Y and DISTRICT Whitby Bureau Offices 111 Dundas St. West Tel, MO, 53709 Losing Streak Hillcrest To 'Try To Snap » By CLIFF GORDON R. A. HUTCHISON SCHOOL TAKES SHAPE Scheduled to be ready for use early In 1961 is the new R. A, Hutchison Public School, in the Blair Park subdivision, east of the Ontario Ladies' Col- lege, The new school, shown above, Is named to honor R, A, Hutchison, now retived, but for many years a revered Public fichool Inspector in Whithy and school from 8 am, to 1230 p.m, and the other group attend- ing in the afternoon, With the opening of the new sehool, stag gered classes will end, ~Oshawa Times Photo district, Until the new school opens, pupils are attending the Dundas Bt, Public School, As a result of the crowding, five classes at the school are now staggered, one group coming to L lease, But since that time they = lhave come suffered defents nt the hands of, Whithy Hillerests will 'try to snap their three - game losing streak here tonight as they play host to the Woodbridge Dodgers of the Metro B league with game time called for 8.30 The Hillerests got off to a fy: ing start as they won their first three games with comparative up against some mighty tough opposition and have the Toronto Marlie 'B's' of the) Metro league, the Newmarket Redmen of the Metro league and) the Niggarz Valls Flyers of § Jr. A league, The lstier ga wes a dandy snd attracted the largest crowd of the season here on Saturday night The game here tonight should) attract another top crowd as the Metro teams have been in action for some time now and are in top shape, On Saturday night the |Hillerests will host the Newmar: ket Redmen in what promises to be a dandy, Manager Ivan Davie said last night that he will bring up Ron Bremner for tonight's game 8s well 8s Rickey Switzer, The lat- Schools Observe Educatio Although "every week Is edu- eation week in Whithy Public Schools," sald supervisory prinei- pal Earl Falrman, Whithy's eight publie schools have arranged pro- grams in conjunction with the Home and School Associations to better acquaint the Dubie with what is being accomplished, Edu. eation Week runs from Nov, 6 to 12 Broek St. Public School will hold its open house on Nov. 14 the night of the regular H and § meeting and educational films will be shown On Nov, 20, Colborne 8t, Publie School, the senlor Publie school will hold open house beginning at 730 pm, A program Is being prepared by the pupils to be pre sented in the gymnasium, Later, parents will be able to visit the classrooms, Since there are staggered class es this year at Dundas 8t, School, there will be no open house there Instead, the principal, Miss PF Heard, is arranging personal In-| terviews with the parents every afternoon this week Hillerest School open house will Assessment Appeal Against Whitby Land Now appealing the equalized assessment levied by the County of Ontario, the town of Whithy learned on Monday night that they are faced with another ap peal, County Assessor Gordon Henditeh has Tiled notice that he is appealing all the land assess ment in Whithy Councillor Paul Coath, who said he had heard that the pres. ent appeal is costing $4000 per| day, sald that he was a little un happy with Mr, Hepditeh, "This is all being hashed out right now," he said, referring to the equalized assessment appeal now being heard, "This is cost ing a lot of money," Reeve Everett Quantrill, one of Whithy's members on the County Council, sald that all the assess ment problems began one year ago when Ajax and Pickering village re-assessed their land and the rest of the county did not, With this new assessment, he seid, Mr, Hepditch had a wedge to raise the assessment of all the Receives $3657 In Settlement An Oshawa district man has re- ceived damages of $3657.30 in an out of court settlement announced in the Supreme Court at Whithy this week, Stephen Kiss, of RR 4, Oshawa, received the damages in an action brought against the Rell Telephone Company and Ross Silverthorne, of 582 Bonnacord Ave., Peterborough, The action arose out of an acel dent on Nov, 20, 1959 on Simcoe St. N., In Oshawa when vehicles driven by Kiss and Silverthorne, the latter driving a Bell Tele: phone truck, collided, As a result of the accident, Kiss received concussion and bruises n Week discuss the course of study and any other pupil problem, On Thursday, Nov. 10, there will he open house at the Kath-| be held on Nov, 9, Teachers will] | WHITBY SPOR PARADE By GERRY BLAIR ter played here on Saturday night against the Flyers, Davie also [said that he will go with Cliff |Goderidge in goal for tonight's| game as he wants another look at the young fellow "WHITBY | | pFRSONMIS | leen Rowe Public School and edu- cational films will be shown, | There will also be visits to the| classrooms and displays of chil: dren's work, ! King Bt, School 1s varying the program somewhat, Their open) house will he held in the after. noon of Nov, 9, Wednseday, be: ginning at 1.30 p.m, Parents are Invited to come and see thelr upils In action, There will also we a display of pupils' work at| the school Palmerston Ave, School holds its open house on Nov, 14, in con: junction with the regular Home and School meeting Pupils of the R. A, Hutchison School held their open house last! night at Dundas 8t, School By the time Education week 1s ended, favents of some 1003 pupils will have a hetler idea of what, is bieng done in Whithy I schools municipalities in the south of the county "Now it looks as though if he| can't win one way, he will try another," sald Reeve Quantrill who, Incidentally, is chairman of the county's assessment commit tee Town Clerk John Frost advised that the local Court of Revision could decide whether to handle Mr, Hepditch's appeal one lot at @ time or the whole land assess ment at once Reeve QQuantrill said that Whit. by's land Is assessed at about 18 per cent of the sales value where {es the county assessor alms at 33 per cent, For this reason, he sald, Whithy's equalized assess: ment had received a hike In eounty council, Councillor Harry Inkpen: "We are concerned that one man has the authority to launch an ap: peal which could cost this town thousands of dollars,' Councillor George Brooks: "If these appeals are heard one al a time, we will have to hire a full. time court of revision to sit for months and it will cost us thou: sands in legal fees. ' PORT PERRY PORT PERRY The Port Perry High School football team Journeyed to Sutton where they won 21 to 0. Star of the game for the Sut. ton team was acclaimed by his team-mates as being John Cook, | half-back, Port Perry now plays the Pick. lering Boys' School team this Wednesday afternoon, Port Perry's success this year must be accredited to the fans, including adults, and the cheer: on the head, injuries which caused headaches and dizeiness later John Greer represented the leaders' support, as well as the ability of the team, It was evi dent today in Sutton where only a| very small number of Sutton stu- Winse Bradley, well-known hockey enthusiast from Oshawa and president of the Oshawa Major League has entered an Intermediate "A" club in the Lake~ shore Intermediate League for the coming 1960-61 season, and will use the Whitby Community Arena for their An interesting eight-team grouping comprising teams from Oshawa, Toronto, Cobourg, Port Hope, Trenton, Lindsay, Bowmanville and Oromo has been formed. Three of the clubs will compete in the Intermediate "A" play-offs at the con= elusion of the seasoni» Oshawa, Toronto, and Lindsay, Bowmanville, Port Hope, Cobourg, and Trenton are classed as Intermediate "B"", with the Orono Orphans plaving only a part schedule from January on, out of Newcastle, entering as an Intermediate "C" club, Winse's Oshawa hockey ¢lub will be known as the Oshawa Majors, and will play every monday night, from opening night Nov, 28 until Feb, 20, when the schedule comes to a close, We attended their initial practice last evening, and were Impressed with the showing, and the calibre of players represented which included:» Fred Etcher, Joe Melnick, Mike Cirka, George Robinson, Gil Hughes, Ev Edwards, Ernie Mills, Garry Copeland, Dan Tureski, Gary Lawson, Gerry Luke, Bob Cherry, Herb Tran, Ron Myles, Others invited to attend prace tices but were unable to make it last night were, Tome my O'Connor, Gerry McLean, Ted DeGray, Paul Tran, Jack Marshall, 8id Arnold, George Westfall, Sam Ashton, Dune Brodie, and Ernie Stoneman, As you you can see from the list of players presented the calibre is definitely Intermediate "A" or better, They will be allowed to sign one former Senior "A" playe er, with Etcher, O'Connor and Dunc Brodie last sea~ son in Senior "A" competition, vieing for a spot on the club Lloyd Clarke, coach of the Oshawa Merchants in the UAWA hockey league has been signed to handle the coaching reins of the Majors, They have two ex« hibition games lined up for this week-end, in Tren= ton on Friday night, and Sunday afternoon against the Toronto: Macedonians With difficulties arising in obtaining a sponsor, Winse and Ev Edwards the club's secretary are selling "Booster Certificates", which entitles the buyer to attend all 13 league home games, plus play-offs, and of course be contributing to offset the club's ex~ penses = all this, for only $15.00, TOWN AND COUNTRY Whithy Hillerests gave the Niagara Falls Flyers Junior "A" team a good game last Saturday night in the Whitby Come munity Arena, with the flyers edging the Hillerests 6-4, This evens Whithy's pre-season record at three wins and three losses, The last three games, which resulted in defeats have proved valuable experience for the Hillerests as they prepare to embark in their new classification, Junior "B", in the Eastern Ontario league against Belleville, Peterboro, Cobourg, Picton and Kingston, Whitby had a new goaltender, Cliff Godridge for Saturday's game, replacing Jim Topping, who has been unimpressve in his last three outings, Cliff is a great competer, and given half a chance could help the club, He was with Whitby during training camp, but let go in favor of Topping and Wayne Daniels , . . A look at the goals for and against record of the Kingston Frontenacs in the East. ern Professional Hockey League, reveals that the Frontenacs are the third highest scoring hockey club, and quite conceivably, second because of their four games in hand over the second place Sudbury Wolves, home games, Mr, and Mrs, J, Mooney of broidered lace, a crown of pearls yeize accessories and carried |nosegays of yellow and bronze Miami, Florida, are guests at the' home of Mrs, James Heffering Cochrane stucet, mother of Mrs, Mooney | Weekend guests at the home of| Mr, and Mrs, W, A, Wilson of | Victoria street east, Port Whit-| hy, were: Mr, and Mrs, Ed Ken. nedy, of Thornhill; Mrs, Don Wil-| son and Mr, and Mrs, Karl Rob:| ertson, of Toronto, On Sunday spe.| cial celebrations were held In| honor of Mrs, Wilson's birthday and long distance phone ealls| were received from Newmarket and Toronto, | Mr, and Mrs, J. E, Whitehurst| were Sunday dinner guests of Mr, | and Mrs, C, Paget, of Toronto Tina-Marie, daughter of Mr, and Mrs, Norman Yakely, celebrated her first birthday on Monday, For the occasion dinner guests were Mr. and Mrs, Frank Cro. wells of Plekering Mrs, ¥, Simpson, of Thronto, spent the weekend with her son and daughter-in-law, Mr, and Mrs, William Simpson, of Henry street, Mrs, George Wilson, of San Jose, California, and her five. month-old son, Michael, are guests at the home of her sister and brother-in-law, Mr, and Mrs, John Wright, of Burns street west, Captain Wilson will, in late November, join his family for a short visit In Whithy and (hey will motor back home, ! THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tussdoy, Movember 8, 1960 § Harbor Committee Urged At Council ! | i MR. AND MRS, ROSS WARD Patricia Anne Maw Whithy's committee on bylaws and applications hes been asked to study g suggestion thet 8 har bor development commitiee names to promote the interests of the Whitby harbor, At & ing of council on Monday eve ning, Councillor Harry suggested that the time had come for a harbor commission (0 set up, Councillor over the Inkpen sald that i three years he had that 8 harbor commis. Whithy, find ouiselves lag ging while others go shesd," he said, "Considerable money has heen spent in the harbor but not enough, as we saw when the) Monica Smith tied up here this summer and men and machines were brought in to unload," He introduced 8 motion that a harbor committee be named im- mediately, Councillor William Davidson lwondered how much study had been given to 8 harbor sion, said that he was aware of the expense to the town that would be involved, Wed In Autumn Ceremony "You will he in deep waler Mayor Blasley Martin suggest ed thet the town is not ready for a harbor commission yei, Coun cillor Joyee Burns moved thet the applications committee study Suggestions and bring in names of possible members, Ear lier Councillor Inkpen had sug gested some names, 8 few of whom were not members of counell, Councillor Davidson then mendment to ,.. Industrial Commission where it belongs, They sre now handling it end have the time snd ability 0 do so" Councillor Inkpen replied that thet wes the third time he had received thet answer, He sald {hat the Industrial Commission should not find itself with enough time to look after harbor develop ment, He said that his proposal was for 8 committee which would assist the Industrial Commission, There was no seconder for Councillor Davidson's amen d- ment and Mrs, Burns amend ment, that the applications com- First Baptist son of Rev, and Mrs, J. M, Ward, Rev, J. M. Ward oficiated at the ceremony | The bride, given in marriage hy| her brother-in-law, Mr, V, Gohs, wore a floor length gown of em-| Couples Club Meets For Annual Dinner United Church 4 W's Couples Club held their annual banque! lagt Baturday at the Flying Dutchman restaurant, Acting presidents Mr, and Mrs, Russell Bryans welcomed all present, After dinner nomination of of- ficers took place, An executive meeting will be held and officers for the new term will be notified hy phone, Tickets were distribut. ed to all present and the mem- bers absent will receive same by mall and also nomination list, Anyone wishing to attend the "Roaring Twenties Review" to he held Nov, 20 and 80 could contact Mr, Ken MacInnis, or any members of the 4 W's Club, At the close of the business meeting square and round dancing was enjoyed, NUCLEAR POWER Bweden's first nuclear industrial Church Whithy|held her shoulder length veil, She unless a lot of revenue is com. was the setting for the marriage|carried a bouquet of red roses\ing in," he warned, of Patricia Anne Maw, daughter|and white carnations -- {of Mrs, Ruth Maw to Ross Werd, Matron of honor, Mrs, Valen-| tine Gohs, sister of the bride,| wore a ballering length dress of | being pure silk over taffeta, The) bridesmaids, Mrs, C. Rich and Miss D, Walker wore identical dresses in olive green, All wore chrysanthemums Mr, G, Ward, brother of the) groom, acted as best man, The ushers were Mr, T, Hunt and Mr, C. Righ | For the reception, held in the Church Hall, the bride's mother received the guests wearing a moss green puckered tafeta dress, heige accessories and & corsage of bronze chrysanthe- mums, She was assisted hy the bridegroom's mother who chose a coso brown two - plece dress, hrown accessories and a corsage of mauve chrysanthemums For thelr wedding trip to the| Btates the bride donned a eoeo brown fall suit trimmed with beaver fur, olive green and heige| accessories, Her corsage consist. ed of yellow chrysanthemums, Mr, and Mrs, Ward are estab: lishing residence at 328 Perry street, Whithy, em, BROOKIIN CONCRETE PRODUCTS LIMITED "YOUR FIRST STEP 10 BEAUTY AND SAFETY" J mittee study the proposal and re- port, was carried, In last Thursday's issue tently stated the partne by when he was nineteen Stove Oil, 244 BROCK § WHITBY, power plant will be built on the Baltle coast near Norrkoping, ge al | CORRECTION! Son's weren't born or educated in our Town, We wish to correct this error as both William J, and John R, Sawdon, the present day owners and part- ners of this firm were born and educated in Whit- by. Their father, the late James Sawdon, founder of the well known firm of James Sawdon and Sons, handling fuel and builder's supplies came to Whit. JAMES SAWDON & SONS were born end edu- cated in Whitby and are therefore true native sons, They are very pleased to have supplied MEL-RON CONSTRUCTION, the general contractors for our latest and most modern building, our NEW TOWN HALL, with building materials and both Fuel and JAMES SAWDON & SONS of our paper we Inadver- rs of Jomes Sawdon and years of age, TREET SOUTH ONTARIO JOHN BURTINSKY FLORIST When you need Flowers You Need Us Phone MO 8.3324 124 Dundes St, W., Whithy WHITBY CLEANERS LTD, Phone MO 8.2345 For Free Pick-up Of Your Furs and Apparel WE OPERATE OUR OWN REFRIGERATED STORAGE All Garments Fully Insured 150 Colborne St, East UPHOLSTERING A. ZAYETTE Recovering and Repairing For Old Quality Value With Modern Re-Styling munity Oshawa found your name and present A GUIDE TO VALUES WHITBY - AJAX - PICKERING BROOKLIN - PORT PERRY A More Personalized Service When You Shop Locally This Business Directory Page is a handy buyers guide, dents of this district, and is a weekly feature of The you to take advantage of the services offered here as these advertisers repree sent a group of community minded citizens, who give employment, pay busi ness taxes and are behind worthwhile projects in the community in which they conduct their business, Kee, your money work y patronizing the advertisers on this page e imes, See if your name Is in one these advertisements, This page Is a weekly feature of the Oshawa Times for a 26-week period and there will appear in the advertisements each week two names and addresses of people living in Whitby, Ajax, Pickering, Brooklin or Port Perry, Read the advertisements carefully and if you find your name, clip o the it along with a sales slip or ibel ta The Oshawa Times office > THE DISTRICT PAGE -- GEORGE'S FINA SERVICE STATION 90 Pi , Manager ™ New FINA Gos For ower-better Mileage ond Savings Licensed Mechanic Have Your Car Checked Before Vacation Trip Down Here Phone MO 8.4232 932 Brock 81, No Whitby repared for the resis wa Times, We urge OSHAWA Ornamental Rallings Ornamental Metal Work Furniture==Railings Fire Escapes Guaranteed Work Oshawa Ph, RA 3.4161 Whitby Ph, MO 8.2681 in your own com- other pages of The h advertisement in which you STAFFORD BROTHERS Monumental Works Member of the Canadian Association of Memorial Craftsmen Distributor of Rock of Ages plaintiff Kiss and F, A, Burgess, | dents turned out, that it was sup. of Toronto, represented the de: port that builds up a team's ego fendants, and drives them on to win, BROCK winrsy Now Playing Evening Shows ot 6:55 and 8:20 Last plete Show ot 8:20 Barre Granite ond Eventide Granites Quarry Guaranteed MO 8.3552 Whitby However their goals against statistics is the second worst in the league, This of course indicates rather inadequate goaltending on the part of Norman Jace ques, also with Kingston last season, Wren Blair, manager-coach of the Frontenacs is desperately try= ing to alter this situation, and has just completed arrangements with George "Punch" Imlach managers goach of the Toronto Maple Leafs, to borrow Ed, Babiuk, practice goaltender with the Leafs, on a looks see basis, for a few games. Babiuk, all-star goalie in the Sask, Junior Hockey League. If he proves competent, a further deal will be made with Imlach for his serve ices. As it stands now, John Henderson, is unable to see action with the Kingston Frontenacs because of Babiuk taking over from Henderson as practice goalie with Taronto, making it impossible for John to keep in shape--enough so to be of service in the Eastern Pro league, A goaltender definitely has to practice often, and with the proper calibre players to keep his reflexes sharp, . Because of this it became nees essary for Jacques to play all games of late, and he Just isn't pro calibre, definitely not on a par with his fellow net-minders in the league, Gerry MacNamara, Ed Johnston, Charlie Hodges, Claude Evans, and Dennis DeJordy--all topnotch netminders. While it is obvious that Jacques' goaltending has been mala= droit, the defence comes in for some of the blame also. The biggest factor there is the absence of their num= ber one defender, Harry Sinden, still sidelined with a broken collar-hone, and it has not been officially ascertained when he wll return to the line-up, Tom Thurlby, a left-handed shot had to be shifted to the right side, and as a result threw him off his game. Phone MO 8-2344 Whitby, Ontario in Whitby, showing that feuds or services have been purchased from any one of the advertisers on this page und you will receive absolutely FREE a $3.00 order to be spent for merchandise with ane of the advertisers on this page, Winners must advise the Oshawa Times on which advertiser they wish to spend their order, ; FREE . .. 156 LOOK FOR YOUR NAME ALEX | WHITBY AUTO WRECKERS PEARCE swoumens Decorator "NEW FIBERGLAS FENDERS" COMMEREIAL hor All Makes OF Cars'52.'60, Rove Specializing In Roller : RE-CHROMING CAR-BUMPERS Paper Spray rang Sim rl § dcp 905 Bayview Ave., Whithy No. 12 Highway One Mile North of Whitby VIGOR OIL STATION po +Operatea by Vie" Van Luven Dominion Royal Tires The Best Deal on New and Used Tires 0 8.3644 Geo. Hamers Lid. Plumbing and Heating ¢ Automatic heating * Automatic Neating Units * Ges ond Oil Bumen « Bovestroughing ® General Sheet Motel Werk Som Pst, 303 $b Peters Phone MO a0 212 Brock St, §, Whitby J. A. VONDETTE Real Estate Broker Phone MO 8.3322 ond MO 8.4841 WE SPECIALIZE IN PROMPT SERVICE Listings Solicited Industriab=Commercial Real Estate Harry Jermyn, Manager 104 Dundes Street West Whitby, Ontario ih GEORGE H. HARDING Construction Co, Lid. General Contractors and Builders Altevations--Repain Phone MO 8.3566 411 Fairview Drive Whithy A LION INTERNATIONAL RELEASE DISTRIBUTED BY BUTT RADIO & APPLIANCES V, Groham R, Cotton A SMALL DEPOSIT WILL HOLD ANY ARTICLE TILL CHRISTMAS 118 Brock 5, §, MO 8.3707 Whitby, Ontario ADULT Entertainment DOMESTIC Graining Painting Murals Phone MO 8.5271 Le