Duncen of Brodin, snd Mr and Mrs, J.A Bamion and Mr snd Mrs, RB. Hamilion snd Donns. Rebekah Lodge [|£7iZsan% smmrs | University | : sunday dpe wir enn) vow oe Students 'Marks Birthday [%%.50 0 wet a as . home on Brock road north, EM IB & Fisk is | BROUGHAM The insielia- (Brougham United Church were, Mrs, Jack Van ikhruzen of TeHOrey frame home In sume: ition of officers for Joy Kheliioh held on Sunday, October Paris, came to Ao her ny han Rotterdam, Lodge took place on y The Rey, Eldon Linstead BA band who had the mistortune to The fons werg evenipg, Oct, 24, Port Perry United Chureh' lose a fi (of while work The meeting opened in regulor| brought strength and inspiration gravel Southeast of Brough |e if form with Sister Ethel Wonnop, in bis earnest snd. forthright! am, Jack has been hosrding at|® , 1 y Noble Grand, in charge, Assist messages. the ¥, Carter home all Suny fi ed by Sister | Phytis L. laoll, vice| In the afternoon Miss Gall mer ' ng comed #" i) Wit from Oshawa, Brooklin, Jeong", 5 alg aod Loe hota thelr November ¢ the om SIMCOE (CP)~Dr, Murdoch! Mackinnon, head of the ithy, Pickering, Markham 8nd "Phe Shepherd of Love' under) 4 louftville tne leadership of Mrs. Easter|day, November 7 st 830 pm, Blister Stoneherge, district G60: hits, assisted by Mrs, Anole| vies Cliff Wanner is et pour onter ea PVion 4 the organ. convener, program . A the evening service Mrs, T, Honey [ CAA oF honor saprying Keer and Mrs, Hine brought sev- pining 8 few ¢ sqft 1 4 eral messages Song, AT INSTALLATION The Women's Association wis|inusmer and family, Mr, and Sister Stoneherge of Sunshine|ect 8t the home of Mrs, 7, Philip on Wednesday evening, Lodge, Oshawa, and her installa NT 2. 8 BRITISH AUTHOR tion staff, installed the new offie- pm, ers of Joy Lodge for the coming The devotions! to be taken by! Thomas Hughes, British author year of "60-61 ge Wannop and the program to|of "Tom Brown's Sehool Days" The elected officers were as fol- mn by Mrs. Cresswell, (who died In 1696 founder | ¢ lows: Noble grand, Sister Phyllis REGULAR MEET gid issioatl of he Working Ellicott; viee grand, Sister Jean! The regular meeting of the : | Ellicott; recording secretary, Brougham Women's Tnetitue will of Oshawa |e Florence Carter; secretary he held in the Township Hall on treasurer, Sister Marjorie Twee-\'puceday November at 2 pm Irene] ' From Monday Nov. Tth fo Thursday Nov. 24th | " te dle; treasurer, Bister Roll eall -- 25 cents to buy Philip Ch p Christmas candy The appointed officers were as) i follows: Warden, Sister Isabel An-| Hostgses Mis hs Gray. Mrs nis; conductor, Sister Shirley M leg and Mrs, Milne Knox; flag beaver, Sister Joyce ig? id A ¢ give het re- Wannop; inside guardian, Bister yori dom he omens nsti- Evelyn Surphus; outside guard ule central area convention Lian. * Sister Peggy Camphell;| The first euchre party sponsor: |Chaplin, Sister Barbara Pascoe: | #4 by the Brougham Women's Tn- imusician, Sister Phillips; Right #itile was hed on Det 25 with a supporter of the Noble Grand, 800d attendance The prize win Sister Pearl Tweedie; Left sup-|NeT® were: Ladies, Elizabeth Hol- porter of the Noble Grand, Sister| AWEer, Mrs, Art Cavilon, Janet Shirley Beer; Right supporter of| Dewan, Mens, Wi rolley, viee grand, Bister Irene Masters; | Moya Johnston, Ben Lotton, . Lit supporter of vice grand, Sis:| Mrs, Blackman and Mrs, ¥l- [ter Myrtle Staley leott attended the Women's Ing [""Aatter installing the new offic. | stitute, leaders training school at | ers in her very gracious and dig-| Ubridge Jast week, The course nified manner, Sister Stoneberge| Wes "The Third Meal", They wished for Joy Lodge the best|are making plans to give us part for the coming year, {of the course at our next few son's speech, The GOP presi- | Sister Bloneburge was prosent.| Pegler. nstitute meetings w dential nominee flies to Alaska [ed with a gilt from Joy Lodge F 0 ? n Is y tting his pigeons ready to show JUDGED BEST FOR QUALITY and ECONOMY A fully aged whisky of a reasonable price, A KISS FROM MOTHER Mrs, Hannah Nixon, mother | campaign speech in Los Ange- of Vice - president Richard M, | les' Pan Pacific Auditorium Nixon, gives her son a kiss alter be delivered a major Sister Pilicott, Sister] B€ 4 today on the last leg of his |by Sister Jean Filicott, Sister] FH Royal Winter Fair, He won i - e was presented with al ) MPL E. Ay Nueopoto pias the on Noble Grand|8 number of prizes at the Cana- last night, Mrs, Nixon sat In the audience and listened to her OAAA Holds Annual Meet The annual meeting of the Orono Amateur Athletic Associ ation "was held in the Orono Community Centre, The group elected a new slate of officers along with arranging dian National, of the work planned for the year, Susan Gilbert was appointed as acting president of the Society with Annette Jorgenson as acting secretary, Water Plan from her officers of last year Sister Phyllis was presented with a gift by her hushand Brother Vernon Ellicott The District Deputy President |SUNDAY VISITORS | Sunday visitors at the Fred |Hamilton home were Mr, and Mrs, Wage, Gall and Wendy of and Mrs, Don RYE WHISKY WY THE DISTILERS OF CORMY'S PARK LAN Please support this drive, Buy assorted nuts when @ Lien knocks at your door, » J thanked Joy Lodge for her wel: "eran ave 1 oo R@joCtOA [tenn hil i p | led her staff for their assistance jo plas a hyasinih bulb in 4 pot ORONO -- A majority of B4|in installing the officers of the member was given a bulb of higProno ratepayers turned down) various Roheksh Lodges " the y 4 the installation of water services |district, Bhe also thanked Biste own whieh he proceeded to plant. |'" [Vorgan and "Sister ) at a vote here last Monda Pennington Method of making cuttings of onday | for the song which they had made other events under their " Fe The vole was one of the heav ger was rated f |up and sang in her honor, After ship. The Association Is again to erate the Orono rink and will also, lest in the village history; slight: | } v y over B4 per cent turned out to|the closing of Lodge a lunch was A membership fee of 25 cents is| ¥ © per ce ed out to pis Bn 0) 50 hold the annual banquet in November The meeting was opened by to be collected at the next meel-|cast their ballots on the installa-| 4 a . . ing which is to be held on Nov, [tion of a municipal water system {The anniversary services of 2. Out of a total of 408 eligible Mrs, H, Barlow, vice » presid Mrs. Ross Gilbert, acting secre: tary, read the minutes of the last annual meeting Reports were received from Al pumber of coaches in connection hose reporting on various teams were Bruce Gerry, Charles Arm. strong, Thelma Forrester, Mrs R. J, Taggart and Marvin Lunn, | Considerable discussion was held| fn connection with the summer park program out of which some recommendations were made for some revisions next year, Mr, Bruce Gerry conducted the election of the new officers, Those elected were; President, E, H. Samuel; vice « president, Jack Reid; secretary, L, Aslett and treasurer, Mrs. Ruth Tag gar! The date set for the annual banquet is November 20, Tickets to be $5 each, The purchase of two banquet tickets also entitles the holder to a season's skating pass to the rink, Mrs, Don Ten. nant, president of the Orono Fig ure Skating Club, informed the meeting that the Figure Skating Club would eater to the banquet, Orono Band Holds Meeting ORONO « During the past week a set of outside speakers have heen installed at the Orono| * United Church, These outside speakers are connected to a re- cord player aver which records may he played, The new system will be used extensively on Sun. day ORONO BAND The Orono Band held their an. nual meeting, The forepart of the meeting was conducted by the president, Mr. Bill Allin Mr, Gerald Brown chaired the nomination for the election of of ficers, The following were elect ed: Presidnet, Dick Morton. secy retary-treasurer, R. C, Forres? ter, and band master, Donald Hamm, It was decided on motion of Carlos Tamblyn and Vernon Gra ham that the position of vice president and also directors be dropped for the year, Also during the discussion of new business it *was decided through motion of Bruce Myles and Bill Allin that the band purchase new drum heads for the base drum, These heads are also to be lettered with "Orono Band" The resignation of Mr. M. J Tamblyn as bandmaster was accepted with regret, All mem. bers expressed appreciation of "the many years of service that Mr. Tamblyn had given to the band as bandmaster, Following the meeting the mem. bers of the band enjored refresh ments at the Orono Restaurant, HORTICULTURISTS HOLD ORONO - The first meeting of) the Junior Horticultural Society was held in the Girl Guide room at the Community Centre with 23 enthusiastic girls and boys in attendance, Mrs. Fairbrother outlined some BACKACHE BOTHERING YOU? ~ DEWITT S KIDNEY party caucus Saturday elected] C, B, Sherwood, former provin-|cilizens outlining information con: any cial agriculture minister, as Pro- cerning the water system. The better conditions for safe water * with hockey and baseball teams gressive Conservative Hou se|Police Trustees, apparently feel: for the village, The most impor sponsored by the Association. (leader for the New Brunswick!ing that figures quoted in theltant factor which the vote should voters, 328 cast ballots, 101|before the public for over the past HEADS TORIES against and 187 in favor of the!year with thelr decision being FREDERICTON (CP) =~ Alwater system handed down Monday, The re Pamphlets were circulated by sult of the vete will not allow improvement for erealing legislature session opening Nov.|first pamphlet were not ip ac- have corrected was that everyone 17, Mr; Sherwood takes over cordance with that supplied by|in the village should be provided from former premier Hugh John|the Ontario Water Resources with safe and adequate water for Flemming, now federal forestry Commission, issued a pamphlet human consumption, This eondi- minister, whose government was of their own in which they quoted tion does not exist today as defeated by the Liberals: under figures on the cost of the pro. shown by the report of the local Louis Robichaud in a June elec: posed system |Health Department of the United The question of water has been Counties, Man from Manufacturers CUSH BY HIG IONED AIR RIDE HWAY TRAVELLER 4 DAYS IN NEW YORK OTEL ROOM, 1 75 INCLUDING RETURN FARE, SIGHTSEEING, ENTERTAINMENT P. Andrey Representative OSHAWA Tel: RA, 3.2201 FL Crossley Supervisor OSHAWA Tel: RA, 3.2201 2 EXPRESS TRIPS FROM R, J. Branch TORONTO EVERY DAY! VIA QE, WAY AND NEW YORK THRUWAY Representative OSHAWA Tel: RA, 3.2231 All round trip Permanent insurance-- the sure way to security ST. LOUIS. . SAN ANTON WINNIPEG . Consider the case of a man age 35 who is thinking of buying a policy to provide security for his family, Should he buy a permanent policy that guarantees an estate no matter when he dies? Or is temporary protection sufficient--say to age 65, when his children are financially independent, Naturally, every man's situation is somewhat different, but as a general rule permanent insurance is the better solution. Life expectancy figures provide one good reason why. They show a man age 35 will probably live to age 71. But the same figures indicate his wife, age 35 now, will probably live to 75. If life insurance is to help a man guarantee financial independence for his wife after he dies, these figures indicate both the limitations of temporary protection and why permanent coverage is the sure way. MONTREAL SAULT STE. VIA GREYHOUND VANCOUVER. . . fares are low! BY BUS WASHINGTON . PHILADELPHIA . $31.80 . 29.45 36.95 10... 1.3% « +tve 50.08 . 110.45 vv HSS MARIE 27.30 LINES IN USA, CONSULT YOUR LOCAL AGENT FOR ALL BUS TRAVEL INFORMATION There are many other advantages of permanent insurance. The Man from Manufacturers would be pleased to give you the complete story, & BLADDER PILLS MANUFACTURERS LIFE Whitby = Harry Donald, Agent, 300 Dundes St, E, Ph, MO 8.3475, Oshawa Bus Terminal, 18 Prince Street, Phone RA 3.2241, Ajox (South) The Coffee Cup, Ph, WH 2.2940, (North) Ajax Coffee Shop, Ph, WH 2.3390