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The Oshawa Times, 7 Nov 1960, p. 6

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There is one electronic deviey whieh shows up " 4 sr the shosls of fish dosh whier, indicating thelr nd density, Attached to the spine #& device which tells which the shoal Is located, this equipment, setting owt trawl with & surety of good epteh becomes matic, CREW ACCOMMODA REPORT FROM U.K. Great Improvement In Trawl Vessels By M, McINTYRE HOOD Special London ( ) dr Sx For The Oshaws Times GRIMSBY, England ~ M this great fishing port on the eost const of Englard, rated as the world's biggest, end certainly, from the standpoint of the value of fish landed, the country's most fie sharon Times Published by Canadian Newspopers Limited, 86 King $t, E,, Oshawa, Ont, Monday, Movember 7, 1960 Page 6 Tourist Industry Needs To Examine Own Errors The Canadian Tourist Association Smith got his answer from Manitobg's Actually, the two types end thelr ---- wm Bi 1] 4 1 ! a y i A] " " ol \ i] A ] "4 et nN YY #84222 H Nz2= should quit whining and start thinking It needs public confidence and support, but it seems interit on rejecting them, A few days ago it opposed proposals to licence operators of powered hosts, on the grounds it would hurt business, It completely ignored the fact thet the great increase in the number of boats on our lakes and rivers during the sume mer months has created a safety prob. lem. It ignored the fact thet the waters ere primarily for public use and pl not for private enrichment, It ignored the fact that public pleasure has been substantially diminished end public safety jeopardized by the irresponsible handling of powered boats by some operators, As if that were not enough, the Asso- ciation was later told by one of its members, C, E, Smith, who is manager of the Montreal Tourist and Convention Bureau, that there was really nothing drastically wrong with the industry that increased government spending could not remedy, If the Bmith theory is adopted by the Association, more public support will be lost, Capital And In sll of the current theorizing about the need for a greater investment of "social capital" by government == to direct as well as spur economic growth, and to provide more public facilities and social services ~- there is the basic as. sumption that there will be no trouble in finding the money, But this social capital is not wealth to be miraculously created by governments, It can only be wealth taken by governments through taxation out of the wealth created by the labor of the population, And a point the theorists overlook is that people work for themselves, not for the governs ment, In a recent panel discussion the vice-principal of Queen's University, John J, Deutsch, made note of this irre. futable fact, Mr, Deutsch recognized that failure to solve problems of congestion, pollus tion, lack of public amenities, educa- tional and health facilities will deter © deputy minister of industry end come merce, R, E, Grose, who seid the job of promoting the tourist industry should not be saddled on government slone == "private industry must be the leader, end must get awsy from the let-the. government-do-it attitude" More then once we ergued in this space that the tourist industry can be helped by government action, perticus larly in the area of loans for improve. ments, The industry warrants attention end support, because it has an ime portant role in the economy, At the same time, the people who live off tourists in Canada have only thems selves to blame for a lot of their troubles, Too many of them overcharge for in- different accommodation, for indifferent meals and for tawdy souvenirs that in most cases are not even made in Canada, They do far too little for themselves in the way of advertising and promotion, There are some notable exceptions = and significantly they include the most successful individual operators and re- gional associations, Its Uses Canada's economic growth, But he went on: "It is not enough to say that the should spend more, and should raise the necessary revenues from taxes on income and property, Taxes are high enough already, There is a danger of blunting incentives and inhibiting the accumulation of capital" In his opinion, any expansion of state services should not be a charge on the entire economy but should be paid for by those who benefit, Also, the local units of government that provide so many of the social amenities may be inefficient in their spending and may need reore ganization, Incentive is the key word in all this People work, save and venture for pers sonal gain, and in the process add to the nation's economic growth, Any furthe er taxing away of this incentive will inevitably enforce the law of diminishes ing returns, government Hats Religious Issue While there has been rather bitter controversy in the United States over the religion of one of the presidential candidates, a somewhat milder religious argument has been going on in Scotland, It is wittily described by Philip A. Stalker in an article in the Weekly Scotsman, Mr, Stalker writes; Many of my most lovable (but cers tainly not least argumentative) friends are ministers of God, and I am sure they will agree with me when 1 say that in the ordinary affairs of day-tos day life ministers are just as capable as other men are of talking through their hats, In recent months a number of them have been talking through their hats about ecclesiasticabh hats, It all began with the armorial bears ings designed for the Moderator of the General Assembly of the Church of Scotland by the Lord Lyon King of Arms, The General Assembly of 1959 approved of the granting of the arms, but a few months ago (probably under the influence of the approaching coms memoration of the Reformation) a number of people began to get all The Oshavon Times TL WILION, Publisher and General Manager € GWYN KINSEY, Bdives The Oshawa Times combining The Oshawa Times festaclished 1871) and the Whitby Gazette and hronicle (established 1863), Wn published daily { vA and statutory holidays excepted) oC Daily Newspap ™ Anociation, Tha Canadian Press, Audit Bureaus of Cireulation and the Ontaria Pravingial Dailies Asses cation, Tha Canadian Prema a exclusively entitled 0 he use tor republication of all news despatehed Whe paper credited ta 1 or to The Associated Press or Reuters, and alsa the local newa published therein. Al nghts of special despatehes are ale served, Ottices: Thomsen Building, 425 University Avenue, Toronte, Ontaria: 840 Cathiant Street, Montreal, P.Q. SUBSCRIPTION RATES Delivered by samienm In Oshawa, Whithy, Alex, ho wmanviliy Brooklin Part Perry Prince Abert ple Giove Mampton, Frenehman's Bay, Liverpeal, Taunton, Tyrane, Dunbarton Enniskillen, Leskard, Broughham, Burketon, Claremont, Columbus, Greenwood, Kinsale, Raglan, Blackstock, Manchester Pontypool and Newsostle not ov ane ot week, By mail tin [1+ of Ontana) outside san delivery areas 12.00; ehwwhete 15.00 per vear. Average Daily Net Paid as of April 30, 1960 16,999 worked up about the many-tasselled hat displayed in the coat of arms, Some people said it was a 'Cardinal's hat, The Lord Lyon replied that it was just an ecclesiastical hat == in other words, a hat similar to the kind of flat hat that practically all Presbye terian and Anglican ministers used to wear = until, in the case of the Angli- cans, they became Bishops and wore top-hats with little "storm-stays" joining the crown to the brim, But the main objections raised by critics is on the grounds of the so-called parity of ministers, Although I am a Presbyterian, I have never understood why parity == which would be impossible in any civil army == should be venerated in the Army of God, This question of parity, however, does not arise in the case of the Mod. erator's arms, It is the office, and in effect the General Assembly, that has been granted the coat of arms, and if any Presbyterian says that all the church courts are of equal level he is empha. tically talking through his ecclesiastical hat, Finally, I do think that ministers should be the last people to criticize either their fellow » ministers or any other men for the clothes they wear To me it doesn't matter a scrap, whether a minister of God actually wears a Cardinal's hat or an old and rather battered Homburg, provided he is first, last, and all the time a true man of God, And in that last matter, I am not his judge, Bible Thoughts For the Lord knoweth the way of the righteous: but the way of the ungodly shall perish~--Psalm 1:6, The wicked are terrified to learn that God knows what they do, but what a comfort this thought is to the righteous! For the righteous Lord loveth right. i his © t e doth behold the upright---Psalm 11:7, When we love doing what is right, we are compatiblue with God, for He loves righteousness, He takes special notice o those who walk uprightly, look at fishing. Back days, b of some . engaged in the "trawl fishing in dustry, I had some ex esiling on trawlers important, | have heen taking a niodetn methods of trawl my A nth of uring my wachool holidays, Here in Grimsby SITTING THIS ONE OUT INSIDE YOU Tetanus Is Main i canine dental . Danger In Bites By BURTON H, FERN, MD ARE DOG bites dangerous? Do the growling teeth of bone-guarding hound reflect a hazard to health? Dog » haters scream while loyal supporters American Kennel Club "No." The truth lies somewhere between, In spite of the political furor raised a while back about "Clean as a hound's tooth" promises, no tooth (hound or human) Is real ly clean, Like a live hypodermic syringe, just about any tooth can inject massive doses of germs under the skin = even teeth that are brushed after every meal, Human bites ean often be the worst; dog saliva may he more antiseptic than man's droolings, But don't i] on this drug. store « like quality in saliva, Res treating to lick your wounds is bad treatment, since both tongue and teeth usually contribute more germs than saliva can kill, HUMAN PHORIA The usual unpedigreed dog bite brings out the human phobia about hydrophobia (rabies), If the man next door suddenly went canibal and sunk his teeth into your epidermis, you might think him mad and call him all sorts of names, But even though you referred to his mother's ca. nine qualities, you wouldn't say he had hydrophobia, "Yes!" of the chant OTTAWA REPORT Most biting dogs are shout ps' # healthy as Vie Tanney gradu ates, They won't try to make hamburger out of your hand or leg until you loom as a threat to home or bone -- or life and limb, And as long as man's best friend stays in top form long after the bite, you can almost for- get about rabies On the other hand ~ or tooth «~~ tetanus Is the real danger lurk. ing in the jaws of a dog, Sniffing and snorting, leking and tasting everything lying on the groud, the average guard. ia of the walk Is likely to pick up a mouthful of tetanus (locks jaw germs whieh cover the earth ike a dirty bacterial tablecloth, The tidiest garden Is with these man-killers, GUARANTEED PROTECTION An up-to-date tetanus shot, or an Injection of special horse. serum antitoxin, can guarantee protection against lockjaw, Severe side effects sometimes make the horse serum more hazardous than the dog bite, A series of "regular tetanus shots, which need only a booster to freshen resistance, erases both equine and canine hazards, Until someone brings out do-it-yourself tetanus shots, you'll have to rely on your doctor for the necessary injections, And so, In the event of dog bulging Ottawa Mourning Friend Of Canada fiy PATRICK NICHOLSON We must endorse the universal brotherhood of man, not merely with our lips, nor even in our hearts, but through our dollars, This is the theme of the sine cere pleading for a Christian eos operation between Canada and the U8 A, which Canadian au diences have been hearing dur ing the last two years, In the sincera words of the late Richard Wigglesworth, The former U.8, ambassador to Canada, who is now being mourned both personally and of» ficlally in Ottawa, believed that world peace depends upon the ex. tent to which these two richest nations in the world will join in giving economic assistance to less blessed countries, Stressing this, he was fond of paraphras ing words which he had heard Prime Minister John Diefens baker use at ceremonies in Prince Albert: "The price of peace ia cooperation and the prize of co-operation is peace." Some of the 80 ambassadors and other top foreign diplomats in Oltawa make little effort to know or be known by Canada and Canadians, But the friendly grey - haired Mr, Wigglesworth was a vivid and happy example of the extent to which a good ambassador can strengthen friendship and understanding, NO, 1 DIPLOMAT He became 'His Excellency the Ambassador of the United States" in December 1958, Al though it was his first diplomas tio post, he achieved prominence even in the line of outstanding US, ambassadors Atherton, Steinhardt, Woodward, Stuart and Merchant who had pre ceded him here since the war, He traveled, according to his own estimate, more than 35,000 miles around Canada in two years, often accompanied hy his popular wife; he visited every corner of our country and twice toured the entire length of the isolated DEW. line posts across our Arctie. Quiet, modest yet very knows ledgeable, he became our polit felans' best-known and favorite W diplomat; perhaps cause, as the veteran of 16 sues cessful elections to the U.8, Con. gress, he could speak to them in thelr own language, But partly it was because he sought them out and got to know them and then inaugurated the novel diplomatic custom of inviting most MPs and thelr wives to his home, There he entertained them at happy in formal buffet suppers, after which they mingled with mems bers of the US, diplomatic mis slon and their wives, dancing to the music of a three-piece band, Our MPs represent us, the Ca. nadian people, he reasoned; it was the main part of his job to learn about us and our probe lems and aspirations, This he could best achieve, he believed, by getting to know our MPs and by travelling widely across our country, LOVE FOR CANADA Mr, Wigglesworth first visited Canada on his honeymoon, when he brought his bride to our Seig: neury Club at Montebello, Ques His last visit to Quebee Province was this summer, when, despit i well as powerful i which doctors sometimes use to bite, reach for two things ~ the washcloth and the telephone, Within a few hours after any work, soap and water ean sterilize the wound as fuming acids burn clean the raw flesh, Your doctor can decide what kind of medicine and bandage Is necessary to sound out the proper care, Don't needle the doctor about stitches! He probably won't want to sew up a wound which starts out so full of germs, Dr, Fern's mailbox Is wide open for letters from readers, hile he eannot undertake answer individual letters, he will use readers' questions in his column whenever possible and when théy are of general inter. est, Address your letter to Dr, Fern In care of this newspaper, BY-GONE DAYS 16 YEARS AGO Upon the retirement of ¥, 0, Kirby of the Oshawa Horticulture al Boclety, Mrs, Lesley Guy was elected president at the annual meeting, The first General Motors posts war Chevrolet to be produced in Canada, was presented to Bhaughs 1 have been making some ecom- parisons between the small and ¢ poorly equipped trawlers of these days, and the modern oil-fired, diesel engine giants which ply for fish in the distant waters of the northern seas, is the wireless operator, The walls of his wireless room are covered with a great maze of electronic devices quite mystify. ing to the lay mind, QUEEN'S PARK Premier Mending Northern Fences By DON O'HEARN TORONTO~Mr, Frost got the message, He has heen taking care of his northern fences, ome months sgo there was growing dissatisfaction all through the north, It was some time since the premier had been giving it much in-person attention, And he Is the one master that has had the ares in his hand, He was able to lead his party to 8 complete sweep, except for the lone seat of Kenora, No other Conservative had been able to do it, But the master had been let. ting down, And the morth was slipping, COMPLETE COVERAGE This presumably now has been at least partly corrected, Except in his early years In office Mr, Frost has never spent so much time in the north as he has since mid-summer, His latest junket was to Time mins, This means he has now covered the whole area from the Lake. head to the Sault to North Bay, And the spots he hasn't hit his ministers have, No areas, or seats, go by de fault with this government, HAPPY MAN Donald MacDonald Is a very happy man, fe finally has something to feel really proud about, and cons fident, He can and does, look at the federal by-election results and beam, The victory In Peterborough has been the question whether the Liberals might not be the party to benefit, Apparently it won't he. At least under present circumstances, where it has until now done little but talk theory, The convincing factor in Peter. borough apparently was an out- standing candidate, It was reported here quite some time ago that the CCF had quite & man running in the riding, And so he proved to be, officers erew might well be & & passenger Yner of und that is a far cry from what used to be 50 years ago, larger LARGER IN SIZE These trawlers are much in size than their day's models run to 180 and 190 feet in length, Being oll-fired, they do not need to carry 8 great stock of oil to he shovelled into the furnaces, This makes avails able more space for the crew's quarters, larger fish rooms to carry bigger catches of fish, and an shundance of deck room for the work of sorting oul and gut- ting the fish when they come out of the nets, Trawling is still 8 hard and tough way of life, It still involves working 18 hours a day during the fishing periods, But be€asuse of the great improvements made in fishing vessels, it is wot nearly as rugged as it used to be, Nation Looks DUBLIN (CP) = The land of the shamrock and the harp has entered the 1060s as a nation with the forward look, The Republic of Ireland, bap tized four decades ago in the fires of disorder, rebellion and civil war, has turned its gaze from the struggles of the past to the problems of the present and the future, The people are fired with a new spirit, They now are display- ing a determination to grapple successfully with pressing eco. nomic and social difficulties in a bid to improve the lot of a Irishmen, The result is startling, Farm. § ers who once were reluctant to ise she milking aching and the ractor ave ways of ha thelr oh of land more profitable and produe- tive, nessy Hospital, Vancouver, to be panks with the late Joseph FACTORIES INCREASE used as an Instructional vehicle for incapacitated veterans, Thirty-five Defence Industries Ltd, bulldings at Ajax, were to be totally destroyed to prevent exe plosions, after all salvageable equipment had heen removed and turned over to War Assets Core poration, M. H, Hodgson was appointed manager of the Toronto branch of Pedlar People Lid, Oshawa B'Nal B'Rith, Jewish Fraternal Lodge, received its charter In a colorful ceremony at Hotel Genosha, when prominent officials and members of the local service clubs were guests, Addressing the annual meeting of the Oshawa Boy Scouts Asso clation, J, Harwood, provincial field commissioner, made an aps peal for leaders for the scouting movement, The ninth Vietory Loan *'V" Flag was presented to the em. ployees of T, G, Gale Ltd, and Ontario Malleable Ltd, who had achieved their objectives, At a meeting of the residents of Harmony, a committee composed of Kenneth Fletcher, Sam Jacks son and Gordon Robinson was ap» pointed to investigate the ques. tion of a community recreation park provided with a swimming pool, Cyril BE, Souch was elected president of the Oshawa Kiwanis Club, Dave Jamieson and Reg Gibson wree elected vice-presis dents and Fred Moss, tree urer, for the ensuing year, At the November meeting of the Victorian Order of Nurses, Miss E, Hill, nurse in charge, re ported each nurse had made a total of 2048 visits, or an average of 204 visits per nurse per month, during the past 10 months, his 69 years, he took his wile on 4 cance trip with Canadian friends, enjoying the wild worth. ern scenery, and each taking their share In portaging their 85 pound packs and canoe, Such a trip was not out of character for a man who was res garded by his stalf here as bes ing exceptionally healthy and very active despite his age, "He often used to run, and it was hard to keep up with him," one of his aides told me, Such athleticism was part of his lifetime tradition, for he was a star footballer in his student days at Harvard University, where he also excelled at base ball and hockey. Born Into a prominent New England family, Mr. Wiggles worth could trace his ancestry back three centuries in the New World, One of his forefathers, Michael Wigglesworth, wrote Day of Doom, which has been dee soribed as a "Pepys Diary" of oq the Pilgrim Settlement; another forebear was the first professor be of divinity at Harvard College, PARAGRAPHICAL WISDOM A Californian 1s suing for dis varee on the ground that his wife talks too much, If the court cares anything about the institution of matrimony, it will not set a dan. gerous precedent by granting the divorce, "It takes only one-fartieth of a second to wink the eye." -- News» paper filler, It's probably the fasts esl way one can get into trouble, "If you talk to yourself, you should break - yourself of the habit," says a psychologist, The way to do this would be not to listen, If you failed to listen to what you said, you would soon become discouraged and = stop talking to you, "How far Can Russia be Trusts ™ «= Title of editorial, About as far, we should think, as an anemie grasshopper could kick a bulldoa Noseworthy's win over Arthur Meighen, And along with this there was a substantial gain in Niagara Falls, WIN VOTES? Bo far as our provinelal pleture is concerned there Is perhaps a lesson we can take from the federal votes, This Is that unemployment may tend to swing votes to the CCF even more #0 than had been ex pected, A key factor In both Peterbore ough and Niagara Falls was erite feal unemployment, All along the CCF have been confident that a recession would tend to swing votes very sub stantially to them, Against this, however, there Vote Habits Disconcert " Politicians v NEW YORK (CP)-Americans have the disconcerting habit--dis concerting to a politician anyway =0f sometimes aplitting thelr vote at election time, In next Tuesday's general elec tion, for instance, a voter may vote for one party's candidate for president and then turn around and plek the opposition party's offerings for congressman, gover nor or mayor, This is known as split-ticket voting, Take Florida, Texas, Virginia and Tennessee as examples, All are in the south, and the south traditionally votes Democratic, Despite this, all four states voted for Dwight Eisenhower as president in 1952 and 1958, The governors and senators are all Democratic and there is only a sprinkiing of Republican repre sentatives in the House, T0 ELECT M SENATORS Besides choosing a president and many local officials Tuesday, the voters will pick 34 senators, Twenty-three o" these seats were won by the Democrats last time, 11 by Republicans, The last Sens ate had a 06-84 majority for the Democrats; thelr holdover mars gin is 43.23, All 437 House of Representatives seats are at stake, In the last house, the Dems ocrats had 383, the Republicans EL] Among well + known senators whose terms are not up for res nowal this year are Wayne Morse (Dem, Ore), Alexander Wiley (Rep, Wis), Stuart Symington (Dem, Mo), Barry Goldwater (Rep. Ariz), Mike Mansfield (Dem, Mont), Homer Capehart (Rep, Ind.), J, William Fulbright (Dom, Ark), Thruston Morton (Rep. Ky.), Harry Byrd (Dem Va), and George Aiken (Rep. Vi) Against this background, here The drive to attract foreign In. vestments Is starting to pay off, Factories, springing up In varl ous parts of thé pastoral coun. tryside, are helping to boost the nation's exports and to create more jobs, Consclenti ou s, todividualintih public servants are showing a ability to run key government en. boise: Bi with a success that com. pares more than favorably with any In the world, These publicly- owned corporations, in a nation that staunchly defends private enterprise, include the economy's major Supports --power genera. tion, transport, the use of peat as a commercial fuel, steel fab- rication and sugar production, Internationally, too, the nation has achieved a notable record, Through Frank Alken, the ex: ternal affairs minister, and his small 'band of competent diplo mats, Ireland has gained a repu- tation and influence that is far beyond her size and weight in the equations of power politics, These are the manifestations of a new Ireland, a nation on the march to better times, CHANGE OUTLOOK The old rallying cries haven't been forgotten but they have been relegated to positions lower down the scale, There's hardly an Irishman in the south who doesn't feel that Northern Ireland, part of Great Britain, should join the republic to make the Emerald Isle a one state gem, But the priorities have been reshuffled, 1 icles New Spirit In Ireland, To Future The man largely responsible for this reshuffiing is Bean Le- mass, the relaxed revolutionary, who became Taoiseach (prime minister) in June, 10560, "Our economic dev program is entitled on ev ground to first priority at time," he says, "That is as true of the aim of | achieving unification of our coun. try as of any other, There is ne national alm which does not de pend on the success of our eco: nomle program," Words like these and the pols to back them about a wind of chan, ained strength when amon De Valera moved to the retirement" of the president; FRI i Sr NEW APPROACH Lemass 1s a realist who is not prepared to waste the energies of his people on lost causes, He seems prepared to pay little more than lip service to such ao tivities as the compulsory teach ing of Gaelic and other measures to develop a more distinctively Irish personality, "Dev" « Ireland's Mal ima Gandhi---dominated Irish politica life for half a century and was the nation's chief architect, He was the idealist who dreamed of a united Ireland, a republic of self « sufficient peoples having pride in the Irish nationality and thelr Celtic heritage, There are many who would say that these preoccupations some times led him to give a little less attention than he should have to social and economic problems, DEV STILL KEEN De Valera, incidentally, demon. sirated In the course of a confi dential chat with a Canadian Press reporter that at 79 he is as active as ever intellectually and keenly interested in affairs of the day, His eyesight is falling but he still has the health stamina of a far younger man, That Dev's successor as minister should have been Lem. ass 1s a significant indication of Ireland's policies in the future, Lemans, at 60, seems likely to guide his nation's destinies for some time to come, Most ers believe his Fianna Fail party is almost certain to win the next election, expected late next year, During an informal interview that lasted more than an hour the prime minister demonstrated an affable realism, Is a quick look at some of the more noteworthy political persons alities across the country: In Tennessee, where disgrun. tled Democrats and ultra « con servative Republicans did their best to upset his chances for re election, Senator Estes Kefauver Is acknowledged to be so far ahead that his Republican op ponent, Bradley Frazier, has given up campaigning, Demos cratic leaders are talking confi dently of swinging Tennessee away from the Republican cols umn in the presidential balloting, "HOUSEHOLD OINTMENT 59¢ Ry WV) LUBY . with a (sometimes shacans Tra AR REE EEE NN] Largest All-Canadian Consumer Loan Company BILLS? pay them ail a NIAGARA LOAN /, Prom $50.00 to $2800.00 Ceccnne, fast FY YT EE ha INANAR AOMRANY 206 KING ST, W, RA 8.1636 9-5 Mon. - Fri.--9+ 12 Sot Branches Throughout Onterie AAA EERE RENEE RE BJ \

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