Eh THE OSHAWA TIMES, Mondey, Movember 7, ee 15 4 » ! . | 4 _-- Hospital Unit Boy Finds _manciEsTER | : Theft Loot [= Ft ri & Car Smashed [sCRIFICE 4 rs, Art Brooks, Washagn, My 5 t and Mrs, Earl Yielding snd fam. Under Bus | i Holds Mee ng " YORE wl wy and Mrs dng oo of 'FOR ISLAND z ; : BRANTFORD (CP)--Chegues Utica, visited Mr, an is. Art. BORONTO (C . x (Renters) FCT PERRY, The Gash tpn uss rid Van tu Co se Th Filing oh So A TONNTO CFC To ur BAEAY, Prne, (Reger 4 gis 4 A ay night from & Galt fuel eqm- Mr, and Mrs. Raymond Jink ! i ; Auxiliary wes held at the homelreported on te number of Cards pany were found here Saturday ni iby yon avis thats pmath Jovian, or "as ties $0 the ny 2 a Seip, oA Mrs, Les Beacock, Prince Al {flowers oF frit sent out since the jy hoy smang some rocks Ber niece, Donss Potter, of Pieton, sirport transport bus sfier thel mainland by 5107 Ms PNCE. iheit, with & tainly good represen isl meetin 8 sewage disposal plant were Sunday guests of Mr, andi car fo ped 5 shoulder, went out! : p ation of the various organiza Ii was decided to send out wel : . ' | ost Monday, were {lone present, The president, Mrs Lcome letters to mew cub mothers, T2408 Donsld ¥arquaher dis rs, W, D, Munro : of control, and veered into the! (0 find Islenders ches Is5. B. Dymond, wes In Charge oflin an sitempt to arouse their in |C7V Ted the money Bnd none Dy, apd Mrs, Donald Christielpath of the bus killed and eaten They had " gotiable, posi-dated cheques 10- cptertained a number of friends, Police tentatively identified. . the island's only cow, he meeting, tr i jisreul 18 Le monthly meetings of | (oiing $4 salen from the Slaul- at 5 masauerMe party on Setur- ithe dead ss Jobn Barhacs, 0, | Plans are underway lor the an The apd A fer ond Roos ATPENY. dey evening, [hetieved to be the driver, James aust doll festival, which will hel Most of the evening was spent rr-- =\ Mrs, W, ¥. Crosier spent the Vesipreml, shout ¥, and Miklos NOTED CONDUCTOR % [the seventh one held (0 raiseih discussion regarding catering, weekend with her deughter and|Gyory-Kiss, shout 3, Efrem money for hospital work Plans were completed for the Columbus WA family, In Bloullyille and on Sun. The sir terming) transport us| Europess conductor, will eon Yacht Club Baroque menor " f % duet CRC or PLAN MEET andum regarding a conference doy attended the 66th anniver:|wes driven Roy Wiligrove, #, " it va PA ' > TV ie {i The annual meeting of the Aux-he held nt Camp Borden oH 1 M " sary. servies of the United huen ol Yor, 0 one on the go eonceris Mary 3h be hid in he Muni- read and several expressed that 0 ds eeting = cipal Building, Port Perry, onldesire to go. However, no dele] Tuesday os Ty November 22, utes were definitely appointed at COLUMBUS « The November ot 8 o'clock, Aller the eompletion|ihe meeting meeting of the Columbus Wom. . of a short business session, every| It was inieresting to learn thet 2" # Association was held in the one will be privileged to see 8lCub Leander Gordon Goode PUndey Sehool room, Mrs, J, Me film entitled, "One on Everylwas one of the instructors ai|Kensie, president, presided, with Street", This fim was taken stiCamp Bampe recently, He was Mrs, Arthur Smith at the plano the Orillia Hospital for Retarded accompanied hy aseisiant leader Hymn £97 was ant followed hy PETSONE Charles Reesor and John Fable word of Ms. Mekaisie bake ) . d, Pro nrd, who sll report an enjoyable ' mem vino Minioter 2 Hr bl pe and instructive weekend " {and visitors present and then read he meeting © 8 poem entitled "Only Loaned", ou hand (6 answer questions, The meeting closed with the Mrs, A, Smith led in the worship ------------------ For all kshoe bottoms, here's the Scout ""Mizpah' followed hy al : y AUXILIARY NEWS deficions lunch which was served sete sssisted by Mrs, 7, Pere The October meeting of the by Mrs, Plolemy, Mrs, How ; Scout and Cub Mother's Auxil- sem and Mrs, Kennedy : Mrs, T. Pett and Mrs. W. Hol ary was held at the home of the w lidny were appointed delegates to Wes 's, ok Cook with! ithe Prealiytery af Bt, Paul's 4 tent, Th Pi k ill {Chureh, Ajax, on Thursday, opened in regular form and the Ic ersagi Mrs, George Gliroy presided liusiness session was no charge of {for the program and introduced the P esident Ra 8 New the guest spesker, Mrs. Ralph The secretary, Mrs, N, Mair p { Thompson, Brooklin, wha spoke read the minutes and the Lreasur mn "Christian Citizenship" and Tax Plan tN ; a » . companied by Mrs, E, Croxall al PONTYPOOL CHE in er) The Joy: the plano, A vole of thanks was " : ha tended to the guests " pi proposals deny the provinces any! My PONTY POOL, Mr. and Mrs have in the growth of Canada|. The Theme Bong followed hy CAMERA CATCHES DEATH LEAP Gordon Kirk, Mr, ud Mrs Kekh 3." W, Vickersgil, MP for Banke MDa benediction closed the| vista Twillingale, said Saturday Mary Janet Tamburrl, about ( struck flagpole, lower left in | Benator John Kennedy, Demo. |Wiater on Sunday, ; Speaing st the second annual enjoyed and tea was served by : p p . Mr, and Mrs, Norman Porter, (the. committees In Sharge 5 0 0 hody fell | eratie presidential candidate conference of the Canadian Uni » 00 " 30, plunges to her death from | pieture, before her hody 1 This unretouched pictues was [Manvers Blation, have purchas versity Liberal Pederation On. - bn seventh floor of the National | to street helow, Large throng | ode hy Boh Wedlinger of the ed the house owned by Mr: and oi mo 0 Ne paid y s | am Mh Mrs, 8 : Orono Hw Hotel in New York last night, | was assembled In ares at the | New York Mirror Ars, Sam Brown : What Mr, Diefenbaker sug | 3 A Woman, who fell or jumped, | time for torchlight parade for (AP Wirephoto) | Alfred Johnson, Manvers BU|gouis "se (hai gil the provinees| F ACK CHE A OE HE tom as bow, appointed ba Whe: shouia be forced back no dounlel TRY AA KIDNEY joyed a Hallowe'en party in the Music Critics new Aisin lor he township of taxation of thely people with of , = poids " | ¥ inconvenience n | Mark 50th LOL Wall on Friday evening un] [Cre tor wo peuple attend. 1, Iconveniencns "and added Hous CLEANING der the supervision of Mrs, Rusk El ' {ed the Farm sale of Bob Brown! sy pickersgill added wh you silfer from Backashs, Getting | i iekersgill at 1 W | Laier in the evening Ballyduff| ect Executive on. Beturday alternoon, Every offered is a fixed sum of money| to wa Gta! rine, prighire 3 a | ww 1 ISar |vehool under- the supervision of CHATTANOOGA, Tenn. (AP) thing sold top prises, The yA which "will not increase if the Sis The diadcer, and beumptie Bains Mrs. Clifford Valls, teacher, en- Thomas Sherman of the Si, Louis old hot dogs and coffee Which (ax yields increase, as they will,! To such eases the very fist dose Sf ¥ ¥ ) Stretch your shoe dollars with Cat-Tex! Amazing soles that outwear leather over and over again , , , # res! triumph of | 4 1 : seemed lo be very much enjoyed Can 0 " | OVETER usually starts to work immedi ' J PONTYPOOL = Thank offer ed y Hoag ig we doves pF Jada Mi Music The fire truck has had two i _Canadn_ continues to grow | Mier fo help You in § Warsi |. Helps Science! Why not resole all your family's shoes with this wonder-working new es were g mn or y 1. did " Ld nalire remove seriain ir ini non y i kerma In agi con iifons. 8, Ker material for mileslonger wear on every pair, See your Cat's Paw repairer soon, calls to grass fires on the farm of | POWERFUL DOGS sone fre wily Ving an Mrs. George Seott west of the| , u f actor (seling dls to sold By re vilage, No persons seems tol, "ui Fill, TAG: Avteiey sifu rnitif Madtotlmutulthilh | Othe maker of famous OATS AW hess les nd GAT PAW TOPE speaker hors of Mr. and Mrs Norman " know how these fires started o.oo ved as a powerful watchdog "3 and ight, Get (hie from your 1 d Porter, Manvers Station, gath.| Viee presidents named no Cos Tee very dangerous |i 4 "a ried v. Posi better Tass, Mi fed Mes furgin Kir MO ored at thelr home one Wednes [oluded Mrs, ®, H, Lampard of alte mare than 2,000 years ago J to Blerling on Bunday and 4 1 i ine ) OI: -------- ord thelr i Bs and son: (48y evening to bid them farowel| The Standard, Bt. Catharines, "oii Siowart, Ballyduff, has inlaw Mr, and Mrs, George Lo-|20d presented them with a Hip |On ES -- ---------- purchased a collage from Mrs { ing Bervice on Bunday eveniny was well attendel, Rev, George Richardson, Bethany, was thel A number of friends and neigh. costumes Crities Association at the closing session of the group's eighth an nual workshop eves shaw Me, and Mrs, Porter are mov LL Nortan Chambers and is planning Conaratulations are in order te|I"E lo Orona this week Thursday morning and have heen|is move to the village for the Mr, and Mrs, Charles MeNell A number of our people attend teal busy ever since | winter | They celebrated thelr Both wed.|ed the wedding of David Suche at| The Christmas tree business 1s) Mrs, H, Richardson had the side Ou PON ding anniversary on Wednesday Bowmanville on Saturday morn {really booming here these daysiof her car bashed In on Sunday by atiending the turkey supper at| Ing with four and five transports a evening, when turning off High : the church and later some 20) It is a pleasure to see our re | Any moving oul vay 85 on to her own road, A Al Wo0 RK friends dropped in to spend theletaurant open for business again, | Clifford's Fallis's new house is car driven by a Mr, Plerson from evening Mr, and Mrs, Bob Brown are the really going ahead fast, It is just near Belleville attempted to pass The Juvenile Orange Lodge en. new proprieters, They opened on'ready for plastering, Fortunately no one was hurt, IN A GORDON TT, RICHARDS, Mana- gor, polyethylene film plant, Whitby, was born in Toronto, gradusted from University of Toronto with B.A, Be, degrees, Joined Du Pont of Canads in 1949 as a development shemist, Mas served an process engineer In Textile Fibres and Chemicals and In production supervisory positions, Was Works engineer at Shawinigan, Que, plant; named to present posts tion in 1058, "One of the major factors that each of us takes inte consideration before making a purchase Is quality, In on industrial plant there ls a tendency 10 believe that quality is the aggregele The changing world of AGRICULTURE With the shift from horses to high-powered tractors, agriculture entered an era of great changes that have increased crop yields and quality while reducing the . farmers' labour, From Du Pont of Canada have come many of the new products that help to improve and expand the agricultural industry, Du Pont chemicals are used as food supplements, herbicides, fungicides, and pesticides, Plastics include polyethylene pipes and "Zytel" fittings, impellers, tubing, and buckets for maple syrup. Du Pont stumping powder and ditching dynamite save many manshours of hard work on the farm, Polyethylene film and weatherable "Mylar" film have a variety of uses, while Du Pont's man-made textile fibres are used for tarpaulins, tire cord, result of many tests which are per formed on the product, In setwal fact, of eourse, the quglity of any product is determined by the Judy: ment of the customer, The quality control tests are merely an attempt 10 forecast thai the customers' Judy: ment will be favourable te our prod: wet, The actual maintenance of quality revulis from the alforts of the people wha operate the machines Without their whole-hearted coopera tion and Interest, supervision eannol meet the quality standards that are Aaa] . required In the highly competitive packaging . . t t 0 business, It Is not enough to maintain Ww en e e ross IS on e @ uniform quality of present product > It Is essential to improve the quality In 1959 with your money-- of these products and 10 dev R roved produc YOU HELPED the Red Cross provide whole blood and blood pre i ue Haut ropes, temporary silos and irrigation ditches, machinety roducts for free transfusions to more than 200,000 Meaguire belts, and nylon filters for harvesting equipment " nadians in our hospitals, this as a real challenge to ow YOU HELPED Red Cross Disaster Services meet every ingenuity and effort. 'Through neverending research and development, ency of flood, storm and fire for more than 10,000 ooh h in Canada, The Whithy area Is the home of followed up by technical and laboratory assistance to YOU HELPED maintain 47 Red Cross Outpost Hospitals and one of the plants of Du Pont of producers, Du Pont helps the agriculture industry to Nursing Stations in our remote areas, Canada, Others are located at translate technical advances into more profitable forms YOU HELPED make it possible for 170,000 Canadians to Shawinigan, North Bay, Ajax, Sa participate In Red Cross Water Safety Services, aia, Maitland, Kingston, of enterprise, These advances change more than the world of agriculture, they change everyone's everyday world == for the better, YOU HELPED the Red Cross help others--both here and abroad--twenty-four hours a day, every day throughout the year, Now once again your help is needed As Canada grows--s0 the demands upon the Red Cross also grow, Please continue to lend your strength by contributing generously when the volunteer canvasser calls, Serve again by giving fo the RED CROSS ; "RED CROSS SOCIETY" - 26'2 KING ST. E., \ Oshawe == RA 3.2938 «= (Mr. D. HN. Howe, President.) ea ea Better Things for Better Living... through Chamistey DU PONT OF CANADA LIMITED >