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The Oshawa Times, 11 Nov 1960, p. 10

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10 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Fridey, Movember 11, 1960 QUARTERBACK SWITCH BIGGEST FOOTBALL RHUBARB IN HISTORY \ HEAD COACH PEGGY Mss PRIVATE Fite bg wpgomtond why who was traded to the Als for quarterback Sam Etcheverry in | COACH PERRY MOSS of the Montreal Aloueties introduces Threats Pour In Over TiCat-Als quarterback Bernie Faloney, | Inte of Hamilton Tiger-Cats wih z ¢ 24 wo MOSS MOCKED by effigy hanging from a balcony. The effigy expressed one fan's dis gust with the team's decision Neighborhood Assoc. Pee Wee Schedule 7:00 7:40 to trade Etchverry and Hal | He was hanged in effigy by Patterson, Translated the sign | students at Florida State Uni reads "Out with Perry Moss," | versity before he was hired by It was nothing new for Moss | Alouettes CP Wirephoto Eastview vs Kingside, Radio vs Nipigon ve Rundle, Connaught Har 10:00; Bunnyside vs Nov, 12 -- Connaught vs Wood. | view, 7:00 . 7:40 a.m. Fernhill vs|7:45 ~ 8:25; Bathe, 7:45 - 8:26; Valleyview vs 8:30 - 9:10 Southmead, 6:30 - 9:10; Radio vs man, 9:20 n Rundle, 9:20 - 10:00; Kingside vs Radio, 10:05 10:45; North Osh Storie, 10:05 - 10:45; Lake Vista awa vs Woodview, 10:50 - 11:30 ve Eastview. 10:50 11:30; Nipi- Southmead vs Fernhill, 11:40 gon vs Sunnyside, 11:40 . 12:20/12:20 and Bathe vs Lake Vista 12:20 and 12:25 « 1:06 14 Vs Kingside vs Harman N A CP)-=Not every 7:00 7:40; Connaught vs Lake MO FREA ! ¢ I i iol ad Vista, 7:46 - 8:25; Southmead vs P0dy In MOnLrea: 18 ma Nipigon, 8:30 - 9:10; Storie vs Perry Moss and Ted Workman Sunnyside, 9:20 10:00: Wood. Bul their supporiers sure Aare view vs Valleyview, 10:05 » 10:45; Scarce jo hanged in effigy from the balcony telegram in the first threq hours of one fan of cireulation "Cheer up Sam and Hal," the CALLS POURED IN telegram read, "We're also antl. Calls continued to pour into the woes we want you to re- team's offices The callers un not Moss, Hope to see you ve Eastview VS the 08 25 A Pls 8 10 5 10 a 18 aM 15 47 12 6 0 vs ] 4] 7 LU] 3 Ll 43 5 3 44 fh 3 6 6 5 10 -- Storie vs 20 nn ae his Heavyweights Must Submit Contract QUEREC (CP) The Cana dian Boxing Federation has asked the handler of Bob Cler oux and George Chuvalo to sub mit copes of the contract hefore the two heavyweights meet here Nov, 21 for the Canadian title Commissioner Gene Letoyr neau of Quehee City sald the move is in line with the federa tion's new policy aimed at pre venting a repetition of the mixup that developed after the pair's last mateh Cleroux stripped the crown here Aug 12-round split decision bout Chuvale's manager Jack {(Deacon) Allen claimed there was & rematch provision while Cleroux's manager Al Bachman denied there was one Allen sald he had left the cons tract calling for a remateh in the offices of promoter Eddie |Quinn--and Quinn had destroyed it. He threatened a $100,000 legal suit Quinn denied the charge and was supported hy the Montreal {Athletic Commission, The affair was later settled amicably and a rematch negotiated Letournean's directive was sent today to Allen in Toronto and Bachman in New York, PYVVVVVVVVVVVVYVYY > Men! Here's Big Savings al Dunn's--Sal. Only 9a.m. to 12 Noon ¢ Boys' Bulky Shag Pullovers In crew neck and boat neck styles, Sizes 8 to 16. Regular to 4.95. 2 only to customer, Save on Men's « Hydro Parkas Canadian made, Quilted lining, Sizes 36 to 46. Reg. to 14,95, 2 only to customer, 8.88 2.88 DUNN'S MEN'S AND ¢ BOYS' WEAR ¢ 36 KING E. "Where Smart Men Shop" RA 3.7611 { Chuvalo of 17 with a After the of Abd ADLSASALSALA Pivot Spot Trade Pick WIFU All-Stars EDMONTON (CP)~Eight Ca-guard Ron Acheson, Sasket are among 24 players chewan, tackles Urben Henry, named to the Western Interpro- British Columbia, snd Dom Lnzzi, vincial Foothsll Union's 1960 ali- Calgary; ends Herb Orzy, Wise star team, inipeg and Ed Grey, Edmonton, Two are offensive guards and the others the defensive team, | FIGHT CANADIANS NAMED . The Canad, are Pajsctkow- Only four Canadians were named, of Pi vile, Smith, Field last season, one on offence ond! el Pnethy on oud Row. three on defence, land, Pieldgate and Wylie sre The team was chosen for The the only repeaters from last Canadian Press by sports wil- year ers, sporiscasiers and cosches Notably absent is Canadian in league cities, Ballots were Gerry James of Winnipeg Blue weighted to give sll five cities Bombers, fullback and place equal voting strength kicking specialist who won the Offensive team: Halfs Willie league scoring title this sesson Fleming. British Columbia; Eari|with 114 points on 10 - touch Lunsford, Calgary; Leo Lewis downs, 22 converts, six fi#ld Winnipeg, and Johnny Bright,|gosls and four singles, Edmonton; quarter Jackie Par-| Belectors moved Parker out of ker, ; centre Neil Ha-[the star-studded halfback eate- big, Saskatchewan; guards Tony gory and gave him plenty Pajackowski, Calgary, and Cor- voles ss a quarterback, He has Piper, Winnipeg; tackles been an allstar halfback every Frank igney, Winnipeg and year since he came to Canada Roger Nelson, Edmonton; ends! from Mississippi State College in Ernie Warlick, Calgary, and Er-| 1954, He was third in the league nie Pitts, Winnipeg, scoring race this year with 107 Defensive team: Saiety Har- points, two behind Fleming. vey Wylie, Calgary; halts Billi The Blue Bombers, who ended Smith, Edmonton, and Clare Ex- up in first place in the regular elby, Calgary; corner lineback-| season league race, placed seven ers Norm Vieldgate, British Co-\men on the team, Calgary Stam. lumbis, snd Bordie Rowland |peders placed six, Winnipeg; inside linebackers Bill| Eskimos five and B.C, Lions and Burrell, Saskatchewan, and Dave S~skaichewsn Roughriders three | Burkholder, Winnipeg; middle each, Stengel Refuses Detroit Offering LOS ANELES (AP) Casey 8 man get such an opportunity, Stengel, the former New York I'l probably regret the day | Yankees manager, conferred for turned them down, four hours with executives of De a lion Is dhat Eaey may troit Tigers Thursday and then ably telling video watchers some advised them to look elsewhere of the fabulous baseball fot manager of their team in collected after 50 years 8s Storie) John Fetzer, president of the and_coach Tigers, sald Stengel was unable to make up his mind whether/ to accept the Detroit offer or take one of several television pro- posals that have been made, "Casey said that in fairness to us he wanted us to proceed with our efforts to select a manager,' sald Fetzer, "Accordingly, we are going ahead. Rick Ferrell Id At B.C. Lions has screened a long list of can- didates and we will make our VANCOUVER (CP) Grey selection before the American|CUp officials complained Thurs League meeting Nov, 17." day that the British Columbia Li. "I am sorry that we had to jer-/ons football team won't partici minate our negotiations with pate in the Grey Cup parade casey, Time Is getting away Nov, 26, from us, however, and we are!' ou. ' op We're cheesed off," said pa- unable to wait longer, rade chairman Fred rity FIRED BY YANKEES "We feel the parade is of bene- Fired by New York Yankees fit to the Lions as well as to the after the recent world series, the city, 70-year-old veteran said: Moonen said he has been (ry "I don't have any idea al this ing since August to get the Lions time what I want to do, "I love|to pay $450 for the Lions band in this game of baseball but I've/the parade, If the Lions don't {had so many outside offers to|pay, the Grey Cup committee think over that 1 can't decide.|will have to find the money be. Everybody is asking me when cause the band, is already en. I'll make up my mind, I just|tered. don't know, Ned Winginton, a B.C, Lions "I feel more hurt about turn-|director of the committee, said ing the Detroit people down than|the policy of the football elub they do, They offered me a won: has been not to enter a float in derful opportunity, I want to/the parade, However, he urged apologize to them, Seldom does| Moonen to ask the club again, a controversial switch CP Wirephoto Cup Officials - 'Cheesed Off trade with the Tiger-Cats ~ for quarter-back Bernie Faloney and homebred defensive end Don Pa- quette-~was announced But the Als called a press con. ference Thursday and duly un- velled Faloney MOSS QUESTIONED A regular weekly half-hour tel. evision show carried by Mont. real's CBMT, Moss was ques. tioned Thursday night by sports editor Dink Carooll of the Ga- wette, He was asked if there was any animosity between him and the two traded players, "As far as I'm concerned there wasn't," he replied, In football it's the score that counts, That was the reason for the deal" "We must have 12 men work. ing together," ERE More and More People are Getting to Like Winter! They are learning that it is the very best time to get al sorts of jobs done around their homes, plants and businesses, Skilled workers are more readily available and, being more productive, give you better value for your dollar, Many firms also offer discounts in the off-season lull, This applies especially to home, plant and office improvements, But in addition to home improvementa there are many other things that can be done to advantage during the winter, They include such things as maintenance of lawn and garden equipment, electrical appliances, outboard motors and automohiles, as well as dry cleaning of drapes and rugs and replacement of upholstery, to mention but a few. By taking a realistic approach to winter work you will alse be helping your community by ereating employment during the traditional winter lull. When everybody works, every. body benefits, Plan Now to do it this Winter For advice and assistance, get in touch with your National Employment Office Poawed by Awthorfly of Now. Michael Stare, Minister of Labour, Canada and North Oshawa vs Harman, (12/25 - 1106 Fernhill vs North Oshawa, 10:50. A reporter took an Informal... i {hreatened, pleaded and return next year," 12:25 + 1:08 | Dee, 17 -- Bouthmead vs King. 11:30; Bathe vs Radio, 11;40-12:20 poll of 10 persons on thelr feel: ooo bod they would not renew i Nov. 19 -- Eastview vs Bathe, | side, 7:00 - 7:40; Bathe vs Valley- and Rundle 12:25 «ngs about (he deal that sentiyuei,"coacon . icket subscription SENT A NOOSE 7:45 , 8:25; North Oshawa vs Eastview, 8:30 - 0:10; Lake VISta| jay 21 Fernhill vs Connaught, Eteheverry and Hal Patterson to east (wo callers said a Montreal Gazeite, Inside report Connaught, #:80 - 9:10; Valley. vs Storie, 8:20 - 10:00 North Ofh-7,00 7:40; Nipigon vs Bathe, Hamilton bomb had been planted to blow ers found a rope tied in a hang- view vs Fernhill, 9:20 « 10:00; awa ve Rundle, 10:06 - 10:48; 7,45 . #25; Wastview vs Sunny. He found one who backed the up the building at 11:56 a.m, But man's noose with a note that . 9% a pp 10:45; Sunnyside vs Rundle, 10:50 Radlo 3 Woolview, ide . 11.20 leyview, §:20 « 10:00; Lake Vista: The 0 to | vote censuring the amusement than alarm Would you be kind enough to 11:30; Kingside vs Lake Vista WIC, wonhavg PREF Tvs North Oshawa, 10:06 « 10:45; ove seemed like an accurate, Meanwhile a telegram petition forward this to Mr, Moss? Also 11:40 » 12:20 and Nipigon wg Houthmead Radio, 10180: | apous . section of general senti- of encouragement quarterback please give him any help he Nov, 2 Nipigon vs North side, 7:00 - 7:40 North Qshawa \ 12 «0 and Kingside vi Woodview Thursday, with trade 24 was heing circulated by some! Thanks," Oshawa, 7:00 + 7:40; Rundle vs Radio, 7:46 - 8:35 Southmead va 12:25 . 1:06 hours old, the Alouettes rookie fans, The group, headed by Doug! Club owner Workman has been Harman, 7:45 . 8:25; Sunnyside| Lake Vista, 8:30.- 9:10 Bathe V&' ran, 26 -- Radio vs Storie, 7:00 coach and general manager, was Ross, reported 638 names on the away In New York since the mead vs Eastview, 9:20 10:00 Connaught 10:08 10 45; Storie fn Woodview Fernhill. #:30 Valleyview vs Lake Vista, 10:05,[vs Fernhill, 10:50 « 11:80; East: g.10; North Oshawa Bathe 10:45; Radio vs Connaught, 10:50.| View V& Valleyview, 11:40 + 12:20 g.90 , 10:00: Eastview vs Nipigon, 12:20 and Fernhill vs Kingside,| 1:08 side, 10:50 + 11:80; Lake Vista vs AND STANDINGS 12:25 « 1:08 Dec, 81 Harman, 11:40 12:20 and South. [] 7:40; Sunnyside vs Al hill, 7:00 . 7:40; Woodview vs| Fernhill, 7:45 . 8:26; Harm.n ve Fel, 4 -- Bathe v. Rundle, 7:00 Marlies - By THE CANADIAN PRESS Nipigon, 7:45 «R25; Radio vs| Bathe, 8:30 , 0:10; Eastview V8 7.40; Storie vs Woodview, 7:45 National League vs N..Oshawa, 0:20 . 10:00; Bathe Kingside, 10:05 - 10:45; Rundle vs|g 1 10: Fernhill Radio. By THE CANADIAN PRESS 3 : al the hi hy the frat Srame Detroit 52 vs Bouthmead, 10:05 . 10:45; King. | Lake Vista, 10:50 . 11:80; Wood 10:00; Southmead vs Sunny. Peterhorough etes powers but 'manag If Montreal 2 slide a ? . 4 C Connaught vs Rundle, 11:40.12:20 and Storie vs North Oshawa, Harman, 10:50 - 11:30; Valleyview overwhelmed Toronto Marliboros following periods Toronta 4 and Eastview vs Storie, 12:25:12:28 « 1:08 Connaught, 11140 = 12:20 and| 2 to propel the Petes Into a Flyers were off to a fast start Boston an Sunnyside vs Lake 2 Dee Valleyview, vista, 7:00 7:40: Harman vs Feh. 11 Woondview vs East. |? the Ontario Hockey Associasignd Bill Knibbs but Bob Pond, Thursday's Results { Southmead TA88:25; Connaught view, 7:00 7:40; Vallevview vg |Hon junior A series just up from Wings Junior Bi New York 7 Montreal! 9 vs Nipigon, 9:20 . 10:00; Rundle Vista vs Radio, 8:80 . 9;10; Marlies into the series cellar as aarly in the second period Games Saturday ¢ 00 ar vs Fernhill, 10.08 - 10:45, Wood: Rundle vs Southmead, 0:20.10;00; | Hamilton Red Wings vac ated It) midway through the second pe Detroit at Montreal North Oshawa vs Eastview, 11:40: | Connaught vs Kingside 10:50. (ers 4.2, Red Wings and Flyers ..q wings knotted the count as 11:80; Fernhill vs Nipigon, 11:40. now share fourth place with four|y owen MacDonald netted, Dens! OHA Junior A ant \ YESTERDAY'S 12:24 1:08 In Peterborough, captal nih Riban goals St, Cath, Feh. 18 North Oshawa vs Wayne Boddy paced the Petes Hivers drow faut of the alk ma |Peterhora hb} 1 ne mm Southmead, 7:00 - 7:40; Radio vs with two goals, gaining the d y St. Mike's 3 44 « M125; Rundle v " » He ¥8 10th goal of the season Tonight Hamilton plays a re-\N, Falls NASHVILLE, Ga (AP) Tg "pup 0 ANADIAN PRESS |ve Lake Vista, 0:20 10:00; Con-| Other Peterborough tallies/turn contest in Niagara Falls, |Hamilton 0 like any personable young high| New York Rangers' Andy naught vs Bathe, 10:08 . 10:45; jeame from Hugh MeGonigal, Marlboros 1 0 SON p ] ang { ' 4 anh of athegate " soals Nipigon vs Storie, 10:50 11:80 school athlete you'd meet, ex.|Bathgate who scored two goals Re ar a REMEMBER WHEN? tt sitastban SATS parsull A Rigi 14 . ton at Montreal 40d Harman vs Fernhill, 12:25: borne and Howie Menard scored) Niagara Falls 2 Hamilton 4 ends just above the wrist New York lost 97 to Montrea 1:05 HOT A Ruins RON Her: WOR "thelr Sai. Se But the 17-year-old farm hoy is Canadiens base gi Ud Bg i | y rien | eal' srnie Geoffr seventh straight westorn 100104 gamilton at Niagara Falls first-string end on the Rerrien| Montreal's Bernie Geoffrion title by crushing Calgary Altos Marlies drew seven of the 13 mahs 50.2 at Calgary, 28 years Saskatchewan Senlor and is one of its most dangerous set up two others as Can idiens penalties in the game marred ago today, In the Grey Cup final offensive weapons heat New York Rangers 0.7 only hy an injury to Ricky Fek- Regina was beaten 23.8 hy the| Manitoba Junior In his latest outing, Luke peiroit rookie Al Johnson who Wpi. Rangers 7 St. Boniface 3 In Hamilton, Red Wings trailed' gers Wpg, Monarchs § Brandon 11 arm and ran for a touchdown, lojuding the winner, to lead Red - mr ---- -- The play covered 38 vards Wings to a 41 victory over Ros Refore losing his hand In aon Bruins ago, voung Luke appeared des : tined for a fine career in basket. a% Mate we've fot a does a al good job for himself ball eal g his morale a bit," says his high eatoh the ball with both arms school coach, Arnold Guitervez, 'even though one hand was miss "After recovering, he went |ing, We taped a couple of pad okay except in tight situations. he used them te help hold the . He finally became discouraged ball, just like a normal player." and ouit Guiterres sald the 168 - pound other eutlet--foathall average blocker and ls rough on "He catches the hall as well defence, HAVANA (AP) = Fidel Cas: | because i the uncertainty . have moved] Cuba's political situation To's labor unions ha \ Whether the lack of Ameri to save professional baseball J y tendance decline is a matter of for the first time in history the | conjecture. Baseball men here game in being played without | sav it could he a factor be Americans the United States has forced plans today to purchase box the Cubans ta draw on un seats for the current season, | tested youngsters and, as the which has seen games played responding decline in the qual the opening two weeks ago. ity of play Even the appearance of Cas However, they say a general tro at the curtain-raiser falled situation Is another possible . the 30,000-seat 'stadium. reason, Cubans have been : FAMOUS DWARF The International League | forced to take salary cuts and Charles Stratton, better known franchise was moved fram Ha: ; istory mous dwarf who died in 1883, (was two feet seven inches high 7:00 . 7:40; Southmead vs Storie, view, 7:45 - 125 Fernhill vs 1:06 Montreal football stars Bam NEXL OASON Two fans sent a parcel lo the Harman vs Woodview, 10:06 Harman vs Nipigon, 10:60 . 11:30: | side, 8:30 - 9:10; Harman vs Val- Moss-Workman strategy this was received more with! read ve! 12 Radio, 12:25 « 1:08 Dec, 24 Harman vs Sunny. 11:30; Rundle vs Kingside, 11:40: pani Etchevvery and end Patterson may require In putting it to use vs Woodview, 8:80 0:10; South. Kingside, 9:20 10:00; Nipigon v8 7:40; Kingside vs Rundle, 7:45 ; 11:80; Storie vs Bathe, 11 40.| and Woodview vs Rundle, 12 10:06:10: 45; Valleyview vs Sunny Petes Crush Valleyview vs Nipi Dee. 4 Lake Vista vs Fern: gon, 7:00 mead vs Connaught, 12:25 . 1:08 Harman, 8:30 . 9:10; Sunnyside| Connaught, 0:20 10:00; Radio vs|4,25, Kingside vs North Oshawa WL TF 0:20 . R 4 ' " . side vs Valleyview, 10:50 . 11:80; view vs Southmead, 11:40 . 12:20 10:05 - 10:45; Eastview vs laden * attack Thursday night wered markers in each of the Chicago a" 1108 Jan. 1 Lake Vista vs Nipigon 25.1: 08, | Frat place tie with 8t, Catharines with tallies hy Jeannot Gilbert New York 1 0 vs Storie, 80 « 0:10; Kingside| North Oshawa, 7:45 . 8:28; Lake| The victory also dumped the team started the comeback rally patroit 4 Boston 1 view vs athe, 10:80 « 11:30; Storie va Harman, 10:08 , 10:45; by defeating Niagara Falls Fly joi" igang were shorthanded, |chicago at Toronto Wi Plays ith 12:20 and Sunnyside vs Bathe, points, thiee behind the leaders. | and Wayne Rivers got 3 1 STARS Eastview, 7 ries scoring leadership on [Jor penalties Guelph Valleyview, 8:80 . 9:10; Woodview 3 Franklin Luke is pretty much two, Keith Wright, Reg Mulhol Thursday's Results ws as Sunnyside v ingside, 11:40-12:30 cept for one thing, His left arm and assisted on two others as DUNHYRIAE VE Kingside 4 4 By THE CANADIAN PRESS DREW SEVEN PENALTIES County high school foothall team|who scored the winning goal and Regina 8 Saskatoon 3 lert, Petes' rookie rightwinger eastern champions, Hamilton Ti nahbed a pass with his handles soared two first-period goals, in | hav - baler accident three years "The aceident didn't dampen 'We had to show him how to hack out for haskethall and didjon the end of his bad arm and "This opened the door for ans youngster, a junior, Is an above . talent is responsible for the at from collapse in Cuba, where | cause the lack of players from Several unions announced result, there has heen a cor to nearly empty houses since deterioration of the economic to fill more than about half of y the highest, income tax in 4s General Tom Thumb, the fa vana te Jersey City last season

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