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The Oshawa Times, 11 Nov 1960, p. 2

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2 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Fridey, Movember 11, 1960 THANKS TO KHRUSHCHEV, NIXON, ADLAI deint Nixon and Nikita Khrush- chev, The girl had been separ- ated from her parents in the days of World War II when the Nowozeniuk fled the Ukraine so the father could avoid con- Chrystyna Nowozenluk, right, 17-year-old Ukrainian girl, is served luncheon by her mother in their Philadelphia home af- ter a reunion brought about through the combined efforts of Adlal Stevenson, Vice-Presi- Big Program For Quebec By RICHARD DAIGNAULT Canadian Press Staff Writer QUEBEC (CP)--Quebec"s new new approach to Liberal government has plunked sources development down a program of legislation was a proposal to increase farm affecting everything in provin- credit and to set up a minimum| cial affairs from roads to higher|price companies will pay farm. education, ers who cut and sell pulpwood, The highlights of the speech from the throne read by Lieuten- the need for balanced relations ant - Governor Onesime Gagnon between employers and employ- Thursday to inaugurate the firstiees but the promise of amend. session of the 26th legislature: [ments to speed up lengthy labor Hospital insurance, Increased relations board proceedings and natural re- social 'welfare payments to thela promise of a new labor code | Hospital authorities sald Mrs, [cannot hold patients in hospital afternoc needy, free primary-school edu-|for Quebec in the future, cation, and allowances for. child.-[NEW PROJECTS ren attending higher grades, | Nearly every sentence of the But these measures, and the!1,700 - word speech announced millions of dollars they will cost, some new project or a proposed are only a fraction of the gov-|change ernment's wide-range proposals, | Legislation during the coming The creation of three men de-|session will touch on mining, the of 1954 partments forecast a complete! provincial police, the Quebec Liq-| overhaul of the provincial gov-|uor Commission, the municipal ernment administrative organiza. field, the structure of the finance | tion, which was for 16 years in/department, the Civil Service the hands of the Union Natlonale/Act, the need to preserve the| party, finance department, the Civil There was no aggressive state. Service Act, the need to preserve ment about Quebec bucking fed-|the distinctive character of QQue- eral centralization, but there was bec City, the tourist bureau, wa-| a proposal to promote the use of ter pollution, financial responsi. good spoken and written French|bility of motorists, highway in Quebec and to strengthen ties safety and rational developmen between Quebec's French-Cana-/of Quebec's forests dians and those who live outside new department of federal-pro-|vincia! parks, conservation vinclal affairs, fish and game 'to make them] There was no verbal emphasis available on the farm class being the cor. zens," Pickering Voters Have 2 Questions BROUGKAM -- At the Picker:|Roede, Superintendent of Public ing township election on Dee, 3,| Libraries, it would cost $1.50 per voters will have an opportunity year per taxpayer, She suggested | scription by thee Soviet forces, | |nerstone of Quebec's economy--| City was the second set to be/J@8ll Farm. A three-man in fact the emphasis was on 8 porn in this area in 48 hours but there There was no statement about four children, gave birth to one done is get drunk, they would be boy aud two girls five pounds, well, 'Secret Unlocked at | bre There will be laws, too, deal.!In a split second, the province,Also proposed was a|ing with hunting and fishing, pro.|enougl I of One minute, to more of our eciti- Thursday described new results| to cast their ballots on a question) that council get in touch with Mr, and a bylaw, "Are Jou in favor|Roede and work the levy out, of a two-year term for members| «1 tui bt " | nk we will have to do of Council?" and "Are you In|pare than put It on the ballot," favor of a bylaw to provide for| aid Reeve S the establishment of a Township| Said Reeve South, and agiiced 10 of Pickering Public Library?" [novi 10 days, _ 1 the vote on the two-yaer term| Ars Hull submitted a petition is favorable, council may Inaug-! ¢ some 200 names who were de- urate it, I sirous of having a township 1. If the vote on the publie ll. brary, Sixty names are required brary Is favorable, a bylaw willito pre: ut the question, be passed to establish a Pickers] «Ri. .t off the bat we don't ex. ing Township Public Library, pect to have a central library." Mrs. Ethel Hull appeared be-|gqid Mrs. Hull, "Existing librar fore council on behalf of thei, would serve as branches of Home and School Council, whichiihe "central system. The provin- had been doing a great deal of re-/oja) grant is hased on the first search on the establishment of aj year's expenditure, and is greater central library for the township.|inan grants provided for assocla. Reeve Scott sald that if re-| {ion libraries." quested by taxpayers, the ques: tion of a bylaw has to be put on the ballot, He asked Mrs. Hull, however, if the cost of a library had been estimated. Mrs, Hull re- plied that according to Mr. TEACHERS' GROUP The Canadian Teachers' Fed. eration was established as a na. tional group at Calgary in 1920, Come To The GET-TOGETHER CLUB SADIE HAWKINS DANCE Saturday, Nov. 12 - 8:30 p.m. 0.C.V.l. AUDITORIUM DRESS: Hard Times ADMISSION: MEMBERS 40¢ NON-MEMBERS &0¢ { eling within the not ald research into diseases against the inrush of more so-| np. Menarik, with the northern emneen | ALFIE A DEVE, | | Nixon May Try Again For President's Office Red Scientists low suit, widening the area of ideological contest in Africa, a Toronto "The or-| d| | BROADLOOM DRAPERIES INTERIOR DECORATING COMPLETE SERVICE PHONE RA 8-468] NU-WAY RUG SALES 174 MARY STREET geven ounces, Lavoie and the triplets are doing|Who come In voluntarily," he| | since | | Columbia University The Only Drug Store Open DOWNTOWN OSHAWA SAT. EVENING, NOV. 12th, 6 to 9 P.M, WILL BE KARN DRUGS LID. 28 KING ST, EAST RA 3-4621 The other downtown drug stores suggest that you make sure you get your prescriptions refilled before 6 p.m. Saturday of each week and avoid any ine convenience, \ ORGAN RECITAL AAAAAAAAAN | INTERPRETING THE NEWS | K To Study Here | Kennedy Bad By JACK BELL (president could give Bim for the OTTAWA (CP)--A second Rus- returned to Moscow a few weeks. WASHINGTON (AP) Has job, He had visited 55 foreign) 8 year ago for exchanges of Ca The Canadians who have re- ular vole showing against Presi- and, according to the Nixon ver-| Amid the huzzas of welcome weeks and the first to visit Can-|0f the Upiversity of Toronto and pyzz)ing Republicans of all villain There gre some wha feel the engaged on other fronis for some Four Canadians sent to Rus- wide study of mineral processing years can answer, President Eisenhower was en-| Once he seitles into office, runs €7can disquiet, Ibe | arrangements are being made to/Columbia, Alberta and Omtariolrole of titular party leader, other had soi aside toeir differencesiup the "wind of change." while in| British influence will be on the South Africa, where Amerie visit Canada under the exchange The 29-year-old engineer plans (ioldwater of Arizona and Sen- (he eiectoral vole battle with e, and try to persuade Brit gratification over the J in Kenya and the Federation of Where Africon gratitude to the scheduled to return to Moscow may blossom into a national fig- carried with him the imagined | . Election worse. Then the United Siates|upper lip to tremble, Isky, first Russian scientist to on's future chances because he Republicans that this was a bat feat of some magnitude in Af Their feeling is that the vice. A Released Again May Revise ister Fulton Thursday instructed eight years of the best kind of and thereby lost the margin of Perhaps the only important So- June 22 Quebec provincial elec Fear Teenage 0 parly platforms but make day when they walked off thei ready rues the day he opened his l¢a, , " oh i [tee on alcoholism indicated oq. 010 resources minis plight of an also-ran who can °e Truck Saved [taining alcoholics i 1 insti y C alning alcoholics In penal Instl-| ue yiberal party was victor- to prevent the outbreak of a - Act, after Hal C, Banks, Cana-| Probation Plan . ; | hers * legal walk-| {for public drunkenness from six Canada Should Th. intruders were ejected bers "involved in an legal w road collapsed Thursdsy as son and Nixon each asked drank 1 i to|it, jected "drunk farm' not exceed- The nud sal The intruders had said they were in the decking 8s he OE |figures showing that an esti-|#ald Canada should withdraw Parliament's proposal that some| was under suspension, Stratford, He accelerated the T S t ' J f , | Harold Greer of the wo e S onto's Don Jall was due to i eral Toronto ethnic group lead fp STU and the National Asso- bed, |the city in the near future with|to the concept of limited nuclear] 1AS8 VEGAS, Nev, (AP)- tive member of the Commons!on the southern end of the Wel-| triplets Thursday to 35-year-old ® part of the now unoccupied | Clear holocaust." ORGANIST whether he wanted to stay In|gteamships Ltd, N. M. Pater. {committee has been named to as. Child Dies for new trial {wanted him, idle along the eanal by walkouts, | birth of boys weighing four|®stimates, It was reported. || WOTEL LANCASTER $300,000 in taxes over a three: Business and Professional Asso- Mrs. Lavoe, the mother of ftoberts sald: "If all they have JO A p a " Rowe, 3, died Thursday follow. ¥C0r 1980. diah way of lig" sud would 1 MORONTO ACP) = A wii 10 ounces and the girls weighed Dymond considered that treat-| The girl, daughter of Mr, and to pay trial costs estimated at!irregular ones, left turn made one himself m, {Canadian Congress, sald the Carl Jorgenson, of Toronto " alwa be frightened that after LABRADOR ORE Salvation Army Brig, J. J.|responsible, In Stran lin RS : dow, He was treated in hos- 8 | g g Dante Demonte, president of| moved to markets in the summer rather than in a clinical way, he PORTNEUF Jumberjack, Thursday night was|' 'conditional immigration' and In Mill-Race WASHINGTON (AP)--Several year-old woman was found dead George Glousher, a 66-year-old | h laid | I 0 in bi- lard M, Nixon, an aide says, |Quehec no charges are laid in n 1 this community 42 miles north- ain tells your finger to move, |leased from protein material in plans to do after leaving Coroner Dr. R, W Stephens fin was opened so that a young {lies along the wall or membrane "My God! That's not Mary,"} basic mechanism and mystery, {meable, h By ARCH MacKENZIE Co-operatives started last year| Mary Hawthorne, 26, of New acts {mixing with negatively charged {day when it collided with an They have isolated a protein on| current, which triggers release ernment ald has eased their|other' fish and game for trading {San Mateo, Callf, One steward A striking discovery is that lot The acetylcholine released each| Starvation has heen both theiis a private organization dedi. {ment resources surveys in north-|tive peoples, {Mary Hawthorne, The other Rirls| 10 pain. |terase. The receptor protein re. OTD Quebec had set up co-oper-| Chief Melville Hill of the Des The fundamental findings could|verts to normal, shutting the gate make money. such as shaking palsy, multiple|dium ions, New Acetylcholine is| affairs department at Frobisher sibility, said this teaches Indians sealed coffin until nearly mid. David Nachmansohn and staff inlavenue of hope for sufferers from! peratures down to 50 or 60 below| John Columbla's College of Physiclans unknown cause characterized by|the day. [tre shows that more education is put it on her finger, and Surgeons, progressive weakness of the mus warned, getting work outside, reactions, It starts when any able from bulbs of certain spring | Madi is 5 stimulus--from an order by the| flowers such as the daffodil may F Af : ? or rica! sian scientist has arrived in Can- sgo after working here flor nine\yjce . President Richard Nixon countries asd talked with their] ada to study and lecture under months with Dr. BE. W. Rlwon the right to another shot stlleaders, He had argued with $o-| By ALAN HARVEY nadian and Soviet scientists, turned from Russia are Dr. gentelect John Kennedy in Tues sion, had "stood up" to the man president - elect Kennedy, a| OTHER FRONTS A third Russian scientist will|W. B. Pearson of NRC, Prol.dsy's election? who had become to many Amer jor [SURG - Slax nerd cheep! Such a view is obviously hyp- da under the exchange arrange Prof. L. H. J. Sheheski of the shades of opinion today, Wt is # AL 47 Nixon was young, Vigor-|iiperal - minded senator may set|!ime. His first African lest may ment has returned to Moscow's|University of Manitoba, query that only the political de- ous, progressive in his views and (oo hot a pace in that sensitivel well come in Algeria, where sia under the plan also have methods in this country, He has" In those four years, while (hugiastically for him. Republi-ithe argument, Kennedy may do a| The French sre already said to He! feelings on Algeria, send additional Canadians to| and now Is working with scien- Republicans will be busy. Men and were working hard for him |may it is thought, put pressur Russian research institutes, tists of the federal government's|(ike Governor Nelson Rockefeller] Yei with all of these assets ani side of prudence and ation. ing with plan is Dr, D, V, Maksimov, 29,10 visit gold mines in Ontario's gior Everelt Dirksen of Minois Kennedy, a 43-year-old senator an engineer working in the field Porcupine and Kirkland Lake yi) be in the daily news, Some who was not widely known at the) hodesia and Nyasaland, departing British overlords re- Ssulted In some sentimental Dee, 7, ure, political burden of being a Ro-| As some see it, this will prod | " man Catholic | ENTIST RETURNED The first tendency of many FIRST SCIENTI will step in and Russia will fol-| One official who was present at C { . erm | (ESE CEIEDTALIONS sid he feels | ¢ p tie ¢ome to Canada under the plan, ounter eit lost in a contest at the begin-'1e of Pr rsonalities, as well as ie ning of which he seemed to have parties, and that Kennedy won . . : i rica. He sald they had misplayed nvestigated , their ha the Congo and president failed to project as| shown little understanding he RCMP fo investigate reports training popular Republican) voters who don't care very much! PORT COLBOR NE (CP) vit beachhead so far is In Gui- that $2500000 in counterfeit which party gecupies the White Charges of desertion against 32 nea, and the chances are left- I . | ] or Act tion campaign, their choice on whether they like Scott Misener Steamship Lines country fo "helpers" from Rus- TORONTO (CP) -- Allorney-| "wie inquiry was ordered after the way a nominee smiles, |vessel Everetton, have been sia, Czechoslovakia and China, Thur; th Ontario' A i Gang Battle | : ; Eh a ister, drew the minister's atten- hardly expect to operate under | ice handonin a y . gi tion to reports in a Quebec BRANTFORD (CP) Port as favorable circumstances if he|'¢Solly abandoning # vessel, id F 1 | tutions, ious in the election gang war, | dian director of the Seafarers' In- As Bri ge La 8 Legislation may be introduced mt ------ A tekh town danas: wis. in | ternational Union (Ind,) issued 8) wiry pANK, Ont. (CP), ~ An She had remained as a baby [months to jail to a fine of up om : " out to return to thelr ships. | ames Bell drove a truck, tow- [to $50 or 30 days in jail, plus hom the community sents 2 OY mmigrants Meanwhile, Lyle Trudel, 27, of 'ing a 30-ton rock crusher, across it NATO | i LR Nov, trial o bail on Khrushchev's aid in bringing [ing three to six months, Quit oing to "take over." Criticized ty Donan her to tthe United States Frank Wilson of the attorney. WINDSOR (CP)--A Canadian going 10 - abandon their ship and operating) crossed the bridge near this com- . . Me e ! Imated 70 per cent of the $942,000//rom the North Atlantic Treat M 11 immigrants to Canada should be rveretton's crew, including|truck to safety, but the crusher he y 1lionair {admitted on two years probation I vars walked out over went down with the bridge as it . i alo " |Globe and Mail sald . |chronie alcoholics, ors. lefation of Marine Engineers) Bell towed the undamaged Tri lets The plan, outlined by Charles| (CLC), They were arrested as|ecrusher up the sloping deck, a view to establishing its first| War that far from protecting us,| Multi - millionaire La Vere Red: {field was sentenced to five years| . no... Spadipa, would al-|land Canal, Mrs, Roger Lavole of Quebec|¢ity-owned 700 - acre Langstaff| dressing a Canadian-American income tax evasion Thursday. He was ordered held without! co uda and allow the govern-|son and Sons Lid., and the Hall JOHNNY McMANN Tuesday 10 - year - old Mrs, 8st the attorney-general in draw- Redfield was convicted of bilk-| Eherhard Von Ketelhodt, pres. pounds five ounces, four pounds,| Commenting on the number of In 0 eration ONE BAD TURN Pp year period, He was acquitted ciation, said the plan would be far better off at the farm." | ing erat 4 In addition to the fine and divide immigrants into two B. Ing an operation to remove a ness appearing in a court and four pounds Ment should be compulsory, |y.0 ili ) ie al. | $50,000 | Paul Staniszewskl, president of rs, William C, Rowe, swal.|#50,000, { i J Thursday as he walked out ) Doctors sald that a cardiac scheme would create second. sald, "I see no merit in the vol-| arrest caused by a a Rag | missed the door and walked two years they might be shipped First ore from the big iron ore/Monk said "If a chronic alco " ---- - y mig PP pital for cuts, STATION, ue. the Italian Immigrants Ald 8 would fail to alter his attitude," Job Offers (CP) Q . Rian iia oo ordered held as a material wit-|""that is not a good idea." ervous YS en ness in the strangling of his wife - ---- WINGHAM (CP) = Police universities, law firms and cor. her bed. Piche was held, pend. porations already have offered|!ng an inquest today, on orders Turnberry Township farmer, By ALTON BLAKESLEE | Acetylcholine, a- natural ¢ Nixon has not sald what he/cases of violent death until a {west of Stratford, the|coroner's jury determines re- oo . : He had been missing I'he message zips along nerves/which it Is stored and made, (vice-presidency next Jan, 20, | NEW YORK (AP)--An incred- travelling fast! 14 acts . pi Sat abid bud Studi ible case of mistaken identity | acts upon a receptor of re. | N sald no gecilon, has bean Made wan Some Eskimos me Pe Tar clentlstsiof the nerve or axon, ger of an airline stewardess who from 20-year studies which they A Sig: chatge In the plotels whispered Bob Evans, a family They find that one vital chem: | Positively-charged sodium fons friend, as he looked at the body ical, acetylcholine, which ge {or atoms outside the nerve wall tl hout the lenath of Canadian Press Staff Writer {at George River and Port Bur-| York, was one of four American| irougho y leng F nve TT Pp ) 2 Jw Jom han irline stewardesse i the gh " 2 SHY ol 3 nove, Poa Jone Takin the ave: OTTAWA (CP) Some Cana-|well in Northern Quebec's Un.|Airline stewardesses riding in a lather auto which this chemical acts to trig. of more acetylcholine a mite far-| plight, Eskimo Elijah Menarik|purposes, Char is a high-priced The four women and the cab. ger electrical currents, ther along in the nerve, to retold the Indian-Eskimo Jmoier delice on the southern market. less died, and police with scat. cal anesthetics act because they|time is immediately destroyed _|physical and mental kind, he|cated to broadening understand. (tered personal papers found at bind up this protein--hence there| within 30 to 40 millionths of a|S8id In describing how governing of the problems faced by na- were placed on the critical list, |atives enabling the Eskimos to|eronto Mohawk band near Belle:| The hody of the young woman {ville, the first granted a greater Was sent to a funeral home in| sclerosis and myasthenia gravis, made in a flash, |Bay, said he will remember for|to watch thelr money and in night, The findings, made largely] In Washington, government years his own life living In ajstills a high degree ol responsi-| Mvans asked the funeral home Adams sald her work at/had a ring the young woman Once fur trapping collapsed, | the key to most problems of In. The researchers picture nerve cles. They sald studies in ani. the Eskimos became dependent |dians who have no work on the transmission along motor nerves mals suggest that a newly-dls-|*" brain to the pain of a hot-foot-- he effective in treating the ail iment, an agreement signed in Moscow Bteacie, president .of NRC, the presidency by his strong pop- viet Premier Nikita Khrushehe Canadian Press Slaff Writer arrive in Ottawa in about two!H. RB. Rice and Dr, J. M, Ham he answer to this question is icons the world's most menacing uo concern over Arica otheticn!, Kennedy is likely to be Institute of Chemical Physics, | Pr. Maksimov has made a yelopments of the next four politically acute | continent. {French policies have caused Am- } #", " , {completed their assignments and|visited mining areas in British Nixon holds the usually vacuous con liberals and conservatives little heavy breathing to speed nervous" about Kennedy's ¢ In relstion to Africa as a {on the nationalist government The second Soviet scientist to/mines branch in Ottawa, of New York, Senator Barry and others, Nixon failed to win Sw circles exert some in| Whitehall is still ain to accelerate African advance ence celebrations in Nigeria, of mineral processing, He Is areas next week Jiftle-known Republican governor start of the campaign and whol uce Congo - Vike situstions, or scenes that caused many a stiff Dr, Fredrick (Erie) Diatchkov- Republicans is to write off Nix-| The thought occurs 0 many |the Russians have suffered a de- everything going his way, it on that basis, Arrested Crew ' of OTTAWA (CP) -- Justice Min.. He had behind him nearly much warmth as his opponent {events in Nigeria, money was circulated during the House, don't pay much attention|crew members, arrested Thurs wing Premier Sekou Toure al- | ' - - 1G . " I ---- seneral Kelso Roberts' commit py, yon Con former Queber All of this leaves Nixon in the withdrawn by Port Colborne po- { [the face of rising costs of main-| ooo, newspaper, Rowan residents are on the alert (ries again for the presidency. {violation of the Canada Shipping oddue i . | : . {to reduce the maximum penalty vided Bo & gong of out-obtown. {directive asking all SIU mem-i,n brides on a Perth County with her grandparents, Steven- ! F p {compulsory treatment In a pro thur Foy in getting rid of them, Bt, Catharines, was remanded to| tl Had a Bell, 22, of Listowel, saw charges of persuading seamen 10| cracks ~(AP Wirephoto) |general's de partment released newspaper man Thursday night TORONTO (CP)--A member of a motor vehicle while his licence munity 16 miles northeast of : [ pi g [required last year to run Tor. Organization, i et A ° Sent To | ail was criticized Thursday by sev:|o" jurisdictional dispute between|dropped 12 feet into the creek The province plans to approach #anization has become so wedde |E, Rea, Progressive Conserva-|they stepped ashore at this port NE QUEBEC (CP)~The birth of Minimal custodial institution on|lt encourages the Seliger of 2. e was ad " i h 8 B-lin prison and fined $60,000 fori;o., "iho newcomer to decide| Ten vessels of Scott Misener sub. |feminar at Assumption College, hail pending hearing of a motion), ori, Gocide whether Canada|Corporation of Canada were left NIGHTLY 9-12 oger Larochelle of Levis gave| 8 up a draft proposal and cos'| ing the government of more than ident of the German Canadian and three pounds, 11 ounces, |8lcobulies in the Don Jail, Mr WINDSOR (CP)--Brenda Jean! two additional counts for the "eompletely allen to the Cana- THEN ANOTHER The boy weighed five pounds Iealth Minister Maithew > » " entence, Redfield was ordered groups, the regular ones and the 1.| penny from her throat, s ' groups, case involving an Improper "Once they are dried out, wel owed tl day ---- w--- » Toronto branch of Polis owed the penny Wednesday the Toronto branch of the Polishi VRETE ups ze, Logger Held {class immigrants "who would {untary patient approach," | esthetic and possibly shock, were! through a plate glass wine " : | | back." fields of northern Labrador holic is treated as a criminal,| . Hubert Piche, 28-year-old ciety, said it would amount to Farmer Dies F Ni or 1Xon Denise earlier Thursday, The 26 Wrong Body rm recovered the body of positions to Vice-President Rich.|of coroner Dr, Henrl Roy, In from a disused mill race near NEW YORK (AP) Your|ologic material, is instantly re. Isponsibility, Wednesday night, solos 'he "e f. to cover four miles W|ceiving protein which apparently Mas disclosed when 8 Sealed 0 held, . . lay inside, think pretty well spell out the| Makes the nerve wall more per Still Starving | of a young woman, ner ates this life = electricity, rush through the gate created, NN dian Eskimos still are half-starv-|gava area now enable Kskimos|cab in San Bruno, Calif, Mon scientists have long believed, This sets up a tiny electric|ing in the North although gov-/to market arctic char and catch ble were hurried to hospital in PROTEIN BOUND UP {peat the process, |ien of Canada Thursday, The Indlan-Eskimo Association [8 [the crash scene, identified her as| can be no electrical activity and|second--by an enzyme, cholines- |degree of administrative res on. the Bronx. It lay entombed in a with electric eels, come from Dr, |soientists Thursday opened a new|tent the year round with tem: bility, {to open the coffin because he the department of neurology at/myasthenla gravis, a disease of ero and no breaklast to start/the Indian-Metis friendship cen.|used to wear and he wanted to relief and other confidence|reservation and difficulties in as a series of lightning-fast chain|covered group of drugs obtain! of ROSSLYNN PLAZA "ll Weloome" OXY VARIETY' Travelling Overseas Opens Today, Friday WHY NOT FLY < by Internationally Famous Organist FEIKE ASMA Simcoe St. United Church 8:30 p.m. Sat., Nov. 12th FEATURING 'The modern way to travel is by air,' a For information regarding ¢ TICK 1.00 AVAILABLE AT: any form of travel . , . DIAL RA 3.9441 CKETS 1.00 AV. | Teeninga's. Deli Simcoe St. N., Oshawa Visser Imports Ltd.--103 Colborne W., Whitby Den Hertog's Clothing--A43 King W. Bowmanville THIS CONCERT GIVEN UNDER THE AUSPICES OF K.L.M, ROYAL DUTCH AIRLINES, We have a direct Toronto telephone line for prompt Airline Reservations MEADOWS TRAVEL SERVICE 22 SIMCOE ST, SOUTH, OSHAWA DIAL RA 3.944) Owned and sperated by Thomas Meadow and Co, Canada Ltd, A

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