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The Oshawa Times, 10 Nov 1960, p. 1

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Community Chest Close To Three- Quart dhe Oshawa Times RED FEATHER FACTS Your $6 contribuion would pay for two VON visits to an older person with diabetes, er Mark WEATHER REPORT Cloudy with showers, chance of light snow during the afternoon or evening. Winds light, 3 VOL, 89--NO, 26) Over Price Mot Copy 10 Conts Por Shippin And Grain Stalemate OTTAWA (CP) the Association of Lake Carriers, Minister Starr announced to- |called on the federal government, day the Seafarers' Internation 'to intervene in the walkout, In - Labor fasthorizes os Os pasos, Clase Ma sted € THIRTY PAGES OSHAWA, ONTARIO. THURSDAY, NOVEMEER 10, 1960 KREMLIN SEES ANOTHER F.D.R. 8 Union (Ind.) has heeded his call to end its illegal walkout on Great Lakes shipping com- panies MONTREAL (CP) Grain laden ships lay idle in Montreal's harbor today and its 17,000 000- bushel elevators rmeained filled #s a tieup in shipments contin ued, The situation has been compli-| cated by a walkout by members| of the Seafarers' Internationsl Union (Ind.) against two shipping companies--N, M, Paterson a Sons Limited and Scott Misener Steamships Limited One shipping official said: "The struck ships can't be un-| loaded and they're blocking the) plers so other ships can't move into position to be unloaded, Lack of sales in the export market is blamed for the clogged elevators and as long as the ele vators are loaded to capacity, 21 ships now docked in the harbor or downstream are unable to un load their cargoes, ASKS INTERVENTION John N, Paterson, president of Pair Remanded On Extortion Charge TORONTO (CP)--Joseph Del-| gers, 31, and Fred Zakrie, 29, both of Hallandale, Fla, were remanded today without plea to Nov, 24 on charges of attempting| to extort $10,000 from the wife of a telegram sent Wednesday to Prime Minister Diefenbaker, he asked thet "immediate re straint" be placed on Hal C. Banks, Canadian director of the SIU, SIU members walked off ships ot the Lakehead, Welland and Montreal because they claim the two companies tried to sign a} contract with the National Asso-| Yi | Two Hanged For Murder In Britain LONDON (AP)~Twe British youths were hanged today for kicking 8 man to death after robbing him on a cowpath beside the Thames The execution of Francis For- syth, 18, and Norman Harris, 23, was preceded by the usual outery against capital punishment in Britain. But in contrast to the noisy demonstrations that have aceompan ed some previous exe- cutions, enly small silent crowds stood outside 'the two prisons, | Predict Hope For Summit WASHINGTON (AP) - Boviet meet with the full understanding Premier Nikita Khrushchev ap- and support of the Soviet gove parently Is manoeuvring for 8 emment." summit conference with Amerl-' Kennedy during t can President - elect John Ken-| declared ring. the sampain pedy, He has begun with soft the summit but only on condition words and this probably signi- that "here is some reason io be files a lull in the Cold War for lieve that a meeting of minds can the next several months, he obtained on either Berlin, Western diplomats here agree space, or general disarmament that Khrushchev's intevest in re-| including | testing." suming negotiations looking to a Neither in Kennedy's statement pew summit meeting was behind before the election nor in Khrushe the unusual message of con-chev's new message is there any gratulstions which he dispatched hint of ch in basic U.S, or to Kennedy Wednesday |Boviet policy, In his message, Khrushchev | Khrushchev has said repeats ~|called for a return to the kindledly that he wanis a peace of Boviet-United States relations treaty signed separately by East which existed in the administra: and West Germany, whereas the tion of President Franklin D, US, stands firm on a peace Roosevelt at a time when theltreaty signed by a united Gere NIKITA KHRUSHCHEY | Assembly Upset .Over Congo Seat AP Wirephoto | UNITED NATIONS, N.Y, (AP)| At one point during Wednes- Sudden suspension of United Na- day's debate, Belgian Foreign tions General Assembly debate Minister Plerre Wigny was inter- on The Congo threw Western rupted by desk-thumping from delegations into a series of strat- the Communist and Ghanaian Actor-singer Sammy Davis phan and aclress May Britt pose Abgeles marriage SAMMY, MAY, GET MARRIAGE LICENSE license bureau as they obtain a | Swedish film slar, at the Los Iwo countries were allied against Nazi Germany, But he went be: yond thal reference to the past He floc aged that in the inter: est of w peace the Soviet! Union 1s ready "to continue the, efforts to solve such a pressing problem as disarmament, to set:| tle the German issue through the! earliest comclusion of a peace egy conferences today, seeking delegations, It was the first sueh ways lo advance President Jos- display since Soviet Premier Ni- 2 Toronto busi an. Carrie Lynn Townsend, 22, of Ojus, Fla., held as a material witness, remanded to the same date,' ciation of Marine Engineers (CLC) The SIU sald the proposed) pgreement with the NAME. would have cut salaries and holi- day-pay considerably for the em- ployees. They, in turn, said La-| bor Minister Starr had been asked to intervene, Shippers in Montreal are trying ot unload vessels in time to get them back into the Great Lakes for winter grain storage--be-| for the scheduled Nov, 30 closing of the St Lawrence Seaway VANCOUVER TIED UP TOO Grain problems are not eon: fined to Eastern Canada, In Van-| * couver, millions of bushels of| rain remained in five elevators, fed up by a strike of 325 grain handlers, The walkout started at mid night Tuesday after an earlier meeting fafled to settle a wage dispute between the companies] and Local 333 of the Grain Work ers' Union, an affiliate of the International Brewery, Flour | Soft Drink and Distillery Workers of America (CLC), Before the strike became offi. cial, the CNR and the CPR placed embargoes on all grain hi ts to Vancouver and some 3000. grain-loaded boxcars have been held up on the western Prairies, eph Kasavubu's bid for The kita Khrushchev left the assem. Kennedy's Victory Very Narrow Margin af ire WASHINGTON (CP) «= John vearoid Republican Nixon, son after Nixon awaiting returns at/by the Soviet bhloe, | y, The assembly's ereden tials tee was scheduled to meet De Help Canada? sald, Wednes- ularity count indicated the Amer: at one time of just #00,000---com hope the country would stil he ican electorate had difficulty de: pared with one of 1,800,000 soon Able tv use Eisenhower's services| cessfully to delay a vol OTTAWA (CP)--Senator John F. Kennedy's capture of the White House has raised hopes mocrats To today fo continue its © ra tion of Kasavubu's request that a delegation under his leadership he permitied to take The Congo's vagant UN seat, 's final triumph over|0f # California grocer, |Log Angeles, threw in the towel thrush 5 La rind Richard Nixon has turned into a Kenvedy's margin of victory Inland wired his congratulations 10) guy's" assembly session, Ghana y the popularity count is the slim i Ly . y { f hairdine victory, It seems much - |Wennedy, After congratulating] Ambassador Alex Quaison-Sackey| : . : Fd i mest in some BO years, just a K " President Eisenhower urged postponement until a 15: less than an enthusiasdc endorse fraction of one per cent of a rec. KeANecy, . member Asian-African commis. viet Deputy Foreign Minister ment of his urgent plea to "get ord vote. It compares with Pres. sent A, Sepa Hesshpe oltaring sion makes an attempt to resolve, Valerian Zorin is expected to the country moving again ident Eisenhower's margin of to work with Kennedy in ] he or- the differences between the rival| continue his attempts to postpone While the 43-year-old Boston about 15 per cent in 1956 derly transition of the Bovern- congolese politicians, The com: further consideration of the mat. Democrat scored decisively in the| With more than 66,000,000 hal Ment to the Kennedy forces, The niesion 15 expected to leave for|ter, Zorin fold the committee electoral vote, the national pop-liois counted, Kennedy had a lead Jemocrat agreed and expressed| fhe Congo next week, Wednesday it had been convened The United States tind unsue-| in haste as part of a U.S, polit e on the| ical manoeuvre aimed at impos: next Ghana motion but it was carried! ing an illegal decision on an Issue 48 to 30, with 18 abstentions, [before the assembly, several occasions, day he has met Senator Kennedy ( after Eisenhower steps down only once, about two years ago, iding whether it wanted the after the polls closed in the east n Massachusetts millionaire or 47- orn part of the United Btates/Jan. 20 treaty and to reach agreement | on other questions," | "Any steps in this direction," he said in a sentence that could |embrace both summit and diplo-| matic 'negotiations, "will always) HYANNIS PORT, Mass, (AP) John Kennedy, president-elect for less than 24 hours, prepared to- day to answer a telegram from many, Khrushchev wants the Western allies to pull out of West Berlin, Kennedy, like Presi dent Eisenhower, has pledged: firm U.8, support for the cone tinued independence of West Bers lin from Communist rule, Some top diplomats here said Kbrushehev's friendly tone to Kennedy may be related to the top-level meeting of Communist leaders in Moscow this week, It could be, they said, an effort by Khrushehev to demopstrate that he still has a chance to make peacelul coexistence work, ao Kennedy Readies Reply To Mr. K. ion on the most dangerous world problems, "I think you will agree that here for two favorable results for, Following the Canadian gov-|' Canada--more Canadian exparts ernment tradition of oulet eu to its southern neighbor and a|trality in U.S, elections, Mr, Dief| more flexible United States for-|enbaker made a0 further come FISHING-TYPE elgn policy, {ment on the election outcome, But authorities are aking 8 oigials gee mo basic change| DEER STORY Vait:ald-ace apirosch od oer ahead in Canadian-American re-| owen SOUND (CP) | siible repercuss w} fy) ! } | Jou from the first Democratic| tons, which have long been Deer hunting Jas been goner. { administration at Washington in ally go i 5 str | since the week-long season opened Monday, Certainly it But general expectations here| ol MOC won't| I eight years. The Democrats are for a more flexible U.S, take over until January Tuesday night, His lead dwindled] Congratulations poured in from as votes poured in from the west. many parts of the world seas reaction' seemed to favor de ELECTORAL VOTES COUNT However under the American chev expressed hope Kennedy | voling system the candidate with|would keep Soviet-American re<|™ the edge in the popular count Inilations along the old Franklin D each state gets all of that state's Roosevelt lines and hinted he was pledged electoral votes. Kennedy ready to meet and negotiate with thus has at least 300 electoral | Kennedy on the settlement of voles to Nixon's 188 and only 260 world issues, Over- gation sald later that the Congo fh hennedy, Boviel Premier Khrush {Hing no Provinces Keen A spokesman for the U.S, dele:| The issue is a resolution spon. sored by Ghana, Guinea and six hate can he reopened at any| other African or Asian countries But he sald the U.S, has/to have the assembly seal a dele- decided whether it would gation sent by: deposed Premier ake such a move, Patrice Lumumba, Soviet Premier Nikita Khrush- the eyes of many people are fixed chev about cold war problems 00 the United States and the Bos and renewed efforts to ease Viet Union because the destinies them, of world peace dapend largely on haute . he state of Boviet-American res pis ushehey + Wists Teached lation," Khrushchev said, He ree the senator's election as presi-| ©/'ed to disarmament and the dent became definite, Question of a peace treaty with Kennedy also was drafting a|"€'™any as major questions, reply to a second telegram from| He congratulated Kennedy on President Eisenhower, It dealt) Winning the presidency and said: It's not unusual for Canada's position in foreign affairs and| has never heen better for tare required te win, The outcome with the problem of setting up "We hope that while you are at nd. perhaps a greater willingness to consult allies before taking ac. tion, In the trade field, positive re- boat to be rocked by the grow swell from U.S, policy decisions in a number of flelds such as foreign affairs, defence, trade \ and finance, sults are expected to be felt in President-elect Kennedy has Canada if Senator Kennedy suc: had far less direct contact with ceeds in his declared policy of | Canadians and Canadian affalrs|taking government action to lift than President Eisenhower, who the U.S, economy from its pres. commanded Canadian troops in'ent doldrums, Lure in war and peace, or . President Roosevelt, who signed SALES AFFECTED the Ogdensburg defence agree.| Authorities say that new ex- ment with Canada in 1940, pansionist policies at Washington, with greater government spend. ONLY HIT ONCE ing and easier money, would be Prime Minister Diefenbaker, likely to have an almost imme. who has met Republican candi: diate impact on Canadian sales, date Vice-President Nixon on sapecially of industrial raw ma. a = terials, Pollsters' lui'. Predictions Accurate Will the Democrats be willing {to make the North Atlantic al: liance a nuclear power? { Will they be willing to place North American air defence un. der NATO? William A Annan Johnson killed two deer with one shot while hunting in Sydenham township a short distance south of Owen Sound, The bullet passed through the first animal, which dropped immediately, | and then struck a second deer which ran a short dis tance before dropping dead Johnson was one of a party of seven hunters Johnson of nearby CONGO AMBUSH Second Massacre Survivor ELISABETHVILLE (AP) A second soldier has survived the rebel bush of an Il-man Irish NEW YORK (AP) Profes- | sional pollsters, almost to a man, had forecast John Kennedy's glection vietory It was a far cry from 1048 a black year In the annals of poll taking The popular vote in Tuesday's presidential election was close and most pollsters said it would be. With mest of the ballots counted, 50.3 per cent of the votes had gone to Kennedy The Gallup Poll, conducted by George Gallup, director of the American Institute of Public Opinion at Princeton, NJ, had predicted Kennedy would get 49 per cent and Vice . President Richard Nixon 48, and three per cent would be undecided, Gallup said If the undecided voters were| ignored, the sampling showed Kennedy winning 51 to 49 per cent. CITY EMERGENCY PHONE NUMBERS Chest Total At A Glance $210,000 $200,000 $175,000 $150,000 A $125,000 $100,000 $75,000 $50,000 $25,000 patrol serving with the United Natlons force in the Congo The second survivor was found {Wednesday night near the scene of the ambush in a northern area of breakaway Katanga province, a UN spokesman announced, Ap parently the Irish soldier was wounded, but not badly, The spokesman also reported recovery of a mutilated body in dense bush near the scene It was the fifth body of a patel member found since the attack Tuesday. Another wounded sur vivor is recovering, and the four other members of the patrol are still missing and feared dead Heavily armed UN units began a pincer-movement search of the area, Which is near the shores of Lake Tanganyika and about 400 miles northeast of Rlisabethville the Katanga capital Two spotter pines and a heli copter swept low over the dense bush, seeking two white jeeps taken by the rebel Baluba tribes- men after their attack on the Irish patral, Your Greater Oshawa COMMUNITY CHEST Needs Your Support POLICE RA 5.1133 FIRE DEPT, RA 35-6374 HOSPITAL RA 3.2211 Ethiopian, Moroccan and Irish troaps moved south in convoys of jeeps each with Sten guns mounted on thelr hoods, fram the towns of Niemba, Nyunau and Mavona. { this post the relations between our countries will again follow [the line along which they were {developing in Franklin Rooses velt's time," Salinger said the message was in Russian and Kennedy is bringing a Russian expert to Hyannis Port "to make our own translation" before answering it, AWAIT APPOINTMENT On the matter of 'orderly transition of government" the procedure is for the presidents elect to appoint a representative to meet regularly with adminise tration officials on eyrrent devels opments, This representative Koons the incoming president ade vised, n California and Alaska is still PLANS HOLIDAY in doubt But first Kennedy would take While political observers sug:|® brie! juliday with ia Wile Who Bs ) 8 a ¢hilc f ree gest the paperthin victory may 5 tho ord of rhiips in two weeks Woalran Keunedy from. burbing time would announce the make grams for economic and social up ol bik cabinet Undoubtedly it reform, Kennedy felt "there is| vill imelude a lot of liberal-type hat Democrats generdl agreement by all our cit izens' that a supreme national] Working with him will be effort 'is weeded to move this Pemoeratie controlled Congress country to safety through the 'M which, however, Republicans 1060s." will show some gains over the He nade tic. siatement present lineup For the last six nesdiy at Hyannie Port vears, Congress and the White liaison for the Eisenhower admin. istration and Kennedy between now and the time Kennedy takes office next January, The senator's press secretary, Pierre Salinger, said Kennedy expected to answer both mes. sages today, At the same time, Kennedy's aldes were working out arrange- ments for him to go to Palm Beach, Fla, to rest for 10 days to two weeks, Salinger said Ken- nedy, might leave Hyannis Port, his summer home, Friday, HOPE FOR TALKS Khrushehev's telegram ap peared to indicate a desire for direct dispussions between the United States and the Soviet Un- On Rural Plan OTTAWA (CP)--The provinces: further closed meetings continue Faasiod JAth nicrent. Wedneaday today among provincial authori: 0 ledera 8 for nr ting fa 0, x uses of agricultural land in an tes, arm groups and federal attempt to improve the farm in. ' "| come problem. A forecast for 1061 Wednesday Co Agriculture Minister Alvin said the outlook Is uncertain, Hamilton set out sketchy details|; arm income might rise slightly |but higher costs--a continuation of a federal rural rehabilitation Rh ; and development program to he of the cost-price squeeze--might covered by legislation at the| "Wily gains, forthcoming parliamentary ses. The Canadian Federation of House have been controlled by gion | Agriculture agreed with rural de- different parties, The provinces expressed inter: velopment plans and sald farm. Tuesday's election provided a est, but Manitoba and Ontario| controlled marketing and produe- Senate makeup of 64 Democrats specified they want to know the tion will help ease the instability land 36 Republicans to replace the costs involved for the projects to|Plaguing farmers, 66-34 division of the present Sen. be undertaken under separate ate, With tabulations in five agreements with the provinces, House races incomplete, the, Mr, Hamilton, in Regina Mon. Democrats had elected 237 mem: day, singled out the Prairies as bors und the Republicans 175, the heart of the farm problem, | Found {The old lineup, including vacan. in which income has lagged be-| joies. was 283-154. The Republi. hind those for other sectors of cans had gained 22 seats, the economy, He said the wheat w 8 . x surplus is the key to Prairie in The 11 Trish soldiers were sur: Kennedy will need to designate come rounded by about 100 Baluba Soon the man he expects to suc A tribesmen as the patrol was ve. "6d Christian Herter as atate/ HOPE FOR LESS, WHEAT eral secretary. Among se py ormants p feder moving a roadblock on a bridge. ed 'are mong those' mention:| would like see ; Stevenson, Rep. government to Members of the tribe in north yesentative Chester Bowles of wheat acreage trimmed from the = ern Katanga have been waging a Connecticut. chairman, J. Wil.| 30-year average of 24,500,000] guerrilla war against provincial liam Fulbright (Dem. Ark.) of acres a year to around 17,000,000 Premier Moise Tshombe, ! has repudiated the central Congo mites, and who the Senate forelgn relations com. acres government in Leopoldville. former New Wed Mass Averell Harriman, This would be done by pushing § York governor more marginal farm land into! LATE NEWS FLASHES | iis such as rapeseed which provides § Kennedy Calls First Press Conference vegetable oil, or forestry. Mr, Hamilton reiterated Wed: nesday, in speaking te the open HYANNIS PORT, Mass. (AP) John F, Kennedy called his first formal press conference as president-elect today, presumably to announce the initial steps in arranging liaison session of the federalsprovirgial agricultural conference, that Cane With the Eisenhower administration, Kennedy's aides said he would appear at 2:30 p.m. EST ada may be hard pressed in the Family Wiped Out In Blaze next 15 years to meet surging world demand for paper prod: ucts, Hence his procoupation with turning marginal land across the country into woodlots as a long. ASHLAND, Mass. (AP) A father, mother and three children died early today in a flash fire that raced through their home. The victims were identified as Paul Laprise, 20; his wife, Mary, 21, and their children, Mary Ellen, four years old today; Paul Jr, nearly 2 and Katherine, six months. term source of revenue, U.S, Blocks UN Debate Move Generally, he said, the farm pleture "isn't too bad™ excepting {the cereals situation and dairy. UNITED NATIONS, NY, (CP) The United States sue ceeded today in blocking a Soviet-Arsh move 10 adjourn a UN credentials cotamitiee debate on the seating of a Congo ling, where butter consumption continues to decline and milk delegation headed by President Joseph Kasavubu, production per cow mounts stead. ily Agriculture Minister 'W.' A./ Goodfellow of Ontario said' he felt all federalprovincial pro. Jia should be discussed first BOMBER BACKS up TRAFFIC Lif only lo see what the tah would Traffic piles up behind a US. | down LeJeune road to a play: | twin engine bomber all their be for the province i ground. As a result Miami had | own to take on all sorts of imag. The conference met in closed NAYY Neptune bomber today as | 3vatfic snarl for a short time inary bombing missions, (session Monday and Tuesday andy it is towed from Miami airport! but the city gh have 2 AP

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