov 1960, p. 7

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vember 18. a service of remem group eommitiee were given Mrs [her 2pm ot the home of Legion Auxiliary france will be held at the Salva GROUPS CLUBS Joseph Hart and ex-Guide Liew Mrs Hart, Plans Bazaar tion Army Citadel at 3 pm. The! ' tenant Barbarg Mepvison Hefresh were served hy parade will line up at the Legion} | he next regular meeting will social eony Mrs. A. D. Mor: f f As he held on Wedne MN | The Ladies' Ausifiary, Canadian Hal @ 2 » p m and att A i AUXILIAR ES eh f ednesday WYEM- | FISon 2 i ih try members were asked to bes gion. Branch 43, met an Tues resent ¢ Jos evening, November |, with tl cting 1s on JAD GROUP COMMITTEE the president. Mrs. Herbert Bathe No ember 15 y t 7.90 pm Fhe regular meeting of the Hrd Pi welding Re i of " My f tal. Mrs Group Commitiee of the Girl Chom were received a wil Spor oy and i A ilkin Guide Associalion was held a sh f [ ela 7 IE "A 5 Guide House with Mrs ; ng] for the baians 0 he I and Mrs, Flora Culling at home : d Eric] | nest Tuesdoy, November B # § Norris presiding Mrs y m Mrs. Herberi Bathe and Mrs. Kevan Howe read the Jo Aldwinekle Women's Vdiler Digl RA 3.3474 pm MW minutes, The rAsUFer's repr » s MoE ver ! 4 Ars. Hotties 4 dwaed Mant Showers Honor was given hy Mrs. Erie Norris | THE OSHAWA TIMES, Friday, Noremhar 4 1960 7 ¢ Testers for the Guides are ws men will open the bazaar 3 fed " A The draw for the cedar chest L D 1b gently needed, and anyone wha 1s ( ® f her he id will also take enore va Y interested was asked lo eontaet PE SONALS ae with Mrs. Robert William Prior to her marriage to My Mm D. les 3 a " \ euiral as convener. The pricing of goods William Pawlowsky which lakes go" ene" | 7 Pne ea will he done next Monday eve place tomorrow in Columb Gift . ; ning wt 7pm Conveners of United Church, Miss | enor du of appreciation from (he ' > { Dathy has heen enteriasined al in Nene HAF : M { Adel di Wy ¥ J fas monthly Nr Kner. Teas, birthday parties, wed: It was decided {0 send ih prenuptial parties. SOCIAL NOTICE J pit 8 of the Ontario Hospital |ding anmiver es, coming and usual donation to the Oshawa oi A Fie Ba ang Jip i Wathing ses 0 vial bo yow well being Wr ' 2 A |] ee ani i 5 ye i ie P Ass tion. The '" a A » dad {Whithy, gave a talk entitled] 80 ng of guests and your own Miser Hoke sEoCiI@tion shower at her home on Dongle ARNIAGE costs 50 litle as proscribed medicine "Ww holiday plans are always of inler- catering report was given by Mrs ew origons in Mental Hy. MV i Fey . I] grt bin i . | _-- " He gm introduced hy 08 0 this column. Write, Lele [Herbert Bathe Strep : He ¥ Thompeo # yg your pos f ish Game ' he marriage of Beatrice K : p Pe ohone or visi the social depars-l Members were reminded of the WR CO-H08te adds wel f ke of Beatrice Anne person. Ws a mighty smell sm when Mrs, Greta Smith and thanked played. Prize-winners were Mrs. Manehesier Bradi d hie } Mrs Fveretl Wilson ment with your dem of ews 107} ciection of officers on Decembe Bert MeQu lM Pi ikd # J Hadley Aligniel yo consider the WEALTH OF HEAL ™ y whieh ther 10 rharge. Tele: and 1 order fo vile memisr fort " Ania _- 3 i " of the tate Mr. and Mrs. William it buoys ond the way today's drugs speed , | Pes Mrs gin lg J In Peterborough this evening phone RA 3474 must have their dues paid up DIESE ed the hostess 1n FOward Manchester of Ottawa recovery thereby lessening the ost of the Vield Artillary Regiment RCA the end of Beplember 1960 and Frnest ¥ i Ww \ v se1Ving 1 nes Award herry of CONVBIESEEnes, CA IM) and the 26th Technical Shi ] D : kl On November 22, a social and" ip o / girls of 8 Kresge Com- Oshawn, son of the late Mr, and h A A f = Vil | 7 dudron Hi EMI f Mw " ir ey Tin e ard time costume party will he pany downtown store arranged a My William John Perkins Lot we help you hoop the treasure of halding her Anna Mary . held and it is hoped Lo have three seed anent hower &#l ihe a A Ball, Attending from Oshawa will Becomes The Bride other Auxiliaries as guest Wiis of Mr : Hie it Wherry of Toronto and Highland GOOD HEALTH through our preseription The Ownlarie Count Medical opening will he performed by | Beerelaries Association held is™rs. Lyman Cifford oma w Mr. and Mrs. HF. Grose Armistice serviee will Be son road south. A ing Creek, took place on Belurday service that offers you professions! Mr. and Mrs. William Ti Am of Donald Dale eld at the cenotpah on No- Mes Hoy Wotlen and Miss Bev October 29, 1060, at Westboro shill and the finest drugs of reasonable Dr. and My ' ' emu I and Ausiliar mem 4 United Church, Oita with the ices wa guest f " £ Marriage n SN hers ere asked lo he ese) I a I Heverend Fred HW. Joblin officigi hor we Louise Drinkle, dap or jf Mi and will meet, al the Legion Hallldanghter, Margaret, entertained Drinkle of Osh eg, Tl by gl, brother of Mi 4d) EOF and Mrs. Arthor at 10.30 am. On Bunday, No- al a miseellaneon ower si in " _ \ ! 4 X / AN ASPIRING COMPOSER io the ball, Colonel and Wr. un, and Donat Clinton Date, #1 "8 gh a miscellaneous shower at ing COMPOUNDING YOUR PHYSICIAN'S ¥ f it 8 eek zon Mr nd My Clinton Dale Wr Gerald Hill and My Dog a ' "" Proudly showing & piece of | Walle", and she hopes to h oil heir home { Ga s solomized recently and carried cascades of white chan an assisted In serve IE, Were Mis Paul Mosiepka PRESCRIPTION 1S OUR PROFESSION ( sani Mr Russell Plean dM musle of her own composition | jt published Nim ot Albert 8 free! United Church hrysantnemum n ' and Ir nl wis hes i Val Bed Naney Rivers Chumbley he Reverend 8, C1, Atkinson © Mr. Harold Dal hest IER "ser Gordon Leggo. sister i Anish ) nw ) p f ! granddaughier of My I sha Nancy who ig eleven years old Kranddaughies . : ye m- officiated. The wedding music for his broth / | shering rr the prospective bridegroom Mr David Hutcheon, Taun y hi street ! : kle and Fred Doig : has been studying music since | Chumbley William 4 n rece ' as played hy Mrs, Bruce Searle Messr Karl Drinkle an Yovanged a presentation of eled f ul east, was hosie to the he wa even and her inter and a plang pug LLL y { J nd M Barbara Jenkin ur DIrinkle tea kettle. electric enffee maker TOPMer neighbors of the bride est in composing started when © Stephen Harkin 4 ' A 0. Given in marriage by her fa A reception was held in the and a sel of ching Centering the @ect. Winners of the coptest . Wi i I i f | he was nine. Several copy an " M nel iH where other the bride wor awn of Legion Wall. For the occasion the tea table was a ¢ inseribed, Were Mrs. Hoss Porter, My have been printed of her latest «hon . J i" X ' { hand chipped chantilly lace A bride's mother chose heige lace test Wishe Yo lenore And AYimer Ward, My Brice Ra composition The Holiday Oshawa Times hole sabiring neckline trimmed with with 8 matching duster coal and BI. Games were played Phe [OU and icky lea cup was won OSHAWA---BOWMANVILLE--WHITBY } sequing styled the hasgue hodice hrown accessories The bride: winners were Mi Liovd Dalby (by Mrs. Garnet Johnstone : Jorman Raike, Mrs. Gordon Gar Dorot 1 James and alternate tiers of pleated! groom's mother was in royal blue Mrs, Fred Shewring and the fu- On the eve of her departure Kinettes Welcome ison Mi Jame Henderson y 4 tulle enhanced the houffant skirtilace with matehing BACCessorie fure hride the staff of K. § Kresge Cn "We Send Medicines To Europe Duty Free' " Mrs, Peter Canning, Mi Honald B : | Fl . vhich fell into a chapel train. A Both wore corsages of ehrysapthe A miscellaneon hower was downtown store prosepted the Out-of Town (Guests Wilson and Mes. Kenneth Wrigh Feted riae-L ect pearl crowy held her fingertip mums held at the home of Mis, Philip future bride with a heautiful L_ vanl Paulie ' veil and she carried a cascade of As the couple left for a 'wed Cholonink, Stone street. Assist: cornflower fruit dish Wi Pan At General Meeting chaiman tor the Tuck Shop ati Eres hee Slo ons, "ed American sweetheart roses. ding trip lo pointe wed Cb Hillsdale Mano BOVNe wide was wearing a heige i nil Tame Deen of " rust lon i wn ACCeSH & Al Fhe November General meeting porf on Us progre 1etie rep hanny are I nylon ith suit with hrown ae Orie Ti fd al seve ower the Kinette Club of Oshawa | resentative will bh hand to If ¢ matching accessories and carried a brown and yellow chrysanthe \ as held in the Fleetwood Room | assist the Red Cro wm Thin Irs arma Petre ind her gy pascade of yellow chrysanthe. mum corsage. The newly wedded : ut the Hotel Genosha on Tuesday, day, November 24 beiween th irs, Edward Hubbel, mums The bridesmaids, M 15 s| air will live in Pori Colborne TWO MODERN STORES IN OSHAW November | wurs of two o'el and four ted hy M f Jean Flemming and Miss Caroll Out of town guests were pres { J niscellan "Wh i v 0 Je ' ) Gal Wee weston Guests for (he evening were o'clock ive a m diy Flemming were hoth if greenlent from Galt, Tweed, Pr ) Ulva Lathangue and Jean W axt generhl. meet | the me v hi nylon with matching aceessories Max and Montreal " vile Kinetie (11 "ant" [lind v he ch i a cookers Ar [FREE PARKING SAVE MOMEY NEW LOCATION / ! y I. 1. E | By oy OPEN TONIGHT Fu LADIES! RETAILERS TO THRIFTY CANADIANS UNTIL 9 P.M. NOW OPEN ! lore commutetng bf 1100 a.m lovin 0 Me al eve pu re Hewat Ying Wore OSHAWA'S LARGEST FAMILY o SPECIAL! rie Souther hatiman MINE David ielding and My Tah N y oth Com, nt, ce, me BEAUTY SERVICE RY / WESKIT & NEW LOCATION @ FREE PARKING ] { project. The Canva Chairmen 1st vice - president, Mrs, Douglas ed the hride-eleel al a cup and RUDY'S Fashion Hair Styling and BARBER SHOP shower 1 he home In 364 WILSON RD SHOPPING PLAZA (Corner of Olive and Wilson Rd, §.) RA 8.235) Far Appointment ~ eport ¢ given -b a ga ) 1 loriey | 1he . Ustia)l 4 the home of My (hillard. Ave win hairmer ; gmongst the Knell Robinson reported (hat all plan for the upeoming bake sale were nue street her would wrap } | Mrs. Norman Yielding and Mi n their final stage definite; Which would then | 0 ] (lady Edmondson enteriained date has heen sel for Frid No. Simcoe Hall ia miscellaneous shower al My emher 2 it the Met Witan The meetin was then turned Yielding home on Browning a FREE PARKIN vere announced Mi Douglas Lowe, on Tuesday, November 15, sauce) f ark Lane Apartment I Mrs, John Maclean, Mrs, | 1860 Par i owe wn a From the Accounts Pavable de partment, General Molo the future hride receive a steam iron Mrs. Ralph Vickery ister oi the prospective bridegroom, and Mr. Vickery are entertaining the lenin crescent. following ve. FREE PARKING SAVE MONEY NEW LOCATION hearsal Zz 0 f= « 4 4 Zz NOLLYDOT Mm3IN Thi tunning Weskit and Skirt set is sure te X i A.A 4 i WN admiring approval mart l 4 : [1 and practical, Fine quality woven ST. ) i rayon in Fall's soft-tdned tartans ? bi 19 TRY greys, blues and browns Trim fitting style. Zeller's Spec Cosy-Warm "Orion" Mitts : ial Sale Price a 4 | ¥ (1 1.59 - 1.79 ierialy ant my FD {4 BLOUSES Sizes § ML. For ladies and smart "Teens", These h v omly jumbo.weight "Orlen' mits will keep your 3 hands as warm as toast, Shrink-resistant. Choice of 3 A patterns and colors You'll find doze ind dozens of Specials as well a FREE : % ° Gifts during this big event come along and see , 4 » ba agreeobl ised at the f : Lovely nesiran blouses of drip Ss' S S dry cotyon. Sizes 12 to 18 Smart LADIE LIM | } in white and the season's love Smartly styled wide-whale corduroy slims an ks , list soft-tones. Embroidery trim Sizes 10 to 18 i Grand Zeller Value! 2 a8 h ' . Choice of colors Ready-To-Hang Draperies! SPECIAL! 149 Pair af y han ) rat te gaiberad Jor Wu Singh WIDTH 5 12, 98 Biot DOUBLE WIDTH wien gn POE 25.98 i» Jal § | | SMART CRISKAY oho w od ke Maske. Lani fe windens. VRODE WT". 3000 of .| DUSTERS MR. AND MRS. JOHN MICHAEL BARTAY| Save On These wll Rv TSD\ | » (@ i") Married weentl 1 tenant Colonel and Mrs. § ih i hi dy , hare | oy how Pg N | DRAPERY ael Barta. The bride, the for. | Michael Barta, Oshawa, and 1 \ Nn LE : mer Miss Barbara Jean Wel the late Mr. Rarta FABRIC 3 ] WE NEW FALL ton, is the daughier of Lieu Photo hy lreland Nn Ey : i " NG r MILLINERY ¢ ar aly t t ' Ay erylenes, Antique b A A Smart becoming new styles for Fall and later. Deep } y Veaves, Forti SPECIAL! SPECIAL! a TA Gil 2 toned velour and satin fashioned 6 98 pronto ond var These materials have sold ; | inte such feminine and flattering ot yard millinery. Zeller's Thrift Price for at-home wear , , SPECIAL V ANNIVERSARY SALE PRICK . i i 21 i . embossed oriskay du * f me am A. ith ters, well.made, easy 1 590 Y d : ! y 1 7 J | A to launder. Front vake Ad ar \ 4 y ! tA " style trimmed with ny Town & Country ---- £ ; . ' lon filling. Generous 100 ONLY PLE K ' / do py RY = 'size pockets. Siwes § SELF.STORING | AYER! RTS! WA '( Mav Bue Sus 3 ALUMINUM ! \ SALE PRICE, each - % Kit It n Tok : Ps Rs | choose fram DOOR Watson's Lowest Prices Ever | : , hb RAYON UNDERWEAR BIG THICK TOWELS! : : -- WARMERS \ fm ; N w the to'ladit To famous a Conon and "Come NEW FALL 9.95 | 89. Bach n i Lovely rayon and weal head Choose your new Fall handbag now from Gewais ne Wide vars af Special 85. Each Zeller's lovely assortment of 2 48 by 4, © plaids and colors. Ideal for " LY ! cold windy days ahead. Ze! styles at Zeller's Thrift Price er's Thrift Price aha INSTALLED : PY | SIMCOE §T. §. PHONE DOWNTOWN ' SHOPPING CENTRE "LES EVENISS SALES LTD. AT ATHOL 1 R4 3113 21 SIMCOE ST. § TELLER S LIMITED 224 STEVENSON RD. i PHONE RA 3.2294 PHONE RA 3.2200 RA 5.4632 15 Prince St, -- Evenings RA 3.2707 STORE HOURS: 9 A (0 4 hM - o ? AM te 12:30 Noon

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