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The Oshawa Times, 8 Nov 1960, p. 1

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Complete RED FEATHER FACTS Your $6 contribution will pro- vide transportation for two trips for a mother and child to the out-patients clinic at the Hos- pital for Sick Children, U.S. Election Coverage In dhe Oshawa Time he Times WEATHER REPORT Alternate sunshine and cloud with a chance of rain in the evening, Colder weather is on the way. VOL. 89--NO, 259 Price Mot Over 10 Cents Per Copy OSHAWA, ONTARIO, TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 8, 1960 Authorized os Second Class Mev Post Office Deportment, Oftows SIXTEEN PAGES MONTREAL (CP) At the height of the fall grain-shipping season, a large number of lake ships in Montreal harbor and the jreat Lakes were tied up today following 8 sudden walkout by members of the Seafarers' Inter national Union (Ind.) The Lake Carriers Association immediately notified unio } leader Hal C, Banks that he and the SIU will be held "in all way responsible for damages to ships and cargoes as a result of the abandonment," The SIU would not comment for the time being but confirmed the walkout The SIU and the association settled a contract dispute last month that had led to a strike and a lockout i It was not known how many ' Loli {ships and seamen are affected 4 ih Gi {but the new walkout is expected ; THEY DIDN'T ALL DIAL DICK | | CONGO DEBATE John Pope, manager of an | tors taking calls during Vice- | He explained that his shop was 200 calls distance with at lea them long flooded some of awning shop in nearby Alexan- | President Richard Nixon's ques- dria, Va,, poses tonight with an | tion-answer session on Le levi- ; Associated Press wirephoto | sion in Detroit, Pope points to | collect--from persons Want Trou e print showing telephone opera- | the "Dial Dick Nixon" sign ing to ask questions of Nixon Weary Candidates Await Their Destiny UNITED NATIONS, N.Y, (AP) A heated battle loomed in the United Nations General Assem bly today following Congo Presi dent Joseph Kasavubu's arrival to oppose Soviet - backed moves GreatLake Ship Crews Walk Out crease the port of Montreal's difficulties with a grain glut, Close to 20 grain » laden ships PU now are at anchor downstream from Montreal waiting to unload heir cargoes but elevators are jammed to their 17,000,000-bushel capacity Ira McEwen, secretary of the Lake Carriers Association, claimed the walkout was a result of a dispute between the SIU and the National Association of Mar- ine Engineers (CLC The SIU was ordered by the Canadian Labor Congress to stop raiding marine bers last year was suspended from the CLC, The National Marine Engineers is the certified engineers mem- grain-laden ships in Mon- comprising most of the Great Lakes grain fleet, were forced to anchor last week, Brews In UN Assembly gether and restore parliamentary government, Kasavubu and Mobutu contend that the Congo is in too chaotic a stale for be practical at this stage, and subsequently) Association of| parliamentary rule to| including George Gallup, sug | gested Kennedy had the edge, All] signs pointed to a tight fight, | In a whirlwind finish, Kennedy touched all six New England states Monday and went home to a Boston welcome by a police| estimated street crowd of some 1,500,000, the biggest the eity | ever turned out, By HAROLD MORRISON Canadian Press Staff Writer WASHINGTON (CP) -- The climactic moment has arrived, Ten weeks of frenzied oratory has rolled to an end and from dawn to dusk an estimated 65 000,000 to 70,000,000 Americans moved to the polls today to pick a new president, At opposite ends of the United| gr AGES TELETHONE States, two battle-weary cam: Nixon made his last-day em paigners, Richard Nixon and ppacic on television, staging an There appeared little doubt that Kasavubu, as chief of state of the Congo, would be able to an end, tempers were f{rayed, javol Ing Judd Congo premier Nixon told reporters the cam.|¥atrice Lu " . 4 tho start paign could be described as "ex-| The assembly delayed the start|*' J y > quisite torture," He shooed news|of its latest Congo debate until EP ax oihou Shaioupe from the photographers out of his Detroit|this ufternoon to give the Congol!00T: BUY It he AHEMIPLS 10 take TV studio with demands of "clear|chief of state time to marshal his (¥ iy Song a bio -- out," He complained to his presslarguments, {ne ma 4 secretary that things were mov-| Ranged against him were, [rom Jal .ong supporting lamym- ing too slowly, He told studio\Ghana, Guinea and six other PA'S cause. managers there was a lack ofl Agian or African mations spomsor- IN FOR TROUBLE President Eisenhower drops bis ballot into the ballot box as be votes in the presidential election at the Barlow Fire Hall outside of Gettyshurg, At ONE VOTE FOR NIXON t is H, Pitzer, Adams hs en a Gettysburg Is part of County, ~(AP Wirephoto) program co-ordination ling aresolution te give the Hammarskjold and his chief of Kennedy, speaking in the New Congo's vacant UN assembly! (ho UN mission in the Congo Hampshire community of Man-|seat to representatives of Lu Rajeshwar Dayal of India, were chester, lashed out at publisher | mumba, Kasavubu's chief rival expecied 10 get a going over| John Kennedy, awaited their des-| yuorocedented four-hour after Willis ! i ' : wm R liam Loeb of the Manchester] p ' H tinles with quiet resignation! oon telethon' over the 125-5ta Unlan-Loedar. He the a The elght nations also want They had waged a furious fight.| in" network of the American |; Hon eA BF. a. L te pub Secretary-General Dag Hammar 8 Wa » hands of| a ) p i aap 'Wapaper seemed 10|guinid (0 get the pro-Lumumba Sele {ate was in the hands | Broadcasting Company He fn have little regard for the truth {skjold to g J i /oLers, swered queries phoned in by lis a2 | Democrat Kennedy was to £9! toners across the country. The Log b fought hac k He ] alled| [jying that it will return the fiery to his Hyannis Port, Mass, resi: ponuiiicans picked up the tah,|Kennedy a "liar" and told é-inationalist to office, Kasavubu dence after voting in Boston, Re-liy. 0 cands of calls were not com porters Kennedy lost hia temp suspended parliament in Sept publican Nixon was (0 await thei plated because circuits were Pee Bliss n je. Laon Leac ow 14d| ember after the Congo army result in a $168-a-day Los Angeles 5, Nixon's press secretary PEI 8 h h 5 Young rec ord sun commander, Col, Joseph Mobutu hotel suite--one used hy Soviet| gyi" gnome 6700 questions would y ip } M 2 en y y Pi a fa, ousted Lumumba in a coup Premier Khrushchev last year--| om cwared in writing later ills which would assist and fa- the Communists," after voting at Whittier, Calif.,|™ x "ihe furious campaign neared YO! (WANTS TROOPS OUT sear Los Angeles | ENDING 185 SUBDUED | Kasavubu declared in Paris " AVY VOTE es: it 4 {that he would call for with SPE HEAYY VOTE toreeast For both candidates the day's au i" of troops from Ghana atker toon the record 62,000,000 ue cou turbulence ended on a subduedignd Guinea from the UN Congo (note, In final low-keyed evening|command, television appeals, Nixon urged| Kasavubu | Atuericans to vote and to pick the to oppose a cast in the 1956 balloting when President Eisenhower was elected for a second term also was decision hy expected re- Skies Ham Second Shot were clear along the eastern sea- man "we think can best serve/marskjold's Congo advisory com board but the weather bureau America." His vice-presidential mittee to send a mission to the forecast rain and snow in the| 3 | mate Henry Cabot Lodge, and|Africen state next week to try to West al ure Eisenhower joined him on the hring the opposing factions to] Tiny mountain hamlets in New| program Hampshire, a Republican strong-| eo pp oc ANAVERAL, Fla, (AP hold, cast their Vallots in A post The air force failed to hurl al midnight vote hat ab A ited radiation-study payload deep info| eC or (®) e jored f Space > a. speand pi hr were insufficient to indi-|SPace today when the second) " ge of the Blue Scout carrier] cate a trend Pollster Elmo Roper save rocket burned out too soon during the debate, Belgian Foreign Minister Pierre Wigny arrived to take a parliament back into session, be-\personal hand in the discussion,| {He was expected to blast back lat Dayal's report last week |charging that Belgian political, | military and technical advisers ure fomenting discord in the for. ner Belgian colony, Productivity No Answer Starr Says OTTAWA (CP)--Labor Minis. ter Starr sald Monday night that lincreased productivity will not {cure the long-range unemploy- ment problem as long as prices and labor costs continue to rise, He said in a televised panel liscussion on unemployment that VANCOUVER : (CP) With about 3000 carloads of grain en- Iroute here from Prairie points, government, employer and union representatives were to continue discussions today aimed at avert. ing a costly strike of grain hand lers, | The strike, slated for midnight tonight if no agreement is reached with five companies, would result in a serious tieup of deep sea shipping here With the strike impending, the CPR clamped an embargo on all grain shipments, The CNR an- nounced it would embargo ship. ments if a strike was called anc meanwhile sent out a "restriet- ing' order, A CPR spokesman. said grain in transit, estimated by the Cana- dian Wheat Board in Winnipeg at The rocket was to shoot the payload to an altitude of 24.500 miles in an experiment that codd have led to methods of detecting nuclear explosions nigh Nixon the edge, Other pollsters | hove the earth . Four Die . Ins ead, the rocket assembly i » Atlantic Ocean In Blazing floated Joie Joe Naptie Goes anaveral he alr force announced tw Farmhouse wurs after the launching that ard LAR relimivary telemetry report ndicate that an early burnout of SET TON cp A maties and he SeouNl' S33e MIator: rede her three oh ren were 4 a ho the over-all performance of the deat? en y a y br HA hy Blue Scout launch and the vq stroyed their frame home in Wi hicle dmpuctet bn: the. Ocean o) ha Reginald Shire Riagaon proximately 250 miles down (he MIs § : \ : antip > SatEe children -- the youngest three Atlantic missile range weeks old apparently were asleep when fire of undetermined origin broke out in the farm Chest Total ho All in the building died yolhe in-law of Mrs Shire James Shire, was doing Thores in the barn whea he noticed the house afire at 8:30 am, He said he could do nothing to save the At A Glance $210,000 occupants Mrs. Shire's husband was al work in the Steel Company of $200,000 Canada plant at Gananoque, 10 miles west of here $175,000 | ¢ victims. included Brian, 5 | Jiudee, 3, and the three-weeks '$150 000 ol aby, whose name was \d ble immediately fhe fire departm fron $125,000 Lansdowne reached the farm house too late to save the build. | $100,000 ing. It still was pouring watei| on the wreckage of the home at $75,000 $50,000 $25,000 Your Greater Oshawa COMMUNITY CHEST Il am CITY EMERGENCY PHONE NUMBERS POLICE RA 5.1133 | FIRE DEPT. RA 53-6374 HOSPITAL RA 3.2211 Needs Your Support J In Michigan? the proposed Productivity Coun: | ahout 3000 cars, will not be halt cil resulted from a governmentied in the Prairies, YRTRO 3 al Mie Ton a >. ala > 3 g. meeting . with management and . LE DETROIT (API~Vital Michi (every statewide elective admini arent INTERCESSION ASKED gan, with its 20 electoral college|trative office, had most of the labor representatives Meanwhile, Agriculture Min: voles, may set a record for pres: newspaper survey and polls in| Present incidence of unemploy:| eal ito ced In Re: dential balloting in today's elec. their favor, {ment was no greater than it had | ister HamiltonSannoun A Michigan voters will select al been in past winters and the gov. lua Monday night that he has governor between Dem o eratie ernment had made a major) A } p i " y areede in the dispute, Lieutenant-Governor John B.|increase in winter works encour. tere ede I 3 Swainson, 35-year-old lawyer and agement | He added that Local 333 of the y | Grain Workers Union, an affil- former state senator who was I To |iate of the International Union of tion Robert Montgomery, state elec dire predicted a record turnout of 3,500,000 of the state's 1,000,000 registered voters tion tor horn in Windsor, and Republican Industrial Michigan 8 import Paul D, Bagwell, 47, scholarships | Brewery 'Workers of America an HA ads A Bored By the tne! director at Michigan State Uni " Vice 5 aide Rid i his Yorsity. Governor G, Henney Wi B b Ni D 2 ¥ Hel 4 " llams, six«term governor, did not eat us irive for the presidency nter the race this time and gave om 1Xon However, the weather man put almost all his campaigning effort! SAN DIEGO, Calif, (AP)--An | 'a crimp in the turnout, The pre-'to presidential nominee John explosive military device, set to dictions for Michigan are for) Kennedy 20 of at the pull of a string, was| as n nowflurries, mixed rain and, Democratic Senator Patrick V. found in the mail Monday ad:| { snow and cooler McNamara, bidding for a second dressed to Vice-President Rich. The vote record for Michigan term, is opposed by Republican ard Nixon, Washington, D.C, | Sh [ was 3,080,000 in 1056 Alvin M, Bentley, | Postmaster V. Earl Roberts ou er i The Democrats, who control Michigan voters also will elect said he was advised by an army 18 congressmen, six top state expert the device could kill at yl TEMPLETON, Que, (CP) = |officials, a Supreme Court justice distance up to 15 yards If the| Provincial Police today continued and an entire state House and photoflash powdered aluminum !/to piece together events leading Senate inside was set of up to the head-on erash of a bus LATE NEWS FLASHES © curso U.S. Election At-A-Glance By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS | Facts on today's United States [night Sunday that killed nine per- |8ONSK, Lieut, "the bus was Vermette sald moving-- Gerard ha presidential election and was travelling along part of The presidential candidates . . a a the shoulder of the read--when Renublican Richard Nixon, 47 Shooting Victim Critical it was hit." . vear-old vice-president from Calis A bus passenger, Jean Plerre WINDSOR (CP) Roland fornia, v Democrat John Ken . Boissoncault, 38, of Windsor Germain, 18, of Hull, Que,, has nedy Lvear-o'd senator from! 18 in critical condition after suffering three pistol wounds in [said the station wagon in which Massachusetts. The winner willl an apartment early today. A woman has been held by police [the driver and six passengers me the 35th president for questioning, Boissoneault was shot in the right shoulder, [died was travelling on the wrong | Electoral votes needed--269 or| Tht arm and chest [ide of the road when the crash nore of the 537 total . occurred Estimated vote 67,000,000 Early Voting Heavy In U.S. Police said they have estab. Polling times---From 12:01 a.m WASHINGTON (CP) Heavy early voting was reported lished that the station wagon oc. EST in New Hampshire to 2 am.| 4on6s the country today as Americans selected thelr 35th |cupants visited a Buckingham, I 43 Wd Ky Alii, president a choice between two campaign-weary hattlers, Que. hotel shortly before the he louse of Representatives Democrat John Kennedy and Republican Richa [rotwien Al ARE ate al pake Tragunt ¢ dy an epublican ichard Nixon |" Meanwhile, twa of the 12 in linen: Dem its 299, Republi ' : H jured hus passengers Mrs Re Kasavubu's Authority Questioned BO ANT The Sonate WM of 100 seals at UNITED NATIONS, N.Y AP The United Nations Que, and Barbara Westphal, 27 take, Present lineup: Democrats, disclosed today that leaders of the Congolese parliament [of Buckingham and formerly of 66, Republicans 3 | have challenged the right of President Joseph Kasavubu | Espanola, Ont, --were listed as in to speak for their country in the forthcoming General As sembly debate, critical condition in Buckingham | Governorships--27 of- 50 to be illed, | Hospital, Grain Strike Threatening (CLC), "is the same bunch that was involved in a similar strike threat some five weeks ago , , . At that time the minister of labor was successful in his interven tion," The 826 members involved voted 95 per cent for a strike in a secret ballot to bring to a head a dispute that has been the sub- Jeet of negotiation for almost a year, The employers, Alberta and Saskatchewan Wheat Pools, Pa- cific Elevators, United Grain Growers and Burrard Terminals, accepted a conciliation hoard ree- ommendation of either a five-per- cent wage increase or a 7%-per- cent increase incorporating a cost-of-living bonus, The companies withdrew their] acceptance In August, cancelled the contract and abolished the checkoff of union dues, Massive OTTAWA (CP) ~~ Canadian municipalities pleaded with the federal government renewsl, In a brief to the cabinet, the BLIC WORKS SCHEME URGED | Mayors Suggest Program { Sel wp a municipal loan fund from which municipalities could today for borrow at lower rates of inters |leadership and financial help in est; make municipal bond inter. a massive, job - creating cam- est exempt from personal and |paign for urban development and corporation taxation; and abolish [the 15-per-cent tax now charged against municipal bond interest Canadian Federation of Mayors payments to foreign investors, and Municipalities envisaged a a huge program of capital works with help from provincial gov- ernments as well as Ottawa, The large investment required would help check unemployment subsidizing unproductive work," the brief said, "It is an invest ment in an essential and pro dutive segment of the national economy," Unemployment begs 'for solu tion at the municipal level bul the municipalities are harassed by the high cost of capital bor rowing, the brief sald, Their most cases was marginal, |SOME MAKING CUTS debts had nearly tripled since |1951, Their borrowing capacity in | Municipalities were faced with a growing backlog of capital launched by the municipalities works ~~ housing, hospitals, reereation [facilis centres, renewal of areas in the core of , water supply and sewage but "is not for the purpose of|disposal, streets and bridges snd schools, Lies, cy "blighted cite public transportation, The brief sald the federal gove ernment, through its emphasis on housing, was making an 'unrealistic distinetion" between housing and other features of urban renewal, OFVERS SUGGESTIONS The federation's proposals: | {pects of renewal ~ industrial, commercial and transport as wel I, Broaden the basis of (he federal policy to include all ase "Very few are in a position to #5 residential--and thus "release proceed with urban renewal. pro- considerable municipal and pels jocts and some are already cut-|vale initiative," g back on their normal capital| 2, Loans federal |works programs," the federation|ernment or land oe said, chases and clearance, in "Should Bis Yakter Suation be (to the come gener, wou ve &lment : serious effect on the construction! federal go SA and related industries which, in turn, eould spiral into an addi-|provinces, tional major volume of unl"3 Financial assistance now employment throughout the|ayailable for municipal surveys country, of housing needs and preparation or share may be paid by the various It Is vital that municipalities be able to get capital funds at costs they can afford, the brief said, The federation proposed these federal government steps: of renewal programs should be extended to provide federal grants toward municipal surveys of the entire range of the capital works programs, Ald, Christine Thomas will run for mayor of Oshawa, Mrs, Thomas, who has led the polls in the last two city elec. tions, today announced her in tention to contest the mayoraly, This followed on the heels of Mayor Lyman Gifford's Monday statement that he will stand for re-election, Mrs, Thomas gave the following statement to The Oshawa Times: "The present mayor was elect. ed in 1058, He received an ac- clamation which entitled him to represent the people of Oshawa for 1959-60 Ald. Thomas Runs For Mayoralty [should Appeal to the electorate {for a further term to see if the taxpayers are satisfied with his leadership, "Therefore, 1 intend to allow my name to be placed on the bal. lot for mayor, The electors will have the opportunity of recording thelr vole for the person of their choice, "I submit my record as alders man on city council for the past six years should commend itself, "During my term of office I have served on every standing committee of council, With this experience 1 belleve I am quali. "It is my opinion the mayor fied for the position of mayop,* Dr. BR. Bernard Finch, left, gets an encouraging word to- day from his attorney, Grant Cooper, in Los Angeles Superior court where the jury in his FINCH FACES THIRD TRIAL second murder trial reported it was unable to reach a ver dict and was discharged, The same thing happened in his first trial, Dr, Finch and his " mistness, Carole accused of murdering his wife, Barbara, Jan, 3 was set as the date for trial Ne. 3. ={(AP Wirephoto) ¥ Tregofl, are mr SA -- i ----------_

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