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The Oshawa Times, 11 Nov 1960, p. 16

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16 THE CSHAWA TIMES, Fridey, Movember 11, 1960 i | i : § i Ggvaral Hospial PELSON -- Grabem (Tim) wd June fee Baker) ave provd to oh ol» daughter, dane, igvember 16, 1060 of the Obaws ofpl Hospital. Weight 6 ibs. 7% ous, f I Hy TORONTO 1 AM, By The Canadian Press i : YN HRA "vif £y sal ag DEATHS | ¥ 3 | sisusls 5 3 CRIPPS, Thomas W, ? edad o> Shursdey, a Cwipps, Tush Sarak Pye and father of Eunice (Mrs Charies Thrasher) Otiawe, in bs Sith Funeral Home, vember 12, #8 3 p.m. Interment ENE ETY GILMER We, vember 16, 1966, Herbert ed 75 yewrs, beloved Evento, and Phyllis (Mis, Bert staple tam) Bowmanville; desr Ywis (Mire. CC. A Cowan, Neweastie Resting at the Morris Funers! Chapel Bowmanville Saturday at 2.90 p.m view Cemetery Interment Lake Newlonvitle Mac AREN - « Haspital on Wennasday 66, Gordon ¥. Maclaren, beloved hus sand of the late Li) father of Vers (Mi x, Beverley 'Mrs awa, Lyle, Toronts, snd Evan, Toronto, Hosting ot the Mcintosh wars! Home service in the chapel, ember 12 at 10 am Lawn Cemetery, RJ ohn Liston) Osh his 0th year Anderson Fu N, Saturday, Toronto OSHAWA MONUMENT COMPANY SPECIALIZING IN Monuments, Markers, Memorials, Corerstones, Statutory of oll types 435 KING ST. ¢ Ph. RA B-3111 or RA B-BB76 LOCKE'S FLORIST Funeral and floral oll arrangements requirements occasions OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE 24 HOUR PHONE SERVICE RA B8-6555 for ~ Suddenly in November 19, eh ond of AL 104 Concession Breet ot, Bowmanville on Thursday, No Glimmer nd of Eel Harris, dear father of Clarence, Rewionvilie) Gwen (Mrs. Jock Butler) heather of Servies in the Chapel on In the Oshawa Gener: November 8, ins Ewald and dear Mel ann 192 King Street East, for 0 Interment Park pyeduppgdiy 3 = ly EE iz NSN E33 Eh = ) ® oF = Naw £3 3 SPIER SETRERERR #h3eS3ns > ¥ syed sstet 33 SHEL SH LY 3 $ . = Ci Fndry Con Malt C Bank Com Can Brew Can Celan C Cant W € Husky Ci Can Ol CFVR ed 125 4 auyess = 3 1160 715 $14% L 21% oid $16 21% Vidig Sib ¥i 14% wh 2% wi 120 #15 hy 21% 14% ad 3 Chat-Gal Con Gas Cory B st Geng ke, Poni Elgin |= - | BUSINESS SPOTLIGHT (Guastions in cents marked §, 1-084 oh, 38 ~ Eudiwidens, wr--Fn Pita, ww ER WRITRIE. ) sapeiepgeiipeg] 3 4 i 1 = yess Today's Stock Market Listing Siosk Bales Wigh Low id "ik ied " ind -1 1+ TF Ingiis Inland Gas i Brome pr Ue Ine UM pr Intprov ¥ i &F Inter PL Inv Sym A Jockey C dock wis Kelvinator * SEN HM RST IN SS NS EY 0 219 QN Gas us zib Royel Bank 305 Stl Corp Balada Seven Arts Shawin Bilverwd A a wh 775 7% zh nn wo Stedman Steel Can Suptest od 5 180 #65 mo Sis By FORBES RHUDE Canadian Press Business Editor The North American ec onomic| and social fabric Is under exam-| ination these days--an examina. tion which will grow more in tensive during the coming| months As iL exists, i is @& high standard-of-living complex, pros Examination Of Economy "osm CWge and 2% + % i + % rh 5 * ram 3 LE FF ¥en pil ¥ sE5eds volue® sesishRvsdss oo 3 3 3] 3388 ERREREES £3 3 1 spiyrepesly Agnico 16606 Amal Rare 2000 NET EARNINGS By THE CANADIAN PRESS British Columbia Telephone Company, 9 mos, ended Sept. 30: 1960, $5,490,018, $226 a share after preferred dividends of $1,003,334; 1060, - $4,961,068, $2.52 | ing ways which will stimulate business at its source Taxation is one field in which far-reaching decisions may be made One school of thought would raise taxes if thal seems neces sary to raise money for in creased social services, They| would, in brief, use taxation to switch from after preferred dividends of $1, 578,750, (includes North - West Telephone Company from Aug. | 1). | Canadian International Invest-| ment Trust Lid, 6 mos, ended Aug. 81: $76,774, 44 cents a) share; 10560, $61,606, 49 cents, | General Dynamics Corporation, § mos, ended Sept, 30: 1960, net loss $25,084,668; 1950, net earn- ings $24,541,951, Jamaica Public Service Id, i il i SERRE jessy 38 mw i 0h Hh Bh »% $s B 4 ws » Mis ME Mh eh 206 106 666 i 91 120 Id " 6 " Windfall w% Wav n ] ges aan ® #3 3 * Cant Pore Coch Wil € Udseavery © Halliwell Cm M © Jessy Sfegenylee 3 d Cop Corp Caop-Man Coprand Criowpat I Aragon Deer Horn Deinite Denison Dickenson Dome Duvan East Mal East Sull Elder Eureka Faleon Geno Mines Giant YK GF Mining Grandroy Grandue Gunnar Gwillim Hard Rock High-Bell Hollinger Hoyle Hud Bay Int Nickei ¥ ¥ 333 600 600 Mw Mn 9 12 19 120 7 L] 7] 4 6 LJ Law Society Increases Fees TORONTO (CP) The Upper| Canada Law Society, facing claims which if legitimate | could bankrupt its distress fund) of $275,000, Thursday more than| doubled the annual levy on each Ontaric lawyer It was the second Increase in| the fee since the fund was set] up in 1952 to repay clients for| money misused by unscrupulous members of the legal profession, | The original fee was $10, in| creased to $20 last year, This s on Toronto and 5 Het Exchange » Stock Bales Wigh Low Mi am. CW ge ad - -4 -. ~ 4 -t rh 358. 38s ¥ k Mh EF bd Sd Wh 256 2m 25 wh Aly 1640 Hoy 1606 1500 1001 100 512 45 £40 Ah wm 1060 70 15% 150 0 zi 317 8% surance premiums, Under that policy, the society paid the first $100,000 of claims against any one solicitor or firm, Now, with the levy raised to $45, the Insurance policy will be dropped and all claims paid from the $225,000 this brings in, He said the fund stands at present at $275,000 "in round fig- ures" but that there are three large claims outstanding and that there have been reports that the amount involved in one of Rio Algom Rio Rup zn Rowan Cons 500 saver sa a SE sthveden Sl 3 + *2RaEaad® RpSaotl 34 He Nee A = * = = FrosEi reel na stent natatsitonstnninge} > oF ¥F ol 16% -1 #0 -W 1 +10 BS BH Th Th Th + % 6 16% LJ] "Wh Mk M 757 Farmers Charge Price Deception BASKATOON (CP)~The lnter- commiiiee fe ing on antitrust incisl Farm Upion Council 2nd monopoly says (he » urged the royal commission "Yer & natural assumption is to on the automotive industry to en-|'ake for granted an established i iprice im this community and look fir Jol pricing. methods oct ly 'wis "vargaia' 1 5. Weber price deceptions are used againstitrade-in value for his old car the public ! Hats, hyp yg oad report states, runs "price The recommendation came In\SCoLl qo ice To grant a large WwW, lradedyy allowance, deslers raise |\prices Xf items, such as healers, filters other accessories that are not included in the orignal quoted vehicle cost. The sub-commitiee felt that ge cent U.S, legislation rin, foil prices 10 bi de In the first report IPUC had claimed that though unit prices in Ford and General Motors pants are said to be average, "the lowest priced cars of both these companies have tradition ally retailed for several hundred dollars more than the average price quoted which would the cost of their high price models," IFUC quotes a US, Benste sub- WANTS 1961 CONTRACT MARACAIBO, Venezuela (AP) Luis Aparicio said Thursday he hopes to sign a 1961 contract with Chicago White Sox for more than $40,000, an estimated $5,000 more than last season, | batted 277 last season with 61 runs batted in and led the ma- Jors with 51 stolen hases Take a glass... take a couple of ice cubes... take a twist of lemon... just by itself... spending year's levy is $46 these runs to $400,000, The three The $45 fee is in addition 10|golicitors involved have been dis- the regular fees paid by each parred people's ~|perous for those who are work: peop ing, but darkened by huge LL on the rocks... GERROW FUNERAL vertain o t ial year ended Sept) 30: 1060, $457, certain consumer goods to social ja $1.08 a share; 1060, $208,472, CHAPEL beyond price within reach of all RA 8-6226 KING STREET WEST IN MEMORIAM Kindness yet 190 splotches of unemployment It is also one in which there is an abundance of goods of a consumer nature--the things peo-| ple use in their daily lives at ficlencies in what are generally! services, and roads, We have on ome hand man- CROWELLS in loving memory of | w dear father, John G, Crowells, who passed away November 11, 1956 I have only your memory, dear 'ather | To remember my whole de through, But the sweetness will linger lorever As | treasure the image of you | Lovingly remembered by son Lloyd, | isughter-in-law Jean OROWELLS «= In loving | #: dear father, John G, C phased away November 11, 1058 We cannot clasp your hand, dear Your face we cannol see) But let this little token Tell that we still remomber thee, dovingly remembered by dsughter Mary, son-in-law Albert | | CROWELLS = In loving memory of 4 dear father, John G, Crowells, whe passed away November 11, 1058 Gone is the face we loved so dear, Silent is the voles we loved to hear; Foo far away for sight or speech, But not too far for thought to reach Sweet to remember him who once was here, And who, tho' absent, is Just as dear, ver remembered by Lillian, James, fiprdon and Bruce memory of | weils, who | father LOROWELLS » In ever loving fy of a dear husband, Jol owells, who passed away November iio two years ago today eo walked together, you and I, In sorrow and in joy; 'We shared our pains and nappiness| With love without alloy And death shall never end our love, For through the mist | see Our glad reunion in the skies Yor all eternity "Lovingly remembered hy wife Eva on mem: hn G CROWELLS = In loving memory of « dear father, John Crowells, who pass 4 away November 11, 1058 Gone dear father, gone to vest Away from sorrow, care and pain, May you rest in peace, dear father, Until we meet again Ever remembered by daughter Ber fre and son.inlaw George CHROWELLN = In loving memory of a her who passed away Novem ar father, gone foroyvey your smiling face us 10 "emember ake ¢ Hut you left None on oan A happy hone we How sweet the earth your place VIOLY power and manufacturing plants which at present are more than is needed for the purposes for which they were intended; and,| on the other hand, needs for which the excess productive power might conceivably be put to work, QUESTIONS ARISE Many questions arise, including the following: Is tills a passing phase? does it indicate a basic distortion which needs correction? If so,| what role should government| play Ie the correction and what| changes should be made in the| rules under which we live? These are some of the ques: tions which face the dynamic Senator John F, Kennedy when he becomes president of the United States, and he seems committed to doing something about them, The question of government's role arouses the greatest contro versy. Many believe that govern. ment must take decisive action, Others, though not necessarily opposed to government action in what "they consider its proper sphere, fear that government will seek. quick cures which will "kill" rather than "cure," They fear that government will aet from the "top," through massive expenditures, rather than seek: IN MEMORIAM PIERSON = In loving memory of a dear husband and father, Fred Plerson who passed away November 11, 1057 A silent thought, a secret tear, Keeps his memory ever dear Time akets away the edge of grief, But memory turns hack every leaf Or| Ever remembered hy wile daughter Hazel, son Frank and son-in. oft a lonsliness er fill an ts Lome end MANNS lear wife In loving memory of a Pearl Manns, who passed ave 11, 1959 nei been on wa it has year my dear, without you, vay For tthe same for me, Wino foro called away f 1 had all the world te give td give ve wl more To hear your volos and see you smile And greet you Al the door Sadly missed by hushand Walter MANNS in loving memory of our wear mother, Pearl Manns, who passed away November 11, 1950 We were always welcome Na matter when we came Our mother in the deorway Always smiled the same We were always weloome No matter what the weather For she always loved to get Hor family ail together And since she's gone, same The world is bleak and hare f like to think when life is done, Wherever Heaven may be That she'll he standing al 'he door Up there to welcome os home Sadly missed by family MANNS In loving grandmother, Pearl away November 11 Manas, 1939. lost a dear grandmother with a art of gold Who was mare lo us umald Without farewell she fell asleep, With only memories for Ws 10 keep: We have lost Bul God has gained One of the best warld contained Sadly missed hy great-grandehildren in "ny November 11, 1958, hand, Your dear kind face to see, Your loving smile, your meant eh ta me i Meant se Ww ply knows the silent heartache, ly those who have last can tell On tof that is borae In silence Of the gr hy the one we loved so i ~A missed but always remembered sy brother Richard Spencer and sister, Miss Flossie Spencer, uy t's not the| nemary of a whe han wealth grandmothers the frandehildren and oving memory of a dear sister, Pearl Manns, who passed what would | give to clasp your welpome law Archie | PIERNON « In loving memory of a dear father and grandfather, Frederiok Arthur Plerson, who passed away No (vember 11, 1967 |=Lovingly vemembered hy daughter |Rilla, son-in-law Jack and grandson Bil PIERSON -- In loving memory of Fredevick Plerson, who passed away November 11, 157 Loving and Kind in all his ways, | pright and just to the end of his days Sineere and kind in heart and mi What a beautiful memory he hehind Greatly missed by grandson Ronald and Amy PIERNON In loving memory of a dear grandfather, Frederick Arthur Pierson, who passed away Nov, 11, 1957 Sunshine passes, shadows fall, Love' remembrance outlasts all Lovingly remembered by Kathleen and John nd teft STILLMAN « In loving memory of a dear mother, Mrs. Rebecea Stillman, Sweel memories will linger torever; Time cannot change them, it's rue Years that may come cannot sever My loving remembrance of you Hushand, son George and 'amily CARD OF THANKS EYRES ~~ We wish to take this op: portunity to thank our friends and [neighbors for cards and beautiful floral offerings received in the recent death of our son, Stephen ~Glen and Ruth Eyres Please Note Deadlines now in effect this column Births, Memoriams, Cords of Thanks «= 9 AM. SAME DAY DEATHS = 11 AM. SAME DAY DIAL RA 3.3492 for Eva, | | CUTS SPENDING The opposing school says taxa- tion drys up the ecopomy through reducing spending power home and at work; but with de-|and especially through removal|1960, $2,229,281; 1959, $2,160,024, of the money which would other-| called the social areas, such as/wise be avallable for investment ended Sept, 30; lsehools, hospitals, municipal/in new and expanding industry,|27 cents a share; 1950, (predeces- W. 0, Twaits, president of Im-| perial Oil Ltd, commented in al Toronto address "We must remember that Can-| ada never had the period of rapid| capllal accumulation free from {high income taxes that built the|scored their best win in two large reservoirs of investment capital still available in the United States and European| countries." | He sald one of today's dangers| is that elections are not won by economic: summaries, but by what people think and feel, and .|people may feel that conditions|up 1.11 at 62.68, Golds eased 1.00 are much worse than they really are and think that drastic rem dies are the only solution, Canadians Take Easy Way Out TORONTO (CP)~Many Cana- dians believe the easy solution to any problem is to let the govern. ment do it, Robert Winters, pres- ident of Rio Tinto Mining Com- pany of Canada Ltd, sald Thurs. day, "In the growth of this con cept," Mr, Winters added in an address to the Toronto chapter of the Institute of Chartered Life Underwriters of Canada, "gov- ernments, and private citizens are equally to blame, We have let governments come to be re garded as something remote and apart," Mr, Winters--a former minis ter of public works--said people should keep in mind that "gov- arnment has nobody's money to spend except what we ourselves give to it." ' Wheat Producers 'Purchase Elevator | - TORONTO (CP) The On. tario Wheat Producers' market {ing board Thursday started ne. |gotiations to purchase the 3: 1000,000-bushel ational Harbors {Board grain elevator at Port Colborne, Ont The board, for many years seeking a producer-owned grain (elevator to reduce shipping costs {Tor excess grain, expect a favor. 74 cents, Mexican Light and Power Co, Ltd, 3 mos, ended June 30; 1960, $638,384, 26 cents a share; 19569, $1,087,048, 6 mos, ended June 30; Rio Algom Mines Ltd, 3 mos, 1060, $2,670,000, sor companies) $3,840,000, (1960 earnings are after deferment to future periods of earnings of $2,346,000), TORONTO (CP) -- Industrials months Thursday following New ork's sudden confidence in the forthcoming Kennedy govern: ment, On index, industrials jumped 4,43 at 40.81--their ninth consec- utive win---with base metals up 1.30 at 157.26 and Western oils at 93.46, Volume was 1,784,000 shares compared with the 1,061,000 shares traded Wednesday. Among refining oils, Texaco Canada Jumped two points at 66, and Imperial Oil gained % at 35% on sales of 14,000 shares, Bank of Commerce was the strong point in its group, up 1% at 66%, with Royal Bank up 1% at 70%, Steels followed the examples set by Stelco--up a point at 65 while Dominion Bridge gained 4% at 17, and Atlas, Algoma and Page-Hersey all improved %. In utilities, Shawinigan went ahead % at 24%, and Interna. tional Utilities gained % at 36%. Papers were mixed: Interna- tional Paper up four points at 96%; Consolidated Paper off % at 30%, Among assorted favorites, Hu. ron and Erie and Canada Malt. ing--tae latter trading ex-divi- dend-dropped two points at 60 and B65, GOLDS LOST Campbell Red Lake moved ahead in golds as the group lost Thursday's increases, The stock dropped 1% at 18%, with Dome and McIntyre Porcupine both off 4 at 26% and 27%, But base metals moved ahead strongly, following International Nicke: with a gain of 1% at 53%, Labrador and Ventures both improved % at 18% and 26%, Senior uraniums were quiet, although Denison gained % at 10% to hit a new high for the year Western oils made a hold re. covery from recent losing ses. slons, Calgary and Edmonton gaining % at 14, and Canadian {able agreement may be reached {in the near future, lawyer to the society, It goes solely to the fund, established on] a voluntary basis in 1952 "to pro-| tect the reputation and welfare of | the profession PART BOUGHT INSURANCE John J, Robinette, treasurer of the Upper Canada Law Bociety which is the governing body of Ontario's 5,000 lawyers, sald that part of the $20 assessed each member last year was paid in in Burlington Approves Plan For "Horseshoe' HAMILTON (CP)---Burlington area planning director Norman Pearson Thursday termed as "very sensible' a proposed met ropolitan government comprising all Lakeshore communities be- tween Toronto and Hamilton, "Municipalities in this eritical area have a great element of gimilarity, as have all problems pertaining to population growth," he said, Mr, Pearson was commenting on a report submitted Thursday to Toronto Township council by the Citizens Research Institute of Canada, The institute recommended that Toronto Township be split into four or five urban municipal ities that would join with Port Credit, Oakville, Trafalgar Town ship, Burlington and Streetsville in a single administrative unit, AP, UPL Help Mr, Robinette said he could neither confirm nor deny the figure--""We just don't know un- til the auditors are finished." 'Wirefax' New Service TORONTO (CP) -- Canadian National and Canadian Pacific Communications Thursday an- nounced introduction next week of a new, high . s facsimile service between Montreal and Toronto, The new system, to be known as Wirefax, will be the first of its kind in Canada and will re. produce an exact copy of typed or handwritten letters, reports, drawings, sketches and docu. ments between the two cities, The service will be offered on the same basis as telegrams, The material to he copied can be picked up and delivered by mes- senger and it will also be pos- sible to use the service collect, Operating on a 24-hour sched. ule, Wirefax will accept copy prepared on paper 9% inches in width with a transmission width of elght inches and an initial length of 24 inches, The length of material can be extended, Wirefax will be provided be- tween other centres when the de- mand for the service Increases, ASSIGNED TO BISONS BUFFALO (AP)--Len Ronson was assigned by New York Rangers Thursday to Buffalo Bi. sons of the American Hocke; League, Ronson, 24, was wit Rangers for 13 National Hockey League games this season, take your time... and enjoy! Bottled In Italy In U.S. Defence MIAMI, Fla, (AP)~-The United States' two major wire services will become an integral part of the Conelrad defence warning network, A federal communica- tions commissioner, Robert E Lee, sald Wednesday, the news wires of The Associated Press and United Press International are to be linked directly to the North American Air Defence Command headquarters at Color- ado Springs, Colo, WYLIE QUITS WIFU CALGARY (CP)----Harvey Wy- lle is retiring from the Calgary Stampeders and professional football, The highly-rated Cana. dian safety sald Tuesday night he's 'had enough" after five years in professional ball, all with the Western Interprovincial Devonian gaining 25 cents at $4.35, Football Union Stampeders, i 1 calls will encourage receive no extra profit, Your carrier is an independent merchant and like all merchants, he must be sure of his collections before he con enjoy the full profit of his labors. Thank You! ... For Paying | Your Carrier Promptly who passed away November 11, 1956, | I Collections by your Oshawa Times Carrier are | timed to provide you convenient service and | to meet his school and study schedule. He | may begin collections on Thursday and con- tinue through Friday and Saturday. Your thoughtfulness in paying him the first time he im in prompt service, It will save him extra work for which he would "1 not employ to install natural the Sales Department y RENT an Automatic NATURAL GAS BURNER for your present furnace' « whatever its type ...whatever its foel Free Installation . . Free Burner Service ENJOY AUTOMATIC HEAT CLEAN DEPENDABLE * SILENT « LOW COST (Consumers Has 48 SIMCOE SOUTH Your gas company does telephone canvassers, For informa- tion on dealers licensed gas equipment call or write *Subject to gas company approved RC NN DORA NO TNO BE UK Rl RE BR a va BO monthly a ss ss et a RA 3-3468 SNe lL

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