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The Oshawa Times, 10 Nov 1960, p. 28

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28 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thursdey, Movepber 10, 1960 BEMY ~ Jerry dosn are happy anngunce the of thelr son, 4 o2s., on Tuesdsy, November #, A brother for Susan and Jerry dr). Thanks to Dr 2 pm (Eastern Star service on Friday, st 7 p.m.) REN -- In the Oshpws Gener: i on Wi , Ni her § Today's Stock Market Listings on Toronto Exchange , STOCKS Canadian Press Toronte Block Exe td {lanir ations kd marked §, #-0dd int, -- ExAbvidend, xe--Ex rights, sw--EE-Wrvams.) INDUSTRIALS Seles Wigh Low ii a.m. oe Wn Th TR 0 9% 1% 4 Lo J $a% Bh Bw 5 1m 8 gs 1s 12/3 $2044 TOROWYO 11 AM, By The 1% " 9 Fam Play i9% Fed Groin Ford US ila 19% " 4 9% wh Wh #7 4 - 3 Frestees SEER 3337333 13 55 DIRK RE IE SN 33 162 King Street East, for he chapel, Saturday, No- vember 12 #t 10 a.m, Interment Park Lawn Cemetery, Toronto, FPALLANT = Entered into rest in the Oshawa General Hospital on Tuesday, November 8, 1860, Beatrice Alice Pal Iant, beloved daughter of Mrs, Alles #nd the iste James Pallant, and sister of Mrs. Albert Ford (Frances) of To- onto, Mrs. Albert Amold (Florence) of Ebenezer, Harry Pallant of Oshawa, in her 56th year. Resting at he Armstrong Funeral Home Oshawa with memorial serviee in the chapel on Friday, No vember 11 2 pm. Interment Oshawa Union Cemetery, (Friends sre asked EN SE. F EI i= Loa $i6% 16% $5 1b SE] $604 $iby staasishaelns 16% € Hydro Car 100 C ind Gas 0 CH, CFR Slater Bpartan wis Bt Fav Bt Wire © Biel Can Bieinhg A Ster Tr ris Bwilson Texaco Can 3 17 la IA [a] nh $64% 64% die 7 1] 0% % + % 13% + Dom Stores 2006 Dom Tear 0 not to call at the funeral home before Thursday.) HAWA BUSINESS SPOTLIGHT portun 0s MONUMENT COMPANY SPECIALIZING IN Monuments, Markers, Memorials, Comerstones, Statutory of all types, 1435 KING ST, E Ph. RA B-311) or RA B-BB76 LOCKE'S FLORIST Funeral! arrangements and floral requirements for all ¥ occasions OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE 24 HOUR PHONE SERVICE R GERROW FUNERAL CHAPEL Kindness beyond price yet within reach of all, RA 8-6226 390 KING STREET WEST IN MEMORIAM CLARK = In loving memory of & dear husband, Clifford 8. Clark, whe de: parted this life November 10, 1086, Loving and kind in all his ways, Upright and Just to the end of his ay Sincere and kind in heart and mind What a beautiful memory he left hehind wSadly missed by wile, Eileen, | STANDLEY w= In loving memory of # dear father, who passed away No- vember 4, 1081; and a dear mother who passed away November 10, 1058, Memory lane is a lovely lane, Where hearts are ever true, A lane we often travel down Because it leads to you Badly missed, lovingly remembered 4 daughter Mabel, Gordon and fam: ¥, | TOOLEY ~ In loving memory of Sgt. | Rex Sutherland Tooley, killed in Italy on November 10, 1944 Sunshine passes, shadows fall, Love's remembrance outlasts all, wFondly remembered by the family, CARD OF THANKS CAMPRELL = The family of the late Mrs. Angus Campbell wish to thank t friends and neighbors, for their to thank the nurses and Oshawa General A un "witon and Rowsell, A special thanks to Rev, Bury and Mr, Russell CROSLEY, Mrs, Harold Bell HOBBS --~ We would like to express our sincere thanks and appreciation to neighbors and friends for the s of kindness, for floral trib. and the loan of cars in the Fred | Archdeacon recent of our dear father, Hobbs, Special thanks te Cleverdon, do ni id staff of | the Oshawa Ge Hospital and the | Melntosh Andersen Funeral Home | ~The, Hobbs family RITEIE ~ We wish Yo convey our thanks and sincere appreciation to our! many friends and relatives for acts of Kindness, beautiful floral tributes and | expressions of sympathy in the loss of our father, Andrew Ritzle, Many thanks also to Father Luchak, Armstrong Fu neral Home, Dogtors Glazier and Wise: baum and the nurses on floor IE. =The RITZIE FAMILY, | Please Note Deadlines now in effect for this column Births, Memoriams, Carch of || Thanks == | ? AM SAME DAY DEATHS == 11 AM. SAME DAY DIAL RA 3.3492 RUSSIAN DRAMATIST f Anton Chekhov, the Russian author and playwright who died | in 1904, started writing short stories as a university student, SENIOR SECTION f The secretary of state is the top-ranking cabinet officer in the US, government because the | state department is the oldest of | any branch. NET EARNINGS By THE CANADIAN PRESS | Aluminium Ltd, 9 mos, ended Sept. 30: 1960, $31,935,000; 199, |i $15,236,000, Consumers' Gas Company, | ended Sept. 30: 1960, 27.270, 66 cenis a share; 087,045, $4 cents, hy Lakes Paper Co Lid, § mos ended Sept 30: 1930, $1. (§ $33,257, $145 a share; 1959, we 02, u" rial Bank of Canada, year ended Oct. 31: 1960, $4,134,135, i $3.08 a share; 1959, $3,691,174} $2.75. | tional Paper Compa- a 3 mos. ended Sept. 30: 1900, More Business From Election Canadian Press Business Editor|tion had gone the other way, The election of Senator John United Btales promises exeiting(ge in times in business and financials circles, Decisions will have to be made A B-6555 on a different set of possibilities!about inflation--whether justified|necessary, It is also true thal as rad ittle By FORBES RHUDE and probabilities than if the elee- For one thing it seems appar- Kennedy as president of thelent that a Kennedy regime willl yo jg for more government) Nixon nding than would have heen the case under Richard Nixon, This will bring some worries Bloch Seles Wigh Low 1 a.m. CW ge + % 0% ~ th Ogiivie Am Leduc e C4 Cod kL wis Can Dey Lod Home ON A HE OIG Pele Long Point Mideon Prove Gas South U Un Oils Waburne Abacus Akaitehg Anacon Anil A Arcadia Al © Cop Barnat Baska of not--and it should bring op-|Mr, business, radical, ities for more An old saying in American pol ities is that a Republican sduin- @nt differences in approach and istration is never as conservative as it Is expected to he, and 8 of support, Democratic administration never ieal This is a generality which had|follow, Indicate that Mr, Nixon 1 "New |would have sought to solve cur Deal" days of Franklin D, Roose: rent problems as much as pos velt, and probably has little poin! {sible through orthodox methods, to it now, meaning in the true that is no conservative traditional sense, and eould haveland this 1s a course where one been expected to take some far reaching steps if he deemed them|oy another, SO "BUY NOW! PAY LATER! CHERNEY'S SPECIAL TERMS "FOR CHRISTMAS SHOPPERS tH ] buy what you need now and take advantage of Cheney's Special Terms, If you don't have an account, now is the time to open one would like and you will find it better priced, OPEN A BUDGET ACCOUNT Pay a small down-payment then pay no mere until January 1st, 1961 in @ matter of minutes, OPEN A CHARGE ACCOUNT Select the merchandise you wish and it will be delivered with ne | money down, The account is payable in full by February 10th, | next year, A OPEN STOCK | | GROUPING | | Get the jump on Santa", De your Christmas shopping early, er i correlated bedroom pieces with Call in and browse around, You are certain to see something you Block Soles Wigh Low 11 os Bu » we Hiv 1% 4 1 1k Vice-President|to more [ed bad am Chee Stock Boles Nigh Low il sm. EW pe Bethim ww » » =» wh i Hh $s Ws Wh ~ sa Be me $i 19% 1 sia 7s 15 i 1 £3 si eslpnrlondg 9% he rd 15 Ww v wn 1% H sf § sins £3 3¢ 3% SUNN XK Ed 5 s BES $23 > Eyerveadey 3 TES w - = Black Seles Nigh Low 11 am. CW gs Metal (Continued from Page 77) CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING : ne Th 72 LE £33 1h ES 169 Loom vi sis iesilils £33 FETIR S88 = 3 TE SSS TN £3 = if ervaalrplondyortond Ban Biscor Bleep Lake Ling Langis 4 i Latin Am 12h +1 Leileh 186 2 Li Ine 1 + % Macassa 4450 3500 1600 1900 oe 3 ment In is likely to be increased It will be easier for Mr, Ken nedy to embark upon new ven ures than it wou for Mr, Nixon To some degree; at least, re election of a Republican execu tive would have heen 8 mandate to continue broadly upon exist ing lines, and there would be strong pressures against depart ures, Mr, Kennedy's mandate comes Kennedy is no wild-eyed Nevertheless there are import. | psychology both between the two Imen, and between their sources | Assessments of the two, and {the probable course they would Mr, Kennedy can he expected readily embrace new almethods and ex p e rimentation people favoring change and, If "irst steps do not bring the de- sired results, there will he strong new step is likely to be followed 5 for more radical de partures, What happens across the hor: All in all, the role of govern DANI arborite_ tops! Cherney's will open an account for you quickly and easily dy 0 Algom i Athah Ryanor Ant Sand Riv Satellite Sil Milley Bune ¥anrcanis eck Bulole Yukon Bales to 1 ami American economy | der Is of nearly as much econ {eern to Canada as to the United to a much larger extent from) - H Con 2000 States, If the Ameriaen economy have been booms we are likely to boom, too {and if mistakes are made we will | be affecied by them FRENCH SITE Harfleur al the mouth of the Seine in France was a flourish ing Channel port long before Le Havre was developed, CATHOLIC COLLEGE Georgetown University at Washingtn, D.C, oldest Cathn lle college in the UB, was opened in 1791, 3-PCE, SUITE s179 DOUBLE DREssir OPEN STOOK GROUPING CHEST LLL TAKE YOUR CHOICE . . . BUY ONE PIECE OR A COMPLETE SUITE 9 [S2begm NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS IN THE MATTER OF the Estate of Sten) Mclean Armstrong, lete the Town of Whitby, in the County of Ontario, deceased, NOTICE is haréoy given thet oll persons having any claims against the Estate of the lote Stanley Melson Armstrong, who died on or shout the Binh day of April, 1960, are re quested 10 send on or before the doy of December, 1960, to the undersigned, Solicitors herein for Isabel Edith Armstrong, Administra: trix for the Estate of the soid Stanley Mel.gan Armstiong, the full perticulars of her claims AND TAKE NOTICE thet after said 15th day of Decem ber, 1960, the said Adminis tratrix will proceed to distri- bute the assets of the said Estate among persons entitled thereto, having regerd only 16 the claims of which they shell have had notice DATED ot the City of Tor. onto, in the County of York, this 10th day. of November, 1960, BROLEY A STERLING, Barristers and Solicitors, 1819 O'Conner Drive, Toronte 16, Ontario, Solicitors for the seid Isabel Edith Armstrong OPEN HOUSE TOWNSHIP OF DARLINGTON To give the pecple of the Township en opportunity of inspecting their New Gar age, the building will be open to the public on Seturday, November 12, during the afternoon and evening, All residents of the Town. ship and interested friends ore invited to attend, GARNET B, RICKARD, NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE ESTATE OF AN. DREW RITZIE, DECEASED, All persons hoving cleims eganst the Estele of AN. DREW RITZIE, lote of the City of Oshows, in the County of Ontaria, deceased, who po on the nd doy of November 1960, must file their claims with the unders signed before the 1st of Der cember, 1960, efter which dots the essets of the Estate will be distritaned, having rer ord only 16 claims so filed, ATED this Bh dov of Ne- vember, 1960, LOUIS § HYMAN, OC, 37 King Street East, Oshaws, Onigrie, Solicitor for the Executors, MARKET PRICES "|% at 26% and TORONTO (CP) ~ The stock market had a change of heart on the heels of a rally in New York Wednesday and moved higher on a broad front, The local Index read: Industel als up 94 mt 495.98, golds up 82 at UhA45, hase metals up y ol 156.07, and western oils off 48 at 8.97, Volume was 1.961000 shares compared with the 1,500000 shares traded Tuesdny, International Paper dr two points at 92% and Price Brothers was off % at 38%, while Bathurst B. gained 1% at 38%, Imperial Bank was up a at 64--while Bank of Nova Beotia and Toronto Dominion both eased Vs at 63 and 55 LED RTEEL LOSERS Steleo led sieel losers with a drop of % at 64, Dominipn Steel improved % at 11%, mong assorted favorites, Burns gained 1% at 15%, and Ford of Canada dropped two points at 123, Golds, encouraged by renewed speculation that John Kennedy will increase the American price of the metal, found support throughout the day, Dome and Melntyre Porcupine, both gaining Bs, International Nickel boosted the base metals index with a gain of 1% at 52%, with Nore anda up % at 41%, and Hudson 3.PCE. SUITE TRIPLE DRESSER ha BOOKCASE aED Bay up % at 46%, Wr wr wae The two Dressers shown above are not included, but may be purchased separately. The Double Dresser sells at $89.00. The Triple Dresser sells at $109.00, It is on open stock suite == any piece con be purchased separately,

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