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The Oshawa Times, 7 Nov 1960, p. 16

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16 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Moendoy, Movember 7, 1968 ii THE OSHAWA TIMES WANT ADS [2:3 13~Gardening & Supplies 32-Articles Wanted 37 Male Help Wanted 1 -~Accountonts N NESS and va ; an For Rent For Rent Pre 4 y Lh pry 816 and wp lov 1006 Canadion wi ® Wh GPEIInES WW er Seles "» el i ¥. HOPRIY {amp CLASSIFIED AD RATES [any was o A di Wives Adriana, ARE carta Jeph To *F shalt dhe rg hen Geramiaes bungalow, Ritson Wosd FOUR 1oom aperiments, We Wath, Hed Pit / : g RAID FARE 5 wanian. KA 50 swinry un commissions, car esseniiel, FIVE avila ho, Phone RA 1409, camiinl Iocabion, prvete fT ad iv on Ba TELEPHONE LISTINGS TO ER | rs wey ih ori, Rene, Ba " u 7714 ment Kor Rpponent en) | 6 SOPS Pals 3 52 EP hd Wome Sineet son piri Mas = Ove, sevaile " ARTY vate amisance and oth, oY 4 Nr eo sna - ERTIONS x Fiangs Fe " Mug +P ee and CASH buyers pie vending the Owkawn other small tmonesw, BA 14048 wiier Je's Smokes Shop, 0 King i, weedireoted or SECRETARIAL rey A p Box 6, Oshaws Times. | Times Want Ads svery doy looking foro vm. East, Bowmanville, INSERTION { | SECRETARIAL | # ORGANS wanted Shuto se sad son CRATE Kipmant. Bel yore easly WY ug EE bedroom yRgaiow, WHENER, | sass dean home Th AE, 9008 10 b COMSE # not pee ' f d, Field sod OVERLOAD BAR-B-OUED CHICKEN (as 117, 'the Omens Times IGacs BA 300 tor 3 rently A, combination room, 1H cation, A mace, sorms, roe BOB CLANCY'S 8 ACEI) Chiargs ¢ A Prices. Townline M., Vi mw ! ~~ en plots f k WANT Fels ale donier| Sie pa a LT x 4 pA oa, at ; i Moore 1ales Gomhy onby 16 HIGH SERVIC 4 a olf chicker VANTIN = Welishie man as deler| Three soom APAFIMERt 2 Services. of , ooo tates ; i worth. of Taunton Ra. RA ERVIC: h trench fries, fish and | 1 CASH FOR SCRAP | {in Dumben Counts' snd Omaws. Ex A ere i three-piece ath, he uber Stress rh pvices 19 i Busnes p g nartions ordered a jp . {i E ELE i : Vyping, Shon p nomi SAE. GEIIEREE BA BRerssary. A DIRE OPpPoriv ' py : Biraet Went. I ' Ih AIVSRGIMIN 11581116 ' 9966 and OL 5-354%5 1 ® ing, i f IMGs ¢ 4 slove, fri Sais s Bimane Sireei South ater 4 "or G New Gri $ . fe | WE BUY Pik (6 sap inte oid profitable uviness % Romme, is k Residence, RA 3760 Pit! dole 49 dog fri é of pst ; he ' TEEL META EATTERIES where Rawieigh roses have pi Pig Wa FIR evenings 0 FOUR [om owse with hath furnace, b i : . = OWE ROTHERS CL y 7 rect Mailing men MODERN GR ' tA Bh semis. Wig proline, Products CUPhoards, Ber by 1 2 id MONTEITH. | MANTEEH og ihn 3 tres da WEN BROTH 4 | grog For fast eccurone OF IVER 5.3 PAPER, RAGS, oft wp on cred, Wie Rawiergh's, WODERN elecirey ped, on a possession. RA : mess & o or Each addriens | 00 p TREE EXPERTS f# nce MO B-BIBI ------ A -- ---- Ope All Dey Sof ey : FHi018%, Whe Richelieu, Mont Vining ly 590s." ni Erevan Rows, | SVE 7 room angeion: 3 Avisce wath oil pe ont rn MEA hat a i H MGR BERG A SOP BO -------------------- 2 hewied, reli ie CATT er | Cain wma twiver, owes We wecialise in rei 17--Money To Loon 22--Rodio Repeirs M. Gf EENBES a & SONS FOUR room apartment, see AL Wo monly HA 4008, wd Auditors, Cedar Glan Wide § ond & wg, igure, counts ing, tree planting, ree LAr pe GEORGE'S TY service, TY aerials ! G Whe now, RA 1765 TWO rooms, complete oichen, hot teria Street, Oshaws, OBEN word, Box chgige 156 addiiione H or WE HAVE cients monies available 108 costars, lowers, $096 and wp. Aer BA 3.7353 308 Bloor v- [wiker, heating, us sop and More next #2221 Al Classified Adverinemer moving, cavity wor ie LL ond Margugcs als moved, repaired Free estimates NEW (we - bedroom house, hd Blogr| 800, quiet person or couple. Phone BA MONTEITH, MONTEVTH, RIEHL, and a "Of 4 PHONE RA 5-5287 " wise 8. Hymn, (0 home WA 49505 01 RA ST50 . yrds gy i Pag Water § >i Ca, ( h nants, WA 54521 # puication, © uid h J, 91 King Breet Kast, Oshawn, RA . WANTED IBIX Toom house for rent with gar Simeone Strest North 5 Alex WH | #5 Seria / TV, RADIO yr radio HOUSE for rent, builtin cuphos lA lowe 10 bus, im ¥ p RAP | LTR Acco: ele [1] iw EGULAT ION NEC Te i re Toon ire mart Thompson Electron : SCRAP IRON, POULTRY A fens joektion, gs yard. newly deco: yim Phone wma RONALD F. . WILSON, Chartered IInGwe ho ot be AN ARIN J Mor ge and ARTEEIER. 0 po . Eihatt Avenue, RA 34792 (Fred) AND FEATHER TICKS ! WITH Filed Py 4 "ih 1s 5.5488, a [DOWNSTAIRS Sor - poom well comiain ps Oshawa, Olan A le | LT agvertise CE p Pry XIHA morigs rranied : wd apartment, led, Aceountont, 0 nario raion Sra In dueling. WV Sr A : A Fras, Snags Aranked ene I, TURNER TU £7 SECOND Toor, furnished, WHchen Ba |iaundry ture, use of bi pr K sgh IN ----SAE---- m---- y " then one eeds treated, field nu " SPECIAL RA 3.2043 RA 3.3374 FU R 4 bedroom, wll conveniences, very cose! yelcome, adults. RA 51955 3 sriion « adver ad, top soll, grovel ane % - J LE Idd to Nor'h GM and Joma sore and ; wor 2--Barristers rs | i) fill. Complete service. Weed | | } (collect) bus ut door, Phone RA B6844 SELF-CONTAINED Apwer fduple . 0, ther fine Hut 1 and bath, 41 ia dd FRASEN, DRYNAN ha 0 ) sortion control, Fi fimele MON FY 10 } ON FAMOLS ; Wu . g 8 ins 4 ie REE om modern Davement gu ear let ove, ng $1) i a Ek 14 ' ' , 4 \ H n Canada's Regular Army fo os i woe oo Har ang parking monthly 4583 4 i t And . " C C La # tary Pubhe, Banh of ' y aio reserve 1 ED KNOWLTON | SAMSON CEDARDALE young men V7 16 25 years of | 14160. Can be seen 79 p.m, Wh 49206, | giier a ren, LIA 4 Brlpsogp Bard RA 5-6047 LOAN NS oL) WANTED one girl Uo share apartment, swAGIOS iss = Too iynan, 6. | i y ddd ' 3 ' a h u Ls y val partment, SCRAP a : ingle Psically central location, Phone BA B44 116r | newly reno pind, ond decorated, Sim 5 WEEANRES RON one TALS LTD it, who gre able to meet the [0 pn coe Street South in spariment ares, prey : 2 non 4 COMPLETE f | rt v TOWERS MON end META : at st 44 4 ¥WO unlurnished rooms, upsiairs, | Vamboo drapes included, KA $129 4 SLAKE DODDS, Ba ' / i r all types of mo . me andere BONA IARE bo 0 ast. | 1 the ae , GARDEN SERVICE f ; : PAPERS --RAGS bili in euphoprds nd sink share hath. SIX - room brick house, ive years ola, Felephs business KN y pb deny ou ' / d ww fructure wi . Have). trades rain Vent, hydro witer supplied, use of |dounle gavage, Park oad South, Pos dence, BA #5 y J ' r Garden ploughed disced i J 65 { £ AC 2-13 a ' J 4 Lid £ ' 4 phone, RA 5-504 ' session December |, Phone BA 54212, 10sken pv Ne Frisia 0 / i landscaping, wood cut, a i vacant lo nnel 3d, $59 95 con h 5-343 NG, ang an excellent pension |y ve room howse for vent. Apply 5865 THKEE large, wniurnished rooms, soliciting 4 0 f 4 y an a ema removed 7 f alled and "a 7 NCH lan are only a few of the [MII Breet, Oshawa Iprivate bath, good district, eentrsl, King. Mrer ; A000 [| OF mrertisement. Te oO " first and nd d 1 year p p tvantoaes of o career in the |THREE unfurnished upstairs rooms, |*Yallakie immedintely, BA 34788 Resi dens ¢, H id RA B.1798 nh BME ES wr A 9-4) A 4 #50 a manth, includes hewt, lights snd | THEFE room sell-contuined apart: BALMERS A . 100 ANNIS STREET nagian Army ater, RA 57825. ment, central location, avaliable Ne | / ¢ ) - rR i, Appl A » 9 vem oh per month. © Dither Wh 53111, Hes rip 8--Building Trades CLIFF BROWN Street RA 8-8180 ot discuss the oppor. |FLINISHER thraeionm heated agar Cole ame Wa Booth eR oor Use ] ta rine : - No 9 C " va. Telephone RA . \ SHAW Eons L he seen to he appres wed, 5 Fm end, [THREY. - hedropm bungalow, immedi: GREFR oh , Be pan wna rscaveine a GRAVEL & SAND AW A IA J available with a Agulte. Abstainers, BA le possession, near south plant, Apply ole) ' BULLBOY ) ( n 1 7". R ' on | acount Ive, Whithy i 361 GIBBONS ST Recruiting Staff of the Osh. round ficor, private bath and en {NEWLY decorated three fully furnish HW» i ig eA Tr 19 Personal dood B Wants cars for wrecking Ini Armoury soeh Tactdon |trance, Laundry fochitien, sink, up: ed rooms, sullshle for Mrses or, 3 or Sou 4 Haun 1] 100 I eauriaced. AINE Prompt Delivery CAR 3 p vember Parts for sale, also scrap iron | iy noury each Tuesday, boards, hot and cold water, heated, 555 couple, available, close (0 hospital, ' r 4) DAY OR NIGHT! { f Ph {IWO ele fi hed R ' man N \ oink of to turday all day f ¢ wine 1o clean unfurnishe rooms with Hom HREY i um. | WATERPBOOVING sou lists, Rout ba in PATHS * ; a rg TV. and RADIO d y 41 : you B © room house, large of, 855 hath. Apply 242 Cadillae Avenue South pt Ai W WA FALL SPECIAL Bridal. velours, va RA 5.2311 89 BLOOR § ny Recruiting Station Nr "able immedintaly. Phone |atter 5 ) {rirEr mom partly furnished sport: lhosptis), available now iA pi Biii A 54606 or W 10 A BR nd re d anywhere © ostimates 12 to 16 ft. Well Branch PECIAL 5 are ti) All Work Guaranteed | ROYAL CO| N AND Toronto, Ontario {ment private entrance, bath, respon: ences, No children, BA 3 Maine §2008 0 A 4 HARDWOOD MAPLE TREES Faward Bit arin 5 Celina! OSHAWA - ible couple preferred, 256 Athol Street , b y \ A c IA MP C TORE 138--Male or Female Help inuous hot water, near GM and bus Sali oil Che fy ible fl ( TA c | Ho ¢ Wve ; y x a ELECTRONICS . \ J FOUR « room self-contained apartment (business lady preferred. KA #1880 : first HOMI COTTAGES | Oshawa G ¥ H pial ol In wine her Sunde : Wanted and bathroom, unfurnished, heat and * i. 3 " { i IP . . reliable couple (0 manage! coup p (plex, TV aniennp, refrigerator, stove, i : . RA 24 100. Mall Order Kil IW. OSHAWA artment house, some experience pre [5 ouple with one child. RA 86434 {dryer, payed parking, near bus, Shop. JOAN A CAMERON. | ' / J y f - ! tubber Co., Box 01 KING 5 d )3) fevied, in exchangs for apartment, [THREE room fist, centrally located, |ping Cenire, GM. Adults, RA 52097, tor and Notary Publ ' ind { 7 PA TIO F | AG AND i iy STAMPS AND biate relerences to Box 21 Oshawa! | private entrance and bath, heavy wir L ges Arve chen Ce Free f 20) RY STC | 0. " uDBOI Hine y th ARR --t 2 slave, Frigidaire, decorate to sult, lots mortgage Yan i f KERY ST INI | MRS ANN | 4 } i PROT nd tower COIN ALBUMS, rm -- FURNISHED hasement apartment, | of parking space. Available immed: RALPH JONES 3 TONE PLANTERS PROFESSIONAL. PALM | {ot dip galvanized y paint 39--Agents Wanted two rooms, suitable for two gentlemen |intely RA 53301 i A 1 nl ong Sault ( 1 0 F' i ' | J HOM Al ------ Greer ng H TOP 0 AND | | IMEN Pleasant outdoor work Aver: T™wo0 hedroam apartment In new Mortgage 10a i R A B.4614 SUPBLY AND LAY | Master all-channel antenne ! I yb al ake § vo experience neces, | FIVE OOM RpRFLMEnt, separate en: apartment hullding, near shopping / / 4 OSHAWA | Total price nstalled ' co snadion ¢ Ameri Wri gh's, Dept, 1810-VV [Hance hot water furnace, garage, incentive, lirge rooms, electrically equip: BOWMAN. DAVIDL ister, i Se -- oa -- ------ HA " : | ree, 00k | $005 Richelien Montreal village on paved rod, 15 minutes from ped, TV outlet, free washer and dryer cow South, i 5 9--Building Materials GARDEN SERVICE your, pial | guaranteed for year, $5 ) co h prices CHIT AS h i Oshawa, CO 3.2804 |drapes supplied. Avaliable Dee, 1, RA ' : RA 3.3222 dh 4 . | " " : ) da's hest selection § 0 £ PU KENISHED 3 room apariment, . -------------- THOMAS M. RUNDLE, bar | ALUMINUM window repairs, Repairs " 0 / M io T Vv Er iterprises world, We buy stamp collec ecling cards, Over 50 cans 10 malin FUN bath, automatic laundry; cou: \TWO oom unfurnished Apariments eitor and Notary Fu d ' to all makes and types of aluminum | i414] 140 "EA I i tion from. Special business cards, Write for | Pe preferred, 904 Grierson Strest aio | priv ® bath, gas range, heat, hydre Biveet East, Phone 1 form roe ! nd doors. | NO. 1 253 Drew St -- ------------------ vour free album todgy. WL," Smith|® p.m inelured, 740 Simeoe Street South, KA GREER fd Ke oli I oe Nash Aluminum Lid HA 32318 wel ; ------ - on - " er in lL a OE -- Ee eel room heated apartment, private |HOUSE=si%x « room Acious grounds, nial i i phe 11.Business Opportunities TOP : y( IIL E | FC [ ROI YSIS IW "Col BOOKKEEPER typist, experi need 41-~Room & Board (ith and entrance, 870, Telephone MA Mill Street Jywilabie November 16. RA i i " oboe ne be . -- des permanent position, able to take E sehlihg afte ence V iy, P FOUR unit apartment building, fully | omens Column (JOTI nt Lauition, ule te Hk | nied Four: Pew ham Hite aller & p.m WH 2-525 ' { B re with replacement value of equip NAS Vy T854 aft 0 ment, private hath, heated, TV aerial, | apartment for rent, twa bedrooms, » S~=Nursing Services Cnt over S000, fair LuFROVEr W Marie Murduff will be in GERDA'S BEAUTY SALON |voing 1adv id reauires office 44 after p.m {washing facilities, parking. Available |frigerator, stove, washer, oer IV v own and SOS ' ' {Hehont, #dueution Write Box 211, Osh: [nen Apply J31 Park Road North, RA | (THny ¥ raom apartment, compiniy | © entre, $97.50, 28} Monirave, mA £1 M A Pile | ) i ' y f n anolin perms 7.50 up, M AWA Tims self-contained, heal and water supplied, | RESIDENTIAL = self-contained, hi io asonable 1 tr hon; $20.00 BrRaipa) 4 " Ta--Housenold Repairs BRaiNHRENE a EXPERIENCED housekeeper voquires| IN CLEAN, quiet home, good meals, | stove, Apply 168 Centre Street od this rooms, second floor, own ene -------- J Yom piece a two ho Vie tio ot local ehimne cleaner im 250 & 0. Parking, refined gentleman, #8 6---Optometrists fo EAS RN Ly ah TOUR focal phimney ane i 2 T Personal Service Tuesday to Friday 9 am, to [02038 after § iy oud South mm A Park [(ranee wnd bath. fireplace and garage, monly fon FOWIOWARD WOACK, D7 oF ORI: {our piece ath, estab hed gallanage | stalled, fumaces vacuumed, Free est 7 p.m, Saturday 9 am, to 4 |BEVIABLE experienced women, aval: Ample parking, TV outlet: business eou-| CULL Househo (0 on elry, the f Bye - " teri arts A , " y non antact Supervisor, HBY Sim Thursday afternoon rage for vent. Bus stop at door, RA Winte frigerators, sioves, sinks, ouphoRrds, evenings hy appo ent, RA 5.4101 For full particulars eal] ¢ A. Mo [PROFESSIONAL painter, paper hang Math, Contact POrVISt 8.264) 7) Iv furnished, ofl space heater, Phone A ' CW TUCK, RO, oplometris Please | Cavley, Supertest Petroleum Corp. Ad, (#5, Guaranteed work and materials, (000 Street Novih, RA 6.2604 fh d ly ADIES leave your children with me | RA B-8125 Eh flavile rnp, nild" welcome, $98 "voom it Ada avalif x: | Pm licence, fully insured, dual controls ' Bank oF Sirk Is - FURNITURE repaired and re uphol Call evenings. RA B.B80 -- 5 3 [private entrance ground floor fh LI ; IN , refrigerator, parking, alse # A hop or stove, situated at 496 Albert|ing, Bruce R. Dalton, 75 Charles Sivest liquid or processed. K.P. Anderson, | EXPERIENCED day care for ehildren | OENTLEMEN = good meals, lunches weekly #1 Monivave Avenue after §|r00m. re 7 --=Surveyors trae, RA 3:4025 RA 3.7212 FUR COAT AND JACKET af Ritson Hoad North, Phone RA |in my home or baby siting at night, packed, home privileges, Phone RA|r furnished voom, + Apply il ¥ id ell | Mo Ba012. Free on tavios LOAM ---- AUTO WRECKING CO vr of the Regular Army | sor~ Gung -- Tuoroom parent, | 94 Byron Coun dence, RA BOWS i RA 8.895] " od, eal WA 5723 SERVICE WHEN YOU WANT and metals, etc, bought, Open from 10 AM. to 3 P.M, or [monthly or $46 furnished, Box 350 Port new stove, 128 Elgin Fast phe 1 I ol f | ' o " y Q ENC HA 58707, i Phan | | Lrees 4 FRESHLY DUG wield, clean ' CALL RA 8-5286 507 College Street, REACIOUR fout-room apartment, East TWO - room rpsrtment, re ron MeGIBBON and BARTEDO ' Regular $12 OW §! i | HA 598 des Mel GARAGES | B6 Taunton Road We i : 1 RA 8-322) WANTED vo water included, 875 monthly, Aduits or TWO © bedroom apartment, new trie Vast HA nd Ing. Phone RA 5.3259 FOUR - room duplex, healed, electric ) Complete with new Wave 3 ' Regent | or working couple, 116 Adelaide West eitors, 130 King f READ i ar paid for old gold coins of the Card agents |B tors, ol RA 3-3553 35-~Employment Wanted |" nociales Lia, Alu, On (IN WOWMANVITLE on King Bree, (+2010 ne . A wees vented and fully equipped grocery | 6 YARD LOAD 7.00 Removal: of suserfiuaus. hair comp en privilekes, for gentiemen Phone RA | FOUR voom self-contained apart: (OPEN for inspection = new moderns nw hich ANWR Nuri or co fn id uf on fll Phone RA 3-3162 | Oshawa, Nov. 20 and 290 621 KING 7. mo par me oth at 4 HIgh OOM, ang bose fou Guo voune gel Nov 1, Telephone "RA Sim," anima, parking tin pial. day fram 12:30 vo 7 pm | work by the hour or day, Phone RA And heds, lunches packed, hot waters THREE room apartment, privaie en: trance, haleony parking, the conta in Ma a y mates' RA 3 0007 PETER PAN Nursery School, ehildren able for hay sitting and home making, | NICE clean vooms, with or without |ple preferred. OL §-8920, lense 16 oe North (at Colborne), | ang Whithy. Rent io be negotiated : h veurs. Monday Lo Friday, from 815 p.m. Fer appointment coll RA Baby Sitting Bureau, RA 3.4921, Closed | Poard, gentlemen preferred, also ga TWO-ROOM colinge hood and a r0Om APATIMEnts, ree - | ! on Oshawa HA $0742 between § and 4.50 Free estimates, Al Conroy, RA 80000 WAGAR'S Driving Sohool, Government [while you shop or work, day or eve: HOOM and board, available for two | gy -- rp -------- Bominiol 24--Market Basket wing, 'Reasonable rales, Phone WA Me to hare, single beds, $10 a week thn, HED spariment. Bath pak PURNIRWED, G37 oom ApATImenty amined at home A A 5407 NTORE apace 84 x 80, oan be used for | stered. See aur materials for recove id [HONEY - white, amber and golden, | 1847 to shoppin, wae Centre Street EL] Phone HRA LE = BONEVAN AND FLEISCHMAN. On ORERTERFIELDS rebill tharos SHORTENING, SMALL hon y . I: WG hose with Iwo baihe, elo | Fou =roc apartment, two Dedroomes | . i . | ROOM or room and hoard, good meals, |to downtown and General Motors suit IR aI i By BUSINESS LR ALTERATIONS [oman Comat "31 50," Tare oh.20 REGISTERED Chime pid North GM, hounltal and" four ble for rooming house or' subletting, it ite ol cl MOBY 10" AVS 'Shier priming ; \ id Iatiresses rebuilt. Oshawa Upholstery] reasonable pri ake to [bushel Bring containers, W. Eymann g corners, Apply 40 Division immediate posseavion. RA 33141 day: 57% m "Adults or one baby weleom Cand u Co, 10 Hond Street West. Dial HA D! hak-mile ens of Nicholls Garage HAIRDRESSER ROOM and board for gentlemen, Thrae |1Ime RA 56045 evening Vou 1 8 ih n FuiM and ht i Malo. La A FOR SAI I. 011 El | GANCH Courtice, Go north to first corner ininites trom four corners, Apply 8 FOUR room apartment, bath, with 4/448 aoom anariment, i 0 anthrs AIVeyor f 1 v ha Toe | Narles Street [hot water, near bus stop, store and 4 Phone RA 50881 "RK ) CHESTERFIELDS and old chairs ve CS WEAR BACK TOSCHOOL hills enn be paid| would like position in Salon RGM treet North, Phone RA 5.4462 GF HORTON and Associates, on: MODERN ONTARIO covered like new. Get the hest for on | LADIES' WEAR with cash you Ret hy selling weed] as receptionist with part-time Room and board, elose North GM | iM, Apply 635 Lorraine Street ATTRACTIVE comiforiable furnished fario Land Surveyors, Professional En BARBER SHOP at Modern Uphalstering, 142 ID ST. EAST {sports gor through an Oshawa Times | po 00 f needed hospitul, Phone HA 3-8308 ig room ranch sivle bungalow, close (tore, CEROEREE re ving, 06 Dundas Street - West \B M/ South. Call RA 86451 for : Classified Ad. Act today, Call HA 38408 hairdressing if neede WANTED =~ & gentleman in a quist (© schools, shopping and South GN, Im: | Vite ii N'A "Cite "Ha Bus, With MO 8.5001, Ajux 728 19 BOND ST. | eatimate A 8.3331) for a friendly Ad Writer WR TE BOX 219 |e Aliraobve' 7 room, Hood board [Aly 1888 Wecker Drive rent fA 81720 ease phone 51338 oni, | PONEVAN AND FLEISCHMAN, On re locgtior . A) PAINTING DECORATING ORDER early void: rimouloy to | 1 + vaom heated apartment, b tatin Land Surveyor aroia blue Tradesman. Interior OF exterior, Hoxa RR ORGANIZATION'S [Grices. Biore in fruit oeliar. Good 1 251 AWA TIMES [ROOM and hoard, six days 5 week, | THREE «room healed apariment, sep \ ' Reb n ) J equls | 4 ! \ home oan 4 oly Avale entrance adults only, 74 Bond printing, 12 Bloor rest Ka RA tone work guaranteed, Free estimale . pring. Potatoes, wholesale, five hags me cooked meals, TV priv Fast / bo with option. For y RA 62008 CHRISTMAS PARTY or aver, 83.20 each, retail 52.50, 78.10, | 36-=Female Help Wanted Bouth kind, close (0 Pediars, ptt ASR ONE and two - bedroom Apartments AND BANQUET bags, free delivery, RA #1905 WIT Ved pre RA 9083 FouR woo ear nent, "wink i new stove and refrigerator, furnished YOUR local ehlmne lean Chim / IANS | I" Heaged lady require 0 ouphoards, on 18 #0 d South, § "RA 8-2 20 3] Neve DU And Taped: Hae hinds i) BLUE grapes for sale, also door, regu. |panion for elderly couple, must bo able | BOOM ana board for two gentlemen, Sh it 15 alter "or unfurnished, RA 83045 or RA 38358, | pouple preferred, heavy wiring, 017 after 6.50 ) [| | Available now talled, furnaces vacuumed. Free esti | HOT TURKEY DINNER {lar size, Call after 4 p.m, at 1102 Coday [to do light housework, Write Rox 384 Avpiy 308 Kina dead home cooking THREE room ng Witoh ith |OLEAN furnished apariment, stove, ve. 12 D ki mates HA 3.3007 A 00 A PLJ Sirol | Oshawa Time is Tk vom 3, Ine ing fein il Firernior iad. Brardmonte Savi Ri on renmoking TN ig |FOR SMALL Alix manufacturing firm |FURNMNED basement apartment, #3010 Dotween 1 i) a? Pn room, twin beds, Gladstone Avenue. RA ALTERATIONS of RLEENER SERVICE I ol [ MUSIC A |25- --Pets & Livestock [Ar ave tanowing aualifiehtiong | Tree roams and bath, in quiet home, #8402 to PI i pd anbng, Toone A ANCING Wookkeeing, typing, pay roll and gen: [2001ral HA S:0600 after 6 p,m, WHITBY -- (wo + bedroom apartment, THREE "roam apaviment. third Hook, REVERSIBLE ames rh dh M ALR ARH haing 10 months old gai atfioe work. Wilte Box 700, Ajax, [BOARD ahd cave for elderly Tadien, Ye i rigerotor. Baloony, rahe arivate entrance, hath, adults, $38, 378 Jieratians 1 ohiliren's | | ! ie) pi iy S100 MONTHLY, reliable woman for|A(PAtale- rooms, private home. close to Apt, 10, 101 antenn. (Division after 7 pm, HA 80144 > 0 NG ann Rape: ) H aod hanes aft & BRE } X a ly Apt, 10, 101 Crayon Road, M WULLDOZING ' a| PAINTING ann puom 4 N and ofl uoted KITTENS lor good homes LEX Bes nusokeeping position, live in, private | SINECIEN shopping, Whithy, MO 8.4363, al, TWOT00m unfurnished upstairs apavis MO 8861 J Avior Pay d houth. HA 54 a 1 \ Hr 0818, | A V *. r aia woom. Must he fond of children, RA|[ROOMS and vent, with or "Wot - a ment, vangette supplied, $38 mo 1thiy, Mo { p \clolu ide eniie Wes ST704 hoard, 206 King Street East, near Rit J 670 Edith Steet, Phone RA 5.0146 STORM windows washed and put up Ef A y -- = om «son R i ALL type Y Mas he HA 3-2636 hand mb Ny \ ! 4 RAnnITA And ducks for sale, Phar Aon_Roud 2 BEDROOM THREE rooms and sunroom, private ( ' and hing k TH i ¢ {hone A A & 97a y . WOOM and hoard fo i a0 pated, very oe Modern, 4 estimates. | i DRES SMAK = R | . DIAL RA 5.2737 HOUNDS for sale. Telephone RA 58080. "NEED MONEY [meats continua ht Sater, Ai od APARTMENT hedtod, very gonival, modern parking, S Ga f A ( en' - LITTLE BUCKAROO RANCH hound, reRisteres alker A hy ha olds | THREE nis tr IN Ld hh ehank i o ling ring SAE > 'oi He v nv Read North DEES MO HE RRefe, Walker, $0 FOR CHRISTMAS?" {oom poy Jonny id Jontiemen, bv IN DUPLEX oir wet ls lei "Fie ings, fixtiies | , w ond ellin SER - mores HG TRR ER division See | inious hot water, hame privileges, Ab | go) | A appointment after § p.m, RA 8:1 Litlations ot Bip ol types of Vira © ob | 22---Radio Repairs Wook ol Also WEOWR stot. Codt | Jo Ji Rison Road Samii oh SANDOWN PRAT NEWLY decorated thes ¢ H. M. Mackie Co. Lid View Kennels Telephone RA 50062 . , Tt onl, ground tove, Va © 98 RRO api Tur fo ROARING: ing ho pt AVON CALLING 44--Houses, | Apts, ts, Flats living ram, tiled bath, huge conveniences, wings i ow 2 ROWE S I. RA > 5954 Ady ay 1] \'% AA, " §. Waubena Kennels. RA 5.6301 For Rent kitchen with dining area and ed, RA 83344 timates, phone " 3 an REAUTIFUL Dany buduies, ready for] On T.V) has increased de. |e balcony, Vacant now for in [WANEROUNE spa Abb exTing i ho Service rooms and bath, private en WwW WARD &leanout a #1, (6, main floor, central, RA §:1206 MAIN PHONE RA 8 6706 $7 'loher Bis Bam TV. TOWERS training, talking strain Apply Mrs mand for our products, We (wines; also two rooms and bath, pri.| SPection, Stove, frig, washer ", bin floor, h 1206, WELL DIGGING BY OPEN EVERYDAY aber plus poy Oh he Ra die. aglvan Broad, 114 Elgin Street East | have a few. chaice: open: tor vile entrance; laundry facilities: in| dryer. Call Frank Hazlett, RU [apartment h RA 5:3038 or 64 «17 MAC HINGE UNTIL 2 P M SEGERS ized 213M all-channel, ine | 26-=Farmer's Column ritories fer women who are [Street _- " " FALL orgies 6 RU . | MONTH FREE RENT TILE | talled, auaranteed | vear, » ok Boke " Y lependabl and want to FURNISHED apartment, suitable for : 3 WI TRY ONTARIO 13--Gardening & 'Supplies , A vr | $82 30M, root aerial, 332 [DEAK fam stark biokea uh promblly, Genendanle (wo, Rossland THoud west aren, 33] --doronto 19 | Immediate Possession ay \ RUG AND UPHOLSTERY Expert - workmanship Aarawil Bar Farm, Tyrom earn {monthly, Phone after § pm. RA 84154 " MO § \ WEN manure, h vattle) per FRmanatiy FREE Deluxe 2<bedroom new aparts ~ JERS - ataw ov WH LIAS roamed gomi-furnished house, 304 anure, we yard Joa "Phone RA CLEANERS ROLLAND T.V | SAW for wale, 55 acres tn field = . LE 6 0627 glose ta alo bung An tharehes ments Hollywood kitchens, - 5 . D4 € A mmediate possession. Re ) nt ¢ . FOR on Killing, aoraving andra | RA 5.7488 er. Sromwell RA 31-4849 I [I INTERNATIONAL 00 UNity Aras CALL Phone pO Fiheceaim, Reasonable: ro 2 waky rent in very adern glecindally soupped ron 3 ED UATE di Fullh and hh R : WUE EULA ER AMER a ~ IMMEDIATE possession, ground floor, one bedroom apartment wit locker. I WILDERS r complete Garden Service, Call RA rw | 4 < 3 {fax t hiteh, 538 hours use, cost aver A locker, hot water and parks BUILD (or, complete Garden Sorvies. a pecializing in wall ta wall | DID YOU SEE QUR : 00 ew. sell ghop. A MO nding, COLLECT hive toon Ament, amie Wari balcony, 105 Craydon Rd ing included. Call Apt, No, CEDAR ees far he ranted a - -- INEW ALL GALVANIZED Sh . Whitby, Phone 1, 309 Adelaide St. West, 4 gdh ' 3 Hina - 27 -- "Fuel & Wood VIVE von apartment, heat and hydro ' . 0 one. Five S50 \ 15---Instruction RA 5.6606 before | p.m, or - ~ - - {supplied awn rage, immediate pos ') 3 TRY TH PRES PAN } 0 0 4 IARVEY DANCE ACADEMY Raton R A D F S S ey waitiwood Shs sui gon fib | PREST IGE ; nh Mos M 8- 477 after 5 pm | - AY alle wh are A INELFscontained three t Uy | rm ---- CHOICE | 0 AM WH Po er ra RYH ih W Why fA i, S WwW F RS lo vered. Phone RA 8-008, | TRAVEL CAREERS [with a i haa 44a---Rooms For Rent " W190 y [S ADF jonila elon Oo oy N ! -- FOR SALE {28~--Summer Properties BE A STEWARDESS BIT Rosohin Riva heey November! Two bedroom apartment |GNE bright saacions bed sitting Fw AP oh ci RUIVATE loacter. sient sauiell anship GOVERN, sani, poner, aoaeieTi| AIRLINE RESERVATION. aN®, iwe ur iow furpisiod soon ios wiih modern (Wraituve in clean homey AVEL AND FILL at a I-All Wave Ante Beautiful Kawartha Lakes district di # AGENT Lou vesposiabie person, at 77 ontario | La Salle Court, available [Ste¥F TAElIGES 1 desitek tne min A : TRIG W ¢ ¢ hes Marthe abl aliens | : iy a tt IST IRAVEL G E Street ; Fernhill Bly RA 57905 ng wel walle Wn id You § L I Wealors, Peterborough, Riverside! CLASSROOM INSTRUC. MODERN (wa - bedroom apariment,| NOW Phone RA 5.3815 ONE niga furnished room for vent, pe seal A } Same | ie AIM ed with stove, hambao drapes, Apply 80 Reyal Stieel. or phone RA Masonic Temple R : ct y i : tm wil ---- TION GIVEN BY 1 op relvigerator, washer. diver, 'TV outlet, or RA 3.6485 Sa%0 | 28 T il . parking Phone RA 86707, north end FURNI TTR h " fore [ "AD ; fake Servi Hil [ges Drllern AIRLINE PERSONNEL TWO vom anaciment, furnished or So FURNISHED Som, duist_semietts FARN | O | R IVE NEF the new compact 13 Shasta Travel ' TODAY unfurnished, refrigerator, stave and pri BUCKINGHAM riot RA $0198 RAVEL Patio, sleeps 4 or With travelling WRITE TODA {vate entrance, centrally located, $43 . on -- - At tha O 9 TRY US olin. Butane HERL, thiee DUTHRE Stove CAREER COUNSELLOR monthly, RA 3.7219 MANOR NICE room for girls, twa single beds, t the hawa iv hao B p A 4 4 goin TRIO oven, 40 wile lk Wn "Now| AE CANADA AIR CAREER [10 tui onl oom on gona] APARTMENTS ~~ [lh cooking thins rivae at VAL LI Y FARM yingd instructors .R X ' \ ARSHOW NE Te) NAER st ation. RA 32000 SCHOOL = YH) HE My Moy A Ra Ld One ad * bedroom Apart Rar fue! ipped |b Keepl oh 4 ¥ tard, Automatic cam - FOR RENY Tent traller ny weak $23 1 YORKVILLE AVENUE NEW ASTLE = five heated ments, electrically equipped, Wily equ phe housekeep! y oid F | EVISKC N Aocamodates siv peaple Phone MA TORONTO 5 Trent. uadiy Touts nd ied best location, $85 and $100 [10m suit ane girl central, Phone " PRECAST Ey RA 8.009) : 3 pale raul Phone 1836, Newscasts YO monthly, 498 Simcos Sh [R118 or ainiy 38 Nassau Sweet BOND ST, EAST ; [HOUSERREPING roo wwol North, Apt. 15; RA 8.8676. SINGLE clean roam, frst floor or AMP DET 28b--Hunting ROOKKEEPERS [HARAKERS coop ft $9.4 tan) Neri. Ags, 13: A (ARP gepny foam, yin qibiey gt CONC RE IE The home of Quality Dutch DRESSMAKING RA 8.678] ATTENTION mere . [South Bnd. RA 3.9633. 47 Elena Street, a L HUE .y BULBS ole 2? ! Hunioy \ Money [FIVE room house wilh bathroom, ai OFFICE SPACE LARGE, well furnished bedroom, EPTI TANKS ( © vienced butohers t - pring filled mattress, continnous ha L por floor. Phone RA 3.3 Earn Extra {heating, savage, Cadmus Village, SI FOR Vale! parking, 88 Fun East: RA 2410, d : " Van delle Guidens C QURSE S. ATTENTION deer huntey tablished vd knowledas i WR . ATTRACTIVE single voom near Mos | 1 ¢ ' pi \ weekly, Mar ; TV. TOWEKS TRG champ hak acopmadaten oe ed by | MODERN==Ihroe «= hodroom bungalow, RENT Hy Sentiemen Preferred. Telephone ' : 4 DY a 8 Hid ABA : [ \ Atlan, immediate possession, . ( ! V 3 ah Wpant transferred, Call after 3. RA FOR two or three gentlemen, houses | \ C R\ | i MAM ar RA R060 Passenger elevator service Kooning rooms, single beds, private ') { " oh bath and entrance, Parking space. Ape A hi ER 4 FOOT: MOAOTR APATLINORL, three New building. Centrally lo PI 150 Division. Street WELL [ ¢ ¢ ¢ ¢ ' \ « ue ¢ | \ bath, private entrance. Call RA hh 0 h Wa ph, ' k after § all day Satay and] cated in downtown aren FURNBHED bed sitting room, fall 2 L 1 " 40 ¥ 5 4 Ma . )OK | IN RL DEER MOGsE WR win bngaiow gn] MOUPONe ton, Loosen 'now fidina: ma war A 8-9 ¥ r 3 an ve Exce ¢ t modern brick bungalow on # BRO C \ Home Lands SRing Arles Haliby We ¢ : Cadillae Avenue South, renting for 90] available LARGE oom. two sitile beds. suite LIZED 1 16--Insurance " Excellent - < modat HAM Monthly, Available immediately, Con able far two ladies ar gentlemen, cook: - - \ { Of A \ ' ice ol Macko Realtor, RA #4681 ing privileges, Apply 68 Warren Aves . NTINC ¥ Reasonable Rates. Guide 4 5 MAS. IM CONC RE TE kt LA N} ING ANI Pp BUL uy a i TR kt IRVED a : b . . Ye, ge 8 t FOR RENT Semb-attached four | } {E | ES ne X 4 A A BULB "ve on, Mant to "yh A oy ROCKCL " FE HOTEL wil be. an ¢ » B 1a ORI Rouse, two bedrooms, hath, TWO furnished Musekeeping OOS, COMPLETE ( ROL | f f N \ ticule laundry facilities, cupboards, sink, hot bedroom and Kitchen with refigerator PRODUC 4 S £ \ : : f i MINDEN. ONY Phone 0 a wenionee, TVI BUIL DING parking osu Anply 186 Agnes Siroot, C 17--Money te Loan 30-1 tt & Feend od WILLY ar $6 fu [FURNISHED bedroom an ground flow - A Port Perry \ --- po a W {in new. home, hght housekeeping, T HRY and sooo wangage sale 37 Male Hel anted BARCY bibl Wie hriek, three hed 1 SON and living voam privileges, close to \8 Aroha ved 0 Hew | 802 LOSE = brown Colle dos ost, NEED p, hardwood, spacious Hving Lontact Lo WILS {school and transportation, switable far U6 Chad . ) (NJ v 1 5 1 0 ¢ Rok and "Hehniek Barnsters, 3 Kg collar, ag Ne. 10a) Telephone POTIRRCE ROOOSSATY For Po Boptmiay dinmg and Kilehen With Ray, avail | lady or gentleman. Apply OLiver 5-3311 0-0uC {Steet Bast, RA 3130 | RA S-7844 or RA 8.5804 'RA Sam reward telephone RA $308 {able November 1. RA 3¥ Phone RA 3.3474 {burn Street telligent ladies with a flair monthly. Marvin Nesbitt, Rlackstock

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